messiah weekly - messiah lutheran church, auburn...

4 1 Holy Communion All are welcome to the Lords table, and this always includes children! We believe that the Risen Christ comes to us in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion with gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation for all. Please indicate your intention to receive bread and wine with open hands. Folded hands signifies that you choose to receive a blessing rather than bread and wine. Gluten free wafers are also available. We receive communion today kneeling at the altar rail. The ushers will provide individual cups to those approaching the rail. Hold the cup upright and a communion assistant will fill it from a pouring chalice. After youre done communing, place your cup in the basket provided. In the name of the Risen Christ, welcome to the Lords Table. Welcome Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church. No matter who you are, you are welcome here! Our hope is that through Messiahs worship, fellowship, and acts of service, you will experience a caring place to belong and exciting growth in your faith. Following Jesus is what we do, and we invite you along as a companion with us on the journey. Messiah Weekly September 1-8, 2019 And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.Micah 6:8b Fall Worship Schedule We return to our 3 service worship schedule next Sunday, Sept. 8. The 8:15 and 9:30 worship services are in the Sanctuary and the 10:45 worship service will return to Galli Hall. Communication Is Key In order to communicate better with one another, we ask everyone to complete a grey worship card found in the pew racks in the sanctuary and in the red pads in Galli Hall. Cards can be placed in the offering plates during all services. In Galli Hall, please complete the card and share the red pad with those near you. We are especially looking for updated email ad- dresses and phone numbers. Messiah has begun emailing a newsletter to everyone on Monday and Wednesday. Check it out to stay informed. If you are not receiving these email updates, please con- tact Tia Monsen at [email protected]. Also, follow us on Facebook, Instagram at mlcau- burn or our website, Sunday School We are excited to begin another year of Sunday School at Messiah! Classes for preschoolers through 6th grade will begin on September 8th from 9:30-10:30 am. For our first couple weeks, we will be focusing on what it means to serve and live into our baptismal promises before we start up our new Bloom curriculum. We're so excited for the year ahead and hope to have you join us! Registration can be found online at or you can pick up a form in the main office. Adult Education Adult Education classes will begin on Sunday, September 8th. The class on September 8th will focus on service opportunities in our community. On September 15th, the class will focus on our baptismal promises. On September 22nd, we will have our Gods Work. Our Hands Community Partnership Fair. If you have questions regarding the upcoming year of Adult Education, please talk to Savannah Phelan or Tia Monsen.

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Page 1: Messiah Weekly - Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn Meyer, Walmart, Joann’s Fabrics and Michael’s. Size



Holy Communion

All are welcome to the Lord’s table, and this always

includes children! We believe that the Risen Christ

comes to us in, with, and under the bread and wine

of Holy Communion with gifts of forgiveness, life,

and salvation for all.

Please indicate your intention to receive bread and

wine with open hands. Folded hands signifies that

you choose to receive a blessing rather than bread

and wine. Gluten free wafers are also available.

We receive communion today kneeling at the altar

rail. The ushers will provide individual cups to

those approaching the rail. Hold the cup upright

and a communion assistant will fill it from a pouring

chalice. After you’re done communing, place your

cup in the basket provided.

In the name of the Risen Christ, welcome to the

Lord’s Table.


Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church. No matter

who you are, you are welcome here! Our hope is that

through Messiah’s worship, fellowship, and acts of

service, you will experience a caring place to belong

and exciting growth in your faith. Following Jesus is

what we do, and we invite you along as a companion

with us on the journey.

M e s s i a h We e k l y September 1-8, 2019

“And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8b

Fall Worship Schedule

We return to our 3 service worship schedule next

Sunday, Sept. 8. The 8:15 and 9:30 worship

services are in the Sanctuary and the 10:45

worship service will return to Galli Hall.

Communication Is Key

In order to communicate better with one another,

we ask everyone to complete a grey worship card

found in the pew racks in the sanctuary and in the

red pads in Galli Hall. Cards can be placed in the

offering plates during all services. In Galli Hall,

please complete the card and share the red pad

with those near you.

