measurements of the energy shifts of the k absorption edge and k x-rays of several uranium compounds

Volume 63A, number 3 PHYSICS LETTERS 14 November 1977 MEASUREMENTS OF THE ENERGY SHIFTS OF THE K ABSORPTION EDGE AND K X-RAYS OF SEVERAL URANIUM COMPOUNDS P.L. LEE Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Northridge, California 91324, and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA and F. BOEHM and P. VOGEL California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA Received 11 February 1977 Revised manuscript received 15 August 1977 The energy shifts in the K absorption edges and the Ka 1 and K~313 X rays in several uranium compounds were measured with the Caltech 2 m bent crystal spectrometer. The results are compared with free-ion relativistic self- consistent field calculations. Chemical shift of the inner electron shells [1] pro- actinides [3] ,may help to understand the role of the vides a tool for studying the configurations of those 5f electrons in chemical bonding. electrons participating in the chemical bond. As The X ray energies were measured with the Caltech valence electrons are added or removed from an atom 2 m bent crystal spectrometer, using the 310 plane of the energy eigenvalues of the inner electron states a quartz crystal in the Cauchois geometry. The experi- change. In medium heavy atoms this energy change is mental procedure is similar to that described in ref. [2]. roughly the same for the ls, 2p, 3p and 4p electrons The uranium compounds were pressed into pills of associated with the KX rays and amounts to about 1.5 inch diameter and thickness of 0.23 5 gm/cm 2. 10 eV. Accordingly, the change in X ray energy is The pills were placed in front of an X-ray tube which very small, typically of the order ofO.l to 1.0 eV. was operated at 160 keV and l2mA. In the case of Clearly a direct measurement of the relatively large is the Ka 1 line, three series of experiments were per- level shift is desirable. Aside from lower Z (Z ~ 30) formed. In the first series, the U02, U3 0~, and U03 compounds [6], no shift of the K absorption edge has samples were measured consecutively in the sequence been studied before. It is the purpose of the present described in ref. [2]. In the second series, U02, UC, letter to report the observation of the chemical shift UO2 SO4 3H2O and UO3HPO4 4H20 were meas- of the K absorption edge (ls level) in compounds of ured consecutively. In the final series, U02 and U03 uranium. In addition, measurements of the KX ray were measured as a check. A five-parameter Gaussian shifts are presented. with slope and background least-squares fit is applied Experimental studies of the chemical shifts of KX to the data and the centroid parameter determining rays from heavy atoms using curved crystal spectrome- the chemical shift is obtained. For Kj31 ~, one single ters have been reported in recent years [1]. The re- series consisting of U02, UC, UO2SO4 3H2 0 and sults of these studies are particularly interesting in the UO3HPO4 4H20 was made under conditions similar case of rare earth where shifts were found to be rela- to that of Ka1. tively large bearing out the dominant role of the 4f The uranium oxides samples used in the K edge electrons [2]. In actinides the 5f electrons play a role shift measurement have an optimum thickness of 1.65 analogous to that of the 4f electrons in rare earth. Our gm/cm 2, or roughly seven times that of the samples experiment, giving information complementary to that used earlier. The transmitted bremsstrahlung from the usually used in studies of the electronic structure of X ray tube was detected in the spectrometer. As the 251

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Volume63A, number3 PHYSICSLETTERS 14 November1977


P.L. LEEDepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,California State University,Northridge,California 91324, and

California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, California91125,USA


F. BOEHM andP. VOGELCalifornia Instituteof Technology,Pasadena, California91125, USA

Received11 February1977Revisedmanuscriptreceived15 August1977

The energyshifts in the K absorptionedgesand the Ka1 and K~313X raysin severaluraniumcompoundswere

measuredwith theCaltech2 m bentcrystal spectrometer.Theresultsarecomparedwith free-ionrelativisticself-consistentfield calculations.

