me rushed to ireland - chronicling land, the homo of the lit-tle tsndrr*. the horned...

| IDnj ioMW jjjnfl w »^KmJ TE3T Weather ___ __ Tonipht and Saturday, rain 111 II or rnoi»?; continued rohi, II I II frrsh wrtterly galr. II III runrr !I Hour* lll P \U\lmun» 46. Minimum, 31. * 1 P Todn) nwm, .*W. On the Issue of Americanism There Can Be No Compromise ATE Mm EDITION ||||l The Seattle Star Kntrr*4 u I'lai MatUr May *, ll»», ?( the roatofflc* al i Wmli, ut.d-r lh« Act of ComrnM lU/ch I, !171 f* Tw, t»jr Mull, I- (o II VOLIME 23. AS IT SEEMS TO ME DANA SLEETII yt _IN HOtTK! VI Jl _ I I don't remember who I It «u that traveled to and fro over t h«> fn. e of t j, e earth prohahly It WM Satan?or some other con iwawU one who had to keep rush- ing from place to place without ever a chart* to peat hia feet and bake his ahlna by his own horn* tire Trnm which It may be gathered that I un traveling sooie more, atvl not unduly Orklnl over the Job ITut ti'\u25a0 bottle read. 'Shake Writ be fort taking." and after a flay and a nt*ht on one of Mr. llar- \ fbnan» trains over (hew Onast < mountain*. I fr«l that I am <-<»m- --' plying with the tmler, and that »r- --, ?rythmic la well shaken. Wo are now (traded for the iun* my Houih. where re«| estate sells try the Irtbh. and where climate la botU«M arid displayed on the coun- ter* along with orange blosaoms. golden popple*, nun kissed raisins and hot air. Movie land, the homo of the lit- tle tsndrr*. the horned toad and the centipede Horr.< of alkali, c.«i-tu« greaser* ' and Nebraska farmer* who have ! koucht a farm 20 feet by 30 and f Pettled down. Maybe we'll get to Tla -lunnit. [ wbef the pontes run around the | track, when they don t drop dead | at the poet, and where outrageous lllKala purvey alcoholic beverage* £ Openly brazenly deflarrti>. right lonr the bar, with foot rail and j thin*. ? ? ? ifinnn*" NOW leaving UflA# I Shasta Springs the teat rharw* In OUlfm-nta to Ket aomethlnc for Both Inc Bo far th»y still ?Mftni to quaff from thi« aoda pop Bin, dashing down the fern etrpoted ravine, without money and without price. Escaping from eluti hea of the dining car banditry \u25a0and leaving behind one large, round dollar to meet the overhead char*** on the solitary prune mrved me aa an appetiser. I drank lonr and deeply from Shasta * flow, because from now on any- thing takep Internally, viewed ex lernally. smelted of. or felt of. will Jpoot the traveler real money. . dome unenlightened people mav imagine that California le called the Golden State because cold was Imt discovered In Its confines In and because here was the first '?hiding place of the fold d.ggers Well. California Is the habitat of the moot skilled gold diggers on Ktnll. but t' try don't do It with a LHlrk. a aho and a di*h pan. IW ? ? ? f <ll.l DIfICOVEKKD thin r Hkl 11 morT,in * ,h * tuw of \u25a0 rubber '-olMr To tht* Mml time 1 had connldered rubber roilar* aa «om» |(iln( tn be derided. but tb»y Kiln vr a ml/>»]on a rubber H**>llar enable* th« »ear«r to »uh |ku far*, and wrk and all of hi* mmr* without undreiainc. Juet «iw | * -fellow doing it In the drawing Room, and tf he had worn a ruliber R». *t and ? raincoat. I tMnk hia tn- pperimerrt would have been a com lyktii IUCMW ff He wa« the «ame fellow who *ot [lll* eye* full of aoap and th»n flawed about for a towel; there Eftpaan t the dear old roller blanket jffianglfm on the kitchen door, ao he Mhad quite a Mrramhle for It, but he iflnally found the nhoe ra* the por iter had left on the aeat, and that lAd nicely [. '? ? ? ? ? BWO fIHOW GlßLS?they aay they are show girl- ? tho I have a *u*plclon that they have been working In on* fit tho*e Venler way cabouf*. where near- fc>eer la sold at a npoonful. Anyhow, they ar«* with u* lr traveling expense* being limited, or their btMine** training paving mad* them aver*e to spend Ing their own money for m*r«> food, they have been right sociable with Ihe various young men of our car jl<nd have eked out five meal* to jjate without having to open their \u25a0ytirseg. A Red Croft* man wa* the flr«t victim then a young chap -who 1* on hi* way to China wa* the next, a fat traveling man wa* jh« victim lairt night, and thl* rooming a *lim young aviation lieutenant wan e*cort. It I* a long way to Angeles. »nd I fear *ome of the married |rien will be vamped before the day * done for the*e girl* mply must «t, arid, uomehow, they don't, man Lg< * to get the *ame ho*t wice. night the glr!