mineral laittl meekly (tribune. · 2017. 12. 16. · mineral laittlmeekly (tribune. volume xvi. the...

Mineral laittl Meekly (tribune. VOLUME XVI. THE til! ESS!. P3IUT TRIBUNE 18 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, Eitgle Saloon, domer of High and Vine streets, Mineral Point, Wis, by BLISS Sz SOK. Sn)<citp:i!i ifntes. FsClty Subscribers, one year, 9- s,Io six months 100 d* do thr.-e mouths 75 *• OH** aad Mtil Subscribers, one year 1 50 do do do six month? 73 iiu do do three mouths 50 Fsr as/ was* leas than three months, fixe cents per ■Bkv Tertns of A IrertlSln*. p 1 w. r 3. i 4w. m. i 6 nUJ I year. fi.'U ji 7SI i7.*Bft 00 ties arts. I I.V iV> ! B.of> i .00| !.'*> 1 15.00 I MUfa. >. *i i s.vi! i.oo | 9.00 | ta.oo | 15-00 f .aalntm, 3 J S.oo ! S ix* j 12.00 : 15.00 J SO.ou fTrHi-ft. 5.110 ' IK) 10.00 j 15.00 2tMK) 1 85 1)0 1 sMiaa, 1 10.iX) ilsno ' IS.OO li ’>o I 85.00 i 60.00 Tv-Ire lines Nonpar. I! type, compact matter, or their M*.T tl it in -■><•- will be Omni* and as square. fr f i in !■ j 1 Bu-T-.-wv Cards. *1 a line. pr ▼e ,r :,r *’i- I-tt five hit •?, and fifty rente for each ad Alt tonal Hn-.. y. -a, \ .-!.••?, publish.-! four weeks. #2 for a single ani ml. n ! fifty c- >’* f>r each additional animal . swa- notice Leg ,| \ . Ht Srat ite rat.'? s, ,\ \ ,tic .s. lea l and kept inside, havinsprece- <se .r Vnarv adv-ni*em--nt*, 5 per cent, advance ordinary rates Notie s of meetings, charitable societies, 4c., half pc ee ,)r rt’seni ops riot a-.-n-nptni-d with directions will he }„..r*e \ tin '■ i" Id, an 1 charged for i Jcnrdinely AH (ria<M>< •> —ft* i paidfor in tUlr- This rale will i vwWfrw. fexrlv siv -ris m ;n’ allowed the privilege of chang- mg quarterly Mo A i T’ Is-.nent const 1-red less than a squart- ait.l S COUWECTAWI.* *4’*ItTERLT. j J IfKSOX. M. D. MINERAL POINT WIS. , Fnc , g II JS VT.sKKT PIRKCT" T OrPl iITK V. S H..TEL. TV | j ha njf had ~rr niifn V arts P.nrtlcr I in ,- lari-os In ch.'s of his profession hopes to gif..- aii,)k i .a i all who may favor him with a caW ,a iv. eoaa. ai.xi wuisox. jas. r. scddcth. COB*, WILSON St ri’DW TB. ,F rrr.-rly Cobh 1 Sudduth ) XAWVf.P.'. Min r.ri I '.>i:t In County. Wisconsin. I ,pr .f sr u,.l tAISinCSS a-1.1 COST* pOO- , p r nd mbs, obtain e State aud Federal G wren meet, and prosecute clai ns against them up n Bb* al terms. i)ta.-e opposite Court House, upstairs. 4o r.E ihi;e ’a conn, PUflBrC” ant general Commission Merchant, deal-. er I *,!• Water Lime,4c,, atone wareh mse. nr ar X Depot, Mineral Point ltl-42, ,i. n. ci. vo r, ■rrO’TVF.r at taw and Solicit .r in Chancery, Min- Ara Piiat Ofiicein Milton’s Block a-o; tT Pu’ iic. Land A :-nt, 4c,, Arena, lowa A* niri> arcarari o3 MspasCh. DOCTOR nthIUIHNS. I>M T= l IAS a 1 5 orraa. Mineral Point. M isconsln. I * ,id r auove Pullord s Drug Store, High A esx. D Cl 5 Alt I. I. ■? I.OEBEK, liLLOil AT L.AW -035ce .n U >s‘ Bull ling, yop s in .ee Odice, upstairs, aigh Street, bio- #r, ! . :A. .!;; i \ H. W F>TO>, N.f>TART Pi Conveyancer and General A^er.t, Linden. lowa Was BKXJ. i. SCdTT /a K- P.\’, He. , in Pr, Good-. Groceries. Provlai- IJ| one. liar la arc Ac , Vellow stone AMs. I. B >t IFFF.TT, !. !-, /vinrr H 'l .'e;''s B! k, in rear of Drug Str re. ( ) Viiucral Com:. V. isconsin. KM I Els W. R ESE, i TTOUNKY at Law and No’ary PuWic, Dodgexille, r\ I >war . i’.. Wis Hart.cnl.tr mt iitioii paid to rV.!--’ Refer to Hen. C. C. Wa-hburn, and Cobb 4 Su.lduth, a4 MINERAL POINT SALOON. MA X v\ L. E K I 1 \< OPEN' 1> Al HI- OLl> ciUiH.n on High [ | Stl i!h the la.’?: H qasil f i.i<l •• He sill pleased to see Y a,. . 1- and iluitvS liie s* pair >n,tg- of pu.-lio generally, liny al, isfii.cJd if. K \ M ON Mil -r. BATIBKUINC, AND HAIR DRK3SINO ' J’ll K s.i -ri r a ill.’ r rui v pened a sli pin the 1 r > 14 1J i'.iing lh P f m.e, is prepar and t.. wait 'a rs it any hour day SHAMNG, C l tviPiMlMi, H AIR URli.-.'ING , 4 done in t! b a n.n i-r and ms: faahioua'ie styl--?. 11, an-.v-t a oimtii" !.- n-.n* -- ami al dent desire : _ . . 1,, mMi ail 1 receive a siiareof the pat os fill- ■! I.” *of Mineral Point. M.& rai I’. , , Jit■ rd, l-01.-tf. *l. I’. TLRNKK I- \ s!IM\\B!.E BHi illiß / s KOR A ■•HI- I. h.vi i.- fitted up hi* -hop in the t 1 Ui rsl Approved ? vie. prepared p. shar e. Dress Hair, -is , etc .ad *'i >in > far r him with * call. R e a a 5 lb C ; '■ and Leeching, UM v. no’.. ci ! in- c. -I man :rof th science.— The a> . -rf ; satisfi non warranted in all caaet. 48 NT \V t IB Or Vl’ FI t.ILI.KKT. I’ UK fr -.•! ir of the Nrw Ambrotjic G*Ury are oii w re* ly u take LIKENK S S E S in ail u**i improved yl.*, having th* alvan- :*S=f o. A :: ' and a first-v .** Cam* ra. 11 KV W.lK<l vX 1 •HEI i\ WOi K \ j-. f >h public |n.troiiA£f It rr*i. .fully Solic- ited E >ro* .->u ' ur: H .use rOirxr. 1 KENDALL A BROS October 15, IS'S. JOSEPH J. DAVEY yr A? juft rec ; .vel ’.he largest and best iock of Hock*. W* ches ar.d Jewelry hT h< V.T Uon ITO i-’h: t t! ; . .tv The public are r- rINr- J T '.Mila! i \.*. me * herr *e!ve*. g Et'T ACLES WATi i- KEYS IRDS SIIAKU \Nl> PDVTKD" \RKf--r Sale. K ■v- g In on Sh *rt V-:ce, .m-i warranted to a 'i N ' - vr’i tf-t}. *n of all kind* made to nit r Particular attention given Vo ENGRAVING. IT* Ah ..> •a a; the ~ld -stan i of T !>•▼** Mli.’Tim Puai, Dee IT, 1 -01. Win. Jacka. ANUFACTUEER f nd j- tier.’ risa'erin BOOTS AND SHOES. Go r a .v i-Ai \ Cat ;rrl Shop, Commerce Street Mi it 1 I' Kep*:n; -• e c ■n.irt notice ai. !'•! t-ly teas. . FAR WELL, HJBOJ FARWELL & CO., t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * i ; . orrn water -tf. ft. chi go. ill. I ibe ;* cnh a Ivancvs on pro : ny ,r . 'tore i:, f , v K i'o ley, Fm el iCo , Grjy, Pbel; in., G G. Cook & o. 41. m DRIED FRUITS.—Dried Fruit And ~w CmTM WUKIXKS. (PITHIDOED. BUT TO TRUTH, TO LIBERTY AHDLAW-HO PAYOR SWAY'S TJS, AND NO (FEAR SHALL AWE.” CITY OF MINERAL POINT, WISCONSIN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8.1863. San Francisco. March 23.—The steam- er Sierre Nevada, with $30,000 in treas- ure arrived from the Northern coast Em- igration has commenced to the mines.— Oregon, Washington Territory, and Brit- ish Columbia families have commenced moving. Newspapers are publishing the usual quantity of facts and rumors concerning the different gold fields. Boise River, Salmon River, ad Cariboo are receiving the chief attention. Several steamers will ran on he Upper Columbia and tributaries this season. The Snake Inuians are troublesome in t e Boise River region, but the constant increase of the mining population ensures general safety. A schooner from Queen Charlotte Is- land arrived at Victoria with eight toes of Lake Sunerior copper ore. Sailed, steamer Constitution, for Pana- ma—4so passengers, including a battalion of cavalry for Masacbusetts. Eight hun- dred and eighty thousand dollars in treas- ure for England. Two hundred and four- teen thousand dollars for New York. MARBLE STATUTES. VERSUS LIVING MONUMENTS. o Let moulded bronze and sculptured marble perpetu te the memories of the great destroyers of the human race ; the man of science, whose intellect, whale knowledge, and whose energies have been devoted to the mitigation of suffering and | the salvation of life, will be immortalized by living monuments. For example, as the peerless remedies of Professor Hollo- way are bequeathed from generation to generation, soothing bodily torture, con trolling *iseaes and lengthening the span ot existence, the gratitude of millions will transmit his name and fame through the lapse of ages to the “latest syllable of re- corded time." Compare the exploits of the most renowned “thunderbolts of war’ from Caesar to Napoleon, with the quiet victories of this soldier of humanity over pain, sickness and death. His Pills and Ointment have raised up and restored to health a greater multitude than any con- queror ever slew. Thousand' of war's wounded victims have beer saved from mutilation by the application of the Oint ment; and travel where you may, in this country or any other, you will meet with numbers of the convalescent and the cured, rescued from the very jaws of death by his inestimable Pills. If the reader doubts these statements, we refer him to the same sources whence we derived them —1 multitu les who suffered from dyspep sia. liver complaint, intermittent fever, scrofula, erysipelas, and other agonizing ntern.il and external disorders, hut who have been restored to perfect health and the pursuits of active life by these inesti- mable specifics, and whose constitutions have been braced up and permanently strengthened by their invigorating influ- ence. N. Y. "Express." SSyGen. Herron succeeds Gen. Scho- field w o was in command of the ar- my of the frontier. (lens. Orme and Va- dever have been assigned to the command of divisions under Gen. Herron. These movemen.s promise prompt action and a plenty of it. Editor or Tbibine.