
BINGHAM FAMILY MAGAZINE 01 1st QUARTER OF 12 Mr. Cooper Binghamtonshire III 1893 South Cheshire Nut Lane Provinionville, UT 84093 MERCANTILE MONEY DESTROY’S WHAT WE LOVE —Johhny Depp Talks on Existencialism pg 39 FEBRUARY 2012 Plus, Pendelton of Oregon’s Guide to outdoor Survival page 69 billy kirk pg 91 obs & daugthers pg 63 american roots movement pg 22 page 139

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Page 1: Mercantile



12Mr. Cooper Binghamtonshire III1893 South Cheshire Nut LaneProvinionville, UT 84093

MERCANTILEM O N EY D E S T ROY ’S W H AT W E LOV E —Johhny Depp Talks on Existencialism pg 39


Plus,Pendelton of Oregon’sGuide to outdoor Survival

page 69

billy kirk pg 91obs & daugthers pg 63american roots movement pg 22

page 139

Page 2: Mercantile

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie








February 2013


Fire Mind



30 30

30 30


63 63

63 63

63 63

Page 3: Mercantile

J. L I N D E B E R GM E N ’ S C O L L E C T I O N


Page 4: Mercantile

J. L I N D E B E R GM E N ’ S C O L L E C T I O N


Page 5: Mercantile

February 2013


An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLo-rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie By Tim McKeghoah

MAKR is known for using some of the best materials available, most of which are sourced from the US. MAKR has a special relationship with many of its suppliers , particularly Horween in Chicago.By Lisa Delgado

The reality that faces today’s college graduates: they’re screwed, coddled, self-absorbed, mocked and a surprisingly resilient generation.By Noreen Malone

The reality that faces today’s college graduates: they’re screwed, coddled, self-absorbed, mocked and a surprisingly resilient generation.By Jesse Ashlock

American Roots Movement

If You Build It

Sucks TO Be Us

Traveling Light





Page 6: Mercantile

30 HIDE | American roots movementH



Page 7: Mercantile



BILLY KIRK Handcrafted by Amish leather from Pennsyl-vania, created to be passed on from generation to generation as heirloom quality goods.

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, See page 156.

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, See page 156.

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie massa quis enim ornare vulputate. Mae-cenas vel porttitor tellus. Integer vel laoreet velit. Morbi risus neque, consectetur eu faucibus a, mattis eu ipsum. Nullam sit amet lacus sed diam tempor mollis. Mauris fermentum mattis laoreet. Nulla dignissim leo ullamcorper nisl pellentesque eu pulvinar erat placerat. Nunc sit amet enim nulla, id dignissim urna. Praesent diam arcu, venenatis in hendrerit quis, ves-tibulum porta risus.Nunc dictum quam in libero congue interdum. Cras eros

dui, lacinia in mattis ac, sodales eget tortor. Sed sagittis auc-tor mollis. Fusce lacinia tellus at elit vestibulum at placerat dui convallis. Fusce enim dui, vestibulum vel malesuada sed, vulputate eget elit. Sed id diam vitae tellus laoreet consecte-tur quis vel sem. In ante ante, sagittis eget posuere id, con-sectetur sit amet dolor. Proin id leo ac felis pulvinar luctus et

at orci. Integer consectetur, mi eget luctus elementum, arcu massa vestibulum massa, at tincidunt tellus orci sit amet nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vitae lacus urna. In sit amet mattis elit. Aliquam lobortis nunc id massa porta nec tincidunt ante dapibus. In risus elit, congue et tristique sit amet, luctus in risus. Curabitur convallis nisl ac orci laoreet vitae hendrerit elit hendrerit. Phasellus tristique sapien eu quam mattis semper at id dolor.Fusce eleifend, erat at volutpat dictum, quam neque pul-

