midvaal 20150407

MIDVAAL Waarby ingelyf: Vaalster & Meyerton Pos/Mail 7 April - 13 April 2015 Tel: 016 950 7000 Gratis Verspreiding/Free Distribution: Daleside, De Deur, Henley on Klip, Meyerton, Randvaal, Redan, Walkerville, Vaal Marina, Risiville, Drie Riviere, Drie Riviere Proper, Drie Riviere Oos, Peacehaven en Maccauvlei. Terms and conditions apply. While stocks last. Cheese burger and Chips and 500 ml Coke r39.90 43 Voortrekker rd, Vereeniging Tel: 016 422 5043 sunday lunCh beef or ChiCken wiTh riCe, poTaToes and 3 Veggies for only r30.00 wiTh desserT. serVed beTween 10h30 and 14h00 eVery sunday 350 ml ClassiC milk shake only r12.90 r we haVe a generaTor KLIPRIVIER. - 23-year-old Ntsiki Mkhize of Kliprivier in Midvaal has proven beyond rea- sonable doubt that she is not just a pretty face. Mkhize came out on top when she was crowned Second Princess in the 2015 Miss SA Competition, putting her at the forefront of most of her competitors. “I did not hear my name being called out. I just saw how people around me reacted and thought, `Oh, that must be me’. It was such a surreal moment.” Mkhize states that she feels that she has now triumphed as she has entered the compe- tition three times: “This has been such an incredible journey and I really am proud of myself for what I have achieved.” Mkhize’s journey has only just begun. As one of the founders of ‘The Song Foundation’ which deals with the development of young girls around the Vaal area, Mkhize states that she looks forward to growing the project along with her co-founders: “We are currently looking for mentors who come from the same backgrounds as these girls. We want the girls to be able to relate and to also see that your background does not necessarily determine your future.” Mkhize says she will continue working with the youth to develop their businesses be- cause entrepreneurship is very close to her heart: “I believe that we can change the cur- rent socio-economic status with entrepreneur- ship.” Democratic Alliance (DA) MPL Mike Mo- riarty says: “I am certain that, as the knockout stages commence, residents of Midvaal were at the edges of their seats rooting for Ntsiki.” “To be crowned one of South Africa’s three brightest and fairest young women is a phe- nomenal achievement, and the DA believes that this is only the start of what is going to be Ntsiki’s wonderful career. All residents of Midvaal are extremely proud of your achieve- ment.” said Moriarty. Beauty with brains 23-year-old Ntsiki Mkhize from Kliprivier- Midvaal garnered a spot in the top three of this year’s Miss SA pageant as Second Princess. From left are Miss SA 2015, Second Princess Ntsiki Mkhize, Miss SA 2015 Liesl Laurie and Miss SA 2015 (First Princess) Refilwe Mthimunye, who were all recently crowned at the Sun City Superbowl. A1VHWF0

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Midvaal 20150407


Page 1: Midvaal 20150407


Waarby ingelyf: Vaalster & Meyerton Pos/Mail7 April ­ 13 April 2015 Tel: 016 950 7000Gratis Verspreiding/Free Distribution: Daleside, De Deur, Henley on Klip, Meyerton, Randvaal, Redan, Walkerville, Vaal Marina, Risiville, Drie Riviere, DrieRiviere Proper, Drie Riviere Oos, Peacehaven en Maccauvlei.












Cheese burgerand Chips

and500 ml Coke

r39.9043 Voortrekker rd, VereenigingTel: 016 422 5043

sunday lunChbeef or ChiCken

wiTh riCe, poTaToesand 3 Veggies for

only r30.00wiTh desserT. serVed

beTween 10h30 and14h00 eVery sunday

350 mlClassiC

milk shakeonly


we haVe ageneraTor

KLIPRIVIER. - 23-year-old Ntsiki Mkhize ofKliprivier in Midvaal has proven beyond rea-sonable doubt that she is not just a pretty face.Mkhize came out on top when she was

crowned Second Princess in the 2015Miss SACompetition, putting her at the forefront ofmost of her competitors.“I did not hear my name being called out.

I just saw how people around me reacted andthought, `Oh, that must be me’. It was sucha surreal moment.”Mkhize states that she feels that she has

now triumphed as she has entered the compe-tition three times:“This has been such an incredible journey

and I really am proud of myself for what Ihave achieved.”Mkhize’s journey has only just begun. As

one of the founders of ‘The Song Foundation’which deals with the development of younggirls around the Vaal area, Mkhize states thatshe looks forward to growing the projectalong with her co-founders:

“We are currently looking for mentors whocome from the same backgrounds as thesegirls. We want the girls to be able to relateand to also see that your background does notnecessarily determine your future.”Mkhize says she will continue working

with the youth to develop their businesses be-cause entrepreneurship is very close to herheart: “I believe that we can change the cur-rent socio-economic status with entrepreneur-ship.”Democratic Alliance (DA)MPLMikeMo-

riarty says: “I am certain that, as the knockoutstages commence, residents of Midvaal wereat the edges of their seats rooting for Ntsiki.”“To be crowned one of South Africa’s three

brightest and fairest young women is a phe-nomenal achievement, and the DA believesthat this is only the start of what is going tobe Ntsiki’s wonderful career. All residents ofMidvaal are extremely proud of your achieve-ment.” said Moriarty.

