maximum power transfer theorem

Maximum power transfer theorem In electrical engineering, the maximum power transfer theorem states that, to obtain maximum external power from a source with a finite internal resistance, the resistance of the load must be equal to the resistance of the source as viewed from the output terminals. Moritz von Jacobi published the maximum power (transfer) theorem around 1840, which is also referred to as "Jacobi's law". [1] The theorem results in maximum power transfer, and not maximum efficiency. If the resistance of the load is made larger than the resistance of the source, then efficiency is higher, since a higher percentage of the source power is transferred to the load, but the magnitude of the load power is lower since the total circuit resistance goes up. If the load resistance is smaller than the source resistance, then most of the power ends up being dissipated in the source, and although the total power dissipated is higher, due to a lower total resistance, it turns out that the amount dissipated in the load is reduced. The theorem states how to choose (so as to maximize power transfer) the load resistance, once the source resistance is given, not the opposite. It does not say how to choose the source resistance, once the load resistance is given. Given a certain load resistance, the source resistance that maximizes power transfer is always zero, regardless of the value of the load resistance. The theorem can be extended to AC circuits that include reactance, and states that maximum power transfer occurs when the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance. Norton theorem

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Page 1: Maximum power transfer theorem

Maximum power transfer theorem

In electrical engineering, the maximum power transfer theorem states that, to obtain maximum external power from a source with a finite internal resistance, the resistance of the load must be equal to the resistance of the source as viewed from the output terminals. Moritz von Jacobi published the maximum power (transfer) theorem around 1840, which is also referred to as "Jacobi's law".[1]

The theorem results in maximum power transfer, and not maximum efficiency. If the resistance of the load is made larger than the resistance of the source, then efficiency is higher, since a higher percentage of the source power is transferred to the load, but the magnitude of the load power is lower since the total circuit resistance goes up.If the load resistance is smaller than the source resistance, then most of the power ends up being dissipated in the source, and although the total power dissipated is higher, due to a lower total resistance, it turns out that the amount dissipated in the load is reduced.The theorem states how to choose (so as to maximize power transfer) the load resistance, once the source resistance is given, not the opposite. It does not say how to choose the source resistance, once the load resistance is given. Given a certain load resistance, the source resistance that maximizes power transfer is always zero, regardless of the value of the load resistance.The theorem can be extended to AC circuits that include reactance, and states that maximum power transfer occurs when the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance.

Norton theorem

Any collection of batteries and resistances with two terminals is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source i in parallel with a single resistor r. The value of r is the same as that in the Thevenin equivalent and the current i can be found by dividing the open circuit voltage by r.

Page 2: Maximum power transfer theorem

Thévenin's theormIn circuit theory, Thévenin's theorem for linear electrical networks states that any combination

of voltage sources, current sources, and resistors with two terminals is electrically equivalent to

a single voltage source V and a single series resistor R. For single frequency AC systems the

theorem can also be applied to general impedances, not just resistors. The theorem was first

discovered by German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz in 1853,[1] but was then rediscovered in

1883 by French telegraph engineer Léon Charles Thévenin (1857–1926).[2][3]

This theorem states that a circuit of voltage sources and resistors can be converted into

a Thévenin equivalent, which is a simplification technique used in circuit analysis. The

Thévenin equivalent can be used as a good model for a power supply or battery (with the

resistor representing the internal impedance and the source representing the electromotive

force). The circuit consists of an idealvoltage source in series with an ideal resistor.

Page 3: Maximum power transfer theorem

Any black box containing only voltage sources, current sources, and other resistors can be converted to a Thévenin

equivalent circuit, comprising exactly one voltage source and one resistor.

Calculating the Thévenin equivalent

To calculate the equivalent circuit, the resistance and voltage are needed, so two equations are

required. These two equations are usually obtained by using the following steps, but any

conditions placed on the terminals of the circuit should also work:

1. Calculate the output voltage, VAB, when in open circuit condition (no load resistor—

meaning infinite resistance). This is VTh.

