march 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and dates: friday 6th march st....

Peninsula eninsula eninsula eninsula Papers apers apers apers Information and news for the communities of St Ishmaels, Hasguard, Robeston West, Walwyn’s Castle, Dale, St Brides and Marloes. Papurau apurau apurau apurau Penrhyn enrhyn enrhyn enrhyn Gwybodaeth a newyddion am gymunedau St Ishmael’s, Hasguard, Robeston West, Walwyn’s Castle, Dale, St Bride’s a Marloes. MARCH 2020 MAWRTH

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Page 1: March 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and cover...Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am

PPPPeninsulaeninsulaeninsulaeninsula PPPPapersapersapersapers Information and news for the communities of St Ishmaels, Hasguard, Robeston West,

Walwyn’s Castle, Dale, St Brides and Marloes.

PPPPapurauapurauapurauapurau PPPPenrhynenrhynenrhynenrhyn Gwybodaeth a newyddion am gymunedau St Ishmael’s, Hasguard, Robeston West,

Walwyn’s Castle, Dale, St Bride’s a Marloes.


Page 2: March 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and cover...Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am

The Church in Wales Parishes of Dale, St Brides with Marloes, The Church in Wales Parishes of Dale, St Brides with Marloes, The Church in Wales Parishes of Dale, St Brides with Marloes, The Church in Wales Parishes of Dale, St Brides with Marloes, Hasguard with St Ishmael's, Walwyn’s Castle & Robeston West Hasguard with St Ishmael's, Walwyn’s Castle & Robeston West Hasguard with St Ishmael's, Walwyn’s Castle & Robeston West Hasguard with St Ishmael's, Walwyn’s Castle & Robeston West

Parish PriestsParish PriestsParish PriestsParish Priests: Fr. Andrew Johnson 01646 636966 [email protected] Rev’d. Dr Rhiannon Johnson 01646 636966 Postal Address: The Vicarage, 172 Castle Way, Dale, Haverfordwest, SA62 3RN Curate: Curate: Curate: Curate: Rev’d Gaynor Ford 01646 693452 [email protected] Church WardensChurch WardensChurch WardensChurch Wardens Dale: Peter Morgan 636625 Harriet Bishop 636668 St Brides: Mary Lewis 636430, William Richards 636242 Marloes: Yvonne Evans 636251 St Ishmaels: Heather Phippen 636261 Walwyn’s Castle: Jayne Edwards 01437 781575, Kate Morgan 01437 781270 Robeston West: Gill Thorne 01437 890693, Geoffrey Harries 01646 692736 Baptist Chapels: Moriah Baptist Chapels: Moriah Baptist Chapels: Moriah Baptist Chapels: Moriah ---- Marloes Marloes Marloes Marloes Paul James 01646 636241 Aenon Aenon Aenon Aenon ---- Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Pastor: Jon Brewer 01646 279343 [email protected]

LOCAL SERVICESLOCAL SERVICESLOCAL SERVICESLOCAL SERVICES SHOPS: SHOPS: SHOPS: SHOPS: Marloes Village StoreMarloes Village StoreMarloes Village StoreMarloes Village Store and Post Office and Post Office and Post Office and Post Office 01646 636968 Open: Monday 9-1, Tuesday to Saturday 9 - 4, and Sunday 9-12:30

MOBILE LIBRARY:MOBILE LIBRARY:MOBILE LIBRARY:MOBILE LIBRARY: Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am to 12.05am Marloes - Toilets - 12.15 am to 12.45 am Contact 01437 776126 or 07774 230200 (van)

MOBILE POST OFFICE:MOBILE POST OFFICE:MOBILE POST OFFICE:MOBILE POST OFFICE: Tuesday: Tuesday: Tuesday: Tuesday: St Ishmaels 14:00—15:00 Dale 15:15—16:15 Thursday: Thursday: Thursday: Thursday: St Ishmaels 13:00—14:00 Dale 14:15—15:15


Marloes: Bridget Lister 01646 636274

St Ishmaels Memorial Hall: Yvonne Evans 01636 636251

St Ishmaels Sports & Social Club: Sports Club: 01646 636444 or Claire Sheil 07768 968016 Walwyns Castle Village Hall: Jean Rees 01437 929813





EMAIL– [email protected]

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Produced by the Church in Wales Parishes of Hasguard with St Ishmaels, St Brides with Marloes, Walwyns Castle, Robeston West and Dale

Precautions It can not have escaped your notice if you follow the news that there is a new virus out there- coronavirus or, as it has been renamed, cofid 19. At present the threat to Britain is classed as only moderate but the World Health Organisation has classed this as a public health emergency of global concern. Up to date information and advice can be found on the government and NHS websites. Advice at present is to keep on doing all the normal things you do to maintain good hygiene- wash your hands well, keep tissues with you, use them if you cough or sneeze, and bin or flush the tissues afterwards. In church we have been asked by the Bishop to take a few extra precautions. This may well be overkill at present but, by sacrificing a little of our usual ways of doing things we can show our solidarity with those suffer-ing from the disease and our care for one another and our communities. So, if you come to church in the next few weeks, you will see that we are not passing the peace by shaking hands or hugging as usual, that we are only receiving the communion as bread for the time being and that the priest, and anyone else touching them, is being careful to use hand sanitiser before touching the bread and giving it to other people. The same precautions will apply to home visits. Please pray for those suffering and in quarantine now and for those working hard to help them and to find a cure.