—Dear Sir : With your per- j mission I wish t say to the readers of your paper that 1 wi 1 send by return mail to al' who wish it, (free,) a KeceSpe, with fu 1 directions for making and using a Vegetable Bairn, that wilt effectually remote in 10 and ys Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckle*, and all Impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, c ear, smooth and beau tifnl I wil! also mail free to tiosc having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and i formations that will en oie them i„ c*art a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a ous ache, in ess than S<l days. All app.icali ns answered by return mail without cha ge. Respectful y Vours: THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Mo. S3l Broadway, New York. 18-2 m KIX Grove, Li FiTBTTK CO. I >Vis. Mat 1, IS6I. f Dr C. W. Rohack. Dear Sir ;—I have test ed the virtue of your medicines in my family, and also in the use of it myself, and many to wh< m I have sold you- medicines are ready to testify of their virtue. I have recourse to no other Pills hut yours for myself and family when medicine is needed, and find they will do ail you say they will, and can therfore rec- ommend them to my customers and fri nds with a clear conscicace. Your Purifier has soraepletly cured me af Liver Complaint and weakness in the btrtk. I see that the Ohio folks are straining every serve lor the Union— -we mean to do our duty up here, I can tell rou. Yours Truly, Wi. GUXDRT. Sec advertisemsut to another column. |leir glfcertisements. INFORMATION WANTED OF Pamue' Oldfield, miner, native of Great Hucklow North Derbyshire, England. He was lead mining at M neral Point, some 14 er 15 years ago, -nd left Mine- ral Point with some other men and they went over.land to California. Any inforomation respecting him will be thankfully received by THO3. NALL, C< ko* Falls, Albany C*., N. T. WOTiCEr ALL persons Are he reby forbi<Wen to trust my wife, Vary, on my arcount, at I P*J QO debt of her c**n- i tractinu after this date. RICHARD COX. April Tth ISO. 14 8w - List or Letters REMAINING uncalled for in the Port o£ce. at Miner* 1 Point, Ap II 9th, I'M Holer, Mir Sallie, Jones. njamlri, Bn ns, Arth.., in Iscabl, Balrnen’. Mr. John, Rrigeua, Bichel. Mr Joseph, T-Cach. Nrhemiah, Cock, Mr. Thorny, l.vden, Anne, Cahill, Mr Jirues, Mrann. Mr F. Caine, '".siOrict, McConne •, Mr James, CoUeaiy, tarr, '* eighen, Mrs James, Caranauph,John, Mclnte, James, Cool, r Joseph, Mahan, Johij, Pobson, Mr Alfribl, Ml usanna, DarVin, Mr Thomas, Nicholas, Mr James, Davis. Mrs Holdall, Ofb-rn, Mr Robert, Edwards, Mr, James, Robinson. illiam, F.ldrisfe. Vr. Joseph, R f rs. Mr Joseph, Fittsimons Mr Thomas, Ray HH. Ful er, M C. Ramsden, Mr James, Go .IsworthT, Mr. William, R doe. M s Elisabeth, Grimm. J. E Sra.th, Mary, '* 3 Sire--- WlUlan, neam, sir Hartan*. Christopher, Mnlth. Julia, llapman. James. H heper"fl*’, H .'k n* Mr. Wil !am. Thomas, Nicholas, Hijt (rings Mr John, Temhr John Hard man, '' r , Michael, Webb, Mm. Jon •. Newell N , rtoßi callicff for the abe c letters will please •T *J. HOLLISGfiH£AH- F. ly sick. Last eveninz there was little ex- citement in Camp There were about 78 sick soldiers arrived in camp from Camp Washburn, Milwaukee. The 27th Reg. left there (Camp Washburn) for Dixie yesterday morning. So we are the only Regiment now in the State. We was in some hopes that we would be seat South, to help those of our brethren who are en- during privations and hardships, and are fighting nobly lor the flag which we do honor and love. There has been some change in our 1 *o. of late, that is in non- commissioned officers. Albert B. Boler and Harvey Cushman have been promoted to Corporals. As there is to be monthly Regimental inspection this afternoon you must excuse a short letter. Waldwick and Willow Springs. Preparations for a Draft. Headquarters Army of the Potomac, ) April 2, J Pursuant to instructions of the War Department, there will be a general mus- ter of all the troop* of this army on the 10th inst. Muster rolls must be imme- diately sent to the Adjutant General for the use of the Provost Marshal in making drafts to fill up the regiments, <tc., to the standard. How TO IvsCRK THK TAKIKO OF VlCXS- hcrgh.—A Chicago soldier, writing from Gen Grants array, says : “You folks up north complain that wc arc a long tims about taking Vicksburgb. Do you want that place taken quicker than lightning? If you do, just have the grey headed old traitor who is at the head of the Chicago Times sent down into Vicksbnrgh, and let all our soldiers know that he is there, and I 11 bet my head that Vicksburg will be taken right off. Our boys would run through fire and water to get their hands on o and Storey.”— Chicago Journal. HttS- The American Congress, when full, consists of less than three hundred members, and yet its expenses for the last fiscal year, amounted to $2,979,512. the printing included, and that amounted to $633,308. 'The whole number of persons entitled to seat# in the British Parli iment is 1,029, and yet the expenses of Parlia ment tor the year just closed amounted only to $791,845, the printing included, which reaciied the sum of $353,420. And yet, while the .Speaker of the House of Representatives rereives a salary of onlv ?'■ <UO. the Speaker of the House of Com- mons receives $25,009. $13?" i’be pork and beef packing season is n )W closed, and the exhibit for Chica- go surpasses all expectations, and shows that our city is ahead of all others.— There were over 970 264 hogs packed by our packing establishments during the scasitn and over 42.163 beeves were dis posed of. The number of hogs packed in Cincinnati, hitherto the great Porkopolis j of the world, during the season, was 562.5^2—Chicago ahead 407.652. Our city takes the lead as the greatest Cum ber. Pork. Beef an 1 Grain market in the world.— Chicago Journal. tSTAn Indianapolis dispatch states I that deserters are coming in at the rate of forty to seventy five daily, and repor ing themselves for duty, as provided bv the President’s proclamation promising exemption from punishment for all who take tbs course previous to April Ist. If, deserters are as prompt in returning in j other paits of the country, the ranks of the army will be tolerably well filled. We learn from La Salle, that the Illinois river has risen seven feei in tweu- tv tour hours, and that there is a flood.