maui monthly magazine, issue #100 - august 2013

August 2013, Maui, Hawaii 100

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It’s the 100th issue! "100... a century in cricket, a century on the calendar, the years of charter of the Federal Reserve, some numbers on green paper, a really big number until you live with someone who is halfway to being 99 and still going strong. Mom always brings everything into perspective when it comes to time. And the MauiSails Monthly magazine should also, at least in terms of representing our gritty survival. " - Barry Spanier


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August 2013, Maui, Hawaii


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IT’S THE 100TH ISSUE "100... a century in cricket, a century on the calendar, the years of

charter of the Federal Reserve, some numbers on green paper, a really big number until you live with someone who is halfway to being 99 and still going strong. Mom always brings everything into perspective when it comes to time. And the MauiSails Monthly magazine should also, at

least in terms of representing our gritty survival. " - Barry Spanier

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Camille Juban beat the record of the longest duration surfing a wave – windsurfed at Chicama Peru!! Waiting for the real report about this feat, here is a short notice!!

On Monday 19th August 2013 at 16h24min, Camille JUBAN realized the World Record the longest duration windsurfing a wave with a time of 07min03sec on the mythic wave of Chicama Peru.

In September 2012, Peruvian surfer Cristobal de Col performed 34 carved turns on a single, at Chicama. His wave lasted 2 minutes and 20 seconds and put him in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The Peruvian gem of Chicama is located halfway between Lima and the border of Ecuador. It is considered one of the longest waves in the world. In theory, surfers can ride a wave for 2.5 miles (4 kilometers).

Ludivine -

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El Faro, Pacasmayo is well known as one of the most consistent waveriding spot along the Peruan coast. The lefthander breaks throughout the whole year, but delivers the best conditions through the south American winter in July and August. And just at this period, when the Pacific swell can break mast high and wind gets a 25 knots+, the AWT ran their 4th tour stop of the season, the Pacasmayo Classic 2013. The event not only counts for the AWT overall ranking, it as well counts for the IFCA South American Wave title.

Day 2 already brought excellent conditions for the pros. “We started early and ended late. Conditions offered up strong winds, long peeling lefts, and plenty of action for the spectators to watch. Waves were overhead and most riders were using 4.7 and 5.0 meter sails.” Chris Freeman, the race director stated.


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As the day went on, the wind picked up and the moves got bigger. Judging was difficult because all the riders sailed so well. We saw big Aerials, powerful turns, and some really impressive wave moves, such as Camille Juban’s flawlessly executed Goiter in the winners Final. MauiSails teamrider Camille racked up one of the highest point totals in an AWT heat ever, with a perfect 10 from one judge, and high 9’s from all the others. The 23 year old world class wave sailor from Guadeloupe showed his superior wave riding skills, and was crowned 2013 Pacasmayo Classic Champion at the end of the second event day. He now won the third event in a row after victories at Pistol River, Oregon and Punta San Carlos, Baja California.

"The AWT Pacasmayo Classic 2013 is another success for the AWT Pro division, Chris Freeman the Head Judge made a good call to focus just on the one division on the second day of the contest with really good if challenging conditions. It was great to sail with riders from many countries including, Brazil, Peru, Chile, USA, UK and Italy as well as my younger brother Tom who impresses me every time he sails. I was really happy for Tom that he could get the 4th place not far behind me, I’d better watch out next time as he is not far behind!" - said Camile Juban.

Source :

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Tag your MauiSails photo on Facebook with MauiSails Hawaii and we publish it in next Maui Monthly issue.

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100... a century in cricket, a century on the calendar, the years of charter of the Federal Reserve, some numbers on green paper, a really big number until you live with someone who is halfway to being 99 and still going strong. Mom always brings everything into perspective when it comes to time. And the MauiSails Monthly magazine should also, at least in terms of representing our gritty survival.