Beautywith brains

23-year-old Ntsiki Mkhize from Kliprivier- Midvaal garnered a spot in the top three ofthis year’s Miss SA pageant as Second Princess.

along with her co-founders:

From left are Miss SA 2015, Second Princess Ntsiki Mkhize, Miss SA 2015 Liesl Laurieand Miss SA 2015 (First Princess) Refilwe Mthimunye, who were all recently crownedat the Sun City Superbowl.



Page 2: Midvaal 20150407

2 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

Award winning teachers

Choose wisely, choose Milton where we strive for, achieveand celebrate excellence in primary school education

4 provincial winners:National Teaching Awards

•4 district winners:

National Teaching Awards•

1 national winner:SAOU Excellence in

Primary School Teaching•

2 provincial winners:for mathematics teaching

ANA examinationsMilton grade 6 learners are the best

performing students in English homelanguage and Mathematics in Gauteng

• Top performing English primary school in the Vaal Triangle.• District and provincial winners of the Bontle ke Bothocompetition.

• Cricket open team league winners, u/11 runners up inleague.

• 3 Athletes to Gauteng Championships.• U/8 - U/10 - U12 - U/14 soccer teams all 2014 leaguewinners.

• Gauteng Landcare poster competition: 2nd in Gauteng.• Gauteng Landcare public speaking competition provincialwinner. 3rd Place in national competition.

• Best media centre in district. Winner of the ProvincialShowcase Award.

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Course• Astronomy Quiz • Natural Science

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Pre-SChool• GAP Aftercare centre.• Supervised homework

Moleboheng Chaha

MEYERTON. - The educators of Sicelo EarlyLearningCentre lastweek threwa birthday cel-ebration for the young ones whose parents can-not afford to do so themselves.

Every three months, the centre throws abirthday party for the kids whose birthdays arein that term. This is made possible by a com-

bined effort from parents and the centre. SiceloEarly LearningCentre is aGovernment-ownedday care centre.

Principal Evodia Dlamini says it is very im-portant to celebrate the birthdays of kids be-cause it teaches them that they are as importantas all the other kids.

The centrewas founded in 2007 by individu-

als who owned their respective daycare cen-tres.

Deputy principal Maserame Manyefani:“We saw that Sicelo was growing and therewas a need for a place such as the Sicelo EarlyLearning Center.

The centre is mostly attended by childrenwho come from disadvantaged backgrounds in

the area.“We are very fortunate that the people who

work at the centre are people who are very pas-sionate about children and their development.They have all been trained in Early ChildhoodDevelopment (ECD) and are aware of the im-portance of handling these young souls withcare,” Manyefani conludes.

Every child is important

2 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

The educators of the Sicelo Early Learning Centre last week celebrated the birthdays of some kids at the centre. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha.

Page 3: Midvaal 20150407

7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 3


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Retha Fitchat

VEREENIGING. - A young lady whogrew up in Vereeniging, Natalie Immel-man, has been nominated in the CategoryWoman in Business of the Year in a com-petition presented by the SA Chamber ofCommerce (UK).Natalie is a Chartered Account-

ant from Vereeniging who for thepast four years has lived andworked in London. She is current-ly working as a senior manager atDeloitte in London.She is a Director of the Ned-

bank Charity Golf Day, the largestcharity golf day in Europe. Spon-sors of the golf day include SAB-Miller, Amex, Old Mutual andSAICA. FWdeKlerk is the patronof the day. The proceeds of thisevent go to seven charities, in-cluding Project Thuthka (thecharity that Natalie sponsors tohelp young South Africans obtainthe prestigious CA(SA) qualifica-tion). In 2014, the golf day raised£100,000.She is the longest servingmem-

ber of the SAICA (South AfricanInstitute of Chartered Account-ants) UK Committee. This in-volved the monthly organisationof continuous professional devel-opment courses, as well as socialand charity events for the 2 500South African Chartered Ac-countants living in the UK.Natalie served on the executive

committee for the South AfricanChamber of Commerce in 2013.This includes the co-ordination ofevents to promote trade, commu-nity and investment into and outof South Africa. This creates a fo-rum and meeting point for busi-nesses that have an interest in boththe UK and South Africa in facili-tating the development of busi-ness opportunities.Natalie is the daughter of Ver-

eeniging businessman Dr Gary

Immelman and his wife Lorna.* Natalie needs the votes of all proud

Vaalies to better her winning chances.Please follow this link to vote for Natalie:http://www.southafricanchamber.co.uk/natalieimmelman-woman-in-business

Natalienominated inprestigiouscompetition

The lovely Natalie Immelman, originally fromVereeniging, has been nominated in a prestigi-ous international competition for business wo-men.

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New speed signs erectedin Midvaal

MMC for Protection Services Councillor Patricia Hutcheson urges all drivers to adhereto the new speed limits across Midvaal to ensure the safety of pedestrians, other driversand themselves. The recently erected 50km/h speed signs in Mimosa Avenue, Golf Park,went up in early March and law enforcement began on Mimosa Avenue from April 1.

Website available from 1 April 2015!

To advertise online contact:

Karmen duPlessisTel: 016 950 7054 / Cell: 071 260 8222 /

E-mail: [email protected]

Come check out our neWProperty Section Online!!!