Dear Friends, What a miserable, wet and windy end to February. I hope storms Ciara and Dennis did not cause you too much damage. They say that March is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb and the spring growth is underway, so I have hope for better weather coming soon. I grew up in Cardiff, where it was said that if you could see the other side of the Bris-tol channel it was going to rain and if you could not it was raining already. It took me some years to figure out that the saying was not a prediction but just an acceptance that rain was always coming soon there. The big clue was the Cardiff rain joke- An Ameri-can tourist stopped a boy on the streets of Cardiff and ask, “Tell me son, does the sun ever shine in this city?” and the boy said, “I don’t know. I’m only eight”! I think now that the jokes were a way of building resilience, helping us get used to the fact that we could never count on having fine days so either doing what you were going to do anyway in the rain or always having back up plans. It also taught to really value the sun when it came. In church we have started on our Lenten journeys. This is a time when we encourage each other to give up something or do something more as a way of growing in our faith as we prepare for Easter. The things themselves may be trivial (but what is trivial to one of us could be vital to another) but even little things help build our spiritual resilience, help us cope in a world that includes crucifixions and privations as well as love, joy and hope.

So, what are you going to do this Lent to remind yourself that you are more than what happens to you, more than what you eat and drink and wear? How are going to touch a joy that can make you dance in the rain?

With every blessing, Rhiannon, Andrew and Gaynor.

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St. James Church, Dale, Altar Guild invite you to join them for a


CAWL, WELSH CAKES, WELSH CHEESES Bring Your Own Bottle, wear Welsh costume!

CORONATION HALL, DALE 12.30pm Cost £8.00 per head Under 12’s free

St David’s Day, a Celebration of Wales

at Aenon Chapel, Sandy Hill

March 1st 2.30pm

Hymns & Songs, Poetry & Prayers, Talk on the 1904 Revival and

Welsh-themed Refreshments.

St. Brides & St. Peter’s Churches – March 2020

St. Bridget - Services

March 1st – Holy Communion – 1st Sunday of Lent March 15th - Holy Communion - 3rd Sunday of Lent March 22nd – Holy Communion – 4th Sunday of Lent & Mothering Sunday.

St. Peter the Fisherman, Marloes March 8th – Holy Communion - 2nd Sunday of Lent March 22nd - Holy Communion - 4th Sunday of Lent & Mothering Sunday

March 29th - Holy Communion - 5th Sunday of Lent The congregations from St. James, St. Bridget’s and St. Ishmaels are welcome to join with us on this United Service – light refreshments afterwards. Visitors to the area will be very welcome.

'God King and Country' end of project exhibition and tea

Sunday 29th March from 3 pm

Walwyn's Castle Village Hall and St James the Great church

Displays of the changes in agriculture and rural life in the area from the start of the First World War to the present day, plus conservation work of

the church reredos . Come along and discover more about where we live, and share memories

over a cup of tea and cake .

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Why not come and enjoy a bowl of soup, a piece of cheese and a chat while wait-ing for The Post Office van!

FREE If desired Donations to Plant Dewi ALL WELCOME!

St. Ishmaels Church News

2020 Potato Challenge - It is not too late to purchase for £5 a potato and container – please contact Heather Phippen, Warden. The secret to good growth is in the soil and manure you use! Snowdrop Tea – Sunday 8th March, 2-4pm. During our Snowdrop Tea we will be visited by the Bishop of St David’s, The Rt Rev. Joanna Penberthy. There will be a short service to rededicate St Ishmaels church following the renovations that have taken place, followed by cream teas and a cake stall. Please join us on this special occasion, everyone is very welcome.

Holy Communion – Sunday March 24th 11am - 4th Sunday of Lent and Mothering Sunday

MOTHERS’ UNION. The talks programme now resumes again in March with Gaynor reminding us of the importance of the “The women in the bible”. It promises to be an illuminating talk and one we shall enjoy. Mothers’ Union is a non-denominational group and welcomes all, and despite the name you do not have to be a mother or even a woman! If you feel like popping in to see how we operate please do. We normally meet on the second Tuesday of the month in Marloes Village Hall at 7.30pm...Look forward to seeing you there! For any more information contact Harriet 636668, or Bridget 636274.