Chemicalshift of the inner electronshells [1] pro- actinides[3] ,mayhelp to understandthe role of thevides a tool for studying the configurationsof those 5f electronsin chemicalbonding.electronsparticipating in thechemicalbond.As The X ray energieswere measuredwith theCaltechvalenceelectronsare added orremovedfrom an atom 2 m bentcrystal spectrometer,using the310 planeofthe energyeigenvaluesof the inner electron states a quartzcrystalin theCauchoisgeometry.Theexperi-change.In medium heavy atoms thisenergy changeis mental procedureis similar to that describedin ref. [2].roughly the samefor the ls, 2p, 3p and 4pelectrons The uraniumcompoundswerepressedinto pills ofassociatedwith the K X raysand amounts to about 1.5 inch diameter andthicknessof 0.235 gm/cm

2.10 eV. Accordingly, the changein X ray energyis The pills were placedin front of an X-ray tube whichvery small, typically of the orderofO.l to 1.0eV. wasoperated at160 keV and l2mA. In the caseofClearly a directmeasurementof the relatively largeis the Ka

1 line, threeseriesof experimentswereper-level shift is desirable.Asidefrom lowerZ (Z ~ 30) formed.In thefirst series, theU02,U30~,and U03compounds[6], no shift of the K absorptionedgehas samplesweremeasuredconsecutivelyin thesequencebeenstudiedbefore. It is the purposeof the present describedin ref. [2]. In the secondseries,U02, UC,letterto reporttheobservationof the chemicalshift UO2SO4 3H2O andUO3HPO4 4H20 weremeas-of the K absorptionedge(ls level) in compoundsof uredconsecutively.In the final series,U02 and U03uranium.In addition,measurementsof theK X ray weremeasuredasa check.A five-parameterGaussianshifts arepresented. with slopeandbackgroundleast-squaresfit is applied

Experimental studies of thechemicalshifts ofK X to the data and thecentroidparameterdeterminingrays fromheavyatomsusingcurvedcrystalspectrome- the chemicalshift is obtained.For Kj31 ~, one singletershavebeen reported in recentyears [1]. The re- seriesconsistingof U02,UC, UO2SO4 3H20 andsultsof these studiesare particularly interesting in the UO3HPO4 4H20was madeunder conditionssimilarcaseof rare earthwhereshiftswere found tobe rela- to thatof Ka1.tively largebearingoutthe dominantrole of the 4f The uraniumoxidessamplesused in theK edgeelectrons[2]. In actinides the 5felectronsplay a role shift measurementhavean optimumthicknessof 1.65analogousto that of the 4felectronsin rare earth.Our gm/cm

2,or roughly seven timesthat of thesamplesexperiment,giving information complementary to that usedearlier.The transmittedbremsstrahlungfrom theusuallyused in studies of the electronicstructureof X ray tubewasdetected in the spectrometer.As the


Volume63A,number3 PHYSICS LETTERS 14 November1977

Table 1 Table2Observedchemicalshifts.TheenergydifferenceE(UO

2) — Relativisticself-consistentfield calculationfor differentcon-E(cornpound)in eV is given figurationsof the uraniumion. The differencein eigenvalues

andX-ray energiesfor thelisted configurationsis shownKa1 K~1,3 K edge

Level E(5f’)—E(5~) E(6d1)—E(6d°)E(7s2)—E(7s1)

U02 (reference) — — — __________________________ _______________________________

UC 0.05 ±0.03 —0.02 ±0.05 ~ 17.15 12.36 9.71U3O8 0.21 ±0.02 —6.8 ±0.8

2P1/2 17.71 12.63 9.69U0

3 0.23 ±0.02 —5.6 ±0.8 2p312 17.84 12.65 9.68UO2SO4°3H20 0.16±0.03 0.36±0.07 3p312 18.37 12.57 9.64UO3HPO4~4H2O 0.19 ±0.03 0.41±0.08 3d5,2 18.36 12.59 9.644P3/2 18.11 12.39 9.60

4d512 18.10 12.39 9.60

bremsstrahlungspectrumhas a strongslopein the XRayKaj 0.69 0.29 —0.04

energy regionconsidered, theedgeprofile wassuper- 1 22 0 21 —0 08

imposedon a slopingbackground.A similarback- La1 0.52 0:06 —0.04groundappears inall threeoxides,andits presence Kedge —17.15 —12.36 —9.71

didnot affect the shiftof the edge.A least-squaresfitof the following function is appliedto themeasuredprofile: Table3