2. Calculate the output current, IAB, when the output terminals are short circuited (load

resistance is 0). RTh equals VTh divided by this IAB.

The equivalent circuit is a voltage source with voltage VTh in series with a resistance RTh.

Step 2 could also be thought of as:

2a. Replace voltage sources with short circuits, and current sources with open circuits.

2b. Calculate the resistance between terminals A and B. This is RTh.

The Thévenin-equivalent voltage is the voltage at the output terminals of the original

circuit. When calculating a Thévenin-equivalent voltage, the voltage divider principle is

often useful, by declaring one terminal to be Vout and the other terminal to be at the

ground point.

The Thévenin-equivalent resistance is the resistance measured across points A and B

"looking back" into the circuit. It is important to first replace all voltage- and current-

sources with their internal resistances. For an ideal voltage source, this means replace

the voltage source with a short circuit. For an ideal current source, this means replace

the current source with an open circuit. Resistance can then be calculated across the

terminals using the formulae for series and parallel circuits. This method is valid only for

circuits with independent sources. If there are dependent sources in the circuit, another

method must be used such as connecting a test source across A and B and calculating

the voltage across or current through the test source.

Page 4: Maximum power transfer theorem


Step 0: The original circuitStep 1: Calculating the equivalent

output voltage

Step 2: Calculating the

equivalent resistance

Step 3: The

equivalent circuit

In the example, calculating the equivalent voltage:

(notice that R1 is not taken into consideration, as above calculations are done in an open circuit condition between A and B, therefore no current flows through this part, which means there is no current through R1 and therefore no voltage drop along this part)

Calculating equivalent resistance:

Page 5: Maximum power transfer theorem


Kirchhoff's current law (KCL)

The current entering any junction is equal to the current leaving that junction. i1 + i4 = i2 + i3

This law is also called Kirchhoff's first law, Kirchhoff's point rule, Kirchhoff's junction

rule (or nodal rule), and Kirchhoff's first rule.

The principle of conservation of electric charge implies that:

At any node (junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is

equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node.


The algebraic sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a point is zero.

Recalling that current is a signed (positive or negative) quantity reflecting direction

towards or away from a node, this principle can be stated as:

n is the total number of branches with currents flowing towards or away from the


This formula is valid for complex currents:

Page 6: Maximum power transfer theorem

The law is based on the conservation of charge whereby the charge (measured

in coulombs) is the product of the current (in amperes) and the time (in


Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL)

The sum of all the voltages around the loop is equal to zero. v1 + v2 + v3 - v4 = 0

This law is also called Kirchhoff's second law, Kirchhoff's loop (or mesh) rule,

and Kirchhoff's second rule.

The principle of conservation of energy implies that

The directed sum of the electrical potential differences (voltage) around any closed

circuit is zero.


More simply, the sum of the emfs in any closed loop is equivalent to the sum of the

potential drops in that loop.


The algebraic sum of the products of the resistances of the conductors and the currents

in them in a closed loop is equal to the total emf available in that loop.

Page 7: Maximum power transfer theorem

Similarly to KCL, it can be stated as:

Here, n is the total number of voltages measured. The voltages may also be


This law is based on the conservation of "energy given/taken by potential

field" (not including energy taken by dissipation). Given a voltage potential,

a charge which has completed a closed loop doesn't gain or lose energy as

it has gone back to initial potential level.

This law holds true even when resistance (which causes dissipation of

energy) is present in a circuit. The validity of this law in this case can be

understood if one realizes that a charge in fact doesn't go back to its starting

point, due to dissipation of energy. A charge will just terminate at the

negative terminal, instead of positive terminal. This means all the energy

given by the potential difference has been fully consumed by resistance

which in turn loses the energy as heat dissipation.