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Coming to Marloes Village Hall on Thursday afternoons from 16th April.....

MY GENERATION: FREE weekly Thursday afternoon get-togethers for the more mature amongst us to indulge in creative activities, learn ways to relax, get

the most out of life and kick worries into touch. Grab the chance to be part of this

successful Wales-wide initiative and keep an eye on April PenPapers for con-

firmed dates. Donations welcome for upkeep of village hall. Call Rachel, Rural Wisdom Project, on 07733 265769

or email [email protected] for more info.

Unusual winter arrivals: Portuguese Man Of War strandings

Three Portuguese Man Of War strandings were reported during the months of Janu-ary and February: one at Musselwick Sands, one on Marloes Sands, and one at Broad Haven. They were quite small; one of them was still showing quite bright colours, suggesting that its venom was probably still viable – although, please note, nobody was stupid enough to try touching any of the three! Whilst winter PMOW strandings are very unusual, one cannot say that a few ap-pearing has any significance; but all marine phenomena are of potential interest, so readers spotting anything unexpected on our shorelines (PMOW or whatever) are asked to note the location, take a photo if possible, and contact Sue Burton on 01646 696108 [email protected] who can pass the record on to relevant contacts.

Dale Winter Warmers Magical Mystery Tour. If you or any of your peninsula friends or family would like to join the Pembrokeshire Mystery Tour, please could you let us know as soon as possible? This is a fully-funded day out.....and there could

even be singing on the bus! Date for the trip is Friday March 6th. Pick-ups will take place in Dale, Marloes and St Ishmaels from around 9.45/10am. Brunch will take place at our first stop at around 11am. At our second location, you will be able to have some free time. At our final stop, tea and cake will be served. Home again to the peninsula for village drop-offs at around 4.30pm. Contact any of us if you'd like to come - you will be so welcome! Gwyneth (07595 192932) or Rachel (07733 265769).

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DALEDALEDALEDALE MARLOESMARLOESMARLOESMARLOES Items under discussion at the February meet-ing included the following:- Planning Matters National Park Car Park Hut – Cllr. Jessop represented the Council at the National Park Development meeting, and raised concerns with regard to the cladding of the building, the need for sloping roof, and concerns about retail sales. The application was with-drawn, and a revised plan received for con-sideration at the March meeting. NP/18/0749/FUL – Philbeach Farm – Grain Store. The Clerk circulated the planning consent and the map showing that the build-ing had been moved to avoid being too close to the nearby listed building. It was noted that Planning conditions 2,3,4, & 5 had been formally discharged under planning reference NP/19/0330/DOC. The meeting noted that Cllr. Jessop will review the PCC – LDP Doc-uments and the further papers circulated with regard to housing provision in Pem-brokeshire. Cllr. Jessop will also review the PCNP documents with regard to Notice of “Matters Arising Changes” - after the Local Development Plan hearings. County Council Matters – Cllr. Owens was advised of some of the ongoing surface water problems in the Marloes & St. Brides area. He will ask the relevant officer to contact Cllr. Smithies. Footpaths – The Council has been advised that work on the lower end of Frankies Lane will be undertaken when the weather allows, with materials being placed by the toilets and cleared afterwards. VE Day/Weekend 7/8/9the May – Noted there will be a meeting to plan events at the Village Hall on the 11th May. Clerk has asked the Council Insurers for guidance on any extra cover for events. Marloes Sands Landslip – Noted that further material has slipped down onto the beach.

Photographs have been forwarded to Nation-al Park. Cllr. Owens was again advised of the Council’s concern that the coastal path re-mains open. Dog Fouling in Marloes Village - Members were concerned to hear that dog litter is still being found in the village. Dog owners are asked to avoid letting their dogs out unsuper-vised. Dog litter is being found on the grass verges in the Glebe Lane, alongside the Rec-reation area, and also between Tower View and the Village Shop. Pedestrians, especially children are at risk of stepping onto the dog litter amongst the grass. Please ensure these areas are kept clean. Fly-tipping – There has been four instances of fly-tipping around the Marloes area recently. Please report any suspicious vehicles/activities to the Police via the 101 service. Householders should use licensed carriers to remove non domestic waste, as you could be liable if the waste is found dumped else-where, and is traced back to your premises. Financial Matters - The meeting received the invoice from the NFU - £224.31p for insur-ance cover for the clock and Clock Tower. Cllr. Smithies to liaise with the Clerk to seek a reduction in the payment. Welsh Audit Office – Invoice received requesting payment for the 2018/19 Audit - £224.31p. In the previous year, the Community Council was charged £139.00. This is an increase of £94.75p. Clerk to write to the Audit Office questioning the charge. Noted the Council has £4,356.09 in the Treasurers Account on 30/12/19. Night Silencing Request – The meeting con-sidered a request from The Clock House to have the Night Silencing facility in place for a period as last year. The Council decided that for 2020, the Night Silencing equipment would be utilised from the 10th April 2020 to the 30th September 2020, from midnight to 5pm inclusive. Milford School – Consultation on the pro-