— The freight in the ware h,u*es had to be transferred to b'ats, in order to save it from damage by water. Owing to the impressment of boats into the Government service, there is a great scarcity of tug boats, and it is almost impossible to send freight forward to St. Louis. Chicago Journal. The telegraph from Fortress Mon- roe reports the death of James Louis Pet- igru, of Chari stou. South Carolina, one i of the ablest lawyers of the State, and its j noblest man. In 1860—61 he opposed the I secession movement, and never gave in to 1 the follie of his State. Dr. Winship. the strong man of Bos ton, is now able to lift 2,500 pounds. His ! strength continues to increase, and he ex-1 pecta to be able to raise 3.000 pounds within a “reasonable period." A report came from Englan 1 that an iron-clad ram. 350 feet long, with a for- midable prow, and propelled by four en- gines, is on the stocks near London, de signed for the rebels. London papers complain of the great increase of bankruptcy in England. Niue i thousand this year, against about two thousand in former years. The increase is attributed to the “American War,” which, being interpreted, means that En- glish speculators, in attempting to make mone by aiding tha rebels, have .ost it instead. Whereat they cry dolefully, and the American eagle don’t Tax rebels do bit the nail on the head sometime# ; in witness whereof, we pub- lish the following extract from the Rich- mond correspondence of the Mobile Ad rertiser :—“Deserters from the Federal armv come in. almost daily, ail bringing the same story —their unwillingness to fight under the Emancipation Proclama- tion Cowardice. I believe, is generally at the bottom of their csnscientious scru- ples Laoisville. April 3. The guerillas threw a wood train off the Nashville road, four miles above Frank- lin his morning, horned the locomotive and two cars, and tore up the track some ways. New York. April 2. A grand demonstration of Union Lea- gues is announced for the 11th inst. the anniversary of the attack on Sumter Loval jyfgues througoot the the country are invited to send dele-ates. Lewis Hollman, of Indiana, has been appointed Chief of the Agrh-u tural Statistics in the Departuio.it o{ Agricul- -1 ture. OIHHOI.UTIOW OF PARTNERSHIP. The ParlDer-hip heretofore existing, known as the firms of Clayton 4 Cos anj Cl lyton, Crabtree 4 f a., in Annaton, Gran County, Wisconsin, is this day dis- solved y mutual cua?ent, and the said K i Clayton O'DI receive aud pay .-II claims, oweiog to or by said firms. Witness our hands anr Seals, this 2Sth day of Ma.-c i Jatkk ) SAMUEL CLAYTON. ' Ll CLAYTON. ISO** SLAYTON 4 HOPPER. TKACHE26 INSTITUTE- A Teachers Indicate for the County of lows wi't he held at the Oourt H use i the Vi lage of Dodgeville, to commeute oo Monday the 27th day of April and te co-tinne throughout the week. The State Superinten- dent will be present From time to time throughout the session of he Institute an examination of cache s wilt be held, specially for the towns of Mineral Point and Dodgeville, but opportunity will be given to candi- dates for c -rtificales from the various inspection dis- tricts. Let there be a full attend nee of teachers from all parts of the County. Dodgeville, MarcL 284, A. D 1868. 13-4 w A. J. SLYE, County Supt. TEACHERS EXAMINATION- Pxaminaiions of Teachers, will beheld in the varieus inspection die r ets at the time and p'?ces foi'owing . Inspect ion district No. t (Mineral Point and Dodge- vi e, April >,th to day Ist at the v sun bous - In the vl lage ef DodgeriDe. Inspection district No. S (Arena and the Dr h half of Ridg way) May 4th and sth at the >ehool House In district No. 6, Arena. Inspection district No 3 (Wyoming and Clydel May 6th a id 7th at ths school house in the v diage of Jones- dale. ' ispectlon district No. (Highland and Pulaski) May Sth and 9th at the village f Highland (Cast district ) Inspection district No 5 (Liu en aud Mif&in) May lllh and !‘2th at the School House in the village of Linden. Inspection district No. 6 (Waldwick, Moscow and the south half o idgeoay) ay 14ih and 15lh, at the school house n the village of Ad msvill*. N. B The superintendent would gladly hold an ex- ami at ion iu each of tie townships of the cou ly, but for want of time befora the cun iiem-emeiit of the sum- mer term of schools. The above division of the cc only into inspection dis icts, i- for ail reas ns, cousidered the best practicable th '-e desirous of obtaining certificates t the earliest day possible, can make their application during the session of the County Institute, when examinations will b - held for all parts of the County. 13- 4w A. J. SLY t. County Supt. W PROBATE— OWi COU 01 t EtT~ Tn the matter of the Estate of XichoUvt Stephens deeeneed. Onreading and filing the petition of Mary Stephens Admioi-tratrix -.f s id eatate, selling forth the ara’l of deb i outstanding again.-t said deceased an a dis- cription ot all l e real e? ate of whi h said deceived died siezed and the condition and value there, f and praying that license be lo her granted to srll ths whs e of said real estate to pay *ai and debts, and lhs it it ne- cessary in order to pay the same to s> ll said re.de late, : it is therefore ordered (hat ail person- iuiere-ted in said - estate appear befor the Judge of this court on Monday, i the 1 Ith day of lay next ensuing at 2 o’clock in after- j no >n of said day at his office in the vil age of Do l_-“- ville in said County and th -re to show cause sny there shall be) why lice ise should not be granted le said Adtninistrai rix lo sell said real estate aecoru ing to th-- prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order shall b' pu.dished for tour successive ueeks prior to the said day f hearing in the Jfinenll Po ut Trib- une, a weekly newspaper circulating ia said county S. B. ANSLEY, County Judge. Dated March 25, 1563. 13-4*. STATE OP WISCONSIN 1 >WA CO. CIRCUIT COURT OLE N 4RVKSON, Plaintiff. ) AGAINST Jonh Adams, Eliza 'dam?, Otis G Cor- I bit, Wm. G Toiler, Wm. D Hart. H I The Plaintiff M. McCorkle, Oliver B, Tweedy, Elias i desires the M. Green, Dextei Tiffany, Geo. Urap- | trial of this er, Eleaz.-r B. Eldredge, James Free- \ action to be land, Roliert Squ res. Charles H. Bow- had iu lowa man. Pair ck 11. Baker, Win. H. Free- | Count> . land Martin R. G IJstrorlhy, John A. j Dutcher. John t. Go-drich, Kellogg) Sexton, Benjamin f. Thomas, Jno. il- ) t n, Chas B. Tatham, John M. Perk- I ins. Wm H. Boltnn, John M. Stewart, Sherman S. Jewett 4 Francis H. Root j Defendants, j THE S’ A E OF WISCONSIN, To the ahore named Defendants, and tn each and every of them : You are hereby sumrao dto answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in this action, which has been fi ed in the office of the lerk of the Cin uil Court in and for the Countv of lowa, in said State, and to serve a copy of your answe on the subscribers at the Law and Collecting office of Cobb, Wilson 4 -ttddulh, in Hie city of Mineral Point, in said County and State withi itwe ty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to a sw-r (he complaint as her y requi ed, the phi miff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated, Min rai Point, Feb. 20. l'6-3 Ctißb, WILSON 4 SUDDUTH, Mineral Point, Wig. