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VOLUME 20TH, 2016


Editura SITECH Craiova, 2016

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Se face schimb de publicaţii cu instituţii din ţară şi străinătate. Exchange of publications is posible with similar institutions from abroad and our country.

CHIEF EDITOR: Dr. Aurelia DIACONU [email protected]

Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni

SCIENTIFIC EDITOR: Dr. Reta DRAGHICI [email protected]

Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni


Dr. Aurelia DIACONU Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy

Soils, Dabuleni

Dr. TOMA Vasile Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni

Dr. Reta DRĂGHGICI Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni

Dr. MATEI Gheorghe Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, University of Craiova

Dr. DRĂGHICI Iulian Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni

Dr. RĂŢOI Iulian Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni

Dr. Mihaela CROITORU Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni

ISSN 2360 – 0829 ISSN-L 2360 – 0829

Editorial and administrative address: 207220 DĂBULENI-DOLJ, ROMANIA Phone / Fax: +40251334402 / +40251334347 e-mail: [email protected]

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





Professor NICOLESCU Mihai – Vice President of Academy of Agricultural and Forestry

“Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti“, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Aurelia DIACONU - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils,

Dabuleni, Romania

Dr. Reta DRAGHICI - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils,

Dabuleni, Romania

Dr. MATEI Gheorghe - Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, University of Craiova, Romania

Dr DRAGHICI Iulian – Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils,

Dabuleni, Romania

Dr. RATOI IIulian - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni,


Dr. Mihaela CROITORU - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils,

Dabuleni, Romania

Dr. PINTILIE Ioan - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni,


Dr. TOMA VASILE - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni,


Professor SOARE MARIN – Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, University of Craiova,


Dr. Marieta PLOAE - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils,

Dabuleni, Romania

Dr. Elena CIUCIUC - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils,

Dabuleni, Romania

Dr. Milica DIMA - Research-Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni,


Professor BACIU Adrian - Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, University of Craiova,


Prof.assoc. Mariana NICULESCU – Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, University of

Craiova, Romania

Professor MITREA Ion – Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, University of Craiova,


Dr. ITTU Gheorghe – National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea,


Dr. Florica CONSTANTINESCU - Research and Development Institute for Plant Protection

Bucharest, Romania

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Dr. CHIRU Sorin – National Institute of Research and Development for Potato and Sugar

Beet, Braşov, Romania

Dr. STĂNICĂ Florin - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest


Dr. HOZA Dorel - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20






Ciuciuc Elena. Influenţa unor tipuri noi de îngrăşăminte foliare asupra producţiei la culturile

de tomate şi pepeni verzi / The influence new types of foliar fertilizers upon production of

tomatoes and watermelons ………………………………………………………………………….


Ciuciuc Elena. Studiul unor caractere cantitative si calitative in procesul selectiei

conservative la soiul de pepene verde Oltenia / The study quantitative and qualitative

characters in selection process conservative at the Oltenia watermelon ……………………


Ciuciuc Elena, Croitoru Mihaela. Impactul conditiilor climatice asupra culturii de ceapa din

seminte pe solurile nisipoase / The impact of climatic conditions about onion seed crop on

sandy soils ……………………………………………………………………………………..


Croitoru Mihaela, Drăghici I., Drăghici Reta, Dima Milica. Cercetări privind calitatea

grâului în condițiile climatice specifice solurilor nisipoase din sudul Olteniei / Researches

regarding the wheat quality in specific climatic conditions of sandy soils in southern Oltenia


Croitoru Mihaela, Drăghici I., Drăghici Reta, Dima Milica. Cercetări privind evaluarea

însușirilor de calitate la unele soiuri de triticale în condițiile solurilor nisipoase din sudul

Olteniei / Research on the evaluation of quality characteristics of some varieties of triticale

under the conditions sandy soils from southern Oltenia ………………………………………..


Croitoru Mihaela, Toma V., Răţoi I. Cercetări privind influenţa fertirigării asupra calităţii

pepenilor verzi cultivaţi pe solurile nisipoase din sudul Olteniei / Research on the

influence fertigation on quality of watermelons grown on sandy soils in southern

Oltenia ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Diaconu Aurelia, Ploae Marieta, Dima Milica, Paraschiv Alina. Influenţa unor măsuri

tehnologice asupra unor procese fiziologice la unele soiuri de cartof, cultivate pe solurile

nisipoase / Influence of technological measures on some physiological processes varieties

of potatoes cultivated on sandy soils ……………………………………………………………


Diaconu Aurelia, Ploae Marieta, Dima Milica, Paraschiv Alina. Influenţa fertilizării asupra

unor procese fiziologice la unele soiuri de cartof cultivate pe solurile nisipoase / Influence of

fertilization on physiological processes in some potato varieties, grown on sandy soils ……


Dima Milica. Variabilitatea unor caractere şi însuşiri la unele genotipuri de arahide cultivate

pe solurile nisipoase / Variability of characters and features some peanut genotypes grown

on sandy soils ………………………………………………………………………………………


Drăghici Iulian. Evaluarea potenţialului bioenergetic al producţiei primare și secundare la

cultura sorgului pentru boabe / Assessing the bioenergetically potential of primary and

secondary production to the grain sorghum crop ………………………………………………


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Drăghici Reta, Drăghici Iulian. Rezultate privind atacul produs de boli și dăunători la

cultura graului pe solurile nisipoase / Results concerning the disease and pest attack of the

wheat crop on sandy soils ……………………………………………………………………..…...


Pintilie Ioan. Genotipuri de ardei cu toleranță la Verticillium dahliae kleb. create la SCDL

Ișalnița-Dolj / Genotypes of pepper with tolerance of Verticillium dahliae kleb. created at

S.C.D.L. Işalniţa – Dolj ……………………………………………………………………………


Ploae Marieta, Ciuciuc Elena, Dima Milica. Influenta factorilor climatici si agrotehnici

asupra fiziologiei plantelor de vinete cultivate pe solurile nisipoase / The influence of climatic

factors on plant physiology and agrotechnical eggplant grown on sandy



Rățoi Iulian, Croitoru Mihaela. Influența condițiilor climatice din anul 2014 asupra stării

de vegetație la vița de vie cu struguri pentru vinuri roșii în plantațiile viticole din sudul

Olteniei / The influence of climatic conditions in the year 2014 on the state of vegetative

vine varieties for red wine in vineyards from southern Oltenia …………………………………


Rățoi Iulian, Croitoru Mihaela. Prima cl. 1022, un soi de perspectivă pentru plantațiile

viticole cu struguri de masă pe solurile nisipoase. / Prima cl. 1022, variety of prospect for

vineyards table grapes on sandy soils ……………………………………………………………


Rățoi Iulian, Dorneanu Aurel, Croitoru Mihaela. Cercetări privind utilizarea unor tipuri de

îngrăşăminte noi la viţa de vie pe solurile nisipoase / Research concerning using of new types of fertilizers to the vines on sandy soils …………………………………………………


Toma Vasile, Rățoi Iulian, Vladu Cristina Emanuela. Cercetări privind comportarea unor

cultivaruri de pepeni verzi pe solurile nisipoase din sudul Olteniei / Research on behaviour

of cultivars of watermelon on sandy soils from southern Oltenia ……………………………..


Toma Vasile, Rățoi Iulian, Vladu Cristina Emanuela. Comportarea uor cultivare de

pepeni galbeni pe solurile nisipoase din sudul Olteniei / The behaviour of some cultivars of

melons on sandy soils in the south-west Oltenia ………………………………………………


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









Key words: foliar fertilizer, tomatoes, watermelons


În condițiile solurilor nisipoase din sudul Olteniei au fost testate o serie de îngrășăminte foliare

la culturile de tomate și pepeni verzi. Toate tipurile de îngrăşăminte foliare testate la cultura de tomate

au contribuit la realizarea unor sporuri de peroducţie care au oscilat între 0,5 – 8,1 t/ha (2 – 32 %). La

cultura de tomate s-au remarcat prin producţiile realizate tipurile: Maturevo aplicat în concentraţie de

0,6 % (33,7 t/ha), Codicevo şi Finarevo aplicate în concentraţie de 0,6 % cu producţie de 32,7 t/ha,

sporurile de producţie realizate faţă de martor fiind distinct semnificative. Aplicarea îngrăşămintelor

foliare la cultura de pepeni verzi asigură sporuri însemnate de producţie acestea fiind cuprinse între

2,6 – 8,8 t/ha (2 – 21 %) în funcţie de tipul folosit. S-au remarcat prin nivelul producţiilor realizate

tipurile: Algomax complex NPK, R – 3211 HUM şi R – 3211 HUAN aplicate în concentraţie de 1 %.


In sandy soils conditions from southern Oltenia were tested a number of foliar fertilizers on

crops of tomatoes and watermelons. All tested foliar fertilizer for growing tomatoes are contributed to

the development of production increases that ranged between 0.5 to 8.1 t / ha (2-32 %). The tomato

crop types were noted: Maturevo applied at a concentration of 0.6 % (33.7 t / ha) and Finarevo and

Codicevo applied in concentration of 0.6% with production of 32.7 t / ha, production increases were

distinct significant. Application of foliar fertilizer for growing watermelons provides significant

production increases which are between 2.6 to 8.8 t / ha (2-21 %) depending on the type of fertilizer

used. Were observed in the yields achieved types: NPK complex Algomax, R – 3211 HUM and R -

3211 HUAN applied at a concentration of 1 %.


Crops of tomatoes and watermelons are a tradition in the area with sandy soils

in southern Oltenia are favorable conditions for growth and development represent an

important source of income for local residents (Toma V. et al., 1997). For the success

of a culture apart from a cultivated variety is particularly important

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




fertilization. Tomatoes and watermelons grown on sandy soils react favorably to

fertilization with manure and chemical fertilizers. Good results have been obtained with

organo-mineral fertilization (Toma V., 1983, Spirescu C., 1986). The foliar fertilization

is the method which eliminates the loss of nutrients through leaching especially on

sandy soils, improves the nutritional status of crops in relation to plant requirements at

different stages of growth, using small amounts of fertilizer and micro-elements are

supplied the necessary plants. With the extra nutrition extraroot can make some

treatments to combat pathogens and pests. (Dorneanu A., 1976).

In addition to increased production of crops watermelons and melons, application of

foliar fertilization contributed to increasing the quality (Ciuciuc Elena et all., 1998,

2000, 2001, Lacatus V., 2000). The need for the continuous enrichment of the

composition of macro and microelements foliar fertilizers causes new types requiring

crops tested.


The experiments were monofactorial and were placed in the experimental field after

randomized block method in four replications. To provide the agrofond of 100 kg / ha

N, 100 kg / ha P2O5,100 kg/ha K2O by appling fertilizer 15-15-15. The first foliar

fertilization tomato crop was applied at the beginning of flowering and the following

within 10 days. The first watermelon fertilization was applied at the beginning of growh

and the 10 days. Yields were harvested and weighed each variant and calculated

and interpreted statistically.

In tables 1 and 2 are presented the studied variants.


Tomato yields obtained ranged between 25.6 to 33.7 t / ha (Table 3).

In the variant with control plants sprayed with water when applying foliar fertilizers and

production was done lowest (25.6 t/ha). In all other variants were obtained production

increases of these varying between 0.5 to 8.1 t/ha (between 2-32 %). In the variant in

which applied Calcium gluconate in concentration of 0.8% was achieved lower

production increase (0.5 t /ha), statistically uninsured.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 1

The foliar fertilizers studied at tomatoes culture

Variant number

The fertilizer used The concentration (%) Number fertilization

1 Witness sprinkled with water - -

2 Solar amino 1.0 3

3 Solfert 0.4 3

4 Solar green 1.0 3

5 Algomax 0.5 3

6 Calciu gluconat 0.8 3

7 Algomax Fluid 0.3 3

8 Codicevo 0.6 3

9 Maturevo 0.6 3

10 Rezistevo 0.6 3

11 Nutrifol 1 1.0 3

12 Nutrifol 2 1.0 3

13 Abiogeneza H 1.0 3

14 R – 3211 HUM 1.0 3

15 R – 3211 HUAN 1.0 3

16 Fighter Phos 1.0 3

17 Finarevo 0.6 3

18 Energevo 0.6 3

Production increases statistically uninsured were obtained by applying the following

foliar fertilizer: Solar amino applied at a concentration of 1 % who achieved a

production of 27.4 t / ha, ie an increase of 1.8 t / ha, two types Nutrifol 2 and Fighter

Phos applied at a concentration of 1% which ensured the production of 28 t / ha (2.4 t

/ ha increase of production), Abiogeneza H applied at a concentration of 1 % (2.6 t / ha

gain), Fluid Algomax in a concentration of 0.3 % (2.9 t / ha, 11 %), Rezistevo in a

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




concentration of 0.6 % (3.3 t / ha increase of production), Solfert in a concentration of

0.4% (3 6 t / ha increase production) and Energevo concentration of 0.6% which

achieved a production increase of 3.8 t / ha. Production increases statistically

significant has been achieved by applying the following foliar fertilizer types: R - 3211

HUM in concentration of 1 % (a production increase of 5.6 t / ha), Green solar in

concentration of 1 % and R - 3211 HUAN in concentration of 1% which ensures

production increases of 5.7 t / ha, Nutrifol 1 in concentration of 1 % (5.8 t / ha

increase) and Algomax in concentration of 0.5 % (increase 6,1 t / ha ). Distinct

significant increases of production has achieved types of foliar fertilizers: Codicevo

and Finarevo applied in concentration of 0.6 % which ensured production increases of

7.1 t / ha and type Maturevo in concentration of 0.6 % with an increase of production

of 8.1 t / ha. The variant of watermelons of control has achieved a production of 41.1 t

/ ha and production in fertilization variants ranged between 43.7 to 49.9 t /ha

depending on the type of fertilizer (Table 4). By applying fertilizer Biozine in

concentration of 0.2 % realize production of 43.7 t/ha, achieved production growth is

2.6 t/ha, statistically unsignificant. Foliar fertilizer Fluid Algomax applied at a

concentration of 0.3 % contributed to a production of 46 t/ha, production increase of

4.9 t/ha being provided statistically significant. In variant with foliar fertilizer R - 3211

HUAN applied in concentration of 1% has achieved a production of 48.3 t/ha,

respectively a production increase of 7.2 t/ha, distinct increase statistically significant.

The types of foliar fertilizers Algomax complex NPK and R - 3211 HUM applied at a

concentration of 1 % achieved productions very close in value (49.8 to 49.9 t/ha)

production increase compared to the control being achieved of 8.7 - 8.8 t/ha

significantly distinct.

Table 2

The foliar fertilizers studied at watermelons culture

No. The fertilizer used The concentration (%) Number fertilization

1 Witness sprinkled with water - -

2 Biozime 0.2 3

3 Algomax Fluid 0.3 3

4 Algomax complex NPK 1.0 3

5 R – 3211 HUM 1.0 3

6 R – 3211 HUAN 1.0 3

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 3

Tomato production depending on fertilization studied

The variant The


of tomatoes








Witness sprinkled with water 25.6 100 Mt.

Solar amino 27.4 107 +1.8

Solfert 29.2 114 +3.6

Solar green 31.3 122 +5.7 *

Algomax 31.7 124 +6.1 *

Calciu gluconat 26.1 102 +0.5

Algomax Fluid 28.5 111 +2.9

Codicevo 32.7 128 +7.1 **

Maturevo 33.7 132 +8.1 **

Rezistevo 28.9 113 +3.3

Nutrifol 1 31.4 123 +5.8 *

Nutrifol 2 28.0 109 +2.4

Abiogeneza H 28.2 110 +2.6

R – 3211 HUM 31.3 122 +5.7 *

R – 3211 HUAN 31.2 122 +5.6 *

Fighter Phos 28.0 109 +2.4

Finarevo 32.7 128 +7.1 **

Energevo 29.4 115 +3.8

LSD 5% = 5.05 t/ha

LSD 1% = 6.77 t/ha

LSD 0.1% = 8.93 t/ha

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 4

The watermelons production depending on fertilization variants studies

The variant


production of









Witness sprinkled with water 41.1 100 Mt.

Biozime 43.7 106 +2.6

Algomax Fluid 46.0 112 +4.9 *

Algomax complex NPK 49.8 121 +8.7 **

R – 3211 HUM 49.9 121 +8.8 **

R – 3211 HUAN 48.3 118 +7.2 **

LSD 5% = 4.50 t/ha

LSD 1% = 6.40 t/ha

LSD 0.1% = 9.27 t/ha


1. All tested foliar fertilizers for tomatoes crops contributed to the production

increase that ranged between 0.5 to 8.1 t/ha (2-32 %).

2. For the tomato crops has evidenced by production types: Maturevo applied at a

concentration of 0.6 % (33.7 t/ha), Finarevo and Codicevo applied in

concentration of 0.6 % with the productions of 32.7 t/ha, production increases

compared to the control being significant.

3. The big productions and very close in value (31.2 to 31.7 t/ha) were performed

of the types: Algomax at 0.5 %, Nutrifol 1, Solar Green, R - 3211 HUM and R-

3211 HUAN applied in a concentration of 1 %.

4. Application of foliar fertilizer for watermelons provides significant production

increases which are between 2.6 to 8.8 t/ha (2-21 %) depending on the type


5. For the watermelon crops has evidenced by production types: Algomax:

complex NPK, R – 3211 HUM and R- 3211 HUAN applied at a concentration of

1 %.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. Ciuciuc Elena, Toma V., Dorneanu A., 1998 – Noi tipuri de îngrăşăminte foliare

folosite la fertilizarea pepenilor verzi pe solurile nisipoase. Anale ICLF Vidra, vol. XV.

2. Ciuciuc Elena, Dorneanu A., 2000 – Cercetări privind influenţa unor noi tipuri de

îngrăşăminte foliare asupra producţiei de pepeni galbeni, pe solurile nisipoase.

Scientific works SCCCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XII.

3. Ciuciuc Elena, Dorneanu A., 2001 – Cercetări privind folosirea unor compoziţii lichide

cu aminoacizi şi ureide la fertilizarea foliară a culturilor de pepeni verzi şi pepeni

galbeni. Lucrări științifice SCCCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XIII.

4. Dorneanu A., 1976 – Dirijarea fertilităţii solului. Ed. Ceres.

5. Lăcătuş V., 2000 – Fertilizarea culturilor de bostănoase cu îngrăşăminte de tip

KRISTALON. Hortinform nr. 8.

6. Toma V., 1983 – Cercetări privind fertilizarea tomatelor timpurii pe nisipuri în vederea

reducerii consumului de energie. Lucrări științifice SCCCDPN Dăbuleni, vol. V.

7. Toma V., Aurelia Ifrim, Elena Ciuciuc, Nanu Şt., Spirescu C., 1997 – Valorificarea

condiţiilor ecologice specifice nisipurilor amenajate din sudul Olteniei prin culturi

legumicole timpurii. Lucrări științifice SCCCPN Dăbuleni, vol. IX.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20










Key words: watermelon, selection process conservative


În vederea menținerii soiului de pepene verde Oltenia în limitele de variabilitate specifice, din

câmpul de alegere au fost alese 100 elite la care s-au studiate următoarele caractere: greutatea

fructului, lungime şi diametrul fructului, grosimea şi greutatea cojii, proporţia de coajă, numărul şi

cantitatea de seminţe din fruct, conținutul în substanță uscată solubilă. Din analiza variabilității

principalelor caractere la soiul de pepene verde Oltenia în procesul de selecție conservativă rezultă

o variabilitate mică pentru lungimea şi diametrul fructului, pentru proporția de coajă, numărul de

semințe într-un fruct, masa a 1000 semințe și conținutul în substanță uscată solubilă și variabilitate

mijlocie pentru greutatea fructului, grosimea cojii și greutatea cojii, greutatea miezului și greutatea

semințelor din fruct. Coeficienții de corelație arată că, greutatea fructelor se corelează pozitiv distinct

semnificativ cu greutatea cojii și semnificativ cu numărul de semințe din fruct și negative semnificativ

cu masa a 1000 semințe. Grosimea cojii se corelează distinct semnificativ în sens pozitiv cu greutate

coajă și proporția de coajă. Numărul de semințe dintr-un fruct se corelează distinct semnificativ pozitiv

cu cantitatea de semințe din fruct și negative distinct semnificativ cu masa a 1000 semințe


In order to maintain of the watermelon variety Oltenia in in specific limits of variability were

choice of 100 elites at that were studied following characters: the fruit weight, the fruit length and

diameter, thickness and weight shell,the ratio of shell , number and the quantity of seed from fruit

and dry substance solubile. From the analysis of the variability of the main characters at the

watermelon variety Oltenia in selection process conservative resulting a small variability for fruit

length, diameter, shell proportion, number of seeds in the fruit, the mass of 1000 seeds and dry

substance soluble, and middle variability for fruit weight, shell thickness and shell weight , the gist

weight and seed weight. The correlation coefficients show that fruit weight was positively correlated

significantly distinct with the shell weight and significantly with the number of seeds in fruit and

significant negative with the weight of 1000 seeds. The shell thickness was correlated positively

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




significantly distinct with the proportion of shell and with the shell weight. The number of seeds in a

fruit was correlated positively significantly distinct with the quantity seed in the fruit and distinct

negative significant with mass of 1000 seeds.


In the south of the country in addition to increasing the area planted with

watermelons manufacturers are interested in increasing production and its quality. An

important role were variety or hybrid cultivated. The marketing of existing varieties and

hybrids in the European Community catalogs is risk because they are not adapted to

existing natural conditions, so it is necessary to maintain the varieties created in

Rumania (Ambarus Silvia, 1999 Nanu St. , 2000). The variety of watermelon Oltenia,

created to CCDCPN Dabuleni is a valuable variety with high adaptability to the specific

area, high capacity and high fruit production and quality. Keeping the main characters

of varieties of watermelon in specific permissible limits of variability requires the

continuation of the maintenance they (Nanu St., 2001 Ciuciuc Elena 2012). In this

paper we present the variety of the watermelon Oltenia behavior in the conservative

selection process.


At the variety of watermelons Oltenia the variability study was made on a

number of 100 elite extracts from the field of your choice.

Determinations made was focussed: the fruit weight, the size fruit (length and

diameter, thickness, weight and proportion shell, the number and quantity seeds from

a fruit.

Experimental data obtained was processed by statistical methods and mathematical

calculating: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation.

The variety of watermelon Oltenia the majority of quantitative characters showed

considerable variation (Table 1).


The elected elites had an average weight of 7.3 kg/fruit with a degree of

dispersion between 5.2 to 9.3 kg/fruit, the fruit length of 27.2 cm with a degree of

dispersion between 23.0 to 32.5 cm and an mean diameter of 23.1 cm and an degree

of dispersion of between 19.5 to 28.5 cm (Table 1).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 1

Variability of quantitative characters of fruit and

seed watermelon Oltenia variety

Specification Arithmetic



The standard



Coefficient of



The degree of


Fruit weight (kg) 7.3 0.89 12.1 5.2 – 9.3

Fruit length (cm) 27.2 1.70 6.25 23.0 – 32.5

Fruit diameter (cm) 23.1 1.22 5.28 19.5 – 28.5

Shell thick (cm) 1.5 0.28 18.66 1.0 – 2.4

Shell weight (kg) 3.2 0.43 13.44 2.4 – 4.2

Shell proportion (%) 43.7 3.60 8.24 36.0 – 51.3

Weight gist (kg) 4.3 0.61 14.19 2.7 – 5.5

Number of seeds in the fruit 604 142.51 0.70 153 - 922

Quantity of seed in fruit (g) 52.5 8.40 16.00 19 – 75

The mass of 1000 seeds (g) 87.4 8.07 9.23 71 – 124.2

Dry substance soluble (%) 9.4 0.21 2.23 8 - 11

The Shell thickness was between 1.0 to 2.4 cm with a weight of 2.4 to 4.2 kg

and the average 43.7 % of the weight of the fruit. The soluble dry matter content

ranged between 8-11 % with an average of 9.4 %. The largest differences was existed

in terms of number and weight of seeds to a fruit.

The values of coefficient variation indicate that the watermelon variety Oltenia submit

small variability for fruit length, diameter, shell proportion, number of seeds in the fruit,

the mass of 1000 seeds and dry substance soluble, variability middle for fruit weight,

shell thick, weight gist, shell weight for quantity of seed in fruit.

Table 2 presents the correlation coefficients between the main characters of fruit the

watermelon variety Oltenia.

It appears that fruit weight was positively correlated significantly distinct with rhe

shell weight (r = 0.5335 ) and significantly with the number of seeds from a the fruit (r =

0.2266 ) and significantly negative with the weight of 1000 seeds (r = 0.2331 ).

The shell thickness correlates significantly distinct positively with the shell weight (r =

0.4305 ) and the proportion of shell (r = 0.6965 ) .

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




The number of seeds in a fruit positively correlated significantly distinct with quantity

of seeds from the fruit (r = 0.9316 ) and significantly distinct negative with the weight of

1000 seeds (r = - 3371).

Table 2

Simple correlation coefficients for the main characters

of the the the fruit of watermelons to Oltenia variety

Specification Shell








tion (%)


of seeds

in the



of seed

in fruit



mass of




Fruit weight (kg) 0.1219 0.5335 -0.1898 0.2266 -0.0252 -0.2331

Shelll thick (cm) 0.4305 0.6965

Number of seeds in the fruit 0.9316 -0.3371

Quantity of seed in fruit (g) -0.1998


1. The analysis of the variability of the main characters to the watermelon variety

Oltenia in the selection process submit small variability for the fruit length,

diameter, shell proportion, number of seeds in the fruit, the mass of 1000 seeds

and dry substance soluble, variability middle for fruit weight, shell thick, weight

gist, shell weight and for quantity of seed in fruit

2. The correlation coefficients show that fruit weight was positively correlated

significantly distinct with shell weight and significantly with the number of seeds

from a fruit and significant negative with weight of 1000 seeds. The shell

thickness correlates significantly distinct positively with the proportion of shell

and shell weight.

3. The number of seeds in a fruit positively correlated significantly distinct with

quantity of seeds from the fruit and significantly distinct negative with the weight

of 1000 seeds.

4. To maintain the variety of watermelon Oltenia as close to its original structure is

still required rigorous selection process.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. Ambăruş Silvia, 1999 - Variabilitatea principalelor caractere la soiul de morcov Chantenay

Red Core în procesul selecţiei conservative. Anale ICDLF Vidra, vol. XVI.

2. Munteanu N., Marcela Fălticeanu, 1995 – Studiul unor caractere cantitative la soiul de

fasole de grădină Aurie de Bacău. Anale ICLF Vidra, vol. XIII.

3. Nanu Șt., 2000 – Cercetări privind comportarea soiului de pepeni verzi Dulce de Dăbuleni

în procesul selecției conservative. Lucrări științifice SCCCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XII.

4. Nanu Șt., 2001 – Principalele însușiri cantitative și calitative ale soiului de pepeni verzi

Dulce de Dăbuleni. Lucrări științifice SCCCPN Dăbuleni, vol XIII.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20








Keywords: onion varieties, climatic conditions


Pentru creşterea producţiei şi a rentabilităţii culturii de ceapă este necesară înlocuirea

tehnologiei din arpagic cu tehnologia prin semănare direct în câmp. La CCDCPD Dăbuleni au fost

urmărite două soiuri de ceapă din sămânţă în doi ani diferiţi din punct de vedere climatic (2012 şi

2013). Producţia de ceapă a fost dependentă de condiţiile climatice ale anului de cultură. În anul 2012

temperaturile maxime au depăşit frecvent 40 0C, producţiile de ceapă au fost mici (16,9 t/ha la soiul

De Buzău şi 14,2 t/ha la soiul Stuttgarter), dar cu un conţinut ridicat de substanţă uscată totală (16 %

la soiul De Buzău şi 11,35 % la soiul Stuttgarter). În anul 2013 cu temperaturi moderate în perioada

iunie-iulie producţiile de ceapă au fost de 40,1 t/ha la soiul De Buzău şi de 26,7 t/ha la soiul

Stuttgarter. Soiul de ceapă De Buzău prezintă adaptabilitate ridicată la condiţiile de stres termic şi

hidric care se instalează în lunile de vară în zona solurilor nisipoase.


To increase production and profitability at the culture of onion is necessary to replace the

technology of cultivated by chives with the technology through direct sowing in the field. At CCDCPN

Dăbuleni were followed two varieties of onions from seed in two years in different climatic conditions

(2012 and 2013). The onion production was dependent on the climatic conditions of culture. In 2012

year the maximum temperatures often exceed 400C, onion yields were low (16.9 t / ha variety De

Buzau and 14.2 t/ha Stuttgarter variety), but with a high content of total dry substance (16 % De

Buzau variety and the variety Stuttgarter 11.35%). In 2013, with moderate temperatures in June and

July onion yields were 40.1 t/ha variety De Buzau and 26.7t/ha Stuttgarter variety. Variety of onions

De Buzau presents high adaptability to temperature and water stress conditions that are installed in

the summer months in the sandy soils to conditions.


Onions have been grown since ancient times for its quality food and medicines

being present almost daily in the diet throughout the year. Because of the importance

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




and therapeutic feeding is recommended that in a rational diet daily to consume 20-25

g minimum onion, an average of 8-9 kg per year/person.

In our country the onion crop ranks third among vegetable species, after

tomatoes and cabbage. After the total area planted with onions, Romania ranks first in

Europe, and after total production obtained ranks six after Spain, Italy, England,

Holland and Poland.

Culture onion is costly, both due to very low yields and high production costs

especially onion by chives. Today in our country 70 % of the area is cultivated with

onion by chives, therefore from the increase production and profitability of this culture

is necessary to replace the technology of cultivated by chives with the technology

through direct sowing in the field. Worldwide, over 85 % of the total area planted with

onions is done using onion seed.

Growing onions by direct sowing is more demanding and requires a precise

knowledge of specific biological requirements to onion plant and specific requirements

of the environment especially in the most critical phases of the vegetation period

(Rădoi V. et al., 1995). It also has an important the contribution genotype dependent

on climatic conditions due footprint areas of origin (Mirghiş R. et al., 1996).


In the climatic conditions of years 2012 and 2013 were studied the onion

varieties Stuttgarter and De Buzau. Culture was established by direct sowing in the

second decade of March on a land shaped crest height of 94 cm. On each furrow were

sown 4 rows at a distance of 70 cm. Has been applied the cultivation technology to

specific onions for the sandy soils. We determined the average weight of onion, the

water content and the total dry content of the substance and vitamine C.