100 for us means eight years and four months of doing our good work and bringing some very good things to the world. It was tough in the beginning but as we grew, it all got better and better until today, where I see a long list of products that are equal or above anything available. We have a designer, Art Szpunar, who I trust as the best there is for both his skill and his dedication, to the mere act of making it better. Our office is efficiently run by the wonderful Caroline Branch, and we have a small group of sailors who have chosen to represent us faithfully and inspire a core of happy and satisfied users. In the whole, lots to be pleased about.

We made it this far. Not many know that the first iteration of MauiSails as a brand never went to 100 months.


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Formed in 1978 as a yacht sail business, MauiSails soon found itself immersed and absorbed into the windsurfing world, and by 1982 it became only a persistent memory while aiding the growth of the Neil Pryde brand. By 1986, those eight years, only the insiders knew of MauiSails as an identity, as we became the exclusive design group for the huge monied manufacturer. So our eight year and four month ‘life’ is still quite new to us.

Here we are now, past the 2012 hump, reaching into the future rather than the past, and continuing to do what we can to make the best of everything. This month of August 2013 has been mostly as normal, with Art coming up with a new Pursuit outline that rocks the concept of RAF and will make these already hot performing sails move up another level, tweaking Titans to bring them all into line

for performance attributes, and driving the latest TR Race sails to refinement. Phil was able to demonstrate a dominate level of performance by winning the US Nationals in handy fashion, and being there to help the growing number of MauiSail racers, many who improved personal results as well. We have been doing a lot of work with cloth suppliers to create a material that will give us an advantage both in the store and on the course and are seeing them come together, a bit slower to hit the road, but faster when they do. Art is also pushing the mast development with Phil to make sure we have made our drive to improve durability without compromising any of our core shaping and handling values. As always we strive for consistency and being predictable year to year.

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A big shout out to Camille Juban too for his constant improvement and drive to do interesting things in the world of wave sailing. I’m absolutely sure that his effort to set a record for the longest wave ride ever (Guinness Book of Records) was made far easier because he had his Mutant wave sails to drive it home. The character of the Mutant (super compact, extra light weight, massive power for size, gentle handling) all contributed to his ability to make endless turns without stalling or falling. His skill, his equipment, all tops. And a fine contest record as well, winning AWT events along the way. Great job Camille.

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Cornelia was treated to a beautiful day on the water and we were joined again by Fred Haywood, always a pleasure to spend time remembering all the fun we had breaking records and following the wind looking for speed. No speed on this day though, just soft breeze, good friends, and plenty of beer.

Here’s to 100 more!Thank you all and ALOHA

Barry Spanier

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The month started with me returning back home from Fuerteventura PWA World Cup freestyle. After two days back on Bonaire I flew to Curaçao to compete in the Endless Summer Sport and Festival where i took the 1st place in the slalom men discipline using my TR9xt 7.6 and Isonic 107 and also did a good show freestyling for the crowd at the beach.


Photo by C



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After that I spent one week on Bonaire before heading to Holland for the The Mission XL festival at Brouwersdam where it was fun to be able to just be there for the fans and to give them a great tow in session show together with my brother, Tonky, and many other top freestylers. I was on the Loco Pro 4.8 and Starboard Flare 91. After that I flew back to Bonaire to find out that Theo, a 9 year old friend I met just two months ago passed away due to cancer :( It’s sad, so sad, it hurt me a lot, so i flew back to Curaçao to his funeral. RIP my little friend, just to let you know that his video of him jibing with just one hand, with him first time windsurfing, reached more then 65.000 people and hundreds of likes.

After that I flew back to Bonaire and having no wind on Bonaire i got back to working at fixing windsurf boards at the windsurf school:) Well that’s it for now. Will get back to you soon on my next PWA Freestyle event in Holland.

CiaoTaty Frans

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The first week of August was spent doing my final packing of my house after selling it and getting ready to leave Maui for a few months. After we decided to sell out house in Maui me and the family decided to pack up for a while and head back to my roots in Utah. I figured this would be a good idea to be closer to Europe for the last two events of the year and go back to Utah and try to find some good sailing and hang out with family and friends till January 1st when we will all head back to Maui.