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 13-6 w STB A TVX PLAINING MILL. r|MIE Undersigned are now prepared to do all kinds JL of work in their line on short notice. In addition to their former busiaes they now mann- ufacture FURNITURE. of every variety called for. They will keep n hand •t all i nes Tahl- Legs and Other articles wanted by Cabinet Maker*. They also dress Flooring, Siding 4e., and ma< ufac- ture Doors, Sash, Blinds 4c , and will furnish 2VLOUJL.DI: a&i of different sizes and patteras, nd do all kinds cf plan- ing required by Builders, on snort notice SPINNING WHEELS! always on hand. We have a good Si* Horse Power Engine,wi th evory thing belonging to it read to h.e se up. An/ person in need of one of the sixe can get a bargain CLOWNiY A Cl. ARK. Their Work Shop it on South Cheat-nut Street, and t\t e Room opposite Cornish's Tin Sh p on High Street. Order* received at either place. CLOWNET k CLARK. Mineral Point, MarciiSiit, IMIS. StStf HISTORY OF THE REBELLION ! ! BY ELLIOT G. STORK*. Thi* work now in Publication will be one of the moat complete Histories of the Great American Relieliion, emoracing it* causes, event* and cuiim qtCueee, with L’ograpical Sketches and Portraits of the priuc pal ac- tors, together with Thrilling locidcn s of Land and Sa- ra! Heroes. It wi Ibe Illustrated with Maps, Plan* of Battles. Portraits ic. A* a truthful history it sh<-uld be in She hands of every American eader The first Volume of Uie work will be published n Ap- ril lafid, an 1 the -econd at W"U after the clone of the war as fart* can tie ascertained, not to ex eeu six mo* The price of t e work will be ;i,60 per Volume ble on delivery, . it is pu I shed only for •“’■'.erfbet* those in this hi* section of country caa o tv, Q | t ",‘ plvlng to the subscriber, at CaasviUe, rant i o who is Agent for lowa, Grant, and 1-a 7iy- e tte counties, March 80, I?6S. MH R £' S*:*’LHOWE, Commission Merchant, l US Mg t Wtr *tr re*, ( item**. SOLICITS Consignments of Giuk, Flocm, Poa*. Leso, el c., far le, or order to purcha e. Will make advance* on (,’■ alignments to br held here or dripped i ut 1 i *m rOFt SALt,. A Ball 5 years old, held io repretenl good milking stack, and all right. Min i Pt. March 30, ISC. J. A. PLATT. TIK .W IT. Br the Subscriber. living in the loom of Mineral Point, near the Mosgrove place. One dark Red heifer about three years old She has a hule white on her belly No artificial marks She came into my inclo . sure aHo t the Ist of January lat The owner will pleaac call, prore property, pay charges and take her i *** T FRANCIS B. KIRKOFP. March 11th IS6I. 11 *-w SELECT SCHOOLI Miss H Hildebrand will commence the Spring term of her Select School in the Brick Sch-. Ibo i*e opportte the Methodist Episcopal Charah, a Mow day, the -m* day of Marat A. P. IM*> THE TRIBUNE. MIINERAX- I>OX3Sra’= WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 1863. ED°C W BLBg* S [ Emroa. A Paorai.roaa. The Election. The Election passed off on Tuesday with unueunl quietness. But very little interest *• felt in tiie result exeept by a few, as the ' lijylit viite would indicate. The resnlt in the City is not unexpected. The abseuce of a large number of Repuhlicars, and the refusa’ to vote by ma: v others was a guarantee of a Democratic majority, which was no larger than was anticipated. The following is the vote of the City; naar ward. Demo* rat?. Republicans. Mayor —Wm. T Henry 111 James Hutchinsoa 77 Trm C Otter. 102 C. Kessler 86 A s:*r**o K R. S. Vivian 109 John Bi hop, 75 Sup. Set'l* —R. 8 ith 111 T. J. Campbell 77 AUTn R D. I’uiford 107 John Toay 79 Jiuttirr —R. L Read 107 Wm. Humbert 77 CouHtrt A/—John Horn IM4 K Prideaux, 99 —Colhreo 103 Dixon 73 SECOND Ward. Henry 93 Hutchinsoa 84 One’ 80 Kessler 97 Vivian 85 Bi-hop, 91 Smith 9’2 Campbell 86 Al-lrrmitn —S. Jnkin 94 11. Koop 79 Juntire —K. Weisen 54 4. Dunn 89 Cnnst —H Connauton 73 J, Ivey, 95 Judge—Cothren 99 Dixon, 77 The vote on tin* Tax for Soldiers’ families, wo can hardly believe was understood hv the people genoriillv fur we cannot believe th re' si It would have been ns it was had all known the object of the Tax. The Tax was voted down Vi- the following vote in the Cita : For the Tax 56, Against the Tax 211. The Charter Amendment was also voted down, as follows: For the Amendment 39> Ag inst 221. Dodgeville, Dixon 79 niaj, ; Mifflin, Dixon 100, Cothren 82. Linden, Dixon 115, Cuth- ien 19. Highland, Cothren 257 maj Wald- wick, Cot: ren ’*2 niaj. Pulaski, Cothren 2i •• aj. Ridgeway, othren 2 maj. Cothren’s majority in the bounty about 300. Willow Spring--, l.uFayette Cos, Cothren 122 D:xo - 32. L.iFayette Cos. is reported 6c>o for Cothn n. The Chi ajo pirers thick Cotbern elected. .Milwaukee City aid County gave him 4000 maj ;ity. From the 34th Wis Regiment. Columbus, Kentucky, ) March 2oth, 1-62. j I'kiend I>lis? —bavins a few leisure moments for a rarity, I have concluded to occupy them in writingu few lines to you thinking it might not be amiss to let you ku-ivv something of the doings and w her al out- of the bloody 34th Wis. Infantry. As vve left < amp Washbarue without receiving our mar hing < rders in writing, when we got to Cairo the commanding hliccr tin re, sent u- to Fort Ilalleck. and a:ter we had been here about ten days our <'ol received our orders by wav of Uiand No. IU, ordering; us to that place but as we were already sett ei down here our Col. wrote to t ie commander of this division requesting that w might be lett here au 1 drill a while, which request was granted and we are here yet. 1 believe we will stay here as long as we are in the service. There i- a ruin current in camp the last 3 or 4 davs that we will be ordered hack to the State before the first of May. But 1 hardiv endir the report, yet it may he so. Our Colonel being an old artilleryman has lei’D appointed Chief of Artillery o Fort .lalleck. and all the Fortifications con- nnectcil with it. consisting of some 18 os 20 heavy seize guns, and the bloody 34tu lias been turned into artillerymen princi- pally, vet we have infantry drill occasi n ally, Mur boys seem to lake some interest in handling the lug guns, and should we have occasion, i think we would hurt maiiT a rebel with them before thfy would do much harm. It is nothing unusual for us to dismount a big gun or two. One lav we dismounted two of the 10 inch Uolumbiads, and the very nest day a .oth r and one 64 pounder, but this only makes a ittle work for the boys to mount t cm again, and they are always mounted 1> tier than they were before. The guaru dntv is very heavy upon us The picket i o-I and fort guard in all, takes some 200 mn everv twenty four hours, and 9 com pames oT our regiment, the 25th and 31st vVis are alt the men here except-two coin- panics of Regulars, to draw from, so you -ee it comes hard on all hands. Sere of our bovs are on guard evsry other day. The lowa Cos boys are in good spirits and wall. Martin U’l>owd is our regi- mental Wagon Master, and is exactly the right man in the right place. 1 hope beore the 34th returns to Wig., that the last rebel in the land will be subdued, however I am in it now. and I think 1 shah stick to it if 1 live, as long as this liebelli n !a-its. if it should be ten vears Mv country calls for me and it is my duty to respond Enclosed i* a rumple of Confederate moner, it is a g ■niiin-; article and is worth just a> much as any of their money, and that is not one cent. 1 send it merely as a curiosity. The Tribune proves a welcome visitor to all of the lovra County boys, and is al- wsvs hailed wah gladness—it comes reg- ular. A. C. M. Cant Randall, March 31st, 1563. Mr. Editor:—We feel it a duty as well us a pleasure, to return our sincere thanks to the citizens of Mineral Eoint lor the reading material which we received last week For here we are Ivina around the barrack*, almost too lazy to get up to rod call, :in d still if we are not up to answer to our names we are put on extra duty , but what care we for that as long as the weather is pleasant And a utile reading material is a very good thing to kib tune, lor which we, the members ot Company *• E, 3"th Heirimerit, is. 01., *~nder our kindest thanks to the Ladies. and if they knew the pten*.l7“ !