We are especially looking for updated email ad-

dresses and phone numbers. Messiah has begun

emailing a newsletter to everyone on Monday and

Wednesday. Check it out to stay informed. If you

are not receiving these email updates, please con-

tact Tia Monsen at [email protected].

Also, follow us on Facebook, Instagram at mlcau-

burn or our website,

Sunday School

We are excited to begin another year of Sunday

School at Messiah! Classes for preschoolers

through 6th grade will begin on September 8th

from 9:30-10:30 am. For our first couple weeks, we

will be focusing on what it means to serve and live

into our baptismal promises before we start up our

new Bloom curriculum. We're so excited for the

year ahead and hope to have you join us!

Registration can be found online at or you can pick up a form in

the main office.

Adult Education

Adult Education classes will begin on Sunday,

September 8th. The class on September 8th will

focus on service opportunities in our community.

On September 15th, the class will focus on our

baptismal promises. On September 22nd, we will

have our God’s Work. Our Hands Community

Partnership Fair. If you have questions regarding

the upcoming year of Adult Education, please talk

to Savannah Phelan or Tia Monsen.

Page 2: Messiah Weekly - Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn Meyer, Walmart, Joann’s Fabrics and Michael’s. Size


Messiah This Week Sunday 9/1

8:30am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Fellowship Time Gathering Space

10:30am Worship Galli Hall

12:00pm M.S. Lockout Offsite

12:30pm New Covenant Sanctuary

2:00pm Community Meal Gathering Space

Monday 9/2-Office Closed for Labor Day

Tuesday 9/3

11:00am Staff Meeting Office

6:00pm 7th Day Adventist G. Space/Sanctuary

Wednesday 9/4

6:00am Kiwanis Gathering Space

9:00am Food Bank Gathering Space

9:00am Quilting Quilting Room

Thursday 9/5

5:30pm Spirit Fest Meal G. Space/Kitchen

6:00pm Worship Team Galli/Sanctuary

7:30pm Messiah Chorale Music Room

Friday 9/6

8:00pm New Covenant Youth Room

Saturday 9/7

8:00am 7th Day Adventist Sanctuary

10:00am Sons of Norway Quilting Room

4:00pm 7th Day Adventist Chapel/Sanctuary

Next Sunday 9/8

8:15am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Worship Sanctuary

9:30am Education Hour Classrooms

10:45am Worship Galli Hall

12:30pm New Covenant Sanctuary

4:00pm Community Meal Gathering Space

Quilters News

Quilting will start again on Wednesday, September

4th at 9:00am. Come join us! The Messiah Quilters

make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and also put

together school kits, baby kits, and personal care

kits. Our quilts and kits go all over the world to

people in need.

We meet every Wednesday from 9:00-11:30am,

then we have lunch. Bring your lunch and come join

us and help make quilts, no experience needed. For

more information please contact Adriana Chandler

at 253-833-4550.

The quilters are having a Pie/Bake/Craft Sale on

Sunday, November 10th between and after worship

services. Mark your calendars!

Lutheran World Relief

School Kits

It is time to begin collecting school supplies for

Lutheran World Relief. Please bring donations into

the church office. Each kit includes: 4-70 sheet

notebooks, a ruler with centimeter measurements, a

pencil sharpener, a blunt scissor, 5-unsharpened #2

pencils, 5-black or blue ballpoint pens, a 24 count

box of crayons and a 2.5 inch eraser. Please contact

Patty Jourden at 253-545-9231 with questions.

Patty is also willing to shop for the supplies and give

you the receipt.

Feminist Theology Book Club

For the month of August-early September, our

feminist theology book club will be reading the

book Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey. Our next

meeting will take place here in the church youth

room on September 10th from 6:30-8:00 pm. All are

welcome, whether you have the chance to read the

book or not!

