materi bahasa inggris untuk smp

I. Listen and repeat your teacher! Dam Beach Lake Cave Swimming pool Temple Mountain Water fall Park Bridge Museum Zoo English Book for 6 th Grade of Elementary School Page 9 Unit 1 Tourism Place Listening

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Page 1: materi bahasa inggris untuk SMP

I. Listen and repeat your teacher!

Dam Beach Lake

Cave Swimming pool Temple

Mountain Water fall Park

Bridge Museum Zoo

E n g l i s h B o o k f o r 6 t h G r a d e o f E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l Page 9

Unit 1

Tourism Place

Unit 1

Tourism Place


Page 2: materi bahasa inggris untuk SMP

Playground Grave yardWater park

II. Listen and fill in the missing letters bellow!

1. T_ _ p _ e

2. B _ a _ _

3. W _ t _ r _a _ l

4. _ u _ _ u m

5. M o _ n _ _ i n

6. L _ _ e

7. _ a r _

8. G _ a _ _ y a _ d

9. _ a v _

10. S _ i _ m _ n _ p _ ol

III. Listen and give check (√) to the correct word!

1. Beach


2. Dam


3. Museum


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4. Waterfall

Water Park

5. Play ground

Grave yard

Let’s practice!

1. Adi : Where will you go next holiday?

Rado : I will go to Magetan. I want to see Sarangan Lake.

2. Jimmy : Where will you go tomorrow?

Firdaus : I will go to swimming pool. I want to swim.

3. Indah : Where will your parents go next week?

Putri : They will go to Kediri. They want to see Kelud Mountain.

4. Dyah : Where will Nana go tomorrow?

Ika : She will go to Trenggalek. She wants to see Prigi beach

5. Diana : Where will Fajar go next Sunday?

Wahyu : He will go to Blitar. He wants to see Soekarno grave yard.

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B. SpeakingB. Speaking

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I. Read following text carefully!

Wonorejo Dam

Wonorejo dam is in the west side of Tulungagung. The location is in the

Wonorejo village which is involved in Tulungagung area. The distance is about 12 km

from the Tulungagung. The dam which is considered as the biggest dam in south East

Asia, have many functions, such as irrigation, tourism place and water sport which is

completed with home stay, park, fishing area, speed boat, hotel, and stage for

traditional art. The water of dam which calm and blue make comforts everyone that

visit Wonorejo Dam. The cool situation in the one of the biggest dam in South East

Asia is as beautiful as with the natural situation in the surrounding which full of


II. Write T (True) or F (False) in the box!

1. Wonorejo is the name of swimming pool. ( )

2. Wonorejo Dam is in the east side of Tulungagung. ( )

3. Wonorejo Dam is the biggest dam in Indonesia. ( )

4. We can swim in Wonorejo Dam. ( )

5. The visitor can fishing in Wonorejo Dam. ( )

6. The air in the Wonorejo Dam is cool. ( )

7. There is hotel in Wonorejo Dam. ( )

8. The distance of Wonorejo Dam is about 12 km from Tulungagung. ( )

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9. Wonorejo Dam is in the Tulungagung Village. ( )

10. The water of Wonorejo dam is muddy. ( )

III. Answer the questions below!

1. Where is location of Wonorejo Dam?

2. How long the distance of Wonorejo Dam from Tulungagung?

3. Mention the functions of Wonorejo Dam!

4. Mention the facilitations which are given in Wonorejo Dam!

5. How the air in Wonorejo Dam?

I. Make questions and answers from the pictures given!

Example :

Erly …………… tomorrow

Q : Where will Erly go tomorrow?













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ts to


Karanggoso Beach

Guwo Lowo Cave

Budi …………….next holiday.

Q : ……………………………..

A : …………………………......

Soekarno Grave Yard

Tanti…………….next month.

Q : ……………………………

A : ……………………………

Kelud Mountain

Abbas……………next week.

Q : ……………………………

A : ……………………………

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Sarangan Lake

Ana and Ani…………… Sunday.

Q : ……………………………..

A : ……………………………..

Wonorejo Dam

Eni and anwar………… tomorrow.

Q : …………………………….

A : …………………………….

II. Make a list of recreation objects you have known!


1. ……………………………….........

2. ……………………………….........

3. ……………………………….........

4. ……………………………….........


1. ………………………………..

2. ……………………………….

3. ………………………………..

4. ………………………………..

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Swimming Pool

1. ……………………………….......

2. ……………………………….......

3. ……………………………….......

4. ……………………………….......


1. ……………………………...........

2. ……………………………...........

3. ……………………………...........

