meo figueira pro


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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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Flat, dead Flat!!! That is how we were introduced to the waves of Figueira da Foz. It was our fault, we were the ones who decided to make our way only in the morning of the event, thus arriving at high tide. By the time we arrived, the competitors of this MEO Figueira Pro were engaged in heavy discussions about the swell forecast (aided by their ultra fast smartphone conections). The swell arrived, not big but good enough to define a champion to this event, who ended up being the same winner as the first stop of the year, Frederico Morais.


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WELCOME TOMEO FIGUEIRA PROS e p t e m b e r , 2 8 - 3 0 2 0 1 2S T O P I V o f L I G A M E O P R O S U R F

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and so it begins?photo by

flat, dead flat!!! Foi desta forma que a Figueira da Foz nos recebeu. Culpa nossa, que decidimos aventurar-nos numa matinal pelas estradas de Portugal, o que nos fez chegar no pico da maré cheia para encontrarmos todos os com-petidores do Meo Figueiro Pro a discutir previsões desen-freadamente (e devidamente ajudados pelos seus smart-phones com ligação ultra-rápida para o windguru).O swell acabou por entrar, pequeno, mas mais do que sufi-ciente para definir o campeão do MEO Figueira Pro, surfis-ta esse que acabaria por ser o vencedor da primeira etapa da Liga Meo Pro Surf, Frederico Morais.

flat, dead flat!!! Foi desta forma que a Figueira da Foz se despediu de nós. Desta vez, a culpa não foi nossa, mas sim de uma maré ingrata que nem nos permitiu conduzir pela estradas de Portugal com sal no corpo e aquela sensação de surf nas veias após três dias alucinantes de competição!


flat, dead flat!!! That is how we were introduced to the waves of Figueira da Foz. It was our fault, we were the ones who decided to make our way only in the morning of the event, thus arriving at high tide. By the time we arrived, the com-petitors of this MEO Figueira Pro were engaged in heavy discussions about the swell forecast (aided by their ultra fast smartphone conections). The swell arrived, not big but good enough to define a champion to this event, who ended up being the same winner as the first stop of the year, Fred-erico Morais.

flat, dead flat!!! Just like when we arrived, this was how Figueira da Foz said goodbye to us. This time it was not our fault. The high tide didn’t allow us to take on the highway back home with salt in our body and that tipical surf stoke after three amazing days of competition!

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The Analysis...Ivo cação (local surfer)

and João Aranha(contest director)

The conclusion?...NW small swell

The BAD NEWS?...Contest director stress face

Diogo Appleton (l) and João Kopke (r)


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On hold to do’s: SlEEP (or try to, like Vasco Ribeiro)...

...STRESS HARD like Tomás Fernades (l) and Miguel Blanco (r).

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the swell arrived...

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...and so it begUn!photo by

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Pedro Boonam was injured in his left foot....

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photo by João Bracourt “Brek”...but he didn´t need a cane (like this one guy)!

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THE FIGUEIRA LOCALS were allpresent and pumped by João Bracourt “Brek”


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THE FIGUEIRA LOCALS António Pedro foi um dos primeiros locais a competir e, apesar de ter perdido cedo, mostrou bom surf nas pequenas ondas do primeiro dia. || António Pedro was one of the first local surfers to compete and, despite his early loss, he surfed very well in the small waves of the first by João Bracourt “Brek”


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THE FIGUEIRA LOCALS Houve quem es-peculasse que o local Ivo Cação iria vencer esta etapa mas uma maré menos boa no segundo round da prova meteu a espe-rança local “on hold” até ao ano que vem. || Some said Ivo Cação would win this event, and he could have. But a hard in between tide had to postpone this predic-tion at least until next by João Bracourt “Brek”


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NOT A (FIGUEIRA) LOCAL No segundo dia de prova, Filipe Jervis mostrou o seu surf moderno e acertou aéreos abusados como este. || On the second day of the Meo Figueira Pro, Filipe Jervis showed how next level his surfing is with great air like by


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Este molhe já viu alguns dos melhores do mundo a destruir as ondas nesta praia, e caso pudesse falar diria que Frederico Morais não está longe de outros grandes surfistas que por aqui passaram. || The jetty in the background has seen it’s fair share of world class surfing. And if it could talk it would probably say that Frederico Morais’s surfing

isn’t far behind what has been seen here in the by João Bracourt “Brek”

Gony Zubizarreta (l) and Nicolau Von Rupp (r) showed their systemathic competition beahvior... they showed their unsystemathic car organization!photo by


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...NOPE. REALLY ALIVE “JUMPing” MAN! O pouco espaço que Zé Ferreira teve para preparar esta manobra não permitiu que este voo fosse muito alto, mas compensou com uma rotação perfeita. || Zé Ferreira didn’t have a lot of room to set up this air and because of it he didn’t fly very high, but his rotation and landing was nearly by Pedro Mestre


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photo by João Bracourt “Brek”DEAD MEN WALK?


