messiah lutheran church - clover...

Messiah Lutheran Church MAY ~ 2015 14920 Hutchison Rd. Tampa, Florida (North of Ehrlich) 33625-5507 Rev. Dr. Dennis Goff - Co-Vacancy Pastor 763-614-9585 [email protected] Rev. Gil Kuehn - Co-Vacancy Pastor 629-6070 (C) [email protected] Tammy Nunes, Office Administrator 961-2182 (Office) [email protected] 968-8895 (Office) Fax 961-0592 Abby Moss, Family Life Minister 789-7143 (C) Jody Schweichler, Preschool Director/Teacher 968-9534 Kim Capsas, Minister of Music/Organist 948-2767 Worship: 8:30 AM (Holy Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays) Christian Education: 9:45 AM Contemporary (Holy Communion 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays) 9:45 AM 11:00 AM (Holy Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays)

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Messiah Lutheran Church MAY ~ 2015

14920 Hutchison Rd. Tampa, Florida (North of Ehrlich) 33625-5507

Rev. Dr. Dennis Goff - Co-Vacancy Pastor 763-614-9585 [email protected]

Rev. Gil Kuehn - Co-Vacancy Pastor 629-6070 (C) [email protected]

Tammy Nunes, Office Administrator 961-2182 (Office)

[email protected] 968-8895 (Office)

Fax 961-0592

Abby Moss, Family Life Minister 789-7143 (C)

Jody Schweichler, Preschool Director/Teacher 968-9534

Kim Capsas, Minister of Music/Organist 948-2767


8:30 AM (Holy Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays) Christian Education:

9:45 AM Contemporary (Holy Communion 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays) 9:45 AM

11:00 AM (Holy Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays)

From Abby… (Not to be confused with Dear Abby,) Recently, a dear friend of mine experienced a miscarriage. This dear friend

shared this event and the pain of it with very few people. She trusted me with

this information. As one of the few people she told she was sharing her burden of well meaning coworkers and distant family members whose comments of,

“Have a kid already, what are you waiting for?” were not meant with malice but brought her

pain because of her private struggle. I emphasized with her and listened. It also got me thinking about how many times my words or actions could have potentially hit at a private struggle of

another person and how as a Christian my words and actions reflect Christ.

Have I ever given a look of frustration to a mom with misbehaving kids in the grocery store and

caused her more grief in an overwhelming situation? Have I been judgmental? Have I ignored a

visitor at church in favor of talking to someone I know? Have I been flippant with a comment

that while not ill intentioned hurt someone else? Do I even know when I have been guilty of those things? Where has my witness for Jesus and the Gospel been compromised because I did

not show care and concern for people and their needs first?

Then the words of Philippians 2:3-7, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in

humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own

interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ

Jesus. Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.” My Savior, Jesus,

made himself a servant to take my place and my guilt and my shame when he could have been

enjoying the riches of heaven. That is sacrificial love.

1 Corinthians 9:19-22 “Though I (Paul) am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to

everyone to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so

as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law

(though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having

the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” Paul advocated putting ourselves in others’

shoes so as to best share the Gospel, not compromising what he believed or what God said but

maybe where he was comfortable for the benefit of reaching someone else with the Gospel.

Perhaps my next time in the grocery store instead of being frustrated, I can offer a word of

encouragement or offer to hold some groceries for the harried mom. Perhaps I can find out something about the next church visitor no matter what they wear or act like. Perhaps, in all

circumstances I can seek to put myself in others’ shoes, with the hope of sharing the Gospel

with them. Perhaps I can take a page from my Savior and humble myself and put others ahead

of myself and in so doing honor God. Perhaps as each of us does this, the Gospel will spread and the church at large will grow. Blessings and peace as we serve like our humble Savior.

Messiah Lutheran Church

14920 Hutchison Road

Tampa, Florida 33625

Non-Profit Organization



Tampa, FL.