The years 2012 and 2013 were two different years in terms of climate both in

terms of the rainfall and the temperatures. The year 2012 was very dry especially

during June-August with rainfall of 32.4 mm fallen in June, 8.2 mm in July and 21.8

mm in August (Table 1).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 1

Climatic conditions during April - August 2012 recorded at a weather station CCDCPN Dăbuleni



The temperature (0C) in month:

April May June July August Septem- ber

Decade I 11.5 19.3 21.8 26.7 26.5 21.8

Decade II 13.2 15.8 24.1 26.5 21.7 18.8

Decade III 17.0 16.6 24.0 27.2 24.6 19.2

The average 13.9 17.2 23.3 26.4 24.3 19.9

The maximum 29.4 31.8 37.8 41.4 42.6 32.0

The precipitation (mm)

66.6 93.8 32.4 8.2 21.8 8.0

The temperatures were very highs with 37.8 0C maximum in June and frequently

exceeded 400 C in July and August being the maximum of 41.4 0C in July and 42.6 0C

in August. Although was with repeated irrigation throughout the growing season

however the onion plants suffered. It is known that onion plants have a shallow root

system, explored a small volume of soil that is necessary irrigation to maintain soil

moisture at a high level (Ceausescu I. et al., 1980). Due to extremely high

temperatures, evapotranspiration at ground level was very high which made

maintaining with weight to moisture soil in the surface where increased the roots of

onion. During the formation, growth and maturation to onion optimum temperature is

25-30 0C. At a temperature exceeding 30 0C the growth bulbs greatly slows down or

even stops (Balasa M., 1970, Ceausescu I. et al., 1980). These conditions leading to

the production of small bulbs with an average weight of 56.6 g at variety Stuttgarter

and 110 g at variety De Buzau (Table 2). The onion production was determined

weight to bulbs. Was obtained a yield of 14.2 t / ha at variety Stuttgarter and 16.9 t / ha

at variety De Buzau.

The climate conditions of year 2013 are shown in Table 3.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2

The influence of climatic conditions in year 2012 on the onion crop

The variety The average weight of

bulb (g)

The production


De Buzău 110.0 16.9

Stuttgarter 56.6 14.2

Table 3

Climatic conditions during April - August 2013 recorded at a weather station CCDCPN Dabuleni

The specification

The temperature (0C) in month:

April May June July August Septem- ber

Decade I 10.0 21.5 20.1 21.8 26.9 19.4

Decade II 13.4 20.0 23.9 23.1 25.2 18.3

Decade III 19.5 18.5 22.2 25.5 20.6 15.9

The average 14.3 20.0 22.1 23.5 24.1 17.8

The maximum 32.2 32.5 36.5 38.4 36.5 31.8

The precipitation (mm)

38.6 61.0 105.2 36.2 30.8 36.0

In year 2013, in April and May were recorded higher temperatures than in

year 2012 they exceeded 30 0C (the maximum of 32.2 0C in April and 32.5 0C in May)

The amount of precipitation was below that of 2012. In June and July temperatures

were moderate, as monthly averages and maximums are lower than those recorded in

year 2013. In June there was an average temperature of 22.1 0C , with maximum of

36.5 0C and average temperature in July was of 23.5 0C with a maximum of 38.4 0C .

The amount of precipitation was higher than in year 2012 is 102.5 mm in June. This

period corresponded to the period of training and growth of onion bulbs. The

favorability of climatic conditions in this period was materialized in big size bulbs and

the big production (Table 4).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 4

The influence of climatic conditions in year 2012 on the onion crop

The variety The average weight of bulb


The Production


De Buzău 130 40.1

Stuttgarter 94 26.7

At the variety Buzau the obtained bulbs were with a mean weight of 130 g and

a yield of 40.1 t/ha, and the variety Stuttgarter the obtained bulbs were obtained with a

mean weight of 94 g and a yield of 26.7 t/ha. It can be seen that the variety of onion

Buzau received better environmental conditions in the area. The amount of water in

onion bulbs in year 2012 was 84 % for the variety De Buzau and 88.65 % for variety

Stuttgarter below the average of 89 % in the literature, which means that the

accumulation was influenced by temperature very high in the air and soil (Table 5). In

year 2013, the water content from bulbs remained near normal. Total dry matter

content was high at the variety De Buzau in 2012 reached 16 %. In a very hot season,

but with soil moisture, will remain higher dry matter due to the reduction in the

intensity of respiration process and the amount of water the bulbs decreases with

increasing of total dry matter. At the variety Stuttgarter total matter content was very

similar values in the two years of research.

Table 5

The influence of climatic conditions on the composition biochemical onion bulb depending on cultivar

The year

The variety Water


Total dry





Vitamine C




2012 De Buzău 84.00 16.00 10.0 7.92

Stuttgarter 88.65 11.35 10.0 7.04

2013 De Buzău 90.33 9.67 7.6 7.48

Stuttgarter 88.60 11.40 11.0 7.04

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




The amount of vitamin C in onion bulbs was 7.04 mg / 100 g fresh substance at

the variety Stuttgarter and 7.92 mg / 100 g fresh substance, respectively 7.48 mg / 100

g fresh substance at the variety De Buzau.


1. The production of onion from seeds was dependent on climatic conditions of

culture. In the years very hot and dry, onion yields are low, but with a high

content of total dry.

2. In year 2012 the maximum temperatures often was exceed 40 0C , the onion

yields were low (16.9 t/ha at variety De Buzau and 14.2 t/ha at variety

Stuttgarter), but with a high content of total dry matter (16 % at the variety De

Buzau and 11.35 % at the variety Stuttgarter). In year 2013, with moderate

temperatures in June and July the onion yields were of 40.1 t/ha at the

variety De Buzau and 26.7 t/ha at the variety Stuttgarter.

3. The variety of onions De Buzau presents high adaptability to temperature

and water stress conditions that are installed in the summer months on the

sandy soils.


1. Bălaşa M., 1970 – Ceapa şi usturoiul. Publisher CERES Bucharest

2. Ceauşescu I., Bălaşa M., Voican V., Saviţchi P., Radu Gr., Stan N., 1980 –

Legumicultură generală şi specială. Publisher Didactic and Pedagogical Bucharest.

3. Mirghişi R., Mirghiş Elisabeta, 1996 – Influenţa condiţiilor climatice asupra

manifestării fenotipice a unor genotipuri de allium sativum L. Research Institute for Vegetable

and Flower Vidra, vol. XIV.

4. Rădoi V., Mălcică P., 1995 – Tehnologia de cultivare a cepei prin semănare directă în

câmp. Annals of the Research Institute for Vegetable and Flower Vidra, vol. XIII, ISSN 0250-


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









Keywords: wheat, quality, protein, gluten, variety


Calitatea grâului, indiferent de destinaţia lui, este un factor esenţial de stabilire a valorii de piaţă a

acestuia. Valorile însuşirilor de calitate sunt puternic influenţate de o multitudine de factori. Proteinele,

în care glutenul este cel mai important component, alături de alte substanţe conţinute în bob, dau

valoarea nutritivă, tehnologică şi de prelucrare. Lucrarea de faţă are ca scop comportarea unor soiuri

de grâu, în perioada 2012-2014, sub aspectul adaptării la condiţiile climatice, specifice zonelor cu

soluri nisipoase din sudul Olteniei. Calitatea grâului este puternic influenţată de soi și condiţiile

climatice manifestate în perioada de experimentare. Între indicii de calitate studiați şi factorii climatici

au fost determinate corelații, care evidenţiază influenţa determinantă a acestora în realizarea unor

producţii superioare calitativ. Creşterea cantităţii de precipitaţii peste valori de 300 mm în perioada de

formare și umplere a bobului a condus la scăderea procentuală a conţinutului de proteină şi gluten din



The quality of wheat, regardless of his destination, is an essential factor laying down by the

value of the market. The values properties, quality, are strongly influenced by many factors. The

proteins in which gluten is the most important component, along with other substances contained in

grain, give nutritional value, technological and processing. The present paper aims to behavior of

some wheat varieties in the period 2012-2014, in terms of adaptability to climatic conditions, specific of

areas with sandy soils from southern Oltenia. The quality of wheat, is strongly influenced by variety

and climatic conditions manifested period of experimentation. Between the indices of quality and

climatic factors studied were determined correlations, which highlights the decisive influence thereof

performance yields superior quality. Increasing the amount of rainfall over the values of 300 mm in the

training period, and filling grain decreased the percentage of protein and gluten content grains.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





The grains of wheat, are used mainly for flour production, intended for the

manufacture of bread - staple food for a large number of people (according to some

statistics 35-40 % of the world population) and shall provide around 20 % of total

calories consumed by humans. Also wheat grains are used to make pasta products,

and as raw material for other industrial products very different (starch, gluten, alcohol,

bioethanol used as fuel).

Many researches highlights the importance of obtaining of productions with quality

features superior (Mustăţea P., and colab. 2003, Idikut, I., Atalay, A.I., Kara, S.N.,

Kamalak, A., 2009, Pasha I., Anjum, F.M., Butt, M.S., 2009, Cristina Melucă, Sorina

Cernat, Tudorina Nistor, 2011, Voichiţa Haş, Ioan Haş, Ion Antohe, Ana Copândean,

Elena Nagy, 2010, M. Hrušková, I. Švec, J. Karas, 2012, Lingan Kong, Jisheng Si, Bin

Zhang, Bo Feng, Shengdong Li, Fahong Wang, 2013, Yuksel Kaya, Mevlut Akcura,

2014, etc.). The quality of wheat, regardless of his destination, is an essential factor

laying down the value of, market it. The values of quality characteristics are strongly

influenced by the applied technology (V. Tabără, 2005). The proteins, the gluten is the

most importantly component, along with other substances contained in the grains, give

nutritional value, technological and processing (Toader Maria, Gh. V. Roman, 2004).

On sandy soils in southern Oltenia wheat grain quality is influenced by the technology

used, and climatic conditions (Mihaela Croitoru, 2013).


To show who were indexes values quality of wheat grains were taken in the

study several varieties: Dropia, Faur, Glosa, Litera, Miranda, Boema, Delabrad, Izvor,

Otilia, Pitar, Partener, Bezostaia.

Were performed the following observations and determinations:

* determined protein (%) - Perten method;

* determined humidity (%) - Perten method;

* determined wet gluten (%) - Perten method;

* determined Falling number (secunds) - Perten method;


It always puts the question whether the cereals, or not find their place on sandy

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




soils. The locals from the area cultivate wheat for their own consumptionin animal,

feeding and the surplus him capitalizes on the market. Have been taken in the study

along the time a large number of varieties of wheat that, which one have been

behaved well in qualitative point of view. All varieties analyzed showed quality

indicators were classified as very good wheat bread. The protein content, gluten and

grain moisture had very good values (Table 1).

Grain moisture is an important indicator for assessing the quality grain from

several points of view. The state of the optimal maturity at harvest is characterized

through the humidity of wheat, which does not not exceed 15 % and the keeping is not

carried out under optimum conditions until a humidity under 14 %. Humidity wheat

grains presented the values under 14%, wheat lumped values as very good.

The protein content of grain varies between 14.2 % to variety Partener and 16.9

% in the variety Dropia, depending in large part on the variety of wheat cultivated, by

seeding methods used and of conditions pedo climate during their development.

Grains of good quality are considered those in which more than 13% protein content.

Determine the content of protein is of particular importance in wheat and flour

quality evaluation as part of this is generating gluten. The amount of gluten in the

wheat grain, is an indicator of quality very importantly for the technological process

contributing to the characterization of the dough especially the capacity to process and

the potential for its baking grain. Are considered good quality those at that the gluten

content exceeds the 24-26 %. The varieties of wheat the gluten content studied

ranged from 32.1 % to variety Partener and 38.8 % to the variety Pitar.

As regards falling number average values obtained fall wheat as very good.

Falling number characterized by a number of seconds wheat starch quality by

increasing the activity alpha amylase which is directly related to the content of

sprouted grains in wheat the mass. Alpha-amylase activity optimum values are

between 200-260 seconds, over 300 seconds alpha-amylase activity is reduced, and

the quality of wheat is satisfactory.

Under the 160 seconds activity, alpha - amylase is intense (bean sprouts) and

wheat quality is unsatisfactory. In the year 2013, in the period grains maturation and

harvest (June and the first decade of July) were recorded heavy precipitation (105.2

mm in June and 32.6mm in the first decade of July), conditions that led to the

sprouting grains in the ear, with influence both on the germination process and the

quality of the grains .

Fritz (1934) cited by Bucurescu (1968) established a clear correlation between

weather and sprouting in the ear.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




The time in which occurs, the germination is very short, being determined by

high temperature, that is in the ear of the grain, the grains mature. Germination of in

the ear, biological, means that a higher percentage of or less than grains germinates

before harvest (in the ear). It triggers a series of enzymatic processes in grainthat

determines cell division in the embryo and further sprouting.

Table 1

The influence of variety on the nutritional quality of the grain of wheat









Falling number


Dropia 13.5 16.9 37.9 236.3

Faur 13.6 16.0 36.3 257.3

Glosa 13.5 15.4 36.7 253.3

Litera 13.5 15.2 36.0 280.3

Miranda 13.2 14.9 34.5 330.0

Boema 13.1 16.3 38.0 226.7

Delabrad 13.3 15.9 37.8 311.7

Izvor 13.1 14.9 34.4 263.6

Otilia 13.4 16.1 37.7 294.7

Pitar 13.1 16.8 38.8 258.7

Partener 12.9 14.2 32.1 295.0

Bezostaia 12.6 14.9 37.1 297.0

The average varieties 13.3 15.6 36.7 275.4

The field


Very good 14 13 26 200-250

Good 14 12-13 24-26 180-200:250-280

Satisfactory 14 10-12 22-24 160-180;280

Unsatisfactory 14 10 22 160

The varieties, Miranda, Delabrad, Otilia and Bezostaia had values which fall

within the optimum (Figure 1). Those years in which precipitation missing in the period

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




harvest, Falling number values were comprised between 250 and 400, which falls the

wheat to be satisfactory, good and very good. The best values were determined at the

varieties Dropia, Faur, Boema and Pitar.

Figure 1 - The influence of years of Falling number in wheat grains

Analysing the influence of years of study of the grain of wheat quality of the data

presented in Table 2 may be noticed that the protein content, gluten, falling number,

and moisture grains presented different values from year to year.

Thus, between the quantity of precipitation, in period of, formation and

maturation of the grains and the amount of protein in grains been established, a

correlation, which shows that the protein in the wheat grain decreases with the

increase in the amount of rainfall after the equation of the regression polynomial , with

an insignificant correlation factor. When the amount of precipitation exceeds 270 mm

in the period, the amount of protein begins to decrease (Figure 2).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2

The influence climatic conditions in the years of study on the grain

of wheat quality

The year



In the period March

to June

Sum of the

degrees of












2010 324 1688 13.00 16.73 -

2011 131 1629 12.53 14.30 34.00

2012 201 1869 11.30 14.56 33.40 335.40

2013 251 1889 14.02 19.09 46.02 126.86

2014 395 1824 14.07 13.62 31.06 275.40

Also, between the quantity of protein in the wheat grain and the amount of

temperature degrees there is a correlation given by an equation of degree 2

insignificant. The amount of protein increases with increasing amount of degrees of

temperature (Figure 2).

Grains of droughty climate zones are pronounced richer in protein substances

than the grain of oceanic climates. High temperatures, from 10 days before earing and

to adulthood determines a significant increase in the amount of protein in the wheat

grain. In professional journals write frequently about the problems we have some

countries on the export of wheat due to low protein content under the 11%. This fact

can happen only if the wheat is grown in damp areas and cold, or using varieties that

have been created in such climatic conditions.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Figure 2 - The influence the amount of precipitation and the amount of degrees the

temperature on the accumulation of the protein in wheat grains


1. The quality of wheat is strongly influenced by variety and climatic conditions

manifested during the period of experimentation.

2. Between, study quality indexes and climatic factors were determined

correlations, which highlights the influence of their decisive in achieving higher

production quality.

3. In the action of climatic factors in the sandy soil by judicious choice of variety

within species and the application of technology performance culture, wheat

yields obtained are competitive in the market compared to yields obtained in

other areas of the country.

4. Increased the amount of precipitation over 300 mm values in the period training,

and grain filling decreased the percentage of protein content and gluten in



1. Bucurescu N., 1968, Condiționarea semințelor destinate însămânțărilor, Editura

Agrosilvică, Bucuești.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




2. Ceapoiu N., 1968, Metode statistice aplicate în experienţele agricole şi biologice. Edit.

Agro-Silvică, Bucureşti.

3. Georgeta Olteanu, V. Tabără, 2008, Principalele insuşiri ale grâului Triticum durum

(soiul Pandur) sub influenţa unor măsuri fiotehnice, Buletinul AGIR nr. 1-2, pag. 9-13.

4. Idikut, L., Atalay, A.I., Kara, S.N., Kamalak, A., 2009 – Effect of hybrid on starch,

protein and yields of maize grain. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8

(10):1945-1947. ISSN: 1680-5593.

5. M. Hrušková, I. Švec, J. Karas, 2012, Relations between the grain hardnessand other

quality parameters of wheat, Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 43, 2012 (2): 70–77.

6. Pasha I., Anjum, F.M., Butt, M.S., 2009, Biochemical characterization of spring

wheats in relation to grain hardness, International Journal of Food Properties, 12, 910–


7. Toader Maria, Roman Gh.V., 2004, Analiză comparativă privind compoziţia chimică a

boabelor de cereale şi pseudocereale, Lucrări ştiinţifice, Seria A XLVII Agronomie,

UŞAMV, Bucureşti.

8. Voichiţa Haş, Ioan Haş, Ion Antohe, Ana Copândean, Elena Nagy, 2010, Variability

of the grain yield and quality potential of maize hybrids in different FAO maturity

groups,An I.N.C.D.A. Fundulea, Vol. LXXVIII, nr. l, 2010 Print ISSN 2067– 5631.

9. Yuksel Kaya, Mevlut Akcura, 2014, Effects of genotype and environment on grain

yield and quality traits in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.), Food Sci.

Technol(Campinas) vol.34 no.2 Campinas April/June 2014.

10. Lingan Kong, Jisheng Si, Bin Zhang, Bo Feng, Shengdong Li, Fahong Wang,

2013, Environmental modification of wheat grain protein accumulation and associated

processing qualiy: a case study of China, Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(2):173-

181, ISSN:1835-2707.

11. Cristina Melucă, Sorina Cernat, Tudorina Nistor, 2011, Behavior of winter wheat

varieties under water and heat stress conditions of Burnas plain , An I.N.C.D.A.

Fundulea, Vol. LXXIX, nr. 2, 2011.

12. Mustăţea, P., Săulescu, N.N., Ittu, G., Păunescu Gabriela, Stere Ioana, Tanislav

N., Zamfir M.C., Voinea I., 2003 – Diferenţe genotipice în rezistenţa grâului la secetă,

evidenţiate în condiţiile anului 2002. An. I.N.C.D.A. Fundulea, LXX: 8-15.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20










Keywords: triticale, quality, protein, gluten, variety


Lucrarea de faţă are ca scop comportarea unor soiuri de triticale, în perioada 2012-2014, sub

aspectul adaptabilităţii la condiţiile climatice, specifice zonelor cu soluri nisipoase din sudul Olteniei,

manifestate în perioada de testare a capacităţii de producţie şi a calităţii acesteia.

Calitatea boabelor la specia triticale este puternic influenţată de soi și condiţiile climatice manifestate

în perioada de experimentare. Cele mai bune rezultate au fost obținute la soiurile: Titan (13 %

umiditate, 16 % proteină, 39,3 % gluten, 73 ml indicele Zelleny și 68 secunde indicele de cădere),

Rotric (12,2 % umiditate, 15,7 % proteină, 38,8 % gluten, 69 ml indicele Zelleny și 68 secunde indicele

de cădere) și Oda (13,3 % umiditate, 14,9 % proteină, 36,7 % gluten, 66 ml indicele Zelleny și 134

secunde indicele de cădere).


The present paper aims to behavior of some triticale varieties in the period 2012-2014, in terms

of adaptability to climatic conditions, specific of areas with sandy soils from southern Oltenia,

manifested over the test period of the production capacity and quality. Triticale grains quality is

strongly influenced by variety and the climatic conditions manifested during the period of

experimentation. The best results were obtained with varieties: Titan (13 % moisture, 16 % protein,

39.3 % gluten, 73 ml Index Zelleny and 68 seconds Falling number), Rotric (12.2 % moisture, 15.7 %

protein, 38.8 % gluten, 69 ml Index Zelleny and 68 seconds Falling number) and Oda (13.3 %

moisture, 14.9 % protein, 36.7 % gluten, 66 ml Index Zelleny and 134 seconds Falling number).


In the current context of, the development of agriculture in the world, to protect

biodiversity and the return to a more environmentally friendly agriculture, and, with,

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




reduced environmental impact as well as due to changes in the patterns of diet food,

diversification of agricultural production and consumer demand towards traditional

product with the enhanced nutritional quality, the focus is on less known indigenous

agricultural crops as they are triticale varieties that can become an alternative to bread

wheat varieties (Anamaria Birou, 2011).

The importance of these varieties derives mainly from their chemical composition,

nutritional value default, the high protein content in some of essential amino acids and

mineral substances and lipids, and from the fact that in production process does not

require large inputs, are not pretentious towards culture conditions, fertilization, shall

submit tolerance to pests and diseases and can survive some, harsh climates. The

trends in nutrition, especially in recent decades have turned toward, whole grains and

not refined flours with a high nutrient content higher than refined flours and toward

increasing the share in alimentation the fibers with beneficial effect on the human

body, which led to increased consumption of such products and the emergence of a

number high assortments of whole grain bread (Anamaria Birou, 2011).

Many researches both from the country and abroad have shown

the importance of culture, of triticale for the purpose to obtain new whole grain

products, but and the factors influencing production and its quality (variety, technology

culture, climate, etc.) (Anamaria Birou, Sevastiţa Muste, Simona Man, Vlad Mureşan,

2010, Anamaria Birou (Pop) , Sevastita Muste, Simona Man, Vlad Muresan, Carmen

Chircu, Rodica Kadar , 2010, Anamaria Birou, 2011, I. Burešová, I. Sedláčková, O.

Faměra, J. Lipavský, 2010, Racz I., 2013, Vasilichia Sinescu, 2010, Solvita Kalnina,

Tatjana Rakcejeva, Daiga Kunkulberga, Anda Linina, 2013).

This paper aims to behavior of some triticale varieties in the period 2012-2014in terms

of adaptability to climatic conditions, specific areas with sandy soils of southern

Oltenia, manifested during the test period of the production capacity and of the quality



The biological material studied consisted in 12 varieties of triticale: Titan, Stil, Haiduc,

Cascador, Mezin, Negoiu, Oda, Paltin Pisc, Rotric, 00474-T1, 07019- T1.

Were performed the following observations and determinations:

* determined protein (%) - Perten method;

* determined moisture (%) - Perten method;

* determined wet gluten (%) - Perten method;

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




* determined sedimentation index Zelleny (ml) - Perten method;

* determined Falling number (secunde) - Perten method;

* Production (kg / ha).


The main chemical components of triticale grains are between wheat and rye

values. Compared to the average values is recorded rather large fluctuations caused

by the cultivated variety and climatic and soil conditions. The varieties and lines

triticale, cultivated, give it a reduced yield of flour (and give a higher amount of bran)

than wheat (bran content is about 28 % of wheat and 34-42 % at triticale). Triticale

flour has baking qualities of wheat flour lower, front at the which has less gluten


The climatic conditions were different in the three years of study: the year 2012

was a year very droughty with maximum temperatures which have exceeded 40 0C,

the year 2013 was characterized as a dry year, with 450 mm annual precipitation, an

important part was recorded during the period of ripening grains and the year 2014

was the richest year in precipitation since when are records in climatic conditions on

sandy soils in 1956 (Table 1). Climatic conditions manifested during the period of

experimentation were reflected in the level of output, obtained and its quality, the

stress factors (the drought and the heat) having different degrees of manifestation.

The results concerning the triticale grains quality, shows the influence of variety on

production quality in climatic conditions during of experimentation.

Under the conditions sandy soils of southern Oltenia, triticale varieties taken in the

study have behaved in a different way depending on the variety the studied and

climatic conditions of the experimental period. Humidity, grains is an important

indicator of quality assessment. At harvest, the humidity should not exceed 15 % and

the keeping is not carried out in optimal conditions than at a humidity under 14 %. The

varieties studied, humidity grains ranged between 12.2 % at varietes Rotric and Pisc

and 13.5 % for the variety Mezin (Table 2). The amount of protein in grains showed

different values depending on the variety taken in the study and the climatic conditions

of the area culture. In triticale grains was determined an average content of protein

comprises from 13.2 % to 07 019 -T1 line, and 16.0 % for the variety Titan. For making

bread flour is preferred with minimal 11 % protein content. To obtain the flour, triticale

grains must have at least 12 % protein content between 1-1.5 % of the protein is lost

in the transformation into flour. All triticale varieties taken in the study showed a higher

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




protein content of 13 %. Varieties were observed: Rotric (15.7 %), Titan (16.0 %), Pisc

and Stil (15.2 %), Oda (14.9 %). Some research indicate that triticale has potential for

use in the production of bread. However, since most of the available varieties are not

suitable for obtaining bread, just of triticale grains as a result of weak gluten content

and sticky, they can be successfully used only for producing a range of unleavened

products such as the cakes, cookies, biscuits, wafers, noodles, pasta and breakfast

cereals. Recently, efforts to increase food resources have led to new approaches to

extend the applicability triticale species for human consumption (Solvita Kalnina,

Tatjana Rakcejeva, Daiga Kunkulberga, Anda Linina, 2013). The values obtained for

these indicators in the sandy soils of southern Oltenia, by applying a correct crop

technologies, recommends triticale production obtained as very good. The average

content of the gluten of the grains was more than 30 % of all varieties.

Table 1

Abiotic stress factors during the vegetation period at culture of triticale


Stress factors

2012 2013 2014

Number of days with maximum


> 30 (0C ) during May-June

56 45 36

Number of days with atmospheric


< 30% during May-June

15 8 2

Σ temperatures (0C )

The normal (0C )

Differences ± the normal (0C )










Σ rainfall (mm)

The normal (mm)

Differences ± the normal (mm)










Characterization years Very dry Dry Rich in


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2

The influence of variety on the nutritional quality of grains triticale




















Titan 13.0 16.0 595 39.3 73 68 3722

Stil 12.7 15.2 585 37.4 67 66 3813

Haiduc 12.5 14,6 591 35.4 62 66 4024

Cascador 12.6 14,7 599 35.8 63 114 4046

Mezin 13.5 14,1 561 33.9 59 112 3949

Negoiu 12.6 14.5 575 35.0 61 109 3938

Oda 13.3 14.9 597 36.7 66 134 3998

Paltin 12.6 14.3 546 34.6 60 121 3816

Pisc 12.2 15.2 616 35.8 63 63 4040

Rotric 12.2 15.7 676 38.8 69 68 4330

00474-T1 12.4 14.5 614 35.1 61 78 4190

07019-T1 12.6 13.2 521 31.1 51 139 3927

The average

varieties 12.7 14.7 590 35.7 63 95 3983

Between the content gluten end index Zelleny was established a positive linear

correlation with a highly significant correlation (r = 0.99 **) (Figure 1).

Protein quality is given by sedimentation index. The association sedimentation

index Zelleny with the protein content is described by a straight line regression with a

slope ascendan twhich shows that sedimentation rate is directly proportional to the

protein content. Also, the correlation between the content of gluten and the amount of

protein in, triticale grains is described by a straight line of the regression which shows

that gluten content is directly proportion to the quantity of protein in grains (Figure 2).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Figure 1 - Correlation between the Figure 2 - Correlation between the protein Zelleny index and gluten in grains of content, Zelleny index and the gluten content

triticale in grains of triticale

Falling number that characterized by a number of seconds, quality starch from

grains, the grain is also an important indicator in determining the quality thereof. The

values of alpha-amylase activity optimum is between 200-260 seconds.

At the varieties of triticale studied, Falling number was between 63 seconds, at

the variety Pisc, and 139 seconds at the line 07 019-T1. At all varieties studied value

Falling number was low below the limit of 200 secunde.

The varieties of triticale generally exhibit low values of Falling number and in the

process improvement take account of use of, as genitors with higher values of the

index fall. Conditions climatic influences determinative the quality indicator values. On

average over the three years of experimentation the production of triticale, at the

varieties studied ranged from 3722 kg/ha at the variety Titan and 4330 kg/ha at the

variety Rotric (Table 2). The higher yields were determined at the varieties: Haiduc,

Cascador, Rotric, Pisc and the line 00474-T1 to which production has exceeded 4000

kg/ha. If we report the amount of protein obtained at production is increased by

increasing the production as a polynomial equation with a significant correlation factor

(r = 0.64 *) (Figure 3). By transforming the amount of protein in g/100 g dry matter in

kg/ha, we can see that it increases with increased production of grains, after a linear

correlation with a significant correlation coefficient (r = 0.70 *) (Figure 3).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Figure 3 - The correlation from production and the amount of protein in grains triticale

Climatic conditions manifested during the vegetation period from April to July

were reflected in production levels as well on nutritional quality grains, the stress

factors (drought and heat) having degrees of manifestation different in the three years

of study. The experimental results obtained in the period 2012-2014 are shown in

Table 3. The amount of protein and gluten content have the shown the highest values

in the climatic conditions of the year 2013, when there were 1889 0C sum of the

degrees of temperature and precipitation were in the amount of 251mm. The year

2012 was very droughty and warm and 2014 was the richest in precipitation. Falling

number presented the lowest values in the years 2013 and 2014 when were recorded

precipitation during the period grain ripening and harvest.

Table 3

Influence years of study on the quality of the grain of triticale

Year Precipitation


Sum of the degrees of












2012 201 1869 11.4 13.2 30.4 151

2013 251 1889 13.5 17.6 45.2 64

2014 395 1824 13.2 13.5 31.7 70

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. Quality, grains triticale the species is strongly influenced by variety and climatic

conditions manifested during experimentation.

2. In the context of the action of climatic factors in the sandy soils, by judicious

choice of variety within the species and application of advanced technologies

culture, triticale yields obtained are competitive on the market from the viewpoint

quality grains compared to yields obtained in other areas of the country.

3. The best results were obtained at varieties: Titan (13 % moisture, 16 % protein,

39.3 % gluten, 73 ml Index Zelleny și 68 seconds Falling number), Rotric( 12.2

% moisture, 15.7 % protein, 38.8 % gluten, 69 ml Index Zelleny and 68 seconds

Falling number) and Oda (13.3 % moisture, 14.9 % protein, 36.7 % gluten, 66 ml

Index Zelleny and 134 seconds Falling number).


1. Anamaria Birou, 2011, Calitatea cerealelor destinate panificației și identificarea

contaminării cu pesticide, Lucrare de doctorat, Cluj – Napoca.

2. Anamaria Birou, Sevastiţa Muste, Simona Man, Mureşan V., 2010, Preliminary

results on triticale recovery in bakery, Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and

Technologies 2010, 16 (2), 110-112

3. Birou (Pop) Anamaria, Sevastita Muste, Simona Man, Muresan V., Carmen

Chircu, Rodica Kadar, 2010,Optimixing the Wheat/Triticale Ratio to Improve the

Quatity Parameters of Bakery Products, Bulletin UASVM, Agriculture,67(2), pag. 186-


4. Burešová .I., Sedláčková I., Faměra O., Lipavský J., 2010, Effect of growing

conditions on starch and protein contentin triticale grain and amylose content in starch,

Sol planta environ, 56 (3), 99-104

5. Racz I., 2013, Cercetări privind formarea producţiei şi evaluarea însuşirilor de calitate

la unele cereale panificabile în Câmpia Transilvaniei, Lucrare de doctorat, Cluj-

Napoca, 2013

6. Solvita Kalnina, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Daiga Kunkulberga, Anda Linina, 2013,

Investigation in physically-chemical parameters of in latvia harvested conventional and

organic triticale grains, International Journal of Agricultural, Biosystems Science and

Engineering Vol:7 No:9,

7. Vasilichia Sinescu, 2010, Fertilizarea foliară a culturii de triticale, Buletinul Agir nr. 2-

3/2010, aprilie-septembrie.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20










Keywords: Sandy soils, quality, C vitamin, carbohydrate, watermelons


Pentru desfăşurarea normală a proceselor vitale, fiecărei specii de plante, îi sunt necesare

potrivit însuşirilor ereditare, anumite condiţii legate de climă, sol şi tehnologia de cultură. Aceşti factori

acţionează în complex şi au un rol pozitiv sau negativ asupra creşterii şi dezvoltării plantelor, cât şi

asupra recoltelor, atât din punct de vedere cantitativ, cât şi calitativ.

