margarita gutiérrez mc_application_14.15

2. Please tell us what do you consider is your mission in life, and answer: how working for “Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential” contributes to your mission? • Two moments in my life marked what I want to be and to do. In May of 2011, I was starting my Exchange experience in Brazil. I worked in a public school teaching culture and entrepreneurship to more than 80 young people between 14 and 20 years old. After a month, those 80 people were working in 4 people teams in the execution. Of a entrepre- neurship project made with interest but with the mandatory character of a work from the school. Day by day their mind was changing and their interest about projects was increasing. The projects were not a homework anymore, they were an opportunity, as one of the girls in the classroom told me. That people who lived in environments of violence, drugs, prostitution and poverty; now think in a business to solve familiar troubles, pay bills or buy food to their families. There I understood that we have the opportunity of trans- form lives just giving a tool to build a better reality and give hope. The second moment was entire 2013. I was Vice president of Marketing in AIESEC Andes and it was the most challenging experience in my hole personal and professional life because I didn’t have just many people to lead but I had life changing experience to deliver. Worried because that I decided to prepare my members with theoretical and practical knowled- ge about marketing and then deliver the value proposition of AIESEC: Personal and Professional development. I am sure that develop real and better leaders. After those two experiences, AIESEC helps me to understand what I want to be and to do. I wake up every morning to work in AIESEC to help Colombia to be a more equitable country and I really believe that the edu- cation is the way. Deliver knowledge, experiences, tools to people in our country to have more and better opportunities to grow is my mission in life and without doubt, the mission of AIESEC is align with that purpose. 3. Video Link: PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. What makes you believe that “Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential” is possible? • When I joined to the organization, the AIESEC mission looks dreamy and sometimes made me think what was the sense of being in a NGO with a utopic goal. “When we will accomplish that goal?” was the repeated question that made me hesitating about the value of the work that we did. But in 2011, I had the opportunity of live an Exchange experience. AIESEC was not the perfect experience to improve my curriculum vitae anymore but it starts to design my philosophy of life. Then I understood that peace is not to finish wars but fight against why of them and acting to change realities. To me peace is not put down the guns, to me peace is remove violence as a way to make dreams real. To me, peace is not unknown what make us different but understand that the difference is a complement to be better. Our generation is a determined one, fight for what we wish, a dreamer generation, entrepreneur, non-conformist, aware, curious, non- conventional, inclusive, a generation product of the globalization which make us think that there are not bigger limits tan we own put, a genera- tion challenged, challenging and fighter. The development of Young people in Colombia and in the world means to show them tools to be in front of diverse realities, realities to look beyond the known. Why? Because we, young people have in our hands change mindsets, transforming of realities, impact generation, and creation of a collaborative world and the experience of a world in peace. Yes, I believe that worth it. Waking up every day with the purpo- se of reach more leaders part of this generation which want to impact, guide them and deliver to the society to the world we dream. Yes, I am convinced that is possible believe and to live in peace. “Guti” Colombian February 18th of 1990 – At 5:00 pm 3143150859 [email protected]/[email protected] m.gutierrez.osorio Random Fact: I am scare with tips of pen. It is easier to get something from me if you show me one than if you threaten to me with something “more” dangerous. ALEJANDRA OSORIO

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Page 1: Margarita gutiérrez mc_application_14.15

2. Please tell us what do you consider is your mission in life, and answer: how working for “Peace and Ful�llment of Humankind’s Potential” contributes to your mission?

• Two moments in my life marked what I want to be and to do. In May of 2011, I was starting my Exchange experience in Brazil. I worked in a public school teaching culture and entrepreneurship to more than 80 young people between 14 and 20 years old. After a month, those 80 people were working in 4 people teams in the execution. Of a entrepre-neurship project made with interest but with the mandatory character of a work from the school.

Day by day their mind was changing and their interest about projects was increasing. The projects were not a homework anymore, they were an opportunity, as one of the girls in the classroom told me. That people who lived in environments of violence, drugs, prostitution and poverty; now think in a business to solve familiar troubles, pay bills or buy food to their families. There I understood that we have the opportunity of trans-form lives just giving a tool to build a better reality and give hope.