* '^ HXe U 9 in reading them. I am well satisfied they would send us , m >re We. at the present time are enjoying good health, with the exception of a few. There is none. I be- lieve. of t'o K that are now dangerous- FIRST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter COOPS! GREAT BARGAINS To be h.a,cl a/t JOS- DELL. ER S HATING rs-eslred a Ijtrg and W,-II <Jleeted Stock of Fall •n,) W lnte Good*, selected ezprs sly hr * I mark-t, the subscriber would resp-ctfutty nv.tr h s former cusiom rs at.d all others in ant of Goods of any vtri-t e-, to call at his 8 ore oo High Street, sad take a look at his Stock. Among his D y Goods may be found C OihM. Embracing B-oad Cloths, Satinets, Caaomsres.Tweeds flannel-. Drillings 4c. Such as Merlma-s, Coehecos, English, French and American'prints of II patter -and styles, warranted equal to any in the market. Drldiins Lawns. Mereuocs, Cambrics, Gmgbams, Lla ns. Dress Silk*. Bersget Me. MPotne*t*lrn of every variety, embracing Sheetings, Shirtings, Checks, Hickories, Ticking* Ac., 4c. •Hitiner y Goo Os. Among which are Ladies Bonds, latest style# and pal- terns, Flowers, feathers, Ca(s, and every artiste waat- the Miliinerv Deuartmeut. /% itiO Scarfs, Shawls, Broche, double and sj.tgle, Cloak Trbw- ings, and an endless variety of articles wanted by the Ladies., MEn:aJtCup. Men and Boys Clot’, and fur Caps, Wool and Far Bats of various styles at.d qualities. Boots A Shoe*. Ladles, Misses and ' hildeon’s Shoes and Gaiters, of th* best quality. Men and Boys Boot? and Shoes, coarse and fine. In this department we can suit all, both fer size and quality. Clothing-. Consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests. Over Coats. Undsw Shirts. Drawers. Ac., as great a variety as can be found ium rket. In the Clot it In? Department we manufacture to order, of the host material, and em- ploy none but experienced workmen. The public may rely upon ever; amde manufactured at our establish- ment. firrocerirs. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Spices. Tobacco. Soap, Dried Fnins 4c.. all of the best qualities, aud offered at the lowest figure. M ithout going into an enumeration of articles the Stibscnlatr *ould invite the public to call and ermine his stock and learn his prices. He is determined to sell as Chtap as any house in the West, and as bis goods are of the best quality nous need fear to purchase. Call at “BEllllV Opposite Moffett’s Drug Store, High Street, Mineral Point. Sept 29tb, 1843. 40t f HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PIIILADICI.PIIIA. For the Relief nf t},e Sirf ,rr,<i ZtUtrexsed. ajThc ini with I iruleut untl 1 'hronir andet- periatiy for iU Cart of lHsea.it* of iL Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given Gratis, by the keting Surgeons 4 AL CABLE REPORTS on Spermatnrrho'ri or Semi- nal Hi akness aud oth- r Diseases of the S. s aal Organs and on the NEW RE EDIE 9 employed iu the New Dis- pensary. sent to the afflicted lo sealed envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps tor Postage will be as- ceptahle. Addres*, Dr. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surga- Howard Associauoa, No. -J. South Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pa. 89ly £<*(*& A LECTURE To TOCNG Men. ./inf Puf>li*ftcd , in n Se/tUd Envelop Pic* 8 el* A Lecnrs <m tks Nsisie.Trrslinrat Oc Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Invol- untary i missions, t-einal Debl It/, and Impediment* to Marriage g. nerally, Nervous, ess, Consumption, Ep- ilepsy and Kit# ; "ental and Physical Inrapaclt res- ultingfrom 'el -Abuse. Ac —fly ROBT J CI LVKIt- WLLL, ti D, Author of th.- deceit Rook , *Pc., The wor d-renownbd aujhor, in this admirable lec- ture, clearly prove* from his owr experience that the awful cuneequenr'aof Self Abuse may be effectual!v removed wi hout medecirte, and without dangerous sur- riral operations, hotigteg. fnstrirmewa. ring*, or c -'di- is‘ pointing ont a mode of cure at once cert** n and rff ctual. by which every sff-rt r, no matter what hi* condition may be. may cure himself che'„i v nr i V atei. snd radically. ThU lecture wIL pw Te n to U.ou- •a as and ?h- usandt ■"* V “’ dres "- in * P‘B n waled en- by reCel ,t <'f 6 eeo *or two icjstage stamps CHA? J 0. KLINE A CO-.. I*7 Bowery, Stw Vark, p. o. Hi MB>. EMPLOYMOT. The f rid rsi ned h s, for sever 1 years past, been en- gaged niln ines*. which has yeilded him at the rate of hree thousand dollars per annum. and is to* will! gto teach it to ntiwn. Ttie business is of a highly useful and general ch raeter, adapted both to cities and villa- ges. uni one tha any person of ordinary capacity- if ! young or Id. mac or female, c,n acquire with a f w hours pract ee. and by which they can s-curs a hand- some income Several young I‘.die* who have received instruciloos from me, both in New York State and Penn- i tvivania. are earning upwards of 16 dollars per week ' y f it. and there is no reason why any “nr e e cannot d* j tiiesame. Invalid*, even, can do well by it. as it is no j peddling affair, but a business that i* perfectly respect- at iC. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure woo would like to learn the business for their own amusement or picas •are. will find the practice f* P>** * nd , i one tha thev will take great interest in. “n recei: .of I on. dollar, I trill s nd primed! struetlo #by which any person can readily acquire the srt and these m-sroc- tior.awil also c .n-ain every patrcular relative :ncmrry- ing it on so that it will tic Llrfixty pr -Stab e. Tim pur i chawr of the “printed i -roe tons' will alv, he auth.n ' lied to teach it to others: And I have free red as high . as -‘Ot doliars for teaching t! personally to a single 1 di “dua I "euld state further that -.‘,.>1 or ? dollar, will ! L tv everything uscessarv to commence the business, and i he articles ca be got almost anywhere, in city or coun- ter or If “referred. 1 can furiil-h hem. ! Vnßa w ALYOM) T No. e tg 8t New York. 1 * "..■> v NOTICE. A LI. persons Indebted to me are hereby notified to call and pay up immediately, .nd a“ person* flav- ine claims against me are notified to present them fee payment. X*. S. fcDKTCM. I MssrlFsta. Ikf. mk tM* NUMBER 1U DR. ROBICTB *gjr STOMACH Jk limit TO BE EXCELLED stomaohm DIGESTIVE ORGMI ate Vve a a vac Wcvae \\vveV, vavW cute aVV \W u vW% uAuc\\ U Wvt \o, v V>vv\ as a teuvcduoX ajeut —a v* vcv>\ tetf,uVa\ot \\\c sv\s\c\w. Vw\W WvVvovvs &v\Vvc\% Vac 'SVcs\ au\ Sou\\\ W\cvc \\as, a Vcm^ Vvu\e, Vecu w\uc\\ ueeAei aw atXvcVe &\\Uts, vwVvvcVv, vj \aVetv vw \tvo\\ct vvaw\v\vt%, atvit a\ Wu \\to\\ct \vwve, arc a vute u\vut jpilio'us i^dver, 'Fever and Jrg-LLe, Fiver Oompl aznt,. Qjyspepsza, x Indi&estion, Janndioc, Kzdney Complaint*,. iuu\ vvW Wvscascs a uwv* Wat \\a\ute. \Vv\\cy% ate tat* av\A \vcvVs, vv\vvc\v u\a\fct \Vvewv. WXoV>acWs feXo\wac\\ ave\W\ioov w\a\\'*^tvtui)L.' "©v. 'RoVjatV* ?*c\v v c \\vc y.oov \<u\ \iot\ov' 6vW.%. W. 'Ro>atV% S\owme\\ ivvc Wu v'vc\v ftvaw 1 * SoV-a act awti Cow\^ov\. \>v. T3Lo\jacV% livWwi* uWv^or a\t \\\t \>tuV, a\\^ vV.eVv\v\tv\e A., "Ov. v\\ac\\ l^vVteti^ iXvvvvc wvtW\c\voV\^; t\v\A \wtx\s.e Yas, vAc. *Ov. A^oVvtvcWs. B\ow\ae\\ avt \\\t SoVAvcif’s VvvtAA,i V>\\ vavvAitx. Usu\, tU. These If liters are put up in f&s&t bottles, of which the above i* eefcse~ simile. The label is finefff en~ g-raied, and is provided xud(h Safe £f 'n’.r'J from counterfeiter*-. per bottle , or six for $S- C. W. Boback, CProj. rietor, /do. 6 East Fourth Street, Qmcimati, te whom all orders should be ad dressed. FOR SALE BY J. IT. Ylri n, M.n CU*o * l>n pprr JMUBf K r> Hujd-.I Ar,-na J M M^ow, V J W HI H. <'riY|irli t Dorlgcrlll* R. < . Brt-it. HiH and, , I>. W. Dud fon,jAor, and hjr and ><<Tch tnu -euet-aH/ tlmofliM th* lulled Hut'* and Canada* AT-lr 0310 NUBSERISSr —■?3^ C CT'— TOLEDO OH(k H A ENSIGN. P jpri^, Cultivate* largely Fruit and f Rors (ireen H.uee and Bed " >w <-•* y.nhweatrru taM- eMf>rnTttlVrf/yan/i' the following ,a * te< fc t*U T- the Kim-r. an j'fruit Grower* of law*'and ad- joining We th- undrrrifned haring bought Fru.t Tree* . Shr jM *rr. 4e pf o_ rr ;>..nera| r,,T y iP Ohio Nur* rie*. Toh-do, Ohio, ho'taf ***"*' Bt . found thtin //drc/y on// true ta rrorn *•***•*••*. tak>- pleartrr in rec ramn,l)f>f >eui va a!l Ult C’uwivali nof Fruit Treaa PhhTr I *" r I>*-li. ered in t rOo<! or-itr and are to>e lltl'tV ,rcea. Signed. , Hon. M. •. Celhren, Miner*I.Pohfk .-• John P. Tr..iuel, John Milton, "■ Jame Toav, Urdea S’. (Hrcstrd. Cottage San M. V. Itnrria, lialaaoua > Mii: J"lin, " j lion oharle* Ounn. •• Mr Gacee ia no e taking order* for delircry aa th* iAth .>f April at Mineral Point. Office at 1 | Alien'* Store. H . A laafga Prigrtlia. I b M.I-7 D >- ***},

