masters+in+finance+brochure+2012 13

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  • 8/13/2019 Masters+in+Finance+Brochure+2012 13


    Masters in Finance

  • 8/13/2019 Masters+in+Finance+Brochure+2012 13


    The Masters in Finance atLondon Business School wasone of the most exciting anddynamic periods in my life.Amer Chowdhury (Bangladeshi)Masters in Finance (full-time) 2003Senior Transactor, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

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    Make an impact on the world of nance through London Business Schools top-rankedMasters in Finance and lead the global evolution of the nancial sector in the comingdecades.

    Fast-track your career in nance

    If you are ready to move to the next stage in your career, the

    London Business School Masters in Finance programme offers a highdegree of specialisation in nance, with a rigorous academic curriculumthat is deeply rooted in the realities of a fast-changing nancial world.You meet with and learn from practitioners including alumni of theprogramme working in the City of London and other global nancialcentres. And you work with other students who are already experiencednance professionals in their chosen elds.

    Leading nancial centre

    London is one of the best cities in the world in which to studynance, acknowledged as the leading global nancial centre. Everyglobal nancial institution is represented here, as are many of theworlds largest companies. The Masters in Finance offers unrivalledopportunities to see the industry in operation close-up, with visits toleading nancial institutions in the City of London and speaker eventsfeaturing the foremost innovators in the eld. Finance at Work eventstake place regularly to investigate industry trends and examine a rangeof nance sectors, bringing together alumni, faculty, students andpractitioners.

    World-class faculty

    At the forefront of business education, London Business School is arecognised leader in nancial thinking and a global centre of excellencein nance. We have one of the largest concentrations of nance facultyin the world, recognised for the quality of teaching and cutting edgeacademic research. Faculty members routinely consult to nancialinstitutions, companies and government agencies, while others holddirectorships in a range of organisations. Their networks of connectionsensure the practical relevance of the Schools teaching and the role offaculty in creating innovations such as the FTSE 100 stock market index.

    Global focus

    Our students come from more than 100 countries and our alumni goon to achieve success in a multitude of nancial institutions, companiesand government bodies around the world. During your Masters inFinance programme, there are opportunities to apply for exchanges,giving you access to other leading international nancial centres.

    The Masters in Finance wasone of the best investmentsI have made in my career.It has strengthened mycondence and knowledge andbroadened my employment

    horizon. I am certain that Iwill be a better professionaland a more informed decisionmaker because of the time Ihave spent here. Above all, itwas a remarkable personalexperience.Manuel Noronha Andrade (Portuguese)Masters in Finance (full-time) 2002Partner, ECS Capital

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    Top nance jobs demand a sharp decision-maker someone able to grasp the nerdetails and their signicance in the bigger picture. The London Business SchoolMasters in Finance programme combines rigorous academic study with real-worldrelevance and practical application.

    Why London Business School?

    London Business School is a business-focused institution with world-

    class faculty who are pre-eminent in their elds. Were proud of ourability to attract people of the highest calibre our success in competingfor talent with other top-ranking business schools is a mark of ourinternational standing. And in turn, our faculty members enable us tocreate innovative programmes for our exceptional students. TheMasters in Finance is the longest established programme of its kindoffered by a world-class business school ranked number one amongpost-experience programmes in the eld by the Financial Times in 2011and 2012.

    Collaborative ethos

    The learning environment on London Business School programmes ischallenging, but also collaborative. Your Masters in Finance classmateswill represent dozens of countries, with a huge breadth of professionalexperience and phenomenal global reach. They give you daily exposureto a wide range of business perspectives, pushing you to perform at thetop of your game. You learn to work anywhere, with anyone, and willdifferentiate yourself in the jobs market through a global perspective andcross-cultural capabilities.

    Student clubs

    Our campus community is vibrant and eclectic, and you forge valuablecontacts with other students and alumni during the programme.Nowhere is the dynamism and energy of the London Business Schoolcommunity more evident than in the passion with which our studentsinitiate, run and participate in more than 70 professional, cultural andsporting clubs. They include the Finance Club which hosts speakersfrom top global banks, as well as one of the most active premierbusiness school Private Equity Clubs in the world. The InvestmentManagement Club manages a portfolio of US$200,000 of donated fundsand also runs an annual Stock Pitch event where members pitch theirstock ideas to fund management professionals. The host of events andactivities that student clubs promote can help you to progress in yourcareer and even to nd your next job opportunity.

    A magnet for global leaders

    London Business Schools reputation and location bring some of themost inspirational and thought-provoking leaders in the world throughour doors. Our students and alumni listen to, learn from and arechallenged by speakers from industry, nance, government and themedia.