Averageshifts betweenthe tetravalent andsixvalentcorn-P5—x. +

y(x1) = P1 + P2x1+ P3x~+ p4 tan’ I pounds(E(4 ) — E(6~))P6

Exp “Theory” dThe measuredenergyshiftsE(U02) — E(compound)

of Kc~1,Kj11 ~ and theK-edgearepresented in table1. Kaj 0.19 eV 0.22 eV

The resultsfall roughly into two groups.Theshifts Kp1,3 0.39eV 0.39 eV

betweenthe tetravalent U02 andUC arequitesmall, Kedge —5.6 eV —5.5eVwhile theyare largebetween U02 andthe six-valent La1 0.14 eV [51 0.17 eV

compounds.We notice that theKj31 ~ shift is abouttwice aslargeasthe Ka1,while the K-edgeshiftsare a Self-consistentfield calculation resultof table 2,an order of magnitudelargerand of the oppositesign. [E(5f’) — E(5f°)],multipliedby theempirical factor0.32.

Thesefindingsare in line with previousobservationsin rare earth[1,2]. calculatedvalues.However,the experimentalresults

In orderto interpretour resultsin a semiqualitative havethe characteristicpattern(ratios of shifts of theway, we calculated the shifts of the atomicis112, differentX-ray lines and of theK-edge)predicted for2P1/2’ 2P3/2’ 3P3/2’3d

512,4d5/2, and4P3/2levels removalof the Sf electrons.

usingthe freeion relativistic self-consistentfield pro- If we scale downour calculationfor the shiftduegram(Dirac-Hartree-Slater)[4]. The resultsare pre- to one Sf electron (table 2,column 2) by an empiricalsented intable 2. Columns2, 3, and 4give thechange factor 0.32 andcomparewith our experimentalvaluesin the energyof the levels for changesin the electronic for tetravalent andsix valent compounds,we find re-configuration of theSf, 6d and 7s states,respectively. markableagreement,asillustratedin table 3. We canThe bottomlines of table2 give the energyshifts for therefore concludethat thechargetransfer ofa frac-the K andL X rays. tion of Sf electronsexplainsthe experimentalfacts.

Assumingthat the6-valentcompoundshavetwo Onehasto remember,however, that the predictedless SfelectronsthanU0

2, we cancompareour ex- shifts for the 7s and 6d electrons (particularly inXperimentalresultswith the calculatedvalues.Sucha rays)are muchsmallerthan for the Sf electrons.Thuscomparison,usingour experimentalresultsin table 1 the experimentdoesnotprovide information aboutand the calculatedvaluesin column 2 of table2 shows the role of the 6d and7s electronsin thevalencethat the experimental shiftsaremuchsmallerthan the change.


Volume63A, number3 PHYSICSLETTERS 14 November1977

Measurementsof severalL X raysof U werere- F. Boehrn,in: Atomic inner-shellprocesses,ed. B. Crase-

portedby Makarov et al. [5]. Their results areconsis- mann(Academic Press, 1975)p. 412.

tent with ourinterpretationof the shifts in theK X [2] P.L. Lee,F. BoehmandP. Vogel, Phys.Rev. A9 (1974)614.

raysand theK edge. [3] AJ. FreemanandD.D. Koelling, in: The actinides:

Electronicstructureandrelatedproperties,vol. 1, ed.A.J.Freemanand J.B.Darby Jr. (Academic,New York,

References 1974)p. 51.[4] R.S.HagerandE.C. Seltzer,Nucl. DataA4 (1968) 1.[5] L.L. Makarovetal., VestnikLeningradskogoUniversiteta

[1] 0.1. Sumbaev,in: Proc.Intern. Conf. on Innershell (J.Univ. Leningrad)No. 16 (1975) 87.ionizationphenomenaandfuture applications(USAEC [6] C. Suguiro,J. Chem.Phys.59 (1973)4907;TechnicalInformationCenter,Oak Ridge, Tennessee, R.G. Shulmanetal., Proc.Nat. Acad.Sci. (USA) 731972)p. 346; (1976) 1384.