Statement of Mission

We, the members of Messiah Lutheran, in grateful thanksgiving

for the blessings of forgiveness, life and salvation through

Jesus Christ our Lord:

~ Consecrate ourselves to grow in faith

~ Devote ourselves to grow in service

~ Dedicate ourselves to grow in witness outreach

Does your soul pant for God?

He will…

Refresh You…

Renew You….

He is waiting for you!

What are you waiting for? Psalm 42:1


8:30 AM 11:00 AM


3 David & Anne West Steve & Lynn Turke

10 Bob & Diane Wawrzyniak Ron & Magda McKay

17 Rodney Swilley and Sandy Hansen Bruce Noyes

24 Bob & Sandra Robertson Tim & Julie Hohl

31 Wayne & Pat Plager Wayne & Cynthia Jackson


3 (8:30) Michael Cox (9:45) Annette Ryan (11:00) Mark Lemke

10 (8:30) Joshua Ellerbee (9:45) Nathan Nester (11:00) Michael Bohren

17 (8:30)Teresa Klicker (9:45) Annette Ryan (11:00) Kathy Larson

24 (8:30) Kevin Garriott (9:45) Nathan Nester (11:00) David Pergande

31 (8:30)Teresa Klicker (9:45) Annette Ryan (11:00) Kathy Larson


3 Donna Bartholomew


17 Ernie & Gail Munzen

24 Lu Heine

31 Thrivent



3 Floyd Skeins/Sara Skeins Ron Dial Angelina Dial

10 Joni Daniel & Jolianna Daniel Bob Harrigan & Paul Riffel Emma Irwin

17 Ron Dial & Sarah Parker Ron Dial Tyler Matthews

24 Steve & Gaylene Gay Ron Dial & Bob Harrigan Aryn Nester

31 Floyd Skeins/Sara Skeins Ron Dial & Bob Harrigan Emma Irwin

May Birthday Blessings!May Birthday Blessings!May Birthday Blessings!May Birthday Blessings!

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” Psalm 42:1

1 Jeraldine Bock

2 Deanna Salt

Julia Salt

Kirstie Wright

3 Lorelei Valdez

4 Laura Ash

Janet Sasanko

Susan Wood

5 Trey Boling

Michelle Phillips

Karen Zirkle

6 Devin Pullara

7 Iona Beatty

Jacob Schafer

Luisa Valdes

8 Chuck Burnett

Jack Proeschel

Carissa Simpson

9 Tabatha Carlton

Steve Gay

Jennifer Harrigan

10 Mike Cox

Pierce Rodrick

11 Bill Lynch

Joe Minardi

14 Emily Gay

16 Doris Hogan

Karen Hough

Emily Leland Christopher McClutchy

Evan Munzen

17 Katherine DeWeese

Paul Naffin

Niki Rice

19 Jackie Burnett

Leslie Dellas

Betty Hilbmann

Michael Noesen

Bente Smith

20 Erik Ekendiz

Tyler Gay

Pam Hansen

Jack Jensen

Jeff Salt

26 Danna Cruz

27 Leroy Scotland

28 James Hanjian

29 Mike Leland

Kathy Mathews

Rose Waterman

30 Christy Healey

31 Sue Felter

Samuel Turke

Due to Mother's Day, Angel Stitches will meet on the 1st Sunday of the month, May 3rd at 2:00 p.m. in Classroom 1 of the CLC. Newcomers are ALWAYS welcome! This will be our last get-together before our summer break, so if you need yarn or fabric for your summer projects, this would be a good time to pick them up. Please call Mary Plotkowski (813-960-9220) or Lynn Turke (833-9598) with any questions.

There will be no Life Light Bible Class, Wednesday May 6, due to Abby being away at a Conference. Normal Bible class will resume on May 13.