    Global alumni network

    More than 35,000 London Business School alumni provide extensiveconnections around the world. After you graduate, you have lifelongaccess to this superb network and to the professional and personalopportunities it offers. You can expand your network by joining oneof the dozens of alumni clubs in cities around the globe, from Atlantato Zurich. And there are also professional interest clubs bringingtogether alumni working in particular sectors such as the media, energy,technology, marketing, healthcare and of course nance.

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    I would denitely recommend the Masters in Financeat London Business School. The learning environmentis superb, the faculty excellent, and the networkingexperience is unique. The diversity is also amazing therewere over 40 countries represented on my programme.Foluso Ajayi (Nigerian)Masters in Finance (full-time) 2006Gas Regulatory Coordinator, Chevron Corporation

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    Our students are experienced professionals who want to fast-track their careers in nance.They come to us to deepen their nancial knowledge and to develop the analytical toolsand skills necessary to raise their game in the eld of nance.

    Who does the Masters in Finance?

    As with all London Business School programmes, Masters in Finance

    students come from a rich diversity of responsibilities, backgrounds andnationalities, bringing a wealth of experience to the classroom. Theydemonstrate intellectual ability, the capacity for hard work and themotivation to take on a demanding and challenging commitment. Theyhave many and varied reasons for doing a Masters in Finance, but theyshare a passion for making an impact in the world of global nance.


    The Masters in Finance programme is exible so it can t your needs.You can study full-time, completing the programme in 10 months orover 16 months if you want to undertake additional activities. Or youcan choose a weekend format over 22 months, an attractive option forstudents who prefer not to take time out of their careers.

    For more details of these two options and their typical schedules, seepages 10 and 11.

    East Asia 24%

    Europe 23%

    South Asia 17%

    Latin America andCaribbean 12%

    Middle East 6%

    USA andCanada 6%

    South-East Asia 5%Australasia 3%

    Africa 2%Central Asia 2%



    i ii

    i l

    il i

    il i

    Europe 48%

    East Asia 16%

    South Asia 15%

    Australasia 7%

    USA and Canada 5%

    Latin America and Caribbean 4%

    South-East Asia 4%

    Africa 1%

    Nationality of full-time students Nationality of weekend students

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    The Masters in Finance iswell structured, rigorousand rounded. First-classprofessors bridge the gapbetween academia and

    practice, and deliver materialthat is stimulating, relevantand practical.Costas Stavrinides (British / Cypriot)Masters in Finance (weekend) 2011Shipping Economist, BP Shipping

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    The Masters in Finance is a rigorous and highly practical programme that allows you tobuild on your expertise in nance and acquire essential skills that will advance your career,while exploring areas of particular interest.

    Programme structure


    Set in an iconic City of London location, Orientation is an inspiringintroduction to your programme. It includes speakers presenting onkey nancial topics, engaging discussions with senior members of theSchool and offers an opportunity to build relationships with your peers.

    Core courses

    Four core courses provide you with the in-depth knowledge of the keyconcepts and topics that every nance professional should be familiarwith:

    n Investments advanced theories in the valuation of investments,management of portfolios and risk management strategies

    n Corporate Finance tools and techniques you can use to valuecompanies, analyse business performance, structure corporatecapital and manage nancial distress

    n Financial Accounting and Analysis company accounts, fromrevenue recognition and asset valuation to cash ow analysis andoff-balance sheet accounting

    n Personal Assessment and Development (PAD) a programme thatassesses your knowledge, skills and attributes and creates a personalaction plan to stimulate your professional development

    Elective courses

    Masters in Finance students choose between seven and 10 electivesfrom a selection of around 30 topics which build on the foundationsestablished by the core courses. This comprehensive portfolio of electivecourses allows you to tailor your learning and focus on areas of particularrelevance to your current job or future career plans.

    Electives are scheduled in a variety of formats, including weekend,daytime, evening and block-week classes. One of the benets ofour elective portfolio is that classes are shared with all our degreeprogrammes. Studying alongside students from other London BusinessSchool programmes broadens your learning environment and allows youto build networks across the School.

    As an an alternative to one elective course, you can undertake apractical, company-sponsored project. This provides exposure to realbusiness issues, and an opportunity to apply programme learnings.