* *ang will/ K»"g* In a high falsetto aiK/ut the line most of u* had composed our- ieive* for alumber, until some my*- fx iouH and grouchy voice nang ut; "Oh. hu*hr, baby; 'pit It out 0 mamma'* hand and go to gleep." The *lnglng dam*e| ga*ped. and Hi* n *hrlllfl hack; "Kay, what do fo'j think 1 am- talking to rne like h it?" whereat old Mr Myateriou* 'urnbled from the depth* of hi* pink: \ "Oh, we know you are. ail fit'ht. Oo <>n and go to *leep." VVilch ended that *ejenad»- (Turn to I'age 2, Column Z) SEATTLE, WASH., FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920. BRITISH WARSHIPS RUSHED TO IRELAND UPRISING OH EASTER IS FEARED Sinn Fein Prisoners May Be Taken on War Vessels to English Jails !4>NIION. \pril S. British nsn4tip< Arrhnl off R<rlf*»t NN. iii(hl acrordinc U> Ihr Kvrnlns Npwi !"br n»*-pn per lnt«rpr« ird ili«* mevrnmt a* p«M"i «»f lh« fn rrnm« ni p(t>ir» lion« In prv\mt lln r|x rtrd l>i-in- for an uprMng during the teAfetrr holiday. dililitis that tfir mwl* mUht b«- U«'d for trtn* ft of smn l«-in pr.%ot»«r* to I'nglMi jail,. I*ollce barrack* At lf land. WfM mkH VNXtnnwtay night, (h* kiHI. and wrw by bemh expltialonit There wit no eaetui 11 N>* Folic* mtAlktMl with raid* thruotit Kllkt-nneyr durlnc the morntnir. making iwvtil imit* There's a Lawyer in Seattle With a Sliver Scar on His Heel How he got it is told u The Star's Sea It It Story Book on I'age 9 Today. OH BOY! OH JOY! NO MILK RAISE Wonder of Wonders! Price Won't Be Boosted Heatfle'a milk wir. after three day*' hattl* Ntwrtn dairymen who wanted higher and dietrlbut or* who didn't. reupe* d into an armed truce Fridav. following a da ctolvf victory by the dlatrtbtitora. "Hr-K#nt milk prtrw >rt not Itkaly to chaiurt," Hid W. V fi Itobb, of Hollywood farm, ana of tha diatribttt* ora ~* ve %|rcal to take tht W to the fair price committee anytime, but I don't believe tha dairymen dare try It." Tha final flln* In the mntfat oc- curred late Thuraday The tfia trlbutom contended that a r*t*« in the of milk In the city would create a falee market which couldn't endure more than two deye. or long- er than It would take fr>r a flood of cheaper milk to teach the connum With milk In Turoma. Ever- ett and other nearby towna. It was contended, a hither mar ket in Heat- tie could not be nuetaint^d. TENANT -EVICTS' HIS JAPANESE LANDLORD Breaks Jiu-Jitsu Grip and Throws Him Into Street Ktnd Itrown. a trnanl >1 l»l® Ilk# >U. batllnl Willi T llakl. J»l Mim# Undlord. U«*l night, brttkr liin Jin jlt-u |H|w. ami hurird him into Uir ulrwl. Oaki aJt*hU<d on hi* It rrtiulritl ihrw tUldini aft lh» rlljr luMpiUi lo (Jh* wmimL (*ottc« |f"l firet word «f th§ t«(Ut when «<>i»eofke irUphunvd Hfporl M+rk lUjr Newton llul a riot waa In pro*r»*we at the Ink* »t »dilr»»*. «rt»rn I* K Knapp and E P iWrry arrived on thr »otn» juat in time to taaiat AaWt up from the ptvwuL SEATTLE BOAT CALLS FOR AID According to llrown end hia wife. th« J.»p had mmp to their Apirtmrnt to collect u eum of money represent ing rent they ha/1 |*akl ? ? ? Women in Washington Picket British Embassy Libby Maine Thought Leak- ing Off Cape Flattery Washington. April 2 Two women carry in* sign* asking the Cntted Hutri to ininrvtM In Ire land to prevent a rr, alleged to be irhftulfHl to Itrfln Mond»\ "p|cket»*tl" the British here today. picketing consisted of tralkinc up and down In front <rf the MhUnff The women gave their name* n* Mr* Jam en W iUh and Mm lUrry Walker and wild they would present ly be re lie ved by other* snd that the vigil would be maintained indefinite !y. There wer» no Hgn* of life In the embassy The pkketer* attrg't »»d a crowd of about 2S in'opl* l and one policeman The *isn* carried by the womn bore the wnrrl# "HWOLANn AmTirtin women condemn your relirn of terror In the Irish republic." "AMKRICA CANNOT <-ontlnue relations with England ruled by s* saa*lns." ? e ? Help waa ru*hed early Friday to the motiarahtp Libby Maine, five mile* off Cape Flattery. after the Marine Kxchange had revived a wiraieaa message reading "In diatreaa ' The ruMt guard cutter ftnohomleh at Tatooeh atarted for the acene, and later reported to tha Marine Kx change that aha had been in com munlcatlon with the Mbby Maine and the latter'* maetor had reported "No aaalataner n««<l»<d All n K." It ta thought the Libby Maine wprong a leak In the heavy *ea that haa t>e««n running off tha Waahlng ton coaat for more than a week. Hh«« la bound here fr«»m Hon Franciaco with 24 men In the crew Hhe in oparated by Libby. McNeill 41 Libby, and wan built in Portland. Bartholf Still Among Missing I>ore llartbolf. wealthy 24-year- old miner of Auburn, wan still mi *ing Friday !