Fertirigarea culturii de pepeni verzi în condiţiile solurilor nisipoase din sudul Olteniei a condus la

obținerea de producții eficiente economic, dar şi cu însuşiri calitative superioare. Din rezultatele

obținute reiese că, cele mai mari valori ale indicilor de calitate s-au obținut în variantele în care

îngrășămintele au fost administrate fracționat prin irigare.Fertirigarea plantelor de pepeni verzi a

condus la îmbunătăţirea calităţii nutriţionale a fructelor, prin acumularea unui conţinut mai mare de

substanţă uscată, glucide şi vitamina C. Îngrășămintele aplicate au influențat calitatea nutrițională a

fructelor de pepeni verzi în funcție de tipul îngrășământului și doza aplicată. Cele mai bune rezultate

au fost obținute în variantele în care îngrăşămintele au fost aplicate odată cu apa de irigat (10,70%

substanţă uscată totală, 8,99% glucide, 8,80mg/100g substanţă proaspătă vitamina C, în varianta

fertilizată cu N100 P2O5 100 K2O 100 + fertirigare doza II). În varianta nefertilizată fructele au

prezentat un conținut mai mare de substanță uscată totală și glucide, dar producția obținută a fost mult

mai mică.


For the normal development of life processes, each plant species are necessary according to

hereditary traits, certain conditions of climate, soil and crop technology. These factors act in complex

and have a positive or negative role on growth and development of plants and crops, both in terms of

quantitative and qualitative. Fertigation culture watermelons in sandy soils in southern Oltenia

conditions led to obtaining cost-effective production, but with enhanced quality traits. From the results

it appears that the highest values of quality indices were obtained. In variants fertilizers through

irrigation systems has been divided doses. Fertigation plant watermelons has improved the nutritional

quality of the fruit, by accumulating a higher content of dry matter, carbohydrates and C vitamin.

Fertilizers applied influenced the nutritional quality of fruits watermelons depending on the type and

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




dose of fertilizer applied. The best results have been obtained in variant where fertilizers were applied

with the irrigation water (10.70% total dray matter, 8.99% carbohydrates, 8.80mg / 100g fresh

substances C vitamin, in the variant fertilized with N100 P2O5100 K2O100 + fertigation dose II). In

unfertilized variant fruits presented a higher content of total dray matter and carbohydrates, but yields

were much lower.


How sandy soils occupy large areas in our country, part of them can be used

effectively by culturing watermelons, using technology perfected by fertilization,

irrigation, varieties with different periods of ripening, from earliest to most late a view to

ensuring, of a continuous fresh fruit watermelons, o longer period of time.

Choosing the best varieties, applying the most appropriate technologies of culture will

lead to obtaining of high yields of high-quality watermelons, which is expressed

through a equilibrated biochemical composition of fruits.

Numerous research highlights the importance of applying fertilizers through fertigation,

in order to obtain economically efficient productions and with indices higher quality.

Thus, C. N. V. Fernandes et al, 2014 showed that the semi-arid regions, soils with, a

coarse texture (sandy soils), with a capacity, restraint, low water and nutrients, the

culture of watermelons should be irrigated and fertilized every day to get the best

performance of the crop.

Anderson Soares de Andrade Junior et al, 2009 have highlighted the importance of

applying nitrogen by fertigation at watermelons. Fertilization through irrigation of the

culture of watermelons not adversely affected fruit quality, particularly carbohydrate

content and pH them. Kappel N., et al, 2013, studied the effects fertigation with

increasing doses of potassium in combination with all other important nutrients at

culture of watermelons. This fertigation system has positively influenced the production

of grafted watermelons without loss of quality. Increasing the dose of potassium, led to

a higher content of carbohydrates in fruits. In China, Hua He and Junliang Li in 2001,

have recommended the applying fertilizers through fertigation at watermelons, due to

getting higher quality of fruits, with a higher content of carbohydrates and C vitamin .

In our country, researches conducted by Toma V., et al, 2007, Mihaela Croitoru et al,

2007, Elena Ciuciuc et al., 2007, have shown the importance of culture method at

watermelons for the purpose of obtaining productions efficiency and with good quality.

Fertigation culture of watermelons in sandy soils in southern Oltenia conditions has led

at obtaining economically efficient productions, but and with enhanced quality traits.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





In order to determine at influence of fertilizer application through fertigation, the

culture of watermelons with plants grafted in culture mulch on fruit quality was

established an experience with the variety Talisman, with the following variants of


a1 – Unfertilized control;

a2 – Biohumussoil 1.4 t/ha

a3 – N100 P2O5 100 K2O 100 of complex 15-15-15 applied to prepare the ground for

planting + N 50 of ammonium nitrate applied to intensive haulm growth.

Total dose of fertilizer a3 - N150 P2O5 100 K2O 100

a4 – N50 P2O5 50 K2O 50 of complex 15-15-15 applied to prepare the ground for

planting +fertigation with dose I, respectively;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N13 P2O5 40 K2O 13 immediately after planting;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N28 P2O5 14 K2O 14 at 10 days after planting;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N28 P2O5 14 K2O14 at 20 days after planting;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N20 P2O5 20 K2O 20 the start of vine growth;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N20 P2O5 20 K2O 20 in intensive plant growth;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit ripening;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit maturation;

-25 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit maturation, at 10 days

after the first.

Total doze of fertilizer a4 - N 88.5 P2O 88.25 K2O 92.75 in which:

- agrofond N 50 P2O5 50 K2O 50

- fertigation N 38.5 P2O5 38.25 K2O 42.75 (doze I)

a5 – N100 P2O5 100 K2O 100 of complex 15-15-15, applied to prepare the ground for

planting + fertigation with doze 2, repectively:

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N13 P2O5 40 K2O 13 immediately after planting;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N28 P2O5 14 K2O 14 at 10 days after planting;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N28 P2O5 14 K2O14 at 20 days after planting;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N20 P2O5 20 K2O 20 the start of vine growth;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N20 P2O5 20 K2O 20 in intensive plant growth;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit ripening;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit maturation;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit maturation, at 10 days

after the first.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Total doze of fertilizer a5 - N177 P2O5 176.5 K2O 185.5 in which:

-agrofond N100 P2O5 100 K2O 100

- fertigation N77 P2O5 76.5 K2O 85.5 (doze II)

a6 – Fertigation with doze II, repectively:

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N13 P2O5 40 K2O 13 immediately after planting;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N28 P2O5 14 K2O 14 at 10 days after planting;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N28 P2O5 14 K2O14 at 20 days after planting;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N20 P2O5 20 K2O 20 the start of vine growth;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N20 P2O5 20 K2O 20 in intensive plant growth;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit ripening;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit maturation;

-50 Kg/ha soluble fertilizer type N 15 P2O5 15 K2O 30 in fruit maturation, at 10 days

after the first.

Total doze of fertilizer a6 - fertigation N77 P2O5 76.5 K2O 85.5.

To appreciate the influence of fertigation on fruits quality of grafted watermelons were

performed the following observations and determinations:

* total dry matter and water (%) - gravimetric method;

* soluble dry matter (%) - refractometry method;

* carbohydrate (%) - Fehling Soxhlet method;

* titratable acidity (malic acid g/100g f.s.); - titrimetric method;

* C vitamin (mg/100 g f.s.)- iodometric method;

* nitrates (NO3 -) (mg / kg fruit) - potentiometric method;

* production of watermelons (t / ha);

* recording climatic elements of CCDCPN Dăbuleni weather station.


The results obtained on the influence of fertigation on quality of the fruit

watermelons emphasize both the role of fertilizers and climatic conditions of the three

years of experimentation. The system fertilizer influence the biochemical composition

of the fruits depending on the type of fertilizer applied, on the dose applied and the

requirements of the plants (Table 1).

In all fertilized variants were obtained values of quality indices higher compared to

variant witness, and the best results were obtained in variants fertilized with

Biohumussol 1.4 t / ha and fertigation N100P2O5100K2O100 + dose II (10.53 -10.70%

total dry matter and 8.66 - 8.99% carbohydrate). In unfertilized variant content of total

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




dry matter and carbohydrate was lower compared with those determined in

embodiments where fertilizers were applied by fertigation, but was higher than the

chemically fertilized variant.

In the absence of fertilizers, the process of accumulation, of, assimilates, is more

intense, fruit, gradually reach maturity faster but with, declining production. Through

increasing the amount of fertilizertakes place a proportional increase in the number of

leaves and of the foliar area. Increasing the of the foliar area involves changes in plant

metabolism. A first effect is the intensification of photosynthesis due to increased the

amount of chlorophyll, which can grow more than 100%. Takes place a concomitant

increase in the enzymatic activity, the accumulation of organic acids and

carbohydrates, which in their turn ensures optimal substrates for the synthesis of

biochemical the upper other components of the fruits (proteins, vitamins,

carbohydrates, etc.).

You must also shown that most of crop plants presents due to its potential genetic,

some stability, of the content in certain biochemical components which give nutritional

quality of crops, but under the action of of fertilizers these can be change between the

certain limits. Fruit acidity was low, and differences between the variants very small.

As for C vitamin content it was between 6.15 mg/100g fresh substance in variant not

fertilized and 9.97 mg /100g variant fertilized with Biohumussol. In the variants in

which the applied fertilizer through the fertigation content of C vitamin fruit was higher

than 8mg. The results obtained regarding the nitrate content from watermelons

highlighted different values depending on fertilization system. The content of nitrates in

fruits watermelons was comprised between 82 mg / kg fruit in unfertilized variant and

126 mg / kg fruit in variant fertilized by fertigation dose II. The content of nitrates in

water melon fruits was higher in variants in which fertilizers were applied by fertigation.

If we analyze the results achieved in the three years of study, we can see the

influence of climatic conditions of each year (Figure 1). Those three years were

different in terms of climate: 2012 was a very droughty year with maximum

temperatures that have exceeded 40 0C, year 2013 was characterized as a dry year,

450 mm rainfalls, an important part being registered during intensive rearing fruit and

2014 was the richest year rainfall since when are made recordsof climate of the data

on sandy soils in 1956 (Table 2).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table1 The influence of the system of fertilization on the

quality of fruit of watermelons (2012-2014)

Variety Water (%)

Total dray matter (%)

Soluble dray matter (%)

Titratable acidity (g malic acid at 100g f.s.*)

Carbohydrate ( %)

C vitamin (mg/100g f.s.*)


mg/kg fruit

Unfertilized control 90.46 9.54 9.00 0.17 7.87 6.15 82

Biohumussol 1,4 t/ha 89.47 10.53 9.93 0.16 8.66 9.97 93


90.78 9.22 8.93 0.17 7.82 8.50 106

N50P2O550K2O50+fertigation doze I

89.59 10.41 9.77 0.15 8.16 8.21 117

N100P2O5100K2O100+fertigation doze II

89.30 10.70 9.87 0.17 8.99 8.80 120

Fertigation doze II 89.97 10.03 9.13 0.16 7.73 8.96 126

f.s.*- frech substance

Table 2

The factors of abiotic stress manifested during the vegetation period to the culture of watermelons (2012-2014)

Stress factors 2012 2013 2014

Number of days with maximum temperature

> 30 (0C ) during May-June 56 45 36

Number of days with atmospheric humidity

< 30% during May-June 15 8 2

Σ temperatures (0C )

The normal (0C )

Differences ± the normal (0C )










Σ rainfall (mm)

The normal (mm)

Differences ± the normal (mm)










Characterization years Very dry Dry Rich in


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




In all experimental variants, the total dry substance of fruits watermelons has

presented higher values in the conditions of the year 2013 less in variant fertilized with

Biohumussol product, variants that gave the best quality results under the climatic

conditions of 2012 (Figure 21). Also, in the carbohydrate content of the fruits

watermelons has submitted the highest values in the the conditions of 2013 in the

variant fertilized with N100P2O5100K2O100 + fertigation dose II (Figure 2).

Figure 1 - Total dry matter content of fruits watermelons depending for fertilization system in the period 2012-2014

Figure 2 – Carbohydrate content of fruits watermelons depending for fertilization system in the period 2012-2014

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




The results obtained on the production of watermelons, highlights the role of fertilizer

in achieving the productions economic efficiency. The best production results were

obtained in variant fertilized with N100P2O5100K2O100 + fertigation dose II (71.16t

/ha) (Table 3).

It can be observed that in the variants in which, in addition to chemical fertilizers were

applied fertilizers by fertigation were obtained, higher production, or comparable

variant fertilized only chemically but the quantity of fertilizer smaller (69.25t / ha in the

variant fertilized with N100P2O5100K2O100 + N50 and 71.16t / ha in the variant

fertilized with N100P2O5100K2O100 + fertigation N77 P2O5 76.5 K2O 85.5 dose II). By

applying fertilizers through fertigation achievement of production is positively

correlated with superior quality fruit.

Table 3

The production of watermelons, depending of fertigation (2012-2014)

Variant Production (t/ha)

Production relative (%)

Difference (t/ha)

Signifi cantly

Unfertilized control 49.65 100 Witness Witness

Biohumussol 1.4 t/ha 54.35 109.47 +9.49 -

N100P2O5100K2O100+N50 69.25 139.48 +39.48 **

N50P2O550K2O50+fertigation doze I 68.20 137.36 +37.36 **

N100P2O5100K2O100+fertigation doze II 71.16 143.32 +43.32 **

Fertigation doze II 65.5 131.92 +31.92 **

DL 5% 16.6 t/ha

DL 1% 25.1 t/ha

DL 0.1% 50.4 t/ha


1. 1.The fertigation culture watermelons in the conditions of sandy soils in southern

Oltenia led to obtaining economically efficient productions, but with enhanced

quality traits.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




2. The best results have been obtained in the variants in which fertilizers were

applied in the irrigation water (10.70% total dry matter, 8.99% carbohydrate,

8.80mg / 100g fresh substance C vitamin , in the variant fertilized with N100

P2O5 K2O 100 100 + fertigation dose II).

3. 3.The best production results were obtained in variant fertilized with

N100P2O5100K2O100 + fertigation dose II (71.16t/ha), production statistically



1. Anderson Soares de Andrada Junior, Claudio Ricardo da Silva, Nildo da Silva

Diaz, Braz Henrique Nunes Rodriques, Valdenir Quiroz Ribeiro, 2009. Response of

watermelon to nitrogen fertigation, Irriga, Botucatu, V.14, nr.2, p.115-122

2. Ciuciuc Elena, Toma V., Croitoru Mihaela, 2007. Cercetări privind influenţa altoirii

asupra pepenilor verzi cultivaţi în diferite condiţii de protejare. Lucrări Ştiinţifice ale

CCDCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XVI. pag. 114-124, Ed. Sitech, Craiova.

3. Croitoru Mihaela, Ciuciuc Elena, Toma V., 2007. Cercetări privind influenţa altoirii

asupra calităţii pepenilor verzi cultivaţi în adăposturi joase tip tunel şi prin mulcire.

Lucrări ştiinţifice ale CCDCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XVI. pag. 152-162, Ed. Sitech, Craiova.

4. Fernandes C. N. V., B. Mareira de Azevedo, J. R. Nascimento Neto, T. Vinicius de

Aranjo Viana, G. Gomes de Sousa, 2014. Irrigation and fertigation frequencies with

nitrogen in watermelon culture, Bragantia, Vol. 73, nr.2, Campinas April/ June 2014.

5. Hua He, Junliang Li, 2011. Effect of irrigation and fertilization methods on yield and

fruit quality of film mulched watermelon in greenhaus, Mechanic Automation and

Control Engineering (MACE), pag. 3097-3090, ISBN:978-1-4244-9436-1.

6. Kappel N., Balazes G., Fekete D., Bohm V., 2013. Use of defferent potassium and

magnesium treatment in watermelon production by fertigation, Research Fidings, e-ife,


7. Toma V., Croitoru Mihaela, Marieta Ploae, 2007. Cercetări privind fertilizarea şi

desimea de plantare a culturilor de pepeni verzi altoite, pe solurile nisipoase. Lucrări

ştiinţifice ale CCDCPN Dăbuleni, Vol. XVI. Pag. 140-152, Ed. Sitech, Craiova.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20










Keywords: photosynthesis, leaf transpiration, variety, irrigation regime


Schimbările climatice din ultimii ani produc modificări asupra metabolismului plantelor cultivate

pe solurile nisipoase. Fenomenele de creştere a temperaturii aerului peste 300 C până la 400 C în

perioada de cercetare (2012-2013) au influenţat creşterea şi dezvoltarea plantelor, procesele de

sinteză, producţia şi calitatea acesteia. Cercetările efectuate în domeniul fiziologiei vegetale au ca

scop monitorizarea reacţiilor fiziologice sub acţiunea factorilor climatici şi agrotehnici la unele soiuri de

cartof cultivate pe solurile nisipoase. În urma rezultatelor obţinute se pot selecta specii şi soiuri

tolerante şi rezistente la secetă pentru extinderea lor în cultura pe nisipuri. Procesele fiziologice

studiate (rata fotosintezei, rata transpiraţiei foliare) au prezentat o variaţie diurnă sub influenţa

factorilor climatici, a soiurilor studiate şi a regimului de irigare. Soiurile de cartof s-au comportat diferit

în funcţie de potenţialul lor genetic de adaptare la condiţiile climatice din zona solurilor nisipoase.

În condiţiile anului 2012 (an foarte secetos), soiurile Tresor, Carera şi Riviera au înregistrat valori ale

ratei fotosintezei cuprinse între 17,87-22,20 µmol CO2/m2/s şi producţia între 35-37 tone/ha. În condiţii

de irigare 80% din I.U.A., soiul Carera a înregistrat valori între 19,58-22,10 µmol CO2/m2/s la rata

fotosintezei şi o producţie de 43 tone/ha.


Climatic changes in recent years produced modification on the metabolism of plants grown on

sandy soils. The phenomena of increasing air temperature over 30o C to 40o C during the research

period (2012-2013), influenced plant growth and development, synthesis processes, production and

quality. Research conducted in the field of plant physiology aimed at monitoring physiological

reactions under the influence of climatic and agrotechnical factors at some potato varieties grown on

sandy soils. Following the obtained results can be selected species and varieties tolerant to drought

and resistant to their culture sands expansion. Physiological processes studied (photosynthesis rate,

leaf transpiration rate) had a diurnal variation under the influence of climatic factors, varieties studied

and irrigation regime. Potato varieties behaved differently according to their genetic potential for

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




adaptation to climatic conditions in the sandy soils. In terms of 2012 (very dry year), varieties Tresor,

Riviera and Carera registered values of photosynthesis rate ranging from 17.87 to 22.20 µmol

CO2/m2/s and production between 35-37 tons/ha. Under irrigation 80% of Active Humidity Index

(A.H.I.), the variety Carera recorded values of photosynthesis rate between 19.58 to 22.10 µmol

CO2/m2/s and production of 43 tonnes/ha.


Researchs carried out by Carpentieri in 1990, reveal that photosynthetic activity

remains stable up to temperatures of 30o C, then drops and inhibits at 40o C.

Research conducted by Hames at potato in 1990, reveal that raising the temperature

from 15o C to 40o C decreased the net intensity of photosynthesis with 37% of that

determined at 20o C. In heat stress conditions, photosynthesis is inhibited by

decreasing the activity of the enzyme ribulose-diphosphate-carboxylase, after Sage

and Cubien in 2007. Drought causes: soil solution concentration, reduce foliar

absorption by accumulating abscisic acid, which closes the stomata (Salisbury and

Ross, 1991). Determinations will be made diurnal and seasonal variation under the

direct influence of climatic and agrotechnical factors. Following research it is

established photosynthesis and transpiration maximum recording. By correlation with

agrotechnical observations will follow if assimilates are driven by increases of stems or

tubers. After leaf transpiration intensity can determine when potato crop needs

irrigation to avoid water stress. The concentration of cellular juice shows adaptability of

plants to drought and absorption of water and nutrients (Acatrinei and a.). Drought-

resistant plants increase their concentration of cellular juice avoiding excessive water

loss through transpiration on sandy soils (Petcu and colab.).


Research period 2012-2013 was characterized by the action of stress factors

represented by the number of days with air temperature above 30° C (45-56 days),

low air humidity below 30% (8-15 days), a surplus of +474o C temperature and a

deficit of -159 mm rainfall against the normal annual averages (Table 1). In the period

2012-2013 were carried out research on the climatic and agrotechnical factors (variety,

humidity regim) on physiological processes in some potato varieties introduced into

the culture on sandy soils. During the growing season was followed diurnal variation in

the rate of photosynthesis, leaf transpiration rate, photosynthetic active radiation,

under the influence of air temperature and soil humidity.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




The experience included two factors:

Factor A - varieties studied: Tresor, Riviera, Carera, Magic, Astral, Tentant,

Artemis, Sante, Robusta, Redsec, Gared, Coval, Nemere, Evolution.

Factor B - irrigation theshold: - b1 – irrigation 50% of Active Humidity Index

- b2 – irrigation 80% of Active Humidity Index

Determinations were:

- The photosynthesis and transpiration rate with LCpro + Portable

Photosynthesis System;

- Photosynthetic active radiation;

- Air temperature at the time of determination;

- Soil humidity;

- Relative air humidity %.


Water and temperature stress in recent years acts as dehydrating forces of

plants, disturbing their metabolism. Research requires the selection of species with

short vegetation period in order to avoid atmospheric and soil drought in July and


Table 1 Abiotic stress factors manifest during the growing culture of potato

Stress factors 2012 2013

Number of days with maximum temperatures > 30 ° C during April-July 56 45

Number of days with atmospheric humidity < 30% during April-July 15 8

∑ of temperature (oC)

Normal temperature (oC)

The difference between ∑ of temperature and normal temperature (oC)







Σ of rainfall (mm)

Normal rainfall (mm)

The difference between ∑ of rainfall and normal rainfall (mm)







Characterization of the year

Very dry




Potato meets these requirements and herein was followed directing

agrotechnical factors (variety and irrigation) in order to obtain high yields and

economically efficient. The researches were conducted on 14 potato varieties grown

under irrigation at two different levels:

- irrigation threshold of 50% of Active Humidity Index;

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




- irrigation threshold of 80% of Active Humidity Index.

At plants irrigated 50% of the Active Humidity Index (Table 2), photosynthesis

rate recorded, at 9 o’clock, values between 12.06 µmol CO2/m2/s at Magic variety and

17.87 µmol CO2/m2/s at Carera variety, at 12 o’clock, between 16.99 µmol CO2/m

2/s at

Evolution variety and 23.1 µmol CO2/m2/s at Redsec variety, and at 15 o’clock values

ranged between 11.66 µmol CO2/m2/s (Riviera) and 22.20 µmol CO2/m

2/s (Redsec).

Carera and Redsec varieties recorded maximum values at the rate of photosynthesis

in the phase of intensive growth of the tubers.

Table 2

Diurnal variation of physiological processes at potato cultivated under irrigation 50% of Active Humidity Index in 2012


Photosynthesis rate (µmol CO2/m2/s)

Daily average




9 o’clock 12 o’clock 15 o’clock

TRESOR 16.06 21.03 16.64 17.91 35.1

RIVIERA 16.26 18.27 11.66 15.39 30.3

CARERA 17.87 19.87 21.26 19.66 37.2

MAGIC 12.06 20.40 17.53 16.66 26.2

ASTRAL 15.50 18.09 13.55 15.71 23.7

TENTANT 15.34 16.51 16.95 16.26 25.6

ARTEMIS 13.03 16.85 16.09 15.32 25.5

SANTE 16.71 17.24 18.89 17.61 23.1

ROBUSTA 14.44 20.17 19.18 17.93 20.4

REDSEC 16.17 23.17 22.20 20.51 21.3

GARED 16.75 19.91 18.70 18.45 28.0

COVAL 16.90 12.65 17.10 15.55 25.3

NEMERE 15.75 21.41 18.77 18.64 21.6

EVOLUTION 14.02 16.99 16.81 15.94 25.6

Assimilates from photosynthesis are directed to the tuber varieties Tresor,

Riviera and Carera, who recorded yields between 30-35 t/ha, compared with Tentant,

Artemis and Coval varieties, who have recorded yields under 25 t/ha and assimilates

were used in vegetative growth (Fig. 1).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Fig. 1. The daily average of photosynthesis and production of the varieties studied, irrigated 50% of Active Humidity Index

At plants irrigated 80% of the Active Humidity Index (Table 3), the rate of

photosynthesis recorded following values: At 9 o’clock, between 14.88 µmol CO2/m2/s

(Astral) and 21.05 µmol CO2/m2/s (Carera). At 12 o’clock, between 14.48 µmol

CO2/m2/s (Coval) and 22.10 µmol CO2/m2/s (Carera). At 15 o’clock, between 10.67

µmol CO2/m2/s (Tentant) and 19.58 µmol CO2/m

2/s (Carera). It is noted that the variety

Carera recorded the maximum rate of photosynthesis measurements at all times but

also recorded the highest production of 43.6 t/ha.

Table 3

Diurnal variation of physiological processes at potato cultivated under irrigation 80% of Active Humidity Index in 2012


Photosynthesis rate (µmol CO2/m2/s)

Daily average (µmolCO2/m

2/s) Production


9 o’clock 12 o’clock 15 o’clock

TRESOR 17.79 18.22 19.32 18.44 40.8

RIVIERA 17.01 18.76 18.25 18.00 39.3

CARERA 21.05 22.10 19.58 20.91 43.6

MAGIC 20.28 19.43 15.52 18.41 27.9

ASTRAL 14.88 18.76 16.77 16.80 33.1

TENTANT 16.25 17.96 10.67 14.96 33.0

ARTEMIS 18.59 19.89 16.36 18.28 31.2

SANTE 19.64 20.74 12.69 17.69 27.1

ROBUSTA 15.65 20.02 12.59 16.08 20.8

REDSEC 18.26 16.61 11.26 15.37 24.8

GARED 19.63 15.39 12.10 15.70 28.8

COVAL 16.94 14.48 14.47 15.29 30.9

NEMERE 16.60 19.77 13.26 16.54 22.7

EVOLUTION 16.17 17.42 12.68 15.42 23.9

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Irrigation of plants to 80% of Active Humidity Index, maintain good water supply

plant, which increase photosynthetic rate and production per hectare. It remains

Tresor, Riviera and Carera varieties with a maximum yield of, between 40-43 t/ha (Fig.


Fig. 2 The daily average of photosynthesis and production of the varieties studied, irrigated 80% of Active Humidity Index (A.H.I.)

Fig. 3 Correlation between tuber production and photosynthesis rate

Between production and soil irrigation threshold established a positive correlation,

distinctly significant, showing that increased photosynthesis rate increases studied

varieties and production (Figure 3). It is noted that some varieties like Redsec, Gared,

Nemere, use water efficiently from the 50% of A.H.I, beeing more tolerant to drought

(Fig. 4).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Fig. 4. Daily average of photosynthesis (µmol CO2/m2/s) at two thresholds of humidity (2012)

It is notet how, the thresholds of humidity influences the production of tubers,

which in some varieties record values between 40-45 t/ha (Tresor, Riviera, Carera)

(Fig 5).

Fig. 5. Production (t/ha) obtained at two thresholds of humidity (2012)

Leaf transpiration rate showed a diurnal variation, beeing influenced by variety

and climatic factors since determinations.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




At 9 o’clock the values were between 1.30 mmol H2O/m2/s (Redsec) and 3.87

mmol H2O/m2/s (Carera) at 12 o’clock between 1.91 mmol H2O/m2/s (Tresor) and 2.79

mmol H2O/m2/s (Magic), and at 15 o’clock between 3.53 mmol H2O/m2/s (Astral) and

7.00 mmol H2O/m2/s (Redsec). With the increase of air temperature and relative

humidity decrease to 30% was doubled and the amount of water evaporated by

transpiration (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Diurnal variation of leaf transpiration (mmol H2O/m2/s) at varieties studied, irrigated 50% of Active Humidity Index (A.H.I.)

Leaf transpiration rate (Table 4) recorded values between 2.60 to 4.50 mmol

H2O/m2/s at 9 o’clock, between 2.04 to 2.73 mmol H2O/m2/s at 12 o’clock and

between 1.17 to 6.04 mmol H2O/m2/s at 15 o’clock. Daytime maximum was recorded

at 15 o’clock, at variety Magic, evaporated water not beeing used efficiently because

production recorded was reduced to 27.9 t/ha. Carera variety had a leaf transpiration

of 3.81 mmol H2O/m2/s, efficiently using the water evaporated, expressed through

maximum production of 43.6 t/ha. Varieties showing lower values of leaf transpiration

are more resistant to drought and reduce irrigation water consumption.

In 2013, plants irrigated 50% of the Active Humidity Index (Table 5) have the following

values: at 9 o’clock were between 11.71 µmol CO2/m2/s (Nemere) and 21.60 µmol

CO2/m2/s (Redsec); at 12 o’clock were between 12.33 µmol CO2/m

2/s (Astral) and

21.28 µmol CO2/m2/s (Nemere); at 15 o’clock were between 10.26 µmol CO2/m


(Tresor) and 20.08 µmol CO2/m2/s (Coval).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 4 Diurnal variation of leaf transpiration at potato cultivated under

irrigation 80% of A.H.I. in 2012


Leaf transpiration rate (mmol H2O/m2/s) Daily average of

leaf transpiration

9 o’clock 12 o’clock 15 o’clock

TRESOR 3.63 2.57 3.26 3.15

RIVIERA 3.03 2.73 5.46 3.74

CARERA 2.60 2.67 3.81 3.02

MAGIC 4.50 2.64 6.04 4.39

ASTRAL 2.94 2.27 3.83 3.01

TENTANT 2.75 2.32 4.11 3.06

ARTEMIS 3.26 2.21 2.93 2.80

SANTE 3.25 2.19 4.48 3.30

ROBUSTA 2.84 2.28 1.17 2.09

REDSEC 3.44 2.17 3.14 2.91

GARED 3.71 2.04 4.25 3.33

COVAL 2.90 2.07 1.73 2.23

NEMERE 3.97 2.13 4.51 3.53

EVOLUTION 2.90 2.07 5.60 3.52

Table 5

Diurnal variation of photosynthesis and production at potatoes grown under irrigation 50% of A.H.I., 2013


Photosynthesis rate (µmol CO2/m2/s) Daily average of



(t/ha) 9 o’clock 12 o’oclock 15 o’clock

TRESOR 12.50 16.57 10.26 13.11 50.0

RIVIERA 13.15 19.35 10.40 14.30 41.6

CARERA 19.23 17.21 16.70 17.71 40.6

MAGIC 16.97 15.83 13.71 15.50 33.2

ASTRAL 11.86 12.33 18.04 14.07 26.6

TENTANT 18.81 15.19 14.10 16.03 25.2

ARTEMIS 17.73 14.91 14.69 15.77 25.6

SANTE 12.16 18.15 16.74 15.68 30.8

ROBUSTA 18.46 16.81 15.66 16.97 25.0

REDSEC 21.60 20.57 13.76 18.64 35.6

GARED 16.81 18.43 19.31 18.18 27.4

COVAL 17.12 12.84 20.08 16.68 37.2

NEMERE 11.71 21.28 17.86 16.95 27.0

EVOLUTION 15.54 17.47 19.38 17.46 35.6

At plants irrigated 50% of the Active Humidity Index assimilates from photosynthesis

are found in the production of tuber varieties Tresor, Riviera and Carera, which

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




registered between 45-50 t/ha and varieties Redsec, Coval and Evolution registered

between 35-37 t/ha (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 The daily average of photosynthesis (µmol CO2/m2/s) and production (t/ha)

of the varieties studied, irrigated 50% of A.H.I.