Table Talk; are you ready for an alarming change? Table Talk is now on the second Sun-day of the month. So on May 10th at 12:15 PM, at the Ministry Center, the ovens will be on, the refrigerators will be cold, and ready for Sunday Family Lunch. Our theme for this one is easy for us, German fair. So prepare your grandmothers recipe, and share with your Church Family. If you cannot do German bring your favorite comfort food. Morning LWML Meeting ~ Tuesday, May 12th at 10:30 a.m. in the CLC Evening LWML Meeting ~ Thursday, May 14th. We will meet for dinner, watch for infor-mation in the bulletin. Newsletter Information ~ All directors, committee members, and anyone else desiring to place announcements in the June Newsletter, please e-mail to Tammy at [email protected] by Friday, May 15th. Carrollwood Care Center Birthday Parties ~ The monthly birthday for this month will be held Wednesday, May 20th at 2:15 PM at Carrollwood Care Nursing Home (located right behind Messiah). Any questions? - call Mary Plotkowski at 813-960-9220. Senior adults will meet for lunch at 11:30 on Thursday, May 28th at Olive Garden, 8306 Citrus Park Dr. Please have your reservations in by Monday May 18th to Dorothy Biegert at 961-0659 or Lois Dworkin at 727-648-4365 or email at [email protected]. Website Developer Wanted: Messiah would like to update and redesign the church's website. If you have the capability to design a website and are interested, or know of someone who is, please contact Joel Mathews, [email protected] or 813-215-8098. Personnel Committee: Messiah's Personnel Committee is in need of someone with Hu-man Resources knowledge to assist is updating our policies and personnel manual. If you would be able to assist us please contact Wayne Jackson, 813-749-0425 or at [email protected].

June is sneaking up on us! With the June Congregational meeting (June 9th) comes elections to the Par-

ish Planning Council (PPC). We have a number of members of our PPC coming off the board due to

term limits. If you would like to nominate yourself or another member of the church to serve on our

PPC or would like to find out more information about roles and involvement please contact the church

office, Abby Moss, or Joel Mathews or current members of the PPC. Names for nomination may be

submitted to the church office or Congregation President for consideration. We ask that all nominations

be turned in by Monday May 18th. As we prepare for a new pastor it is crucial to have strong leaders to

help and support him and the ministry of Messiah Lutheran Church. We hope that you will prayerfully

consider becoming involved in Messiah's Leadership.


8:30 AM 11:00 AM


3 Joel Mathews/Al Knaak/Jack Proeschel Tim Hohl/Jim Gardner/Mike Turke

Ken Vollrath/Ann Ferguson/Dennis Glardior Dick Larson/Rick Larson/Jay Hanjian

10 Jeff Salt/Mark Mirabella/Julia Salt Jan Umbaugh/Steve Turke

Mark Eicholtz/Leroy Scotland John Schweichler/Cliff Yarosh

17 Christopher Smith/Keith Bakalyar Mike McKenzie/Bryan Burgess

Chuck Sumpter/Mike Mekelburg Paul Dworkin/Bruce Noyes

Christian Moll/Erik Peterson

24 Joel Mathews/Al Knaak/Jack Proeschel Tim Hohl/Jim Gardner/Mike Turke

Ken Vollrath/Ann Ferguson/Dennis Glardior Dick Larson/Rick Larson/Jay Hanjian

31 Jeff Salt/Mark Mirabella/Julia Salt Jan Umbaugh/Steve Turke

Mark Eicholtz/Leroy Scotland John Schweichler/Cliff Yarosh


3 Blake Saylor Jake Amerson

10 Delanie Matson Colin Gabriel

17 Evan Munzen Maria Bellott

24 Evan Munzen Kyle Mavrides

31 Blake Saylor Pierce Rodrick


Donna Bartholomew & Dick Erickson Janet Booth/Allyson Kessler


3 Dan Carlson & Mike Mekelburg Dale Laxton & Gary Weber

10 Mike Castro Bill Meyer

17 Dan Carlson & Ed Picillo Mike Healey & Gary Weber

24 Ed Picillo Dale Laxton

31 Mike Castro & Mike Mekelburg Paul Riffel & Mike Healey

Ministries & Activities

Adult Bible Study (Sunday 9:45 a.m.)