To summarize, Kirchhoff's voltage law has nothing to do with gain or loss of

energy by electronic components (resistors, capacitors, etc.). It is a law

referring to the potential field generated by voltage sources. In this potential

field, regardless of what electronic components are present, the gain or loss

in "energy given by the potential field" must be zero when a charge

completes a closed loop.

Ohm's lawFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the law related to electricity. For other uses, see Ohm's acoustic law.

Page 8: Maximum power transfer theorem

V, I, and R, the parameters of Ohm's law.

Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is

directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing the constant of

proportionality, the resistance,[1] one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes

this relationship:[2]

where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference

measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is theresistance of the conductor in

units of ohms. More specifically, Ohm's law states that the R in this relation is constant,

independent of the current.[3]

The law was named after the German physicist Georg Ohm, who, in a treatise published in

1827, described measurements of applied voltage and current through simple electrical

circuits containing various lengths of wire. He presented a slightly more complex equation

than the one above (see History section below) to explain his experimental results. The

above equation is the modern form of Ohm's law.

Page 9: Maximum power transfer theorem

Principle of Operation of the NPN and PNP Transistor

    An npn transistor operation can be described in shorts strokes in the following brief sentences as follows,

1. the base emitter junction is forward-biased by a base potential,2. the forward-biasing action results in a small base current that is inputted to the transistor.3. this small base current causes a large collector current to flow, 4. the collector current is  times the value of the base current,  being the current amplification

factor of the transistor, 5. base and collector current sums up to form the emitter current.

   The principle of operation of a pnp transistor is similar to the npn transistor except that the polarities of the voltages and current applied to the pnp transistor is opposite to that of the npn transistor. In the pnp transistor operation the following sequence of events take place


Page 10: Maximum power transfer theorem

1. the base emitter junction is forward-biased by a base potential, 2. the forward-biasing action results in a small base current that is drawn from the transistor

base, 3. this small base current causes a large collector current to flow, 4. the collector current is b times the value of the base current, 5. base and collector current sum up to form the emitter current.

   Take note the base-emitter voltage (VBE) is now in the opposite that of the npn transistor. As a result of this the base current is now drawn from the base instead of inputted to the base as was the case for the npn transistor. Likewise the directions of emitter and collector current is now opposite those for the npn transistor.


What remains the same are the following,

1. IC is still b times greater than IB or IC = b · IB.2. IE is still the sum of currents IC and IB or,

IE = IC + IB.

The graphic highlights the contrast between operation of the npn and pnp transistor.

Page 11: Maximum power transfer theorem

Resistor: As you could probably guess from the name, a resistor increases the resistance of a circuit. The main purpose of this is to reduce the flow of electricity in a circuit. Resistors come in all different shapes and sizes. They dissipate heat as a result of their opposing electricity, and are therefore rated both in terms of their resistance (how much they oppose the flow of electrons) and their power capacity (how much power they can dissipate before becoming damaged.) Generally, bigger resistors can handle more power. There are also variable resistors, which can have their resistance adjusted by turning a knob or other device. These are sometimes called potentiometers

Capacitor: A capacitor is a component made from two (or two sets of) conductive plates with an insulator between them. The insulator prevents the plates from touching. When a DC current is applied across a capacitor, positive charge builds on one plate (or set of plates) and negative charge builds on the other. The charge will remain until the capacitor is discharged. When an AC current is applied across the capacitor, it will charge one set of plates positive and the other negative during the part of the cycle when the voltage is positive; when the voltage goes negative in the second half of the cycle, the capacitor will release what it previously charged, and then charge the opposite way. This then repeats for each cycle. Since it has the opposite charge stored in it each time the voltage changes, it tends to oppose the change in voltage. As you can tell then, if you apply a mixed DC and AC signal across a capacitor, the capacitor will tend to block the DC and let the AC flow through. The

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strength of a capacitor is called capacitance and is measured in farads (F). (In practical terms, usually microfarads and the like, since one farad would be a very large capacitor!) They are used in all sorts of electronic circuits, especially combined with resistors and inductors, and are commonly found in PCs.

