mcs 7 b (2) variabilebv

Variable (scientifc research) Any actor that can:  take on dierent values is a scientifc variable inuence the outcome o experimental research scientifc experiments measure quantifable actors:  bservable quantities  !escribable characteristics or attributes

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Variable (scientifc research)

Any actor that can:

•  take on dierent values is a scientifcvariable

• inuence the outcome oexperimental research

• scientifc experiments measure

quantifable actors: – bservable quantities

 – !escribable characteristics or attributes

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 "ypes o variables

• Descriptive variables are those that#hich #ill be reported on$ #ithoutrelatin% them to anythin% inparticular&

• Categorical variables result rom aselection rom cate%ories$ such as'a%ree' and 'disa%ree'&ominal and ordinal variables are


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 "ypes o variables

& !iscrete or *ualitative

Variables&+& ,ontinuous or *uantitative


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 "ypes o variables *ualitatives:(discrete)

• ominal variables di-polichotomic: – dihotomice (poate lua numai o orma din

maxim doua).

 – polichotomice (poate lua o orma din maimulte alternative)

Gender: 1. Male2. Female

Marital Status: & /nmarried+& 0arried1& !ivorcee2& 3ido#er

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 "ypes o variables *ualitatives:(discrete)

*ualitatives: (discrete)• rdinal variables

• !ummy variables rom quantitativevariables

• 4reerence variables

• 0ultiple response variables

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 "ypes o variables *ualitatives:(discrete)

• rdinal variables: are ordered in ameanin%ul sequence$ intervalsbet#een scale points may be uneven&

 "he numbers are comparable only interms o relative ma%nitude$ not actualma%nitude:

5 Very lo# or nil+ 5 6o#1 5 0edium2 5 7reat

8 5 Very %reat

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 "ypes o variables *ualitatives:(discrete)

• !ummy variables rom quantitativevariables:

A quantitative variable can be

transormed into a cate%orical variable$called a dummy variable by recodin%the values: quantitative variable Agecan be classifed into fve intervals$called dummy variables$#ich are: $+$1$2$8

[Up to 25] 1

9+8$ 2 ; +

92$ 8; 1

98$ <; 2

9Above <; 8

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 "ypes o variables *ualitatives:(discrete)

• 4reerence variables: the values are eitherin a decreasin% or increasin% order& =ndicatethe importance o the sources o

inormation by usin% the code 9; or themost important source and 98; or the leastimportant source:

& 6iterature published in the country

+& 6iterature published abroad1& >cientifc abstracts

2& /npublished reports$ material$ etc&

8& !iscussions #ith collea%ues #ithin the research unit

 "he interval distance is not the equal&

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 "ypes o variables *ualitatives:(discrete)

• 0ultiple response variables are those$#hich can assume more than one value&

 "he respondents could score more than

one cate%ory& – A survey questionnaire about the use o

computers in research:Statistical analysis Lab automation

Data base management Modeling and simulation

Scientifc calculations Computer aided design(CAD)

Communication andnetworkin


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 "ypes o variables ? *uantitatives

*uantitatives – Continuous variables are numeric variables

that can take any value$ such as #ei%ht&

 – Discrete variables are numeric variablesthat come rom a limited set o numbers&

 "hey may result rom $ ans#erin%

questions such as 'ho# many'$ 'ho# oten'$etc&

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 "ypes o variables @ *,hapt1&htm

• "nterval # scale $ariables

Continuous %rdinal $ariables• &atio # scale $ariables

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 "ypes o variables ? *uantitatives

Continuous %rdinal $ariables •  "he measurements are continuous$ but one

is not certain #hether they are on a linear

scale$ the only trust#orthy inormationbein% the rank order o the observations&Bor example$ i a scale is transormed byan exponential$ lo%arithmic or any other

nonlinear transormation$ it loses itsinterval ? scale property&

• =t is expedient to replace the observationsby their ranks&

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 "ypes o variables ? *uantitatives

"nterval # scale $ariables:• =nterval scale data has order and equal intervals& "hey are measured on a linear scale$ and can take onpositive or ne%ative values& =t is assumed that the

intervals keep the same importance throu%hout thescale& "hey allo# us to rank order the items that aremeasured and also to quantiy andcompare thema%nitudes o dierences bet#een the m&

 "he temperature o 2C, is hi%her than 1C,$ and anincrease rom +C, to 2C, is t#ice as much as theincrease rom 1C, to 2C,& ,ounts are interval scalemeasurements$ such as counts o publications orcitations$ years o education$ etc&

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 "ypes o variables ? *uantitatives

&atio # scale $ariables•  "hese are continuous positive measurements

on a nonlinear scale (the %ro#th o bacterialpopulation ? equal time intervals multiply the

population by the same ratio)&•  3ith interval data$ one can perorm lo%ical

operations$ add$ and subtract$ but can notmultiply or divide& "o multiply or divide #ehave to use the Delvin scale? has a true Eeropoint& =n social sciences$ the issue o FtrueEeroF rarely arises$ but one should be a#are

o the statistical issues involved&

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 "ypes o variables ? *uantitatives

&atio # scale $ariables•  "here are three dierent #ays to

handle the ratio?scaled variables& – >imply as interval scale variables& Go#ever

this procedure should be avoided as it candistort the results&

 – As continuous ordinal scale&

 –Hy transormin% the data (or example$lo%arithmic transormation) and thentreatin% the results as interval scalevariables&

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,/6I7IJIA !A"I6J

• >tudiile evalueaEa reEultate prin observareaunor modifcari-schimbari produse asupra />&

• Aceste schimbari sunt evidentiate de datele

(variabilele) care se modifca la nivelul /> dinpopuatia de baEa&

• JeEultatele se:bserva-0asoara-=nre%istreaEa-AnaliEeaEa

• >e tra% concluEii• =mperativa: defnirea-urmarirea 


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IvalueaEa un enomen-schimbare

• cantitate sau• calitate (atribut)

Trebuie sa e:

bservabile - masurabile? la membrii populatiei de


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Variabile clasifcare

& ,alitative

+& ,antitative

A& !iscreteH& ,ontinue

1& !escriptive -,ate%oriale

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 "ipuri de variabile

& ,alitative:• A& ominale: permit o clasifcare

calitativa apartinand unor cate%orii ce

nu pot f ierarhiEate$ cuantifcate& 4ot f: – dihotomice (poate lua numai o orma din

maxim doua: masculin - eminin).