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  • Mineral laittl Meekly (tribune.VOLUME XVI.


    Eitgle Saloon, domer of High and Vinestreets, Mineral Point, Wis, by


    Sn) —ft* i paidfor intUlr- This rale will i vwWfrw.

    fexrlv siv -ris m ;n’ allowed the privilege of chang-mg quarterly

    Mo A i T’ Is-.nent const 1-red less than a squart-ait.l S COUWECTAWI.* *4’*ItTERLT.

    j . J IfKSOX. M. D.MINERAL POINT - - - - WIS.

    ,Fnc, g II JS VT.sKKT PIRKCT" T OrPl iITK V. S H..TEL.

    TV | j ha njf had ~rr niifn V arts P.nrtlcrI in ,- lari-os In ch.'s of his profession hopes togif..- aii,)k i .a i ■ all who may favor him with a caW,a iv. eoaa. ai.xi wuisox. jas. r. scddcth.

    COB*, WILSON St ri’DW TB.,F rrr.-rly Cobh 1 Sudduth )

    XAWVf.P.'. Min r.ri I '.>i:t In County. Wisconsin.I ,pr .f sr u,.l tAISinCSS a-1.1 COST* pOO-, p r nd mbs, obtain

    e State aud Federal G wren meet, andprosecute clai ns against them up n Bb* al terms.

    i)ta.-e opposite Court House, upstairs. 4o~

    r.E ihi;e ’a , conn,

    PUflBrC” ant general Commission Merchant, deal-.er I *,!• Water Lime,4c,, atone wareh mse. nr arX Depot, Mineral Point ltl-42,

    ,i. n. ci. vo r,. ■rrO’TVF.r at taw and Solicit .r in Chancery, Min-Ara Piiat Ofiicein Milton’s Block

    a-o; tT Pu’ iic. Land A :-nt, 4c,, Arena, lowa

    A* . niri> arcarari o3 MspasCh.

    DOCTOR nthIUIHNS.I>M T=l IAS a 1 5 orraa. Mineral Point. M isconsln.I * ,id r auove Pullord s Drug Store, HighA

    esx. D

    Cl 5 Alt I. I. ■? I.OEBEK,liLLOil AT L.AW -035ce .n U >s‘ Bull ling,

    yop s in .ee Odice, upstairs, aigh Street, bio-#r, ! . :A.

    .!;; i \ H. W F>TO>,

    N.f>TART Pi Conveyancer and General A^er.t,_

    Linden. lowa Was"

    BKXJ. i. SCdTT

    /a K- P.\’, He. , in Pr, Good-. Groceries. Provlai-IJ| one. liar la arc Ac , Vellow stone AMs.

    I. B >t IFFF.TT, !. !-,

    /vinrr H 'l .'e;''s B! k, in rear of Drug Str re.( ) Viiucral Com:. V. isconsin.

    KM I Els W. R ESE,i TTOUNKY at Law and No’ary PuWic, Dodgexille,r\ I >war . i’.. Wis Hart.cnl.tr mt iitioii paid to

    rV.!--’ Refer to Hen. C. C. Wa-hburn, and Cobb4 Su.lduth, a4 ’


    I 1 \< OPEN' 1> Al HI- OLl> ciUiH.n on High[ | Stl i!h the la.’?: H

    qasil f i.in,tg- of ’ pu.-lio generally,

    liny al, isfii.cJd if.


    ' J’ll K s.i -ri r a ill.’ r ■ rui v pened a sli pin the1 r > 14 1J i'.iing lh P f m.e, is prepar and t.. wait'a rs it any hour day SHAMNG,

    C l tviPiMlMi, H AIR URli.-.'ING , 4 , done in t! •b a n.n i-r and ms: faahioua'ie styl--?.

    11, an-.v-t a oimtii" !.- n-.n* -- ami al dent desire :_

    . . 1,, mMi ail 1 receive a siiareof the patos fill- ■! I.” *of Mineral Point.

    M.& rai I’. , , Jit■ rd, l-01.-tf. *l. I’. TLRNKKI- \ s!IM\\B!.E BHi illiß

    / s KOR ■ A ■•HI- I. h.vi i.- fitted up hi* -hop in thet 1 Ui rsl Approved ? vie. - prepared p. shar e. DressHair, -is ■ ■ , etc .ad *'i >in > far r him with * call.R e a • a 5 lb ... C ; '■ and Leeching,UM v. no’.. ci ! in- c. -I man :rof th science.—The a> • . -rf ; satisfi non warranted in all caaet. 48

    NT \V t IB OrVl’ FI t.ILI.KKT.

    I’UK fr -.•! ir of the Nrw Ambrotjic G*Ury areoiiw re* ly u takeLIKENK S S E S

    in ail u**i improved yl.*, having th* alvan-:*S=f o. A :: ' and a first-v .** Cam* ra.

