mfms micro finance management system presented by: se 18 team 2e date : 10 th august 2011...

MFMS Micro Finance Management System Presented by: SE 18 Team 2E Date : 10 th August 2011 INT/MFMS/MA.1 Team SE18 2E

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Page 1: MFMS Micro Finance Management System Presented by: SE 18 Team 2E Date : 10 th August 2011 INT/MFMS/MA.1 Team SE18 2E

MFMSMicro Finance Management System

Presented by: SE 18 Team 2EDate : 10th August 2011

INT/MFMS/MA.1 Team SE18 2E

Page 2: MFMS Micro Finance Management System Presented by: SE 18 Team 2E Date : 10 th August 2011 INT/MFMS/MA.1 Team SE18 2E

Outline• Introduction

• Use Case Modeling

• Overall Architecture

• Demo

•Transition Strategy

• Project Progress

• Implementation Strategy

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Micro-Finance is provision of thrift, credit and other financial service and products of very small amounts to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas for enabling them to raise their income levels and improve living standards.

Objective Improve the socioeconomic status of low income people Increase employment by improving their access to financial services

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Micro Finance

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Provide a complete IT solution for Micro Finance operations incorporating a Mobile channel which will cover

Enrolment System

Loan Disbursement /Collection using Mobile Channel

Transparent & Scalable solution

Handle large Volume of Data

Micro Finance Management System (MFMS)

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The Components of the proposed System

Back Office System ie., MIFOS

Mobile Channel (IPT 300)

Branch Office Support System

Micro Finance Management System (MFMS)

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Micro Finance Management System (MFMS)

Users of the System

• Administrator

Administer the entire system that will be located in the Head Office

• Branch Officer/Manager

Manage the Field Operation

• Loan Officers

Identify the Members, Form the group, Distribute the Loan and Collect Payments

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Micro Finance Management System (MFMS)

Loan Officer collects Members data using the Mobile Channel

Branch Manager approves the Member and the Loan Amount

Branch Officer uploads data into MIFOS

Branch Officer downloads /uploads data into Mobile

Loan Officer disburses the loan

Loan Officer collects payment

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Use Case Modeling

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Use Case Model Survey

Print Receipt

(from Use Cases)

Scan photo

(from Use Cases)

Get thumbprint

(from Use Cases)

Manage Users

(from Use Cases)

Generate Reports

(from Use Cases)

Download Data f rom Branch Of f ice

(from Use Cases)

Upload Data to Branch Of f ice

(from Use Cases)

Loan Pay ment Collection

(from Use Cases)


Loan Distribution

(from Use Cases) <<include>>

Create Member Prof ile

(from Use Cases)



Search Member

(from Use Cases)

View&Update Member Prof ile

(from Use Cases)

View Loan Details

(from Use Cases)


(from Actors)



Manage Data

(from Use Cases)


(from Use Cases)


Download Data f rom Mobile

(from Use Cases)

Upload Data to Mobile

(from Use Cases)

Branch Of f icer

(from Actors)manage


pull data

push data


(from Actors)Sy nc Data

(from Use Cases)

push/pull data

push/pull data

MobileChannel Login

(from Use Cases)

Loan Of f icer

(from Actors)










pull data

push data


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: Loan Officer

: LoanOfficerHomeScreen : LoanOfficerHomeContr...

: LoanPaymentMemberScreen

: LoanPaymentController

: Member

: Payment

: LoanPaymentListScreen

: PrinterController : Printer

Exception: If no collection was done due to various reasons

: NetworkController

: SecurityController

Exceptions: If errors found in controller, error message is displayed.

1: selectLoanPayments( )

6: selectMember( )

10: confirmLoanPayment( )11: confirmNoPayment( )

2: gotoLoanPaymentCollections( )

3: startLoanPaymentCollections( )

4: getLoanPaymentCollectionMembers( )

8: getLoanPaymentDetails( )12: updateLoanPaymentDetails( )

16: updateSentFlag( )

5: displayScreen( )19: displayScreen( )

20: displayError( )

7: showCustomerLoanPaymentCollections( )

17: printReceipt( )9: displayScreen( )21: displayError( )

13: getNetworkConnection( )15: sendData( )

14: encryptData( )

18: print( )

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Use Case: Loan Payment Collections

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Use Case: Upload Data to MobileChannel

: Branch Officer

: BranchOfficerHomeScreen : MainController

: UploadDataController : MobileInterface

: Member

: Payment : Loan

: UploadDataScreen

1: selectUploadData( )

16: cancel( )5: selectUpload( )

2: uploadData( )

3: showUploadData( )

4: show( )

14: displaySuccess( )15: displayError( )

6: startUploadData( )7: connectMobile( )13: uploadData( )

8: getMemberDetails( )

10: getPaymentDetails( )

9: getLoanDetails( )

: SecurityController

: User

Exception: If user cancel or closes, the current screen is closed, and home screen is displayed.

Exception: if errors found in controller, error message is displayed.

