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Post on 08-Dec-2015




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Prayer for Marriage. Whenever, you feel lonely and full of desire for a spouse, or feel the pain of not having a wife or husband, then start reading this dua. Read it standing, sitting, walking, laying, before prayers, after prayers and in any mode of your daily activities and as many times


Recite: Rabbi inni lemaa anzalta elayya min khairin faqeer (Chapter 28, verse 24)(My Lord! I am needy of whatever good Thou sendest down for me.)(Whenever, you feel lonely and full of desire for a spouse, or feel the pain of not having a wife or husband, then start reading this dua. Read it standing, sitting, walking, laying, before prayers, after prayers and in any mode of your daily activities and as many times. Below is the Arabic of what was transliterated above:

Insha Allah within 4-months you will see the doors open and Allah ta'ala will alleviate/remove your pain by providing you with a spouse. So, what you have to do is after you read this verse a number of times; make sure to ask Allah (God) in a way similar to what follows:"Oh Allah! You have made every living thing in pairs. The sincere, beautiful and pious pair that you have created for me, please give it to me"It is recommended that one recites this verse at least 10times and after finishing this dua ask Allah Almighty for a spouse that is kind, beautiful, soft hearted, pious, loving and a gentle soul mate. What you want in your spouse is what you should ask but if you don't ask for piety or kind heartedness then don't blame anyone but yourself.)