Community Councils Community Councils Community Councils Community Councils

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posed closure of the 6th Form up to the 20th March – Please find the relevant documents on Next Meeting - The next meting of the Com-munity Council will be held on Monday 9th March 2020, commencing at 7.30pm in Mar-loes Village Hall. Community residents of Marloes & St. Brides are very welcome to attend, and may speak at the invitation of the Chairman. See for further Com-munity information; minutes of the Commu-nity Council meetings after they are ap-proved, and also previous copies of Peninsula Papers (excluding adverts)

St ISHMAELSSt ISHMAELSSt ISHMAELSSt ISHMAELS – among items discussed: Highways matters – the continued safety concerns relating to the tractor operations of Capestone Farm were not-ed and it was agreed that the Clerk will contact Mr Scale and report to the next meeting. At the same time, it was noted that the County Council highway to Sol-dier’s Rock continues to be shut off by the gate and that there had been some heated discussions about this matter. It was agreed that Cllr Owens will ask the County Council Footpath Officer to in-vestigate and report before the next meeting. Memorial Hall sale - it was agreed that the Community Council will ar-range the asbestos survey which has been demanded by the purchaser’s Solici-tors and that the Clerk should be au-thorised to respond to further enquiries and demands in accordance with the le-gal responsibilities of the Community Council but without referring back to the full Council before doing so. The question of disposal of the contents / assets of the Hall will be deferred until

such time as the sale is complete, but a request from the Parish Council for the tea urn and three tables was agreed. Street Lights – it was noted that four street lights are broken / not working and the Clerk agreed to ask the County Council to put them right. Budget / Precept 2020 / 2021 – it was agreed that the Clerk should present a budget for the coming year to the next meeting of the Community Council, but that the Precept for the financial year 2020 / 2021 has been set at £2,650. It was noted that the external auditors have advised that the financial reserves maintained by the Community Council are too high and that the future level of reserves and their uses should be re-viewed. In the mean time it was agreed that the stipend paid to the Clerk should be increased from £600 to £750, reflect-ing the extra work and responsibility which is now being undertaken by the Clerk. Charity Donations financial year 2019 / 2020 – Paul Sartori - £100; Wales Air Ambulance - £100; Cruse Be-reavement Care - £50. It was noted that a request has been made for a donation for the cost of refurbishing the Commu-nity Play Park and it was agreed that this request will be taken into consideration in the Community Council budget dis-cussions for the 2020 / 2021 financial year. Planning Matters – it was noted that the PCNPA policy of providing only elec-tronic access to the planning application details was causing difficulties and made it difficult to give proper scrutiny of these important documents. It was

Community Councils Community Councils Community Councils Community Councils

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Following the sad passing of Christine Lewis, Walwyn's Castle Community Council has a vacan-cy for the position of Clerk. This may be of interest to someone who holds the same position for other Councils. Anyone interest-ed in the position please contact Julian George for further details on 07970 969 366

agreed that the Clerk should request the reinstatement of the provision of hard-copy documents and report to the next meeting. Saturday bus service – the difficul-ties caused by the stopping of the Sat-urday bus service were noted and it was agreed that the Clerk should make representations for the rein-statement of this important public service and report to the next meet-ing. Code of Conduct – it was noted that the Clerk has, as required, at-tended a Code of Conduct training session. Venue for Meetings – it was noted that, as the completion of the sale of the Memorial Hall becomes nearer, consideration must be given to finding a suitable location for future meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact the Sports and Social Club to see whether

they would be able to provide a suita-ble location and the report to the next meeting. The next meeting of St Ishmaels Community Council will take place in the Sports Club lounge on Monday, 20th April, 2020 at 11.00am.


A group Facebook site for the community of St,. Ishmaels called "TISH TOPICS" has recently been created by Mike Cottam to supplement the noticeboards around the village and to disseminate general information and items about the village and its history. Users are reminded that this site is for general information, tourist and visitor use and social discussion only. It will be monitored to ensure that it is not used for controversial debate, the airing of grievances, personally held opin-

ions or unkind, anti-social, political, religious or extreme views. Mike Cotam

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March DiaryMarch DiaryMarch DiaryMarch Diary

It is the responsibility of each organisation to inform the editor of events for inclusion in the diary.

Please also see the adverts for TheBrook,TheGrif inand the Sports&Social

Clubfor the many other events which are too numerous to mention above.