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I think we should CHANGE our type of boards...

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photo by Pedro Mestre...and go for a surfboard to do crazy and stylish airs like Marlon Lipke!

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photo by Pedro MestreTime go REST...

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Time to SURF...

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...small but really perfect waves!

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TIME to ROCK N’ROLL! De backside Nicolau Von Rupp conseguiu alguns dos melhores “scores” da prova e provou que tem surf para voos muito mais altos. || On his backside Nicolau Von Rupp managed to get some of the best scores of the whole event and showed he has what it takes to compete at top by João Bracourt “Brek”

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Edgar Nozes não mostrou a competitivi-dade a que já nos habituou e foi vítima das

condições difíceis entre marés. Mas não perdeu sem antes mostrar que o seu surf

ainda está num nível altíssimo. || Carcavelos local, Edgar Nozes, hasn’t shown

his best competitive surfing this year and was a victim of the “in between tide”. But he

didn’t go down without showing how good his surfing still is.

photo by Pedro Mestre

photo by onfiresurfmag.comRed or black?


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Vasco Ribeiro não estava a fazer grandes contas de cabeça relati-vamente ao que precisava para ga-rantir o título. Mas foi chegando cada vez mais perto com batidas verticais destas. || The ratings leader, Vasco Ribeiro, wasn’tthinking that hard about what he had to do to win the title. But he got closer and closer every time he hit the lip like by João Bracourt “Brek”

photo by onfiresurfmag.comHidratation = heat victory!


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the south meets the (almost) north O algarvio Miguel Mouzinho começou bem o seu heat dos quartos de final contra Lipke, e caso tivesse feito uma segunda onda semelhante poderia ter avançado para as meias finais. || Miguel Mouzinho, from the Algarve, started really well his quarter final heat against Lipke. Had he followed it with a similar ride and he would have found himself in the semis.


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heAT VICTORY SIGNS: hawaiian shaka andmaori tongue positioning!

photos by João Bracourt “Brek”


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O surfista de Aveiro, Pedro Ferreira, é um

dos competido-res mais progres-sivos do circuito.

Infelizmente este ano o seu

surf não se tem traduzido em resultados, só

em grandes mo-mentos. || Pedro

Ferreira,from nearby Aveiro,

is one of the most progressive

surfers on the League. Unfortu-

natelly his surf-ing didn’t trans-

late into great results, despite

having some good moments.

photo by Pedro Ferreira

photo by João Bracourt “Brek”João Moreira!

photo by onfiresurfmag.comWho’s eyes are these?


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Pos-Heat PAIN... Nuno Telmo (l) lost to his pupil João Kopke (r) so he decided to show him some coach pain!

Pos-Heat FUN... and then some coach fun....

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Pos-Heat LOVE... but decided to finish with the real coach love!


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PRESS IT... Filipe Jervis (l) and Miguel Blanco (r) ideia of fun dur-ing the high tide on hold!

HOOOOOOLD IT... with a smile!

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SHOW IT!... with a bigger smile!


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All this “Junk” make that mister work by


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...when the competition resumed and the online webcast was On again!photo by João Bracourt “Brek”


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RED LINE IS THE LIVE LINE! Alexandre Grilo adaptou-se bem às direitas da Figueira e por momentos teve “flashes” dos point breaks marroquinos. Nos quartos de final ainda ameaçou o primeiro lugar de Vasco Ribeiro, mas no fim foi eliminado. || Alexandre Grilo felt right at home in the right handers of Figueira da Foz. He often had flashes of his beloved moroccan point breaks and in his quarter final heat showed the ratings leader how dangerous he could by Pedro Mestre


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(Vasco Ribeiro) TitlE RUN! “This one more and I’m the Liga Meo Pro Surf 2012 Champ... again”. photo by onfiresurfmag.com050

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LAST MAN STANDING! Filipe Jervis era o último surfista que poderia impedir Vasco Ribeirode se sagrar campeão da Liga Meo Pro Surf 2012 mas, mesmo com manobras destas, não o conse-

guiu fazer. || Filipe Jervis was the last man standing between Vasco Ribeiro and his second national champ title but, even with airs like this, he’s lost the heat to Ribeiro.

photos by Pedro Mestre

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Vasco Ribeiro TitlE MOVES! O centro de gravidade de Vasco Ribeiro permite-lhe fazer este tipo de mano-bras em qualquer secção, recuperar e vencer títulos nacionais como se nada fosse. || With such a low center of gravity, Vasco Ribeiro makes turns such as this look as if they were easy (as well as winning portuguese national titles).photo by João Bracourt “Brek”

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the applause by Ribeiro’s coach (r) and the proud standing tall position by his dad (l)!