The second moment was entire 2013. I was Vice president of Marketing in AIESEC Andes and it was the most challenging experience in my hole personal and professional life because I didn’t have just many people to lead but I had life changing experience to deliver. Worried because that I decided to prepare my members with theoretical and practical knowled-ge about marketing and then deliver the value proposition of AIESEC: Personal and Professional development. I am sure that develop real and better leaders.

After those two experiences, AIESEC helps me to understand what I want to be and to do. I wake up every morning to work in AIESEC to help Colombia to be a more equitable country and I really believe that the edu-cation is the way. Deliver knowledge, experiences, tools to people in our country to have more and better opportunities to grow is my mission in life and without doubt, the mission of AIESEC is align with that purpose.

3. Video Link:


1. What makes you believe that “Peace and Ful�llment of Humankind’s Potential” is possible?

• When I joined to the organization, the AIESEC mission looks dreamy and sometimes made me think what was the sense of being in a NGO with a utopic goal. “When we will accomplish that goal?” was the repeated question that made me hesitating about the value of the work that we did.

But in 2011, I had the opportunity of live an Exchange experience. AIESEC was not the perfect experience to improve my curriculum vitae anymore but it starts to design my philosophy of life. Then I understood that peace is not to finish wars but fight against why of them and acting to change realities. To me peace is not put down the guns, to me peace is remove violence as a way to make dreams real. To me, peace is not unknown what make us different but understand that the difference is a complement to be better.

Our generation is a determined one, fight for what we wish, a dreamer generation, entrepreneur, non-conformist, aware, curious, non-conventional, inclusive, a generation product of the globalization which make us think that there are not bigger limits tan we own put, a genera-tion challenged, challenging and fighter. The development of Young people in Colombia and in the world means to show them tools to be in front of diverse realities, realities to look beyond the known. Why? Because we, young people have in our hands change mindsets, transforming of realities, impact generation, and creation of a collaborative world and the experience of a world in peace. Yes, I believe that worth it. Waking up every day with the purpo-se of reach more leaders part of this generation which want to impact, guide them and deliver to the society to the world we dream. Yes, I am convinced that is possible believe and to live in peace.

“Guti”ColombianFebruary 18th of 1990 – At 5:00 [email protected]/[email protected] Fact: I am scare with tips of pen.It is easier to get something from me if you show me one than if you threaten to me with something “more” dangerous.



Page 2: Margarita gutiérrez mc_application_14.15

Gladys Osorio, my mom. “Her humor sense, she is a really charis-matic person and I think that give happiness is something that everyone needs in a world as this”

Libardo Gutierrez, my dad. “She is a woman who loves to help and she doesn’t doubt when she can be generous with people, no matter what”

Vivian Gutierrez, my sister No. 1. “Margarita is an impatient person. She doesn’t like to wait to anybody and is zero tolerant with delays”

Adriana Gutierrez, my sister No. 2. “Sarcasm. When Margarita gets angry her gun is sarcasm”

the lovely

the good

the bad

the ugly

My name is Margarita Alejandra Gutierrez Osorio. I am 23 years old. I was born in Bogota on February 18th of 1990. I studied Finances and International Relations with emphasis in International Economics Studies in the Externado of Colombia University. I got the graduation on Septem-ber of 2012. And now, I work in Novartis, a pharmaceutical company in the Sales Area.

I am the youngest of three sisters. My older sister is Dentist and lives in Barbosa (Santander) and the other one is Electronic Engineer and lives in Gabon (Africa). So I am the only one who lives with my parents and that is why I am so spoiled.

I really love sports. My favorite sport is football and I played during my university term in a team. I like basketball too and I play too in the school. But sports are not equal to health. I have 10 injuries produced by sports.

I am really scared of darkness. It is pathological. When I am in a dark-ness place I need light directly in my eyes to avoid a panic shock. I have three compulsions. 1. I am scared about tips of pens. 2. I am a compul-sive buyer of candies but I don’t like candies. 3. I hate to cross the streets when are cars across.

I am in AIESEC from 2010 and I was part of Incoming, Outgoing and Marketing areas in AIESEC Andes. The last year I was an active member of my Local Comittee as Vice president of Marketing Area. I love to dance roll calls and I really think it is a particularity of Marketing areas’ members in AIESEC in Colombia.

I was in Brazil in my OGCDP Exchange and I loved the food, people, cities, football, music and culture. I want to live my retirement time in that country. Motivated for that I want to have a Rodizzio of Pizza Restaurant in Bogota.