After the big move I only had a few days in Utah before heading to Turkey early to try and get some sailing and tuning in before the event started. It was actually pretty nice flying from Utah to Turkey and not having that one extra long leg in there, I felt much better when I arrived in Europe. The same went for the return back to Utah, not having that extra leg back to Maui made the flight a lot easier.


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Even though Turkey didn’t go as planned I still felt like I had some positive moments there and I really think if not for the big crash in the second round I could have had a much higher finish. All in all it has been a pretty up and down year for me and for a lot of other racers. With generally not that great of racing conditions at the events so far this year it has been hard to really get in a groove or really learn to much about your gear. And with only one event left in Sylt it is going to be a pretty untelling year, not to take anything away from anyone it has just been one of those years.

Oh well I am looking forward to getting back to Maui early September for some TR10 testing. Looks like there will be some changes in store for the new sails, some big things and some not so big things. Hope to maybe even have a few pics of the new designs in the next few weeks, maybe just some sneak peeks!! I guess this depends on if the ideas for the new sails work or not;) I am sure they will just hope we don’t have to make to many iterations to get where we want to be.

AlohaMicah Buzianis

Photos by Carter/PWA

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Winning at the Quatro Desert Showdown in San Carlos was a great experience because the conditions were really good and the battle between all the good guys like Kevin Pritchard, Keith Teboul, Morgan Noireaux, Bernd and Levi was important for me.

So after I won this the pressure went down and I decided to go to Abreojos which is another 9h drive down from San Carlos. I went there with Marc Bitoun, the current AWT Amateur leader, his brother Alex Bitoun, who live in Maui, and Mike Archer, one of the judges on the tour that I met in one of the contest. We didn’t get a big nice swell but we had at least 2 to 3 foot everyday and logo high on the best day. It was perfect to try my new 2014 Mutant and also try to be more consistent on my moves as i was just free sailing with out any pressure. We had a great week but we had to head up to LA for couple days at Casey’s house before Peru. During that time casey gave me one of his Xenser cases, which is kind of a GPS to calculate all the trajectory of a jump or when you ride a wave. This was for a project that my brother and I had in mind for a long time and now I can finally communicate about it.

The project was to make a new official world record of the longest wave ride in windsurfing. Chicama is (for me) the longest wave in the world and it’s only an hour away from Pacasmayo in Peru so my familly and a film crew joined me there fifteen days before the contest in Pacasmayo. In 15 days we had lot of good days of surfing and sailing, but only one day where we could try that record on the 19th of August. Waves were good that day but the problem over there is the wind because it’s really light, offshore and really gusty and sometimes it was impossible to stay on the wave because of that.

My brother had a wave of more then three minutes in the beginning of the session so I just took my time and tried to choose the best one for it. At around 4:30 pm i had one, and I rode it for 7 min 03s and probably for more than 3 km. In the end of this ride I just couldn’t believe it but I knew that it would be hard to do better. There is lot of paperwork for the record to be official so it’s gonna take a month for the Guinness World Records to confirm, but if it works I’m gonna have my name in the Guinness World Record book.

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AUGUST IN SOUTH AMERICA After that we tried to get some more surfing and windsurfing footage in Chicama until the contest. We arrived in Pacasmayo one day before the contest and the Pro division ran the day after. As my bro and I knew the wave from last year we were pretty confident and both went in the four man semi-final. My brother sailed really good but the experience of Kevin Pritchard paid and he was ripping. So Tom got 4th right behind KP and the surprise was this unknown guy from Chile who went in the man to man final with me. He was sailing really good but i had one long wave with some airs and a goiter in the end so I think that’s what made the difference.

August in South America was another great experience and a successful trip...

Camille Juban

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After the AWT Quatro desert showdown I returned to Hood River but couldn’t stop thinking of how awesome Baja was and how I just wanted to wave sail again. It became clear to me that I needed to make the Peru trip happen and scheduled myself solid at work so I could take the end of the month off and go to the 4th stop of the AWT tour; the Pacasmayo event.