Plants irrigated 80% of A.H.I. (Table 6) recorded the following values:

- at 9 o’clock, between 9.43 µmol CO2/m2/s (Tentant variety) and 19.78 µmol

CO2/m2/s (Gared variety);

- at 12 o’clock, between 10.22 µmol CO2/m2/s (Carera variety) and 25.46 µmol

CO2/m2/s (Nemere variety);

- at 15 o’clock, between 11.50 µmol CO2/m2/s (Carera variety) and 23.57 µmol

CO2/m2/s (Gared variety).

At plants irrigated 80% of A.H.I. assimilates are directed mainly to the tubers, the main

consumers, and are found in high yields ranging from 40-60 t/ha in most varieties

studied (Fig.8.).

Between the rate of photosynthesis and production of tubers established a positive

correlation, distinctly significant, showing that the higher rate of photosynthesis

increased tuber production in all varieties studied (Figure 9). Irrigation of plants to 80%

of A.H.I., maintain a balance in plant water balance, increases the rate of

photosynthesis and doubles tuber production in some varieties.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 6 Diurnal variation of photosynthesis and production at potatoes grown

under irrigation 80% of A.H.I., 2013


Photosynthesis rate (µmol CO2/m2/s) Daily average of



(t/ha) 9 o’clock 12 o’clock 15 o’clock

TRESOR 11.98 17.87 10.66 13.50 52.2

RIVIERA 16.51 13.54 19.68 16.57 54.6

CARERA 12.52 10.22 11.50 11.41 61.8

MAGIC 10.95 16.25 18.66 15.28 48.6

ASTRAL 10.37 16.52 17.85 14.91 51.2

TENTANT 9.43 14.39 16.09 13.30 52.2

ARTEMIS 17.06 21.66 17.05 18.59 30.8

SANTE 11.63 21.77 18.09 17.16 49.2

ROBUSTA 12.43 18.99 17.03 16.15 45.3

REDSEC 13.51 23.97 13.76 17.08 56.4

GARED 19.78 10.64 23.57 17.99 43.2

COVAL 14.51 16.26 14.36 15.04 48.6

NEMERE 16.41 25.46 15.56 19.14 43.8

EVOLUTION 18.24 20.37 15.52 18.04 64.2

Fig.8 The daily average of photosynthesis (µmol CO2/m2/s) and production

of the varieties studied, irrigated 80% of A.H.I.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Fig. 9 Correlation between tuber production and photosynthesis rate

In the climatic conditions of 2013 is observed difference in production of tubers from the two thresholds of humidity. At most varieties, production registered high values under irrigation 80% of the A.H.I. (Figure 10).

Fig. 10 Production (t/ha) obtained at two thresholds of humidity (2013)

Leaf transpiration rate is influenced by climatic factors (air temperature, soil

humidity and air humidity). At high temperatures of 35-42o C foliar suction force

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




increases, the water evaporates and is lost as heat through vaporization. The plants

are dehydrated, the stomata are closed and stops the diffusion of the air used in

photosynthesis. The evaporated water can be replaced by irrigation and plant

metabolism is maintained at optimum values, positively influencing the production of

tubers, which ranged from 30 tons / hectare at variety Artemis and 64.4 t/ha at variety

Evolution. Leaf transpiration rate (Figure 11) showed a diurnal variation under the

influence of air temperature and varieties studied.

The values recorded were:

- At 9 o’clock, between 0.92 mmol H2O/m2/s at variety Carera and 1.98 mmol

H2O/m2/s at variety Evolution;

- At 12 o’clock, between 1.95 mmol H2O/m2/s at variety Carera and 4.88 mmol

H2O/m2/s at variety Redsec;

- At 15 o’clock, between 2.57 mmol H2O/m2/s at variety Redsec and 5.16 mmol

H2O/m2/s at varieties Gared and Astral.

Leaf transpiration rate increase is observed with increasing air temperature to

40oC, at 15 o’clock, when stress factors present maximum action.

Fig. 11 Diurnal variation of leaf transpiration (mmol H2O/m2/s) at varieties studied, irrigated 50% of Active Humidity Index (2013)

Leaf transpiration rate (Fig. 12) presented a diurnal variation under the influence

of air temperature and varieties studied. The recorded values were:

- At 9 o’clock, between 0.58 mmol H2O/m2/s (Artemis) and 1.91 mmol H2O/m2/s


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




- At 12 o’clock, between 1.66 mmol H2O/m2/s (Carera) and 3.47 mmol H2O/m2/s


- At 15 o’clock, between 3.00 mmol H2O/m2/s (Riviera) and 5.48 mmol H2O/m2/s


Leaf transpiration rate increase is observed with increasing air temperature to

36o C at 13, when the action of stress factors is maximal.

Fig. 12. Diurnal variation of leaf transpiration (mmol H2O/m2/s) at varieties studied, irrigated 80% of Active Humidity Index (2013)


1. Physiological processes studied were influenced by climatic factors, the

threshold humidity and studied varieties.

2. Photosynthesis rate recorded values between 17.87-22.20 µmol

CO2/m2/s, at varieties Tresor, Carera and Riviera, at plants irrigated 50%

of A.H.I. and production between 35-37 tonnes/ha in climatic conditions in


3. At plants irrigated 80% of A.H.I., photosynthesis rate recorded values

between 19.58-22.10 µmol CO2/m2/s and a production of 43 t/ha, at

variety Carera.

4. Leaf transpiration rate showed a diurnal variation, with maxim values at

midday (from 12 to 15 o’clock) in plants irrigated 50% of A.H.I., in the dry

year 2012. High values were registered varieties Magic, Robusta and

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Redsec, between 6.25 to 7.00 mmol H2O/m2/s. Varieties with high

photosynthetic potential, tolerant and drought resistant will expand in crop

on sandy soils.


1. Acatrinei Gh., 1991, Adjusting eco-physiological processes in plants, Junimea, Iaşi

2. Burzo I. and colab., 2004, Plant Physiology Culture, Vol. I, Ceres, Bucharest

3. Diaconu Aurelia, 2009, Rational irrigation of early potatoes, Ed. SITECH, Craiova.

4. Petcu Elena, 2008, The impact of climate change on plants: DROUGHT, Domino.

5. Carpentieri, R.,1999, Effect of high-temperature stress on the photosyntetic

apparatus, Edit. Inc. New York, Basel.

6. Hammes, P.S., 1990, Net photosynthetic rate of potato high temperature. Journal

potato Research, vol.33, 515-520.

7. Sage and Kubien, 2007, The temperature response of C3 and C4 photosynthesis.

Enviroment 30,1086-1107.

8. Salisburi, F.B.Ross, 1991, Plant Physiology. Belmont, California.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









Keywords: photosynthesis, leaf transpiration, variety, fertilization


Culturile rentabile de cartof, datorită producţiilor ridicate pe care trebuie să le realizeze, nu se

pot concepe fără fertilizare chimică sau organică. Fertilizarea trebuie să asigure valorificarea cât mai

bună a potenţialului productiv al soiurilor intensive în condiţiile ecologice ale zonei de cultură. Dozele

pe care le poate ceda solul într-un an, în funcţie de gradul de aprovizionare cu elemente nutritive sunt

de 0-130 kg / ha azot, 0-75 kg / ha fosfor şi 0-220 kg / ha potasiu (Copony, W. 1988.). La acestea se

adaugă pierderile prin levigare, fixare etc., procese foarte complexe ale solului.

Excesul de azot stimulează mult creşterea plantelor, procesul de fotosinteză şi întârzie

maturarea. Nitrat reductaza este enzima care catalizează reducerea nitraţilor şi se află în mezofilul

foliar (Crayford,1995). Fosforul şi potasiu au rol stimulator asupra procesului de biosinteză a

proteinelor (Marschner ,H,1995). Soiurile de cartof absorb selectiv macroelementele (Larcher 1991).

Cartoful consumă cantităţi mari de îngrăşăminte chimice pentru creşterea producţiilor la hectar.

Pe solurile nisipoase stresul termo-hidric afectează procesele fiziolgice (transpiraţia, fotosinteza (Rao

şi alţi 2006). În condiţii de stres termic intensitatea fotosintezei poate să scadă cu 50% la plantele

neirigate corespunzător cerinţelor fiziologice (Smith ,1999).

Procesele fiziologice studiate au fost influenţate de condiţiile climatice, de soiurile studiate şi

de dozele de fertilizare utilizate.


Profitable potato crops due to the high productions they have to realize are inconceivable

without chemical fertilizer or organic. Fertilization should ensure the best possible exploitation of the

productive potential of intensive varieties in the environmental conditions of the area of culture. Doses

that may cede the soil in a year, depending on the degree of nutrient supply are of 0-130 kg / ha

nitrogen, 0-75 kg / ha phosphorus and 0-220 kg / ha of potassium (Copony, W. 1988). Add to this the

losses by levigation, fixation etc. very complex processes of soil. Excess nitrogen stimulates plant

growth, photosynthesis and delays maturation. Nitrate reductase is the enzyme that catalyzes the

reduction of nitrates and is in leaf mesophyll (Crayford, 1995). The phosphorus and potassium have

stimulating role in the process of biosynthesis of proteins (Marschner, H, 1995). Potato varieties

selectively absorb macroelements (Larcher 1991). Potatoes consume large quantities of chemical

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




fertilizers to increase the productions. On sandy soils thermal-hydr stress affects physiological

processes (transpiration, photosynthesis) (Rao and others 2006). In heat stress conditions, intensity of

photosynthesis may decrease by 50% on non-irrigated plants corresponding to the physiological

requirements (Smith, 1999). Physiological processes studied were influenced by climatic conditions,

varieties studied and the doses of fertilizer used.


In determining fertilizer regime it is appropriate to start from the controllable

elements chemical analyzes. It must know beforehand the potential fertility of the soil

and production levels wich can be achieved in the technological conditions given. This

can avoid excess fertilization, or insufficient fertilization in the case of sandy soils

poorly fertile and easy levigable. The potato is using the nitrogen throughout the

growing period. The most intense consumption is achieved, however, when the plants

have a height of 15-20 cm. at the beginning of blossoming. More specifically we can

say that until the blooming period, potato assimilates approx. 60-70% of total nitrogen.

Nitrate – reductase reduce nitrates to nitrites and then to ammoniacal nitrogen that is

used in the biosynthesis of amino acids (Fedorova 1994). Nitrate – reductase

maximum activity was determined in the leaves that have reached maximum size. The

phosphorus stimulates photosynthesis, blooming, fructification, storage of the reserve

substances and maturation of tubers. The potassium stimulates the process of protein

biosynthesis (Hepler, P.K. and Waine, R.O.-1985).


In the research period 2012-2014 were carried out research on influence of the

climatic factors and the agrotechnycal factors (variety, doses of fertilizer) on

physiological processes at some potato varieties grown on sandy soils. During the

growing season was followed diurnal variation in the rate of photosynthesis, leaf

transpiration rate, photosynthetic active radiation, under the influence of air

temperature and fertilizer dosages. During the growing season was followed diurnal

variation of photosynthesis rate, leaf transpiration rate, photosynthetyc active

radiation, under the influence of air temperature and fertilizer dosages.

The experience included two factors:

Factor A - Varieties studied: Carera and Riviera;

Factor B - fertilizer Dosage: N100P50K50, N150P75K75; N200P100K100, Kg active

substance / ha.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Determinations were:

- Photosynthesis rate with LCpro + Portable Photosynthesis System;

- Leaf transpiration rate with LCpro + Portable Photosynthesis System;

- Active radiation in photosynthesis;

- Air temperature;

- Air relativ humidity;

- Production at Varieties studied.

Potato culture can be profitable on sandy soils by establishing optimal dosage of

fertilizer and varieties selection with high photosynthetic potential to obtain high

productions and efficient in economic terms. In terms of 2012, in May (Table 1 and Fig.

1, 2) the climatic conditions are optimal for conducting physiological processes and the

values of photosynthesis rate were high in all cases, ranging between:

- At 9 o’clock, the values of photosynthesis rate were ranged from 22.03 to

26.90 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 24.70 and 26.40 µmol CO₂/m²/s

at Riviera variety.

- At 12 o’clock, the values of photosynthesis rate were ranged from 20.20 to

25.87 µmol CO₂/m²/s at variety Carera and between 19.16 and 24.27 µmol CO₂/m²/s

at Riviera variety.

- At 15 o’clock, the values of photosynthesis rate were ranged from 18.24 to

24.47 µmol CO₂/m²/s at variety Carera and between 12.18 and 18.33 µmol CO₂/m²/s

at Riviera variety. Note that photosynthesis rate has recorded high values a 25.29

µmol CO₂/m²/s at variety Carera, at dose of fertilizer N100P50K50, at 9 o’clock, and

24.81 µmol CO₂/m²/s at 12 o’clock, been not justified the fertilizers uptitrating.

In this phase of the tuber growing, photosynthesis recorded high values during

measurements in both varieties. Fertilization with high doses of fertilizers increased

vegetative growth at the expense of production. Transpiration rate was influenced by

the degree of hydration in metabolism that takes place each variety. This presented a

diurnal variation, beeing influenced by variety and dosage of fertilizer applied.

Transpiration rate values increased from morning till 15 o'clock, when there were

maximum in all variants.

At 9 o’clock transpiration rate values ranged between 2.92 and 3.32 mmol

H₂O/m²/s at Carera variety and between 3.21 and 3.80 mmol H₂O/m²/s at Riviera

variety. At 12 o’clock transpiration rate values ranged between 2.43 and 4.07 mmol

H₂O/m²/s at Carera variety and between 3.02 and 4.03 mmol H₂O/m²/s at Riviera

variety. At 15 o’clock transpiration rate values ranged between 3.77 and 6.11 mmol

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




H₂O/m²/s at Carera variety and between 5.38 and 6.14 mmol H₂O/m²/s at Riviera


Table 1

The influence of fertilization on physiological processes at potato (May 26)

Variety / Fertilizer


Photosynthesis rate

µmol CO₂/m²/s

Transpiration rate

mmol H₂O/m²/s














N100P50K50 25.29 24.81 20.21 2.92 3.21 3.77

N150P75K75 22.03 20.20 18.24 2.98 2.43 4.06

N200P100K100 26.90 25.87 24.47 3.32 4.07 6.11


N100P50 K50 25.80 19.16 25.61 3.21 3.04 5.38

N150 P75K75 24.70 24.27 17.30 3.80 3.02 6.14

N200P100K100 26.40 18.34 24.97 3.71 4.03 6.08

Fig. 1 Diurnal variation of photosynthesis rate

Fig. 2 Diurnal variation of transpiration rate

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




In June (Table 2) values of photosynthesis rate decreased with physiological

maturation of the leaves in varieties with short vegetation period. At 9 o’clock

photosynthesis rate recorded values between 10.38 and 13.21 µmol CO₂/m²/s Carera

variety and between 11.64 and 17.00 µmol CO₂/m²/s Riviera variety. At 12 o’clock

photosynthesis rate recorded values between 9.20 and 14.58 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera

variety and between 13.65 and 21.67 µmol CO₂/m²/s Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock

photosynthesis rate recorded values between 13.02 and 16.85 µmol CO₂/m²/s Carera

variety and between 15.45 and 18.22 µmol CO₂/m²/s Riviera variety. At 12 o’clock

photosynthesis rate recorded higher values in both varieties at the dose of fertilizer

N100P50K50, then photosynthesis rate decreased with increasing fertilizer rates. In

conditions of atmospheric and soil drought, plants can not effectively use high doses

of chemical fertilizers.

Leaf transpiration rate recorded following values:

At 9 o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 1.29 to 1.78 mmol H₂O/m²/s

at variety Carera and from 2.19 to 3.39 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera. At 12

o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 1.59 to 3.71 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety

Carera and from 2.98 to 3.46 H₂O/m²/s at Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock leaf

transpiration values ranged between 2.10 and 4.71 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Carera

and between 2.80 and 5.57 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera.

Noting at the variety Carera were recorded low values at the rate of leaf

transpiration compared with variety Riviera who recorded the maximum values at 15

o’clock. Carerra variety has recorded high values at the rate of photosynthesis, at leaf

transpiration rate has recoeded reduced values and the evaporated water was

harnessed effectively by the high production from 53-58 tons/ha.

Moderate doses of chemical fertilizers have maintained a balance between the

physiological processes, positively influenced the production at varieties studied,

ranged between 45-52 tonnes / ha at variety Carera and 45-48 tons / ha at variety

Riviera. On sands are recommended varieties with shorter growing season, with high

photosynthetic potential and moderate leaf transpiration and low consumption of

fertilizer to capitalize efficiently climatic conditions in May, June avoiding stress

thermo-hydric that installs in July-August.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2

The influence of fertilization on physiological processes at potato (June 21)

Variety / Fertilizer


Photosynthesis rate

µmol CO₂/m²/s

Transpiration rate

mmol H₂O/m²/s














N100P50 K50 12.57 14.58 16.44 1.67 3.71 2.79

N150 P75K75 10.38 13.92 16.85 1.29 2.75 2.10

N200P100K100 13.21 9.20 13.02 1.78 1.59 4.71


N100P50 K50 11.64 21.67 18.22 2.19 3.46 4.66

N150 P75K75 15.19 19.76 16.61 2.67 3.38 5.57

N200P100K100 17.00 13.65 15.45 3.39 2.98 2.80

In terms of 2013, in May (table 3) determinations were performed on

diurnal variation of photosynthesis and transpiration rate of the plants. The values

recorded in photosynthesis rate were:

At 9 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 11.66 and 19.27 µmol

CO₂/m²/s Carera variety and between 17.72 and 23.03 µmol CO₂/m²/s Riviera variety.

At 12 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 15.23 and 21.41 µmol

CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 15.87 and 21.34 µmol CO₂/m²/s Riviera

variety. At 15 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 13.95 and 25.54

µmol CO₂/m²/s Carera variety and between 12.13 and 18.33 µmol CO₂/m²/s Riviera

variety. Maximum values were recorded at plants fertilized with dose N100P50K50,

where Carera variety registered a production of 82 t/ha and the variety Riviera 59.5


Leaf transpiration rate recorded following values:

At 9 o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 1.36 to 2.24 mmol H₂O/m²/s

at variety Carera and from 1.91 to 3.58 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera. At 12

o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 3.29 to 3.44 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety

Carera and from 2.55 to 4.05 H₂O/m²/s at Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock leaf

transpiration values ranged between 3.11 and 4.12 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Carera

and between 2.29 and 4.17 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera. Transpiration rate was

influenced by the increase in air temperature at 15 o’clock to 38o C. Daytime maximum

was recorded at variants where it was applied N100P50K50 and N200P100K100. Increasing

the dose of fertilizer, it concentrate the solution of soil and increases the effort of the

plants to remove water from the soil.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 3

The influence of fertilization on physiological processes at potato (May)

Variety / Fertilizer


Photosynthesis rate

µmol CO₂/m²/s

Transpiration rate

mmol H₂O/m²/s














N100P50 K50 11.66 21.41 25.54 1.36 3.33 3.37

N150 P75K75 19.27 20.17 13.95 2.46 3.44 3.11

N200P100K100 15.16 15.23 18.69 2.19 3.29 4.12


N100P50 K50 23.03 21.34 12.13 3.58 4.05 2.29

N150 P75K75 22.11 19.06 18.33 2.75 3.13 4.17

N200P100K100 17.72 15.87 12.91 1.91 2.55 4.07

In June, in the maximum accumulation phase, assimilates are transferred to the

tubers, which are the main consumers. The rate of photosynthesis recorded following

values (Fig. 3):

At 9 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 12.56 and 16.01 µmol

CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 12.38 and 18.76 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Riviera

variety. At 12 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 10.09 and 15.36

µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 7.07 and 17.59 µmol CO₂/m²/s at

Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 13.42 and

13.91 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 12.27 and 12.87 µmol CO₂/m²/s

at Riviera variety. At this stage of maturity of the tubers, photosynthesis rate

decreased in all varieties, due to aging leaves and increased atmospheric and soil


Leaf transpiration rate recorded following values (Fig. 4):

At 9 o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 3.97 to 5.70 mmol H₂O/m²/s

at variety Carera and from 4.56 to 4.80 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera. At 12

o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 4.37 to 6.12 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety

Carera and from 3.76 to 4.74 H₂O/m²/s at Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock leaf

transpiration values ranged between 3.42 and 3.91 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Carera

and between 2.27 and 4.32 mmol H2O/m2/s at variety Riviera.

Leaf transpiration rate has grew because of low relative humidity below 25%

and the temperature rose to 38oC.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Fig. 3 Diurnal variation of photosynthesis rate

Fig. 4 Diurnal variation transpiration rate

In terms of 2014, during flowering (May) (Table 4) determinations were made on

the influence of climatic factors and fertilization on plant physiology.

The rate of photosynthesis recorded following values (Fig.5):

At 9 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 8.80 and 12.68 µmol

CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 10.79 and 14.01 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Riviera

variety. At 12 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 11.90 and 19.95

µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 14.85 and 25.68 µmol CO₂/m²/s at

Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 6.28 and

13.38 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 9.87 and 10.17 µmol CO₂/m²/s at

Riviera variety. In this phase of vegetation photosynthesis rate values were influenced

by the time of determination, by varieties studied and doses of fertilizer applied.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Variety Riviera recorded a maximum value at fertilization N150P75K75. Fertilization dose

of N150P75K75 maintained a balance in plant metabolism and photosynthesis rate was


The climatic conditions in this year with more precipitation, decreased leaf

transpiration rate, plants being well supplied with water.

Leaf transpiration rate recorded following values (Fig.6):

At 9 o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 1.67 to 2.11 mmol H₂O/m²/s

at variety Carera and from 2.18 to 2.57 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera. At 12

o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 2.88 to 3.29 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety

Carera and from 1.59 to 4.33 H₂O/m²/s at Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock leaf

transpiration values ranged between 2.03 and 3.61 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Carera

and between 1.13 and 2.49 mmol H2O/m2/s at variety Riviera.

Table 4

The influence of fertilization on physiological processes at potato (May)

Variety / Fertilizer


Photosynthesis rate

µmol CO₂/m²/s

Transpiration rate

mmol H₂O/m²/s














N100P50 K50 11.56 19.95 13.38 2.11 3.20 2.03

N150 P75K75 8.80 11.90 12.28 2.00 3.29 3.61

N200P100K100 12.68 14.84 6.28 1.67 2.88 2.43


N100P50 K50 14.01 21.90 10.17 2.18 1.59 2.28

N150 P75K75 10.79 25.68 10.07 2.24 4.33 1.13

N200P100K100 12.05 14.85 9.87 2.57 3.31 2.49

In June (Table 5) the rate of photosynthesis recorded following values:

At 9 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 14.46 and 17.03 µmol

CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 9.11and 17.66 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Riviera

variety. At 12 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 6.58 and 15.40

µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 6.78 and 13.66 µmol CO₂/m²/s at

Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock photosynthesis rate recorded values between 5.07 and

7.81 µmol CO₂/m²/s at Carera variety and between 3.65 and 10.53 µmol CO₂/m²/s at

Riviera variety.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Fig. 5 Diurnal variation of photosynthesis rate

Fig. 6 Diurnal variation of transpiration rate

Leaf transpiration rate recorded following values:

At 9 o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 0.84 to 2.16 mmol H₂O/m²/s

at variety Carera and from 0.61 to 1.52 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Riviera. At 12

o’clock, leaf transpiration values ranged from 1.83 to 5.92 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety

Carera and from 1.95 to 3.81 mmol H₂O/m²/s at Riviera variety. At 15 o’clock leaf

transpiration values ranged between 1.67 and 3.47 mmol H₂O/m²/s at variety Carera

and between 1.93 and 4.60 mmol H2O/m2/s at variety Riviera.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 5

The influence of fertilization on physiological processes at potato (June)

Variety / Fertilizer


Photosynthesis rate

µmol CO₂/m²/s

Transpiration rate

mmol H₂O/m²/s














N100P50 K50 14.46 9.95 6.26 0.84 1.83 1.67

N150 P75K75 16.86 6.58 5.07 2.16 2.29 3.47

N200P100K100 17.03 15.40 7.81 1.22 5.92 3.3o


N100P50 K50 9.11 6.78 3.65 0.61 1.95 1.93

N150 P75K75 17.66 13.34 10.53 1.52 2.83 3.60

N200P100K100 16.23 13.66 10.41 0.94 3.81 4.60

Table 6

Production at varieties studied

Variety / Fertilizer


Production (t/ha)

2012 2013 2014

CARERA N100 P50 K50 53.4 82.2 26.6

N150 P75K75 42.6 51.9 50.1

N200P100K100 58.0 59.9 43.0

RIVIERA N100 P50 K50 45.0 59.5 68.1

N150 P75K75 48.0 49.9 18.6

N200P100K100 52.2 54.9 23.2

Fig. 7. Production of potatoes

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Different climatic conditions of the study period, characterized 2012 as

excessively dry, droughty 2013 and 2014 as a rainy year. Potato productions (Table 7

and Fig. 7) were maximum at variety Carera in 2013 (82.2 t / ha) at the dose of

N100P50K50 and variety Riviera in 2014 to 68 t/ha at the dose of N100P50K50. Increasing

fertilizer rates is not justified because assimilates are used for vegetative growth at the

expense of production.


1. Physiological processes were influenced by climatic conditions during research,

fertilization doses and varieties studied.

2. Noting that in 2012, photosynthesis rate recorded high values of 25.29 µmol

CO₂/m²/s at variety Carera, on N100P50K50 dose of fertilizer at 9 am and 24.81

µmol CO₂/m²/s at 12 o’clock, beeing not justified increasing the dose of fertilizer.

3. Leaf transpiration rate recorded high values from 12 to 15 o’clock (in June)

when the action of stress factors was highest.

4. Potato productions were maximum at variety Carera, in 2013, of 82.2 t/ha at the

dose of fertilizer N100P50K50 and at variety Riviera, in 2014, 68 t/ha at the same

dose of fertilizer.

5. On sands are recommended varieties with shorter growing season, with high

photosynthetic potential and moderate leaf transpiration and low consumption of

fertilizer to capitalize efficiently climatic conditions in May, June avoiding stress

thermo-hydric that installs in July-August.


1. Crawford, N.M., 1995. The Plant Cell. Vol. 7, p. 1099-1111.

2. Marschner, H., 1995. Nutriţion in Higher plants. Londra

3. Hepler P.K. and Wayne R.O.,1985. Annu, Rev. Plant Physiol 36, p. 397-439..

4. Rao, K.V.M. and al, 2006. Molecular Biology of Stress Toleranc in plants.


5. Smith, J.B. 2003. Climate, Change Adaptative Capacity and Development. Imperial

College Press.London.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









Keywords: genotype, peanuts, sandy soils


În zona solurilor nisipoase din sudul Olteniei arahidele găsesc condiţii ecopedologice

favorabile pentru creştere şi fructificare, condiţii care permit cultivarea cu bune rezultate a acestei

specii. Germoplasma de arahide existentă la CCDCPN Dăbuleni oferă posibilitatea studierii unor

caractere şi însuşiri , în scopul promovării în cultură a celor mai valoroase. A fost evidenţiată

variabilitatea fenotipică şi genotipică la 10 genotipuri de arahide , care au fost iniţial studiate în cultură

comparativă de concurs.


In the sandy soils of southern Oltenia peanuts ecopedological conditions are favorable for

growth and fructification, conditions allowing the cultivation of this species with good results. Peanut

germplasm existing at Dabuleni CCDCPN enables the study of character and features, to promote the

culture of the most valuable. It was highlighted phenotypic and genotypic variability of 10 genotypes of

groundnut, which were studied in comparative culture of competition.


In response to increased peanut areas and production of high capitalization and

favorability is working to diversify the range of cultivation of drought tolerant genotypes

with potential for adaptability to stress condition.

In the sandy soils of southern Oltenia peanuts ecopedological conditions are favorable

for growth and fructification, conditions allowing the cultivation of this species with

good results, (Mitrea, I., 1993). Due to good yields which is made peanut both sandy

soils and other soils and advantages that this plant offers may be considered by

cultivating them bigger surface provides a superior capitalization and high profitability

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




of these lands. Peanut germplasm existing CCDCPN Dăbuleni enables the study of

characters and features, to promote the culture of the most valuable.


Experience has been placed in the experimental field on a sandy soil with low nitrogen

content (0.06 %), well stocked in extractable phosphorus (79.5 ppm), medium stocked

in exchangeable potassium (67 ppm) and low in humus (0.55 %), with a pH of 6.72

which indicates a mild acid reaction. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the

variability of phenotypic and genotypic and behavior of peanut genotypes under sandy

soils from Dabuleni. Biological material used in this study was 10 peanut genotypes

that were studied in comparative culture of competition. The experience was founded

by randomized block method, in 2010-2012. Study variability of quantitative characters

was done using biometric measurements and observations during the growing

season, and laboratory determinations were performed on pods and beans. Research

results obtained were processed using the method of variation of the string.


The data in table 1 it is observed that the genotypes studied shows a low

variability in the length of the stem, with individuals uniform, homogeneous. Plant

height showed values between 27.5 cm at Provenance China 1 variety and 41.8 cm at

Brazilian Begici variety. Coefficient of variation values are between 3.13% and 4.8 %.

