melbourne observer. preview: march 2, 2016. admiral collingwood v ivanhoe

Melbourne People Social Bowls: Admiral Collingwoood v Ivanhoe. At Rosanna Bowls Club Photos: Ash Long Christine Griffin and Delwyn Carpenter Michael Holloway and Stephen Carpenter Steve Austin and Damian Byrne Beverley and Howard Purcell Tracey Dando and Haylee Dando Chris Griffin and Simon Duane Wayne Motton and Graeme Hawke Antony Persico and Lauren Carpenter Page 4 - Melbourne Observer - Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Travers Gascoigne and Scott Dando

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Melbourne Observer. Preview: March 2, 2016. Admiral Collingwood v Ivanhoe


Page 1: Melbourne Observer. Preview: March 2, 2016. Admiral Collingwood v Ivanhoe

Melbourne PeopleSocial Bowls: Admiral Collingwoood

v Ivanhoe. At Rosanna Bowls ClubPhotos: Ash Long

●●●●● Christine Griffin and Delwyn Carpenter●●●●● Michael Holloway and Stephen Carpenter

●●●●● Steve Austin and Damian Byrne

●●●●● Beverley and Howard Purcell ●●●●● Tracey Dando and Haylee Dando

●●●●● Chris Griffin and Simon Duane ●●●●● Wayne Motton and Graeme Hawke

●●●●● Antony Persico and Lauren Carpenter

Page 4 - Melbourne Observer - Wednesday, August 19, 2015

●●●●● Travers Gascoigne and Scott Dando