FEBRUARY Thurs 27 12.30 Lent Lunches, Jubilee Suite, Coronation Hall, Dale Fri 28 Walwyn's Castle Cawl Supper, see advert Sat 29 1330-1630 Leap Year Crafts, Marloes Village Hall MARCH Sun 1 1230 Cawl Lunch for St David’s Day, Coronation Hall, tickets from Mil 636671 Sun 1 12.30 St Davids Day Celebrations, Aenon Chapel, Sandy Hill Sun 1 1400 Marloes Beach Clean for St David, meet Marloes Sands Car Park Mon 2 1900 Dale Community Council Jubilee Suite Mon 2 1900 Tai Chi, Coronation Hall, Dale Tue 3 1330-1530 Dale Winter Warmers, visit to Coastlands School Thu 4 12.30 Lent Lunches, Jubilee suite, Coronation Hall, Dale Fri 6 Dale Winter Warmers, Mystery Coach Tour Fri 6 1900 Tapas Evening & Raffle at Cocos, fund-raising for M&DPADS. Sun 8 1500-1700 Tea Tasting and Talk (see advert), Walwyn's Castle Hall Sun 8 14.30 Rededication of church by Bishop Joanna and Snowdrop Tea - St Ishmaels Mon 9 1900 Tai Chi, Coronation Hall, Dale Tue 10 1330-1530 Dale Winter Warmers, Information Day Tue 10 1900 Film and Social Evening, Dale Coronation Hall Wed 11 1830 Marloes VE 75 Celebrations, meeting to discuss ideas, Marloes Hall Thu 12 12.30 Lent Lunch, Jubilee Suite, Coronation hall, Dale Sat 14 0900 Dale Fort Marine Symposium, Dale Coronation Hall Sun 15 1800 “Breath Worship Night”, Aenon Chapel, Sandy Hill Thu 19 12.30 Lent Lunch, Coronation Hall, Dale Thu 19 1900 DADS “It’s about TIME”, Dale Coronation Hall Fri 20 1930 DADS “It’s about TIME”, Dale Coronation Hall Sat 21 1930 DADS “It’s about TIME”, Dale Coronation Hall Sat 21 11.00-13.00 Fundraising Coffee Morning Herbrandston Village Hall Mon 23 1900 Tai Chi, Coronation Hall, Dale Tue 24 1900 Film and Social Evening, Dale Coronation Hall Thu 26 12.30 Lent Lunch, Jubilee Suite, Coronation Hall, Dale Sun 29 1500 “God, King and Country Exhibition and Tea, Walwyn's Castle Mon 30 1900 Tai Chi, Coronation Hall, Dale APRIL Mon 6th 1900 Tai Chi, Coronation Hall, Dale 10-13th 11.00-5.00pm G&T exhibition and sale, Marloes Village Hall.

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March Church ServicesMarch Church ServicesMarch Church ServicesMarch Church Services











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DADS presents


A joyful medley of horrible histories, song and dance , family fun.


Thurs. March 19th 7.00pm,

Friday March 20th 7.30pm

Sat. March 21st 7 .30pm

Adults £6 Under 16 £3 Licensed bar

Tickets from Dale Yacht Club, Marloes Village Stores or Anne Meeke 636716

COASTLANDS LOCAL HISTORY GROUP (CIO). Dr. Simon Hancock made a return visit on Monday 17th March to present an illustrated talk on the Great Eastern. This liner was the last major project designed by Brunel, who died shortly after the launch in 1858. Designed to sail to Australia, mainly as a cargo carrier and with berths for 2.986 people, but her owners tried to compete for the transatlantic traffic with no success. Described as a Leviathan, her tonnage of 22,500 was not exceeded until 1904. The liner was six times the size of the next biggest boat in the world. Dogged by financial troubles, accidents and other misfortunes the Great Eastern was later used as a troop carrier to Quebec, to lay the transatlantic cable, and finally became a giant advertising hording for Lewis' s Bon Marche, ending her days in Liverpool where she was eventually scrapped. Described as an idea hopelessly before her time. Her links to Pembrokeshire were a stay at Neyland (New Milford) for a refit, and some 12 years across the front of Milford itself while the docks were being built, while her owners tried to find a new pur-pose for her. Dr. Hancock's talk included many illustrations of the story of her construc-tion, the fitting out and the people involved, and also some of the famous people who visit-ed her over the years, including Jules Verne." To follow this we have the necessity of the AGM but this will swiftly be followed by a talk on The National Trust in Pembrokeshire as we launch the new leaflet on Kete the NT have produced with some background items from us. The Old Stables Heritage Centre is open every Thursday morning (10-12) if anyone should wish to pop in for their own research or to find out what we hold in our archive.

If you would like to know more about the History Group please contact Yvonne (636251) Margaret (636295) or Harriet (636668)

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Social and Film

Evenings Autumn Season

Doors open 7 pm

Films start 7.30 pm

Coronation Hall, Dale

2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from December to March

All Welcome Admission free Refreshments

Donations for running costs gratefully received.