Ribeiro and Jervis Last Dance was in the by

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Um simples reentry para um surfista, Frederico Morais, um incrível reentry para o resto. E uma nota incrível para os

júris. || A simple reentry to one surfer (Frederico Morais) an amazing reentry to the rest of us. And an amazing score to

the judging by João Bracourt “Brek”

DEaD OCEAN thanks to a high tide (again!).photo by

DEaD BIRD thanks to a big fish (that also didn’t end up well).photo by João Bracourt “Brek”


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Pre-heat moments are always lonely...

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...but perfect to enter the zone. Leo Belime going there!photo by

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So close yet so far... Foi no MEO Figueira Pro que Zé Ferreira fez o seu pior resul-tado do ano, ficando tão perto de conse-guir evoluir para a fase seguinte como ficou de acertar este incrível aéreo. ||Zé Ferreira got his worst result of the year at the MEO Figueira Pro. He was as close to advance to the next round as he was to making this amazing back-side air by Pedro Mestre


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Time will tell... where this grom (Francisco Simões) will go in by João Bracourt “Brek”

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INJURED?!? A etapa da Figueira da Foz foi a primeira deste ano para João Kopke, que passou a maior parte da época lesionado. Não que desse para perceber pelo seu surf, que estave entre os melhores

de toda a prova. || The MEO Figueira Pro was the first Liga Meo Pro Surf event of the year forJoão Kopke, who spent most of the year recovering from an injury. You couldn’t tell it from his

performance at this contest.


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Marlon Lipke surgiu nesta etapa como líder do circuito europeu e surfou como tal, acabando muitas ondas com

pequenos, mas certeiros, aéreos. || When Marlon Lipke showed up in Figueira da Foz he had the lead of the europe-

an professional ranking and surfed acording to his status, finishing many of his rides with some airs.

photos by João Bracourt “Brek”

Hard Call... Miguel Mouzinho lost in the quarter finals to Marlon Lipke but many didn’t agreed with the result. Mouzinho was obviously one of those!

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END OF DAY 2Time to undress and

laugh (and to others, cry...)! photo by

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Francisco Alves got 13th. This is his FUN TRICKY by

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...and this is his IN THE Zone (do anyone still use ex-in-vogue term except us?!) face. photo by João Bracourt “Brek”

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Tomás Fernandes got to the quarter finals. This is his CELEBRATING moment (with his always present dad) by João Bracourt “Brek”


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...and this is his face when we found out who was he against in the quarters (Nicolau Von Rupp, hard but never impossible).

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Nicolau Von Rupp´s face tell us everything about his semi-final clash... photos by

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...and his celebration (with Gony Zubizarreta) tell us everyhting about the result of that heat.

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O campeão nacional em título, Vasco Ribeiro, apanhou longas direitas nas meias finais mas também nas cur-tas esquerdas conseguiu pontuar bem, no entanto, não o suficiente para chegar à final. || Vasco Ribeiro was looking forward to surf some long right handers.He also managed to get big scores on the lefts but unfortunatly they were not enough for him to reach the final of MEO Figueira by

SECRET WEAPON... Vasco Ribeiro’s dad had his secret weap-on ready for action but Vasco never asked for it...

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SEMI FINAL 2 was another huge one.Marlon Lipke prepares his stick for action!

photo by João Bracourt “Brek”

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“STRAIGHTICAL” TO THE FINAL... Quando a onda tinha parede, Frederico Morais rasgava com força, quando fica-va mole, verticalizava. Melhor aproveitamento que este não se viu em toda a prova e o resultado disso

foi um lugar na final... || If a section stood up Frederico Morais would bury his rail very hard and when it fattened up he would put his board as vertical as possible. You couldn’t ask for a better approach and it

gave him his big win in semi final by Pedro Mestre

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the finalall eyes on


f r e d e r i c o m o r a i s x n i c o l a u v o n r u p p

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f r e d e r i c o m o r a i Sphoto by onfiresurfmag.comZONING IN to the final!

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von Rupp085

photo by João Bracourt “Brek”FULL SPEED AHEAD to the final!

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photos by João Bracourt “Brek”

A CALL FROM THE WATER! “Can we start? The boys are ready and still want to surf here not further down he beach”. High tide almost ruined the final of MEO Figueira Pro... Almost!

JUDGE(S) MOVEMENT The judges had to judge old-school style during the final to ensure they had the correct angle of the surfing! GREAT call!!!

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photo by João Bracourt “Brek”

FRONTSIDE POWER Apesar de não ter um frontside pior que o backside, a verda-de é que as esquerdas da final não beneficiaram e Nicolau Von Rupp, ape-sar deste ter tido bons momentos. || Nicolau Von Rupp’s frontside isn’t worst than his backside surfing, but the final was all about the lefts and that didn’t help his cause.

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backSIDE POWER Este snap de Frederico Morais na últi-ma secção colocou o seu adversário na final numa combinação da qual não

saiu mais. || This big snap was the final blow to his

fellow finalist, who never left “comboland” after it.

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photo by João Bracourt “Brek”

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o

t h e w i n n e r

f r e d e r i c o

m o r a i s

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