mathilde guérin - university of la rochelle · memorandum of understanding between esup-portail,...

January 30-31, 2013 Mathilde Guérin - University of La Rochelle

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Page 1: Mathilde Guérin - University of La Rochelle · Memorandum of Understanding between ESUP-Portail, Jasig and the Sakai Foundation EuroSakai 2013 13 . esup-uportal EuroSakai 2013 14

January 30-31, 2013

Mathilde Guérin - University of La Rochelle

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Goals & Strategy

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  Overview   launching of the “Digital working

space” (ENT) project   70 members in France   80% of French students and establishments

staff use our platform to access services and information

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  Objectives   Facilitate learning and campus life for

students... but also the daily work of the staff members

  Pool the development of digital services to divide costs between universities

  Share technological evolutions and new services amongst the members

  Imagine and plan the evolutions of the French students' personal portal (Espace Numérique de Travail - ENT)

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  Some of the main services that have already been deployed so far:   access to LMS   staff members’ personal file   selective admission management for staff members

and internship candidates   student electronic office   digital community management   mobile services for smartphones   integration of Content Management System (CMS) in

the students' personal portal

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  Strategy   Solutions are open-source to enable a

constant evolution of tools and services   Assure the perpetuity, the adaptability of

our work   Each establishment can adapt the

technological groundwork to fit its own strategy and needs

  Collaborate with other consortiums such as Jasig and Sakai

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  Give access to the Information System depending on the user's profile

  Integration of e-learning platform, access to pedagogical services, integration of documentation components…

  Encourage team brain work and sharing of experience/feedback

  Support on the standards

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  Organization   Director of the consortium: Alain Mayeur   Strategic board composed of 9 people   Technical Coordination Team:

  14 collaborators

  Gatherings held throughout the year   Support and financial contributions from the

Ministry of Higher Education and Research

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  Working Groups   Work regarding uPortal: package, tutorial, etc.   Portal/CMS   Communication (mail, calendar, digital desktop)   ESUP-Mobile   ECM-Nuxeo   IHM (ergonomics, look-n-feel, etc.)   OAE Sakai Working Group   ...

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  Framework for development: ESUP-Commons2   Servlet/Portlet, web mobile

  Contribution of universities and engineering schools (development)

  Lively community, encouraging debate   Mailing lists and Wiki   ESUP-Days: 2 conferences a year in Paris

  more than 100 participants each time

  #15 on January 31st 2013

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  Trainings to help members acquire or improve their technical skills

  Offered by ESUP-Portail members:   esup-commons-v2 (followed by 90 developers)


  Provided by external companies:   HTML5 / CSS3

  jQuery (UI, mobile, etc.)

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  Relationship with Jasig and Sakai Apereo   Increasing our Jasig/ESUP collaboration for the

last 6 years   Work regarding Jasig solutions

  Work regarding Sakai solutions

  October 2012: the three parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding between ESUP-Portail, Jasig and the Sakai Foundation

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  Packaging & configuration   Create French package of uPortal (Jasig)   Centralize configuration properties into one

file and/or encourage the use of runtime environment properties

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  Internationalization   Improve French messages   Translate useful data in existing entities   Design adaption for French portals

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  Shibboleth   Facilitate Shibboleth integration

  Documentation   Configuration

  Proxy CAS Authentication   Grouper

  Documentation / Best Practices   Suggestion of “generic group structure”

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  Web Services •  “Export” of groups and user attributes… • … usable from portlets

  Monitoring Servlet • Real-time data on portal status

  Memory, Threads,…

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  Support • Documentation / FAQ

  Data migration, layout management,… • Continuous support (French mailing-lists) • Recommendations / Best practices

  Infrastructure, What (not) to do?, How to upgrade,…

•  Find French companies to identify as “privileged partners” for portal deployment

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  esup-uportal4-v1.0 • Release: March 2013 •  First production deployment: Spring 2013 • Widespread adoption: September 2013 and


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  HCI & UI   Create new skins   Tutorial on how to custom the design   Find French companies to identify as

“privileged partners” for design customization

  Reflection on usability, ergonomics and accessibility

  Identify most used customization and integrate them

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  French packaging? •  Nothing planned for now

  Internationalization •  French messages

  Development •  Patches

•  New features

•  uPortal optimization to facilitate uMobile dev.

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  Examples of new modules • Recommendations & tips

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• Geolocation

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• Augmented reality

•  Demo available on the uMobile’s Youtube channel: “Extending uMobile with Augmented Reality”

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GPS position Range of vision FOV Visible buildings Buildings out of FOV

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  Deployment in France   Waiting for the esup-uportal-v4 package   First production deployment: not before

Summer 2013   Widespread adoption: Jan. 2014 and beyond

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  esup-twitter •  v0.6 (March 2012) •  To follow someone’s tweets

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  esup-lecture •  v2.0.0 (August 2012) •  Aggregates XML feeds (RSS, RDF, …) and

handles the users' preferences (subscription, (un)read items,...)

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  esup-filemanager •  v2.2.2 (November 2012) •  Lets the user access (and manage) their

homedirs (up/download, rename, delete, move, ...)

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The How and the Why

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  The How •  The new GIYF: “Google Git(Hub) Is Your Friend”

•  Contributing in mailing-lists

•  JIRA tickets

•  Joining specific WGs

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EsupPortail jasig


Pull request

Pull request



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  The Why • Uhmmm... •  ... • Go back to the beginning of this

presentation and you’ll find out!


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2013 and beyond...

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  Objectives •  New French esup-uportal package

•  Customized skins (uPortal, OAE, etc.)

•  New features/services

• …

•  And increase collaboration with Jasig and Sakai Apereo !

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