March 10 – John Wayne returns to the Emerald Isle to woo Maureen O’Ha-


March 24 – 1965 Le Carré cold war spy drama starring Richard Burton

To find out more about the films email Jim on [email protected] Email [email protected] to be added to our mailing list.

Dale W I

On the 21st January 2020 we spent a very enjoyable evening in the company of Rosemary and Peter Royle who gave us a very interesting talk and slide show titled “Himalayan Highlights - a Trip to Nepal”. Rosemary told us of the trip they both

made in 1982 followed by Peter who told us of his trip in 2007.

This 1982 trip started with a an awe inspiring flight over Everest followed by a 10 day trek through the most amazing scenery with everything , including the kitchen sink, carried for 5 people by porters with bamboo baskets slung from a rope around their foreheads. In 2007 Peter went on his own on a trip to the Langtan Valley on a more bird orientated trip, and saw the Himalayan Snowcock which was one of the reasons for his trip. The saddest part was to see pictures of the Langtan

Valley before and after the 2015 earthquake.

On the 4th February there was a business meeting.

On the 18th February, unfortunately our speaker did not arrive, so a very pleasant

evening was had having a good chat over tea and biscuits.

For Sale, Laser, 165276, 4.7, radial and main, launching trolley and road trailer. £1500 contact 01646636274

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VE75 CELEBRATIONS Weekend of Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May 2020

The Marloes & St Brides Village Hall Committee

propose holding a village event on the afternoon

of FRIDAY 8 MAY (Bank Holiday), and invite you to

an OPEN MEETING at Marloes Village Hall on Wednesday 11 March at 6.30pm

to discuss all ideas

Everyone welcome, including all musicians

Dale Winter Warmers

Tuesday sessions at the Coronation Hall

3rd March – A visit to Coastlands School for a St Davids concert.

If you can offer a lift or if you need a lift, call Gwyneth (07595

192932) or Rachel (07733 265769).

6th March (Friday) – Pembrokeshire Mystery Coach Tour! Pick-ups from Dale,

Marloes and St Ishmaels. Bus paid for. Call Rachel (07733 265769) or Gwyneth

(07595 192932) to book - separate details in PP for more information!

10th March – Information Day. Get support, find out about services or discover new

activities. The Digi Bus will be joining us!

Pembrokeshire County Council - My Account Service

"Ms. Chloe Horn, Pembrokeshire County Council officer is involved in engaging with, supporting, and encouraging members of the public to communicate with PCC via digital means, mainly via the My Account website. The officer is based in the Customer Ser-vices Centre in Haverfordwest, but will be aiming to get into the community of Pem-brokeshire as much as possible over the next year. Ms Horn will be visiting this area in the mobile library van on Friday 6th March to publicise this initiative. I if anyone wishes to come along - see times of the library visits elsewhere in the newsletter. She will also be willing to go along to any groups who would benefit from learning more about the My Account and its services. In the meantime, you can access the My Account website via - both for further information and to register for this service. Alternatively you can make contact by telephoning 01437 776126.

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Open every Thursday between 10.00 - 12.00. If you wish to visit The Heritage Centre at any other time please

contact Margaret 636295

The Old Stables Heritage Centre

Field Studies Council at Dale Fort

Marine Research Symposium Saturday 14th March 2020 (9am – 5pm)

Dale Village Hall

Titles so far include: ‘Research into Green Tides in Milford Haven: from ecology to fertilisers to chemicals’

by Dr. Jessica Adams, Aberystwyth University ‘Life That Made Darwin Sparkle’ by Prof. Anthony Campbell - Cardiff University ‘The future of Pembrokeshire’s marine environment’ by Sue Burton – SAC Officer,

Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Consideration

In the afternoon, there will also be a ROCKY SHORE BIOBLITZ – a field ex-cursion to Jetty Beach to take advantage of the good low tide. The Symposium is open to anyone - students or HE staff currently working in ma-rine research, conservationists and rangers, interested naturalists or members of the public who want to find out more about the marine environment.

Attendance costs £10, which includes light refreshments and a buffet lunch – ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL.

To book a symposium place, go to For any queries please contact Helen Lewis, email [email protected] or ring 01646 636205.

Coronation Hall, Dale

A cleaner is required for the Coronation Hall Dale

2 hours a week

anyone one who is interested please contact

the Secretary


[email protected]

Page 16: March 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and cover...Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am

Young local couple looking to purchase their first home in

the St. Ishmael’s/Dale/Marloes

area. Please contact us if you have

a property for sale up to £180,000

07483 874253/07908 773254

March is

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Coffee morning in aid of Target Ovarian

Saturday 21st March from 11.00 – 1.00 in Herbrandston Village Hall.