Jabes Foundation, a haven for abandonedand ill-treated children, is presenting a so-lar geyser fundraiser golf day on April 18.It takes place at Heron Banks Golf Coursein Vaalpark and the cost is R1 800 per four-ball alliance (two scores to count).For bookings or more information, pleasecontact Ronel Riekert on 082 254 4611 [email protected]. The fundraiserwill benefit Jabes Foundation’s Kosmos,Protea and Sonneblom Houses. Please

support this dayin aid of the VaalTriangle’s lessfortunate chil-dren.

Golf Day forJabes


Page 4: Midvaal 20150407

4 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

30e Loch Str. Meyerton - 016-362 4564/5016-363 1650 - Shop 1, Mardre Centre

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WIN R1000 with YOUR STORYSavanna City is one of the largest privately initiated urban lifestyledevelopments of its kind in South Africa. It is a place where dreamswill become a reality, a neighbourhood in the making.

Write a story about your neighbourhood in300 WORDS or less and email it to [email protected] pop it into the My Story entry box at Savanna City.

The story that inspires us most will win R1000.Please write your story in English, and add your name and contact details. T&Cs apply, visit website for details.Submit your story by 30 April. The winning story will be published in your local Ster newspaper on 12/14 May.Entry box at Savanna City: c/o Canner Rd (also known as Road 3) & Marble Rd,Walkerville.



Kerkmaakgrafte skoon

Mnr. Penny Goosen en sy werkers het ingespring om die grafte skoon te maak.

Lede van die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk in Meyerton by van die grafte wat skoongemaak is.

MEYERTON. -Goeiedade word nie elkedag raakgesien ofwaardeer nie. Somsdoenmens ooknie ietsom erkenning daar-voor te kry nie, maarbloot uit belangstel-ling en omgee.

Mnr. Penny Goo-sen, lid van die NuweApostoliese Kerk(NAK) in Meyertonhet onlangs sy wer-kers en mede-ge-meentelede ingespanom die grafte skoon temaak van diegene watop 28 Januarie 1970 indie Henley-on-Klipbusramp dood is. Diébusramp het skokgol-we oor die land ge-stuur toe ’n trein dieskoolbus wat op dietreinspoor gaan staanhet, getref het. 23Leerlinge van Hoër-skool Dr. Malan isdood en 16 leerlingebeseer.

Dit is vanjaar 45jaar na die tragedie.Die geskrewe gedeel-tes op die meeste vandie grafte is onduide-lik en lede van dieNAK sal graag in dietoekoms aandag daar-aan wil gee.

Daar is ook blom-me op die grafte gesit.

Page 5: Midvaal 20150407

7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 5






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HALF / HEEL SKAPE R47.99 pkg


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“Bone In”

Moleboheng Chaha

SEBOKENG. - The Democratic Alliance inWard 31 recently launched their Anti-Drugand Substance Abuse Campaign at the Lebo-hang Centre in Zone 10. The campaign waslaunched under the theme “Drugs are every-one’s problem.” The event was attended bythe community at large, including officialsand non-governmental organisations (NGO).DA Sedibeng caucus Leader Dady Mollo

delivered the keynote address at the event.Mollo stated the reason why drugs are sucha big problem in society is because they area direct link to criminal activity. People com-mit crime to feed their addictive habits andwhile they are under the influence of addic-tive substances, they often become violentand abusive. So reducing the level of drugand alcohol abuse will go a long way towardsreducing crime.

“I have a drug problem. I don’t use drugs,but they still affect me. If you have a drugproblem or know someone that needs help,please contact SANCA for help or visit ourlocal Centre in Zone 14 near the shoppingcomplex.”Mollo told the community that it needed

to be united in the fight against drug abuseas it is very popular in the Sebokeng Area.DA members encouraged residents to re-

port known drug dealers to Police, to helpdrug-users access treatment options and helpeducate young people on the risks associatedwith drug usage.“The Democratic Alliance will play its

part by reaching as many residents as possi-ble through this extensive campaign. We areasking all residents of the Ward to help usfight this serious problem as part of a concert-ed awareness campaign,” Mollo concluded.

DA fights against drugandsubstanceabuse

7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 5

The Democratic Alliance in Ward 31 recently launched its campaign against ther abuse of drugs and substances at the Lebohang Centre in Zone 10.

Nuwewiele vir die ViljoensDirk en Marie Viljoen is die eienaars van die splinternuwe Ford Fusion, Ford Suid-Afrikase nuwe vlagskip. Die oorhandiging van die voertuig is op 24 Maart by Vereeniging Autose nuwe opgegradeerde vertoonlokaal gedoen. Saam met hulle op die foto is Jake vander Berg (verkoopsbestuurder: Vereeniging Auto).

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Die Jeugland Diens-sentrum vir senior burgers bied elke Donder-dagoggend ‘n program by die Buitepossaal(ou Spectrum-saal) aan. Dit sluit onder meerdie neem van bloeddruk en toets van suiker-vlakke in. Tee en verversings word voorsien

en interessante praatjies word ook aangebied.Die volgende praatjies word in April

aangebied:9 April - Hipnose: voor- en nadele. Spre-

ker: Jacques Vermeulen, kliniese sielkundi-ge.16 April - AfriForum – tot diens van die

gemeenskap. Spreker: Elizabeth vanNiekerk.23 April - Voorkoming en behandeling van

diarree. Spreker: Nolene Kies, Litha Parma:Smecta.