Mark Lemke - “Books of the Bible” - Ministry Center Room 201

Bible Study - CLC - Middle - “Luther’s Large Catechism 10 Commandments”, Ernie Munzen

Altar Guild - Lois Draper @ 961-8287

American Heritage Girls - CLC

Angel Stitches - CLC - Room 1 - Contact Lynn Turke @ 960-7289

Assimilation - CLC - Conference Room - Contact Bruce Noyes @ 264-0760

Bakalyar’s Neighborhood Bible Study - At her home - Contact Beverly @ 300-3085

BAMOMS - CLC - Middle

Blind Ministry Luncheon - CLC - Middle - Contact Norma Stem @ 431-7744

Boy Scouts - Ministry Center - Room 204 & Gym

Choir - Sanctuary - Monday - Contact Kim Capsas @ 598-8160 or Facebook

Christian Education Mtg. - Copier Room - Contact Loraine Eden @ 732-3078

Cub Scouts – Pack 18 - CLC - Middle, Room 1,2,3 & Conference Room

Florida Suncoast Decorative Artist - CLC - Middle

Girl Scouts - CLC room 2

Handbells - Sanctuary - Monday - Contact Kim Capsas @ 598-8160 or Facebook

LifeLight Bible Study - CLC - Conference Room - Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.

LWML - Contact Nancy Lemke at 264-5095

Memorial Garden Committee - Cry Room - Contact Lu Heine @ 569-9377

Men’s Bible Study - CLC - Conference Room ~ Wednesday Morning 7:00 a.m.

Messiah’s Followers Forever - Ministry Center ~ Contact Barbara Packer @ 428-6204

Narcotics Anonymous - Ministry Center - Youth Room

Pinochle - contact David West at 972-8861 or [email protected]; play monthly

Preschool Fellowship - Ministry Center - Gym

Senior Adults - Lois Dworkin - 727-648-4365 or Dorothy Biegert - 961-0659

Social Ministry - CLC - Conference Room

Stephen Ministry Support - Ministry Center - Rm. 201- Walt Halfmann, 792-8406

Trail Life - Ministry Center

Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Study ~ 6:45 - 7:45, Ministry Center #201

Young Adults 20’s - 30’s - Abby Moss, 789-7143

Youth Choir/Flag Team - Contact Kim Capsas @ 598-8160 or Facebook

Youth Sunday Afternoon - Ministry Center - Gym & Youth Room - Abby Moss, 789-7143

National Day of Prayer Breakfast

When: Thursday, May 7, 2015

Time: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

Where: Christian Life Center

Please sign up on the portable bulletin board or call the church office and join our nation as we grow in the privilege and power of prayer. Our guest speaker will be Pastor James Guelzow who previously served us here at Messiah. Hope to see you there!

Messiah Music Ministry and the

Acting Studio of Lutz present


Saturday, May 2nd

6:00 p.m. Italian Dinner (Gym) and 7:00 p.m.“Godspell” (Sanctuary)

Tickets are Free and available upon request

Godspell is a musical by Stephen Schwartz, which opened off Broadway on May 17, 1971, and has played in various touring companies and revivals many times since, including a 2011 revival which played on Broadway from October 13, 2011, to June 24, 2012. "Day by Day" is one of it's most well known songs.

The structure of the musical is that of a series of parables, mostly based on the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The parables are interspersed with a variety of modern music set primarily to lyrics from traditional hymns, with the Passion of Christ included near the end of the show. It is fun and funny as well as thought provoking and inspiring. This production is suitable for all ages. Please make plans for your family and friends to at-tend. Tickets may be requested from choir members or at church. They are free, and will help the kitchen staff plan for our dinner guests. Flyers and tickets are available if you would like to help us advertise.

Abby Moss will be out of the office the afternoon of Monday, May 4th through Thursday, April 7th at a Conference. Please contact the

church office or one of our vacancy pastors with any emergencies.

She will be in the office Friday, May 8th.

Messiah’s Social Ministry

Asks You To Participate In Or Financially Sponsor

Messiah’s Team Of Walkers In The

‘Walk For Life’

The “Walk For Life”, happening May 9, 2015, is sponsored by New Life Solutions of

which A Woman’s Place is one of its counseling centers. The five centers comprising New Life

Solutions provide Christ centered pregnancy counseling to young women who have life deci-

sions to make. Through the years over 7000 babies have been saved at the five centers. Mes-

siah Social Ministry has been a long-time supporter of A Woman’s Place and its mission.