vinar nibh, ultricies suscipit magna metus ut sapien. Integer purus odio, semper sit amet pretium nec, bibendum sit amet sapien. Quisque enim ligula, vulputate faucibus posuere et, adipiscing vitae orci. Curabitur feugiat ullamcorper velit, eget scelerisque justo dignissim at. Pellentesque vestibu-lum ullamcorper nisl, quis pulvinar tellus convallis ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque enim purus, dapibus eu tempor vel, condimentum ut quam. Maecenas eget pel-lentesque neque. Aenean at orci et odio porttitor bibendum vel et dolor. Cras enim quam, fermentum quis tincidunt id, hendrerit id enim.Mauris sagittis, lacus vitae fermentum tincidunt, est lo-

rem ultrices orci, eget tempus quam augue at dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In congue lobortis fringilla. In mi massa, malesuada quis gravida a, eleifend ut quam. Integer lacinia dui id ante scelerisque laoreet mollis diam egestas. Fusce in ipsum non justo interdum faucibus. Duis placerat vulputate nulla id mollis. Nulla a porttitor nunc. Suspend-isse ipsum lorem, pellentesque nec tempus quis, accumsan lobortis purus. Pellentesque mi turpis, vulputate id fringilla eget, malesuada at orci. Suspendisse at posuere turpis. Pha-sellus nec arcu sit amet diam lacinia facilisis. Phasellus adipi-scing, dui non dapibus semper, arcu risus egestas nulla, porta congue augue nulla sit amet turpis. Praesent aliquam nisi et magna mollis eget imperdiet mauris fermentum.

“Everything we sell we make, or if we don’t make are friends do”

Page 8: Mercantile

153 | MIND American roots movement



Photography Cooper BinghamBelarus, 2007 .




Page 9: Mercantile



Aenim quam, fermentum quis tincidunt id, hendrerit

id enim. Mauris sagittis, lacus vitae fermentum tin-

cidunt, est lorem ultrices orci, eget tempus quam

augue at dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In congue

lobortis fringilla. In mi massa, malesuada quis gravida a, elei-

fend ut quam. Integer lacinia dui id ante scelerisque laoreet

mollis diam egestas. Fusce in ipsum non justo interdum fau-

cibus. Duis placerat vulputate nulla id mollis. Nulla a portti-

tor nunc. Suspendisse ipsum lorem, pellentesque nec tem-

pus quis, accumsan lobortis purus. Pellentesque mi turpis,

vulputate id fringilla eget, malesuada at orci. Suspendisse at

posuere turpis. Phasellus nec arcu sit amet diam lacinia faci-

lisis. Phasellus adipiscing, dui non dapibus semper, arcu risus

egestas nulla, porta congue augue nulla sit amet turpis. Prae-

sent aliquam nisi et magna mollis eget imperdiet mauris fer-

mentum Maecenas sed magna id orci iaculis cursus. Aenean

varius accumsan tellus, vel pharetra diam auctor a. Maecenas

pretium, sem placerat congue egestas, sapien nunc congue

tellus, et iaculis ante nibh ac risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit

amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam faucibus tellus vel

leo vulputate nec. facilisis urna rutrum. Maecenas nec risus

non metus luctus lobortis vel vel erat. Suspendisse potenti.

Sed scelerisque libero sit amet sem pellentesque quis moles-

tie diam feugiat.

Suspendisse potenti. Mauris ultricies lorem a orci auctor

in malesuada nibh blandit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tris-

tique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis eges-

tas. Nulla mollis auctor eleifend. Duis ut placerat est. Morbi in

sem nibh. Duis arcu arcu, aliquam in mollis bibendum, mol-

lis eu purus. Curabitur auctor convallis enim ac malesuada.

Curabitur quis risus odio. Quisque massa justo, placerat ut

tincidunt ut, varius non metus. Suspendisse urna ante, cur-

sus ac mattis at, fermentum eu ipsum. Aliquam magna eros,

egestas in molestie vitae, tempor in diam. Quisque lacinia


feugiat lorem, ac condimentum nulla molestie ac. Sed vitae

erat dolor, id imperdiet lacus. Class aptent taciti socad lito-

ra torquent per ;bia. nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla

facilisi. In ut est arcu. Cras sit amet dui quis odio bibendum

egestas. Vestibulum suscipit sem in tellus feugiat tempus. Ali-

153 | MIND

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on cre-ating your own awesome something, See page 156.