30 April - Taal van Liefde. Spreker: Yolin-da Steyn, lektor: NWU.

Die programme begin elke Donderdag om09:30 en duur tot 10:30.

Die koste is R5 per persoon en navrae kangerig word aan me. Katinka Nel of me. Ober-holzer by (016) 933 3995.

Alle senior persone is baie welkom.

Programmevir senior burgers inApril

Page 6: Midvaal 20150407

6 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015



Notice is hereby given in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) Section 116 (3) (a)(b) (i) & (ii) read with Section 21 A of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) that themunicipality has the intention to amend existing contracts procured through the supply chain managementpolicy of Midvaal Local Municipality.


The Municipal Demarcation Board promulgated the re-determined municipal boundaries for variousmunicipalities including Midvaal Local Municipality in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary dated 8 August 2013No. 229.

As part of the amalgamation process, municipalities were requested to not bind the proposed metro withlong term contracts.

Taking this process into consideration it is proposed that various contracts with the respective biddersextended for a period of between 15 months to 24 months respectively – to not exceed 31 March 2017,subject to the approval and consent of the respective bidders at the rates as stipulated in the tenderdocuments providing for reasonable market related escalations subject to the availability of funds, in termsof Section 116 (3) of the MFMA.

The public is hereby invited to submit written comments or representations within 21 consecutive days fromthe date of this notice (on or before Tuesday, 28 April 2015), to the office of the Municipal Manager inrespect of the proposed amendment. Such comments or representations must be submitted to the under-mentioned address.

For more information and or any person who cannot write may come during office hours to the office of theChief Financial Officer, where Mrs A van Schalkwyk at (016) 360-7406 will assist to transcribe yourcomments or representations.



O grote Griet Rina Tho-rold wasvanjaaraange-naam ver-ras toedaarbuitenge-wone grootbotterskor-sies in haartuin groei.Hier houNicky Con-mee dieeen botter-skorsie watvier kilo-gram weegvas. Rinasê sy strooidie pitte inhaar tuin enelke jaargroei daariets nuut inhaar tuin.Foto: Mole-bohengChaha

Beefstew____________ 3kg_______ R41.00 P/kgGewone Mince_______ 3kg_______ R45.00 P/kgBoere Wors__________3kg_______ R48.00 P/kgChicken Fillet________5kg________R207.50 P/PackChicken Drumsticks__5kg________R172.50 P/PackSpiced Pork Texan Steak_________ R44.95 P/kgTexan Steak_________R49.95 P/kgPickled Eishbein_____R26.95 P/kgBeef Patties_________R42.95 P/kgGoulash_ 3kg_______ R60.00 P/kg

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4 x 4 Braaipakke nou beskikbaar. Kom probeer onslekker Perskewors en Kaas&Chilli Wors.

Boerewors rolle sowel as Cheese RussianRolls daagliks beskikbaar

Page 7: Midvaal 20150407

7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 7

Karmen Du Plessis. Cell: 071 260 8222 / Tel: 016 454 0859 / Faks: 016 454 0724. [email protected]

Tel: 016 931 0866www.propertycoza.co.za

c/o Frikkie Meyer Blvd& Barrage Road


REF: 754193

Meyerton Kookrus R455 000Relien vd merwe 083 291 6144Cosy townhouse for sale in Kookrus. Securedwith electric fence, remote gate with intercom.2 bedroom ,carpet floors and b.i.c..1 bathroomtiled with bath and shower. open plan kitchen andliving area tiled floor. 1 garage and 1 carport

REF: 681531

Meyerton Riversdal Townhouse R590 000Lettie Munting 084 880 4356Stylish environmentally friendly modern townhouse that meets requirements of modern living.This beautifulfacebrick townhouse includes Granite tops,gas stove, optional sliding doors giving you an enclosed laundry,Palisade garden, patio with built in braai, Solar panel heating and power, prepaid gas system and low levieswhich include garden service, DSTV and alarm system. Near shops, church and near primary school.

REF: 754200

Meyerton Meyerton R980 000Relien vd merwe 083 291 6144Newly buildface brick house tiled through thewhole house in Meyerton. 3 bedroom, 2 bath-rooms, living room, kitchen with breakfast nookand granite tops, 1 garage, 4 carports, servantroom. Paving in front and grass at the back.


Meyerton Meyerton park R770 000Lettie Munting 084 880 4356This spacious home for sale in Meyerton park.3 spacious bedrooms with b.i.c , 2 standerd bathrooms, lounge, diningroom. 2 garages, swimmingpool

REF: 754093

Meyerton Kookrus R790 000Lettie Munting 084 880 4356Newly facebrick house for sale in Kookrus.One of 10 units. House fully tiled.3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plant kitchenand living area. 2 wooden remote garages.Remote gate.Own yard.


PriNCiPal FOr PrOFEssiONal sErViCE iN BUYiNG, sElliNG & lETTiNG iN all arEas

E-Mail: [email protected] Villa riviera, Three rivers, VErEENiGiNG. 1929

TEl/Fax: (016) 454-0179 /083 306 4850

NOTE: * Properties marked with an asterisk also for sale. EsTHEr 083 306 4850aMaNDa 073 288 2807


RENTAL. ARCON PARK EXT 3. R9 000 PM. 3 or 4 Bedroom house with4 bathrooms. Office or outside room with bathroom in double garage. Livingroom with underfloor heating. Lapa onto pool and built-in braai. Borehole,electronic gate and garages, electric fence, alarm and prepaid meter.