Please look for the “Walk For Life” display as you exit church on Sunday and sign up

to walk or to make a monetary pledge for the Messiah Team. Sign-up sheets, brochures and

more information will be available at the table April 19th through May 3, 2015. Thanks, in ad-

vance, for your support and interest in this project.

Can you help?

We are in need of several individuals to volunteer to teach and assist during

Summer Sunday School. This summer we will offer a child class and a teen/

adult class during the 9:45AM hour. We are in need of several people to

volunteer for 6 weeks (the first half or second half of summer) to help us

cover Sunday School. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to

serve in this way.

Women of Messiah – LWML

We are fast approaching the summer months when we do not have meetings. Our morning May meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at 10:30 a.m. in the CLC confer-ence room. At this meeting we will discuss the District retreat, have election of officers

and after the meeting we will go to Red Lobster for lunch. The evening LWML will meet on Thursday, May 14

th. We will meet for dinner, information will be put in the bulletin. Hope you can make it to one

of the meetings.

Plans are underway for the FL-GA District Retreat to be held Sept. 25 – 27 at the Sirata Beach Resort

at St. Pete Beach. The Tampa Zone is one of the host zones working on the retreat. Our zone is in

charge of helping with registration, packets, badges and signs. We will be asking for volunteers to help

out before and during the retreat. If you would like to help let Nancy Lemke know. The theme for the

retreat will be “Hear Am I, Send Me.” Kathy Larson is the retreat chairman with four area zones work-

ing on the retreat. Donna Pyle will be the keynote speaker and you will have a fun and inspirational

week-end. If you would like to attend the retreat we will give you registration and hotel information

and costs.


JUNE 15 - 19 ~ ~ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Set out on a journey to uncharted territory where kids will encounter the unexpected waiting around every bend. On this expedition of a lifetime, kids will need to stick close to their guides in order to survive. They will discover that Jesus is the Ultimate Guide on a journey uncharted by them, but known by Him.

The registration fee is $5.00 per child. Attendees must be 4 year old preschool age - 6th grade. You can pick up registration forms in the church office or from the white rolling board in the breezeway. For more information you can contact Penny Healey at 265-0806 or email at [email protected].


SATURDAY - June 27, 2015

8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


GRANNY’S inventory will be your donations of gently used items i.e. furniture, small, household appliances, tools, games, toys, bicycles,

costume jewelry, home decorations, infant & children’s clothing (please, no adult clothing and, due to difficulty with disposal,

we are not accepting computers and/or accessories).

Your donations may be brought to the MINISTRY CENTER on the following days:

Wednesday, June 24~ 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. Thursday, June 25 ~ 1 P.M. - 6 P.M.

Friday, June 26 ~ 1 P.M. - 7 P.M.


Introducing Wednesday Night Youth Nights! Confirmation Class may be over for the school year, but that

doesn’t mean we have to stop getting together! Come participate in your favorite parts of Confirmation night (but without the

memory work). We invite all youth grades 5-8 to join us Wednesdays this summer starting May 20 from 6:45-8PM in the Ministry Center for a time of

fellowship, brief Bible Study, and games or gym time. While this is not required we hope that you will join us often.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as we see the Day

approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 *4th Graders Get Ready, you can start joining us in June.*


Special Thanks to those Volunteers who helped with youth

activities During the Month of April. Especially to everyone

who helped us pull off the Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt.

Thanks to….

Open Gym Helpers: Paul Dworkin & Steve Jones

Special Event Helpers: Joe Gabriel, Richard Larson, Bruce

Noyes, Laura Goff, Paul Dworkin, Pat Matson, Jeff Salt,

Jean Jones, Steve & Gaylene Gay, Ernie & Gail Munzen,

Meghann & Marc Thacker, David & Sherri Irwin, Ron Dial,

and Jeff Bohren.