In terms of the number of stems per plant this character is more variable, their number

ranging on average between 5.5 at Henan Province variety and 7 at Brazilian Begici

variety. Coefficient of variation values are between 4.29 % and 6.61 %. Brazilian

Begici variety that had the highest waist presented the highest number of stems per


Number of pods per plant that forms an element of production, and of these an

important role in mature pods (Table 2). The highest number of mature pods per plant

was recorded in Provenance China 1 variety, which achieved an average 41.2 mature

pods per plant, and the lowest number of mature pods per plant was recorded Velican

variety that has achieved an average 26.3 mature pods per plant. Compared to the

Dăbuleni variety (control), 6 groundnut genotypes showed a greater number of mature

pods per plant (35.7 to 41.2 mature pods / plant). The variability coefficient is between

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




3.08 % and 4.85 %. Regarding the number of grains per pod, this character is very

variable with coefficient of variation values between 30.34 % and 48.5 %. The varieties

HYY 3 and Henan Province variability coefficient is 0, the individuals uniform,


Table 1

Morphological some peanut genotypes studied in CCDCPN Dăbuleni


Plant height(cm) Number of stems / plant

X Sx S% X Sx S%

Dăbuleni (control) 31.5 1.12 3.56 6.5 0.31 4.77

Brazilian Begici 41.8 1.31 3.13 7.0 0.3 4.29

Velican 40.0 1.35 3.38 6.7 0.32 4.78

LiniaT55 38.2 1.4 3.66 6.2 0.28 4.52

HYY3 30.1 1.08 3.59 6.5 0.33 5.08

Tâmbureşti 37.5 1.41 3.76 5.8 0.26 4.48

Viorica 30.3 1.05 3.47 5.8 0.28 4.83

LiniaL44 27.9 1.34 4.8 5.8 0.36 6.21

Prov. China1 27.5 1.16 4.22 5.6 0.37 6.61

Henan Province 28.2 1.21 4.29 5.5 0.3 5.45

X –arithmetic average

Sx- standard deviation of the arithmetic mean

S% - coefficient of variation

Analyzing variability of plant productivity in terms of production of pods, weight of 1000

grains is found that there is a better stability of the weight of 1000 grains (s% = 0.77 to

1.08) and the number of mature pods per plant (s % = 3.08 to 4.85) compared with the

production of pods obtained (s% = 5.48 to 14.67). Average yield of grains varied in the

range of 1844 - 2850 kg/ha pods, with an overflow to the Dăbuleni variety (2159

kg/ha), of 80 - 691 kg/ha at HYY 3, Viorica, L 44, Provenance China 1, Henan

Province genotypes, but with better stability Henan Province variety, which recorded

the lowest standard deviation of the arithmetic average (Sx = 145) and the lowest

coefficient of variation (s% = 5.48).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2 Variability coefficient of variation of the number of mature pods per plant and number

of grains per pod in some peanut genotypes


Number mature pods / plant Number of beans in the pod

X Sx S% X Sx S%

Dăbuleni (control)

33.0 1.6 4.85 2.33 0.81 34.76

Brazilian Begici

37.2 1.4 3.76 2.67 0.81 30.34

Velican 26.3 0.81 3.08 2.33 0.81 34.76

LiniaT55 31.3 1.2 3.83 1.67 0.81 48.5

HYY3 35.7 1.3 3.64 2.0 0 0

Tâmbureşti 35.8 1.28 3.58 2.33 0.81 34.76

Viorica 40.9 1.37 3.35 2.67 0.81 30.34

LiniaL44 31.2 1.05 3.37 2.33 0.81 34.76

Prov. China1 41.2 1.5 3.64 2.33 0.81 34.76

Henan Province

36.3 1.4 3.86 2.0 0 0

X –arithmetic average, Sx- standard deviation of the arithmetic mean

S% - coefficient of variation

Table 3

Variability in productivity in some peanut genotypes studied in CCDCPN Dăbuleni


Weight of 1000 grains(g) Production of pods( kg/ha)

X Sx S% X Sx S%

Dăbuleni(control) 475.3 5.06 1.06 2159 232.6 10.77

Brazilian Begici 425 4.6 1.08 1844 182.3 9.89

Velican 501 5.0 1.0 1906 202.6 10.63

LiniaT55 585.5 5.2 0,89 2048 196.3 9.58

HYY3 624.1 5.8 0.93 2768 350.1 12.65

Tâmbureşti 483 5.2 1.08 1975 205 10.38

Viorica 523 5.6 1.07 2239 210.5 9.4

LiniaL44 880 6.8 0.77 2850 418.2 14.67

Prov. China1 613 4.2 0.69 2735 350.2 12.8

Henan Province 654 5.3 0.81 2648 145 5.48

X –arithmetic average Sx- standard deviation of the arithmetic mean S% - coefficient of variation

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. Peanut genotypes studied are very diverse and allow selection of valuable forms

used in the process of improvement.

2. Analyzing some characters of stems, there is a small variation in the length of

the stem with values of s% = 3.13 to 4.85 % and the number of stems / plant

with higher values of s% = 4.29 to 6.61 %.

3. The number of grains per pod and weight of 1000 grains show a good stability in

all genotypes.

4. Compared to the Dăbuleni variety who made 2159 kg/ha pods, L 44 and HYY3

genotypes showed yield increases of 609-691 kg/ha pods respectively from 28.2

to 32 %.


1. Manoharan,V. et all, 1990. Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, no 50

2. Mitrea, I., 1993. Utilizarea resurselor ecologice si stabilirea principalelor verigi

tehnologice pentru cresterea productiei de arahide pe nisipurile din sudul Olteniei,

Teză de doctorat

3. Nedelcu N.,1996. Valorificarea superioară a terenurilor prin culturi agricole, Editura

Tehnică, Bucureşti

4. Pop L., Bârnaure V., Marghitu Valeria, Chichea I., 1986. Cultura alunelor de pământ,

Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti.

5. Soare M, Olaru L., 1998. Variabilitatea unor caractere şi însuşiri la unele soiuri de

arahide cultivate pe nisipurile din stânga Jiului, Analele CCDCPN Dăbuleni, vol.X.

6. Voica N., Soare M., 1992. Biometrie. Reprografia Universităţii din Craiova.

7. Voica, N., Soare, M., Paula Soare, 2003. Genetica vegetală. Ed. Universitaria,


8. Zadav R.K., 1992. Genetic variability for yield and yield trits in later generations of

early maturing crosses of groundnut. Crop Res.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20








Key Words: hybrid, grain, biomass, foliar index


Cercetările au fost efectuate în perioada 2013-2014 la CCDCPN Dăbuleni și au vizat

comportarea a 6 hibrizi de sorg pentru boabe în condițiile microclimatului din sudul Olteniei. Nivelul

producțiilor de 7309-8049 kg/ha boabe obținute la hibrizii de sorg în condițiile ecopedologice specifice

solurilor nisipoase în anii 2013-2014, au scos în evidență potențialul de producție în condiții de stress

termic și hidric, precum și gradul de adaptabilitate al hibrizilor la condițiile vitrege întalnite frecvent pe

solurile nisipoase. Potențialul bioenergetic al producției principale (boabe) subliniază superioritatea

hibrizilor Solarius, Mistral și Armida (30909 - 31616 Mcal/ha), care au înregistrat cel mai mare spor de

energie (523-1233 Mcal/ha) și cel mai mic consum de energie (96-98 %), comparativ cu media

hibrizilor. Sub aspectul producției secundare s-au remarcat printr-un potențial bioenergetic ridicat

(69856 – 78329 Mcal/ha) și un consum redus de energie pe kg (93-98 %) hibrizii Arlys și Arakan.


Researches were conducted in the 2013-2014 period, to CCDCPN Dăbuleni and focused the

behavior of six hybrids of grain sorghum in microclimate conditions from Oltenia southern. The

production levels of 7309-8049 kg / ha obtained at six grain sorghum hybrids obtained, highlighted the

productive potential in terms of temperature and water stress, and the degree of adaptability of hybrids

to the harsh conditions frequently encountered on sandy soils. The bioenergetically potential of the

main production (grain) emphasizes the superiority of Solarius, Mistral and Armida sorghum hybrids

(30909-31616 Mcal / ha), which recorded the largest increase of energy (523-1233 Mcal / ha) and

lowest energy consumption (96-98 %) compared to the average hybrids. From the point of secondary

production, were marked by a high bioenergetic potential (69856-78329 Mcal / ha) and a low energy

consumption per kg of biomass (93-98 %) the Arakan and Arlys hybrids.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





Sorghum grain can be grown successfully under less favorable for other crops

due to increased resistance to drought, the plant was also called "camel vegetable"

(Antohe I. et al, 2002 Draghici I., 2009). Drought tolerance is given by: highly

developed root system, located on 8 levels and provided with the root small bristles,

double compared of corn; the presence of a wax coating on the stem and leaves,

which greatly reduces perspiration (Gumaniuc N. et al., 1979). The rate of transpiration

of the sorghum plant is 158-274, compared to the value of 597 record Species with C4

of photosynthesis cycle, sorghum is dryland grain (below 450 mm rainfall / year) and

high humidity (over 700-800 mm rainfall / year), being an important source of

bioenergyed oats. The first part of the vegetation, when sorghum has increased

sensitivity to photoperiodicity waythey will gain twice as much biomass resulting from

the stems and leaves, compared with biomass resulting from seed (Sara N. Olson et

al., 2012). The same authors show that at the end of the season, the energy produced

by stems representing 83% of total energy. Due to climate change in the 21st century,

sorghum may modify reaction to certain stress factors (I. Tari et al., 2013), therefore

the genotype used of the seeding can blur the negative effect of these factors.


The research was conducted during 2013-2014 at CCDCPN Dăbuleni and

aimed the behavior 6th grain sorghum hybrids under the microclimate in southern

Oltenia. The experiment was conducted under irrigation conditions on sandy soil with

a low natural fertility (0.38 to 0.59 % humus). Was monitored sorghum hybrids

behavior in terms of achieving bioenergy production, resulting from primary production

(beans) and secondary production (stems + leaves, roots, without grain panicle).

Experiment was performed under irrigation conditions on sandy soil with a low natural

fertility (from 0.38 to 0.59 % humus) providing a plant density of 260,000 plants / ha

and fertilization with N150P80K80. Were determined numerically and gravimetric the

main components of primary production (grain) and secondary (height plant and

shoots, number of shoots / plant, main stem and sprouts diameter, stems + leaf

weight, root weight, weight panicule). It was also calculated leaf area index (L.A.I.).

Used to calculate the energy equivalent energy obtained was 3.928 Mcal/kg of grain

sorghum and 0.991 Mcal/kg for biomass sorghum. To calculate the energy

consumption were taken into account and gain harvesting costs, amounting to 0.02 %.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





The climatic conditions in during the study, or average air temperature and

rainfall recorded is differentiated as compared to the values multiannual (Figure 1). Is

observed a tendency of temperature rise, and a greater amount of rainfall recorded

during the growing season sorghum. If we analyze the distribution of these climate

elements, it highlights the emphasis drought in August when the sorghum

consumption for water is maximal, which necessitated supplementing it by irrigation to

maintain soil moisture above the minimum threshold of 50 % of the interval of moisture

assets (IMA) to a depth of 50 cm.

From the point of view of plant growth and development, the 6 grain sorghum

hybrids have recorded a plant height of from 117.5 to 129.5 cm and a diameter of 3.1

to 3.7 cm of the main stem. In conditions of study, a plant of sorghum has formed 1.5-

2 shoots with a diameter of 2.2 - 2.5 cm (Table 1). Leaf area index (L.A.I.) that shows

the relationship between leaf area (m2) which is formed on a unit of land, and this land

area (m2), is essential in the conduct of assimilation at a time in culture (Gh. Sipoş et

al., 1881). The L.A.I. value of the sorghum hybrids has oscillated within 6.1 to 7, with

an average of 6.9. Is there a direct correlation between development of the plant

(height of main stem and shoots), and the L.A.I. There have been noted through high

values of these parameters the Arlys and Aquilon hybrids.

Figure 1. Climatic conditions during the growing season of grain sorghum

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 1

Biometric measurements performed of sorghum grain hybrids in sandy soil conditions








No shoots

/ plant









ARMIDA 126.5 3.1 1.5 109.5 2.2 6.1

ARLYS 136 3.7 1.5 128 2.5 6.9

ARAKAN 117.5 3.2 2 104 2.3 6.3

AQUILON 133 3.5 1.5 123 2.4 7

MISTRAL 129.5 3.5 1.7 121 2.4 6.8

SOLARIUS 128 3.5 2 117.5 2.2 7

Average hybrids 128.4 3.4 1.7 117.2 2.3 6.9

Gravimetric determinations of carried out to harvest the plant, emphasizes

differentiation hybrids as well as negative correlations between weight components

plant (root, stem, panicle) and grain yield (Table 2). Thus, hybrids Solarius, Mistral and

Armida were different, in terms of statistically, significant and distinct significantly from

the average of hybrids, with differences of 134-314 kg/ha. The maximum of

production was recorded in the Solarius hybrid (8049 kg/ha), and the minimum

recorded to Arlys hybrid (7674 kg/ha). Production levels of sorghum hybrids, in the

conditions of specific ecopedological sandy soils, have highlighted the productive

potential in condition of thermic and hydric stressas, well as the adaptability of hybrids

to the harsh conditions frequently encountered sandy soils.

Analyzing the bioenergetic potential of the main production (grain) obtained from

sorghum for grain in sandy soil conditions, it is highlighted variability within 28710 -

31616 Mcal/ha, depending on the hybrid included in this study (Table 3). Compared to

the average hybrids (30383 Mcal/ha), the largest increase of energy (523-1233

Mcal/ha) and lowest energy consumption (96-98 %) were registered in Solarius,

Armida and Mistral hybrids. The decrease in grain production has led to increased

consumption of energy per kilogram of product.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2 Gravimetric determinations performed to harvesting sorghum hybrids

in sandy soil conditions












grains /



Grain yield Difference



Kg/ha %

ARMIDA 174 78 55 30.2 7869 102 134*

ARLYS 194 82 58 29.6 7674 99 -61

ARAKAN 182 80 56 28.1 7309 94 -426000

AQUILON 176 80 54 29.1 7570 98 -1650

MISTRAL 178 78 52 30.5 7937 103 202**

SOLARIUS 172 79 51 30.9 8049 104 314**


hybrids 7735 100 Mt

LSD 5% = 128 kg/ha LSD 1% = 201 kg/ha LSD 0.1% - 361 kg/ha

Table 3

The bioenergetically potential of the main production registered to sorghum hybrids in sandy soil conditions


Grain Yield



Energy production in

the grain yield


The difference

in energy,

compared to

the control



consumption per

kg of grain


ARMIDA 7869 30909 523 98

ARLYS 7674 30143 -240 101

ARAKAN 7309 28710 -1673 106

AQUILON 7570 29735 - 648 102

MISTRAL 7937 31176 793 97

SOLARIUS 8049 31616 1233 96

Average hybrids 7869 30383 Mt. 100

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Under the aspect of biomass production registered at sorghum for grain, which

resulted from he root weight, weight stem and weight panicles without grains/ plant

were marked by higher values (from 75374 to 79040 kg/ha) the Arlys and Arakan

hybrids (Table 4). The energy production, from biomass harvested, by the two of

sorghum hybrids, ranged within 69856-78329 Mcal/ha, with an increase of energy

contained within 1683-5316 Mcal/ha, compared to the average of hybrids. To achieve

a kilo of biomass, sorghum hybrids have registered a energy consumption of 93 -105


Table 4

The bioenergetically potential of the secondary production registered to sorghum hybrids in sandy soil conditions





Production of

energy from



The difference

in energy,

compared to

the control



consumption per

kg of biomass


ARMIDA 71968 71320 -1693 102

ARLYS 79040 78329 5316 93

ARAKAN 75374 74696 1683 98

AQUILON 73034 72377 -636 101

MISTRAL 72150 71501 -1512 102

SOLARIUS 70486 69856 -3157 105

Average hybrids 73675 73013 Mt. 100


1. In sandy soil conditions, the six sorghum hybrids, under study, they found

favorable conditions for growth and development of plants (plant height = 117.5

to 129.5 cm; stem diameter = 3.1 to 3.7 cm; leaf area index = 6.1 to 7).

2. The main production (grain) from 7309-8049 kg/ha and secondary (resulting

biomass from root, stem + leaves, panicle without grains) of 70486 -79040

kg/ha, have been differentiated by cultivated hybrid.

3. The bioenergetically potential of the main production (grain yield) emphasizes

the superiority of Solarius, Mistral and Armida sorghum hybrids (30909-31616

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Mcal/ha), which recorded the largest increase of energy (523-1233 Mcal/ha) and

lowest energy consumption (96-98 %) compared to the average hybrids.

4. The Arlys and Arakan sorghum hybrids have been highlighted through high

values resulting from secondary production of bioenergy (69856-78329 Mcal/ha)

and through reduced energy consumption per kg of biomass (93-98 %).


1. Antohe, I., Draghici, I., Naidin, C., 2002. Sorghum an alternative crop for south of

Romania. In: Drought mitigation and prevention of land desertification, 22-24 April,

2002, Bled, Slovenia: 112.

2. Daghici, I., 2006. Implications of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilization on sorghum for

grain grown on sandy soils. Work. Simp . Management nutrients for crop quality

improvement and conservation of environment.

3. Gh. Sipoș, D. Scurtu, Gh. Sin, I. Moga, 1981. The optimal density of the plant. Ceres

Editura, Bucharest.

4. Gumaniuc, N., Antohe, I., Cosmin O., 1979. The best possibilities for valorisation of

climatic resources through grain sorghum crop. Agricultural Problems, 4: 16-22.

5. I.Tari, G. Laskay, Z. Takács, P. Poór, 2013. Response of Sorghum to Abiotic

Stresses: A Review. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, August, 2013.


6. Sara N. Olson, Kimberley Ritter, William Rooney, Armen Kemanian, Bruce A.

McCarl, Yuquan Zhang, Susan Hall, Dan Packer and John Mullet, 2012. High

biomass yield energy sorghum: developing a genetic model for C4 grass bioenergy

crops. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Volume 6, Issue 6, pages 640–655,

November/December 2012

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









Key Words: pathogens, infection, treatment, degree of attack


La cele 7 genotipuri de grâu, studiate în condițiile solurilor nisipoase, gradul de atac produs de

Erysiphe graminis a fost cuprins între 17,5-27,2 %, cel produs de Septoria tritici a fost cuprins între

13,9-35,5 %, iar cel produs de Puccinia graminis între 19,3-31 %. S-au remarcat printr-o toleranţă mai

bună la atacul bolilor foliare soiurile: Dropia, Glosa, Boema. Pierderile de plante datorate atacului

produs de bolile foliare au oscilat între 2-17,6 %, iar cele datorate atacului produs pe Eurygaster sp. a

înregistrat valori în medie de 1,1-7,1 %. Cele mai bune rezultate s-au obţinut prin aplicarea unui

tratament în vegetaţie in faza de burduf – inceput inspicat cu produsele Topsin 500 SC în doză de

1,25 l/ha + Bravo 500 SC, în doză de 1,5 l/ha + Calypso 480 CE, în doză de 0,1 %.


At the 7 wheat genotypes studied under sandy soils, the degree of attack produced by

Erysiphe graminis was between 17.5 to 27.2 %, by Septoria tritici ranged from 13.9 to 35.5 %, while

that produced by Puccinia graminis between 19.3 to 31 %. They noted a greater tolerance to foliar

diseases attacking varieties: Dropia, Glosa, Boema. Plant losses due to attack produced by foliar

diseases, ranged between 2 to 17.6 % and due to attack produced by Eurygaster sp. has registered

on average values of 1.1 to 7.1 %. The best results were obtained by treatment of the vegetation in

the phase of skin - start gray with products Topsin 500 SC at a dose of 1.25 l/ha + Bravo 500 SC, at a

dose of 1.5 l/ha + Calypso 480CE, a dose of 0.1 %.


The effects of climate change have a great impact on agriculture, droughts

became more frequent, with negative effects on agroecosystems, especially

highlighted the uneven distribution of populations of harmful organisms. To establish

an effective management as for the establishment of agricultural performance and

promote sustainable agriculture, have found these genotypes of plants and those

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




methods that are easily adapted thermo-hydric stress conditions existing in different

ecological areas in the south (Banita Emilia et al., 2002, Elena Nagy, 2006, Gh Sin,

2005). Research conducted during the 2007-2009 wheat crop on sandy soils located

in southern Oltenia highlights the variety and agro-technical methods in reducing the

pathogens attack product.


The research was conducted during 2007-2014 at the Research -

Development Centre for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni concerned the

following issues:

- identify and spread of pathogens in wheat crop on sandy soils located in

southern Oltenia;

- the behavior of wheat genotypes to attack pathogens;

- testing of systemic and contact insecticides and fungicides in order to optimize

procedures for modeling populations of pathogens in the wheat crop.

The research was conducted on a psamosol with reduced fertiltate, characterized by a

reduced content of 0.41 to 0.61 % of humus, and pHH2O = 6.8-7.1. The experiments

were placed under irrigation, the method blocks randomized and subdivided parcels

and phytosanitary treatments were applied in the growing phase skin - start gray. Let

determine the pathogen attack, depending on the frequency and intensity, the

numerical density of pests, loss of plants, some indices and physiological processes in

wheat plants, the grain yield at harvest. In flower, were taken leaf samples to

determine the water content of the plant (free water, total water and bound water, dry

matter and concentration of cellular juice). It was also determined perspiration process

plant into two times of the day, at 9 o'clock and 15. The results were calculated and

statistically interpreted, using mathematical functions and standard deviation, from the

average infection with pathogens, that cause foliar diseases at wheat grown on sandy

soils in southern Oltenia.


Sandy soils in southern Oltenia covers an area of 209.400 ha and are situated

on the Danube terraces, between Jiu and Olt and west of Oltenia plain, and of these

104.000 ha, are between Calafat, Poiana Mare Sadova, Bechet, Dabuleni and

Danube, being characterized as soils with coarse texture and low water retention

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




capacity and nutrient. The physicochemical characteristics of these soils deficiency

associated with weather conditions in recent years, printed in the south of Oltenia

character semi-arid area, with accents aridity. Climate change over the past 30 years,

amid strong anthropic actual state of sands, highlight the clear trend of intensification

and extension of droughts, with negative implications on the crops.

Analysis of climatic conditions at weather station to CCDCPN Dabuleni (Figure 1),

have strongly emphasized the monthly average temperature increase, compared to

the annual average throughout the growing season, which combined with rainfall in the

period from March to July, resulting in stagnation of the growth and development of

plants, the inhibition of plant physiological processes and to create conditions

conducive to attack by pathogens (Erysiphe graminis, Puccinia recondita and Septoria

tritici). Erysiphe graminis Analysis of correlations between plant density and degree of

foliar disease attack wheat grown in sandy soil conditions in southern Oltenia, found

increased plant susceptibility to infection with Erysiphe graminis and Puccinia

recondita with increasing plant density (Figure 2). Literature mentions the increasing

infection with agents of pest plants in less developed cultures, with density below and

above the recommended optimum technology for each crop (Puşcasu A. and

Gheorghe D., 1981).

Results on physiological indices registered at the 7 varieties of wheat, have

shown that in adverse environmental conditions, when plants are vital activity greatly

reduces, the amount of free water decreases and and the bound water increases,

resulting in greater resistance plants (Table 1). In leaves of wheat the quantity of free

water was influenced both by the variety and climatic factors. Bound water content

values varied between 3.10 % to Litera variety and 3.89 % to Glossa variety. The

higher quantity of bound water is higher, the variety is resistant to adverse weather

conditions (high temperatures, drought, low humidity in soil and air). While water

absorption and transport in plant, massive elimination occurs in the atmosphere, a

process conducted in all aerial organs, especially the leaves, by process of

perspiration. This deficit is caused by saturation with water vapor of the

atmosphere.The wheat varieties studied was shown a different intensity of perspiration

process for each of variety and climatic conditions during the determinations.

The variation interval for production of wheat varieties, within the range from

2884 to 3551.2 kg / ha, and the degree of attack of pathogens ranged from 17.5 to

24.9 % of Erysiphe graminis at 13.9 – 35.5 % of Septoria tritici and from 19.3 to 28.2

% of Puccinia recondita (Figure 3).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Figure 1 Climatic conditions during the wheat growing season,

recorded at weather station CCDCPN Dabuleni

Figure 2 Correlation between the degree of attack of foliar diseases and plant density for wheat in sandy soil conditions in southern Oltenia

Results obtained on infection with pathogens recorded in the 7 wheat varieties

tested on sandy soils show that they noticed a better tolerance to foliar diseases

attacking genotypes: Dropia, Glossa, Boema. Analysing the relationship between
































re (


Precipitation (2007-2014)

Precipitation (1956-2014)

The average temperature in air (2007-2014)

The average temperature in air (1956-2014)

y(Puccinia) = x2 - 0,92x + 14,5

R2 = 0,5684

y(Septoria) = -0,325x2 + 0,635x + 11,025

R2 = 0,9359

y(Erysiphe) = x2 + 2,28x + 27,75

R2 = 0,7584














450 pl/m2 500 pl/m2 550 pl/m2 600 pl/m2








Erysiphe graminis Septoria tritici Puccinia recondita

Poly. (Puccinia recondita) Poly. (Septoria tritici) Poly. (Erysiphe graminis)

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




infection with pathogens and grain yield obtained of 7 wheat genotypes, grown in

sandy soil conditions, it is found negative correlations (Figure 4). Infection of wheat

plants with Erysiphe graminis has influenced most of the wheat production (r = -0. 950


Table 1 Physiological behavior in terms of wheat varieties grown

on sandy soils in southern Oltenia

Genotypes Total water (%)

Free water (%)

Bound water (%)

Dry matter (%)

The cell juice (%)

Plant perspiration (g / 10 g fresh substance / hour)

9 hour 15 hour average

Dropia 57.83 54.02 3.81 42.17 15.3 5.1 8.1 6.6

Boema 59.12 55.94 3.18 40.88 15.8 3.4 9.1 6.3

Litera 59.75 56.65 3.10 40.25 15.0 2.5 7.0 4.8

Glosa 59.04 55.15 3.89 40.96 15.0 7.8 4.1 6.0

Miranda 59.67 56.49 3.18 40.33 17.0 4.7 5.9 5.3

Izvor 59.67 56.28 3.39 40.33 15.2 6.4 6.2 6.3

Faur 58.54 55.15 3.39 41.46 15.4 7.7 4.3 6.0

Weather conditions during the period 1-12 May (sampling of plant): - Maximum temperature in air: 25.9 - 31 °C; - Average temperature in air: 12.8 - 22.4 °C ; - Precipitation: 5.2-17.2 mm / square meter.

Figure 3. Degree's attack produced by foliar diseases in some wheat varieties

grown on sandy soils










Dropia Boema Litera Glosa Miranda Izvor Faur








) (%













Erysiphe graminis Septoria tritici

Puccinia recondita Grain yield (kg/ha)

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Figure 4. The correlation between the grain yield obtained from 7 varieties of wheat and the degree of attack on pathogens

Numerical density of pests identified in wheat varieties were below economically

damaging (Figure 5). For reducing as much as possible of the production losses,

caused by drought and other environmental factors unfavorable biotic (diseases leaf

and of the ear, etc.) and abiotic (low temperature, high temperature, germination in the

ear, etc.), research recommends the cultivation of romanian varieties which, in our

conditions, ensures safe crops (Ionescu C. et al., 1989).

Figure 5. Numerical density of species of pests of wheat crop on sandy soils

















Eurygaster sp. (adults and


Lema melanopa (larvae/m2)

Anisoplia sp. (adults /m2)

Haplothrips tritici (number of

individuals / ear)










Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Research results obtained by treating wheat crop with different contact and systemic

products, showed that plant losses, due to attack caused by the foliar diseases, varied

between 2 to 17.6 % and those due to attack produced by Eurygaster sp. recorded

values averaged 1.1 to 7.1 %, depending on treatment. The smaller loss in wheat

plants were obtained by treatment of skin in growth phase - gray top products: Topsin

500 SC dose of 1.25 l / ha + Bravo 500 SC, at a dose of 1 5 l/ha + Calypso 480 CE, a

dose of 0.1 l / ha (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Influence of treatment on the loss of plants from wheat in sandy soils conditions

Figure 7. Influence factors on the standard deviation from the average infection pathogens at wheat in sandy soils conditions




































The loss o

f pla



) (


Total loss of plant Losses due to attack foliar diseases

Losses due to attack Eurygaster sp. Losses due to other factors





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Plant treatment

Climatic conditions

Plant density


Standard deviation (σ)

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. Have been distinguished, through a better tolerance to foliar diseases

attack, wheat varieties: Dropia, Glossa La Boema;

2. The wheat, plant density was positively correlated with the degree of

attack produced by Erysiphe graminis and Puccinia recondita and negative with

Septoria tritici attack, the best results registered for the the density of 500 plants /

square meter;

3. The plant losses due to attack produced by foliar diseases, ranged

between 2 to 17.6 % and due to attack produced by Eurygaster sp., showed an

average values of 1.1 to 7.1%;

4. The smallest losses in wheat plants were registered by a treatment in

growing phase bellows - ear occurrence, with products: Topsin 500 SC at a dose of

1.25 l / ha + Bravo 500 SC dose of 1 , 5 l / ha + Calypso 480 CE dose of 0.1 l / ha;

5. Standard deviation (σ), calculated from the average infection with

pathogens that cause foliar diseases of wheat grown on sandy soils in southern

Oltenia, were influenced by factors studied, falling from 6.5-15.27 with the highest

values in treatment plant and climatic conditions (σ = 13.9 - 15.27);


1. Baniţă Emilia, Păunescu Gabriela, Luca Emilia, Oana Maria, Oncică Fraga, Naidin

C., 2002. Foliar diseases of wheat in Oltenia. Ed. Alma Craiova, pag. 70-91;

2. Ionescu C., Munteanu I., Sesan Tatiana, Gheorghies C., Stanescu C., Stroia

Ioana, 1989. Behavior of cereal grain varieties to attack major pathogens during 1986-1988.

Cereals and industrial crops, no 7, pag.41-48;

3. Nagy Elena 2006. Foliar treatments with fungicides for stalky cereals inTransilvania.

Plant health I.S.S.N. 1453-9330, no. 96 (5) p. 5. Publisher ALCEDO SRL Bucharest;

4. Puşcasu A., Gheorghe D., 1981. Research on foliar disease control in wheat grown

on the sands of southern Oltenia. SCCCPN Dabuleni Scientific papers, vol. VI, pag. 29-34

5. Sin, Gh., 2005. Technology management of field crops. Edit. Ceres, Bucharest.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20








Key words: germplasm, breeding, selection coefficient, productive


Soiurile de ardei create la SCDL Ișalnița – Dolj, ardei gras Ișalnița 85 V, Andrada, Ișalnița-

Rovine și Amaradia și ardei lung Lung de Ișalnița, Bogdan și Doljan, au capacitate mare de producție

și prezintă toleranță la Verticillium dahliae Kleb. și Alternaria capsici annui și rezistență medie la VMT.


The variety of pepper created at SCDL Işalniţa – Dolj, Işalniţa 85 V, Andrada, Ișalnița-Rovine and

Amaradia, short type and Long of Işalniţa, Bogdan and Doljan, long type, have very good productive

capacity and present genetic tolerance to Verticillium dahliae Kleb. and Alternaria capsici annui and

medium resistance at TMV.


The pepper cultivated in România increased in the last few years through the

biological material exchange with other countries and trough the homologation new

romanian varieties. The low number of romanian varieties and the deficiencies of

quality, the low strength at diseases and the opposite environmental condition from the

central area of Oltenia, they imposed the initiative of a breeding program of pepper at

SCDL Işalniţa – Dolj ever since 1966. This way there had been studied 240

accessioning the germplasm colection, 36 accession being the fundamentally of the

creation of the initial breeding material. Between 1985 – 2000 there had been studied

2528 hybrid descendants, being hold back 8 homozygote lines of pepper.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





The breeding pepper at SCDL Işalniţa had as a start base the collection of

germplasm, improved on the way, collection that gathered 240 accession of pepper: F1

hybrids, varieties, lines and local population (Table 1).

Table 1

The sources of germplasm at pepper studied at SCDL Işalniţa

between 1985 – 2000

Type of germplasm 1985 - 1990 1991 - 1996 1997 - 2000 Total


Hybrids type grossum 30 5 6 3 15 2 51 10

Varieties type grossum 65 13 21 1 14 2 100 16

Varieties type longum 11 - 4 - 10 3 25 3

Local population 6 2 16 - 20 3 42 5

Homozygote lines 15 2 1 - 6 - 22 2

Total 127 22 48 4 65 10 240 36

S = studied U = use

Out of the 240 accession witch had been studied, 36 accession had been

introduced in the breeding with the purpose of creating the initial breeding material.