    Personal development for nance professionals

    The Masters in Finance provides an individually tailored self-development programme running alongside your academic studies. Youmaster business-relevant practical skills such as nancial modelling,forecasting methodologies and valuation techniques that enhance youreffectiveness as a senior nance professional. And it helps you developthe softer skills so essential to career development, such as solvingtough problems creatively, communicating powerfully and deliveringthrough others. Tools and techniques include effective networking,mastering interviews, how to pitch yourself and negotiation skills.


    At the end of the Masters in Finance programme, the entire classcomes together for an exclusive, celebratory event to reect on what youhave learned on the programme, as well as hearing from high-prolespeakers and Masters in Finance alumni. The Capstone event is also anopportunity to share your experience with fellow classmates, celebratesignicant achievements and build networks of connections in Londonand across the world.

    For full details about the core courses and electives, please visit

    The core courses give youa great foundation and thenyou can tailor the programmeto your own specialism. Mylearning was further enhancedthrough having classmateswith skill sets in other areas ofnance. This was an excellent

    programme.Anand Batepati (Indian)Masters in Finance (full-time) 2003Equities & Hybrids Derivatives Structuring, HSBC

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    The Masters in Finance allows you to specialise in your programme by choosing one ofthree concentrations that focus on the knowledge and technical skills vital for speciccareer paths in the nancial world.

    Opportunities to specialise

    As the nancial sector has evolved in recent years, the operations of

    particular sub-sectors have become more complex and demanding. Ifyou have a clear view about where your career is going, you may wish tospecialise in your programme by pursuing one of three concentrationsbased around major functional roles:

    n Investment Management and Analysis for those focused on fundmanagement, either through managing investment portfolios orresearching investments

    n Corporate Finance targeted on advisory and strategic planning rolesin companies and nancial institutions

    n Risk Management and Derivatives for those with nance, treasuryand management roles in companies

    A concentration identies a cluster of elective courses, practical andsoft skills modules, visits to nancial institutions and other eventsappropriate for working in each of these three important sub-sectors.It maps your journey through the Masters in Finance programmeby ensuring that you acquire the strong theoretical knowledge, skillsand awareness of issues needed to develop your career. And theconcentrations embed rms, practitioners and alumni working in eacheld, offering opportunities to build closer relationships within the sectoryou wish to work.

    Students choose a concentration because it builds on their pastexperience and will enhance their career prospects in their currentroles. For others, a concentration is an opportunity to demonstrate their

    capabilities in aspects of their careers in which they want to specialisefurther.

    Concentrations build in-depth knowledge in the specialist areas,adding to the learning from the four compulsory core courses (seepage 8). If you choose the Investment Management and Analysis orCorporate Finance concentrations, you progress your learning from theInvestments and Corporate Finance core courses to a more advancedlevel.

    If you decide to go for a concentration, you can further strengthen yourspecialisation through a project that explores an aspect of your chosenarea in even greater depth.

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    n Elective choicesn Optional project

    n Congregationn Capstone

    Options n International exchangen Projectn Electives

    Spring: April - June

    TERM 3:

    n Block week electives

    n Complete internship (if you have elected to do an extraterm and have secured an internship)

    Winter: January - March

    n Elective choices n Optional project

    TERM 2:

    n Block week electives




    TERM 4 (optional):

    With the full-time programme, you hit the ground running, taking all four

    core courses in the rst term. The remaining two terms cover the sevento 10 electives you have chosen. Practical skills modules are availablethroughout.

    If you are extending your full-time programme from 10 to 16 months, anadditional term provides scope to undertake an international exchange,a company-sponsored project or additional electives. You only need tomake your decision about taking an extra term part way through theprogramme, giving you greater exibility in your studies.

    Your typical schedule

    A typical week on the full-time programme consists of:

    n approximately 12 contact teaching hours

    n at least 30 hours a week studying on your own or as a part of studygroups (though most participants put in even more time).

    Graduate from the Masters in Finance in 10 or 16 months.Full-time format intensive study


    A typical day of a full-time Masters in Finance student

    07.00 Head to the Schoolstness centre for anearly morning workout

    08.15 Corporate Financecore course

    11.00 Attend a CV reviewworkshop

    12.00 Study group to prepareanswers to a jointvaluation assignment

    13.00 Lunch with fellowstudents

    14.00 Prepare assignment forFinancial Accountingand Analysis core class

    15.45 Investments corecourse

    18.30 Finance Clubworkshop

    20.00 Impromptu dinneron Baker Street withfellow students beforeheading home

    Autumn: August - December

    TERM 1:

    n Investments (core)n Corporate Finance (core)n Financial Accounting and

    Analysis (core)

    n Personal Assessment andDevelopment programme(core)

    n Optional project

    Autumn: August - December

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    n Elective choicesn Optional project

    n Congregationn Capstone

    April - JulySUMMER TERM 6

    n Elective choices n Optional project

    January - MarchSPRING TERM 5 11

    Complete your degree in 22 months of exible part-time study.Weekend format balancing commitments

    The weekend format has been specically designed for those who wish

    to remain in full-time work during their Masters in Finance studies. Itincorporates all the content of the full-time programme, but lets youcomplete your degree across 22 months of mainly weekend study. Thepace is rapid and each lecture builds on previous material.

