may 2016 tingalpa model aero club tingalpa transmitter · tmac fees. these are set by the...

May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter Tingalpa Model Aero Club Inc, Porter Field, Stanton Road West, Tingalpa QLD Picture reproduced by kind permission of Tony Cordaro

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Page 1: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club

Tingalpa Transmitter

Tingalpa Model Aero Club Inc, Porter Field, Stanton Road West, Tingalpa QLD

4173 Picture reproduced by kind permission of Tony Cordaro

Page 2: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

Management Committee


Will Sipma 0409 852 694 [email protected]


Phil Gartshore 0407 070 263 TMAC Secretary

PO Box 2108, Tingalpa QLD 4173

[email protected]


Phil Collings 0419 768 490 [email protected]


Randall Mowlam 0414 312 586 [email protected]

Web Administrator [email protected]

Anthony Griffiths

Editor [email protected]

Henry Paule

Committee Members

Noel Stewart

Pat Wilson

Noel Wilson

Ian Sheather

TMAC Life Members Heavy Model Inspectors (FW25)

Kevin Dodd, Noel Wilson, Will Sipma Ian Howard

Phil Collings

TMAC Life Member's Trophy Noel Stewart

Pat Wilson

Commercial Flight Instructors Heavy & Giant Model Inspectors

(FW25 / FW50) George McKenzie Kevin Dodd, Richard Symes, Tyson Dodd,

Ian Sheather

Noel Stewart 0412 525 127 MAAA Instructors

Will Sipma 0409 852 694 Fixed and Rotary - Dennis Greenfield

Fixed - Dave Morrison, John Knox, Randall Mowlam,

George McKenzie, Aaron O'Neil, Nicholas Leahy

Page 3: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

President’s Report


This project is near completion – the only works left to complete are;

Installation 240 Volt power – cables already run.

Installation Tap and Drains

Painting of step handrails and steel work.


It is proposed that a perimeter fence 30M long x 2M high – running parallel with the runway,

in line with the Eastern End shade structure, then 90 degrees return to existing chain wire

fence. This will enable safe vehicle parking adjacent to the existing engine run up area. No

parking is allowed underneath the drip line of the existing fig tree. This is a BCC ruling.

This area will have bollards installed in the near future. 2 quotes have been obtained for this



Approval has been granted from the B.C.C. for the re-location of this shade structure – it

will be moved to the heli area. The work on this re-location will commence in the near

future. Hopefully it will be completed before our next event.


C.C.T.V. has been installed, however to date we are still having problems getting the

software up and running.

SOLAR – New batteries have been installed however at this stage; it appears that the

system is not functioning at full capacity. TMAC have had an independent assessment

of the system which has been forward to B.C.C., stakeholders and the local BCC

Councillor Ryan Murphy. The assessment indicated that there were anomalies with

the installation and the current outcome is insufficient for TMAC requirements and

the requirements of the C.C.T.V. TMAC is following up with local Councillor Ryan

Murphy BCC regarding a satisfactory outcome of this project which has been ongoing

since September 2015.


Due to the age of the Zip heater and the thermostat the power required to run the ZIP was

unsustainable. We had a ZIP service and the decision was made to acquire a replacement

ZIP which has been done by Col Jones at an excellent price. Col is installing at no cost to

the TMAC in the near future.

Page 4: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the


There will be two grants coming up in the near future that TMAC will be eligible to apply

for. If anyone is interested in working on submissions for these grants, please contact the



TMAC membership fees are set at three levels each year:

1. MAAA membership fees. These are set at the MAAA National conference in May

each year. The MAAA Conference has been held, the fees approved and passed to

individual state bodies, MAAQ in our case;

2. MAAQ Membership fees. These are set at the May MAAQ General

meeting. These fees were approved at the MAAQ General Meeting held on

Saturday 28th May;

3. TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase

the TMAC component of membership fees for the next year.

Please find the 2016-2017 Membership Form attached to this newsletter and on the TMAC

Web Site.


The next General Meeting of the TMAC will be held on Tuesday 7th June commencing

7.30pm. All of the above topics can be discussed at this meeting.

Page 5: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

Gold Wings Training Report

The first of two "Gold Wings Training" days was held on Saturday 15th April.