WALDRIF. STUNNING BUY. NOW R793 000. An amazing family homelocated in a cul de sac, offering plenty of space for the lifestyle lover.3 or 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 garages, oak kitchen and swimming pool.Newly tiled.

THREE RIVERS EAST. NOW R1,43 MILLION. Spacious 4 bedroom homeon huge stand next to school. Built-in bar in living room; pool; outside rooms;double facilities and carport for 3 cars; borehole and prepaid meter.The whole parcel!

HOUSES: 3 RIV PROP (R11 123) PEAVEH (R10 567) ARCONP(R9 437) VAALPARK (R8 676, R8 120, R7 564) 3 RIV (R8 343,R8 009, R6 897*) TOWNHOUSES/FLATS: KUBALI (R17 797*,R11 123*) 3 RIV PROP (R10 567*, R7 786, R6 674, R5 562*,R4 441, R3 067) RISIV (R5 006) GARDEN FLATS: UNITASP(R5 006), FALCONR (R4 450) 3 RIV PROP (R2 781)BUSINESS/OFFICE SPACE: VER (R16 685 Per floor*, R7 608,R7 411) 3 RIV (R13 904) V/BIJL (R5 562, R5 006, R4 450)VACANT STAND: VERG (R5 010) GARAGE: Akasia flat(R445 – single garage) HABITAT

Karmen Du Plessis. Cell: 071 260 8222 Tel: 016 454 0859Faks: 016 454 [email protected]

Page 8: Midvaal 20150407

8 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

Combo 1deal R21 995

Savelle lounge Suite(5 motion)

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Lay-byes excepted - 6 months interest free

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Celebrating Easter!To advertise contact: Anette Mundell 083 520 9601; Karin Visagie 082 858 8388; Phillip Naude 073 516 7512.

Getting back from the Easterweekend can be daunting. Comingfrom long trips and long churchservices and days of over indulg-ing in all the yummy foods canleave one feeling hapless, helplessand hopeless. Here are a few tipsto get you back into your dailyroutine.Relax. You are likely to believe

you havel regained all the weightyou worked so hard to lose be-cause you overindulged a little.According to experts, you mayhave gained a few kilos, but thiscould also be water weight fromeating too much salt. So there isno need to worry.Drink lots of water and slowly

get back into your daily exercisingroutine. You can start to jog whenyou gain back your energy. Eatinghealthily will help you get rid ofall the unhealthy food consumedduring the long weekend.Hope you enjoyed your Easter

and remember, if you start work-ing now, there will be no need forregrets later.

No regrets on theEasterHolidays

Page 9: Midvaal 20150407

7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 9

016-363 1412, 236 Pierneef Street. Meyerton.

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115mm Brick & ConcreteEcono Diamond Blade

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10 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

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7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 11

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12 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

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7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 13

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7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 15

Jannie du Plessis

VANDERBIJLPARK. -MooiVaalMedia en verskeie borge vat weerhande om die 2015 VaalweekbladTalentkompetisie te loodswat unie-ke plaaslike talent ten toon stel.Vanjaar se kompetisie het reeds

op 1 Maart begin en eindig op 31Mei en word in vier kategorieë in-gedeel. Graad 1 - 3, graad 4 tot 7,graad 8 tot 12 en studente aan enigeinstelling in die Vaaldriehoek.Leerlinge en studente wat oor ‘nbuitengewone talent beskik, kaninskryf.Hoe om in te skryf:Neem ‘n video van maksimum

drie minute van jouself terwyl jyjou besondere talent uitvoer. Opdie inleiding van die video noemjy jou naam en van, ouderdom,kontaknommer, skool of studie-in-stelling. Videogrepe kan in die vol-gende formate wees: (.mpeg,mpeg2 .MP4, .wmv, .mt2s of.mov). Aangesien talent nie net be-perk is tot ‘n verhoogoptrede soossang, voordrag of musikale instru-mente nie, sal talent buite verhoog-verband soos bv. ‘n sesjarige kindwat ‘n dubbele bolmakiesie kandoen op ‘n veilige gimnastiekmat,ook aanvaar word.Lewer die inskrywing af op ‘n

stokkie, CD of DVD by MooiVaal

Media se kantore op die 1ste vloervan die Ekspa-gebou op die hoekvanAttie Fourie- enDFMalanstra-te in Vanderbijlpark. Inskrywingskan ook gepos word na Vaalweek-blad Talent, Posbus 351, Vander-bijlpark, 1900.As jy oor ‘n YouTube- rekening

beskik kan jy die video op jouYou-Tube laai en die skakel en jou be-sonderhede na [email protected] e-pos. ‘n Voor-beeld van verlede jaar seinskrywings verskyn op die web-blad www.vaalweekblad.com.Leerlinge wat nie oor videofasi-

liteite beskik nie, kan met Vaal-weekblad reël om afgeneem teword. Onthou, kwaliteit, beligtingen stabiliteit is deurslaggewend bydie vervaardiging van ’n video.Dieskool met die meeste inskrywingsontvang ook ‘n prys.Vir navraestuur ’n e-pos na [email protected].

