midterm portfolio

Architecture 101 Midterm Lorenzo Finau-Cruz

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the midterm portfolio for arch 101. Due April 1


Page 1: Midterm Portfolio

Architecture 101 Midterm

Lorenzo Finau-Cruz

Page 2: Midterm Portfolio

Lorenzo Finau-Cruz

Ice breaker exercise

Model 1 Reflection

This is my first model that I had to make since middle school so it was really disappointing from

my personal opinion. I didn’t have any materials except toys from my little brother’s room. I decided to

use the play-doh I found and a few marbles. I wasn’t sure what model I could make and didn’t

understand the meaning of a model with no base. So at first I created a ball as my model. Then I thought

it was too simple. With that I decided that the shape I would make would be a square and make each

side different. So I created a square made out of the play-doh with squares inside made of a different

color. Then I put the marbles in the middle of each side and made another layer around. This is how I

created this first model.

When I saw it this morning I noticed that the model started falling apart. From this I learned that

the object I used to construct my model wasn’t a good choice. The air dries out the clay and hardens it.

And instead of staying hard I learned that it crumbles. Also I noticed when carrying it around that the

clay starts to bend easily. So throughout the day I had to keep fixing it.

I believe that I could have done better. I’m seeing that this class wasn’t what I had expected. I

hadn’t done anything but write papers since high school so I am thinking that I have a lot to work on,

and catch up with compared to the other students.

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Lorenzo Finau-Cruz

Physical Model 2

With this model I felt a little discouraged comparing my model to the others that were placed on the

desk. But I wanted to make mine more creative. So I thought that I can include elements (Water, Earth,

Air, and Fire) into my model so that it has contrast, yet is in some way related to one another. It was

harder than I thought when I actually tried creating it. I didn’t know how I was going to include the all

the elements into one model. So I decided to make it actually look lie this elements. So I used cellophane

and wrapped, cut, and burnt it to make it look like the elements of fire, and water on the two sides. And

drew pictures to help people get an idea of what I’m trying to do. Then I went out to buy fake flower

hair pins, cut them up, and made it look like one large flower on the third side. Then one the last side I

took cotton and tried to make it look like clouds. It was really messy, but I actually had fun with it. Still, it

didn’t compare to the other models but I was happy that I put a lot of effort into it, and it turned out to

be something.

For this model, I was both disappointed and happy with myself. I was disappointed because my model

didn’t fulfill the standards of the class and the models of the other students. It was hard because in

every class in high school I was always able to adapt with what the teacher wanted, but it was different

because it was always in writing, not physical work. I blamed myself for this but also schools because I

learned that doing things physically is just as important as using technology and writing. Still, I was

proud of myself because I actually tried and had something to turn in. Also I felt that it was more

creative and I’m getting somewhere with my work.

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Lorenzo Finau-Cruz

Physical model 3 reflection

With this model I was somewhat happy and uneasy about my model. I decided to turn in the extra one

so that I could get more practice. I was pretty happy that I did because I actually learned a lot. For this

model I used a small box. Then I took coffee sticks and put them around the box so that they would

complete the shape and make it larger. Then inside I took aluminum, and wrapped it into two different

roles. Then I had them circle each other within the square. I was an idea I got looking at a small statue in

South San Francisco. Last I tool a small candle and put it inside, between the two wrapped aluminum

foil. By the end of making the model I learned that super glue doesn’t have such a good effect on wood

or paper. When I was trying to hold the coffee sticks together with the super glue it keep on coming

apart again.

With this model I was mostly happy with. I believe that it was closer to the class standards in

comparison to the other models. Also I took somewhat of a gamble in going out of y comfort zone to

create this. I’m happy that it worked, instead of backfiring on me. Overall I’m pretty impressed with

what I did and can see that I’m getting closer even though I still have a long way to go.

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My Narrative

The most significant aspects are of nationalism and pride. Everything in there come from the

flag, whether it’s in shape color, or numbers. The whole model is created out of wood blocks,

crafting paper, cellophane, and aluminum. Also notice that the overall shape is a square which

was what I started with from my first part of the craft. It’s another reason I’m happy is because

after three times of working with the same shape. I decided not to abandon it and try another, but

instead stick to the same shape and hopefully succeeded in making it a good piece. Each part of

the model represents different parts of history. Walking up to it they will see different colors and

shapes, feeling a sense of pride and of amazement. The viewer has the need to question every

aspect of the model and learn something new every time they question a new part to it. From

every angle they will see something new in both shapes and shades of the monument. Looking

from the top they can see a small yellow star grouped in between the red and blue colors.

Looking from the bottom they can feel the height overwhelming, and seeing the shadings from a

certain side, they see lamination, or despair. The two flags on the sides that are part of the

container are a representation for how many times they were colonized, while the middle

remains the same color, because every time they had risen back and in the end stayed an

independent nation. The whole top part of the model is on a clear platform as a metaphor that’s

its high, can’t be reached, and proud. While the bottom is sturdy and strong. The four pillars on

the side are supposed to be the four generations of the Aquino’s who govern the nation since the

time of President Marcos and Marshal Law. Finally the 8 rays represent the 5 provinces that

stood up to Spain the remaining three represent the main regions of the Philippines. The Visayas,

Luzon, and Mindanao. Each of the objects on the monument is supposed to represent something

and nothing is there just for looks. The pillars being help up are a representation of celebration

just like the barongs (celebratory White shirts we wear). The extending triangles within the

middle of the object are supposed to represent the rays of the flag and each one represents the

main regions and provinces within the country. Also at the top hang the colors which show the

pride it carries at the top so everyone can see it. It is broad and each number is there for a different

reason. Also I made it tall instead of wide, in order for it to seen larger that people would look up at it in

awe. The middle is held up by clear base which is supposed to be the height that makes it look more

proud. Even the skinny wires that are holding it up are supposed to make the bottom strong, while the top

more isolated or hard to reach, just like the mountains within the islands. Even flipped upside-down the

whole model still introduces new things to the table. Flipped upside down it reminds of how the sun

shines over the country and aluminates all under it. We are not big, but we are strong. Just like our model,

we stand proud because, all our rulers, dictators, and colonial conquerors may have come and gone but we

are still here. We as a people still have our culture, history, and traditions. We may have lost our title as a

country, but we have not lost our spirit. Despite being a third world neo-colony, we still know that one

day, we will be strong again.

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Week 4 activity reflection

With this activity, I had a lot of fun. I took different shapes and played with them to create different

designs. Some of them I had changed the sizes, and with others I added on the same shape creating

different designs and making them larger. The shape with the hexagon was the shape I enjoyed playing

with most because I could cut it up, changing the overall shape, and add different levels and dimensions

to it. I believe that shape allowed me a lot of flexibility and creativity. With the square I also found it

interesting because of all the things I was able to do with it. Such as open it, cut it, and move certain

sections at a time. Finally the last shape I used was an isosceles triangle. This one gave me a hard time.

But I kept experimenting and was able to play with the dimensions, which is seen in the middle middle.

The other ones I just moved around and added more copies of it. All of these I tried to change as much

as I could, while still keeping its overall form.

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