    It also helps those with family responsibilities to balance their work-lifecommitments. And if you live some distance from London, this optionmay suit you. We currently have students who travel from across Europeto study for their Masters in Finance on the weekend format.

    Your typical schedule

    The rst year begins with a full-time introduction week, when youcomplete the Personal Assessment and Development (PAD) programme

    see page 8. The rest of the year covers the other three core courses,with classes on alternate weekends Friday evenings (typically18.4520.15) and Saturdays (typically 09.0015.30).

    In the second year, you complete the remaining degree requirements bytaking seven to 10 elective courses. Some electives run in a block-weekformat and require attendance from 09.0017.00, Monday to Fridayfor one week; some run in modular format (one specic day, bi-weekly);and some run in an evening format from 18.4521.00. Of course, ifyour schedule allows, you can access the range of courses that run in adaytime format.

    A typical Friday evening and Saturday during Year 1

    Friday evening

    18.30 Arrive at the School intime to get a coffeebefore class

    18.45 Core coursetutorial begins

    20.15 Head into town for

    a late dinner withclassmates.


    09.00 Corporate Financecore course

    12.00 Lunch with fellowstudents in thedining hall

    12.45 Corporate Finance

    lecture continues15.30 Join Career Services

    for an afternoon Skillsworkshop.


    YEAR 2: Week, modular, or eveningformats

    n Elective choicesn International exchange


    n Optional project

    September - December

    n Corporate Finance (core)

    n Optional project

    n Choice of one Year 1elective (optional)

    April - JulySUMMER TERM 3

    January - March

    n Investments (core) n Choice of one Year 1elective (optional)



    YEAR 1: Alternate weekends: Friday evening and Saturday until 15.30

    n Financial Accounting andAnalysis (core)

    n Personal Assessment andDevelopment programme(core)

    September - December

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    If you are a full-time Masters in Finance student, you can choose to extend yourprogramme with an extra term. This gives you the opportunity to apply for an exchangeat a business school in a growth economy, seek an internship in a nancial role over thesummer, complete a project, or take elective courses.

    An optional fourth term

    International exchanges

    The Masters in Finance is committed to offering a global perspective onthe nancial world. Students seeking greater international experiencecan apply to spend their fourth term on an exchange with selectedbusiness schools based in China, India and other Asian growtheconomies. During the exchange, you take the equivalent of threeor four elective courses, and have the opportunity to develop newperspectives and expand your network of connections. Your choice ofexchange school may depend on factors such as the elective coursesavailable, your desire for a specic foreign language immersionexperience, or an ambition to pursue your career in a particular countryor region.


    Students can undertake a substantial company-sponsored project as analternative to one elective course. Projects typically involve the analysisof an event, transaction or situation and give participants an opportunityto show how they can put into practice what they have learned on theprogramme. Many students nd this a valuable way to gain exposure toa real business issue and add to their experience in nance.


    A fourth term is an opportunity to deepen your nancial expertise bytaking elective courses from our extensive portfolio. The selection ofapproximately 30 topics ranges from Advanced Corporate Finance toWorld Economy: Problems and Prospects.

    For more about electives, please visit


    The additional time provided by a fourth term offers an opportunity to doan internship with a nancial institution, company or government bodyin the UK or abroad. An 8-12 week placement during the summer canhelp shape your thinking and provide invaluable experience relevantto your career plans. In some nancial professions, an internship isan important addition to your CV and may also open up employmentopportunities.

    Many students arrange their internship with assistance in sourcing andapplying for a position from London Business Schools Career Services.Others use personal contacts or our extensive network of students,alumni and industry contacts.

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    Teaching at London Business School is intenselystimulating. Students come from many differentcountries and have a wide variety of backgrounds.The global nature of the London Business Schoolclassroom means that instead of accepting oneunique way to do things, students get to discussthe pros and cons of different approaches basedon the real-life experiences of their peers.Francesca CornelliLondon Business School Term Chair Professor of Finance

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    The impact of the Masters in Finance programme on your career depends on youraspirations and past experience. London Business Schools Career Services team willhelp you develop a strategy for your professional development that suits your needs.