4. ……………………………...........


1. ……………………………..

2. ……………………………..

3. ……………………………..

4. ……………………………..


1. ……………………………..

2. ……………………………..

3. ……………………………..

4. ……………………………..

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Success is a journey, not a destination.

Sukses adalah sebuah perjalanan, bukan tujuan akhir.

~ Ben Sweetland

Success is a journey, not a destination.

Sukses adalah sebuah perjalanan, bukan tujuan akhir.

~ Ben Sweetland

Page 9: materi bahasa inggris untuk SMP

I. Listen and repeat!

car Motorcycle Bicycle

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Unit 2


Unit 2



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taxi Pedicab train

aero plane Ship truck


II. Listen and fill in missing letter below!

1. C _ r

2. _ u s

3. P _ d _ c _ p

4. A _ _ o _ la _ ne

5. T _ _ ck

6. T _ ai _

7. T _ _ i

8. _ h _ p

9. B _ c _ _ le

10. _ o _ o _ cy _ _e

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III. Listen and give check (√) to the correct word!

1. Bicycle


2 Car


3 Train

Aero plane

4 Ship


5 Taxi


Let’s practice!

1. Ana : How do you go to Surabaya?

Budi : I go to Surabaya by Bus.

2. Andre : How do you go to Bali?

Sule : I go to Bali by aero plane.

3. Emon : How do you go to Jakarta?

Susan : I go to Jakarta by train.

4. Upin : How does Mey go to school?

Ipin : She goes to school by bicycle.

5. Nobita : How does Sizuka go to market?

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B. SpeakingB. Speaking

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Suneo : She goes to market by Taxi.

I. Let’s read!

Bicycles and life

The bicycle was a truly exciting machine when it was first invented over a

century ago; it was improved with every passing. A bike has many advantages- it is

the most energy efficient form of transport on earth, it is healthy, non-polluting,

economical and safe, but it's most unique, outstanding and enjoyable quality is that a

bike is totally personal.

The experience is unlike anything that you encounter while you are bicycling.

Swooping around corners, the wind rushing against your face and through your hair,

the smells of grass, of morning bakeries and evening dew is sensational. Moving your

legs steadily and evenly, you create and experience both rhythm and pace. When you

bite hard into the pedals the power and speed you create are totally yours.

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Exciting = menggembirakan, mengasikkan

Invented = diciptakan

Improved = dikembangkan

Advantage= manfaat

Healthy = sehat

Safe = aman

Experience = pengalaman

Unlike = tidak seperti

Against = berlawanan

Moving = menggerakkan

Bite = menekan


Exciting = menggembirakan, mengasikkan

Invented = diciptakan

Improved = dikembangkan

Advantage= manfaat

Healthy = sehat

Safe = aman

Experience = pengalaman

Unlike = tidak seperti

Against = berlawanan

Moving = menggerakkan

Bite = menekan


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II. Answer the questions below!

1. When was the bicycle invented?

2. What do the advantages of bike?

3. What do the experiences will be got while you are bicycling?

4. Can you move your leg evenly when you are bicycling?

5. Does bicycle consider as non-polluting machine?

I. Mention kinds of tranportation have you known involved in :

1. Air

a. ................

b. ................

c. .................

d. .................

2. Land

a. ..................

b. ..................

c. ..................

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d. ..................

3. Water

a. ..................

b. ..................

c. ..................

d. ..................

II. Explain what have you known about the transportation below!

Example :

aero plane

Aero plane is air transportation.

The driver is called as pilot.

Aero plane has 2 wings.

Aero plane start and finish in airport.

1. Bicycle





2. Ship





3. Train


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4. Pedicab





5. Bus





I. Listen and repeat!

Bull Race (Madura)Reog Dance (Ponorogo) Angklung (West Java)

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Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

Teman adalah keluarga yang kita pilih sendiri untuk diri kita.

~ Edna Buchanan

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

Teman adalah keluarga yang kita pilih sendiri untuk diri kita.

~ Edna Buchanan

Unit 3

Culture in Indonesia

Unit 3

Culture in Indonesia


Page 16: materi bahasa inggris untuk SMP

Wayang Kulit(Central Java) Ludruk (East Java) Remo Dance (East Java)

Pendet Dance (Bali) Jaipong Dance (West Java) Kecak Dance (Bali)

Jaranan Dance (East Java)

II. Listen and fill in the missing letter bellow!

1. S _ r _ m _ _ i d _ n _ _

2. _ a _ _ on _ d _ n _ e

3. L _ d _ _ k

4. W _ y _ _ g k _ l _ _-

5. _ ng _ _ _

6. J _ r _ n _ _

7. K _ c _ k _ a _ ce

8. B _ ll _ a _ e

9. R _ _ o _ an _ _

10. P _ nd _ _ _ a _ c_

I. Let’s speak!

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B. SpeakingB. Speaking

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1. Bernard : What does the traditional art from Madura?