>eiiplte the efforts nf deputy *herlff* and a frantic father, llartbolf. who disappeared Thursday, April 22, ha* not com munliated with hi* home. TT WAS DRY ALL 1 RIGHT. ALL RIGHT Libby Maine Left S. F. With Miscellaneous Cargo DANISH PALACE IS UNDER GUARD General Strike Is Now Ef- fective; Ships Tied Up COPENHAGEN? April 2 ?The gen ??ml iitrtke called In protect again*t the king m dismissal of the Zahle rab ln«»t ha* become »ff*»rtl\?» thruout the city. Harbor workers have walked out. preventing the nailing of many flteamem. Ituilding laborer* and typographer* left their i»oet« A bread famine wa* feared becau*e of the baker*' *trike King Christian, after a conference with the *tatr council, wa* reported to have decided to di**olve the lower hou*e. holding election* for a new parliament, April 23. Troop* guarding the palace and government building*, were Isftued b'»ll cartridge* today with order* to fire on all demonstrator* Accused of Theft of Tires at Garage IUVH JAI* ATTACK Id) fjrand larceny for alleged theft of auto tire* from the Metropolitan garage, Fifth ave and I'nlverwlty *t . March 1 ft, wa* charge again*t Curl llbrWh*on aful lien fowling In *up*iior court rridav < Ity de- tective* made the arre*t*. HEY, MISTER! YOU BKTTER CLEAN UP Downtown property owtum are to be compelled to clean the sidewalk* In front of their atore*. It wa* an nounced Friday by the Hty health department. If the *tre«>t* are not cleaned, the work will be done by or der of the police and th«- co*t a* *e**ed agaln*t the owner*. Want Company to File Schedule The Puget Sound Light A Power Co. will be compelled to file a *ched 11le of it* Nteam heat rnte* with the city, u'-cordlng to an ordinance being drawn up Friday by Corporation Counsel Walter F. M"ler. Twm a dry March. I*reclpltatlon here we* .7* In* lie* bllow normal, ??\u2666ate* report of department of agri- culture. Total rainfall wax Ml Inches. More tban a hundredth of un ln< h of rain fell on 17 different day*. "Have a Heart," Said Burglar No. 1 to No. 2 Hentlmental burglar* had a rip roaring time Thursday night Mr*. O. A. Vlnje. H#»nton hotel, reported to the police Friday the theft of a heart *ha ped locket and other Jewel- ry, while H. Owman, firand Central hotel, contributed an Ivory heart charm to burglars who prowled hi* room. I_TE CAUGHT TROUT 11 AM) FINE OF $5 SAN KKANCIHO». April 2.?The Libby M «lne left thin port laet werk with a 'mlaceilaneoua cargo for He :ittle. The veaael ha* a grona ton nage of 1,111 and net tonnage of 1,4 M: A crew of between J5 and 30 men w.»* aboard. In command of Captain Kdward Herre No meeeage rofM the freight er'a pltfcht ha* been received by th«» I'an Amerldin line here to whlrh the veanel I* under charter. Food Supply in N. Y. Threatened Hi* nhort trout <?!»*! H ITyeda Caught with the unlawful fl*h Thumday. he wa* tried Priday and convlcte«i by Justice (>ti* W. Ilrln- ker'* ruler. NEW YORK. April I The frc«h food aupply for New York wa* threatened today by the *trlke of harbor worker*, tying up ferrle* and- other floating equipment of rail- roario Hlx thousand m*n wrrr out, no cnrdlnir to pinion offlHulw Thr m®n nr* drmmuflnir «n Hfht hour clay. Well, Folks, City's Shy Only $995,800 Pedestrians AAP Hit by Autos/XK This Year liVJ With mih*< rtptlmi* acercKnllnK : M.y'm filed with the city comptroller a* the rewilt of the flri«t dn>'» J "fiver the couliter ' Hale of t1,000,000 <of skagit con*t met lon Iwindu, *ul>. | wrlptlon* came to an Hlirupt atop ' Kriiliiy. City official* wire Ultlllile to e* plain the acnrt-lty of purrha*er*. a* ] the I Kind* l>a> 8 per rem, with In j tereat payable *enil annually. TUe *iiln will continue until May Ifi. An auto *truck A. A Heagrave. 