Skryf in vir Vaalweekblad se2015­talentkompetisie

Cleo Philander, algehele wennervan die 2014 Vaalweekblad Ta-lentkompetisie is hier besig methaar ateljee-opname by die Jo-han Laas klank-ateljee in Van-derbijlpark, wat sy as deel vanhaar pryse vir die 2014 kompe-tisie gewen het. Foto: Jannie duPlessis

VEREENIGING. - Armoede, hongersnooden slegte omstandighede staar baie van onselke dag in die gesig. Wanneer jy winkel toegaan om ‘n paar items kruideniersware tekoop, besef jy nie hoe bevoorreg jy eintlikis nie.Meals onWheels, ’n nie-winsgewende or-

ganisasie is juis daar om ’n verskil te maakin die lewens van diegene wat nie elke dag’n bord kos kan bekostig nie.Meals on Wheels is in 1964 in Oos-Lon-

den gestig. Daar is tans 371 plekke waar kosvoorberei word vir minderbevoorregtes,waarvan Vereeniging een is.Maandag tot Vrydag word ’n heerlike

bord kos, wat een stysel, een proteïen entwee soorte groente insluit, in verskeie ge-biede afgelewer, terwyl diegene in Leeuhofelke dag saam eet. Die organisasie word deurvrywilligers in die gemeenskap bestuur en

is natuurlik van skenkings van die gemeen-skap afhanklik.Meals onWheels in Vereeniging se missie

is om van hulp te wees vir minderbevoorreg-tes en bejaardes. Buiten vir ’n warm bordkos van Maandag tot Vrydag, word daar ookin die basiese behoeftes soos klere, toiletwa-re en skoonmaakmiddels voorsien wanneerhulle skenkings ontvang.Indien enige persoon graag ’n verskil wil

maak in minderbevoorregtes se lewens, kanskenkings van enige aard by die Dienssen-trum in Basheestraat afgelewer word. Indienjy ’n finansiële bydrae wil lewer, kan die vol-gende bankbesonderhede gebruik word: Me-als on Wheels Vereeniging, ABSA Bank,tjekrekening: 4080889979, takkode:630137.Vir meer inligting skakel Elsabé Pieterse

(bestuurder: Meals on Wheels, Vereeniging)by 082 654 8271 of Tina by 072 905 0410.

Jy kan ’n verskilmaak

Elsabé Pieterse (bestuurder: Meals on Wheels Vereeniging) en Iris Kotze in die kombuiswaar die kos voorberei word om aan minderbevoorregtes te gee.

Elsabé Pieterse wys 'n voorbeeld van die bord kos wat van Maandag tot Vrydag in ver-skeie gebiede afgelewer word aan minderbevoorregtes.

Piet Nel en helpers van Meals on Wheels Vereeniging besig om kos voor te berei.

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16 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015

Balance of 5 Year / 150 000 km warrantyBalance of 5 Year / 150 000 km warranty

Hyundai VereenigingC/O Rhodes Ave & Union Str

Leon 082 756 7565Vanessa 083 290 [email protected]

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Unieke geleentheid om Turkye te besoekTurkye is een van die gewildste lande om te besoek en beslis vir ’n goeie rede!Hier is geleentheid om dit teen ’n werklike winskoopprys te doen. Ds. Eon Coet-zee bied ’n 10 dag toer, 2-11 Oktober 2015 teen ’n prys van net R22 990 na

Turkye aan. Hierdie prys sluit alle lughawe onkoste, verblyf in 4 en 5 ster hotelle,luukse lugverkoelde busse met wi-fi, 3 etes per dag, private bootvaart in Istanboel

en toegang tot alle plekke wat besoek word in.

Op die toer kan jy verwag om onder andere die volgende te beleef: Besoeke aanvan die 7 gemeentes in Openbaring, met Efese en die Akropolis van Pergamum’n hoogtepunt. ’n Besoek aan ’n ondergrondse stad met so veel as 10 verdiepingsonder die grond, waar vroeë Christene gebly het in Kappadosië. ’n Sonsopkomsvanuit een van 100 warmlugbalonne, teen ’n addisionele R2500 te ervaar. Die

ongelooflike stad Istanboel met die grootste onderdakse mark, die Grand Bazaar,ter wêreld. ’n Inkopie paradys! ’n Besonder hoogtepunt is ’n besoek aan die HagiaSophia wat vir baie lank die grootste katedraal in die wêreld was en vele meer

interessante plekke.Kontak gerus vir Ds. Eon Coetzee by 082 927 1713 of

[email protected] vir ’n volledig brosjure.

them.Apart fromseveral individual achievements,

the group numbers also did extremely well.Riette also gives Cecchetti Ballet. She also

recently opened anewart studiowithFranciskavan derMerwe calledKunstedraai. They speci-alise in ballet and acting.

Elsje Vermeulen

VANDERBIJPARK. - Local dance teacher Ri-ette Odendaal, owner of the Riette Odendaal’sBallet Studio for the past 18 years, is very hap-py with the achievements of her students at theDance Art Festival last year and believes thatmore top achievements are in the pipeline for

Ballet dancers rise to theoccasion

LizeBroekmanwon the trophy forBestBal-let Amateur Dancer aged 15 – 16 years.