    11 KV W.lKh public |n.troiiA£f It rr*i. .fully Solic-

    itedE ■ >ro* .->u ' ur: H .use rOirxr.1KENDALL A BROSOctober 15, IS'S.

    JOSEPH J. DAVEYyr A? juft rec;.vel ’.he largest and best iock of

    Hock*. W* ches ar.d JewelryhT h< V.T Uon ITO i-’h: t t! ;. .tv The public arer- rINr- J T '.Mila! i \.*. me *herr *e!ve*.

    g Et'T ACLES WATi i- KEYS • IRDSSIIAKU \Nl> PDVTKD" \RKf--r Sale.

    K ■v- g In on Sh *rt V-:ce, .m-i warranted toa 'i N ' - vr’i tf-t}. *n of all kind* made

    to nit r Particular attention given VoENGRAVING.

    IT* Ah ..> •a a; the ~ld -stan i of T !>•▼**Mli.’Tim Puai, Dee IT, 1 -01.

    Win. Jacka.

    ANUFACTUEER f nd j- tier.’ risa'erin

    BOOTS AND SHOES.Go r a .v i-Ai \ Cat ;rrl Shop, Commerce

    Street Mi it 1 I'Kep*:n; -• e c ■n.irt notice

    ai. !'•! t-ly

    teas. . FAR WELL, HJBOJ


    i; . orrn water -tf. ft. chi go. ill.I ibe ;* cnh a Ivancvs on pro :ny ,r. 'torei:,f , v K , i'o ley, Fm el iCo , Grjy, Pbel;in., G G. Cook & • o. 41. m

    DRIED FRUITS.—Dried Fruit And~w CmTM WUKIXKS.



    San Francisco. March 23.—The steam-er Sierre Nevada, with $30,000 in treas-ure arrived from the Northern coast Em-igration has commenced to the mines.—Oregon, Washington Territory, and Brit-ish Columbia families have commencedmoving.

    Newspapers are publishing the usualquantity of facts and rumors concerningthe different gold fields. Boise River,Salmon River, ad Cariboo are receivingthe chief attention.

    Several steamers will ran on he UpperColumbia and tributaries this season.

    The Snake Inuians are troublesome int e Boise River region, but the constantincrease of the mining population ensuresgeneral safety.

    A schooner from Queen Charlotte Is-land arrived at Victoria with eight toesofLake Sunerior copper ore.

    Sailed, steamer Constitution, for Pana-ma—4so passengers, including a battalionof cavalry for Masacbusetts. Eight hun-dred and eighty thousand dollars in treas-ure for England. Two hundred and four-teen thousand dollars for New York.


    oLet moulded bronze and sculptured

    marble perpetu te the memories of thegreat destroyers of the human race ; theman of science, whose intellect, whaleknowledge, and whose energies have beendevoted to the mitigation of suffering and

    | the salvation of life, will be immortalizedby living monuments. For example, asthe peerless remedies of Professor Hollo-way are bequeathed from generation togeneration, soothing bodily torture, controlling *iseaes and lengthening the spanot existence, the gratitude of millions willtransmit his name and fame through thelapse of ages to the “latest syllable of re-corded time." Compare the exploits ofthe most renowned “thunderbolts of war’from Caesar to Napoleon, with the quietvictories of this soldier of humanity overpain, sickness and death. His Pills andOintment have raised up and restored tohealth a greater multitude than any con-queror ever slew. Thousand' of war'swounded victims have beer saved frommutilation by the application of the Ointment; and travel where you may, in thiscountry or any other, you will meet withnumbers of the convalescent and the cured,rescued from the very jaws of death byhis inestimable Pills. If the readerdoubts these statements, we refer him tothe same sources whence we derived them—1 multitu les who suffered from dyspepsia. liver complaint, intermittent fever,scrofula, erysipelas, and other agonizingntern.il and external disorders, hut who

    have been restored to perfect health andthe pursuits of active life by these inesti-mable specifics, and whose constitutionshave been braced up and permanentlystrengthened by their invigorating influ-ence. —N. Y. "Express."

    SSyGen. Herron succeeds Gen. Scho-field w o was in command of the ar-my of the frontier. (lens. Orme and Va-dever have been assigned to the command •of divisions under Gen. Herron. Thesemovemen.s promise prompt action and aplenty of it.

    Editor or Tbibine.—Dear Sir : With your per- jmission I wish t say to the readers of your paper that1 wi 1 send by return mail to al' who wish it, (free,) aKeceSpe, with fu 1 directions for making and using aVegetable Bairn, that wilteffectually remote in 10 and ysPimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckle*, and all Impurities ofthe skin, leaving the same soft, c ear, smooth and beautifnl

    I wil! also mail free to tiosc having Bald Heads orBare Faces, simple directions and i formations that willen oie them i„ c*art a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,Whiskers, or a ous ache, in ess than SVis. Mat 1, IS6I. fDr C. W. Rohack. Dear Sir ;—I have test

    ed the virtue of your medicines in my family,and also in the use of it myself, and many towh< m I have sold you- medicines are ready totestify of their virtue. I have recourse to noother Pills hut yours for myself and familywhen medicine is needed, and find they willdo ail you say they will, and can therfore rec-ommend them to my customers and fri ndswith a clear conscicace. Your Purifier hassoraepletly cured me af Liver Complaint andweakness in the btrtk.

    I see that the Ohio folks are straining everyserve lor the Union—-we mean to do our dutyup here, I can tell rou.

    Yours Truly, Wi. GUXDRT.Sec advertisemsut to another column.

    |leir glfcertisements.INFORMATION WANTED

    OF Pamue' Oldfield, miner, native of Great HucklowNorth Derbyshire, England. He was lead mining atM neral Point, some 14 er 15 years ago, -nd left Mine-ral Point with some other men and they went over.landto California. Any inforomation respecting him willbe thankfullyreceived by

    THO3. NALL, C< ko* Falls, Albany C*., N.T.“ WOTiCEr

    ALL persons Are hereby forbiWA CO. CIRCUIT COURTOLE N 4RVKSON, Plaintiff. )

    AGAINSTJonh Adams, Eliza 'dam?, Otis G Cor- Ibit, Wm. G Toiler, Wm. D Hart. H I The PlaintiffM. McCorkle, Oliver B, Tweedy, Elias i desires theM. Green, Dextei Tiffany, Geo. Urap- | trial of thiser, Eleaz.-r B. Eldredge, James Free- \ action to beland, Roliert Squ res. Charles H. Bow- • had iu lowaman. Pair ck 11. Baker, Win. H. Free- | Count> .land Martin R. G IJstrorlhy, John A. jDutcher. John t. Go-drich, Kellogg)Sexton, Benjamin f. Thomas, Jno. il- )t n, Chas B. Tatham, John M. Perk- Iins. Wm H. Boltnn, John M. Stewart,Sherman S. Jewett 4 Francis H. Root j

    Defendants, jTHE S’ A E OF WISCONSIN,

    To the ahore namedDefendants, and tn each and every of them :You are hereby sumrao dto answer the complaint

    of the above named plaintiff in this action, which hasbeen fi ed in the office of the lerk of the Cin uil Courtin and for the Countv of lowa, in said State, and toserve a copy of your answe on the subscribers at theLaw and Collecting office of Cobb, Wilson 4 -ttddulh,in Hie city of Mineral Point, in said County and Statewithi itwe ty days after the service of this Summons,exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail toa sw-r (he complaint as her y requi ed, the phi miffwill apply to the Court for the relief demanded in thecomplaint.

    Dated, Min rai Point, Feb. 20. l'6-3Ctißb, WILSON 4 SUDDUTH,

    Mineral Point, Wig. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 13-6 wSTB A TVX

    PLAINING MILL.r|MIE Undersigned are now prepared to do all kindsJL of work in their line on short notice.

    In addition to their former busiaes they now mann-ufacture

    FURNITURE.of every variety called for.

    They will keep n hand •t all i nes Tahl- Legs andOther articles wanted by Cabinet Maker*.