    Your career development

    Specialist nance skills combined with strong workplace experience

    mean that Masters in Finance graduates are much sought-after for jobs in the nance sector and nance roles in industry, consultingand the public sector. London Business Schools outstandingreputation for nance and strong links with nancial institutionsensure that our graduates are found in a variety of organisations andfunctions around the globe.

    Our location puts one of the largest recruiter bases in the worldon your doorstep. The Career Services team works closely withrecruiters in London and worldwide to help secure the best possiblematch for your experience and your aspirations. Throughout theMasters in Finance programme, we organise regular events forstudents to meet recruiters.

    Our support

    Whether you choose the full-time or weekend format of theprogramme, our experienced team offers you support in yourprofessional development. We help you to develop a career strategythat best ts your strengths, interests and experience, and to identifygaps in your skill-set. Career coaching is complemented by a series

    of workshops and group work designed to equip you with:

    n a stronger awareness of what you want to achieve in your career

    n an outstanding CV and cover letter

    n practical networking skills

    n increased condence and tips for interviewing

    n a good knowledge of working with head-hunters

    If you are studying for your Masters in Finance at weekends, yourcareer needs are usually very individual because you are already infull-time work. We provide a dedicated coach, available outside workhours, to devise a tailored programme that will advance your career.

    London Business Schools career support does not come to an endwhen you graduate. Regardless of your career stage or situation, theAlumni Career Services team provides all alumni with support suchas coaching, resources, workshops and access to job opportunities.

    To learn more about our Career Services activities, please visit

    InvestmentBanking 25%

    Consulting 13%

    Asset Management 19%

    Banks / Ministries /Regulation / PublicFinance 12%

    Private Equity / Venture Capital 4%

    Information Technology 3%

    Industrial Products 2%

    Energy 1%Private Wealth Management 1%

    Healthcare / Pharmaceuticals 1%

    Law / Legal Services 1%Internet 1%

    Telecommunications 1%

    Financial Services /Credit Cards / Insurance 4%

    Retail andCommercial Banking 12%


    l i

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    i ii l

    i l

    i li l

    l i l

    l i

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    UK 45%

    Asia 22%

    Europe(excludingUK) 12%

    Central andSouth America 11%

    Middle East 1%USA / Canada 9%

    MiF (full-time) 2011 post-programme employment details

    Company sector Primary location

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    Recent Masters in Finance recruiters:


    Barclays Capital

    BNP Paribas


    Credit SuisseDeloitte

    Deutsche Bank

    Ernst and Young

    European Investment Fund


    Goldman Sachs

    Grupo Santander


    J.P. MorganKorean Development Bank


    Lloyds Banking Group

    Merrill Lynch

    Morgan Stanley

    Nomura International



    PwCSanford Bernstein

    Standard Chartered

    Thames River Capital


    Im much more likely tolook at a CV from someonewith a London BusinessSchool qualicationbecause I know the quality

    behind it. Jesse McDougall (Canadian)Masters in Finance (full-time) 2005Portfolio Manager, Barclays Capital

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    There can be no better place to complete the Masters in Finance than London. You willhave access to the best and most innovative organisations in nance on a programmelocated in a global nancial powerhouse.

    At the heart of a leading nancial centre

    London is home to every leading nancial institution on the planet,

    nancial exchanges trading in many types of securities and assets,and a third of the worlds largest companies. At the cutting edge ofnancial innovation and regulation, the Citys nancial communityis on your doorstep, providing opportunities to learn from them andto network with them. The Masters in Finance programme takes fulladvantage of London Business Schools location to give studentscontact with the biggest names in global nance and much elsebesides.

    London Finance Experiences

    Groups of Masters in Finance students spend half a day visiting anancial institution in the City of London to learn more about what ison their agenda. A follow-up class analyses the experience, drawingout lessons on how the material learnt in the classroom applies in areal-world setting.

    Finance at Work

    Masters in Finance alumni are invited back to meet students on theprogramme informally and share their experiences of working inspecic nancial sectors. This provides a greater understanding ofthe skills and qualities needed for particular roles, as well as insightinto what such jobs involve day to day.

    London Finance Talks

    Events in iconic London venues such as the Gherkin and MansionHouse bring together Masters in Finance students, alumni andinstitutions that recruit our graduates to hear speakers on ideas andissues in the nancial sector. The speakers are senior individuals inthe private sector, the regulatory sphere and academia including,of course, our own faculty.