By Jeromer McDoughgerty

American Roots Movement founder. Berthod Garamond

Page 10: Mercantile


Page 11: Mercantile

153 | Sucks to be us

(10:24 p.m.) CLARE: how about they just call us SAA

self-absorbed assholes

ME: booo

CLARE: we need a D to make it really good SAD—self-absorbed

delusionals ps

(10:26 p.m.) can i send you a cover letter right quick?

ME: sure

CLARE: our generation is: delayed, afraid immature independent

fame and glory hungry (ambitious? weirdly apathetic when it comes

to things outside of the internet

(10:26 p.m.) ME: delayed is not our fault

CLARE: ok, you know what i always think about when i think of our

generation? i read the david brooks book, “the social animal” and

while it was only mediocre, he had this one really great bit that really

stuck with me—the Greek ideal of “thumos”, which is the lust not for

money or success (in the conventional sense) but the lust for glory

we want glory through our ideas-we want to know we matter

(10:33) the cold truth is that not all of us are brilliant

we are not all big thinkers. Not everyone’s TED talks will change the


some of us will just dissipate into the ether

(10:34) but it is the digital connectivity, that proximity to these peo-

ple, that makes us think that perhaps we will succeed as well

(10:35) ok, i’m done

(10:36) no i’m not

here’s why the recession is so devastating to us

we grew up, all the way through college, with everything seeming

so ripe and possible

(10:37) we had a PC education—people tried to hide from us as long

as possible that not everyone is equal

we were told we all have a fair chance of making it

that’s just not so

and we’re starting to realize that

(10:39) are you even listening to me anymore?

(10:41) ME: hi sorry

(10:42) i was writing an email

i am filing your comments

in my file.

(10:43) i think

your cover letter is good!

CLARE: i thought it was ok

(10:47) but I am, to be honest, expecting a rejection.

SAA/SADI Gchatted my 24-year-old sister Clare, who happens to be liv-ing back at home with our par-ents while she looks for a job:

Page 12: Mercantile

Every generation finds, eventually, a mode of expression

that suits it. Cavemen drew lines on their cave walls. Sixties

kids marched. My generation, we Gchat, a million tiny win-

dows blinking orange with hopes and dreams and YouTube

links, with five-year plans and lunch plans. So as I began to

search for a single phrase that could, preposterously, de-

scribe our entire cohort, post-crash, I did what I always do in

moments of crisis. I I know this might read as very woe-is-us,

but these are the facts: Nearly 14 percent of college gradu-

ates from the classes of 2006 through 2010 can’t find full-

time work, and overall just 55.3 percent of people ages 16 to

29 have jobs. That’s the lowest percentage since World War

II, as you might have heard an Occupy Wall Street protester

point out. (Not coincidentally, one in five young adults now

lives below the poverty line.) Almost a quarter more people

ages 25 to 34—in other words, people who should be a few

years into their independent lives—are living with their par-

ents than at the beginning of the recession.

Being young is supposed to mean you have the luxury of

time. But in hard times, a few fallow years can become a

lifetime drag on what you earn, sort of the opposite of com-

pound interest. Because the average person grabs 70 of their

total pay bumps during their first ten years in the workforce,

according to a paper from the National Bureau of Economic

Research, having stagnant or nonexistent wages during that

period means you hit that springboard at a crawl. Econo-

mist Lisa Kahn explained to The Atlantic in 2010 that those

who graduate into a recession are still earning an average

of 10 percent less nearly two decades into their careers. In

hard, paycheck-shrinking numbers, the salary lost over that

stretch totals around $100,000. That works out to $490 or

so less a month, money that could go, say, toward repaS ng

154 | Sucks to be us

Mina Qhatn finds herself running from home sto school fantically searching for work.

Abriel Fabricio now suffers from a workplace enduced anxiety disorder not covered by her insurance.