Page 3: Margarita gutiérrez mc_application_14.15

1. Marketing: - Knowledge of Marketing reality in AIESEC in Colombia: During 2013, I was Vice president of Marketing in AIESEC Andes. 2013 was a year with innovation in all the Marketing Network and for sure we are a generation with that culture. We experien-ced a new way to attack our markets and to have a best brand presence in order to position the experiences that we live and provide. I think that the growth got for the last two terms have to continue for someone that know the reality of Marketing. Also, I am Brand Manager of National Support Team of Expansion and Marketing that let me know the realities of the entities that have the biggest problem in Marketing topics to establish AIESEC in those places and deliver great experiences. - Knowledge of the areas to support: I was, during my AIESEC Experience, part of Incoming and Outgoing areas and that let me know how that areas work even when the areas and the operability has changed a lot. - Knowledge of the product: I was an Exchange Participant and that let me know the product most massive in our network. I give support to Outgoing and Incoming areas during 2013 as VP Marketing in AIESEC Andes.- Recognitions: Nominated as one of the best Marketing area in AIESEC in Colombia in 2013 because the effort and the results of my LC.

2. Organizational Development:- Educational Cycle: During my term as VP, I worked with one of my coordinators an educational cycle to give a marketing theory content to professionalize the practices. AIESEC needs to deli-ver content to make our members more professionals in their practices but also to show our experience the most correct way possible because our standardized processes and our certified formative exercises.- National Support Team: My role as Brand Manager of National Support Team of Expansion and Marketing let me know the rea-lities of that entities which needs more preparation to start to growth in a constant and stable way.

List maximum 3 positions in the MC 14.15 structure that you would like to have. For each of them you will have to argue why you con-sider you are a good option.

AIESEC is a great platform to develop young people in a personal and professional way. Areas in what I had never thought to work I got the best learnings, experiences and friends of my life.

General- Attending events to know the national strategies: I attended all the conferences of 2013 and let me know the evolution and new strategies of Marketing in Colombia. - Leadership Skills: Leadership is one of the best competences that I think I develop in my four years in AIESEC because of my experiences in OCs and EB. Now, a lot of my members deci-ded to take or apply to leadership roles and I think that is the relevance of a leader.- Finances and International Relations: My professional career is not Marketing focused but let me have a management skills, macroeconomic thinking that is applied to have holistic analyses looking in a SWOT-Sight way.- Corporate Experience: I have two years working in a corporate environment and that experience made me mature and really disciplined in my work. Also, I learned about team work with people in other cities in the country. My job also has a great component of work under pressure and I think is one of the most important abilities to manage people around the country and with terms so short.- Facilitation Skills: My experience as VP, facilitator and chair in events gave me experience delivering content and managing audiences.- Emotional Intelligence: As VP Marketing I had to manage not only the various emotional states of the year generated in peaks of recruitment and Exchange promotion but the emotional states of the team of an area which supports all areas in AIESEC Andes.

Daniela Rodríguez - 3134949415 – [email protected] Quintero – 3176675193 - [email protected] Pieschacón – 3162887952 – [email protected]Álvaro Salazar – 3017948488 – [email protected]

Page 4: Margarita gutiérrez mc_application_14.15

1. Imagine we have 0 IGIP RE in all AIESEC in Colombia, and we are not allowed to sell any Edu-cational GIP TN (plus, the MC is not selling any national TN neither). What plan do you propose to sell 500 GIP TNs in one year? Which sectors and segments would you choose to sell, and base don this, with which local entities would you work?

• Being a national situation, the contingence plan must be national and that is why I would conform a Stars Sellers Team of AIESEC in Colombia. They must be leaded by the MCVP IGIP and they must be working, together with the IGIP áreas of the country for the región goals. So the 500 GIPs must be divided for regions but not for LCs. The Star Sellers Team would on charge of manage the most potential TNs because the market share of the com-pany and the relevance in the sector. GIPs áreas would continue with their operations with local TNs.

The next years, but must in 2014 and 2015, Telecommunications Sector will have a lot of relevance in our country. In 2014, the Government will invest 40 billons of Colombian pesos to the 4G Project in all the country. Then, AIESEC in Colombia has the oportunity to offer IT profiles to the communications companies in order to develop strategies and operative models to differentiate their service in the market. We would take advantage of the lack of professionals in Colombia with knowledge about this technologies and application plans.