A good attendance was seen in a makeshift classroom under the tree in the old BBQ area. It

was pleasing to see quite a number of younger members interested in gaining the 'Elite'


A full coverage of the required moves for the Gold Wings test was explained and discussed

in some detail with whiteboard diagrams and handouts provided. Eager participation in the

discussion was exhibited by most of the younger members.

The most difficult manoeuvres were the Cuban eight and the spin, although some more

detailed explaining was required for the horizontal figure of eight. There were several

questions on the difference between the inward and outward versions of the manoeuvre.

Following the class room session a practical demonstration was performed on the field with

a standard trainer aircraft. In this case a Phoenix model 'Jackaroo' was used. Several requests

were made by the attending members for particular manoeuvres. The aerial demonstration

appeared to provide the members with a better spatial understanding of the manoeuvres to

be completed for the test.

Following the demonstration some individual coaching was provided to several of the pilots.

Overall the members participating in the session provided positive feedback.

At the conclusion of the training session flying assessments were carried out resulting in

two pilots successfully completing their Gold Wings test. Congratulations to Felix and


Dennis Greenfield

Page 6: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

Coming Activities & Events


Please also refer to the event calendar on the Web Site.

TUE 7 JUNE General Meeting (7.00pm-Finish)

SAT 25 JUNE Working Bee (7.00am-10.00am)

SAT 25 JUNE Model Workshop (10.00am-12.00pm)

SUN 26 JUNE Scale Day (8.00am-2.00pm)

TUE 28 JUNE Committee Meeting (7.00pm-8.30pm)

TUE 5 JULY General Meeting (7.00pm-Finish)

SAT 16 JULY Working Bee (7.00am-10.00am)

SUN 17 JULY Electric & Unusual Model Fly-In


SAT 23 JULY Gold Wings Training (12.00pm-3.00pm)

SAT 23 JULY Night Fly-In (5.00pm-8.00pm)

Page 7: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

TMAC First FPV Event

On Sunday 22 May, TMAC conducted its first FPV/Multi-rotor event.

Wooowww, what a success it was. Altogether, 21 pilots attended the event, with a combination of members

from TMAC and REBELS FPV Club.

Many pilots had incidents with the flags and gates, but only minor damage resulted, mainly props. Most

crashes resulted with the FPV Quad rolling away about 10 to 15 metres and flipping over, but, with the aid

of the props they were off and running again in moments.

Great video was relayed back to the TVs in the covered area for all the public and members.

Thanks to Dennis Greenfield, who operated the radar all day for speed checks, a top speed of 141kph was

recorded by Ryan Cusack with his TCR-260 FPV, fitted with 6045props, DYS SE 2205 2300K motors and

being powered by Ruminhrl 1300ma 6S-130C battery.

Thanks to Mike Snow of Rebel FPV, for his exciting running commentary throughout the day. Big thanks

also to David “Willie” Williamson, Daniel McPherson of TMAC and Tighe Brown from Rebel FPV for

the outstanding co-ordination of the event.

Altogether the event was an outstanding success and all are looking forward to the next FPV meet at Porter


Pat Wilson



Our Sponsors

Page 8: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

And the last word goes to our fabulous Sponsors who are good enough to support our sport in their different ways, so

our members and our club are able to benefit. It is appreciated if our members offer some thought of loyalty in return

for their assistance.

Tingalpa Print and Copy at the Twin Parks Shopping

Centre on Wynnum Road are quite close to our field and have

assisted the club for years with various types of print

production, including hard copies of this Magazine. Thank

you for your effort.

Chris, Aaron and Shannon from Budget Hobbies need no

introduction. Their efforts in all areas including quality

technical advice and product support and assistance are


Chad and Damian of Xtreme Hobby are ready to assist you

with all your model needs from the new premises at Tingalpa

Central Shopping Centre, 21A/1631 Wynnum Road,


These businesses support our members. They provide quality products, with professional service and support. They

would appreciate our members' patronage as we all benefit from supporting our local suppliers.

Page 9: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

Document: tmac may 2016 newsletter final


MEMBER APPLICATION FORM – 2016/2017 APPLICANT INFORMATION (Note: This form can be downloaded in PDF format at

Surname: .................................................. Given Names: ........................................ Preferred Name: ................... For Name Badge, Correspondence, etc.

Address: ............................................................. Suburb: .................................................. Post Code: ...................