There will be CAKE, and coffee and tea and INFORMATION and and .. and a bricabrac stall ....

Please come along, I look forward to meeting you all. Entry is free; donations will be gratefully accepted

For more information contact Jo Rihan on 07875 831781 or 01437 781923 [email protected]

Dale Community Forum

General Management Committee Meeting

Thursday 26th March 2020

6.00 pm in the Coronation Hall (Jubilee Room)

Page 17: March 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and cover...Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am

Full programme :

5TH MARCH DOGMAN 2018 ITALY/FRANCE Dir: Matteo Garrone Marcello, a gentle dog groomer, finds him-self involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former boxer who terrorizes the entire neighbourhood. Revenge beckons

12TH MARCH SUMMER 1993 2017 SPAIN Dir: Carla Simon

After her mother's death, six-year-old Frida is sent to her uncle's family to live with them in the countryside. But Frida finds it hard to forget her mother and adapt to her new life.

19TH MARCH SHOPLIFTERS 2018 JAPAN Dir: Hirokazu Koreeda A family of small-time crooks take in a child they find on the street.

Adults £4.50 Students £2.50

Show starts 7.30 pm Bar opens 6.45pm

Merlin TheatreMerlin TheatreMerlin TheatreMerlin Theatre Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire

CollegeCollegeCollegeCollege HaverfordwestHaverfordwestHaverfordwestHaverfordwest


Start of 2020 Season Drinks

Friday 27th

March at 7pm - 9pm

We would like to invite our neighbours

for an evening get together, it doesn’t

ma@er if you know us well or not at all. If

you have you seen students wandering

around Dale & wondered what are they

doing? Then this is the perfect opportuni-

ty to spend an evening with some of our

staff to find out about the Field Studies

Council & Dale Fort Field Centre.

There will be a free glass of sparkling

wine/fruit juice on arrival, our bar will be

open to purchase further drinks & snacks

will be available.

Booking is essenGal through the Event-

brite website h@ps:// or

ring the centre on 016746 636205.

We hope to see you

and wish you all an

amazing 2020 sea-


Tai Chi Classes - Coronation Hall, Dale Starting Monday 2nd March 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Five weekly classes running until 6th April (No class 16th March) £5 per class or £20 for five – Beginners welcome any week

Treat yourself to some gentle exercise and relaxation for 2020 Contact Simon on 07752 897583 for more information

Page 18: March 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and cover...Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am

Seagrass planting underway in Dale! Seagrass planting should be happening during the week of 24th February following granting of the necessary Marine Licence from Natural Resources Wales (details can be found on NRW’s public register by typing in Licence CML1944). The licence process involved a public consultation during which queries and concerns were addressed. Project Seagrass Ocean Rescue is obviously delighted to have now reached this point and look forward to focusing on the planting operation and also importantly to continue to work closely with the community on future assurances, management and monitoring. Community members are

thanked for their considerable engagement to date.

If you have not done so already, there may still be chance to take part in the planting operation if you contact Evie on [email protected] who is coordinating volunteer participation. Help-ers are invited to help add the seagrass seeds to the sandbags at Dale Fort from the 24th- 28th February from 8am – 4pm each day. Please note the work will be outside so warm cloth-ing is needed as are waterproofs. Materials for sandwiches at lunch will be available, and snacks and cups of tea and coffee will be available all day. People should wear well gripping sturdy shoes as the activities may extend to areas where the ground is slippery. The sandbags will then be attached to hessian rope and taken to the boat for laying in the agreed planting zone (option 5 just north of the mooring area). Divers will inspect the site in coming weeks, ensuring that all is

well with the lines and bags.

A public meeting will be held on Thursday 12th March in the Jubilee Hall, Dale at 6.30pm. Dr Richard Unsworth will give an update on the planting and then it is hoped that the first Dale Seagrass Stakeholder Group meeting can take place whereby individuals and representatives for community organisations and interest groups can discuss and progress the Memorandum of Understanding between the Seagrass Stakeholder Group and Swansea University and look into optimum visitor mooring plans. Some individuals have already volunteered or been nominated for this group, if you have not already registered your desire to be a part of it, please do so with PCF. Remember that information on the project is available here:

Page 19: March 2020 content and cover single page 2020 content and cover...Next dates: Friday 6th March St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am


Last November, a friend in Marloes reported to me that he was seeing a regular flock of about 100 Lapwings, and that he was also hearing them at night. They seemed to be feed-ing during the night in a nearby field. This brought back memories of an experience we had some years ago when living near Wisbech. For several nights we heard strange loud yelping calls from further along the village. We took a torch and went to investigate. There, on the playing field, was a flock of Lapwings, feeding avidly – presumably on worms which had come to the surface at night, and they were calling as they were feeding. This was real surprise to me. I knew that some birds were definitely nocturnal, for example most owls, nightjars, woodcock and stone curlews but it never occurred to me that other birds could also be active at night.

