mátrabérc trail 2016 (english version)


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Page 1: Mátrabérc Trail 2016 (English version)


Page 2: Mátrabérc Trail 2016 (English version)
Page 3: Mátrabérc Trail 2016 (English version)

The Mátrabérc Endurance Tour has been or-ganized by the Kolos Hanák Hiker Associa-tion since 1987. The track of the tour, which goes through the whole mountain from east to west, follows the main ridge of the Mátra. 99 % of the trace is trail, four fi fth of it is usually one-track ridge, with amazing diver-sifi ed view. One of the major characteristics of the whole distance is the various altitude, which is relatively big in comparison with other trails in Hungary. Thanks to these fea-tures Mátrabérc became one of the most frequented and prestigious endurance tours of Hungary during the past few decades. At the same time with the Mátrabérc En-durance Tour two other tours have been organised. One of them is the Kolos Hanák Endurance Tour between Kékes and Szur-dokpüspöki since 1991. The other one is the Muzsla Endurance Tour between Galyatető and Szurdokpüspöki since 2005.

through the ridge of the mátra

Page 4: Mátrabérc Trail 2016 (English version)

More and more people took part in the Endurance Tour-at a run-in contest with each other or themselves for the better results. The fastest runners were usually the best trail run-ners of Hungary, which meant serious prestige for the win-ners. During the past few years the number of trail runners was getting higher and higher in Hungary. That’s why it was claimed to have “real challenging” contests. Most of them regarded the races in the Alps-especially the French and Italian ones- exemplary. For a long time they haven’t had a chance to fulfi l the distance among race conditions although, it was one of the trails in Hungary which had the best features. In order to satisfy this demand-on the trace of the Endurance Tour-the Mátrabérc Trail Running race was born in 2010, where everybody can try out his abilities by running through the highest mountain of the country. The fame of the race soon crossed the coun-try’s borders, which is proved by the increasing number of the international fi eld year by year.

the race

Page 5: Mátrabérc Trail 2016 (English version)

27,6km 1130m 5hours10amszurdokpüspökimuzsLa TraiL

54km 2800m 10hours8amkőkútpusztamÁTraBÉrC TraiLdistance elevation time limitstart timestart atrace

details and informations 16-17 apriL 2016

winners 2015 – 54 km / 27 km

miklós kiss lászló szakálDr. EmőkE Paál BarBara vincze

6:08’03” 2:54’22”5:10’35” 2:26’32”

10,2 km 19 km 23,2 km 29,3 km 33,4 km 37,8 km 41,1 km 47 km

20,6 km11,1 km

0 km 54 km

oroszlánvár(600 m)

kékEstEtő(1014 m)

csór-hegy(730 m)

galyatEtő(960 m)

Vörös-kő(780 m)

ágasvár(790 m)

muzsla(805 m)

muzsla(805 m)

szurDokPüsPöki(144 m)

mátrakeresztes(392 m)

kőkútPuszta(158 m)

10,2 km

11,1 km 3,6 km 5,9 km 7 km

8,8 km 4,2 km 6,1 km 4,1 km 4,4 km 3,3 km 5,9 km 7 km

27,6 km0 km 14,7 km

mátrakeresztes(392 m)

HiDEgkúti tH.(642 m)

szurDokPüsPöki(144 m)szurDokPüsPöki

(144 m)

Page 6: Mátrabérc Trail 2016 (English version)

The Mátra-mountains, as part of the North-Hungarian Mountain, belong to the biggest volcanic range of Europe. Although it’s not the longest-range of Hungary, the two highest peaks of the country, Kékes (1014m) and Galya-tető ( 965m) can be found here,surrounded by the valley of Tarna and Zagyva. The Mátra can be divided into several parts.From the south-west it starts with the volcanic peak of Nagy-Hársas,which is situated above Jobbágyi village. To the north of Nagy-Hársas we can fi nd foothills, which are getting higher and higher until they reach their highest peak with Muzsla in the western part of the Mátra. The so-called „ Central-Mátra” consists of the plateau of Mátrabérc and the volcanic peaks of Galya-tető and Kékes.

Steep, closed hillsides with stones and offal vary with beech forests. To the south there are parallel valleys, among them the so-called „ Nagy-Völgy” has the most signifi cant landscape characteristics. At the same time with the valley of Nagy-patak the „main-entrance” of the Mátra was evolved, which extends between Mátrafüred and Mátraháza. From the vineyards of the lower parts of the Mátra we can reach the upland forests almost without transition. To the east Saskő peak (898m) can be found and it is followed by the peaks of eastern-Mátra with their 650-750 m heights. The northern part of the mountain is called the „ Foot of the Mátra”.It’s a cultivated forestry with small (250-400m) volcanic hills.

the mátra

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