Messiah Chorale

Messiah Chorale is for anyone with a desire to

worship through song. All abilities and experiences

are welcome, ages 11 and up. Rehearsals meet on

Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:45pm. For more

information, contact Jan Nelson at

[email protected].

Whitney Miles Memorial Service

Whitney Miles’ memorial service will be Saturday,

October 5th at 3:00pm at Messiah Lutheran Church.


Messiah Staff Holds in Prayer

Requests for prayers: Don Edwards, Sandy Exley, Kari Fulbright, Sandi Galli, Charlotte Graham, Gerry

Gronewold, Holly Hammon, Patti Harris, Adam Hartong, Evelyn Miller, Grant Miller, Don Minnick, Mary

Moehlmann, Jeanette Murrell, Don Rau, Cindee Reamy, Doreen Shaver, the Spicciati family, Maxine Stehr, Carol

Taylor, Erik Welch; Scott Rhodes and family, following the death of Angela Rhodes.

Ongoing prayer concerns: Gavin Charbonneau, Joan Daugherty, Traci Donohue, Matt Gartner, Bea & Ron

Girdler, Irene Gordon, Dottie Grebe, Martha Guerrero, Kay Gunderson, Whitney Hanson, Marc Harris, Betsy

Henderson, Marcia Hoover, Kris Knudtson, Jimmie Kramlich, Marcia Nash, Dick Ode, Everett Rom, Anita Russell,

Katie Walda, Lori Wollum.

In the Military: Jeff Fitzmorris, Lucas Fitzmorris, Justin Greathouse, Ray Hardaway, Sam Harris, Kenny

Hendrickson, Daryl Johnson, Madeline Jones and J.R. Sawyer.

Every Tuesday, our staff prays for the persons listed above. If you would like to be included in our staff prayers, please contact the church office at 253.833.5280. Individuals will be in our prayers for four consecutive weeks. To be included after the four weeks, please call us again, let us know how you are doing, and we will continue to hold you in our ongoing prayers.

An Invitation to all Knitters…

Do you knit? Do you want to learn how to knit? We want to revive Messiah’s Prayer Shawl Ministry and invite

you to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 9:30 a.m. We will meet in the new furniture area by the fireplace in the

Gathering Space.

In 2002 Lois Bradford and a group of 10-14 other knitters started a prayer shawl ministry at Messiah. This

ecumenical ministry began in Hartford, Conn. in 1998 and now women and men in many countries are knitting

and crocheting shawls for people who are grieving, suffering from illness, or celebrating a milestone in their life.

Through the years, records show that over 300 shawls have been made and given to Messiah members and


Prayer shawls sometimes express what words cannot. To wrap yourself up in a shawl not only gives warmth but

can help the person feel the support and prayers of others. The pattern for the shawls is a three-stitch-seed

pattern – knit 3, purl 3. “Three” is significant of many things in life such as the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy

Spirit; the “seed” stitch represents the prayers that are said to plant the seeds of hope, strength, courage and

healing. The knitter begins each shawl with prayers for the recipient and continues praying throughout the

creation of the shawl.

Three skeins of Lion brand “Homespun” yarn are used for each shawl, which is a soft, washable yarn available at

Fred Meyer, Walmart, Joann’s Fabrics and Michael’s. Size 11 knitting needles are used for the pattern. We

currently have 3 completed shawls, plus yarn on hand to make an additional 8 shawls. Cash donations to

purchase yarn as well as coupons you have that would help us purchase yarn on sale will be appreciated.

If you are interested in knitting or in contributing to a yarn fund, please call Carmen Ode at 253-833-4524 or

[email protected] . At our Sept. 10th meeting we will discuss details of the ministry, including meeting as a

group on a regular basis. If you are currently working on a prayer shawl, please bring it with you. And if you

don’t know how to knit or would like a refresher course, Amanda Flanery has offered to teach.

Our hands are God’s hands here on earth, and with these shawls we can lovingly wrap our friends in prayer and

bring them the comfort and warmth of God’s love.