1035 Kalnler ave , I'riday night at Halnler ave and Waldon *t.. with *uch force that he wa* thrown neveral feet onto ;i r iilroad track and rendered uncon*<!ou*. The car plunged on at great npeed without Ntopplng. accrwdlng to eye wltne*ne*. The accident Wa* refyorted by I»r Mable Heagrave, daughter of the Injured man. WAGNER IS SURE SOME DETECTIVE Pedestrians 10 £ Hit by Autos /Xfl This Year 4IUV An argument eniued. llrown final ly telling the Jap h* wanted to go to bed Oakl la mmid to have aprung at Brow n. eetaJng him by a p*« utUr ftrlental h<»ld which Hrown hud ?ome trouble hrmkinf. He th»n picked the Jap % up l*odtly ami flung hlh thru the fUax door Into the etr^et. RAIL WORKERS DEMAND RAISE Wilson Notified 2.000.000 Men Ask New Wage When the Rood ship Inconlmti I doeked In Seattle Thursday, George Wagner, a member of the rrew. hot ftwited It to the pollee station where he reported the theft at aea of a $137 watch and ehain. "I am sure the watch wan stolen by someone alioard ship," offered Wagner. WftHMINUTON. April ? ?Pre* ?dent Iftm M Jt-Mril of ili«- rail way <lep*rlm« tit. \mertran | p<l rrmii<>n of I abor. today notified w lt««n mil*my wort«T» will ipp* al In the irniitpnrtiiliHii Ihlnit hoard for w»f.- IWTwinn, totaling 11. 000,?Oo,iKK) annually. Jewell forwarded to the White llouae correapond«*nre between raU way executive** and union leader* which resulted In the breakup yea terrtay of the joint conference catle«l by I'realdent Wllaon to agree on new wage eehedule* The union men charged the railway executive* with refuaal to comply with the Kwhrurnmlni transporta- tion act Thla wa* in a letter to Chlrtnan B T. Whltter of the rail- road executives' Wugr committee, who notified the union men the executive* could not go on with the joint con fare nee. Whltter wrote that the wage demand* were too large for the ex ecutlvw* to grant on their own re- *pon«ihillty without the approval of the public. s \\ s COMMITTFK r \il.H TO WOHK Jewell* reply read. In part "Tour committer haa decided not to comply with the plain provtalon* of the law and aaaume the re*j»on*l hlllty of railroad management with regard thereto and haa not given consideration to the request of em- ployee for Ju*t and reasonable rate* of pay ha*ed upon the prnvl*lon* of aertlon I<>7 of the tran*i>ortatlon act. "Your entire deliberation* *eem to hav« l»een prod Ice ted upon the eole basts of the co*t without regard to th»» Juntnew* and reanonablenes* of the fijui'Mtn of railroad employe*. "Th»« «deci*lon of your committee forces u* to appeal to the labor hoard under the provl*Aon* of the tran*t»or- tat lon act and to *o notify President WUeon." The president ha* not yet an nouneed the personnel of thla hoard whlrh |m created by the Kach-Cum mln* art. Shielding hemelf from the r;«In behind an umbrella, Mr*. Char lotte Johnson, llt 10 Ninth nvi . wa* *truck down by an auto driven by I'. K. I! im*ey, 212 Third ave. H.. at Ninth ava. and Pine nt Thur*day night. Hhe xuMtalned a ncalp wound, ftarn * try Hiild he wa* driving *lowly. t eft like sept. MORN ON APRIL 1 If It hadn't been for kind hearted aucMs of the Hherman hotel, Klrst nve. H and Seneca st . Paul t.rune, guest, would be In bed all day Friday, and It wouldn't ls» from sickness. el ther. When Orune awakened, he dlscov ered thieves had walked off with ev» ? rvthliiK he owned, except bin hat. fluents contributed odd articles of elothlng, and Clrune,* elad ia It!«\u25a0 makeshift outfit, reported hla loss to the police. W ATICK SHIT OFF John Had the Taste and the Inclination 1 Alt ho In the wordM of his counsel John Htoyanovluh'a ehlef offense seemed to be "an Inherent dntfie to! taste a certain alcoholic beverage? j the so-called grapo," it also seemed that John gratified that taste In vio- lation of the law. He was sen- tenced to six months In the county IJail and fined $5OO. Water Will be shut off In the dls trlct east of 49th av«\ N. and north of K I .re st. from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m Friday, TWO CENTS IN SEATTLE Beauty Raps Men of 1920 **¥ * * * * * * "Puny Love-Making Bores" RV H. P. BIRTON NKW TOHK. April J.? The puny love-making of the Uml bu*lr.ea* man, at the fan end of a hard day, ia driving the American woman to a of b"r«lnm that probably no other woman In the hlwtory of the \u25a0 world haa had to endure " Thla d«rUmtlnn romm from the llpa of Rmlly Hteven*. one of the greate*t xirnawn of the American -tage At prewent *he la *tarrlng In "Hophle." a comedy which depict* the i life of the Fren« h Klmrtnn artreaa "The Americ an man.