    They also dress Flooring, Siding 4e., and ma< ufac-ture Doors, Sash, Blinds 4c ,and will furnish

    2VLOUJL.DI: a&iof different sizes and patteras, nd do all kinds cf plan-ing required by Builders, on snort notice

    SPINNING WHEELS!always on hand.

    We have a good Si* Horse Power Engine,wi th evorything belonging to it read to h.e se up. An/ personin need of one of the sixe can get a bargain

    CLOWNiY A Cl. ARK.

    Their Work Shop it on South Cheat-nut Street, andt\t e Room opposite Cornish's Tin Sh p on HighStreet.

    Order* received at either place.CLOWNET k CLARK.

    MineralPoint, MarciiSiit, IMIS. StStf



    Thi* work now in Publication will be one of the moatcomplete Histories of the Great American Relieliion,emoracing it* causes, event* and cuiim qtCueee, withL’ograpical Sketches and Portraits of the priuc pal ac-tors, together with Thrilling locidcn s of Land and Sa-ra! Heroes. It wi Ibe Illustrated with Maps, Plan* ofBattles. Portraits ic. A* a truthful history it sh


    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 1863.

    ED°C WBLBg* S ’ [ Emroa. A Paorai.roaa.

    The Election.The Election passed off on Tuesday with

    unueunl quietness. But very little interest*• felt in tiie result exeept by a few, as the

    ' lijylit viite would indicate. The resnlt in theCity is not unexpected. The abseuce of alarge number of Repuhlicars, and the refusa’to vote by ma: v others was a guarantee of aDemocratic majority, which was no largerthan was anticipated. The following is thevote of the City;

    naar ward.Demo* rat?. Republicans.

    Mayor—Wm. T Henry 111 James Hutchinsoa 77Trm C Otter.


    102 C. Kessler 86A s:*r**o K R. S. Vivian 109 John Bi hop, 75Sup. Set'l*—R. 8 ith 111 T. J. Campbell 77AUTn R D. I’uiford 107 John Toay 79Jiuttirr—R. L Read 107 Wm. Humbert 77CouHtrtA/—John Horn IM4 K Prideaux, 99

    —Colhreo 103 Dixon 73SECOND Ward.

    Henry 93 Hutchinsoa 84One’ 80 Kessler 97Vivian 85 Bi-hop, 91Smith 9’2 Campbell 86Al-lrrmitn —S. Jnkin 94 11. Koop 79Juntire—K. Weisen 54 4. Dunn 89Cnnst —H Connauton 73 J, Ivey, 95Judge—Cothren 99 Dixon, 77

    The vote on tin* Tax for Soldiers’ families,wo can hardly believe was understood hv thepeople genoriillv fur we cannot believe th re'si It would have been ns it was had all knownthe object of the Tax. The Tax was voteddown Vi- the following vote in the Cita : Forthe Tax 56, Against the Tax 211.

    The Charter Amendment was also voteddown, as follows: For the Amendment 39>Ag inst 221.

    Dodgeville, Dixon 79 niaj, ; Mifflin, Dixon100, Cothren 82. Linden, Dixon 115, Cuth-ien 19. Highland, Cothren 257 maj Wald-wick, Cot: ren ’*2 niaj. Pulaski, Cothren 2i•• aj. Ridgeway, • othren 2 maj. Cothren’smajority in the bounty about 300.

    Willow Spring--, l.uFayette Cos, Cothren122 D:xo - 32. L.iFayette Cos. is reported 6c>ofor Cothn n.

    The Chi ajo pirers thick Cotbern elected..Milwaukee City aid County gave him 4000maj ;ity.

    From the 34th Wis Regiment.Columbus, Kentucky, )

    March 2oth, 1-62. jI'kiend I>lis? —bavins a few leisure

    moments for a rarity, I have concluded tooccupy them in writingu few lines to youthinking it might not be amiss to let youku-ivv something of the doings and w heral out- of the bloody 34th Wis. Infantry.

    As vve left < amp Washbarue withoutreceiving our mar hing < rders in writing,when we got to Cairo the commandinghliccr tin re, sent u- to Fort Ilalleck. and

    a:ter we had been here about ten daysour re We. at the presenttime are enjoying good health, with theexception of a few. There is none. I be-lieve. of t'o “ K ” that are now dangerous-


    Fall and Winter


    To be h.a,cl a/tJOS- DELL. ER SHATING rs-eslred a Ijtrg ■ and W,-II 1 or ? dollar, will! L tv everything uscessarv tocommence the business, andi he articles ca be got almost anywhere, in city or coun-ter or If “referred. 1 can furiil-h hem.

    ! Vnßa w ALYOM) T No.e tg 8t New York. 1 * "..■> v

    NOTICE.ALI. persons Indebted to me are hereby notified tocall and pay up immediately, .nd a“ person* flav-ine claims against me are notified to present them feepayment.

    X*. S. fcDKTCM.I MssrlFsta. Ikf. mk tM*



    Jk limitTO BE EXCELLED




    Vve a a vac Wcvae \\vveV,vavW cute aVV \W u vW%uAuc\\ U Wvt \o,vV>vv\ as a teuvcduoX ajeut—a v*vcv>\ tetf,uVa\ot\\\c sv\s\c\w.

    Vw\W WvVvovvs &v\Vvc\%Vac 'SVcs\ au\ Sou\\\

    W\cvc \\as, a Vcm^Vvu\e, Vecu w\uc\\ ueeAeiaw atXvcVe&\\Uts, vwVvvcVv, vj \aVetvvw \tvo\\ct vvaw\v\vt%, atvita\ Wu \\to\\ct \vwve, arc avute u\vut

    jpilio'us i^dver,'Fever and Jrg-LLe,Fiver Oomplaznt,.Qjyspepsza, xIndi&estion,Janndioc,Kzdney Complaint*,.

    iuu\ vvW Wvscascs a uwv*Wat \\a\ute.

    \Vv\\cy%ate tat*av\A\vcvVs, vv\vvc\v u\a\fct \Vvewv.


    ave\W\ioov w\a\\'*^tvtui)L.'"©v. 'RoVjatV*

    ?*c\vv c \\vc y.oov \atV%S\owme\\

    ivvc Wu v'vc\v ftvaw1* SoV-aact awti Cow\^ov\.\>v. T3Lo\jacV%

    livWwi*uWv^ora\t \\\t \>tuV, a\\^vV.eVv\v\tv\eA.,

    "Ov.v\\ac\\ l^vVteti^

    iXvvvvc wvtW\c\voV\^;t\v\A \wtx\s.e Yas,vAc.*Ov. A^oVvtvcWs.B\ow\ae\\

    avt \\\t SoVAvcif’s VvvtAA,iV>\\ vavvAitx.

    Usu\, tU.These Ifliters are put up inf&s&t

    bottles, of which the above i* eefcse~simile. The label is finefff en~g-raied, and is provided xud(h •Safe - £f 'n’.r'J from counterfeiter*-.

    per bottle, or six for $S-C. W. Boback, CProj. rietor, /do. 6

    East Fourth Street, Qmcimati, tewhom all orders should be addressed.

    FOR SALE BYJ. IT. Ylri n, M.n CU*o* l>npprr JMUBfK r> Hujd-.I Ar,-na J M M^ow,V J W HI H. ..nera|r,,T yiP Ohio Nur* rie*. Toh-do, Ohio, ho'taf***"*' Bt

    . found thtin //drc/y on// true ta rrorn*•***•*••*. tak>- pleartrr in rec ramn,l)f>f >eui vaa!l

    Ult C’uwivali nof Fruit Treaa PhhTrI ■*"r I>*-li. ered in trOoe lltl'tV

    ,rcea. Signed. ,• Hon. M. •. Celhren, Miner*I.Pohfk .-•

    John P. Tr..iuel,“


    John Milton, "■“

    Jame Toav, UrdeaS’. (Hrcstrd. Cottage SanM. V. Itnrria, lialaaoua

    > Mii: J"lin, "j lion oharle* Ounn. ••

    Mr Gacee ia no e taking order* for delircry aa th*iAth .>f April at Mineral Point. Office at 1

    | Alien'* Store.H . A laafga Prigrtlia.

    I b M.I-7 D >- ***},