The research ways applicated were: the mass selection one aplicated choice in

the valuable local population, the simple cross breeding followed by a genealogic

selection and the backcross. The valuable biologic material had been realized

depending on the productivity, the fruits quality and the genetic tolerance at

Verticillium dahliae and Alternaria capsici annui. The biometrical values for the main

studied and characteristic features and the unregistered production had been

statistically remarked.


Using the valuable pepper accessions and the breeding working between 1985

– 2000 there had been obtained and studied 2528 hybrid descendants in different

generation, being hold back and studied 2924 choices, the selection coefficient being

of 1.46% (Table 2).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2

The hybrid descendants studied at SCDL Işalniţa between 1985 – 2000

The year Hybrid


Plant studied Choices Selection

coefficient (%)

1985 27 2268 60 2.64

1986 60 5040 58 1.15

1987 58 4872 190 3.89

1988 190 15960 195 1.22

1989 195 16380 173 1.05

1990 173 14532 200 1.37

1991 200 16800 190 1.13

1992 190 15960 195 1.22

1993 195 16380 286 1.74

1994 286 24024 290 1.20

1995 290 24360 160 0.65

1996 160 13440 261 1.94

1997 117 7020 253 3.60

1998 143 8680 105 1.21

1999 105 6300 165 2.62

2000 139 8340 143 1.71

Total 2528 200356 2924 1.46

New genotypes created 8 0.27

The choices had been selected depending on the productivity, the quality of the

fruits as well as the genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and Alternaria capsici

annui and resistance at the environmental factors from the central area of Oltenia. The

chosen choices had been submissive afterwards the selection, with the purpose of

obtaining homozygote lines of pepper. Homozygote lines this way obtained had been

studied in comparatively crops to be hold back the most valuable genotypes. During

this time, there had been emphasized especially new 8 genotypes of pepper, witch

presented high productivity, quality fruits and tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui the most important pathogen agents wich affect the crops of

pepper from the central area of Oltenia. Using these genotypes of pepper with

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




tolerance at diseases reduces in a considerable way the number of the useful

applicated treatments with positive repercussion over the costs and the toxic residues

of the fruits. According to the registered results at ISTIS, 7 genotypes of pepper had

been homologated (Table 3), 4 short types (Isalnita 85 V, Andrada, Amaradia, Ișalnița-

Rovine ) and long types (Long of Isalnita, Bogdan, Doljan).

Table 3

Genotypes of sweet pepper created at SCDL Işalniţa

Genotype Characteristics

Short type

Işalniţa 85 V – 1997

productive potential : 40 – 50 t/ha;


cone shape fruits, with sharp top, with thick

walls, green-yellow color at the ethnologic

maturity and red at the physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and medium

resistance at TMV.

Andrada – 2000

productive potential: 40 – 46 t/ha;


cone shape fruits, with sharp top, with thick

walls, yellow-green color at the technologic

maturity and red at the physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and medium

resistance at TMV.

Amaradia - 2009

productive potential : 40 – 52 t/ha;


fruits are uniform in size and shape, blocky

with thick walls,

dark green color at the technologic maturity

and red at the physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and resistance at


Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Ișalnița-Rovine – 2007

productive potential: 35 – 45 t/ha;


fruits are uniform in size and shape, blocky

with thick walls, yellow green color at the

technologic maturity and red at the

physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and resistance at


LONG TYPE Long of Işalniţa 1997

productive potential: 35 – 45 t/ha;


long fruits about 15 – 16 cm, with thick walls,

dark green color at the technologic maturity

and red at the physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and medium

resistance at TMV.

Bogdan 1999

productive potential: 35 – 41 t/ha;


long fruits about 18 – 20 cm, with thick walls,

green yellow color at the technologic maturity

and red at the physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and medium

resistance at TMV.

Doljan 2011

productive potential:35 – 40 t/ha ;


long fruits about 14 – 15 cm, with thick walls,

green yellow color at the technologic maturity

and orange at the physiological maturity;

genetic tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and

Alternaria capsici annui and medium

resistance at TMV.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. The pepper varieties created at SCDL Işalniţa have high productive potential,

with genetically tolerance at Verticillium dahliae and Alternaria capsici annui ,

resistance or medium resistance at TMV;

2. Using these genotypes of pepper with tolerance at diseases reduces in a

considerable way the number of the useful applicated treatments with positive

repercussion over the costs and the toxic residues of the fruits.


1. Berkmortel, L. G. 1972 - Breeding pepper for resistance to a strain of TMV .

Capsicum 77. Comptes Rendu du 3º Congrés Eucarpia sur la Génétique et la

Selection du Piment. Avignon-Montfavet: 89-92.

2. Ceapoiu, N . 1968 – Metode statistice aplicate în experienţele agricole şi biologice.

Editura Agro-Silvică, Bucureşti.

3. Csillery, G., 1984 – Genetic resourses on the Capsicum genus. International meeting

– Paprika breeding on production in Hungary : 60-70.

4. Pintilie, I., 1996-Linii noi de ardei gras create la SCPL Işalniţa. Analele ICLF Vidra,

XIV : 233-239.

5. Pintilie, I., 2005 - Pepper's breeding at SCDL Işalniţa – Dolj. Bulentinul USAMV Cluj –

Napoca, 62 : 138-139.

6. Pintilie, I., Pelaghia Chilom, Giorgota, M., Maria Dinu, 2003 - Realizări în

ameliorarea ardeiului (Capsicum annum L.). Simpozion ştiinţific internaţional " 70 ani ai

Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova" : 163 - 164.

7. Pochard, E., Palloix, A., Daubeze, A.M., 1992 - Le piment. Amélioration des especes

végétales cultivées. INRA Paris .

8. Săulescu, N. A., Săulescu, N. N., 1967 – Câmpul de experienţă. Editura Agro-Silvică,


9. Snedecor, G. W., 1968 – Metode statistice aplicate în cercetările de agricultură şi

biologie. Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20










Keywords : egg plant, sandy soil, photosynthesis


Condiţiile climatice specifice zonei solurilor nisipoase pot fi valorificate eficient prin cultura

plantelor protejate pentru obţinerea de recolte extratimpurii și profitabile economic. În primele faze de

vegetatie protejarea plantelor asigura conditii optime desfasurarii metabolismului plantelor.Rata

fotosintezei a inregistrat valori maxime la ora 12 (25,77 micromoli CO2/m2/s), iar rata transpirației

foliare a inregistrat maximul la ora 15 (5,08 micromoles CO2/ m2 /s .Plantele protejate cu agril au

inregistrat valori ridicate ale proceselor fiziologice si productii maxime.


The climatic conditions of the region sandy soils can be harnessed effectively by crop

protected to achieve economic and profitable crop. In early stages of vegetation plant protection

ensure optimal conditions for photosynthesis plant metabolism. Photosynthesis rata recorded

maximum values at 12 hour (25.77 micromoles CO2 / m2/s) and leaf transpiration rate recorded

maximum at 15 hour (5.08 micromoles CO2 / m2/s). Protected plants Agril recorded high values of

physiological processes and maximum productions.


Research in plant physiology aimed at monitoring physiological reactions under

the influence of climatic and agrotechnical factors. The obtained results can be

selected species and varieties tolerant and drought-resistant crop for their expansion

in the sandy soils. Research by Carpentieri, 1990 showed that photosynthetic activity

remains stable up to a temperature of 30 0C and then subtract 40 0C inhibits C.

Research conducted on potato by Hammes in 1990 showed that raising the

temperature from 15 0C to 40 0C decreased net photosynthesis intensity by 37 % than

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




that determined from heat stress 200 C. Under heat stress photosynthesis is inhibited

by decreasing enzyme activity ribulose diphosphate and -carboxilaza by Sage and

Cubien in 2007.

Drought causes soil solution concentration, reducing foliar absorption by

abscisic acid accumulation closing stomata and 100 times increase in water stress

(Salisbury and Ross, 1991).


The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks and maintenance were

those provided in protected plant cultivation technology on sandy soils.

In the period 2012-2014 were performed on stages of vegetation determinations on

diurnal variation of physiological processes:

-the quantity of water in the leaf- by steaming at 105 0C;

-the quantity of dry matter in leaves;

-concentraion cellular juice in the leaves;

-interest leaf transpiration;

-interest photosynthesis with device L.C PRO +

During the vegetation were recorded data:

- air temperature;

- active radiation in photosynthesis;

- rainfall;

- relative humidity in air.


The amount of water eggplant values ranged between 85.5 % at unprotected

plants and 89.7 % at protected plants Agrilia + mulch. Eggplants operates at a higher

metabolism moisture than pepper.

Leaf dry matter varied between 10.3-14.5 % and 6.0 to 7.8 % concentration of cellular

juice. Increasing the concentration of cellular juice plant plays an effort to save water

evaporated by foliar transpiration (Table 1).

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 1

Diurnal variation of physiological indices in leafs at egg plants, 2013


Wather in the leaves %

Dray substance %

Concentraţion of cellular juice %


85.5 14.5 7.0

Protected with mulch P.E. 85.5 14.5 7.8

Protected tunnel P.E. 87.8 12.2 6.0

Protected tunnel + mulch 85.9 14.1 6.0

Protected by Agrilia

85.9 14.1 6.8

Protected by Agrilia + mulch

89.7 10.3 6.2

Table 2

Variation of physiological processes eggplant, 2013

SPECIES Photosyntetic rate micromoles CO2/m

2/s Leaf transpiraţion rate milimoles H2O/m2/s

Hour 9 Hour 12 Hour 15 Hour 9 Hour 12 Hour 15


11.14 25.35 11.70 1.80 3.34 3.95

Protected with mulch P.E.

11.25 21.68 14.08 2.27 3.60 2.54

Protected tunnel P.E. 15.09 25.77 9.80 1.38 4.23 5.02

Protected tunnel + mulch

13.4 17.78 15.29 2.33 3.33 5.81

Protected by Agrilia

19.7 14.44 13.03 2.64 3.82 4.90

Protected by Agrilia + mulch

24.6 15.36 10.58 2.56 4.56 5.08

Photosynthesis rate showed a diurnal variation under the influence of climatic

factors since the method of determination and protection method.

At 9 hour photosynthesis rate values ranged from 11.14 to 24.6 micromoles, CO2/m2/s

at 12 from 14.4 -25.77 micromoles CO2/m2/s and at 15 from 9.8 to 14 08 micromoles

CO2/m2/s. In early stages of vegetation protection ensures optimum temperature

conduct photosynthesis (Table 2). Leaf transpiration rate recorded values between

1.38 to 2.64 mmol CO2/m2/s at 9, from 3.33 to 4.56 mmol CO2/m

2/s at 12 and between

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




millimoles 2.54 - 5.08 CO2/m2/s at 15 hour. Note that with increasing air temperature at

midday leaf transpiration rate increases and protected variants tunnel and mulch.

In 2014 the climatic conditions of the eggplant water quantity values ranged between

80.5 % unprotected plants and 87.0 % protected plants Agril + mulch. Eggplant

metabolism operating at a higher moisture than pepper. Leaf dry matter varied

între13.0-19.5 % and between 6.0 to 7.9 % concentration of cellular juice. Elevated

cellular juice plant plays an effort to save water evaporated by foliar transpiration. The

climatic conditions of this year rainfall during the growing season ensured a good

supply of water to avoid plant water stress (Table 3)

Table 3

Variation of physiological indices at eggplant, 2014


Wather in the leaves %

Dray substance %

Concentraţion of cellular juice %


80.5 19.5 7.9

Protected with mulch P.E.

83.5 16.5 7.0

Protected tunnel P.E. 84.8 15,2 6.2

Protected tunnel + mulch

85.0 15.0 6.4

Protected by Agrilia

85.9 13.9 6.7

Protected by Agrilia + mulch

87.0 13.0 6.0

The climatic conditions of the month April 2014 the physiological processes

were influenced by climatic factors external, to changes in the microclimate of the

tunnel and the varieties studied.

At 9 hour photosynthesis rate values ranged between 9.51 micromoles CO2/m2/s

unprotected plants and 26.97 plants protected tunnel + mulch. Microclimate tunnel

provide optimal conditions for photosynthesis in the early stages of plant vegetation. At

12 hour values photosynthesis rate ranged between 9.63 micromoles CO2/m2/s

protected plants and mulch + tunnel and 19.18 micromoles CO2/m2/s protected plants

with polyethylene mulch. At 15 hour the values of the photosynthesis rate ranged from

14.98 micromoles of CO2/m2/s at unprotected plants and 18.91 microromoles in the

protected tunnel + mulch. In all versions protected photosynthesis rate values were

higher than the protected plants unprotected plants. Leaf transpiration rate was

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




influenced by the method of protection, climatic factors during the growing season

(Table 4).

Table 4

Variation of physiological processes eggplant, April 2014

SPECIES Photosyntetic rate micromoles CO2/m

2/s Leaf transpiraţion rate milimoles H2O/m2/s

Hour 9 Hour 12 Hour 15 Hour 9 Hour 12 Hour 15


9.51 12.90 14.98 1.32 4.70 3.66

Protected with mulch P.E. 10.35 19.18 17.31 1.63 3.79 3.02

Protected tunnel P.E. 12.04 15.29 17.14 2.31 3.42 3.25

Protected tunnel + mulch 26.97 9.65 18.91 3.47 5.37 5.83

Protected by Agrilia

17.88 13.79 16.68 3.04 5.30 4.09

Protected by Agrilia + mulch

15.60 9.63 17.24 3.17 3.21 4.90

At 9 hour leaf transpiration rate values ranged between 1.32 mmol H2O/m2/s at

unprotected plants and 3.47 mmol H2O/m2/s protected plants tunnel + mulch. At noon

the air temperature increase above 30 0C leaf transpiration rate in the range 12-15

hours to 5.83 mmol H2O/m2/s tunnel + mulch. Polyethylene under the action of the

sun heats the air temperature and leaf transpiration increases as protected plants.

In May the eggplant photosynthesis rate showed a diurnal variation under the

influence of climatic factors. At 9 hour values ranged between 6.63 micromoles

CO2/m2/s unprotected and 7.42 micromoles CO2/m

2/s in the protected polyethylene

mulch. At 12 hour maximum was recorded at Agril being protected plants 26.15

micromoles CO2/m2/s compared with unprotected plants where there was 13.77

micromoles CO2/m2/s. It is observed that the rate of photosynthesis doubled protected

plants where environmental conditions in the tunnel were optimal functioning plant

metabolism. At 15 hour the maximum was recorded at protected plant with Agril 28.24

micromoles CO2/m2/s. Cloth of Agril allow circulation of air currents and increases in

photosynthetic gas exchange. Leaf transpiration rate is low in the first hour when the

plants are hydrated during nights and increases to 12 to 15 hour recording peak day

time hours at 15 with a value of 6.24 micromoles CO2/m2/s at protected plants Agril +

mulch where photosynthesis was maxim. Eggplants are heat-loving plants and adapts

easily to the conditions in the area where hurries earliness protection methods. The

eggplant production recorded values between 53.8 tons/ha, at unprotected plants and

65.2 tons to protected plants with Agril+ mulch.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 5

Variation of physiological processes eggplant, May 2014

SPECIES Photosyntetic rate

micromoles CO2/m2/s

Leaf transpiraţion rate

milimoles H2O/m2/s

Hour 9 Hour 12 Hour 15 Hour 9 Hour 12 Hour 15

Unprotected 6.63 13.77 16.9 0.75 6.07 6.14

Protected with mulch P.E. 7.42 23.29 19.21 0.82 5.10 4.71

Protected tunnel P.E. 11.07 23.66 13.65 0.87 4.10 2.09

Protected tunnel + mulch 11.38 9.92 25.01 1.41 4.87 6.81

Protected by Agrilia 6.76 26.15 28.24 1.16 5.91 5.41

Protected by Agrilia + mulch 7.02 19.33 20.01 0.88 5.81 6.24


1. The methods of protection used have contributed to a different microclimate with

positive impact both on plant metabolism and the earliness and high production

compared to control plants unprotected.

2. Physiological processes studied were influenced by climatic factors, the method

of protecting and time determination.

3. Protected plants Agril showed high values which positively influenced the rate of

photosynthesis and the production of eggplant.


1. Carpentieri,R.,1999, Effect of high-temperature stresson the photosyntetic

apparatus.Edit.Inc.New York, Basel.

2. Hammes, P.S. 1990, Net photosynthetic rate of potato hgh temperature. Journal potato

Research,vol.33, 515-520.

3. Sage şi Kubien, 2007-The temperature response of C3 and C4 photosynthesis.

Enviroment 30,1086-1107.

4. Salisburi,F.B .Ross -1991-Plant Physiology. Belmont, California.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20











Key words: sandy soils, variety, red wine


În condiții climatice favorabile vița de vie este afectată de o mulțime de boli, cele mai virulente

fiind Plasmopara viticola și Uncinula necator. Condițiile climatice manifestate în anul 2014 au fost

deosebit de favorabile pentru atacul bolilor foliare la vița de vie, respectiv precipitații abundente și

temperaturi relativ scăzute dar propice pentru infecție și atac în lunile aprilie, mai, iunie și iulie, în

anumite zile. Atacul combinat produs de cele două boli a fost, la unele soiuri, de 100 %. Cel mai

sensibil soi față de atacul de boli atât pe frunze cât și pe ciorchini a fost soiul Pinot noir (gradul de atac

a fost de 91 % și respectiv 97 %) iar cel mai rezistent a fost soiul Cabernet Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl.

(25% și respectiv 62 %). Gradul mare de atac al bolilor a influențat negativ mărimea producției de

struguri. Dacă în anul 2013 producția de struguri a fost cuprinsă între 6818 Kg/ha la soiul Cabernet

Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. și 23106 Kg/ha la soiul Amurg, în anul 2014 producția de struguri a oscilat între

3408 Kg/ha la soiul Pinot noir și 8331 Kg/ha soiul Amurg.


In the favorable climatic conditions the vine is affected by many diseases, the most virulent

Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator. Climatic conditions in 2014 were manifested particularly

conducive to foliar diseases attack the vines, respectively rainfall and relatively low temperatures but

conducive to infection and attack in April, May, June and July, on certain days. The combined product

of the two attack of the diseases was, in some varieties, of 100 %. The most sensitive variety of

diseases to attack both the leaves and bunches was Pinot Noir (degree of attack was 91 % and 97 %)

was the most resistant and Cabernet Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. (25 % and 62 %). The high degree of attack

of diseases negatively influenced the size of grape production. If grape production in 2013 was

between 6818 Kg/ha Cabernet Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. and 23 106 kg/ha Amurg variety, grape

production in 2014 ranged from 3408 kg/ha in Pinot Noir and 8331 Kg/ha variety Amurg.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





The vine is affected by a large number of diseases but, of these, the most

dangerous for green organs are Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator and for

grape is Botryotinia fuckeliana and therefore plant protection measures have an

important place in culture technologies (Severin V., Dejeu L., 1994; P. Galet, 1991).

Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator attacks all organs of green vine in training:

leaves, shoots, flowers, grapes training, circle (Ţârdea C., Dejeu L., 1995). The most

dangerous attack is the flowers and grapes in training. The attack becomes dangerous

during periods of favorable climatic conditions or high atmospheric humidity and

temperatures above 3 - 4 °C, for Uncinula necator and above 10 °C for Plasmopara

viticola (Savulescu Tr., 1941, quoted by Al Lazarus. et al., 1977). The most effective

treatments to prevent and combat these diseases are carried out at warning and

systemic substances. In rainy periods should be performed weekly treatments

(Oşlobeanu M. et al., 1980).


The research on the degree of tolerance or resistance to the attack of the

fungus Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator, were performed in ampelographic

collection of CCDCPN Dabuleni, a total of 12 varieties of black grapes for red wines:

Haiduc, Codană, Mamaia, Novac, Cabernet Sauvignon 33 Vl., Cristina, Pandur,

Arcaş, Amurg, Pinot noir, Busuioacă de Bohotin, Băbească neagră. Age plantation, 5

years. Planting Distances 2.2/1.2 m. Comparing the results of production was done

with 2013 year with favorable conditions for vine growing on the sandy soils of

southern Oltenia.


In 2014 year occurred particulary favorable climatic conditions for foliar diseases

attack the vines, respectively rainfall and temperatures but conducive to infection and

attack in April, May, June and July, on certain days, for all vine varieties. There are not

exist immune vine varieties. During the 2014 growing season (April to September)

rainfall records equaled the largest amount, 640.7 mm, compared to the monthly

amount of multi-vegetation period 1956 - 2014, of 313.2 mm (Table 1) . The amount of

rainfall was 123.8 mm in April, 111 mm May, 92 mm in June, 125.6 mm in July, 16 mm

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




in August and 165.9 mm September, spread over a number great day, 17 April, 16

May, 11 days in June and 13 days in July 4 days in August and 13 days in September.

A total of 183 days that sums up the April-September rainfall were recorded in 74 days

(40.4 %). About half of the days, from this period were with precipitation. Also, daily

dew formed, which persisted up to 11-12 hours. Basically during this period there were

favorable conditions for the development of foliar diseases of grapevine. If at the

beginning of the period (early May) were conditions mildew (Uncinula necator), as the

temperature climbed, from the second half of May, the attack appeared mildew

(Plasmopara viticola). The first symptoms of the disease occurred in the formation of

inflorescences. Attack of the two diseases, the beginning was not virulent, due to

lower values of temperature overnight, then with increasing these values, the virulence

of the disease has increased. The 9 phytosanitary treatments carried out have failed to

fully prevent and combat major diseases of grapevine, Plasmopara viticola and

Uncinula necator. All the same purpose was made in the early leafless in

inflorescences zone. Nevertheless, the degree of attack combination product either

disease was in some varieties until 100 %.

Phytosanitary treatments, the number of 9, were carried out with both the products

and the contact systemic action:

1 - Ridomil plus 48 (metalaxyl + copper oxychloride), 0.3 % + Kumulus

(sulphur), 0.3 %;

2 - Ridomil plus 48 (metalaxyl + copper oxychloride), 0.3 % + Kumulus

(sulphur), 0.3 %;

3 - Ridomil plus 48 (metalaxyl + copper oxychloride), 0.3 % + Shavit

(triadimenol + folpet), 0.2 % ;

4 - Ridomil plus 48 (metalaxyl + copper oxychloride), 0.3 % + Shavit

(triadimenol + folpet), 0.2 % ;

5 – Champ (copper hydroxide), 0.3 % + Kumulus (sulphur), 0.3 %;

6 – Champ (copper hydroxide), 0.3 % + Kumulus (sulphur), 0.3 %;

7 - Zeamă bordeleză (copper), 0.5 % + Kumulus (sulphur), 0.3 %;

8 - Zeamă bordeleză (copper), 0.5 % + Kumulus (sulphur), 0.3 %;

9 - Ridomil plus 48 (metalaxyl + copper oxychloride), 0.3 % + Kumulus

(sulphur), 0.3 %.

The most sensitive variety of diseases to attack both the leaves and bunches

was Pinot Noir (degree of attack was 91 % and 97 %), (Table 2). The most resistant to

diseases attack both the leaves and the bunches was Cabernet Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl.

(25 % and 62 %). The high degree of attack of diseases negatively influenced the size

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




of grape production. If grape production in 2013 was between 6818 Kg/ha Cabernet

Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. and 23106 kg/ha Twilight variety, grape production in 2014

ranged from 3408 kg/ha in Pinot Noir and 8331 Kg/ha variety Amurg.

Table 1 Characterization climate during the growing season of 2014

Table 2 The degree of attack produced by major diseases (Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator) of vine varieties of grapes for red wines in climatic conditions in 2014 year


Degree of attack


Grapes production


leaves bunches 2013 year 2014 year

Băbească neagră 84 96 20455 7953

Haiduc 72 88 21212 7574

Codană 44 69 22728 7953

Mamaia 54 76 18940 7195

Novac 68 92 21212 7574

Cabernet Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. 25 62 6818 3787

Cristina 66 86 21212 5680

Pandur 76 92 21591 6816

Arcaş 90 87 21212 7195

Amurg 76 72 23106 8331

Pinot noir 91 97 10227 3408

Busuioacă de Bohotin 54 67 11742 4544

Climatical element/ Month IV V VI VII VIII IX Total

Average temperature (C0) 12.6 16.6 20.7 23.1 23.7 18.3 19.2

Minimum temperature C0) 2.5 10.2 10.2 12.5 8.2 5.1 2.5

Maximum temperature (C0) 25.5 29.5 33.7 34.9 37.6 30.6 37.6

Rainfall (mm) 123.8 117.4 92 125.6 16 165.9 640.7

Air relative humidity (%) 80.3 76.9 76.9 75 72 82.3 77.2

Multiannual average temperature 1956-2014

11.8 16.8 21.8 23.1 22.3 17.7 18.9

Rainfall Multiannual average 1956-2014

45.8 60,6 68 53.3 38.2 47.3 313.2

Total days 30 31 30 31 31 30 183

Total days with rainfall 17 16 11 13 4 13 74 (40.4%)

Total days with rainfall in May-June

- 16 11 13 - - 40 (43.5%)

Duration of sun brightness 145.9 248.1 256.4 304.6 322.5 184.2 1461.7

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. Climatic conditions in 2014 were manifested particularly conducive to foliar

diseases attack the vines, respectively rainfall and temperatures but conducive

to infection and attack in April, May, June and July, on certain days, for all vine

varieties. There are not exist immune vine varieties.

2. The combined product of the two attack of the disease was in some varieties of

until 100 %.

3. The variety sensitive to both diseases attack the leaves and bunches was Pinot

Noir (degree of attack was 91 % and 97 %) was the most resistant and

Cabernet Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. (25 % and 62 %).

4. The high degree of attack of diseases negatively influenced the size of grape

production. If grape production in 2013 was between 6818 Kg/ha Cabernet

Sauvignon Cl. 33 Vl. Variety and 23106 kg/ha Amurg variety, grape production

in 2014 ranged from 3408 kg/ha in Pinot Noir and 8331 Kg/ha Amurg variety.


1. Galet P., 1991 – Précis de patologie viticole. Imprimerie Déthan, Montpellier.

2. Lazăr Al., Bobeș I., Comes I., Drăcea A., Hatman M., 1977 – Fitopatologie, Editura

didactică și pedagogică București.

3. Oșlobeanu M., Magdalena Georgescu, Oprean M., Baniță P., Alexandrescu I.,

Jianu L., 1980 – Viticultură generală și specială. Editura didactică și pedagogică


4. Severin V., Dejeu L., 1994 – Prevenirea și combaterea bolilor și dăunătorilor viței de

vie. Editura Ceres, București.

5. Țârdea C., Dejeu L., 1995 – Viticultură. Editura didactică și pedagogică București.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









Key words: sandy soils, Prima Cl. 1022 variety, vineyards


Îmbunătățirea sortimentului de soiuri de viță de vie se află permanent printre obiectivele de

cercetare la CCDCPN Dăbuleni. În acest sens, în anul 2010, s-a înființat o nouă colecție

ampelografică, cu 50 soiuri. Din grupa soiurilor cu struguri de masă s-a evidențiat prin precocitate dar

și prin nivelul ridicat al producției de struguri, soiul Prima Cl. 1022, cu o producție de 20076 Kg/ha, în

primul an de rod. Maturitatea de consum a strugurilor s-a realizat în jurul datei de 15 iulie, în ambii ani

de studiu. Soiul Prima Cl. 1022 prezintă boabe de mărime mijlocie, de 3,7-3,9 g, de culoare negru-

violaceu. Are un conținut de zaharuri totale mai redus (140-152 g/l), aceasta fiind o caracteristică a

soiurilor de plante cu maturare timpurietate. Acest soi manifestă capacitatea de a rodi pe elemente

scurte de rod, astfel că, în anii în care mugurii sunt distruși, de eventualele temperaturi minime

negative, asigură o producție de struguri de circa 9 000 Kg/ha.


Improvement of the assortment of vine varieties are permanent objectives of research at

Dăbuleni CCDCPN. To this end, in 2010, it has established a new ampelographic collection, with 50

varieties. The group of table grape varieties was highlighted by recocity but also by the high level of

production of grapes, the Prima Cl. 1022 variety, with an output of 20076 Kg/ha in the first year of

production. Consumption of grape maturity was achieved on or around July 15, in both years of the

study. The Prima Cl. 1022 presents sized grains, 3.7-3.9 g, black-purple color. Content of total sugars

lower (140-152 g/l), which is a feature of new varieties of plants with maturing precocity. This variety

has the ability to bear fruit on short elements (2-3 eyes), so that, in years when the buds are

destroyed, any minimum negative temperatures, providing a yield of grapes by about 9 000 Kg/ha.


Viticulture is an important branch of culture in our country. The grapes have

economic value, nutritional value and medicinal value. The economic value of table

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




grape varieties is given mainly to the level of marketed production (Oşlobeanu M., et

al., 1980). Vine varieties with table grapes are appropriate conditions of culture in our

country [Martin T. and al., 1974].

Analysis of climatic conditions of our territory emerged that sandy soils fall into

very favourable area for varieties of table grapes (Martin T. et al., 1974; A. M. A. M.

Bishtawi, Popa A., 2005). Sandy soils confer agricultural products obtained precocity,

which can enhance the variety of genetic terms earlier.

In order to establish the different types of table grape varieties have carried out

studies on their behaviour in different areas (Baniţă P., Vlădoianu Em., 1979,

Costescu Adriana and al., 2012, Dumitru I. and al., 2009, Liliana Rotaru, 2005,

Mohammad Ahmad Abdel Majid Bishtawi, Popa A., 2005). After an assortment of table

grape varieties is continuous improvement a priority of this process (Cichi Daniela

Doloris, Costea D.C., 2008, Popa Camelia and al., 2008, Popa Camelia and al., 2009,

Stroe Marinela Vicuța and al., 2012).


The behaviour of the Prima Cl. 1022 variety was studied in ampelographic collection at

Dăbuleni CCDCPN from third year from planting (2012) and in the first year of fruiting

(2013). In 2014 year because the attack of main diseases to vine, Plasmopara viticola

and Uncinula necator, the yield was compromited.

Planting distance: 2.2/1.2 m. Driving form: classic (low).


The charge of buds at cutting was small, 22 - 24 principal buds, on long

elements of 10 - 11 principal buds (Table 1). Have entered into more than 80 %

vegetation. Coefficient of absolute fertility registered more than one values, in both

years. In the year 2012, the plants were in third year from planting and though suffered

considerable losses of buds and wood this produce grapes, even if not at the level of

genetic potential. He has been able to ascertain, and emphasized, the potential of

fruiting of benefiting from this variety on short elements (2-3 eyes). Grape production

was 9998 Kg/ha (Table 2). In 2013, the first year of the Prima Cl. 1022, achieved an

output of 20076 Kg/ha. The quality of grapes production had advantages and

disadvantages, but also due to the climatical conditions of the agricultural year,

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




meaning a higher content of total sugars and a total titrable acidity in 2012 and a lower

content of total sugars and value of total titrable acidity too great in 2013 (Table 2).