12: encryptData( )

11: getUsers( )

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Overall Architecture

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MFMS 101

MifosMifos Handheld IPT300

Handheld IPT300Data

Microfinance Management System

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MifosHandheld IPT300


Microfinance Management System


Branch Office Support System (BOSS)

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Java Server PagesJava Server Pages

Spring MVC Framework

Spring MVC Framework Spring WS

Spring WS

Hibernate Object Relational ManagerHibernate Object Relational Manager

Apache Tomcat web server 7.0

MySql DBMySql DB

MFMS User InterfaceMFMS User Interface

IPT 300 .NET Library

IPT 300 .NET Library Web Services

Web Services

Data Access layerData Access layer

.net compact framework


Business Layer


MFMS Mobile

MFMS Architecture

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MFMS System Components

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Architecture - Physical view

*Hardware redundancy has not been shown

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Sizing and Performance

•Max No of Clients handled by Loan offOfficer (8 Hrs per day * 60) minutes /10 = 48 ~ 50 clients •Total number of clients served in a day

50 Clients per loan officer * 400 Loan Officers = 20000 Clients •Estimated number of transactions per customer will be limited to 3. (Assuming a client registration, a loan disbursement/loan collection and a saving account.)

Transaction per day = 20000 clients * 3 transactions = 60000 transactions •Estimated number of transactions on average to the BOSS server: 2 per sec

Avg Transactions/sec = 60000/(8 Hrs *60 * 60 ) = ~2 Transactions per second. •Estimated maximum data upload size: 3 MB per day

Client record size = Average no of data fields per request = 3030 data fields per request * 100 bytes per field = 3000 bytes /1024 ~ 3KBTotal size = 60000 * 3KB = 18000KB ~ 18MB

•Response time for client request and timeout: 1 second response and 5 second timeout •BOSS database must be able to store data up to one week Data must be processed within a week. •Database size for 7 days client records storage:

Total size = 7* 18 = 126 MB Team SE18 2E 21

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Menus / Menu items

MIFOS - Mobile Channel Prototype

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Create Profile

MIFOS - Mobile Channel Occasionally connected system

First Name

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MIFOS - Mobile Channel Prototype

Create Profile

Date of birthSalutation

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MIFOS - Mobile Channel Prototype

Savings – Deposit collection

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MIFOS - Mobile Channel Prototype

Savings – Deposit collection

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Transition Strategy

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The mobile channel application for the Micro Finance system is built into IPT300 Handheld device.

Application development on the device will use .NET Compact Framework 3.5 with the aid of SDK for IPT300 handheld.

To store data locally SQLCE 3.5 DB shall be used on IPT-300 Industrial Handheld Terminal

MVC Architecture on .NET compact Edition shall be used; which helps inA structured way of passing data Better organized codePlatform independent navigation to views

More details along with analysis and package diagram are described in the Transition strategy for Mobile Application document

Mobile Channel Transition Strategy

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BOSS is installed as a web Model View Control (MVC) on Apache tomcat

BOSS shall be written as a java based web application (J2EE)

implementation approach for BOSS is to use Spring MVC

BOSS has its own data storage and for that we are using MySQL

DispatcherServlet is one of the boundary objects of BOSS

RequestDispatcher is the control object

ModelAndView contains the model data and the name of the view

BOSS Transition Strategy

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Project Progress

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Project Progress – Where are we ?

Completed Phase 2 activities

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Project Progress – Phase 3

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Project Progress – Phase 3

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Strategy for Implementation of MFMS System

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Major Tasks for the Phase 3

• Prepare the development environment

• Prepare the required documents such as Detailed Design Spec, Test Plan

• Develop the Source code

• Perform the Unit Test, system Integration Test and UAT

• Provide Training

• Roll out to Production system

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Management Strategy

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Branch Officer : <Actor Name>

Branch Officer : <Actor Name>

: RequestDispacher : RequestDispacher :HandlerInterceptor:HandlerInterceptor UserControllerUserController :CreateUserModelAndView


:ViewResolver:ViewResolver :CreateUserView








User details are given in XML


Changes to dynamic behavior (BOSS)

Sequence diagram for create-user use case

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main Form







BasePanel is a abstract panel which contains some common components such as Add, update buttons etc.












Static behavior changes to MFMS Mobile UCRR(A)

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Management Problems

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No Problem Description Solution

1Communication and Resource Management

Member is unavailable for discussion.

Fix schedule and venue for next meeting.

Clearly specify agenda and attendances.

Manage and encourage flexible discussions. Such as encourage separate informal discussions

2Delegation/Task Control

Member unconfident to take tasks.

Member unable to finish tasks assigned on time.

Team discussion to assign work based on what areas the member is strong

Seek agreements from members on the tasks assigned.

3Stress among team members

Due to study load, workload, together with our final project load

Encourage team members to prioritize tasks and use time efficiently. Such as 1-2 hours/day for projects. Stress reduction.