    Time out

    The success of the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympicsreected the citys vibrant sporting environment, which includes 13professional football teams, Rugby Unions global headquarters atTwickenham, the Lords and Oval international cricket grounds andthe home of lawn tennis at Wimbledon in addition to the facilitiesof the Olympic Park.

    London is also a cultural capital, with two major opera houses,

    more than 150 theatres, over 200 museums and galleries, andfamous historic buildings from the Tower of London to the Housesof Parliament. And you can sample the cuisine and lifestyles of themany people from overseas who have settled in the British capitaland make up 40 per cent of the population. London, as was oncesaid, is the world in a city.


    Five international airports provide direct connections with hundredsof cities around the world, including other leading nancial centres.And high-speed rail services to Paris, Brussels and beyond meanthat European destinations can be reached as easily as Britainshistoric cities.

    London Business School isthe strongest brand name outthere. Being in London is amassive advantage becauseits a nancial powerhouse,very international and veryinnovative in terms of nancialproducts and structures.Nicolas Burdett (Spanish)Masters in Finance (part-time) 2010Assistant Fund Manager, Hydra Capital Management

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    241foreign banks4.1trillion in funds managed

    46%of the worldsderivative turnover

    37%of the global foreignexchange market

    95%+of the worlds metal trading300+languages spoken

    75%+of the top 500 globalcompanies haveLondon ofces

    The City of LondonA global nancial powerhouse

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    London Business School is full of opportunities to be inspired. It is a place whereexciting things happen.

    Learning from leaders

    Conferences, forums, lectures, summits, speaker series the list of

    events on campus is endless. Our reputation and location bring someof the most inspirational and thought-provoking leaders in the worldthrough our doors. Our students and alumni listen to, learn from and arechallenged by speakers from industry, government, nance, and media.

    Steve BallmerCEO, Microsoft

    Rt. Hon. Tony BlairUK Prime Minister

    Sir Richard Branson

    Founder, Virgin Group

    Rt. Hon. Gordon BrownUK Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Paul BulckeCEO, Nestl

    David CameronLeader of the Opposition, UKParliament

    Barbara CassaniChair, London 2012

    Bill ClintonFormer US President

    Vittorio ColaoChief Executive,Vodafone

    John ConnollyGlobal Chairman, Deloitte

    Rt. Hon. Alistair DarlingUK Chancellor of the Exchequer

    Lord Davies of Abersoch

    UK Minister for Trade,Investment and Business

    Evan DavisPresenter, BBC Radio 4sToday Programme

    Greg DykeDirector General, BBC

    Bill GatesCEO, Microsoft

    Honorable Al GoreFormer US Vice-President

    Stephen HesterCEO, Royal Bank of Scotland

    Baroness HoggChairman, 3i

    Jeff ImmeltChairman and CEO,General Electric

    Anshu JainHead of Global Markets,

    Deutsche BankBoris JohnsonMayor of London

    Ravi KantVice Chair, Tata Motors

    Bill RoedyChairman, MTV

    Xavier RoletCEO, London StockExchange

    Jon SnowPresenter, Channel 4 News

    George SorosInvestor, philanthropistand entrepreneur

    Sir Martin SorrellChairman, WPP

    Mark ThompsonDirector General, BBC

    Peter Voser

    CEO, Shell

    Tony WheelerCo-Founder,Lonely Planet

    Jack WelchFormer CEO, General Electric

    Jasmine WhitbreadCEO, Save the Children

    Andrew WittyCEO, GlaxoSmithKline

    NB: Speaker titles reectpositions at the time of theirLondon Business School visit.

    George Soros speaking recently at a student event

    Previous speakers include:

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    I love the fact that there areso many professional clubsand conferences at LondonBusiness School. Im alwaysreally impressed by the greatspeakers they get in.Sylvia Lu (Taiwanese)Masters in Finance (full-time) 2009Account Ofcer, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ

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    The Masters in Finance is designed for experienced nance professionals wishing toadvance their career.

    Is this programme right for you?

    Who is this programme for?

    The Masters in Finance programme is especially appropriate forthose working in:

    n investment, commercial and retail banking

    n investment management, hedge funds, security analysis and broking

    n the nance function of industrial, commercial and service organisations

    n capital markets, trading and risk management

    n corporate nance, venture capital and corporate restructuring

    n corporate planning and consultancy, where a detailed knowledgeof nance is required

    n accountancy rms, legal rms, property consultants, commoditybusinesses and investor relations specialists requiring an in-depthunderstanding of nance

    n nance roles in the public sector and not-for-prot organisations,such as local or national government, voluntary bodies andinternational institutions

    n central banks and regulatory bodies at a national or international level

    Am I eligible?