Inductor: An inductor is essentially a coil of wire. When current flows through an inductor, a magnetic field is created, and the inductor will store this magnetic energy until it is released. In some ways, an inductor is the opposite of a capacitor. While a capacitor stores voltage as electrical energy, an inductor stores current as magnetic energy. Thus, a capacitor opposes a change in the voltage of a circuit, while an inductor opposes a change in its current. Therefore, capacitors block DC current and let AC current pass, while inductors do the opposite. The strength of an inductor is called--take a wild guess--its inductance, and is measured in henrys (H). Inductors can have a core of air in the middle of their coils, or a ferrous (iron) core. Being a magnetic material, the iron core increases the inductance value, which is also affected by the material used in the wire, and the number of turns in the coil. Some inductor cores are straight in shape, and others are closed circles called toroids. The latter type of inductor is highly efficient because the closed shape is conducive to creating a stronger magnetic field. Inductors are used in all sorts of electronic circuits, particularly in combination with resistors and capacitors, and are commonly found in PCs.

A Zener diode is a special kind of diode which allows current to flow in the forward direction in

the same manner as an ideal diode, but will also permit it to flow in the reverse direction when

the voltage is above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage, "Zener knee voltage" or

"Zener voltage." The device was named after Clarence Zener, who discovered this electrical


A conventional solid-state diode will not allow significant current if it is reverse-biased below its

reverse breakdown voltage. When the reverse bias breakdown voltage is exceeded, a

conventional diode is subject to high current due to avalanche breakdown. Unless this current is

limited by circuitry, the diode will be permanently damaged due to overheating. In the case of a

large forward bias (current in the direction of the arrow), the diode exhibits a voltage drop due to

Page 13: Maximum power transfer theorem

its junction built-in voltage and internal resistance. The amount of the voltage drop depends on

the semiconductor material and the doping concentrations.

A Zener diode exhibits almost the same properties, except the device is specially designed so

as to have a greatly reduced breakdown voltage, the so-called Zener voltage. By contrast with

the conventional device, a reverse-biased Zener diode will exhibit a controlled breakdown and

allow the current to keep the voltage across the Zener diode close to the Zener breakdown

voltage. For example, a diode with a Zener breakdown voltage of 3.2 V will exhibit a voltage

drop of very nearly 3.2 V across a wide range of reverse currents. The Zener diode is therefore

ideal for applications such as the generation of a reference voltage (e.g. for an amplifier stage),

or as a voltage stabilizer for low-current applications.

The Zener diode's operation depends on the heavy doping of its p-n

junction allowing electrons to tunnel from the valence band of the p-type material to the

conduction band of the n-type material. In the atomic scale, this tunneling corresponds to the

transport of valence band electrons into the empty conduction band states; as a result of the

reduced barrier between these bands and high electric fields that are induced due to the

relatively high levels of dopings on both sides.[1] The breakdown voltage can be controlled quite

accurately in the doping process. While tolerances within 0.05% are available, the most widely

used tolerances are 5% and 10%. Breakdown voltage for commonly available zener diodes can

vary widely from 1.2 volts to 200 volts.

Another mechanism that produces a similar effect is the avalanche effect as in the avalanche

diode. The two types of diode are in fact constructed the same way and both effects are present

in diodes of this type. In silicon diodes up to about 5.6 volts, the Zener effect is the predominant

effect and shows a marked negative temperature coefficient. Above 5.6 volts, the avalanche

effect becomes predominant and exhibits a positive temperature coefficient.[1]In a 5.6 V diode,

the two effects occur together and their temperature coefficients neatly cancel each other out,

thus the 5.6 V diode is the component of choice in temperature-critical applications. Modern

manufacturing techniques have produced devices with voltages lower than 5.6 V with negligible

Page 14: Maximum power transfer theorem

temperature coefficients, but as higher voltage devices are encountered, the temperature

coefficient rises dramatically. A 75 V diode has 10 time

Current-voltage characteristic of a Zener diode with a breakdown voltage of 17 volts. Notice the change of voltage

scale between the forward biased (positive) direction and the reverse biased (negative) direction.