*' ahe Mild, "can't u*e all hla iwf fir* In piling up m«ney, and still have the c*hty ami enjoyment out of life that tho»c irmtmlon* hail whielt brain* enough to the real thing* of life ran not l»c enjoy «-d unkw MWt# energy I" netted for their nrfri»e " She *|*»ke of her pl»v "There wa* an old diplomat who j tried to make love to Hophle when jhe waa In hla dotage -tired out Hla- j tory tell* ua that *he had him ar- retted and charged him with murder THREE KILLED HERE IN MARCH 143 Injured in Auto and Car Accidents Thn*r prrwon* wm killwl nnd 14K nth ITH Injured Iti automobile and arridpnlit during the month of March, according to the monthly police motor vehicle Orel dent r< |»irt luxiird Friday. The three ptTftonw killed were Mlffl Inez Ostrum, nt Wi-ntliike ave. and Murilmn at.. a* ahe wad running for a Madison nt. ruble car. and henry hendrickson and John Swan- son. of thr Broadwjy garage. killed when an automobile In which they were riding barked over an embank ment In thr north rnd of the city when defective brake* failed to fune tlon. of the I4S per*on* Injured, the re port ehow* that 111 of lhr*e were adult* while 34 were minors Seven hundred and ninety automobile* fig- In accident* durlnu Mitrch while motorcycle* and r. 4 atreet car* had mixupi. Sixty aeven motor)*!-* reported their accident* a* being due to ml*- under*tandlng* of the right of way at rro-wlng* Speeding win re*pon- *lblc for r»7 accident*, while 21 driv- er* reported accident* due to *ktil illng on wet pavement. Forty one Jaywalker* paid penal- tie* fi4' their carele**ne** while II minor* were Injured cither on hi cycle* or roller akatua. Twelve driver* were In accident* due to drunkenne** nml 35 other* re- ported being bumped by vehicle* from the rear. Her value jumps SINCE MARRIAGE TKIIKK HAI TK. hid. April 2.~~ %otka Cubrllte toduy considered her- self worth K0 times as mych as she was four years jigo. In for divorce she demanded $B,OOO ali- mony as against the alleged price of $lOO paid her father by the groom at the time of the wttidlng. ?she said he had bored her to DEATH? ? "There are lot® of American women who would like to lay similar charges sgalnnt their husbands today. "Then men «»mf home so tired.' They want thatr love-life to be 'com- fortable.' to have It walk softly about their hearts In felt slippers the way they walk around the hou*e. "AND LOVKLY WOMEN LAN- ?ll*lßll T*» DKATH AT THEIR 8II)K or I'LAIK BOREDOM! "They never have a chance to ex eril*e their emotions naturally; the heKt they can irlve them ia a little Senile ma*ftAce by going to the the- t're or reading h novel, and putting tin maelves In the place of the hero- ine who la lucky enough to be having a reni love affair. "Tlie liil;eiiiir type of H'omill who U emotional potty alone hat the call lixlay because It d»>e»m*t take any ciMfgy to nu»Uin her «ompani<»n«lii|> "If Mich women ah Sophie- women of wit and cmaeleaa maneuvering? today they would have had to cunceal theli brains or they would have died spinsters!" FORSAKEN WIFE SAVES HUSBAND Secures Light Sentence for Him From Judge Four small children and a forgiv- ing wife vs. the law's demands. These forces bucked each other In Judge A. W. Fmter's court Friday. Henry ruffelle, music teacher, con* vie ted of perjury In the securing of j a divorce, was up for sentence. September 9, 19t9. Huffelle filed huU e edith M. Huffelle. lie stated that he didn't know her real* dence and that they had no children. Mrs. Huffelle and four children were 'living In S|M»kane. Huffelle knew it. But there was another woman. For the sake of the children, the wife forgave. "Send him to prison for a long sentence and hi* wife will have to slave for a living," Deputy Prosecutor C. C. Dalton said. "She forgives him. I>et him out soon, and make him sup- port her and the children." I Judae Frater aentenced Huffelle to | serve from six months to 15 years in ' Wallu