Because must of the companies have the operations centers in Bogota.

Because in Bogota are the financial center of Colombia. To them, the telecommunications companies have to present a budget

plan to obtein credits for the project.


Because some of the companies have the operations centers in Medellin.

Because in Medellin are the administrative building of one of the most important bank in the country. To them, the

telecommunications companies have to present a budget plan to obtein credits for the project.

Because in Medellin are the principal offices of the company which have 4G technology and would need to keep their market

share even with competency in the market.

The other sector to attack must be the Tourism and Hotels sectors. After the launch of the promotional campaign called “La respuesta es Colombia” and “Magical Realism”, Colombia got a relevant position in an international level. Investing in any kind of tourism in Colombia is one of the most attractive bussiness in Colombia. The Colombian Government give to that sector tax benefits and that is why tourism in Colombia is more dinamic than never. AIESEC in Colombia must to take advan-tage of this condition and design a portfo-lio specific to the sector.

Then we have to work as a country to respond to that situation, in a collaborati-ve way to impact those sectors and be relevant to change the tendence of lose presence in the corporate market. The cities non included, most to work with their segmentation but have to get support from the Regional Manager to boost IGIP operations. But without doubt the high expected volumen of the TN sales would be from the Star Sellers Team.


Bogota Because Bogota is a bussiness center and receive thousands of

foreigners to invest in our country - Tourism to Investment Because Bogota is near to places to do ecotourism - Ecoturism


Because Medellin is the most innovative city in the world - Entertainment

Because Medellin is recognized as a place with great health care professionals to practice esthetics surgeries. - Health tourism

Caribean Coast

Because is the most promoted zone to visit in Colombia. - Entertaiment.

Because Caribean Coast is a bussiness center and receive thousands of foreigners to invest in our country - Tourism to

Investment Because is a new stop for the cruises. - Provisional tourism.


Because after some sport events, Cali is one of the destinies more desired by foreigners. - Entertaiment.

Because Salsa is a rythm recognized in the world. Somebody who meet a colombian wants to know how to dance Salsa then Cali is

a new desired destiny. - Entertaiment Because Cali is getting good case practices in esthetical surgeries.

- Health tourism.

Page 5: Margarita gutiérrez mc_application_14.15

2. AIESEC in Colombia deeply needs a strong WINNING TOGETHER culture, which means:

WINNING – we accomplish our goals (winner is the one that reaches the goal)TOGETHER – we help and ask for help (collaboration).

What is missing currently to have this culture? How do you think we can encourage this culture and have real results from it?

• For years, AIESEC in Colombia has promoted the competence between the LCs. The LCs with standardized processes were compe-ting to be the one with more exchanges, more members and more awards.. That is not bad at all but we have to start to change the mindset that our leaders have.

In a competitive market, the biggest industries just are worried for their objectives, their innovation and the way they are more relevant than the others. The smallest are trying to survive, applying the “trial and error” method, assuming about market dynamics. At the end, the biggest actors in the market stay and absorb the smallest ones, reduce the competence, reduce the quality to the costumers, reduce the impact.

In theory, AIESEC is different to the market. In practice, AIESEC is the same. Day by day, that entities which are understanding the why of our organization and are learning about the way we do it find obstacles with any support or continues tracking. The sustainably as an AIESEC Value is not applying in this kind of situations.

• A. Striving for excellence with Integrated Experience Program: The bigger GAP is in OGCDP even when is the program with the most relevance in our LCs. Then we have to improve our strategies and move showcasing most than before. Ask for an Exchange Experience to apply to leadership roles as EB or MC member. IXP must to be a KPI for OGCDP, TM and Comm in order to develop change agents and deliver a complete experience of leadership.•B. Living diversity with IGCDP portfolio: IGCDP has the secong bigger GAP. Then we have to innovate in our projects and even créate a new projects adapted to the reality of LCs. Work in collaboration between LCs in order to adapt GCPs of an entity in other, so we reduce the lack of showcasing or sales arguments.•C. Invite universities to enjoy participation in the era of internationalization of their students: The promotion of OGIP must to be profesional not massive. So we have to work together with the universities to show our opportunities through institutional media. With that the operativity of OGIP and Marketing teams will be reduced in promotion and MRBs because the profiles are correct with a mínimum error but will be more efficient because will be directed to keep great relations with universities, the greatest provider of talent.•D. Acting sustainably with our segmentation: We must to keep our TN Takers in IGIP but we have to diversifita that segmentation and explore new sectors in order to have more relevance but also to be sustainable with our operations. It is importante to develop an strategic portfolio to sectors as Tourism, Mining, Telecommunications and other where the government of Colombia trust and is giving some benefits to promote investment on them. •E. Activating leadership in our membership: Set strategies to grow in every product is correct but obviously we need to work in the develop-ment of our members. Design educational cycles to every development level of LCs in AIESEC in Colombia must be a priority with the purpose of be better and improve our operations and results based in a uniform growth not in 4 LCs operative of 29 that exist today in AIESEC in Colom-bia.

