mike hancock election letter produced by portsmouth lib dems

Councillor Mike Hancock CBE MP London Office: House of Commons London SW1A OAA Tel: O2O7 219 5180 Fax: O2O7 219 2496 Porumouth Office: lA Albert Road Southsea Porumouth PO5 2SE Tel: O23 9286 1055 Fax: O239283O53O Email: [email protected] 30 April 2OL4 Dear I am writing as I wanted to ask for your help in my petition to try and keep vascular (or vein) surgery at Queen Alexandra Hospital which is under threat from the regional NHS which wants to move it all to Southampton. This is vital surgery, essential to the working of QA and could put other surgery and work under threat if it and the associated surgeons are moved from QA. At a recent meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee, they agreed the regional NHS's proposals would be a major change. So, as the Portsmouth News put it: "It is now in our hands to keep vascular surgery at QA". So, I am redoubling my campaign to keep vascular surgery at QA. Already hundreds of people have signed the petition to keep it. I would be really grateful if ylu could get your family and friends to sign the enclosed petition form - even a few extra signatures will help us or you can sign it online at tinyurl.com/KeepQAVasc. Let us show the NHS the strength of feeling on this. As you may be aware I am currently an independent but I am still supporting the Liberal Democrat administration on Portsmouth City Council. It has: Frozen the council tax Kept Weekly Bin Collections Kept most of the same or similar council seryices in difficult financial circumstances. Opened a new library Helped get jobs for Portsmouth by spearheading E1 billion of private and public re-generation projects including the Tipner regeneration. Ensured a balance of different types of housing and protected family housing - putting a limit of LOo/o on Houses of Multiple Occupation in any one street. Introduced the successful new Park and Ride - reducing traffic congestion in Portsmouth. WORKING FOR YOU ALL YEAR ROUND Two Advice Centres: Every Monday from 6pm-7pm at the Porgmouth Academy for Girh - no appointment necessary. By appointment (normally Saturdayc). Please ring9286l055. Website: ruww.mikehancock.co.uk a a

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Page 1: Mike Hancock election letter produced by Portsmouth Lib Dems

Councillor Mike Hancock CBE MPLondon Office:House of CommonsLondonSW1A OAA

Tel: O2O7 219 5180

Fax: O2O7 219 2496

Porumouth Office:lA Albert Road

SouthseaPorumouth PO5 2SE

Tel: O23 9286 1055

Fax: O239283O53O

Email: [email protected]

30 April 2OL4


I am writing as I wanted to ask for your help in my petition to try and keepvascular (or vein) surgery at Queen Alexandra Hospital which is under threat from theregional NHS which wants to move it all to Southampton. This is vital surgery, essentialto the working of QA and could put other surgery and work under threat if it and theassociated surgeons are moved from QA.

At a recent meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee, they agreed the regionalNHS's proposals would be a major change. So, as the Portsmouth News put it: "It isnow in our hands to keep vascular surgery at QA".

So, I am redoubling my campaign to keep vascular surgery at QA. Alreadyhundreds of people have signed the petition to keep it.

I would be really grateful if ylu could get your family and friends to sign theenclosed petition form - even a few extra signatures will help us or you can sign itonline at tinyurl.com/KeepQAVasc. Let us show the NHS the strength of feeling on this.

As you may be aware I am currently an independent but I am still supporting theLiberal Democrat administration on Portsmouth City Council. It has:

Frozen the council taxKept Weekly Bin CollectionsKept most of the same or similar council seryices in difficult financialcircumstances.Opened a new libraryHelped get jobs for Portsmouth by spearheading E1 billion of privateand public re-generation projects including the Tipner regeneration.Ensured a balance of different types of housing and protected familyhousing - putting a limit of LOo/o on Houses of Multiple Occupation inany one street.Introduced the successful new Park and Ride - reducing trafficcongestion in Portsmouth.

WORKING FOR YOU ALL YEAR ROUNDTwo Advice Centres: Every Monday from 6pm-7pm at the Porgmouth Academy for Girh - no appointmentnecessary. By appointment (normally Saturdayc). Please ring9286l055. Website: ruww.mikehancock.co.uk



Page 2: Mike Hancock election letter produced by Portsmouth Lib Dems

support their sensible policies for Portsmouth and Fratton while fighting forcommonsense to prevail!

I am an independent while a complainant sues me for money in the civit courts.Her complaints have TWICE been looked at the police and they have TWICE concludedthat there is NO case for me to answer. While suing me for money, she complained tothe council and they appointed a former Conseruative County Councillor to hear herevidence. I was not able to give evidence on Iegal advice while I am being sued by her.The report by the former Conservative County Councillor was then leaked. I will thoughbe strongly contesting the evidence when it gets to court.

Following my heart operation, I have recently been in hospital again. I hope tobe out of hospital as soon as possible depending on what my doctors say. And I amjust incredibly thanKul to the dedicated doctors and nurses and this is why I want tosupport our Iocal NHS on things like vascular surgery at QA as the NHS saved my !ife.

Together we have achieved much. Secured medals for the Arctic ConvoyVeterans. Improved schools in Portsmouth - I was pleased when leading Hampshire toget Admiral Lord Nelson School built. And got E1 million from the Lottery for FrattonBig Local to improve our area. Among many other things.

I will continue to put Fratton first and fight and campaign for you and your familyas I have done over the years and it is been a privilege to be able to help so many ofyou with your problems over the years.

Thanks for your help and time and with the petition to keep vascular surgery atQA. It is greatly appreciated. Please dont hesitate to get in touch if I can help withanything.

Best wishes

/Y{(-,*0MIKE HANCOCK CBE MPPS - Please return the enclosed petition form as soon as possible so we can show

the NHS the strength of feeling on this and grow the campaign. Thanks very much!