We appreciate you and couldn’t do it without you!



Wednesday, May 20th will be our last regularly scheduled Carrollwood Care

birthday party before Summer. We will meet at the Carrollwood Care Nursing

Home (located right behind Messiah) at 2:15 PM.

Traditionally our volunteers take the summer off (June, July, August) and we will resume

our ministry on September 16th. Look for our notices in the Sunday bulletin and throughout

the summer - please continue to hold the residents of Carrollwood Care in your prayers.

Thank you to all our faithful volunteers this past year and also to you members who

supported us with your donations and prayers.

We will continue to accept your donations of small gifts to give to our residents on their birth-

days - items such as: slipper socks (men & women), small packs of Kleenex, small stuffed ani-

mals, lap robes or bed socks. Unwrapped gifts may be placed in the container marked

"Carrollwood Care" in the narthex - we will be happy to gift wrap them for you.

Contact Mary Plotkowski at 813-960-9220. If you have questions.

Butter Braid Pastry

Youth Fundraiser!

Thanks for supporting our youth! If you ordered pastries,

they will arrive May 10th for a Sunday morning pick-up. Just in time for your

Mother’s Day, Graduation, or Summer celebrations. Thanks for supporting our

youth! If you are out of town that Sunday, we can arrange another day for pick up.



Memorial Day, a national day of remembrance, will again be celebrated during this month of May. With “remembrance” in mind, you may wish to honor a loved one or friend by arrang-ing for a special memorial arch tag to be installed on the Wittenberg Arch in Mes-siah Memorial Garden. A $200 donation to Messiah Memorial Garden Fund cov-ers the cost of the metal tag, engraving, and installation onto the Wittenberg Arch. The Garden Trustees will be available in the breezeway May 17th and May 24th to provide further information and accept requests for memorial arch tags. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” PSALMS 116:15 Messiah Memorial Garden Trustees: David West - 972-8861; Lu Heine - 569-9377; Phil Mattice - 500-4726; Sandi Windsor, Tom Windsor - 926-2532

A prayer for your personal witness outreach in 2015:

Lord, lay some soul upon my heart,

And love that soul through me;

And may I nobly do my part

To win that soul for Thee.

~ Tucker

PRESCHOOL NEWS The month of May will be a very busy and fun one at Messiah Lutheran Preschool. We will be doing special things to help our moms celebrate Mother’s Day, going on a field trip to Northdale Lutheran School to enjoy a

musical performance presented by their students and walking to the Carrollwood Care Center to sing to the residents. We will also be practicing for our end of the year program which will be held on Wednesday, June 3rd. Thanks to everyone who helped make our Scholastic Book Fair a huge success. Book sales totaled $1100.00 and the preschool received over $500.00 in Scholas-tic Dollars to spend on books and classroom materials. Messiah Lutheran Preschool has had a wonderful 2014/2015 school year. We could not have done it without the support of our parents, students, Thrivent Finan-cial and our church congregation. With this support we purchased new touch screen computers for the classrooms, provided special educational programs for the children and purchased building sets, puzzles and other fun learning materials. Your support and prayers are truly a blessing to the school and staff. We still have openings available in our VPK and 3 year old classes for the 2015/2016 school year. Please continue to tell your friends and neighbors about our special preschool. For more information please call Director Jody Schweichler at (813) 968-9534 or email her at [email protected]. Be sure to check out our website, The next school board meeting will be May 5th at 7:00pm in the conference room located in the church office. Please note that the school board now meets in the evenings and we would love to have you join us! Any questions, please call Jody Schweichler at (813) 968-9534. Thank you.

2015 High School Summer Servant Event

We will have a mandatory planning meeting for all attendees of the

July Mission trip on Sunday May 17th at 6:15PM (or right after

Open Gym) in the youth room. Let Abby know if you have questions

or cannot attend this meeting.

Please keep the following students in your prayers as they prepare to be Confirmed on Sunday May 3 at 11AM.