Top: This groupwas the runner-up for thesenior section of the festival. Front fromleft: Lyla van Rooy, Vicky-Lee Kloppers,Ansune Marx and Arina Rautenbach.Middle: Corlize Pretorius, Madelein Ja-cobs, Cara Kapp, Monique Labuschagne,Lehani Kloppers and Storm Farnworth.Back: Lize Broekman, Erna Odendaal, Ri-ette Odendaal (teacher), Dane Jooste andCarolise Myburgh.

Erna Odendaal won the trophy for BestAmateur Dancer in the age group 14 – 15years.

Lux Deo NG ge-meente in Arcon-park Vereeniginghou ‘n Manne-aandop Donderdagaand16 April. RoelfSchoeman komspreek die mannetoe oor die destyd-se weermag. Dit is‘n moet vir al diemans wat dienspliggedoen het. Die tydis 18:45 vir 19:00.Kostes beloopR100per persoon en daarsal ‘n ligte ete metbiltong bedienword. Vir verderenavrae kontak diekerkkantoor by(016) 428 3508. Fo-to: Verskaf

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7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 17

Suitable qualified, registered and authorised service providers are hereby invited to submit a bid for thefollowing tender within Midvaal Local Municipality as listed below:



8/2/2/171 Supply,delivery,installation,commissioning and maintenanceof one new 500 KVA diesel generator for MLM. None 21/04/15 10:00 Mr J Dreyer (016) 360-5810

Bidding documents containing the specifications and details of the deliverables will be available fromMr EnosMaja andMrs Lindi Mabena at the SupplyChain Offices(Bigwindow), Municipal Offices, Meyerton, as from Tuesday, 07 April 2015 at a non-refundable deposit of R250-00 per document, payable at the rates and taxes hall duringoffice hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. Cheques are to be made out to Midvaal Local Municipality. Notice of this bid is available on the webpage:www.midvaal.gov.za. Bids are to be sealed in an envelope marked with the relevant bid number and description as indicated on the bidding documents.

All fully completed and signed bid documents must be placed in the tender box situated on the ground floor at Block A, Mitchell Street, Meyerton to be placed in thetender boxes by time and date as set out in the bidding documents and will be opened in public. No late, e-mailed or faxed bids will be considered. The tender box isgenerally open from Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 16:00.

Bidder’s attention is specifically drawn to the provisions of the rules and specifications which are included in the bid documents. The Council reserves the right to acceptany bid or part thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and not to consider any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed. Bidscompleted in pencil or re-typed will be regarded as invalid bids. Evaluation of the bid will be based on compliance with all criteria as set out in the special conditions ofcontract and the specifications in the bid documents.



VANDERBIJLPARK. - Kobie Raijmakers,lid van dieVaal Voëlklub, gee op Sondagmid-dag 19 April om 14:00 ‘n kort kursus oor“Cisticolas” (Klopkloppies en Tinktinkies).Dit word aangebied by Stonehaven onVaal

en kos R100 per persoon. Enige iemand watbelangstel is welkom om die kursus by tewoon,maarmoet bespreek aangesien daar netplek is vir 30 mense. Kontak: Rina de Klerktel no (016) 982 2730.

Kom luister nainligtingoorKlopkloppiesenTinktinkies

Bosveldtinktinkie. Foto: Hennie de Klerk

VANDERBIJLPARK. - On Monday April13 a member of the Vaal Bird Club, JohanFick, will give a talk at the Vaal Bird Club’smonthly meeting.

The title of his presentation is: “Clickingand Ticking at Mokala”.

Remember to bring your bird books, as

youwill be needing them!Guests arewelco-me, the cost is R25 per person. The venueis the OldMutual Building, corner of Barra-ge Road and Frikkie Meyer Boulevard,Vanderbijlpark, and itwill start at 19:00. Forfurther information contact club secretaryRina de Klerk, tel (016) 9822730.

Bird clubmeeting

Mokala. Photo: Johan Fick

Vir enige nuus in Vereeniging en Meyerton skakel Carla duPlessis by 084 230 6713 of stuur ’n e-pos na [email protected] of skakel Lebo Chaha 072 742 5861 of stuur ’n e-pos

na [email protected]

Onsmooi VaaldriehoekAmateurfotograaf Ingrid Terblanche het dié mooi sonsondergang onlangs in dieVaaldriehoek afgeneem. Fotograwe kan hul mooi foto's wat in die Vaaldriehoek ge-neem is, e-pos na [email protected]. Die mooiste foto's van die maand wordin Vaalweekblad gepubliseer, sowel as in ons elektroniese publikasies. Die maand-wenner ontvang lekker pretpryse! Stuur sommer nou jou foto.

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18 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015



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Jannie du Plessis

VANDERBIJLPARK. - A local dealer lostalmost a million rand after a client purcha-sed two luxury vehicles with a bogus iden-tity document and drivers license.The incidents occurred on January 1 and

June 30 last year at a local car dealer in

Vanderbijlpark.Vehicles purchased totalled R919 585.The suspect was used a fraudulent iden-

tity book in two incidents to obtain creditfor buying motor vehicles.The suspect was successful in those two

incidents. It is alleged that the suspect re-gistered wrong particularsand gave false addresses tobuy the cars.He bought the cars from

the same dealer and is stillusing the same documents.The fraud was discovered

by the bank to which he ap-plied for finance to buy thetwo cars - a BMW and a Ja-quar.The suspect cannot betraced and is still at large.The bank reported him to

the Vanderbijlpark SAPS forfurther investigation.It is suspected that the sus-

pect has used the wrong nameand surname but the photo onthe ID document and thedrivers licence is his as thedealer has identified him.He goes by the nameAbbas

Muhammad.Anyone with information

about the person picturedshould contact investigatingofficer D/W/O Job Motsoe-neng, on (016) 910 9105 or073 836 6222.