Wall*} prison. They Up and Took Socks and Razor V'lmrU'H Harnok. loMfffer living at Ihe (??'in hotel, will not be able to work, neither will he nhave t unless the thieves who rohl*i| his room Thurmlay night bring Iwck his and logging outfit. "They even took my heavy wool \u25a0ockft," reported Hurnok to the po- lice Friday. Chicago Employes Now Back at Work CHtOAUO, April Chicago'* ' strike of city employes had been ! broken Unlay by promise* of arbltra- I Hon. City employ** were back at Ithflr po*t* and official buKlncM* wan reaumcd for the flrat time this week. SERGEANTS THEGOATS FOR JOEL WARREN? Had Reported Suspicious Building Operatipns, Is Latest Discovery Mayor Caldwell began a searching investigation Fri- day into the action of Chief of Police Warren in summarily removing three sergeants of police from their beats in the South Knd for their alleged failure to report illegal build- ing operations which led later to the discovery of an exten- sive underground gambling town in the vicinity of Sixth ave. and Weller st. Th«- mayor K&lrt he had bean in- formed (hat a report ot the Miding operation* hut been made, which waa intended for Chief Warren parson- ally. The chief denies kiTtag MM any report. "I'm some to find oat the Mk In thin natter," mid the nana '%m<k If theee wrpeanta havebeaa AM* tn injuntlre. they will be pot Inek their heata If eome one M|tw m> la ronponatble, I'm irXnjt to fix tha reeponnlbillty where It belongs-" Serirt John Iranian, oqe of the three removed, by the chief. Mid he had made a report to Capt- William Searing WROTE RKPORT IN TRIPLICATE. HAYS SEARING Hearing said he wrote the report In I triplicate. in the usual way, one copy f«»r the chief, one for Inapector 'Claude llannick and one for blnuwlf. : SeantkK'a and Itanntok'a copies were I found Friday. The chiefs copy could \u25a0 not be located. j The copy in Searing'* possession, ;'Utml March 17. reads: "Nergt. Don lan informed me > esterdajf thai appearaneea in the basements at 52! Sixth axe. N. and fflJH* Sixth are. with another entrance from 599 Weller Hi., were being remodelled far gambling purpone* with usual big door* being put in plao*. 1 Instructed him to lia\e the wwi slopped and he reported bark thai tliey both had building per- mils." The chiefb personal secretary also 'recalled Friday that he had made a *P« < ial report on the building opera* Hon* .about the same time, but eaid he did not remember whether he handed it to the chief, put It io his l>asket. or what had occurred. The chief Mild it must have been loat in tranalt. MA\OR QI ESTIONS SEVERAL. CHINAMEN The report reached the mayor, not in the customary manner thru the chief, but by a different route, and led to the mayor's tour of Inapection and his disco vary of the under* ground network of dens and tunnels. While the probe of the chiefs ac- tion was under way, the mayor ordered several prominent Chinamen brought to his office for a quia They were to he questioned, he said, to determine who was responsi- ble for the construction of barret! doors, trapdoors, secret doors and other devices peculiar to gambling dens. Permits were taken out at the of* flee of the building inspector, the mayor said, to build h stairway back of the Paris house and a partition in a pool room across the street. This nun h was legal and after the work was done, the places were inspected and passed. II 1.K.A1, DOORS REMOVED NOW ' After the Inspection." said Mayor Caldwell, "uomebody went ahead and built a lot of device** that are illegal because not covered by permit. I want to know who had this work done." All the objectionable doors were re- moved by i>olire squads Thumd.iy afternoon in the following places, in- spected later by Sergeants O'Brien and lHinlan, who re|>orted to Capt. Searing; Sixth ave. S. t 522 Sixth ave. S., 521 Sixth ave. S., 520 Weller st. and GOSH Jackson nt. Hose was loaded ?NOT WITH FEET ThHr inability to explain tho pur. ixisc of their possession of Inn plocea (if loaded liowe r* suited In Honnlil Klttermnn and Karl ("oopcr beln« aentenced lo the county jail li.v Justice Otli \V. Hrmker Friday. Kitterinan will have to nerve 100 dajrw and Cooper 90 days. Tt\ey "Pro arrested on an N. P. tmln by Deputy Sheriff Matt fitmrteh Wednesday.