August in the Gorge was kind of quiet this year anyways. We had a few windy days, but with the river being so low, it didn’t generate much swell and didn’t allow for much jumping action. I did get a few sessions on my 3.5 legend and got to try my new fanatic triwave 69 L which I couldn’t wait to take in the waves.

So came the 20th, I left for the Portland airport and arrived in Lima that same night. I met up with a few friends from the AWT and we toured around Lima for a day to then took the 14 hour over night bus ride to Pascamayo. It was quite an adventure and we pulled in to the “El Faro Resort” at 11 am to see awesome LONG, perfect, overhead peeling lefts. It didn’t take long to rig my 4.7 legend and go try to figure out this port tack sailing. Everything felt so awkward going the opposite direction, but with each wave, I felt I was getting more comfortable, being able to make tighter turns and go more vertical so that by day 3, I was ready for the event to start.


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With the small turn out of women for this event, I got to compete against the men and registered in both the amateur and the masters divisions as, according to IFCA rules, women over 30 years of age qualify to be masters. The wind was very strong on the first day of the contest, and the waves were small. I used my 3.8 mutant and won my amateur heat, and came 2nd in my first master heat and made it through my 2nd round. On the second day of the contest, they ran and completed the pros, who got to compete at the point in overhead conditions. It was a full day of action and it was great to watch Camille Juban destroy the competition while I was staying busy helping out with tabulation.

On the 3rd day of the contest, they finished the amateurs, masters and ran the women heat. I used my mutant 4.2 all day and sailed heat after heat in both amateurs and masters. I won the amateur division ahead of 15 year old sensation Alessio Botteri from Peru and got taken out in quarter final of the masters by Kevin Pritchard and Willhem Schurmann (South American Champion from Brazil) who ended up taking 1st and 2nd respectively in this division and also came 3rd and 2nd in the pro men behind Camille. That was without a doubt a hard heat for me, but I was stoked to have this opportunity to compete against 8 times world champion Kevin Pritchard and be taken out by such amazing sailors. The women heat consisted of a 20 minute final, which I won ahead of Denise Blondet of Egypt.

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With the contest finishing early, we got to hang out, free sail, enjoy Pacasmayo and el Faro resort, and spend another day in Lima visiting museums and ruins. Peru was such a fun trip! Big thanks to all who made this event possible; Jaime Rojas, Ricardo Guglielmino and Sam Bittner with AWT, as well as Chris Freeman who did an amazing job as 1st time head judge for this contest.

I am looking forward to going back next year and would recommend Pacasmayo to anyone as the perfect spot to dial in some port tack wave sailing!!

Ingrid Larouche

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Micah ripping on 2014 GlobalWatch it

Ferdinando aerial on 2014 GhostXT

Watch it

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videoIngrid and Casey sharing a wave in Baja

Watch it

One-handed backloop crash from Camille Juban on

HookipaWatch it

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August was another month on the road for me, hitting US Nationals in LA, then pit stopping in the bay for a couple weeks before heading back to Hood River at the end of the month to catch the end of the summer season in the gorge!

Right after the AWT San Carlos event I switched gears into slalom mode and headed down to one of the first places I ever windsurfed, Cabrillo Beach, in Los Angeles, for the 2013 US Nationals. A terrific week of beautiful weather and steady winds provided great conditions for competition in slalom, formula, and freestyle. With 25 guys on the line it was a bit hectic around the course, but armed with my 8.4 TR-9XT I was able to weed through the traffic, hit some good starts, and finish the week out in 2nd place for the Men’s Division, and tied for 3rd overall in slalom, and took 3rd place in freestyle! Congratulations again to Phil for taking the overall title, unstoppable on the formula course, and a close battle for 2nd place in the slalom!