Date of Birth: ......../ ........ / ............. Email Address: ........................................................................................

Phone (H): ................................................... Phone (W): ........................................ Phone(M): .............................


AUS Number11: ............................ Last Club & Year MAAA License held: .......................................... New members will be issued an AUS number with their MAAA license. If you have previously held a MAAA license, enter your AUS number, Club, and year, if known.

WINGS (Tick highest held only) Bronze Silver Gold Instructor MAAA INSPECTOR (Tick all held) Plane FW25 (MOP015) Helicopter FW50 (MOP015) Glider RW25 (MOP015)

Multi-rotor RW50 (MOP015)


MEMBERSHIP TYPE (Tick one. Refer to the back of this form for a full membership fee table)

Continuing Member3

New Member2

(Full Year)

New Member2

(Half Year) Senior $225.00 $300.00 $185.00

Junior (under 18 on 1st January) $45.00 $45.00 $23.00

Pensioner/Full Time Student4(Card #: ........................................... ) $150.00 $175.00 $95.00

Senior Associate5 (Parent Club: .......................................... ) $125.00 $200.00 $140.00

Junior Associate5 (Parent Club: .......................................... ) $20.00 $20.00 $10.00

Pensioner Associate5 (Parent Club: .......................................... ) $60.00 $85.00 $55.00

Temporary Resignation6 $0.00

Other (See back of this form) (Please Specify: ...................................... ) ............. .............. .............


TMAC TRANSMITTER posted copy1 required: Number of Frequency Key Labels Required: .................

Radio Frequencies used: ................................................

CONTINUING MEMBERSHIP FEES MUST BE PAID TO THE CLUB REGISTRAR BY 30TH JUNE 2016. Payment may be made by one of the following methods (tick one):

Payment Method.

Electronic Funds Transfer Cash.


Money Order.

Postal Address.

The Registrar, TMAC P.O. Box 2108, Tingalpa, QLD 4173 (Please do not post cash)

Electronic Funds Transfer Post a copy of the EFT transaction with your completed Application Form as proof of payment.

TMAC Account: WESTPAC BSB: 034053 Acct#: 127078 Please include your MAAA AUS number and first three letters of your Surname in the EFT transaction text (e.g. nnnnnAAA).

DECLARATION I agree to comply with the Rules and By-Laws, and subsequent variations as may be promulgated from time to time, of the Tingalpa Model Aero Club Inc. and its Insurers.

Applicant’s Signature: ................................................................................................... Date: ....... / ........ / ..........

Proposer7: ............................................... AUS: ............. Signature: ............................... Date: ....... / ........ / .......... New members require a proposer who is a current TMAC member. Proposer must print Name, License Number, & sign. New members are to attend the next club General Meeting where applications will be considered by the members, who will determine the admission or rejection of the applicant. New Member’s application fees will be held in trust until their membership is confirmed at next General Meeting.

OFFICE USE ONLY Cash EFT POS Cheque # .................. Receipt # ......................... Date Received ....... / ...... / ........... MR1# 16- ...................

Date license issued ....... / ........ / ......... Name Badge Membership Updated/Entered ....... / ...... / ............

Page 10: May 2016 Tingalpa Model Aero Club Tingalpa Transmitter · TMAC fees. These are set by the Committee. TMAC is not proposing to increase the TMAC component of membership fees for the

Document: tmac may 2016 newsletter final

Fee Structure -2016/2017

Membership Type

Total Fees Due Breakdown of Total Fees Due

Continuing Member3

New Member10 (Full Year)

New Member10 (Half Year)

Joining Fee10

TMAC Full Year

TMAC Building


MAAQ Full Year

TMAC Half Year

TMAC Building


MAAQ Half Year

Senior (18 and over at 1 Jan) $225.00 $300.00 $185.00 $75.00 $104.00 $27.00 $94.00 $52.00 $11.00 $47.00

Junior (under 18 at 1 Jan) $45.00 $45.00 $23.00 $5.00 $40.00 $3.00 $0.00 $20.00

Pensioner4 $150.00 $175.00 $95.00 $25.00 $45.00 $11.00 $94.00 $20.00 $5.00 $47.00

Full-Time Student4 (over 18) $150.00 $175.00 $95.00 $25.00 $45.00 $11.00 $94.00 $20.00 $5.00 $47.00