Page 13: Mercantile



155 | Sucks to be us


Page 14: Mercantile

153 | Sucks to be us

Instudent loans, which for the class

of 2009 average $24,000. Those

student loans (the responsible bor-

rowing option!) have reportedly passed credit

cards as the nation’s largest source of debt.

This is not just a rotten moment to be young. It’s

a putrid, stinking, several-months-old-stringy-

goat-meat moment to be young.

Earlier generations have weathered reces-

sions, of course; this stall we’re in has the

look of something nastier. Social Security and

Medicare are going to be diminished, at best.

Hours worked are up even as hiring staggers

along: Blood from a stone looks to be the

normal order of things “going forward,” to

borrow the business-speak. Economists are

warning that even when the economy recu-

perates, full employment will be lower and

growth will be slower—a sad little rhyme that

adds up to something decidedly unpoetic. A

majority of Americans say, for the first time

ever, that this generation will not be better off

than its parents.

And so we find ourselves living among the

scattered ashes and spilled red wine and bro-

ken glass from a party we watched in our paja-

mas, peering down the stairs at the grown-ups.

This is not a morning after we are prepared for,

to judge by the composite sketch sociologists

have drawn of us. (Generation-naming is an in-

exact science, but generally we’re talking here

about the first half of the Millennials, the terrible

New Agey label we were saddled with in the

eighties.) Clare has us pegged pretty well: We

are self-centered and convinced of our special-

ness and unaccustomed to being denied. “I am

sad, jaded, disillusioned, frustrated, and wor-

ried,” said one girl I talked to who feels “stuck”

in a finance job she took as a stepping-stone to

more-fulfilling work she now cannot find. Ours

isn’t a generation that will give you just one ad-

jective to describe our hurt. But shouldn’t be a

We wouldn’t living among the scattered ash-

es and spilled red wine and broken glass from

a party we watched in our pajamas, peering

down the stairs at the grown-ups. This is not a

morning after we are prepared for, to judge by

the composite sketch sociologists have drawn

of us. (Generation-naming is an inexact science,

but generally we’re talking here about the first

half of the Millennials, the terrible New Agey la-

bel we were saddled with in the eighties.) Clare

has us pegged pretty well: We are self-centered

and convinced of our specialness and unaccus-

tomed to being denied. “I am sad, jaded, disil-

lusioned, frustrated, and worried,” said one girl

I talked to who feels “stuck” in a finance job she

took as a stepping-stone to more-fulfilling work

she now cannot find. Ours isn’t a generation

that will give you just one adjective to describe

our hurt. It might be hard, in fact, to create a

generation more metaphysically ill-equipped to

adjust to this new tough-shit world. Yet some of



Page 15: Mercantile


Our generation is the product of two long-

term social experiments conducted by our

parents. The first sought to create little hypera-

would like to take this forum to at last admit

that my co-secretaryship of the math club had

nothing to do with any passion for numbers and

much to do with the extra-credit points.) In the

second experiment, which was a reaction to

their own distant moms and dads, our parents

tried to see how much self-confidence they

could pack into us, like so many overstuffed

microfiber love seats, and accordingly we were

awarded clip-art Certificates oft for showing up.

The finite supply of actual brass rings meant

that the first experiment would never pan out,

but the second was a runaway success. Self-

esteem among young people in America has

been rising since the seventies, but it’s now so

dramatically high that social scientists are con-

sidering whether they need to find a different

measurement system—we’ve broken the scale.

Since we are not in fact all perfect, this means

that the endless praise we got growing up, win

or lose, must have really sunk in. (Meanwhile,

it’s this characteristic that our parents’ genera-

tion—which instilled it in us!—so delights in in-

terpreting as “entitled.”)

I’ve got a working theory about what’s hap-

pening as our self-esteem surpluses collide with

a contracting world. A big chunk of our gen-

eration, the part David Brooks a decade ago

The reality that faces today’s college graduates: they’re screwed, cod-dled, self-absorbed, mocked and a surprisingly resilient generation.

