masfap fc2011 campus based aid


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Campus Based Aid

The Leaves on Your Campus

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Spinning Plates

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• Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

• Federal College Work-Study (FWS)

• Federal Perkins Loan


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Matching Requirements & ACA

• Matching requirements (75/25): waived for Title III institutions

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General Requirements

• Enrollment

• Need

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Student Eligibility

• Eligible for other federal programs (34 CFR §


• Undergraduate only (34 CFR § 676.9(b))

• Reasonable portions to part-time and independent students (34 CFR § 676.10(b))

• Exceptional need (34 CFR § 676.10(a))

– Award in EFC order (start with $0)

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• $100 annual minimum (34 CFR § 676.20(a)(1))

• $4,000 annual maximum (34 CFR § 676.20(a)(2))

• $4,400 annual maximum for approved student abroad programs (34 CFR § 676.20(c))

• Student enrolled less than full-time may have award reduced (34 CFR § 676.20(b))

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• Subpart A – Federal Work-Study Program (34 CFR § 675.1 – 34 CFR § 675.27)

• Subpart B – Job Location and Development Program (34 CFR § 675.31 – 34 CFR § 675.37)

• Subpart C – Work-Colleges Program (34 CFR §

675.41 – 34 CFR § 675.50)

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Student Eligibility

• Eligible for other federal programs (34 CFR §


• Undergraduate or Graduate (34 CFR § 675.9(b))

• Reasonable portions to part-time and independent students (34 CFR § 675.10(c))

• Financial need (34 CFR § 675.9(c))

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Payments to Students

• Must be paid at least minimum wage (34 CFR

§ 675.24(b))

• Must be paid at least monthly (34 CFR §


• Wages can be paid to student or toward student account (34 CFR § 675.16)

• Cannot be paid for receiving classroom instruction (34 CFR § 675.20(d)(2)(ii))

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Eligible Employers34 CFR § 675.20(a)

• Institution– Some exclusions for proprietary institutions (34 CFR §


• Government, non-profit or private, for-profit– Must have agreement between institution and

organization (34 CFR § 675.20(b)(1))

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Community Service

• 7% of FWS allocation (34 CFR § 675.18(g)(1))

• Must have at least one student employed as:

– Reading tutor project (34 CFR § 675.18(g)(1)(i))


– Family literacy project (34 CFR § 675.18(g)(1)(ii))

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Periods of Non-Attendance

• Summer

• Must enroll for next regular session

• Earnings must be counted in next term’s aid package

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Federal Share Limitations

• Institution, government, non-profit – 75% federal share (34 CFR § 675.26(a)(1))

• Private, for-profit agency – 50% federal share (34 CFR § 675.26(a)(3))

– Max of 25% of FWS allocation per year (34 CFR §


– Must be related to major (34 CFR § 675.23(b)(1))

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Perkins Loan

• Eligibility

– Undergraduate or Graduate students

– Exceptional financial need (as defined by school)

– MPN, Entrance and Exit Counseling required

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Perkins Loan

• Loan Limits

– Undergraduate

• $4,000 annual limit

• $20,000 lifetime aggregate

– Graduate

• $6,000 annual limit

• $40,000 lifetime aggregate

– $8,000 limit for first 2 years of academic work

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Perkins Loan

• Interest Rate – 5% fixed

• 9 month grace period

• 10 year repayment

• Deferments, forbearance and cancellations available

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Perkins Loan

• Perkins Deferments (no interest)

– In school

– Attending graduate fellowship program

– Graduate or post-graduate study outside US (Fulbright scholar)

– Rehabilitation training programs for disabled persons

– Seeking but unable to find employment (up to 3 years)

– Economic hardship (up to 3 years)

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Perkins Loan

• Forbearance (interest accrues)

– Temporary postponement of payments, extension of time for making payments, OR acceptance of smaller payment amounts

– Economic hardship or lengthy illness

– Request in writing with supporting documentation

– Not to exceed 3 years

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Perkins Loan

• Perkins Cancellation– Teaching

• Low income school or high need subject matter (math, science, foreign language, special education)

• Head Start programs/early intervention child care

• Up to 100%

– Health care services – up to 100%

– Law enforcement – up to 100%

– Armed Forces/Peace Corps service• 50% for armed service in hostile area

• 70% for Peace Corps service

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• IFAP- Student Aid Handbook Vol. 3 Chapter 7 Awarding Campus-Based Aid

• Dear Colleague Letters

– GEN-11-02

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Title III


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Transfer Funds

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Carry Forward/Back

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Rick Taphorn

Director of Financial Services

Missouri Baptist University


[email protected]