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Post on 18-Feb-2021




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    ioMW jjjnfl w »^KmJ

    TE3T Weather___ _ _ Tonipht and Saturday, rain111 I I or rnoi»?; continued rohi,I I I I I frrsh wrtterly galr.IIII I runrr !I Hour*lllP \U\lmun» 46. Minimum, 31.* 1 P Todn) nwm, .*W.

    On the Issue of Americanism There Can Be No Compromise

    ATE MmEDITION ||||lThe Seattle Star

    Kntrr*4 u I'lai MatUr May *, ll»», ?( the roatofflc* al i Wmli, ut.d-r lh« Act of ComrnM lU/ch I, !171 f* Tw, t»jr Mull, I- (o II

    VOLIME 23.



    yt _IN HOtTK!VI Jl _ I I don't remember whoI It «u that traveled to

    and fro over t h«> fn. e oftj,e earth prohahly It

    WM Satan?or some other coniwawU one who had to keep rush-ing from place to place withoutever a chart* to peat hia feet andbake his ahlna by his own horn*tire

    Trnm which It may be gatheredthat I un traveling sooie more,atvl not unduly Orklnl over theJob ITut ti'\u25a0 bottle read. 'ShakeWrit be fort taking." and after aflay and a nt*ht on one of Mr. llar-

    \ fbnan» trains over (hew Onast< mountain*. I fr«l that I am eer la sold at a npoonful.Anyhow, they ar«* with u*

    lr traveling expense* beinglimited, or their btMine** trainingpaving mad* them aver*e to spendIng their own money for m*r«> food,they have been right sociable withIhe various young men of our carjlNIION. \pril S. Britishnsn4tip< Arrhnl off RIhr Kvrnlns Npwi !"br n»*-pnper lnt«rpr« ird ili«* mevrnmt a*p«M"i «»f lh« fnrrnm« ni p(t>ir»lion« In prv\mt lln r|x rtrdl>i-in- for an uprMng during theteAfetrr holiday. dililitis that tfirmwl* mUht b«- U«'d for trtn*ft of smn l«-in pr.%ot»«r* toI'nglMi jail,.

    I*ollce barrack* At lfland. WfM mkH VNXtnnwtay night,(h* kiHI. and wrw bybemh expltialonit There wit noeaetui 11 N>* Folic* mtAlktMl withraid* thruotit Kllkt-nneyr durlnc themorntnir. making iwvtil imit*

    There's a Lawyerin Seattle With

    a Sliver Scaron His Heel

    How he got it is toldu The Star's Sea ItIt

    Story Book on I'age 9Today.


    Wonder of Wonders! PriceWon't Be Boosted

    Heatfle'a milk wir. after threeday*' hattl* Ntwrtn dairymen whowanted higher and dietrlbutor* who didn't. reupe* d into anarmed truce Fridav. following a dactolvf victory by the dlatrtbtitora.

