mike wilson bjc on risk

Risk, And How To Control It Michael Wilson Bristol, 30 th January 2014

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BJC Investment Seminar on Risk


Risk, And How To Control It

Michael Wilson

Bristol, 30th January 2014

Risk Is Good

• Did our parents get that wrong?

“Never risk money that you can’t afford to lose”

• What’s wrong with that? Let’s find out

What’s Changed?

Your Risk Profile – Some Key Questions

• Your Personality – Adventurous or Conservative?

• Your Age, Your Income and Your Personal Plans

• Your Family – 30-Something is an Expensive Age for Parents…

• Will Your Children Need Help To Get Started?

• Your Pension Arrangements

• Any Illnesses that Might Turn Expensive?

• Any Other Foreseeable expenses – And When?

• Do Financial Markets Actually Interest You At All?

“Never risk money that you can’t afford to lose”

• Never risk money WHEN you can’t afford to lose it”

• Makes more sense?

Why Equities Win (Barclays Equity Gilt Study 2013)

Bonds Versus US Equities, Total Return 1988 to 2008

(Ouch. Was Mother Right After All?)

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Do Absolute Return Funds work? Maybe……