Fraudulentidentity bookaproblem

Be on the lookout for this man, Abbas Muhammad.

Moleboheng Chaha

VEREENIGING. - Vereeniging Police ar-rested a 23-year-old couloredman for the pos-sesion of stolen property which included a ve-hicle, cigarretes to an estimated value of R860000, and he was also in possesion of an unli-cenced firearm.According to Vereeniging Police Spokes-

person Captain Fikile Funda, the man was ar-rested by the Community Policing Forum(CPF) in Roshnee.“The suspect is currently in custody. Dur-

ing our investigations, it was discovered that

the panel van found in his possession is con-nected to a case of vehicle theft in Randfon-tein and that the cigarettes may be connectedto a case of hijacking where similar goodssuch as cigarettes were taken.”According to Funda it is unlikely that the

man will be released as he still has two morecases to answer to in De Deur and Randfon-tein.A case of possesion of stolen property and

an unliceneced firearm has been openedagainst the man and that he will appear in theVereeniging Magistrate court soon.

Suspect to answer forthree cases

Various cigarreteswere found in the hands 23-year-old suspectwhohas been connectedto a case of vehicle theft in Randfontein and a case of hijacking in De Deur respectively.Photo: Moleboheng Chaha

Page 19: Midvaal 20150407

7 April - 13 April 2015 MIDVAAL STER 19

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VEREENIGING. - A Classic Car Show willbe held at President Hyper (Vaal) on Sunday,April 12.Lots of prizes and treats, includinggrocery hampers and R5 000 prize money,two free snack packs for every car entered,trophies for winners and participation certifi-cates, are on the cards - all courtesy of Presi-dent Hyper. Spectators are also more thanwelcome. Please bring along any non-peri-shable food items which will be presentedto a worthy organisation. Invite your friendswho have vintage, veteran or classic cars, tojoin the fun. All participants should dress ac-cording to his/her vehicle’s era. You couldwin a prize for Best Dressed! For example,if you have a 1964 Ford, dress 1960s.Pleasecontact Herman Pienaar on 084 944 9332 or(011) 764 2154 to confirm your attendance,or should you have any questions.

Theplace tobe for car enthusiasts of all ages

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20 MIDVAAL STER 7 April - 13 April 2015



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SPECIALISE IN MERCEDES BENZ•Services, •repairs, •diagnostics•Brake pads, •gearbox, •shocks•Electrical, etc.Service with the best, and enjoy themiles of smiles!15 DE VILLIERS AVE, VEREENIGING

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Matriek gaan nie net oor akademie en om vir oulaas jouvoetspoor op jou skool se sportvelde af te druk nie.Dit gaan ook oor voorbereiding vir daardie

gróót aand: jou matriekafskeid.Dis egter ‘n duur storie, en watter matriek-

seun of -meisie sal nie graag die belle of beauvan die aand wil wees sonder dat dit jou ouers‘n plaas se prys kos nie?Hier is nou jou kans! Neem deel aan hierdie

maklike wedstryd!Hoe om in te skryf:Beskryf vir ons so volledig

as moontlik (in nie meer as 200woorde nie) hoe jou droomrok(of jou meisie se droomrok, asjy ’n seun is) moet lyk. E-posook vir ons ‘n foto van jouself,jou naam en jou skool se naamna [email protected].

Meisies sowel asseuns kan inskryf enwonderlike prysewen!Die pryse sluit on-

der meer in:* Die wenmeisie

word geklee deur bekende ont-werp

er Mariska Crous van “Little Miss Priss” in ’n skep-ping ter waarde van R10 000.

* ’n Cocktail-funksie vir 10 mensegeborg en georganiseer deur “EventsGuru” Jean Prieur du Plessis* Handsak / Skoene / Juwele – Ma-

riska Crous * Hare – Fab Lane HairStudio* Grimering - Fab LaneWelness Spa* Spa Behandelings – Fab LaneWel-

ness Spa* Fotosessie deur ‘n top-fotograaf* Spa Produkte* Decor / Blomme – Geborg deur

FlowerSpotE-pos sommer dadelik jou inskrywing

na [email protected] die “subject” Matriekwedstryd

en heg ‘n foto van jouself (kop-en-skou-ers of vollengte) in JPG-formaat aan.Moenie wag nie, skryf dadelik in want netdie eerste 100 inskrywings kom in aan-merking vir die prys.*Deelnemersmoet instemdat hul in-

skrywingsfoto’s sowel as die foto’s vanhul matriekafskeid in Vaalweekblad of Ster gepubli-seer mag word.Die foto’s sal eers NAdie wenner se afskeid gepubli-

seer word.Direkte gesinslede van MooiVaal Media se perso-

neel of dié van die borge mag nie deelneem nie.

ping ter waarde van R10 000.

Die Vaal se eie "EventsGuru" Jean Prieur duPlessis.

Wen ‘nmatriekafskeidrokdeur top­ontwerper!

Pragtige skeppingsdeur die bekroondeontwerperMariskaCrous.