Pablo : The traditional art from Madura is bull race.

2. Tom : What does the traditional art from Tulungagung?

Jerry : The traditional art from Tulungagung is Tiban.

3. Rama : What do the traditional art from Bali?

Sinta : The traditional art from Bali are kecak dance and pendet

dance there.

4. Oni : What do the traditional art from East Java?

Angie : The traditional art from East Java are jaranan dance

and remo dance.

5. Pokemon : What does the traditional art from Central Java?

Doraemon : The traditional art from Central Java is wayang kulit.

II. Do a conversation with your friends. Use the pattern bellow!

1. Jaranan A : Where is jaranan from?

B : it’s from East Java.

2. Remo dance A :…………………………

B :…………………………

3. Bullrace A :…………………………

B : ………………………...

4. Reog dance A : ………………………...

B : ………………………...

5. Kecak dance A : ………………………...

B : ………………………...

6. Jaipong dance A : ………………………..

B : ………………………..

7. Ludruk A : ………………………..

B : ………………………..

8. Tiban dance A : ………………………..

B : ………………………..

9. Wayang kulit A : ………………………..

B : ………………………..

10. Angklung A : ………………………..

B : ………………………..

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I. Let’s read!

Reog Dance

Reog is a traditional and terrifying dance. It is from Ponorogo. That’s why,

it’s called Reog Ponorogo. The dance needs a big and very beautiful mask. It is made

of beautiful peacock’s feathers. Every year the people in Ponorogo celebrate their

annual party.

They thank to God for their successful harvest. They celebrate the party by;

playing reog. In the dance, the dancer eats glasses, chickens, fruits, stones, plants,

mise, and sand. It is dangerous dance.

They dance reog by magic power. All the players are very professional. They

are not afraid of doing the dangerous dance. Children usually stay away from the

dancer, because it can hurt them if they stand too close. Do you want to see Reog



E n g l i s h B o o k f o r 6 t h G r a d e o f E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l Page 9

Terrifying = mengerikanNeed = memerlukanMask = topengPeacock = burung merakMade of = terbuat dariCelebrate = merayakanAnnual = tahunan Dangerous = bahayaAfraid = takutStay away = menjauh

Terrifying = mengerikanNeed = memerlukanMask = topengPeacock = burung merakMade of = terbuat dariCelebrate = merayakanAnnual = tahunan Dangerous = bahayaAfraid = takutStay away = menjauh


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II. Answer the questions bellow!

1. What is the mask made of?

2. Where is reog dance from?

3. When do the Ponorogo people play the dance?

4. How is reog dance?

5. What do the dancers eat?

6. What do the reog dancers need?

7. Can the dancers hurt children?

8. Why do the Ponorogo people play the dance?

9. What should the children do when they watch the dance?

10. Do the dancers eat books and pencils?

III. Read and complete the text bellow!


Tiban is 1. …………… art from 2. …………………… This dance held

when long dry 3. 3 ………………., because the dance used as the 4. ………… to

ask the rain. Before the dance is started, the 5. …………… are gathered. They are

divided in to two 6. .……….. Each group is leaded by a 7. . …………….. called

landing or plandang. He acts as referee. While each dancer dances with their 8.

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………….., one by one compete their supernatural by using 9. ………….. The

whip used is 10. ………. From palm leaf rib which is called ujung.

I. Arrange the words in to good sentences!

1. traditional - is - ? – art – Tiban – Tulungagung – a – from

2. is – from – angklung – Wast java – art - traditional

3. who – man – plays – kulit – woman – a – is – dalang – or – wayang

4. go – sinta – Bali – and – see – kecak – Jojo – to – dance – to

5. dance – Tulungagung – is – what – traditional – from - ?

6. see – can – Madura – we - ? – in – what

7. jaranan – dance – is - senterewe – traditional – Tulungagung – from

8. you - ? – know – do – serimpi – dance – about –

9. is – dance – from – what – traditional - ? – Trenggalek

10. see – West Java - jaipong – can – we – dance – in

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Helping words



Helping words



The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Cara memulai adalah dengan berhenti berbicara dan mulai melakukan.

~ Walt Disney

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Cara memulai adalah dengan berhenti berbicara dan mulai melakukan.

~ Walt Disney
