maybole community research project

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  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Maybole Community Research


    Maybole Community Council

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Where we began

    Routine health and wellbeing data produced

    by the Scottish Public Health Observatory

    (ScotPHO) and the Scottish Government

    identify a number of areas in which the figures

    for Maybole differ either to the South Ayrshire

    or the Scottish average, these include:

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Higher all-cause mortality rate

    Higher rates of emergency hospital admissions

    Higher rates of hospital admissions relating toalcohol and drugs

    Higher rates of hospital admissions relating to

    road traffic accidents Higher rates of hospital admissions in the

    over 65s relating to accidents in the home

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Higher rates of smoking

    Higher rates of smoking during pregnancy

    Lower rates of breast feeding Higher proportion of working-age population

    employment deprived

    Higher proportion of population incomedeprived

    Higher rates of assault patients

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project



    Areas where Maybole does not differ

    significantly from the Scottish or South

    Ayrshire average include:

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Early deaths from heart disease, cancer and


    Cancer registrations

    Hospital admissions for heart disease or stroke

    Hospital admissions for respiratory disease

    Hospital admissions for diseases of thedigestive system

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Multiple hospital admissions in the over 65s

    Psychiatric hospital admissions

    Self assessed health Educational attainment

    Crime rates (lower than the Scottish average)

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Working with..

    North Carrick

    Community Learning

    and DevelopmentPartnership

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    NCCLADP was working on

    Project to train and employ people to design

    and carry out a community study and audit of

    perceived and evidence based need in order

    to ensure that the activities of Maybole CC

    and other groups and agencies fit with what

    is required to contribute to the outcomes

    identified in the SAC Single OutcomeAgreement

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project



    To train local people in the skills required to

    carry out this work

    To produce information to ensure that our

    activities meet real needs of our community

    To support future funding applications

    To assist in the coordination of the activitiesof voluntary and public bodies serving the


  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Combined Project Aims

    To establish the localised needs of the communityof Maybole in relation to the South AyrshireCommunity Planning/ Single Outcome

    Agreement (SOA) themes of:



    Economic Development (including Lifelong Learning) Alcohol and Drugs; and

    Community Safety

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Project aims 2

    To build a comprehensive profile of individual,

    community, public and voluntary sector,

    cultural, physical and environmental assets in


    To increase community engagement and

    participation and create greater social

    connections between those who live (andwork) in Maybole

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Project aims 3

    To explore and pursue new and more effective

    ways of improving outcomes in Maybole in

    relation to the community planning/SOA


    To increase community capacity to undertake

    basic engagement, research and investigation

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Research focus will be

    community based

    Needs assessment of individuals, groups andservice providers to identify the perceivedstrengths and areas which require improvementin Maybole in relation to the 5 community

    planning/ SOA themes identified Asset mapping which identifies and records the

    strengths, skills, resources and talents thatindividuals, local associations, clubs and

    community groups and agencies possess and thatthey could contribute to make life better inMaybole.

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Research focus 2

    Establish/create linkages between individuals,

    community groups and services.

    Map the physical assets of Maybole

    e.g. greenspace, unused land and buildings which

    could be better utilised to support improvements

    in priorities identified through the needs


  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Research focus 3

    Identify the economic strengths and potential ofthe town which could be developed to improveoutcomes in Maybole e.g. contribution of local associations in attracting

    inward investment and jobs; the proportion of public spend which results in jobs

    for local people

    resident spend in local shops versus outside

    businesses. Establish what local cultural and creative skills

    and media exist and could be developed to reflectthe values, identity and voice of Maybole.

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Research focus 4

    Establish residents understanding of local andnational political processes and decision makingand governance arrangements in local servicesand organisations.

    Capture knowledge and understanding of thehistory and culture of Maybole which could bedeveloped to communicate the story of the town.

    Increase the capacity in Maybole to undertake

    basic community based research by providingtraining and mentoring to recruits from Maybolein a range of participatory research techniques.

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project



    A representative sample should be sought A range of methodologies considered and applied

    to achieve maximum engagement One to one interviews via door knocking,

    Cafes, health centres, community halls, streets andmeeting places

    Group based interviews such as focus groups andstorytelling workshops.

    A range of media could be employed in the

    research such as written recording, spoken wordand visual art.

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    The research should seek contributions from thebreadth of people who live and work in Mayboleand promote greater community engagementand empowerment.

    That the project should aim to build capacity andskills in the community both in the process ofconducting the research and in theimplementation of the community action plan.

    The project should commission/recruit, wherepossible, from local sources unless expertiserequired is not available.

    Consultants to be engaged

  • 8/3/2019 Maybole Community Research Project


    Consultants engaged for the project

    Jonathan Coburn

    Susan Guy