Get out, get free: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, See page 156.

collectively labeled the Organization Kid, more or less hap-

pily embraced very hard work within the system. (Brooks

was focused on elite students, but I think the term applies

equally well to your typical first- and second-honor-roll striv-

ers.) If you were an Organization Kid and have prospered

despite the economy, landing one of those jobs that come

with an embroidered gym bag, you’re obviously fine. The big

change is that when you describe yourself as lucky—a word

that comes up a lot with friends I know like this—you may ac-

tually mean it more than you would have before. (Before, it

would have just been codespeak for “privileged.”) If, though,


Page 16: Mercantile


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean molestie massa quis enim ornar.

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-scing elit. Aenean molestie massa quis enim ornare vulpu-tate. Maecenas vel porttitor tellus. Integer vel laoreet velit. Morbi risus neque, consectetur eu faucibus a, mattis eu ip-sum. Nullam sit amet lacus sed diam tempor mollis. Mauris fermentum mattis laoreet. Nulla dignissim leo ullamcorper nisl pellentesque eu pulvinar erat placerat. Nunc sit amet enim nulla, id dignissim urna. Praesent diam arcu, venenatis in hendrerit quis, vestibulum porta risus.

Nunc dictum quam in libero congue interdum. Cras eros dui, lacinia in mattis ac, sodales eget tortor. Sed sagittis auc-tor mollis. Fusce lacinia tellus at elit vestibulum at placerat dui convallis. Fusce enim dui, vestibulum vel malesuada sed, vulputate eget elit. Sed id diam vitae tellus laoreet consecte-tur quis vel sem. In ante ante, sagittis eget posuere id, con-sectetur sit amet dolor. Proin id leo ac felis pulvinar luctus et at orci. Integer consectetur, mi eget luctus elementum, arcu massa vestibulum massa, at tincidunt tellus orci sit amet nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad An

Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Ali-quam lobortis nunc id massa porta nec tincidunt ante dapi-bus. In risus elit, congue et tristique sit amet, luctus in risus. Curabitur convallis nisl ac orci laoreet vitae hendrerit e

An Architect from Florida who builds freedom and gets paid for it. FLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-scing elit. Aenean molestie massa quis enim ornare vulpu-tate. Maecenas vel porttitor tellus. Integer vel laoreet velit. Morbi risus neque, consectetur eu faucibus a, mattis eu ip-sum. Nullam sit amet lacus sed diam tempor mollis. Mauris fermentum mattis laoreet. Nulla dignissim leo ullamcorper nisl pellentesque eu pulvinar erat placerat. Nunc sit amet enim nulla, id dignissim urna. Praesent diam arcu, venena-tis in hendrerit quis, vestibulum porta risus.

Nunc dictum quam in libero congue interdum. Cras eros dui, lacinia in mattis ac, sodales eget tortor. Sed sagittis auc-tor mollis. Fusce lacinia tellus at elit vestibulum at placerat dui convallis. Fusce enim dui, vestibulum vel malesuada sed, vulputate eget elit. Sed id diam vitae tellus laoreet consecte-tur quis vel sem. In ante ante, sagittis eget posuere id, con-sectetur sit amet dolor. Proin id leo ac felis pulvinar luctus et at orci. Integer consectetur, mi eget luctus elementum, arcu massa vestibulum massa, at tincidunt tellus orci sit amet nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per co-nubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vitae lacus urna. In sit amet mattis elit. Aliquam lobortis nunc id massa porta nec tincidunt ante dapibus. In risus elit, congue et tristique sit amet, luctus in risus. Curabitur convallis nisl ac orci laoreet vitae hendrerit elit hendrerit. Phasellus tristique sapien eu quam mattis semper at id dolor.Fusce eleifend, erat at volutpat dictum, quam neque pulvinar nibh, ultricies




HMade in the USA |CLOTH 35

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, see page

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, see page

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, see page

Featured interactive video: For a 15-minute video on creating your own awesome something, see page