
© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment By Dr.Shazia Zamir NUML

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© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment

By Dr.Shazia Zamir


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Measurement and Evaluation in Your Daily Routinealarm clockthermometerspeedometermeeting new peopleopinion of this class

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Current Trends

public health initiativespromotion of physical activityproblems with obesityevaluation standards for school programs

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Test and DataTest: An instrument or activity used to

accumulate data on a person’s ability to perform a specified task.

Data: The translation of behavior into a numerical or verbal descriptor which is then recorded in written form.

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Why Administer Tests?To measure individual differences on a specific

trait (behavior).

Discussion: Is a test “good” if everyone/anyone scores 100%? Or, is a test “good” if everyone/anyone scores 0%?

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Use of TestsMotivationAchievementImprovementDiagnosisPrescriptionGradingClassificationPrediction

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Administrative Concerns in Test SelectionRelevanceEducation valueEconomic valueTimeNormsBiasSafety

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MeasurementA measurement takes place when a “test” is

given and a “score” is obtained. If the test collects quantitative data, the score

is a number.If the test collects qualitative data, the score

may be a phrase or word such as “excellent.”

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AssessmentAssessment-The goal of assessment is to

make improvements, as opposed to simply being judged. In an educational context, assessment is the process of describing, collecting, recording, scoring, and interpreting information about learning.

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Types of AssessmentQuantitative

time in one mile runscore on basketball spot shooting testgrade on weight training exam

Qualitative“excellent” rankingchecklist on golf swing

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Measurement Process Involves Four Steps

1. Define the characteristics that you want to measure.

2. Select the appropriate test. This may also mean to select the appropriate testing instrument.

3. Administer the test. If an instrument is involved in the testing, this also means to use the instrument correctly.

4. Collect and record the measurement from the test.

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Considerations When Taking Measurements

Remember that you are measuring a characteristic of the person—you are not measuring the person themselves; thus, make no judgments about the person.

Make no comical remarks regarding the collected data.

Have a high ethical standards when collecting the data.

Be professional.

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Subjective vs. Objective Measurement

A subjective measurement is one that can possibly be interpreted differently.

An objective measurement is one that cannot be interpreted differently because of numerical values.

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EvaluationDefinition 1: Evaluation is the systematic

process of collecting and analyzing data in order to determine whether and to what degree objectives have been or are being, achieved.

Definition 2: The process of obtaining information (data) and using it to form judgments, which in turn are used in decision making.

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Steps Involved in Making an Evaluation

1. Define the objective or the purpose of the test.

2. Measure the performance or administer the test.

3. Find or develop a standard.4. Compare a person’s performance on the test

to a standard.5. Make the evaluation then discuss and

distribute the results in the most appropriate manner.

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Formative & Summative Evaluation

Formative evaluation: A formative evaluation is a method for judging the worth of a program while the program activities are forming (in progress). This part of the evaluation focuses on the process

Summative evaluation: A summative evaluation (sometimes referred to as external) is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of the program activities (summation). The focus is on the outcome.

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Types of EvaluationStudent EvaluationCurriculum EvaluationSchool EvaluationProgram/Project EvaluationStaff Evaluation

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Phases of Evaluation

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Goals and Objectives Goals are general statements of purpose or

desired outcomes and are not as such directly measurable; each goal must be translated into one or more specific objectives.

Objectives are specific statements of what is to be accomplished and how well and are expressed in terms of quantifiable, measurable outcomes. objectives give direction to all subsequent activities.

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NormsEvaluations are often based on norms:

Something that is usual, typical, or standard.A standard or pattern, esp. of social behavior,

that is typical or expected of a group: "the norms of good behavior in the civil service".

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Reliability defined as the consistency of an individual when repeatedly performing the same test.

Example: If a group of people take the same test on two different days, the scores obtained should be approximately the same.

A reliable test will yield data that are stable, repeatable, and precise.

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ValidityThe most important characteristic to a

test or measuring instrument.The validity of each test can only be

evaluated in terms of a particular purpose and for a particular group.

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Quick Summary:Test, Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment

Test – instrument or technique that measures someone's knowledge of something to determine what he /she  has learned

Measurement-A measurement takes place when a “test” is given and a “score” is obtained.

Evaluation–process of interpreting the collected measurement to make professional judgment of value or worth

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Quick Summary:Test, Measurement, Evaluation and AssessmentAssessment-The goal of assessment is to

make improvements, as opposed to simply being judged. In an educational context, assessment is the process of describing, collecting, recording, scoring, and interpreting information about learning.