And then when I started doing wader counts at The Gann, it struck me that many of the birds there, for example, the Curlews, only feed at low water. In the winter, at least one low water per day will occur at night and the birds must be going out to the tide line to feed at these times – they could not afford to miss the opportunity. And in some ways they are safer at night – no Peregrines to worry about!

Other birds exhibit nocturnal singing. The most famous of all is the Nightingale, and it seems that only unpaired males sing at night, probably to attract a migrating female passing over. Which leads us on to the fact that many, if not most, small diurnal birds, migrate at night. I quote an American article from the web: “The stars and the moon aid night-flying birds’ navigation. Free of daytime thermals, the atmosphere is more stable, making it easi-er to maintain a steady course, especially for smaller birds such as warblers that might fly as slowly as 15 miles per hour. Cooler night-time temperatures also help keep hard-working birds from overheating. And for birds that frequently wind up on the menu of hawks and other daytime predators, flying under cover of darkness can be a lifesaver.”

Birds also call as they migrate. It is often possible to hear Redwings migrating in the au-tumn as they give their “seep” call as they pass overhead. But listening to migrating birds has now become a hobby and a new birdwatching term has emerged – “nocmig”, short for nocturnal migration, and this typically employs sound recording equipment to capture the flight calls of migrating birds. Here is an example:

Using these techniques amazing new information has been gathered about the numbers and varieties of birds flying over our heads at night in spring and autumn.

Rosemary Royle

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This is youryouryouryour church & community publication - so why not contribute something?

Articles should ideally be no larger then 2/3 A5 page or about 350 wordsArticles should ideally be no larger then 2/3 A5 page or about 350 wordsArticles should ideally be no larger then 2/3 A5 page or about 350 wordsArticles should ideally be no larger then 2/3 A5 page or about 350 words.

Adverts for events should be ideally no more than 1/4 A5 page sizeAdverts for events should be ideally no more than 1/4 A5 page sizeAdverts for events should be ideally no more than 1/4 A5 page sizeAdverts for events should be ideally no more than 1/4 A5 page size or or or or

maximum 1/2 A5 page maximum 1/2 A5 page maximum 1/2 A5 page maximum 1/2 A5 page Please submit all copy (in English or Welsh) by email or hardcopy as follows:

For Dale, Marloes & St Brides, Walwyns Castle: Rosemary Royle: Rosemary Royle: Rosemary Royle: Rosemary Royle: see below For St Ishmaels & Hasguard: Sandra & Steve Morrell: Sandra & Steve Morrell: Sandra & Steve Morrell: Sandra & Steve Morrell: 2 Mabes Gate, St Ishmaels SA62 3TL [email protected] Tel: 636 691

ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING Rosemary Royle, Orlandon Kilns, St Brides, Haverfordwest, Pembs SA62 3AP

01646 636970 [email protected] 636970 [email protected] 636970 [email protected] 636970 [email protected]

Management Committee: Reverend Andrew JohnsonManagement Committee: Reverend Andrew JohnsonManagement Committee: Reverend Andrew JohnsonManagement Committee: Reverend Andrew Johnson (Managing Editor), Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Ellinor Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan (Dale), Richard Neale Richard Neale Richard Neale Richard Neale (St Ishmaels), William Richards William Richards William Richards William Richards (Marloes & St Brides), Gillian Thorne Gillian Thorne Gillian Thorne Gillian Thorne (Robeston West), Rosemary Royle Rosemary Royle Rosemary Royle Rosemary Royle (Editor)

Copy Editor:Copy Editor:Copy Editor:Copy Editor: Rosemary Royle Rosemary Royle Rosemary Royle Rosemary Royle 01646 636970 [email protected] Postal SecPostal SecPostal SecPostal Sec.: Christine Provan: Christine Provan: Christine Provan: Christine Provan: Tel: 01646 636443 (For those who do not live in the parishes but would like to receive a copy at a cost of £10.00 per year)

Distribution OrganisersDistribution OrganisersDistribution OrganisersDistribution Organisers.: Peter Morgan Peter Morgan Peter Morgan Peter Morgan (Dale) Barbara Black Barbara Black Barbara Black Barbara Black (Marloes) Hilary Or-Hilary Or-Hilary Or-Hilary Or-ton ton ton ton (St Ishmaels & Hasguard), Mary Lewis Mary Lewis Mary Lewis Mary Lewis (St Brides), Gill Thorne Gill Thorne Gill Thorne Gill Thorne (Robeston West)


April April April April ISSUE IS

Saturday March 21stSaturday March 21stSaturday March 21stSaturday March 21st

ALL RECYCLING: Every FRIDAY from 6:30am (check locally for actual times)

ALL RECYCLING PLUS GREY BAGS on these dates: March 20th