    You must have relevant work experience gained in nance or a closelyrelated eld such as corporate law, nancial journalism or IT in anancial institution. You should have experienced enough nancialtransactions to be able to contribute to cases discussed in class. Ifyou have been working in IT, you need to show signicant exposure tonance-related products.

    London Business Schools rigorous admissions process ensures thatyou study alongside a diverse class of the very best applicants whoseexperience is a major part of the overall learning experience. Theprogramme is not suitable for people without prior nance experiencewho are planning to make a career change into nance - a generalmanagement programme like our MBA is a more appropriate course ofstudy. But the Masters in Finance is an excellent choice if you want toexpand and deepen your nance knowledge.

    We seek the brightest and best individuals for whom the programmeis a good career t. You should have a good undergraduate degreeor equivalent qualication, preferably an upper class honours or GPAof approximately 3.5. Above all, you will need to demonstrate thecommitment, experience, motivation and potential to benet from, andcontribute to, the programme.

    To learn more about eligibility, please visit

    CV review service

    The Masters in Finance team will be happy to review your backgroundand provide you with personal feedback.

    You can upload your CV at Industry prior to programme

    Financial institutions 73%

    Industry and corporate 13%

    Consulting 10%

    Other 4%

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    We accept applications from September onwards for the programme starting in thefollowing year. We make interview decisions and offer places throughout the applicationcycle. Entry is competitive, so early application is strongly recommended.

    What should I do now?


    Applicants are required to take the Graduate Management AdmissionTest (GMAT). This measures general verbal and mathematical skills, andprovides an indication of the ability for clear and systematic thought. Formore information visit

    We may agree to accept the GRE test in place of GMAT (if the test wastaken less than ve years ago and you have achieved a high score).Please contact the MiF Admissions Team to discuss this further.


    The Masters in Finance is a signicant investment, so we adviseyou to research all avenues of funding as early as possible. TheLondon Business School scholarship portfolio has some outstanding

    scholarships available to help offset fees, ranging from 7,000 to32,000. In order to be considered for these awards, we stronglyencourage you to apply early.

    For more information, please visit

    Tuition fees

    Fees cover all tuition and course materials, and preparatorymodules for those who are required to attend them. For the latestfee information please visit

    Why not visit us?

    We hold regular information sessions at London Business Schooland in a number of cities worldwide. For information on where wewill be next, please visit

    The application process

    We run a staged admissions process throughout the year. Places on theprogramme are limited and we recommend that you apply early to avoiddisappointment.

    If you would like to speak to a member of the team about makingan application, please call +44 (0)20 7000 7512 or [email protected]

    Step 1 Submit documentationn Completed application form including personal statement

    n Current CV

    n Two personal references

    n Grades from your previous studies

    n Your GMAT score

    n Your score from a recognised English language test taken within thelast two years (if English is not your native language). You do notneed to submit an English test score if:

    - your undergraduate or postgraduate degree was conducted entirely inEnglish or in an English-speaking country (degrees must be two yearsor longer)

    - you have lived or worked in an English-speaking country for atleast two years since graduating from university.

    Step 2 Interview

    If you are shortlisted, we will arrange for you to be interviewed byone of our alumni either in London or in your country of residence.No applicant will be offered a place without attending a personal


    Step 3 Final decision

    When we have received the interviewers report, the AdmissionsCommittee can then make a nal decision on your application.

    To learn more about applying, please visit

    All admissions decisions are taken in accordance with best equal opportunities practice.

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    We offer a comprehensive portfolio of short nance programmes for experienced businessprofessionals.

    Other nance programmes at

    London Business School

    The power to analyse, evaluate and deliver results

    Our nance executive education programmes are designed to addressthe learning needs of both general managers and nance specialists atevery career stage.

    Gain the condence to use nancial information to make better businessdecisions or develop your understanding of a specic subject area togain the best results for your organisation and advance your career.

    Corporate Finance Programme Portfolion Accounting and Financial Analysis

    Learn how to use accounting data and nancial analysis techniquesto assess a companys strength and measure the return that acompany is earning on its capital. This programme also provides youwith a rm grounding in the issues relating to corporate governanceand key regulatory frameworks and their subsequent impact onnancial statements.

    n Valuation Equip yourself with the key valuation techniques required to correctlyappraise nancial decisions and accurately value companies. Uponcompletion of the programme you will be able to evaluate investmentprojects, and understand capital market behaviour, risk and the costof capital.

    n Funding, Risk and Restructuring Gain the tools you need to manage a companys nancial riskeffectively. The programme includes an in-depth analysis of mergersand acquisitions, restructuring, capital structure and company

    nancing options.n Advanced Corporate Finance

    Elevate your corporate nance decision making to an advanced andstrategic level. The programme covers both technical frameworks andpractical case studies which can be applied immediately.