A Zener diode is a special kind of diode which allows current to flow in the forward direction in

the same manner as an ideal diode, but will also permit it to flow in the reverse direction when

the voltage is above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage, "Zener knee voltage" or

"Zener voltage." The device was named after Clarence Zener, who discovered this electrical


A conventional solid-state diode will not allow significant current if it is reverse-biased below its

reverse breakdown voltage. When the reverse bias breakdown voltage is exceeded, a

conventional diode is subject to high current due to avalanche breakdown. Unless this current is

limited by circuitry, the diode will be permanently damaged due to overheating. In the case of a

large forward bias (current in the direction of the arrow), the diode exhibits a voltage drop due to

its junction built-in voltage and internal resistance. The amount of the voltage drop depends on

the semiconductor material and the doping concentrations.

A Zener diode exhibits almost the same properties, except the device is specially designed so

as to have a greatly reduced breakdown voltage, the so-called Zener voltage. By contrast with

the conventional device, a reverse-biased Zener diode will exhibit a controlled breakdown and

allow the current to keep the voltage across the Zener diode close to the Zener breakdown

voltage. For example, a diode with a Zener breakdown voltage of 3.2 V will exhibit a voltage

drop of very nearly 3.2 V across a wide range of reverse currents. The Zener diode is therefore

ideal for applications such as the generation of a reference voltage (e.g. for an amplifier stage),

or as a voltage stabilizer for low-current applications.

Page 15: Maximum power transfer theorem

The Zener diode's operation depends on the heavy doping of its p-n

junction allowing electrons to tunnel from the valence band of the p-type material to the

conduction band of the n-type material. In the atomic scale, this tunneling corresponds to the

transport of valence band electrons into the empty conduction band states; as a result of the

reduced barrier between these bands and high electric fields that are induced due to the

relatively high levels of dopings on both sides.[1] The breakdown voltage can be controlled quite

accurately in the doping process. While tolerances within 0.05% are available, the most widely

used tolerances are 5% and 10%. Breakdown voltage for commonly available zener diodes can

vary widely from 1.2 volts to 200 volts.

Another mechanism that produces a similar effect is the avalanche effect as in the avalanche

diode. The two types of diode are in fact constructed the same way and both effects are present

in diodes of this type. In silicon diodes up to about 5.6 volts, the Zener effect is the predominant

effect and shows a marked negative temperature coefficient. Above 5.6 volts, the avalanche

effect becomes predominant and exhibits a positive temperature coefficient.[1]In a 5.6 V diode,

the two effects occur together and their temperature coefficients neatly cancel each other out,

thus the 5.6 V diode is the component of choice in temperature-critical applications. Modern

manufacturing techniques have produced devices with voltages lower than 5.6 V with negligible

temperature coefficients, but as higher voltage devices are encountered, the temperature

coefficient rises dramatically. A 75 V diode has 10 times the coefficient of a 12 V diode.

All such diodes, regardless of breakdown voltage, are usually marketed under the umbrella term

of "Zener diode".

s the coefficient of a 12 V diode.

Current-voltage characteristic of a Zener diode with a breakdown voltage of 17 volts. Notice the change of voltage

scale between the forward biased (positive) direction and the reverse biased (negative) direction.

A Zener diode is a special kind of diode which allows current to flow in the forward direction in

the same manner as an ideal diode, but will also permit it to flow in the reverse direction when

the voltage is above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage, "Zener knee voltage" or

"Zener voltage." The device was named after Clarence Zener, who discovered this electrical


Page 16: Maximum power transfer theorem

A conventional solid-state diode will not allow significant current if it is reverse-biased below its

reverse breakdown voltage. When the reverse bias breakdown voltage is exceeded, a

conventional diode is subject to high current due to avalanche breakdown. Unless this current is

limited by circuitry, the diode will be permanently damaged due to overheating. In the case of a

large forward bias (current in the direction of the arrow), the diode exhibits a voltage drop due to

its junction built-in voltage and internal resistance. The amount of the voltage drop depends on

the semiconductor material and the doping concentrations.