Table 1

Viability of buds in to entrance of vegetative and fertility of offshoots at the variety of

vines with table grapes Prima Cl. 1022

Year Charge of



Viability of buds in to

entrance of vegetative



of relative



t of



2012 (third year from planting) 22 87 0.99 1.22

2013 (first year of fruiting) 24 81 1.06 1.28

Table 2 Grape production and its quality at the variety of vines with table grapes

Prima Cl. 1022

Year Grapes



Weight of 100



Total sugar


Total titrable


g/l H2SO4

2012 (third year from planting) 9998 372 152 3.8

2013 (first year of fruiting) 20076 393 140 4

Weight of 100 grains of grapes was 372 g in 2012 and 393 g in 2013. The

phenological phase of entrance in vegetative, flourished and began breeding of grains

were conducted like any normal years of climatic in 2012 and something later in the

year 2013 (Table 3). However, due to the temperature conditions during the period

that followed after blooming recovered the sum of degrees of temperature, starting

from ripe and maturation of grapes, so that consumption of grape maturity was

recorded just one day later in 2013.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 3

Phenological observations at the vines variety with table grapes Prima Cl. 1022

Year Entrance in vegetative

Blooming Beginning breeding of grains

Beginning ripe

Consumption of grape maturity

Beginning End Beginning End

2012 (third year from planting)

09.04.12 16.04.12 12.05.12 23.05.12 18.05.12 26.06.12 15.07.12

2013 (first year of fruiting)

20.04.13 26.04.13 16.05.13 26.05.13 20.05.13 24.06.13 16.07.13

Figure 1. Prima Cl. 1022 variety (wieu vine ensamble)

Figure 2. Prima Cl. 1022 variety (wieu grapes detail)

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





1. The Prima Cl. 1022 variety with table grapes, along with the maturation of

grapes, precocity it was noted, and through a high level of production of grapes, 20076

Kg/ha in the first year of production. Consumption of grape maturity was achieved on

or around July 15, in both years.

2. The Prima Cl. 1022 presents sized grains, 3.7-3.9 g, black-purple color.

Content of total sugars lower (140-152 g/l), which is a feature of new varieties of plants

with maturing precocity.

3. This variety has the ability to bear fruiting on short elements, so that, in years

when the buds are destroyed, any minimum negative temperatures, providing a yield

of grapes by about 9 000 Kg/ha.


1. Baniţă P., Vlădoianu Em., 1979. Studiul comportării unor soiuri cu struguri pentru

masă pe nisipurile ameliorate din Oltenia. Analele SCCCPN Dăbuleni, vol. III, pp. 445-

454. Publishing Scrisul românesc, Craiova.

2. Cichi Daniela Doloris, Costea D.C., 2008. Soiuri de viță de vie cultivate și cultivabile

în România. Publishing Arves, Craiova, pp. 300-308.

3. Costescu Adriana, Liviu Dejeu, Popa Camelia, 2012. Evaluating the quality of the

table grape varieties obtained and cultivated in the vineyard Ștefănești – Argeș.

Scientific papers of University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of

Bucharest, Faculty of Horticulture, Series B. Horticulture, Volume LVI. pp. 69-72.

Publishing UASVM Bucharest.

4. Dumitru I., Cezarina Necula, Camelia Popa, Ștefania Iordache, Cristina Rizescu,

2009. The bihavior of variety for table grapes – Muscat Iantarnii in vineyards conditions

of Ștefănești Argeș. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 66 (1).

5. Liliana Rotaru, 2005. The behaviour of some new varieties of table grapes in

Romania, in the ecoclimatical conditions of the nord-est region. Agricultural University

– Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Scientific Works, vol. L., Book 6, Jubilee Scientific Conference

,,State of the art and problem of agricultural sciense and education”, 19-20 october.

6. Martin T. et al., 1974. Strugurii de masă. Editura CERES, Bucureşti.

7. Mohammad Ahmad Abdel Majid Bishtawi, Popa A., 2005. Comportarea unor soiuri

de masă în condițiile ecopedoclimatice din centrele viticole Dăbuleni, Banu Maracine,

Drăgășani. Analele Universității din Craiova, vol X (XLVI). Editura Universitaria,

Craiova, pp. 39-44.

8. Oşlobeanu M.,și colb., 1980. Viticultură. Editura didactică și pedagogică, București.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




9. Popa Camelia, Daniela Cichi, Cezarina Necula, 2008. Argessis and Golden

Ștefănești new varieties for table grapes with biological strength. Proceedings of the

32st World Congress of Vine and Wine, 7th General Assembly of the O.I.V., Verona,

Italia. Edition Naklada. Publishing Universitaria Craiova.

10. Popa Camelia, Cezarina Necula, Daniela Cichi, Giugea N., 2009. Studies on the

behaviour of variety Golden Ștefănești in vineyards Ștefănești and Banu Mărăcine.

Analele Universității din Craiova, Seria Biologie, Horticulturaă, Tehnologia Prelucrării

Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului, vol. XIII (XLIX), pp. 45-48. Publishing

Universitaria Craiova.

11. Stroe Marinela Vicuța, Bucur Georgeta Mihaela, 2012. Study regarding the

influence of low winter temperatures between 2011-2012 on the viability of winter

buds of some table grape varieties in the conditions of the didactic experimental field

in Bucharest. Scientific papers of University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Horticulture, Series B. Horticulture, Volume LVI, pp.

181-184. Publishing UASVM Bucharest.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20









1Research and Development Centre for plant growing on Sands Dăbuleni 2National Institute of research-development for Agrochemistry and pedology-Protection (INCDPAPM), Bucharest

Key words: vineyard, sandy soils, foliar fertilized


Cercetările s-au efectuat într-o plantaţie de producţie, în vârstă de 5 ani, înființată la o distanță

de 2,2/1,2 m, rezultând o desime de 3787 butuci de viță de vie pe hectar, pe soiul Roșioară.

Fertilizarea de bază s-a făcut cu îngrăşăminte complexe de tip 15 15 15, în cantitate de N45 P45

K45. Pentru fertilizarea suplimentară s-au folosit 14 tipuri de îngrasaminte foliare, ale căror rezultate

s-au fost comparat cu o variantă tratată cu apă (varianta martor). Tratamentele foliare s-au efectuat la

trei momente, primul, după fenofaza de înflorit a viţei de vie, a doua la un interval de 14 zile după

primul tratament, al treilea, la un interval de 14 zile după al doilea tratament. Determinările efectuate

au vizat producţia şi calitatea strugurilor. S-au evidențiat variantele în care s-au administrat Humic V2,

cu un spor de producţie de 5.3 t/ha, Solfert, şi Humic V1 cu un spor de producţie de 4.2 / ha,

Abiogeneza, cu un spor de producţie de 3,9 t/ha şi MSC cu un spor de producţie de 3.8 t/ha, în

comparaţie cu varianta martor.


The research was conducted in a plantation production, aged 5 years, established at a

distance of 2.2/1.2 m, and a density of 3787 vines/hectare, on a Roșioară variety. Base fertilization of

plantation was made with complex fertilizer type 15 15 15, the amount of N45 P45 K45. He tested a

total of 14 types of foliar fertilizers, whose results were compared with a variant treated with water

(control variant). Foliar treatments were carried out three times, the first, after the pedological phase of

development of the vine, the second at an interval of 14 days after the first treatment, the third, at an

interval of 14 days after the second treatment. Determinations were carried out on the production and

quality of grapes. Variants emphasized the variants were administered Humic V2, with a production

increase of 5.3 t/ha, Solfert, and Humic V1, increase production 4.2/ha, Abiogeneza, increase

production with 3.9 t/ha and MSC increase production 3.8 t/ha, compared to the control.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





The diversity of soil conditions determined the existence of a large number of types

and subtypes of soil and vegetation (Cardașol V., et al., 2003). The soils with low

natural fertility occupies a significant area in Romania (Gavriluță I. et al., 2003). These

include and sandy soils, which are characterized by a low organic matter content (0.5-

1.2%), and minerals (0.01-0.06% total N, 13-43 ppm PAL, 42-110 ppm KAL, Toma V., et

al., 2008). Optimum fertilization on sandy soils is an important (Toma V., et al., 2002).

In order to reduce the level of pollution and the loss of nutrients through leaching is

recommended to use smaller doses administered in several occasions, or certain

quantities will be supplemented with foliar fertilizer application (Dejeu L., Magdalena

Georgescu, 1992; Oşlobeanu M., 1980).


The researchers have been conducted in a plantation production, aged 5 years,

founded at distance 2.2/1.2 m, with 3787 stumps/hectare, per variety Roșioară.

Basic fertilization plantation has been carried out with a fertiliser complex type of

15 15 15, in the amount N45 P45 K45.

It has been tested a number of 14 types of foliar fertilizers, whose results were

compared with a treated water variant (blank version), resulting in a number of 15


Experience variants:

Witness, treated with water;

Solfert 0.4%;

Calciu gluconat 0.6%;

ASFAC 0.2%;

MSC 1.0%;

Abiogeneza 1.0%;

Abiogeneza H 1.0%;

Humic V1 0.5%;

Humic V2 0.5%;

F-1 0.5%;

F-2 0.5%;

Abiogenez 1.0%;

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




R-3211 Hum 1.0%;

R-3211 Huan 1.0%;

Biozime 0.2%.

Foliar treatments were carried out at three moments:

First, after blooming sprays;

Second, at an interval of 14 days after the first treatment;

Third, at an interval of 14 days after the second treatment.

Determinations were made relating to the production of grape and its quality

(weight of 100 grains, total sugars, total acidity titrable).


Vine stocks went into growing very well and the load of buds on a vine enabled

a close genetic potential yields of variety (table 1).

Table 1

Grape production according to the different types of foliar fertilizers on sandy soils in

the southern Oltenia

Variant Grape production Production spore

t/ha relative


t/ha (%)

Witnes, treated with water 16.6 100 - -

Solfert 0.4% 20.8 125 4.2 25

Calciu gluconat 0.6% 18.2 109 1.6 9

ASFAC 0.2% 19.7 118 3.1 18

MSC 1.0% 20.4 123 3.8 23

Abiogeneza 1.0% 20.5 123 3.9 23

Abiogeneza H 1.0% 19.7 118 3.1 18

Humic V1 0.5% 20.8 125 4.2 25

Humic V2 0.5% 21.9 132 5.3 32

F-1 0.5% 19.3 116 2.7 16

F-2 0.5% 19.6 118 3 18

Abiogenez 1.0% 18.5 111 1.9 11

R-3211 Hum 1.0% 18.9 114 2.3 14

R-3211 Huan 1.0% 19.7 118 3.1 18

Biozime 0.2% 17.8 107 1.2 7

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




The production performed in the control variant (fertilized only with root N45 P45 K45)

was 16.6 t/ha. In all other variants fertilized with foliar fertilisers applied during the

growing season, were obtained from production increases, which have oscillated

between 1.2 t/ha, in the fertilized with Biozime 0.2% and 5.3 t/ha in the fertilized with

0.5% Humic V2. They noted that the variations were administered Solfert products,

0.4% and 0.5% Humic V1 (4.2 t/ha production increase, respectively 25%),

Abiogeneza, 1.0% (3.9 production increase t/ha, respectively 23%), and MSC 1.0%

(3.8 production increase t/ha, respectively 23%) compared with the control group.

Younger spore production of 7% was achieved in the fertile leaf with Biozime 0.2%,

where it has achieved a production of grape 17.8 t/ha.

Increases production of fertilised extra has been attributed to foliar fertilizers applied

that contributed to the increase in the average weight of the grains of grapes (table 2).

Table 2

Quality grape production according to the different types of foliar fertilizers on sandy

soils in the southern Oltenia

Variant Weight of 100



Total sugar


Total titrable acidity

g/l H2SO4

Witnes, treated with water 215 164 2.45

Solfert 0.4% 223 160 2.7

Calciu gluconat 0.6% 230 158 2.9

ASFAC 0.2% 237 159 2.9

MSC 1.0% 243 160 3.1

Abiogeneza 1.0% 240 158 2.95

Abiogeneza H 1.0% 232 160 2.95

Humic V1 0.5% 229 158 2.85

Humic V2 0.5% 246 157 2.95

F-1 0.5% 239 158 3.05

F-2 0.5% 238 158 2.95

Abiogenez 1.0% 235 152 2.95

R-3211 Hum 1.0% 240 154 2.85

R-3211 Huan 1.0% 242 154 2.85

Biozime 0.2% 230 156 3.05

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




In variants fertilized with foliar fertilizer application, the average weight of 100

grains of grapes was located within the limits of 223-246 g compared with fertilized

only root, where the average weight of 100 grains of grapes has recorded 215 g. Total

sugars content of the grapes was lower in treated with foliar fertilisers, around the

genetic potential of the variety characteristic 156-160 g/l, respectively.

Only the size of production of grapes has made the difference between the

sugars content values. The values of the content of total sugars from grapes treated

with fertilizer variants extra roughness were between 152 and 160 g/l, compared with

fertilized only root, 164 g/l, where grape production was lower. Also, total acidity and

titrable recorded values characteristic of the variety, Ro;ioară, influenced the type of

fertilizer used. These values have been framed within the confines 2.70-3.05 g/l



1. It was revealed by administering additional foliar fertilizer application to the

culture of vines increases were made of grape production in all variants.

Production increases were different, depending on the type of fertilizer, being

between 1.2 t/ha (7%) and 5.3 t/ha (32%), in variantns in which the products

have been applied, Humic V2, 0.5%, (production increase 5.3 t/ha, respectively,

32%), and Solfert 0.4%, Humic V1, 0.5% (production increase 4.2 t/ha,

respectively 25%), Abiogeneza, 1.0%, (production spore 3.9 t/ha respectively

23%), MSC, 1.0% (3.8 t/ha production increase, respectively 23%) compared

with the control variant.

2. The lowest increase of production, of 7%, was achieved in the fertilized variant

with Biozime 0.2%, where it has achieved a production of grape 17.8 t/ha.

Production increases were made solely on behalf of foliar fertilizers.


1. Cardașol V., Faur F., Stroia M., 2003 - Importanța fosforului asupra producției și

calității furajelor pe pajiști. Lucrări științifice ICPA. Folosirea îngrășămintelor cu fosfor

în România. Aspecte actuale și de perspectivă. Editura Agris-Redacția revistelor


2. Dejeu L., Magdalena Georgescu, 1992 – Înfiinţarea plantaţiilor de vii şi întreţinerea

lor în primii trei ani. Editura Ceres, Bucureşti.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




3. Gavriluță I., Dorneanu A., Povarnă Fl., Maria Călinoiu, Prodan T., Daniela Dana,

2003 - Eficiența fertilizării cu îngrășăminte pastilate a culturilor agricole pe solurile cu

fertilitate naturală scăzută. Lucrări științifice ICPA. Folosirea îngrășămintelor cu fosfor

în România. Aspecte actuale și de perspectivă. Editura Agris-Redacția revistelor


4. Oşlobeanu M., Oprean M., Alexandrescu I., Magdalena Georgescu, Baniţă P.,

Jianu L., 1980 – Viticultură generală şi specială. Editura didactică şi pedagogică,


5. Toma V., Mihaela Croitoru, Marieta Ploae, 2008 - Cercetări privind eficacitatea unor

compuși naturali ai borului în fertilizarea culturilor de pepeni verzi de pe solurile

nisipoase din sudul Olteniei. Lucrări științifice ICPA. Reconstrucția ecologică și

necesarul de îngrășăminte în zona Gorjului. Editura New Agris-Reviste agricole.

6. Toma V., Rățoi I., Mihaela Croitoru, 2002 - Eficacitatea unor îngrășăminte cu potasiu

la culturile de tomate și viță de vie pe solurile nisipoase din sudul Olteniei. Fertilizarea

echilibrată a principalelor culturi în România. Editura AGRIS – Redacția revistelor

agricole, București.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20








1Research-Development Centre for Agricultural Plants on Sands – Dăbuleni, Str. Victoriei, 130, Code

207220, Dăbuleni, County Dolj, Romania, Tel. 040 251 334 402 2Faculty of Horticulture, Craiova, Romania

Key words: watermelons, cultivars, sandy soils


Pe solurile nisipoase de la CCDCPN Dăbuleni, în perioada 2012-2014 , a fost studiată

comportarea a 25 de cultivaruri de pepeni verzi. Soiurile de pepeni verzi create la CCDCPN Dăbuleni

s-au remarcat prin producţia mare, relativ constantă. La soiul Oltenia producţia medie a celor trei ani

de experimentare a fost de 87,4 t/ha. Capacitatea mare de producţie este detrminată de vigoarea

plantelor, rezistenţa la atacul agenţilor patogeni şi de mărimea fructelor care în medie pe cei trei ani a

fost de 7,182 Kg. S-au mai remaracat prin mărimea producţiei cultivarurile Bontha F1, ACX 5428 F1,

Sun Sweet F1, CRX 10041 F1, Lady F1, Talisman F1. S-au evidenţiat prin mărimea producţiei timpurii

obţinută la prima recoltare hibrizii Regina F1, Bontha F1, Manitou F1, CRX 10007, Katherine F1, Lady

F1, Van Guard F1.Soiurile create la CCDCPN Dăbuleni Oltenia, Dulce de Dăbuleni şi De Dăbuleni

sunt soiuri semitimpurii nefind recomandate pentru cultura extratimpurie, dar care dau rezultate foarte

bune când se cultivă prin răsad.


On sandy soils at CCDCPN Dăbuleni, during 2012-2014, has been studied the behaviour of 25

cultivars of watermelons. Varieties of watermelons at CCDCPN Dăbuleni stood out through the large,

relatively constant production. The average production of Oltenia variety on three years of

experimentation was 87.4 t/ha. High production capacity is detrmined of plant vigour, resistance to

attack pathogens and fruit size, which averaged over the three years was 7.182 Kg. Were emphasized

by the size of the production the hybrids Bontha F1, ACX 5428 F1, Sun Sweet F1, CRX 10041 F1,

Lady F1, Talisman F1. Were highlighted by the size of the production from early first harvest Regina

F1, Bontha F1, Manitou F1, CRX 10007, Katherine F1, Lady F1, Van Guard F1. Varieties created

CCDCPN, Oltenia, Dulce de Dăbuleni and De Dăbuleni are semiearlier varieties give great results

when the seedling are grown through.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20





Watermelons are found on sandy soils in southern Oltenia favorable conditions

for growth and development. Specific environmental conditions, ensuring optimum

water through irrigation and nutrients in organic and mineral fertilizers are the main

factors that ensure high yields, very early and good quality. Watermelons culture

occupies in southern Oltenia 6000-7000 ha annually, being one of the few crops that

ensure profitable operation sandy soils. Watermelons from Dabuleni were imposed by

times and organoleptic qualities. Sandy soil, high temperatures in summer are climatic

factors that positively early production and especially the size and quality. The

assortment of varieties of watermelons grown on sandy soils experienced significant

changes over time. At first they cultivated so-called wild watermelons, oblong, large

fruit, but lacking quality. Later, were cultivated several varieties Romanian: of Arad,

Braille, of Tâmbureşti. Subsequently, the increasing demands of growers and imposed

the introduction of foreign varieties (Sugar Baby, Crimson Sweet, early Canada,

Charleston Gray) and Romanian (532 Lovrin, Minis, Dr Mauch, etc). Gradually, it

became necessary to further research to improve the watermelons to SCDCPN

Dăbuleni, which have resulted in the creation of varieties Dăbuleni (1986), Sweet

Dăbuleni (1989), Oltenia (2005), varieties that are well adapted to organic soils sandy.

Sweet Dăbuleni variety was cultivated a long time after its introduction in culture,

occupying 90% of the area is known by consumers across the country and imposed ,,

melon Dăbuleni brand ''. After 2000 and especially after our country entered into the

European Union, the assortment of watermelons has been greatly diversified. All major

European companies, and especially the Dutch introduced the hybrid Dăbuleni very

early, highly productive, some of which have adapted well to conditions on sandy soils.

Cultivate after the traditional technology by direct sowing in the field, melons are

harvested at Dăbuleni starting July 18 to 20, by the end of September recorded a peak

production between 5 to 25 August. With results Research Station Development for

crop sands that executed in recent years a large number of projects and research

topics on improving the technology of cultivation of watermelons, farmers in the sandy

soils apply today's high performance technologies. To increase earliness, crops of

watermelons created through seedling, it protects the low shelters tunnel, the land

covered with polythene film and irrigation is done through localized drip. Cultivate after

this technology melons are harvested starting from June 15 to 20. In recent years an

increasing number of growers for growing watermelons use technology with grafted

plants (Toma V., et. Al. 2007, Toma V., et al. 2007, Toma V., et al., 2011). By grafting

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




increases plant resistance to attack by pathogens, with particular reference to the

attack of the Fusarium oxysporum, increases resistance to stress factors, increases

efficiency of use of fertilizers and irrigation water.


In order to recommend certain varieties of watermelons adapted to sandy soils

in the period 2012-2014 within the project ADER 5.3.3 Improving the supply of agro-

ecosystem production psamosoils for increasing food security and quality of primary

agricultural products Sectoral Plan of MARD, the CCDCPN Dăbuleni were tested a

total of 25 varieties and hybrid creations of our unity and foreign companies

recognized. Experimental culture was established by seedling produced in unheated

solar greenhouse. The technological works were mented in technology of cultivation of

watermelons on sandy soils (Toma V., et. Al. 2011). Plant density was 5555 plant / ha

and was carried out by planting the seedlings at a distance of 1.8 m between rows and

1 m between plants in the row. It was sown on the 01.04.2013 in alveolar trays.

Planting seedlings age was 30 days. Irrigation was done by drip, supplemented by

sprinkler irrigation for watering in years past when necessary. Were carried out

preventive treatment plant to combat anthracnose, blight and fusariosis. To combat

pathogens mentioned were used Dithane M45 products, Kurds Manox, Champion and

Topsin M 70. For aphid control was required treatment Calipso. To combat weeds and

loosening the field, the range unmulched with PE film were executed two hand hoeing

and four works by tiller. Harvesting was done at intervals by 1-3 passes depending on

the climatic conditions of the year and particularities of cultivars tested.


Since the experimental conditions were different from year to year and because

some cultivars have not been studied in as many years, the results will be presented

on years of research. In terms of 2012, which were not very favorable for growing

watermelons, 12 cultivars were tested, of which 3 are created in CCDCPN Dăbuleni

,Sweet Dabuleni, De Dăbuleni and Oltenia. Compared to these varieties were studied

Admira F1 hybrids, F1 Talisman, Manitou F1, F1 Katherine, ACX F1 5428, F1 Regina,

Crimson Sweet, Bonthe F1, F1 Lucia. Production of watermelons (Table 1) was

between 34.4 t / ha and 78.3 t / ha. The big production cultivars were Oltenia 78.3 t /

ha, Bonthe F1 (73.0 t / ha), Talisman F1 (72.0 t / ha). Smaller productions were

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




performed in cultivars ACX 5428 F1 (34.4 t / ha), Admira F1 (43.9 t / ha), Lucia F1

(46.9 t / ha). They noted the production earliness at F1 cultivars Regina, Bonthe F1

and F1 Lucia where the first fruits were harvested in the first decade of July (07 July).

From this point of view is highlighted Bonthe F1 first harvest realized production of

27.5 t / ha (37.3% of total production). Sweet varieties of Dăbuleni, Dăbuleni and

Oltenia are later harvesting varieties, whose first collection was made in the last

decade of July (table 2).

The climate of 2013, characterized by temperature and precipitation close to the

annual average were very favorable for plants watermelons. There were tested 14

cultivars: Sweet Dăbuleni, De Dăbuleni, Oltenia, Caravan F Pumpkin F1, Manitou F1,

Katherine F1, Regina F1 (Guifeixigua) ACX 5428 F1 Bonthe F1, Sun Sweet F1 CRX

10049 F1 3 - 10007 F1 CRX, CRX 10041 F1. Production of watermelons (ranged from

30.0 t / ha and 103.9 t / ha. Cultivars with the largest production were Oltenia 103.9 t /

ha, ACX 5428 F1 95.1 t / ha, Sun Sweet F1 90.4 t / ha, 10049 F1 CRX 86.9 t / ha,

Dăbuleni (83.8 t / ha), Sweet Dăbuleni (83.1 t / ha) and Caravan F1 (82.4 t / ha . The

lowest productions were performed in Queen cultivars F1 (30.0 t / ha), CRX 10041

(44.8 t / ha), CRX 10007 (46.3 t / ha). They noted again the size of early production

from the initial harvest F1 hybrid Bonthe 43.0 t / ha, Manitou F1 28.6 t / ha, CRX

10007 24.3 t / ha, Katherine F1 at which the first fruits are collected in the first decade

of July (09 July) compared with varieties Oltenia, De Dăbuleni and Sweet Dăbuleni,

CRX 10049 F1 and ACX 5429 F1 at the first harvest was done after 6 days. It should

be emphasized special precocity of hybrid of provenance Chinese Regina F1 and the

harvesting period ended July 15, but with smaller fruits and a weak resistance to the

attack of pathogens achieved a low production level, only 30.0 t / ha. The cumulative

production by 15 July 5428 ACX stands 63.7 t / ha (67.0% of total production), Bontha

F1 63.2 t / ha (92.3% of total production), Sun F1 Sweet 60 7 t / ha (67.2% of total


In 2014 were studied 16 cultivars assortment consisting of: Sweet Dăbuleni, De

Dăbuleni, Oltenia, Caravan F1, Lady F1, Talisman F1 F1, Katherine F1, Regina F1

(Guifeixigua), Bontha F1, Crimson Sweet, BSS 945 F1, BSS 943 F1, F1 Ruby, Van

Guard F1, F1 Pilot, Vista F1. Climatic conditions of 2014 were characterized during the

growing season of watermelons (April-August) through lower temperatures and rainfall

richer than the multiannual average. Cultivars tested differed clearly in ECAC

manufacturing capability, earliness, production quality, resistance to attack by

pathogens. Production of watermelons ranged from 29.6 t / ha and 91.6 t / ha.

Cultivars with big production were Sweet Dăbuleni 94.6 t / ha, Oltenia 80.1 t / ha,

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Bonthe F178,2 t / ha, Dăbuleni 68.9 t / ha, Lady F1 68.4 t / ha. Smaller productions

were performed in 943 F1 cultivars BSS 29.6 t / ha and Regina F1 (46.6 t / ha) due

fruits that have a lower weight and a poor resistance to attack by pathogens. Were

noted the size of early production from the initial harvest (21.07) Bonthe F1 cultivars

63.2 t / ha (80.8% of total production), Regina F1 53.7 t / ha (82.1% of production

total), Van Guard F1 56.4 t / ha (64.6 5 of total production). Dăbuleni CCDCPN

varieties developed in Oltenia, The Sweet Dăbuleni Dăbuleni and are delayed (Table

4). Being created in the environmental conditions of sandy soils, varieties of

watermelons produced by CCDCPN Dăbuleni stood by producing large, relatively

constant. The variety Oltenia average production of the three years of experimentation

was 87.4 t / ha. Production capacity is enteritis due to high plant vigor, resistance to

attack pathogens (Tables 7-9) and the size of fruit on average three years was 7182 g

(Table 5). The other two varieties developed at CCDCPN Sweet Dăbuleni and

Dăbuleni is characterized by high production achieved (79.4, respectively 71.4 t / ha

average of three years). Being semitardive, they are not recommended for obtaining

extraearliness productions. Tolerance to attack pathogens recommends for ecological

culture. PRN force cultivars studied or differentiated plant by plant growth. At 45 days

after planting cultivars with larger main vine length were ACX 5428 F1 Sweet

Dăbuleni, Oltenia, Manitou F1, F1 Katherine. Less vigorous plants were recorded in

cultivars Regina F1, F1 945 BSS. CRX 10041 F1. Most cultivars have shown tolerance

to attack pathogens. Higher sensitivity to anthracnose watermelons was recorded in

Regina F1, F1 Pumpkin, BSS 943 F1, Van Guard F1, F1 Pilot (Tables 6-8).


1. Cultivated in different climatic conditions of 2012-2014, the watermelon

cultivars tested had a different behavior depending on responsiveness determined

genetic structure.

2. The varieties of watermelons designed to CCDCPN Dăbuleni stood by higher

production relatively constant. Variety Oltenia average production of the three years of

experimentation was 87.4 t / ha. High capacity production is enteritis due to plant

vigor, resistance to attack pathogens (and the size of fruit on average three years was

7182 g. There were stood by size production cultivars Bonta F1, ACX 5428 F1, Sun

Sweet F1 CRX 10041 F1, Lady F1, Talisman F1.

3. Were revealed by size of early production from the initial harvest Regina F1

hybrids, F1 Bonthe, Manitou F1 CRX 10007, Katherine F1, F1 Lady, Van Guard F1.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Dăbuleni CCDCPN varieties developed in Oltenia, Sweet Dăbuleni and Dăbuleni mid

early varieties are recommended for culture which has not had earlyer but give good

results when the seedling is cultivated or planted directly in the field.


1. Toma V.,Ciuciuc Elena, Croitoru Mihaela, Ploae Marieta, 2007, Comportarea

unor cultivare de pepeni verzi în cultură altoită pe solurile nisipoase din sudul Olteniei,

Lucrări ştiinţifice ale CCDCPN Dăbuleni, Vol. XVI. Ed. SITECH, Craiova

2. Toma V., Croitoru Mihaela, Ploae Marieta, 2007, Cercetări privind fertilizarea şi

desimea de plantare a culturilor de pepeni verzi altoite, pe solurile nisipoase, Lucrări ştiinţifice

ale CCDCPN Dăbuleni, Vol. XVI. Ed. SITECH, Craiova

3. Toma V. şi colab. 2011-Cultura ecologică a pepenilor verzi cu plante altoite pe

solurile nisipoase, Editura Sitech, Craiova.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 1 Production watermelons growers CCDCPN Dăbuleni studied in the years 2012-2014

Cultivar Production years(t/ha) Average production 2012-2014

2012 2013 2014 t/ha % Diferences Semnification

V1- Dulce de Dăbuleni 63.5 83.1 91.6 79.4 100.0 Mt. Mt.