    Investment Management Programmesn Equity Portfolio Management

    Examine the latest theories in equity investment and the practicalimplications for asset allocation, portfolio optimisation, riskmeasurement models of return and performance measurement.

    n Fixed Income Markets and Bond Portfolio Management Explore a wide array of xed income instruments, including

    government bonds, swaps and interest rate derivatives, as well ascollateralised bond obligations and other credit derivatives.

    n Derivatives: Markets and Models Gain the skills to become an informed user of derivatives and to avoidmisapplication. This programme introduces you to a wide variety ofderivative instruments and their characteristics.

    The Masterclass in Private Equity

    The Masterclass provides a holistic view of the private equity industryto give you a new, more dynamic insight into investments. Presented inassociation with the Coller Institute of Private Equity research group, thisprogramme delivers the latest empirical research and industry trends,combined with case studies from Europe, the USA, the Middle East andfrom other signicant emerging markets.

    Financing the Entrepreneurial BusinessGain the knowledge and practical skills to successfully navigate eachstage in the process of securing or providing investment for fastgrowth businesses. This programme is highly practical and interactive,providing you with the essential frameworks that can be applied atvarious stages of the deal cycle, from securing the initial investment,

    through to exit strategies.Project FinanceAssess how organisations use project nance to structure, value andnance high-scale projects and focus on the application of projectnancing techniques to real-life projects through a series of case studies.By the end of the programme, you will have gained a framework forunderstanding the many ways in which project nance can mitigatespecic risks and provide specic incentives, while also assessing thelimitations of project nance structures.

    Strategic Investment ManagementGain the knowledge and practical skills to successfully navigate eachstage in the process of securing or providing investment for fast

    growth businesses. This programme is highly practical and interactive,providing you with the essential frameworks that can be applied atvarious stages of the deal cycle, from securing the initial investment,through to exit strategies.

    Financial Seminar for Senior ManagersExpand your understanding of equity and xed income products,evaluate investment strategies and measure performance effectively.The interactive and practical format of the programme is designedto provide a skill set that is highly relevant to real-world investingactivities. You put what you learn into practice by participating in a fundmanagement simulation, using techniques learned at each stage of theprogramme.

    Find out more about our world renownednance executive education programmes:Website: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7000 7051 Email: [email protected]

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    Find out more For more information on our programmes and advice on the best solution for your professionaldevelopment needs, please visit or contact:

    Masters Programmes

    Telephone: +44 (0)20 7000 7500Email: [email protected]

    Executive Education

    Telephone: +44 (0)20 7000 7390Email: [email protected]

    The London Business School

    programme portfolio

    Masters in Management12 months / Full-time / London

    For recent graduates with less than one year of full-time postgraduate corporate workexperience or with less than two years in a non-traditional business role.

    MBA15 - 21 months / Full-time / LondonFor individuals who are looking to make a vertical shift in their career path, changeindustry or job function, or develop an entrepreneurial toolkit.

    Masters in Finance10 - 16 or 22 months / Full-time or weekend / LondonFor individuals wishing to advance their career or change their area within nance.

    Executive MBA20 months / Study whilst working full-time / London or DubaiDesigned for those who want to accelerate their career into general management or movebeyond their technical or functional specialism.

    EMBA-Global Americas and Europe20 months / Study whilst working full-time / London and New YorkFor dynamic, mid-career managers and professionals who are highly ambitious and have,or aspire to have, transnational responsibilities.

    EMBA-Global Asia20 months / Study whilst working full-time / Hong KongFor dynamic, globally-focused executives and managers wishing to deepen theirunderstanding of western and eastern business practices.

    Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy 12 months / Full-time / LondonDesigned to prepare experienced senior managers for their next career challenge.

    Executive EducationOur Executive Education portfolio comprises both open enrolment and company specicprogrammes. Open programmes range from two days to four weeks in length and spanGeneral Management, Finance, HR, Leadership, Strategic Marketing and Strategy.

    RecentgraduateDuration / Format / Primary study location




    Course details and other information provided in this brochure are correct at time of goingto print. London Business School reserves the right to make changes at any time.

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    London Business SchoolRegents ParkLondon NW1 4SA