Maria Bellott Alvin Forte Colin Gabriel Emma Irwin Matthew Jones Delanie Matson Tyler Matthews Kyle Mavrides Evan Munzen Aryn Nester and Pierce Rodrick Congratulations and the Lord ’ s Blessings as you continue to grow in

faith, love and service to the Lord.

Attention Current 4th Graders!Attention Current 4th Graders!Attention Current 4th Graders!Attention Current 4th Graders! Join us Wednesday May 13th from 6:45Join us Wednesday May 13th from 6:45Join us Wednesday May 13th from 6:45Join us Wednesday May 13th from 6:45----8PM to be trained as 8PM to be trained as 8PM to be trained as 8PM to be trained as

an acolyte! an acolyte! an acolyte! an acolyte! We would like to start scheduling our incoming Confirmation class to acolyte this summer. Come learn what it

is all about and get to know your first year classmates. Contact Abby Moss with any questions.

Youth Sunday Afternoon Open Gym & Youth NightYouth Sunday Afternoon Open Gym & Youth NightYouth Sunday Afternoon Open Gym & Youth NightYouth Sunday Afternoon Open Gym & Youth Night For youth grades 5For youth grades 5For youth grades 5For youth grades 5----12 12 12 12 ----Sundays from 4pmSundays from 4pmSundays from 4pmSundays from 4pm----6pm ~ 6pm ~ 6pm ~ 6pm ~

We begin with a short devotion. Parents we need your help as chaperones. Open Gym dates for May are 17, 24, & 31!

No Open Gym May 3rd because of Confirmation Sunday.No Open Gym May 3rd because of Confirmation Sunday.No Open Gym May 3rd because of Confirmation Sunday.No Open Gym May 3rd because of Confirmation Sunday. No Open Gym or 2nd Sunday High School Dinner May 10th. Celebrate No Open Gym or 2nd Sunday High School Dinner May 10th. Celebrate No Open Gym or 2nd Sunday High School Dinner May 10th. Celebrate No Open Gym or 2nd Sunday High School Dinner May 10th. Celebrate

Mother ’ s Day with your Mom!Mother ’ s Day with your Mom!Mother ’ s Day with your Mom!Mother ’ s Day with your Mom!

Senior High, we ’ ve heard your desire for a time change, introducing the 4th Senior High, we ’ ve heard your desire for a time change, introducing the 4th Senior High, we ’ ve heard your desire for a time change, introducing the 4th Senior High, we ’ ve heard your desire for a time change, introducing the 4th Sunday of the Month Sunday of the Month Sunday of the Month Sunday of the Month Senior High Only Night! Senior High Only Night! Senior High Only Night! Senior High Only Night!

This month we will be getting together for food and fellowship at BrewTown

Burgers at 19255 N. Dale Mabry, Lutz, FL 33548 from 6:30-8PM on Sunday May 24. Join us for Open Gym first or just meet us at BrewTown

for a time of dinner and fellowship. If you can, RSVP ahead of time so we can reserve a large enough table.

May 9th Youth Mile Stone Celebration!

Let’s celebrate the accomplishments and transitions of our

Confirmands, Graduates, and those entering a new stage. All youth

(grades 5-12) and families are invited to join us for this special luncheon.

The luncheon will start at 11:30AM in the Christian Life Center (CLC).

Please RSVP to attend. The main course, drinks, and dessert will be pro-

vided, please consider bringing a salad or side dish to share.

RSVP to [email protected] or 813-961-2182.

Starting Sunday May 31 we will move to our Summer

Christian Education Hour Schedule at 9:45AM!

Sunday Summer Schedule May 31– August 16

8:30AM Traditional Worship

9:45 AM Contemporary Worship Service

Christian Education Hour:

Teen & Adult Bible Class :

Join us for one Video Based Study but separate teen

and adult discussion groups

• Teen & Adult Class in CLC Center on Luther

• Mark Lemke’s class in Ministry Center Room 201

Children’s Class, Ages Preschool-Grade 4

together in Gym for Friends and Heroes of the

Bible DVD Study and activity.

11AM Traditional Worship

We hope you will make plans to join

us as your vacation schedule allows

this summer!