3. Analize our 2015 goals in all exchange programs (IGCDP, IGIP, OGCDP, OGIP). Take the planned vs. executed each year since 2011 to 2013, and calculate the overall GAP we have to accomplish the accumulated goal for 2015 in each program. We only have two years exactly to closet the GAP and achieve the goals. Propose 5 big milestones that need to happen in the following 2 years (2014 and 2015) in order to reach these goals.

What about to generate a culture of collaboration based on identify that we have an only one mission, only one brand, the same products, the same country to impact, managed by the same generation, with various ways to engage and develop every young person in the world? It is time to pursue to AIESEC in Colombia that we are cents representing one experience. For that, we need to develop a national strategy and work specifically with each development level of our entities to adapt that strategy to every reality. We need to work in events agendas not general but with appro-priate and assertive content in order to improve our impact and the experience’s delivery in every territory where AIESEC is present.

We need recognize those collaborative behaviors and convert it in a motivation to be one, to be better, to be relevant, to be sufficient, and to be impacting. Once we get this, AIESEC in Colombia will grow in a parallel way. Gene-rations of AIESECers will work together not to be a different industries in the market but to act as a franchise model where, in different places, with different types of leadership, everyone works to deliver the best experience to the costumers and always deliver the best image of the brand. Sustainably is about that. About to be the first option to the costu-mers to change lives with our services.

List maximum 3 positions in the MC 14.15 structure that you would like to have. For each of them you will have to argue why you con-sider you are a good option.

AIESEC is a great platform to develop young people in a personal and professional way. Areas in what I had never thought to work I got the best learnings, experiences and friends of my life.

General- Attending events to know the national strategies: I attended all the conferences of 2013 and let me know the evolution and new strategies of Marketing in Colombia. - Leadership Skills: Leadership is one of the best competences that I think I develop in my four years in AIESEC because of my experiences in OCs and EB. Now, a lot of my members deci-ded to take or apply to leadership roles and I think that is the relevance of a leader.- Finances and International Relations: My professional career is not Marketing focused but let me have a management skills, macroeconomic thinking that is applied to have holistic analyses looking in a SWOT-Sight way.- Corporate Experience: I have two years working in a corporate environment and that experience made me mature and really disciplined in my work. Also, I learned about team work with people in other cities in the country. My job also has a great component of work under pressure and I think is one of the most important abilities to manage people around the country and with terms so short.- Facilitation Skills: My experience as VP, facilitator and chair in events gave me experience delivering content and managing audiences.- Emotional Intelligence: As VP Marketing I had to manage not only the various emotional states of the year generated in peaks of recruitment and Exchange promotion but the emotional states of the team of an area which supports all areas in AIESEC Andes.


IGCDP YEAR PLANNED EXECUTED %ACCOMPLISH GAP 2011 219 219 100 0 2012 650 558 116,49 92 2013 800 828 96,62 -28 2014 1300 0 1300 2015 1600 0 1600

TOTAL 2964


YEAR PLANNED EXECUTED %ACCOMPLISH GAP 2011 111 111 100 0 2012 200 143 139,86 57 2013 340 174 195,40 166 2014 490 0 490 2015 700 0 700

TOTAL 1413


YEAR PLANNED EXECUTED %ACCOMPLISH GAP 2011 455 454 100,22 1 2012 750 697 107,60 53 2013 1120 965 116,06 155 2014 1800 1800 2015 2500 2500

TOTAL 4509


YEAR PLANNED EXECUTED %ACCOMPLISH GAP 2011 204 204 100 0 2012 300 242 124 58 2013 480 329 146 151 2014 720 720 2015 1100 1100

TOTAL 2029