A Zener diode exhibits almost the same properties, except the device is specially designed so

as to have a greatly reduced breakdown voltage, the so-called Zener voltage. By contrast with

the conventional device, a reverse-biased Zener diode will exhibit a controlled breakdown and

allow the current to keep the voltage across the Zener diode close to the Zener breakdown

voltage. For example, a diode with a Zener breakdown voltage of 3.2 V will exhibit a voltage

drop of very nearly 3.2 V across a wide range of reverse currents. The Zener diode is therefore

ideal for applications such as the generation of a reference voltage (e.g. for an amplifier stage),

or as a voltage stabilizer for low-current applications.

The Zener diode's operation depends on the heavy doping of its p-n

junction allowing electrons to tunnel from the valence band of the p-type material to the

conduction band of the n-type material. In the atomic scale, this tunneling corresponds to the

transport of valence band electrons into the empty conduction band states; as a result of the

reduced barrier between these bands and high electric fields that are induced due to the

relatively high levels of dopings on both sides.[1] The breakdown voltage can be controlled quite

accurately in the doping process. While tolerances within 0.05% are available, the most widely

used tolerances are 5% and 10%. Breakdown voltage for commonly available zener diodes can

vary widely from 1.2 volts to 200 volts.

Another mechanism that produces a similar effect is the avalanche effect as in the avalanche

diode. The two types of diode are in fact constructed the same way and both effects are present

in diodes of this type. In silicon diodes up to about 5.6 volts, the Zener effect is the predominant

effect and shows a marked negative temperature coefficient. Above 5.6 volts, the avalanche

effect becomes predominant and exhibits a positive temperature coefficient.[1]In a 5.6 V diode,

the two effects occur together and their temperature coefficients neatly cancel each other out,

thus the 5.6 V diode is the component of choice in temperature-critical applications. Modern

manufacturing techniques have produced devices with voltages lower than 5.6 V with negligible

temperature coefficients, but as higher voltage devices are encountered, the temperature

coefficient rises dramatically. A 75 V diode has 10 times the coefficient of a 12 V diode.

Page 17: Maximum power transfer theorem

All such diodes, regardless of breakdown voltage, are usually marketed under the umbrella term

of "Zener diode".

Load line (electronics)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Diode load line.

A load line is used in graphic analysis of circuits, representing the constraint other parts of the circuit place on a non-linear device, like a diode or transistor. A load line represents the response of a linear circuit connected to the nonlinear device in question. The operating point is where the parameters of the nonlinear device and the parameters of the linear circuit match, according to how they are connected while still adhering to their internal systems.[1]

In the example on the right, the nonlinear diode is placed in series with a linear circuit consisting of a resistor and a voltage source. The load line represents the relationship between current and voltage in the linear part of the circuit while the exponential represents the relationship between current and voltage in the nonlinear device. Since the current going through three elements in series should be the same, the operating point of the circuit will be at the intersection of the exponential with the load line.

Page 18: Maximum power transfer theorem

In a BJT circuit, the BJT has a different current-voltage (IC-VCE) characteristic depending on the base current. Placing a series of these curves on the graph shows how the base current will affect the operating point of the circuit.

The load line can be used for both dc and ac analysis. Once a dc operating point is defined by the dc load line an ac load line with, in general, a different slope intersects the dc operating point. In reality there are many ac load lines that vary from the dc load line to a limiting load line all having a common intersection at the dc operating point. This limiting load line is generally referred to ac the ac load line and is the load line of the ac circuit (capacitors shorted, dc sources opened, etc...)

Different between dmosfet and emodfet:

An e-mosfet is and "enhancement" mosfet. A d-mosfet is a "depletion" mosfet. These essentially show what mode the mosfet operates in when a voltage is applied to the gate. .