    "Hr-K#nt milk prtrw >rt not Itkalyto chaiurt," Hid W. V fi Itobb, ofHollywood farm, ana of tha diatribttt*ora ~* ve %|rcal to take tht Wto the fair price committee anytime,but I don't believe tha dairymen daretry It."

    Tha final flln* In the mntfat oc-curred late Thuraday The tfiatrlbutom contended that a r*t*« inthe of milk In the city wouldcreate a falee market which couldn'tendure more than two deye. or long-er than It would take fr>r a flood ofcheaper milk to teach the connum

    With milk In Turoma. Ever-ett and other nearby towna. It wascontended, a hither mar ket in Heat-tie could not be nuetaint^d.


    Breaks Jiu-Jitsu Grip and Throws HimInto Street

    Ktnd Itrown. a trnanl >1 l»l®Ilk# >U. batllnl Willi T llakl.J»lMim# Undlord. U«*l night,brttkr liin Jin jlt-u |H|w. amihurird him into Uir ulrwl.

    Oaki aJt*hUe««n running off tha Waahlngton coaat for more than a week. Hh««la bound here fr«»m Hon Franciacowith 24 men In the crew Hhe inoparated by Libby. McNeill 41 Libby,and wan built in Portland.

    Bartholf StillAmong Missing

    I>ore llartbolf. wealthy 24-year-old miner of Auburn, wan stillmi *ing Friday !>eiiplte the effortsnf deputy *herlff* and a franticfather, llartbolf. who disappearedThursday, April 22, ha* not communliated with hi* home.

    TT WAS DRY ALL1 RIGHT. ALL RIGHT Libby Maine Left S. F.

    With Miscellaneous Cargo


    General Strike Is Now Ef-fective; Ships Tied Up

    COPENHAGEN? April 2 ?The gen??ml iitrtke called In protect again*tthe king m dismissal of the Zahle rabln«»t ha* become »ff*»rtl\?» thruout thecity. Harbor workers have walkedout. preventing the nailing of manyflteamem. Ituilding laborer* andtypographer* left their i»oet« Abread famine wa* feared becau*e ofthe baker*' *trike King Christian,after a conference with the *tatrcouncil, wa* reported to have decidedto di**olve the lower hou*e. holdingelection* for a new parliament, April23. Troop* guarding the palace andgovernment building*, were Isftuedb'»ll cartridge* today with order* tofire on all demonstrator*

    Accused of Theftof Tires at Garage


    fjrand larceny for alleged theftof auto tire* from the Metropolitangarage, Fifth ave and I'nlverwlty*t. March 1 ft, wa* charge again*tCurl llbrWh*on aful lien fowlingIn *up*iior court rridav < Ity de-tective* made the arre*t*.

    HEY, MISTER! YOUBKTTER CLEAN UPDowntown property owtum are to

    be compelled to clean the sidewalk*In front of their atore*. It wa* announced Friday by the Hty healthdepartment. If the *tre«>t* are notcleaned, the work will be done by order of the police and th«- co*t a**e**ed agaln*t the owner*.

    Want Company toFile Schedule

    The Puget Sound Light A PowerCo. will be compelled to file a *ched11le of it* Nteam heat rnte* with thecity, u'-cordlng to an ordinance beingdrawn up Friday by CorporationCounsel Walter F. M"ler.

    Twm a dry March. I*reclpltatlonhere we* .7* In* lie* bllow normal,??\u2666ate* report of department of agri-culture. Total rainfall wax MlInches. More tban a hundredth ofun ln< h of rain fell on 17 differentday*.

    "Have a Heart," SaidBurglar No. 1 to No. 2

    Hentlmental burglar* had a riproaring time Thursday night Mr*.O. A. Vlnje. H#»nton hotel, reportedto the police Friday the theft of aheart *ha ped locket and other Jewel-ry, while H. Owman, firand Centralhotel, contributed an Ivory heartcharm to burglars who prowled hi*room.


    SAN KKANCIHO». April 2.?TheLibby M «lne left thin port laet werkwith a 'mlaceilaneoua cargo for He:ittle. The veaael ha* a grona tonnage of 1,111 and net tonnage of1,4M: A crew of between J5 and 30men w.»* aboard. In command ofCaptain Kdward Herre

    No meeeage rofM the freighter'a pltfcht ha* been received by th«»I'an Amerldin line here to whlrh theveanel I* under charter.

    Food Supply inN. Y. Threatened

    Hi* nhort trout