mindful motherhood yoga series

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  • 7/28/2019 Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series


    Upavista Konasana: Straddled Open-Legs Pose 1 2

    Baddha Konasana: Butterly/Tailor Sitting Pose 1 2 3

    Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series Page 1

    Sukhasana: Easy Pose

    The Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series was developed by Jnana Gowan (www.powerhed.com) and illustrated by

    Joanne LeCocq (www.wildroosterproductions.com), for the book Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying

    Sane During Pregnancy and Your Childs First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books, 2009) by Cassandra Vieten, PhD(www.mindfulmotherhood.org)

  • 7/28/2019 Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series


    Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward-Facing Dog

    Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series Page 2

    Adho Mukha Viransana: Childs Pose

    Uttansasana: Standing Forward Bend

    Tadasana: Mountain Pose 1

    The Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series was developed by Jnana Gowan (www.powerhed.com) and illustrated by

    Joanne LeCocq (www.wildroosterproductions.com), for the book Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying

    Sane During Pregnancy and Your Childs First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books, 2009) by Cassandra Vieten, PhD(www.mindfulmotherhood.org)

  • 7/28/2019 Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series


    Kegels or Pelvic-Floor Exercises

    Kegels, or pelvic-floor exercises, are contractions of thepubococcygeus muscle, which is the ham-mock-like muscle that stretches from the pubic bone to the tailbone, forming the pelvic floor. Condi-

    tioning this muscle can provide the strength to make birth easier and help keep your perineum in-tact (reducing tears and episiotomies). Doing these exercises can also help prevent leaking urinewhen you sneeze, cough, and laugh hard, or when jumping. Another perk of practicing Kegels(mindfully, of course) is that sexual enjoyment may be enhanced for both partners. By practicingthese exercises for the duration of the pregnancy (and your life), you are toning your pelvic floor,which houses your reproductive region, along with about thirty-six pairs of muscles that attach toyour pelvis.


    Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series Page 3

    The Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series was developed by Jnana Gowan (www.powerhed.com) and illustrated by

    Joanne LeCocq (www.wildroosterproductions.com), for the book Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying

    Sane During Pregnancy and Your Childs First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books, 2009) by Cassandra Vieten, PhD(www.mindfulmotherhood.org)

  • 7/28/2019 Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series


    Savasana: Corpse Pose (On Side)

    Prasarita Padottanasana: Wide Legged Forward Bend

    Virabhadrasana II Warrior II

    Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series Page 4

    The Mindful Motherhood Yoga Series was developed by Jnana Gowan (www.powerhed.com) and illustrated by

    Joanne LeCocq (www.wildroosterproductions.com), for the book Mindful Motherhood: Practical Tools for Staying

    Sane During Pregnancy and Your Childs First Year (New Harbinger/Noetic Books, 2009) by Cassandra Vieten, PhD(www.mindfulmotherhood.org)