After Nationals and the LA reunion it was off to San Francisco for a freestyle exhibition for the America’s Cup! The weather wasn’t the best and we had


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pretty marginal winds, but it was still pretty incredible to freestyle right in front of the grandstands of the largest event in sailing! Over the next week and a half I was able to see the AC boats in action, and they are truly incredible! While in town for Xensr for meetings and demo’s, I was able to get in some epic days around the bay at Crissy Field and Treasure Island, blasting on my TR-9 7.6 under the golden gate and getting in some great freestyle sessions on my 4.8 Loco.

Finally, after over a month away during prime summer season, I returned back to the gorge just in time for the final race of the Gorge Cup Series. Unfortunately with scheduling for other events I wasn’t able to make any of the races earlier in the season, so I was stoked for the upcoming good forecast for the last race of the series. We had an epic day with winds slowly building throughout the races. I started off on my 8.4 for the first two races, went to my 7.6 for next three, then finally down to my 7.0 for the last couple races, before calling it a day! It’s always fun racing with the guys in the gorge, I had some great battles down to the finish line, and was stoked to come in 3rd place behind Tyson Poor and Bruce Peterson.

The summer is winding down, and I’m looking forward to switching gears and heading back over to Maui next month to get back into the waves, and help with development on the 2015 line!

Cya on the water,Casey Hauser

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Photo : Grant Myrdal

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A couple of early season small North swells have already managed to sneak there way to our shores and with them stoked the fire for the upcoming wave season. We are excited to have received full stock of 2014 production wave and freestyle sails on Island and that now they can be available through our dealers. Some items of special interest are the much anticipated, new 2014 4 batten Loco Pro freestyle competition sail developed for Taty Frans. The AWT dominating Mutant, 2014 4 batten, maneuver oriented wave sails are here too and after another full year of daily testing and refinement have lighter weight, greater range and a more responsive feel. The mythical, magical ultra-light Ghost-XT is also here and though it may be hard to believe, we have made it lighter than ever. We did not skimp on the use of the Ultra light and strong Technora scrim laminate and for 2014 the Ghost-XT uses more of this incredible material than any other wavesail on the market. All your other favourites like the Legend, Global and Switch have seen construction and performance improvements as well with extensive use of our custom light weight laminate materials and refined shaping.

On the development front, we continue to charge ahead on TR-10 designs, testing and recuts. Between the total package of shaping improvements, new materials and mast improvements we are making some real progress and the time for the competitors to start trembling in fear is fast approaching.

On a parallel program to the Race sails, we are excited about our new, performance RAF freeride sail which have been prototyped and are currently being tested and tuned up. Stay tuned for more details.

Aloha,Artur Szpunar


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Not the least to be remembered in our 100th issue is the director, designer, and marketing leader, Bogo Trepka. We have seen small magic works from his creative mind and he does much with the assets he has to use. The growth and future of the Maui Monthly and his constant additions and use of new technologies makes it the most fun ‘periodical’ on the web. The focus is personal and represents the true feelings and experiences of our crew, and is now growing to include many other happy folks out there. Thanks, Bogo, for all the hard work.

Barry Spanier

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Over the other five days of the regatta, ten formula races were held and one long distance (which counted for 2 course races), allowing competitors to discard their three worst results after 12 races. Phil McGain on his TR9 11m and 10m dominated the racing taking 11 of the races over the 5 days including a dominating win in the long distance.

12 Slalom races were held over three of the five days. The men’s fleet raced all together with about 25 racers in the one heat. The sprint to the first downwind mark, set only about a hundred or so yards off shore was exhilarating to watch and must have been nerve-racking to be in as a dense pack of blasting windsurfers charged towards the beach bearing down for that first critical gybe.

Tyson Poor sailed consistently well taking an early lead in the regatta and held onto it throughout the week in spite of pressure from Phil McGain on his TR9 8.4 who took second. A very close battle for third place developed between Xavier and MauiSails Casey Hauser . The tie was broken based on the best scores of each to Xavier’s advantage. While Phil Soltyziak was clearly in 5th place with a series of very consistent results around that position.



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MauiSails.comTel: +1-808-573-0295 Fax: +1-808-573-0894

810 Haiku Road, Suite 113-302, Haiku, Hawaii, 96708, USA