 – polichotomice (poate lua o orma din mai

multe alternative:casatorit-necasatorit-divortat-vaduv)

• H& rdinale: iau valori care pot f aseEateintr?o insiruire lo%ica a acestor valori

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 "ipuri de variabile

+& ,antitative

• A& ,ontinue pot f masurate cuacuratete$ iau valori succesivecontinuu ("A$ %reutatea)&

• H& !iscrete ? pot lua doar anumitevalori fxe& =ntre aceste valori nuexista alte valori intermediare&(masc&- em&)

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 "ipuri de variabile

1& !ependente ? independente

• Variabilele dependente (V!) depind deuna sau mai multe variabile independente

(V=)? statistica poate arata doar corelarea$nu cauEalitatea&

• V= pot f modifcate de cercetator$ (in caEulstudiilor experimentale$ nu la celeobservationale)

• V= si V! ? sunt le%ate intr?un anumitcontext$ nu pot f trecute de la un studiu la


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>cale de masurare avariabilelor

• ominala

• rdinala• !e


• !erapoarte

Biecare scala

are toatecaracteristicile


 plus Πncăceva

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>cale de masurare avariabilelor


• >et de cate%orii (distincte) care

pot varia doar calitativ (nucantitativ)&

• u diera ierarhic&

•>e pot atasa numere acestorcate%orii&

!". #uloareaoc$ilor

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>cale de masurare avariabilelor


=dem nominala K :

• ,ate%oriile sunt ierarhiEate lo%ic&• u exista dierente e%ale intre

treptele ierarhiei cate%oriilor&

!". stadiile cancerului

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>cale de masurare avariabilelor

!e intervale=dem ordinala K :

• !ierentele dintre intervale sunt

e%ale• %u e"ista o valoare de re&erinta

ca L M

• Ix&: scala '# N 2?8 O, 5 N +?1O, $

dar < O, N 1 O, x +

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>cale de masurare avariabilelor

!e rapoarte• =dem intervale K :

• e"ista o valoare de reerinta ca L M

• Ix&: scala '( . L M5 ?+P1 O,N 2?8 OD 5 N +?1 OD $

iar < OD 5 1 OD x +

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• !e: ansamblu de intrebari scrise$administrate de operatori cedetermina raspunsuri ce suntinre%istrate in scris&

• =nstrument de baEa in cule%ereadatelor&

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,hestionare clasifcare

=n unctie de:

0odul de administrare•  "ipul de inormatii cerute

•  "ipul de intrebari olosite

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,hestionare clasifcare

Modul deadministrare

)*irect + indirect,

• 4rin posta?=

•  "eleonice

• =nterviu ? !

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,hestionare clasifcareTipul de in&ormatii


• !ate

• ,unostinte

• Atitudini - opinii

• ,omportament

• Acordul inormat

• =normatii desprerude

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,hestionare clasifcareTipul de intrebari



• !ihotomice:da-nu• Ale%eri multiple

• =erarhiEate pe scala


• Jaspuns numeric:varsta

,u raspuns:

 inchis?avantaQe: – "intite

 – /niorme

 – /sor de administrat

 – /sor de codifcat – "imp scurt de


• !eschis? cer timp

RR Vocabularul

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,odifcarea intrebarilor

 "rebuie sa fe:

• !"$austiva @cate%oriile sa cuprindatoate raspunsurile$ sa fe codatetoate cate%oriile

• -pecica @ cate%oriile sa se excludareciproc

• 4ot f olosite intrebari in cascada @se raspunde la o intrebare care deapt nu exista in chestionar ca atare&

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>tructura chestionarelor

=ntrebarile se clasifca dupa unctie:

& =ntroductive @ de contact

+& !e trecere @ tampon

1& Biltru

2& Hiurcate

8& !e ceS<& !e control

P& !e identifcare

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>tructura chestionarelor?7allup

• >tandard pentru chestionare de opinie:

intrebari alternand cu DȊ

• =ntrebari fltru? -Ȋ   R.M. cunoaste problemaS

• =ntrebari deschise? atitudunea ata deproblema

• >istem de intrebari ( -Ȋ la problema discutata)

=ntrebari D @ motivatia opiniei• =ntrebari - intensitatea opinieiȊ

!/JA"A interviului ≈ T h

.M& 5 raspuns

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Validitatea intrebarilor

• >tructurala ? prin repetareormulata dierit

• 4rin repetare la un micnumar de repondentialesi randomiEat

U (intrebari reeritoare lalucruri concrete$ nu deopinie)

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Verifcarea validitatii chestionarelor

• 4rin anchete @

conruntarea cu datecunoscute

• ,ontrolul incrucisat alintrebarilor

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Borma - aspectulchestionarului

• Istetic-discret

• ecesare: – 4retestarea chestionarului

 – >pecialiEarea operatorului

 – Jepetarea chestionarului

 – Verifcarea codifcarii