Country $195.00 $220.00 $120.00 $25.00 $101.00 $94.00 $48.00 $47.00

Non Flying $50.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $0.00

Life Member8 $0.00 $94.00

Senior Associate5 $125.00 $200.00 $140.00 $75.00 $104.00 $21.00 $51.00 $14.00

Junior Associate5 $20.00 $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $0.00

Pensioner Associate5 $60.00 $85.00 $55.00 $25.00 $50.00 $10.00 $25.00 $5.00

Norfolk Island12 $105.00 $130.00 $75.00 $25.00 $11.00 $94.00 $3.00 $47.00

Applicant & Partner9 $525.00 $295.00 $75.00 $208.00 $54.00 $188.00 $103.00 $23.00 $94.00

Temporary Resignation6 $0.00

Notes: 1. Newsletter. Email is the preferred and cost effective delivery method for TMAC’s newsletter, the Transmitter. Members will be notified

by email when a new bimonthly edition of the Transmitter is available on the web site ( If you do not have Internet access, tick Posted Copy Required.

2. New Membership. Full Year period is 1 July to 30 June, Half Year is 1 January to 30 June (you cannot join for the first half only). Pro Rata joining fees are not offered due to the structure of the insurance policy.

3. Continuing Membership. Membership period is for a full year only. Full year period is 1 July to 30 June. 4. Student/Pensioner memberships. These require a Student/Pension number to be accepted. 5. Associate Memberships. Associate members must hold a current MAAA license with another affiliated club. Please specify your parent

club name and include a copy of your current MAAA license with this application. 6. Temporary Resignation may be granted for up to two years (July to June) without attracting a joining fee upon return. A Membership

Application, with the Temporary Resignation category ticked, must be submitted each year to maintain membership. 7. New Applications. New members require a proposer who is a current TMAC member. Proposer must print Name, AUS Number & sign. 8. Life Members. Life Membership is awarded by the club membership from time to time for meritorious service to the club. Life

Members are required to submit a membership form each year with the appropriate category marked. 9. Joint Applications. Please submit two forms at the same time and tick one Membership Fee. Renewals must be submitted separately. 10. Joining Fee. A joining fee is required only for new members. Joining Fees include a name badge for each applicant. 11. New Members. New members will be issued an AUS number with their MAAA license. If you have previously held a MAAA license,

enter your AUS number, Club, and year, if known. 12. Norfolk Island. Permanent Residents of Norfolk Island only. 13. Membership Flags. It is a requirement of your membership (Op By-Law 03) that you attach the supplied membership flag to each

transmitter you use at TMAC.

If you require any assistance with this application, or further information, please contact the Registrar on the phone number shown on the TMAC Web site ( or email [email protected].

General Information Applications for membership acceptance are proposed at the Club’s monthly meeting. These are held on the first Tuesday of each month (except January) at the Moreton Bay Sports Club 175 Boundary Street Tingalpa Q4173 at 7:30pm. New members are to attend the next club General Meeting where applications will be considered by the members, who will determine the admission or rejection of the applicant.

MAAA Insurance Cover – Your obligations as a Financial Member As a financial member of the Tingalpa Model Aero Club Inc. (TMAC), which is affiliated with the Model Aeronautical Association of Queensland Inc. (MAAQ) and the Model Aeronautical Association of Australian Inc. (MAAA), you undertake to abide by the terms of the insurance policy and the general rules and by-laws for the flying and operation of your models.

Damage to Other People's Property The current insurance policy has a $5,000 excess payable for all claims. Should you have a legitimate claim you are required to complete the necessary forms, provided by the Club Secretary. In any claim you are required to pay $250 only, as your part of the excess, MAAA will pay the balance. Please refer to for the full terms and coverage of the insurance.

Injury to Another Person Injury to another person (regardless of how serious the injury may be) should immediately be reported to the club Secretary or a Committee member. This must then be followed up in writing using the Accident and Incident Report Form, available. from the Club Secretary or MAAA web site.

Your membership constitutes an agreement by you to comply with the Rules and By-Laws of TMAC and its insurers. If you require any further information please contact the Club Secretary. Non-compliance with rules and or by-law’s may affect components of the excess available for TMAC & MAAA and may also affect acceptance of the claim by the insurer.