An enhancement mode mosfet is normally non-conducting but conducts when the channel is enhanced by applying a voltage to the gate and pulling carriers into the channel. A depletion mode mosfet normally conducts but becomes more and more non-conducting as carriers are depleted or pulled out of the channel by applying a voltage. The polarity of the voltage depends on whether it is an N channel or P channel. P channel uses positively doped silicon while N channel uses negatively doped silicon. N channel fets are used wherever possible because N material conducts better than P material.There are basically two types of fet, the jfet and the mosfet. The jfet uses a single junction to control the channel hence draws some current. Bipolar transistors use two junctions. In the mosfet (Metal Oxide Semiconducting Field Effect Transistor) there is no such junction hence draw so little current for control purposes it can be regarded as zero. The gate is isolated from the channel by a very thin layer of metal oxide (usually chromium dioxide). An enhacement mode mosfet can be turned on by applying a voltage then removing the wire to the gate. The channel will then remain conducting for some time.JFET operation

The junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET or JUGFET) is the simplest type of field-effect transistor. It can be used as an electronically-controlledswitch or as a voltage-controlled resistance. Electric charge flows through a semiconducting channel between "source" and "drain" terminals. By applying a bias voltage to a "gate" terminal, the channel is "pinched", so that the electric current is impeded or switched off completely.

The JFET is a long channel of semiconductor material, doped to contain an abundance

of positive charge carriers (p-type), or of negative carriers (n-type). Contacts at each end form the source(S)

and drain(D). The gate(G) (control) terminal has doping opposite to that of the channel, which surrounds it, so that there is a P-N

junction at the interface. Terminals to connect with the outside are usually made ohmic.

Page 19: Maximum power transfer theorem

FunctionJFET operation is like that of a garden hose. The flow of water through a hose can be controlled by

squeezing it to reduce the cross section; the flow of electric charge through a JFET is controlled by

constricting the current-carrying channel. The current also depends on the electric field between source and drain

(analogous to the difference in pressure on either end of the hose)

Conductor, insulator, semiconductor

Solid-state materials can be classified into three groups: insulators, semiconductors and conductors.

Insulators are materials having an electrical conductivity  (like diamond: 10-14S/cm);

semiconductors have a conductivity   (for silicon it can range from 10-5S/cm

to 103S/cm); at last conductors are materials with high conductivities :   (like silver: 106S/cm.)

The electrical properties of a given material depend on the electronic populations of the different allowed bands. Electrical conduction is the result of electron motion within each band. When an electric field is applied to the material, electrons start to move in the direction opposed to the direction of the electric field. An empty energy band (in which there is no free electron) does not of course participate in the formation of an electric current. It is also the case for a fully occupied band. Indeed, an electron can move provided that, whenever it leaves its site, it can find some free space elsewhere (another available site within its energy band, called a “hole”), where it can go. A material with fully occupied or empty energy bands is then an insulator. This is the case when the gap energy exceeds ~9eV, because for such gaps, the thermal energy at 300K (~25 meV) is clearly insufficient to allow electrons from the valence band to be promoted to the conduction band. In this case the valence band (and all bands of lower energy) is fully occupied, and the conduction band is empty.

Page 20: Maximum power transfer theorem

Figure 2 : Representation of energy bands  

A semiconductor is primarily an insulator at 0K. However, since the energy gap is lower compared to insulators (~1eV), the valence band is slightly thermally populated at room temperature, whereas the conduction band is slightly depopulated. Since electrical conduction is directly connected to the number of electrons in the “almost empty” conduction band and to the number of holes in the “almost fully occupied” valence band, it can be expected that the electrical conductivity of such an intrinsic semiconductor will be very small.

For a conductor, conduction bands and valence bands are not separated and there is therefore no energy gap. The conduction band is then partially occupied (even at low temperatures), resulting in a “high” electrical conductivity.