V2- De Dăbuleni 61.4 83.8 68.9 71.4 89.9 -8.0 -

V3 – Oltenia 78.3 103.9 80.1 87.4 110.0 +8.0 -

V4- Admira F 1 43.9 - - - - - -

V5- Talisman F1 72.0 - 63.3 - - - -

V6- Manitou F1 48.1 64.2 - - - - -

V7- Katherine F1 57.0 52.5 56.9 55.2 69.5 -24.2 00

V8- ACX 5428 F1 34.4 95.1 - - - - -

V9 - Regina F1 50.5 30.0 46.6 42.7 53.7 -36.7 000

V10- Crimson Sweet 64.1 - 59.5 - - -

V11- Bontha F1 73.0 68.4 78.2 73.2 92.1 -6.2 -

V12- Lucia F1 46.9 - - - - - -

V13- Caravan F1 - 82.4 59.2 - - - -

V14- Bostana F1 - 51.7 - - - - --

V15- Sun Sweet F1 - 90.4 - - - - -

V16- CRX 10049 F1 - 86.9 - - - - -

V17- CRX 10007 F1 - 46.3 - - - - -

V18- CRX 10041 F1 - 44.8 - - - - -

V19- Lady F1 - - 68.4 - - - -

V20- BSS 945 F1 - - 59.0 - - - -

V21- BSS 943 F1 - - 29.6 - - - -

V22- Ruby F1 - - 65.4 - - - -

V 23- Van Guard F1 - - 66.7 - - - -

V24- Pilot F1 - - 57.8 - - - -

V25 - Vista F1 - - 73.8 - - - - DL 5% = 11.6 8 3 22.9 14.2 t/ha DL 1% = 15.5 11.2 31.2 19.3 t/ha DL 0.1% = 20.5 14.4 41.2 25.3 t/ha

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2 The dynamics of the culture of watermelons (Year 2012)

Cultivar JULY AUGUST Total

t/ha Decade I (07.07) Decade II (15.07) Decade III (22.07) Decade I (06.08)

t/ha %



t/ha % from


t/ha % V1 % from


t/ha %V1 %



V1-Dulce de Dăbuleni - - - - 61,1 100,0 96,2 2,4 100 3,8 53,5

V2-De Dăbuleni - - - - 57,8 94,6 94,1 3,6 150 5,9 61,4

V3 -Oltenia - - - - 73,9 120,9 64,4 4,4 183 5,6 78,3

V4- Admira F 1 - - 3,8 8,6 38,1 62,3 86,8 2,0 83 4,6 43,9

V5-Talisman F1 - - 10,6 14,7 40,4 82,5 70,0 11,0 458 15,3 72,0

V6-Manitou F1 - - 36,4 75,7 11,0 18,0 22,9 0,7 29 0,4 48,1

V7Katherine F1 - - 36,0 63,2 19,5 31,9 34,2 1,5 62 2,6 57,0

V8- ACX 5428 F1 - - 12,1 35,2 21,9 35,8 63,6 0,4 17 1,2 34,4

V9 -China 7,2 14,3 27,5 54,5 15,8 25,8 31,2 - - - 50,5

V10-Crimson Sweet - - 27,5 42,9 36,6 59,9 57,1 - - - 64,1

V11-Bontha F1 27,5 37,3 34,0 46,6 11,1 18,1 15,2 0,4 16 0,5 73,0

V12-Lucia F1 8,9 19,0 28,0 59,7 9,3 15,2 19,8 0,7 29 1,5 46,9

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 3 The dynamics of the culture of watermelons (Year 2013)

Cultivar Harvesting I


Harvesting II (15.07) Harvesting III



Partially Cumulative

t/ha %T t/ha % V1 % T t/ha % V1 % T t/ha % V1 % T t/ha %

V1-Dulce de Dăbuleni - - 35.0 100.0 42.1 35.0 100.0 42.1 48.1 100.0 57.9 83.1 100.0

V2-De Dăbuleni - - 24.9 71.1 29.7 24.9 71.1 29.7 58.9 122.4 70.3 83.8 100.8

V3 -Oltenia - - 38.8 110.8 37.3 38.8 11.8 62.7 65.1 135.3 62.7 103.9 125.0

V4- Caravan F 1 16.3 19.8 39.3 112.2 14.7 55.6 158.8 67.5 26.8 55.7 32.5 82.4 99.1

V5-Bostana F1 17.9 34.6 21.1 60.3 40.8 39.0 111.4 75.4 12.7 26.4 24.6 51.7 62.2

V6-Manitou F1 28.6 44.5 27.9 79.7 43.5 56.5 161.4 88.0 7.7 16.0 12.0 64.2 77.3

V7-Katherine F1 20.6 39.2 30.6 74.2 58.3 51.2 146.2 97.5 1.3 2.7 2.5 52.5 63.2

V8- Regina (China) 16.3 54.3 13.7 39.1 45.7 31.0 88.5 100.0 - - - 30.0 36.1

V9 - ACX 5428 F1 - - 63.7 18.0 67.0 63.7 182.0 67.0 31.4 -65.2 33.0 95.1 114.4

V10- Bontha F1 43.0 62.7 20.2 57.7 29.5 63.2 180.5 92.3 5.2 10.8 7.7 68.4 82.3

V11-Sun Sweet F1 14.6 16.2 46.1 13.,7 51.0 60.7 173.4 67.2 29.7 61.7 32.8 90.4 108.8

V12-CRX 10049 F1 - - 53.1 151.7 61.0 53.1 151.7 61.1 33.8 70.2 38.9 86.9 104.6

V13- CRX 10007 F1 24.3 52.5 10.9 31.1 23.5 35.2 100.5 76.0 11.1 23.0 24.0 46.3 55.7

V14- CRX 10041 F1 5.5 12.3 18.0 51.4 40.1 23.5 67.1 52.4 21.3 44.2 47.6 44.8 53.9

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 4 Dynamics of harvesting the cultivation of watermelons (Year 2014)

Cultivar Harvesting I (21.07) Harvesting II (28.07) Harvesting III (04.08) Total t/ha t/ha %V1 %Total t/ha %V1 %Total t/ha %V1 %Total

V1-Dulce de Dăbuleni

15.4 100.0 16.8 29.5 100.0 32.2 46.7 100.0 51.0 91.6

V2-De Dăbuleni 9.1 59.0 13.2 29.3 99.3 42.5 30.5 65.3 44.3 68.9

V3 -Oltenia 17.5 113.6 21.8 27.8 94.2 34.7 34.8 74.5 43.5 80.1

V4- Caravan F 1 38.1 247.2 64.3 14.7 49.8 24.9 6.4 13.7 10.8 59.2

V5-Lady F1 43.9 285.0 64.2 24.5 83.1 35.8 - - - 68.4

V6-Talisman F1 46.7 303.6 73.8 16.6 56.2 26.2 - - - 63.3

V7-Katherine F1 41.7 270.7 73.3 15.2 51.5 26.7 - - - 58.9

V8- Regina F1 37.6 244.1 80.7 9.0 30.5 19.3 - - - 46.6

V9 –Bontha F1 63.2 410.3 80.8 15.0 50.8 19.2 - - - 78.2

V10-Crimson Sweet 38.5 250.0 64.7 21.0 71.1 35.3 - - - 59.5

V11- BSS 945 F1 40.7 264.2 69.0 18.3 62.0 31.0 - - - 59.0

V12- BSS 943 F1 11.0 71.4 37.2 18.6 63.0 62.8 - - - 29.6

V13- Ruby F1 F1 53.7 348.7 82.1 11.7 39.6 17.9 - - - 65.4

V14-Van Guard F1 56.4 366.2 64.6 10.3 34.9 15.4 - - - 66.7

V15-Pilot F1 24.7 160.3 65.3 33.1 111.2 14.7 - - - 57.8

V16-Vista F1 36.4 236.3 49.3 37.4 126.7 50.7 - - - 73.8

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 5 Average fruit weight of watermelons to cultivars studied

Cultivar Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Average

V1- Dulce de Dăbuleni

6.817 6.294 5.995 6.368

V2- De Dăbuleni 7.635 6.153 5.276 6.354

V3 - Oltenia 8.173 6.338 7.036 7.182

V4- Admira F 1 4.859

V5- Talisman F1 9.566 7.475

V6- Manitou F1 7.218 7.107

V7- Katherine F1 6.841 6.300 5.774 6.315

V8- ACX 5428 F1 6.048 7.449 -

V9 - Regina F1 6.167 4.000 5.242 5.136

V10- Crimson Sweet 7.565 6.695

V11- Bontha F1 8.089 6.362 6.397 6.949

V12- Lucia F1 5.730 V13- Caravan F1 6.738 6.179 V14- Bostana F1 5.636

V15- Sun Sweet F1 6.609

V16- CRX 10049 F1 7.564

V17- CRX 10007 F1 5.434

V18- CRX 10041 F1 5.627

V19- Lady F1 6.566

V20- BSS 945 F1 5.660

V21- BSS 943 F1 4.105 V22- Ruby F1 3.925 V 23- Van Guard F1 4.210 V24- Pilot F1 5.777 V25 - Vista F1 6.475

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 6 Status crop growing season depending on cultivar watermelons

35 days after planting (07.06.2012)


The length of the main vine (cm)

Growing phase

Vigor (Note 1-10)

Pathogens / degree assault

V1-Dulce de Dăbuleni 102 unbloom 10

V2-De Dăbuleni 89 Manly flower 9

V3 -Oltenia 85 Manly flower 9

V4- Admira F 1 96 Number fruit 9

V5-Talisman F1 96 Number fruit 9

V6-Manitou F1 102 Number fruit 7

V7-Katherine F1 108 Number fruit 9

V8- ACX 5428 F1 100 Manly flower 10

V9 -China 96 Number fruit 4 Fusarium ox./25 %

V10-Crimson Sweet 89 Number fruit 8

V11-Bontha F1 104 Number fruit 9

V12-Lucia F1 102 Number fruit 7

Table 7

Status crop growing season depending on cultivar watermelons 42 days after planting (11.06. 2013)


The length of the main vine (cm)

Growing phase Vigor (Note 1-10)

Pathogens / degree assault

V1-Dulce de Dăbuleni 148 Number fruit 2-3 cm 10

V2-De Dăbuleni 136 Number fruit 2-3 cm 10

V3 -Oltenia 152 Number fruit 2-3 cm 10

V4- Caravan F 1 139 Number fruit 1-2 Kg 10

V5-Bostana F1 129 Number fruit 2-3 Kg 8 Coletotrihum /15%

V6-Manitou F1 132 Number fruit 2-3 Kg 8

V7-Katherine F1 138 Number fruit 2-3 Kg 9

V8- Regina (China) 128 Number fruit 2-3 Kg 6 Coletotrihum /25%

V9 - ACX 5428 F1 169 Fructe legate 0.5-1 Kg


V10- Bontha F1 139 Number fruit 2-3 Kg 9

V11-Sun Sweet F1 144 Number fruit 0.5-1 Kg 10

V12-CRX 10049 F1 145 Number fruit 0.5-1 Kg 10

V13- CRX 10007 F1 125 Number fruit 2-3 Kg 6 Coletotrihum /25%

V14- CRX 10041 F1 148 Number fruit 0.5-1 Kg 9

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 8 Status crop growing season depending on cultivar watermelons

45 days after planting (15.06.2014)


The length of the

main vine (cm)

Growing phase Vigor

(Note 1-


Pathogens /

degree assault

V1-Dulce de Dăbuleni 220 Bloom 10

V2-De Dăbuleni 206 bloom 10

V3 -Oltenia 226 First fruit 10

V4- Caravan F 1 220 Fruit of 100 g 10

V5-Lady F1 196 Fruit of 1 Kg 10

V6-Talisman F1 199 Fruit of 0.6 Kg 10

V7-Katherine F1 189 Fruit of 1 Kg 10

V8- Regina (China) 178 Fruit of 2.2 Kg 9 Coletotrihum /25%

V9 –Bontha F1 192 Fruit of 1 Kg 9

V10-Crimson Sweet 180 Fruit of 0.5 Kg 9

V11- BSS 945 F1 196 Fruit of 0.5 Kg 9

V12- BSS 943 F1 178 Fruit of 1 Kg 7 Coletotrihum /25%

V13- Ruby F1 F1 204 Fruit of 0.2 Kg 10

V14-Van Guard F1 184 Fruit of 0.2 Kg 9 Coletotrihum /25%

V15-Pilot F1 189 Fruit of 0.2 Kg 9 Coletotrihum /25%

V16-Vista F1 205 First fruit 10

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20








1Research-Development Centre for Agricultural Plants on Sands – Dăbuleni, Str. Victoriei, 130,

Code 207220, Dăbuleni, County Dolj, Romania, Tel. 040 251 334 402

2Faculty of Horticulture, Craiova, Romania

Key words: melons, sandy soils


Cultura pepenilor galbeni pe solurile nisipoase din sud-vestul Olteniei este o cultură

tradițională. În această zonă se realizează condiții climatice foarte favorabile pentru această

cultură. La SCDCPN Dăbuleni, s-a studiat un număr de 6 cultivaruri: Capri F1, Malika F1, Ismai F1

(1816 ANOF) F, Hales Best Jumbo, Sweet Lady F1, Eldorado F1, în perioada 2012-2013 și un

număr de 10 cultivaruri, dintre care 2 au existat și perioada 2012-2013: Capri F1, Ismai F1 (1816

ANOF), Waler F1, NUN 23027 F1, Robust F1, Grand Slam F1, Tamara F1, Merlin F1, Home Ron

F1, Zemos în anul 2014. Din cercetările efectuate a reieșit că majoritatea cultivarurilor de pepeni

galbeni studiate se adaptează bine condiţiilor climatice de pe solurile nisipoase şi dau producţii de

peste 30 t/ha. S-au evidenţiat prin mărimea producţiei hibrizii Sweet Lady F1 (41,9 t/ha media

2012-2013), Capri F1 40,3 t/ha, Ismail F1 34,6 t/ha, NUN 23027 F1 34,3 t/ha), Robust F1 38,2 t/ha.

Prin timpurietatea producţiei s-au remarcat hibrizii Capri F1, Home Run F1 şi Waler F1 care în

condiţiile anului 2014, la prima recoltare au realizat producţiile de 17,2 t/ha (58,5 % din producţia

totală),16,9 t/ha( 54,0 % din producţia totală), respectiv15,1 t/ha (53,9% din producţia totală).

Hibridul Tamara F1 este cel mai tardiv dintre cultivarurile studiate, el fiind recoltat după 4 zile.

Greutatea medie a fructelor, fiind un caracter de soi, a înregistrat valori apropiate de valorile

menţionate în cataloagele firmelor producătoare. Fructele cele mai mari s-au înregistrat la hibrizii

mai tadivi, care s-u remarcat şi prin vigoarea plantelor Merlin F1, Ismail F1, Waler F1, Robust F1.

La hibridul Capri F1 s-au obţinut fructele cu greutatea medie cea mai mică, fiind o corelaţie

evidentă între mărimea producţiei, timpurietate şi mărimea fructelor.


Melons culture on sandy soils in the South-West Oltenia is a traditional crop. In this area is

carried out very favorable climatic conditions for this crop. At SCDCPN Dăbuleni, it was studied a

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




number of 6 cultivars: Capri F1, F1, F1 Malika Ismai (1816 ANOF) F, Hales Best Jumbo Sweet F1

F1 Lady, Eldorado, in the period 2012-2013 and 10 cultivars, of which 2 were the period 2012-

2013: Capri F1, Ismai F1 (1816 ANOF), Waler F1, NUN 23027 F1, Robust F1, Grand Slam F1,

Tamara F1, Merlin F1, Home Ron F1, Zemos in 2014 year. The research conducted has appeared

that most cultivars of melons studied adapts well climatic conditions on sandy soils and achieved

over 30 production t/ha. Were highlighted by the size of the production of hybrids Sweet Lady F1

(41,9 t/ha media 2012-2013), Capri F1 40,3 t/ha, Ismail F1 34,6 t/ha, NUN 23027 F1 34,3 t/ha),

Robust F1 38,2 t/ha By earlier production stood hybrids Capri F1, Home Run F1 şi Waler F1

which, in the conditions of the year 2014, the first harvest have made yields 17.2 t/ha (58.5% of

total production), 16.9 t/ha (54.0% of total production), respectively 15,1 t/ha (53.9% of total

production). Tamara hybrid F1 is the most cultivars belatedly of this being studied, harvested after

4 days. The average individual fruit weight, being a variety of recorded values close to the values

mentioned in catalogues copyrights. The largest fruit were recorded more hybrids, which tadivi u

and through plant vigor Merlin F1, Ismail F1, Waler F1, Robust F1. The hybrid of Capri F1 have

reaped the fruits with the smallest average weight, making it an obvious correlation between the

size of production, fruit size and precocity.


Areas favourable for growing watermelons are those in which the annual

amount of temperature is over 3000 °C and daily averages are higher than or equal

to 15 ° C. On sandy soils in the southern Oltenia melons found optimum conditions

in terms of the requirements of heat and light, and through fertlizare and irrigation

are insured and requirements for nutrients and water (Rățoi I. et al., 1986).

Establishment of the cultivation of melons by seedling contributes to obtain early

productions regardless of the variety of the crop (Ceaușescu I., et al., 1980; Ciuciuc

Elena, 2000), and the application of foliar fertilizers contribute to obtain increases of

production (Ciuciuc Elena, 2000). Lăcătuș V., 2000, show that plant metabolism of

melons, in various stages of growth, imposes certain requirements for macro and

micro-nutrients, and Voinea M., et al., 1997, outlines the role of magnesium and

boron in the binding process of fruits and fruit well.

By ensuring optimal factors required for melons is based on large productions, very

early and very good quality. The emergence of new varieties and hybrids created in

areas with specific other than sandy soils of the necessity of studying the reaction

of a number of 15 cultivars at SCDCPN Dăbuleni.


During the period 2012-2013, at CCDCPN Dăbuleni, was studied a number

of 6 cultivars: Capri F1, Malika F1, Ismai F1 (1816 ANOF) F, Hales Best Jumbo,

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Sweet Lady F1, Eldorado F1, and in 2014, it was studied the 10 cultivars, of which

2 were the period 2012-2013:: Capri F1, Ismai F1 (1816 ANOF), Waler F1, NUN

23027 F1, Robust F1, Grand Slam F1, Tamara F1, Merlin F1, Home Ron F1,


Production of seedlings has been in the solar greenhouse unheated. Number of

plants was 11111 plants/ha and was achieved by planting seedlings at the distance

of 1.8 m between rows and 0.5 m between plants on the row. It was sown in trays

alveolar. Age of seedlings at planting was 35 days. Irrigation was done through a

drip, being supplemented by the sprinkler for the last 4 irrigations. They were made

of plant 8 preventive treatments for control Colletotrihum lagenarium, Alternaria sp.,

and Fusarium oxysporum. To control pathogens mentioned have used products

Dithane M 45, Curzate Manox, Champion and Topsin M 70. To control fleas were

necessary two treatments with Mospilan. For weed control and land on aeration

during the interval with foil on unmulchited were executed two manuals works and

four works with the tiller. The observations and determinations were carried out and

earlyer the total output and the main characteristics of the fruit.

In the years 2012-2014 experimentation climatic conditions were differentiated by

the air temperature and rainfall in the period of vegetation. As a result cultivars

studied responded differently from one year to another through its production,

earlyer, tolerance to pathogens attack.


In the year 2012 production of melons, depending on cultivar, ranged

between 44,5 t/ha at Capri F1 and 23,9 t/ha at Hales Best Jumbo, (table 1). Other

cultivars achieved over large productions 30 t/ha (43,7 t/ha Sweet Lady F1,

Eldorado F1 39,2 t/ha).

By earlier production was noted in the year 2012, the F1 hybrid of Capri

(table 2). Its harvesting began in the first decade of July (Jul 07), wits 10 days

before the hybrids Malika F1, Hales Best Jumbo and Eldorado F1 and wits 20 days

earlier than the Sweet Lady F1. The earlier of F1 hybrid Capri is better highlighted

the fact that up to 20 July this hybrid achieves 21.8 production t/ha (48.8% of total

production), with much higher than those recorded in other cultivars. F1 hybrid Ismail

has first fruits which have reached maturity in the first decade of July, but due to their lack

of size phasing and fruit production over a long period, so that on 20 July a production of

cumulated 7.1 t/ha (22.5% of the total production. The year with very favorable conditions,

as was the year 2013, production of melons, ranged between 40.1 t/ha at Sweet Lady F1

and 27.0 t/ha at Hales Best Jumbo (table 3). Other cultivars have achieved production of

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




37.7 t/ha, at Ismail F1, 36.1 t/ha at Capri F1 and Malika 33.9 t/ha. And in 2013 it was noted

by earlier production hybrid Capri F1. Harvesting began in the first decade of July, Capri

F1, Malika F1, Ismail F1 şi Eldorado F1, 7 days after being harvested and Hales Best

Jumbo şi Sweet Lady F1.

Table 1 Fruit production in cultivars of melons experienced

Cultivars Years of experimentation

Average production in 2012-2013




Different (t/ha)


2012 2013 2014

Capri F1 44.5 36.1 29.4 40.3 100.0 Mt. Mt.

Malika F1 31.1 33.9 - 34.4 85.3 -5.9 -

Ismail F1 31.5 37.7 32.1 34.6 85.3 -5.7 -

Hal Best Jumbo 23.9 27.0 - 25.4 63.0 -14.9 000

Sweet Lady F1 43.7 40.1 41.9 103.9 +1.6 -

Eldorado F1 39.2 32.8 36.0 89.3 -4.3 -

Waler F1 - - 28.0

NUN 23027 F 34.3

Robust F1 38.2

Grand Slam F1 32.2

Tamara F1 15.3

Merlin F1 23.1

Home Ron F1 31.3

Zemos 22.1 DL 5% = 14.2 5.3 4.5 9.7 DL 1% = 19.6 7.3 6.6 13.4 DL 0.1% = 27.1 10.1 9.6 18.6

Earlier of F1 hybrid Capri is better highlighted by the fact that the first harvest has

achieved production of 7.8 t/ha (21.6% of total production), and up to July 15,

achieved production of 25.6 t/ha (70.9% of total production) the other hybrids were

vastly more tardivi, considered as very tardy F1 hybrid Sweet Lady whose harvest

began on the 15th July realizing at last harvest 93.8% of total production.

The climatic conditions of 2014 year were less favourable for melons, lower

temperature and precipitation from the period of vegetation of melons, negatively

influencing production size (table 4). Production of melons, ranged between 38.2

t/ha to Robust hybrid F1 and 15.3 t/ha in hybrid Tamara F1. Higher yields were

obtained at hybrids NUN 23027 F1, 34.3 t/ha, Grand Slam F1, 32.2 t/ha, Ismail F1,

32.1 t/ha, Hom Ron F1, 31.3 t/ha, Capri F1, 29.4t/ha. Stood by earlier production

hybrids Capri F1, Home Run F1 and Waler who at first harvesting, dated 21 July,

had achieved yields 17.2 t/ha (58.5% of total production), 16.9 t/ha (54.0% of total

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




production), respectively 15,1 t/ha (53.9% of total production). Hybrid Tamara F1 is

the most cultivars belatedly of him being studied, harvested after 4 days. Lower

yields in the first harvest have obtained hybrids Ismail F1, Robust F1, Merlin F1,

NUN 23027 F1.

The average individual fruit weight, being a variety of recorded values close

to the values listed in the catalogues of firms producing (table 5). The largest fruit

were recorded more hybrids, which tardy and through plant vigor Merlin F1, Ismail

F1, Waler, Robust F1. The hybrid Capri F1 have reaped the fruits with the smallest

average weight, making it an obvious correlation between the size of production,

fruit size and precocity.

In 2014 year the biggest fruit were recorded at hybrids more tardy, that stood

out and plant vigor through 2040, at Merlin F1, 1828 g at ANOF F1g, 1765 g, at

Waler, 1735 g at Robust F1. The hibryd Capri F1 were obtained with average fruit

weight of the smallest 1074 g, being an obvious correlation between the size of

production, fruit size and precocity. Of cultivars experienced Capri F1 and Waler

F1, are of Galia type, with the fruit with greenish-white, very fragrant. Zemos

variety, created at SCDCPN, also has the white-greenish fruit luscious, easily

approached as a taste of the local populations of melon grown in the southern

region of Oltenia. Other cultivars studied Ismail F1, NUN 23027 F1, Robust F1,

Grand Slam F1, Tamara F1, Merlin F1, Home Ron F1, have yellow-orange pulp

colour, elongated oval shape, except Home Run F1 that has oval fruit.

All cultivars were studied by the taste and aroma of fruit type-specific (table 6).


1. From the research conducted has appeared that most cultivars of melons

studied adapts well climatic conditions on sandy soils and ackived over 30

production t/ha.

2. Were highlighted by the size of production hybrids Sweet Lady F1 (41,9 t/ha

media 2012-2013), Capri F1, 40,3 t/ha, Ismail F1, 34,6 t/ha, NUN 23027 F1,

34,3 t/ha, Robust F1, 38,2 t/ha.

3. By earlier production stood hybrids Capri F1,Home Run F1, and Waler F1

which in the conditions of the year 2014, the first harvest have made yields

17.2 t/ha (58.5% of total production), 16, 9 t/ha (54.0% of total production),

respectively 15,1 t/ha (53.9% of total production). Tamara hybrid F1 is the

most tardy cultivar of him being studied, harvested after 4 days. Lower yields

in the first harvest have obtained hybrids Ismail F1, Robust F1, Merlin F1,

NUN 23027 F1.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




4. The average individual fruit weight, being a variety of recorded values close

to the values mentioned in catalogues copyrights. The largest fruit were

recorded more hybrids, which tady and through plant vigor Merlin F1, Ismail

F1, Waler F1, Robust F1. The hybrid Capri F1 have reaped the fruits with

the smallest average weight, making it an obvious correlation between the

size of production, fruit size and precocity.


1. Ceaușescu I., Bălașa M., Voican V., Savițchi P., Radu Gr., Stan N., 1980.

Legumicultură generală și specială. Editura didactică și pedagogică, București.

2. Ciuciuc Elena, 2000. Influența metodei de culivare și a epocii de înființare a culturii

de pepene galben asupra producției pe solurile nisipoase. Lucrări științifice

SCDCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XII. Editura Sitech, Craiova.

3. Ciuciuc Elena, Dorneanu A., 2000. Cercetări privind influența unor tipuri noi de

îngrășăminte foliare asupra producției de pepeni galbeni pe solurile nisipoase.

Lucrări științifice SCDCPN Dăbuleni, vol. XII. Editura Sitech, Craiova.

4. Lăcătuș V., 2000. Fertilizarea culturilor de bostănoase cu îngrășăminte de tip

Kristalon. Revista Hortinform, nr. 8.

5. Rățoi I., Diaconu Aurelia, Toma V., Croitoru Mihaela, Ciuciuc Elena, Drăghici

I., Drăghici Reta, Ploae Marieta, Dima Milica, Durău Anica, 2014. Oferta de

produse agricole primare pe solurile nisipoase din românia în perspectiva anilor

2015-2025. Editura Sitech, Craiova.

6. Voinea M., Andronicescu D., Pernali Gh., 1997. Criterii de zonare a

legumiculturii. Editura CERES, București.

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 2 The dynamics of the production cultivars of melons (2012 year)

Cultivar July August Total t/ha First ten

days Second ten days Third ten days First ten days


% from total

t/ha % from total

Cumulated t/ha

% fromV1

% from total

t/ha % from total

t/ha % from total

V1-Capri F1 5.4 12.1 16.3

36.6 21.8 100.0

48.8 21.8 43.0 1.0 2.2 44.5

V2-Malika F1 - - 6.5 20.9 6.5 29.8 20.9 23.8 76.5 0.8 2.6 31.1

V3 –1816 ANOF F1

0.9 2.8 6.2 19.7 7.1 32.5 22.5 20.9 66.3 3.5 11.2 31.5

V4- Hal Best Jumbo

- - 2.4 10.0 2.4 11.0 10.0 19.3 80.8 2.2 9.2 23.9

V5-Sweet Lady F1 - - - - - - - 36.4 83.3 7.3 16.7 43.7

V6-Eldorado F1 - - 4.8 12.2 4.8 22.0 12.2 27.5 70.2 6.9 17.6 39.2

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 3 The dynamics of the production cultivars of melons (2013 year)

Cultivar July, first ten days July, second ten days July, third ten days Four harvesting Total

t/ha % From V1

% Total

Partial Cumulated t/ha % From V1

% Total

t/ha % From V1

% Total

t/ha % From V1

t/ha % From V1

% Total

t/ha % From V1

% Total

V1-Capri F1 7.8 100 21.6 17.8 100 49.3 25.6 100 70.9 10.5 100 29.1 - - - 36.1 100.0

V2-Malika F1 1.5 19 4.4 9.6 54 28.3 11.1 43 32.7 22.8 217 67.3 - - - 33.9 93.9

V3 –1816 ANOF F1

1.9 24 5.0 6.4 36 17.0 8.3 32 22.0 29.4 280 78.0 - - - 37.7 104.4

V4- Hal Best Jumbo

- - - 4.3 24 15.9 4.3 17 15.9 22.7 216 84.1 - - - 27.0 74.4

V5-Sweet Lady F1 - - - 1.2 7 3.0 1.2 4 3.0 1.3 12 3.2 37.6 - 93.8 40.1 111.0

V6-Eldorado F1 0.6 1 1.8 4.9 8 14.9 5.5 21 16.7 27.3 260 83.3 - - - 32.8 90.8

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20




Table 4 The dynamics of the production cultivars of melons (2014 year)

Cultivar First harvesting


Second harvesting (25.07)

Third harvesting (28.07)

Four harvesting (04.08)

Total (t/ha )

(t/ha ) (% T) (t/ha ) (% T) (t/ha ) (% T) (t/ha ) (% T)

V1- Capri F1 17.2 58.5 5.4 18.4 3.4 11.6 3.4 11.5 29.4

V2-Waler F1 15.1 53.9 7.0 25.0 3.5 12.5 2.4 8.6 28.0

V3- 1816 ANOF F1 2.1 6.5 5.7 17.6 19.1 59.2 5.3 16.6 32.1

V4- NUN 23027 F 3.0 8.7 6.5 20.0 20.0 58.3 4.8 14.0 34.3

V5- Robust F1 4.8 12.6 5.3 13.9 15.3 40.0 1.8 33.5 38.2

V6- Grand Slam F1 9.8 30.4 8.7 27.0 5.9 18.3 7.8 24.3 32.2

V7- Tamara F1 - - 6.5 42.5 1.7 11.1 7.1 46.4 15.3

V8-Merlin F1 4.8 20.8 6.4 27.7 4.6 19.9 7.3 31.6 23.1

V9-Home Ron F1 16.9 54.0 5.9 18.8 2.4 7.7 6.1 19.5 31.3

V10-Zemos 8.0 36.2 3.7 16.7 4.4 19.9 6.0 27.0 22.1

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20th



Table 5 The average individual fruit weight (Kg) cultivars of the melons studied

Cultivar Years of experimentation Average weight (Years 2012-2013) 2012 2013 2014

Capri F1 1.269 1.077 1.074 1.140

Malika F1 1.464 0.927 1.195

Ismail F1 2.159 1.526 1.826 1.842

Hal Best Jumbo 1.230 0.979 1.104

Sweet Lady F1 2.032 1.516 1.774

Eldorado F1 1.898 1.256 1.577

Waler F1 1.765

NUN 23027 F 1.569

Robust F1 1.735

Grand Slam F1 1.487

Tamara F1 1.556

Merlin F1 2.040

Home Ron F1 1.261

Zemos 1.195

Table 6

The main characteristics of melons (2014) Cultivar Fruit weight Fruit form Pulp colour Pulp firmness Gustative quality

(Note 1-10) g %

Capri F1 1074 100.0 Round white-greenish Juicy 10, flavoured

Waler F1 1765 164.3 Round white-greenish Juicy 10, flavoured

Ismail F1 1828 170.2 Elongated Yellow Juicy 9

NUN 23027 F 1569 146.0 Elongated Yellow-orange Juicy 10

Robust F1 1735 161.5 Elongated Yellow-orange Juicy 9

Grand Slam F1 1487 138.4 Oval Yellow-orange Juicy 10

Tamara F1 1556 144.8 Elongated Yellow-orange Juicy 9

Merlin F1 2040 109.9 Elongated Yellow-orange Juicy 8

Home Ron F1 1261 117.4 Oval Yellow-orange Juicy-firmness 9

Zemos 1195 111.2 Round white-greenish Juicy 9

Annals of the Research - Development Center for Field Crops on Sandy Soils, Dabuleni, Volume 20th



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