mark antonio and al pacino

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  • 8/2/2019 Mark Antonio and Al Pacino



    A.A. 2011-2012

    Todor Silvia Paula

    Eramsus student




    The rethoric in this case is used to understand and explain the public speach of Marco

    Antonio. The retoric is dated in the Acient Greek to explian the oral speach. He stand on some

    stairs so that everyone can hear him.He uses the term friends so he can connect from the begining

    with the crowd that is in front of him.All the speach he is trying to controlate all the emotions and

    to direct them in the way he wants. To demonstrate that Cesar is a hero and Brustus is a killer, he

    begins with the words that Brutus is an onorable man, but after that all the facts that he is telling are

    demonstrating the oposit. Mark Antonio is trying in his speach step by step to convince the crowd

    and to direct them true emotional situations in a certain way, to have a certain opinion about the

    fact that Cesar is a hero that was killed and Brutus and all the people that planned the crime are bad

    conspirators.With the will of Cesar is trying to make the people curios to see what is inside of the

    will, what is wrriten, because the human nature is curious.

    In the speach of Al Pacino, we see how he is trying to control all his players throw feelings

    because he is telling them all the mistakes he did when he was young, now he is old, he can not see

    his face in the mirror because he is ashamed of all the mistakes he did in his life and Al Pacino in

    his speach is trying to motivate his players not to do the same mistakes, to apreciate the good

    people that are around you and to fight for the things you want.He is comparing the life, the

    mistakes you do in life, with the game of football. After this speaches we can realise that every

    crowd, every team, every people can be controled if you know how true feelings, sensis.Because

    every man/woman is controled by feelings.Useing the feelings and trying to get to the listenersheart you can direct him in the part you want, and make him think and feel what you want him to

    feel. Al Pacino is trying to use the feelings, to conect with the players to make them feel a team, he

    is telling them not to fight each other, to fight like a team, to believe ant look in to tha parteners

    eyes and know that he will be there.He is trying to make them fight for every centimenter of the

    field, because at the end every centimetar makes the diferents between winning and loosing.

  • 8/2/2019 Mark Antonio and Al Pacino


    This two speaches are the confirmations how a good oratore, an apropiate person can direct

    a crowd, a team, that is not organised, that has diferent feelings, opinions, in the same direction

    because of a good public discours, because of the words that the orators says, because of the facts

    that he is demonstrating, because of the gestures and because of the position of the body that he

    has, but also because of the emotions that he wants to wake up in the crowds hearts. At the end we

    all realise that it is very important how we choose the words, because they can make a diference.