minnesota d-star disaster network

Advanced Amateur Radio Mass Casualty Response Erik Westgard, NY9D © 12/15/2011 www.14567.org How 120 Minnesota Radio Amateurs showcase their emergency communications technology leadership ever year at the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon

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Minneapolis D-Star Presentation NY9D www.14567.org Use of advanced Amateur Radio technology at the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon Emergency medical records volunteer emergency response public health


Page 1: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Advanced Amateur Radio Mass Casualty Response

Erik Westgard, NY9D

© 12/15/2011


How 120 Minnesota Radio Amateurs showcase their emergency communications technology leadership everyyear at the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon

Page 2: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

97.1 Basis and purpose.The rules and regulations in this Part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles: (a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications. (b) Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art. (c) Encouragement and improvement of the amateur service through rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communications and technical phases of the art. (d) Expansion of the existing reservoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts. (e) Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to enhance international goodwill.

Mission Statement- FCC Part 97, Parts A-D

Page 3: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Green-Single FrequencyBlue -Original 2001 stationsBold/Underline- Core sites

Grand Rapids







MNWBL 67/01


8/2009 MN 1200 bps Packet (145.67 MHz) Status www.14567.org





This networkcovers 75% ofthe population of Minnesota

Many of the hospitals in Minnesota have Equipment for this network









Packet is still up…

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Five overlapping systems provide reliablecoverage for the core Twin Cities Metro

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Digital 2M/440 Coverage 3/10

Yellow- 2M Blue 440

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MTCM Patient Flow – Finish Line Main Medical

Chest Pain

Ice pack, etc

All other

Location tracking(+MNTRAC etc.)

Location Tracking(admit/discharge)Personal HealthRecord download

Page 7: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Net1 Data

22 WaterStops/120 YellowShirts

5 + 4 voice5+1 D-Star Repeaters911 serviceRented UHF

Net Controls- distributedNets 1-3 D-Star data entry/queryOn-Course Med Director

Finish Line EMS Dispatch Database Net 4 (course inter-tie)Medical Ch.1 ControlMedical Director

Family Medical/Med TentBus Drop-off iPadsIp phones

MTCM Course Medical Communications 2011

General principles:Course tactical operations are autonomousYellow shirts backstop med ops- report and notifyInjured runner data flows to the server ~15,000 runners, ~300,000 spectators

Finish Line802.11g protocol

2-3 D-Star Uplinks802.11a links (Finish line to St Paul EOC)

Net2 Net3

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Simplified Event Comm. Structure

Race Director Incident


Race Operations

Medical Director

Medical EMS

Course MarshalsOther race officials





In a declared emergencythe Incident Commandertakes over

Under normal operations, the event communications center provides radio and other channelsto support the event. In an emergency, all resources are available to the Incident Commander

Best practice:An IncidentAction Plan(IAP) is on file

Page 9: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

2011 Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon

Finish Line Medical Control Net 4/Voice Intertie Ch 1 Course MedicalCH6 Ch 6 Finish Area EMS Medical Director

Med Tent Med Info Tent (x6)

Amateur Radio Medical Communications Support System

iPads 802.11g(MDs)

Secure Laptop Win XPMedical Records

Laptop 802.11gWin XPDischarge

Laptop 802.11gWin XPIP Phones

Bus Drop-offStation/ EMT802.11gD-Star

Trivnetdb 2.1Web front end


D-Star *2Ubiquiti 5G

Net 3+4/VoiceRamsey Cty EOC

Ubiquiti 5GVoice

Net 2+4/VoiceHennepin Van

D-Star Voice

Net 1+4/VoiceNorth Memorial


***802.11b>g in 2009 +WPA2

Course MD Voice mobileNet 4- shadow

Laptop 802.11gWin XPCheck-In








D-Star Repeaters




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New Web Interface- Trivnetdb

Missing /dropped out/ill runner web runner lookup and update

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Citadel Mail and Conferencing

•Linux based- open source •Supports mail and conferencing•Runs on low power appliance computers•Supports a character mode interface for packet•ICS and HICS form migration (2Q09)

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News for 2010- iPads for check in – hospital tent New for 2011 – IP Phones

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Runner tracking and situation reports – TrivnetDB in the main Comm Center at “Course Medical” Net Control – note rented UHF radios

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www.14567.org D-STAR MSP 12/11

Ham Radio Trailers, County/State VansTrivnetdb Database +web front endID-1 Radios – data /application uplinks

ID-1 RadioUsers (remote)links to trailer

Mining ARC (Ramsey)@280 feet

90kbps 90kbps

LocalLaptopsVia 802.11g

Erik Westgard. NY9D

Linux SystemCitadel, DNAT

DSTAR Controller and Data Repeater

MinneapolisSouth (MSP, MOA)@200 feet

DSTAR Controller and Data Repeater

Linux SystemCitadel. DNAT

DSTAR Controller and Data Repeater

Linux SystemCitadel, DNAT,

St. PaulOne (State EOC, MDH)@260 feet

Linux SystemCitadel, DNAT,

DSTAR Controller and Data Repeater

MinneapolisEast (Hennepin)@260 feet


Private Gateway

DSTAR Controller and Data Repeater

MPLS N @290 feet

Linux SystemCitadel, DNAT,


DSTAR Controller and Data Repeater

MNWashBayport @600’

Page 15: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Bus/Sag Drop-offRemote EMT dispatch

Main Medical

TrailerTrivnet Srvr802.11g

Finish Line

Cross Agency Medical Dispatch +Coordination Center

Family Medical

Roaming Medical TeamsFocus Area

MTC Marathon 2011 Finish Line

100 Yards

Blue=AmateurRadio ManagedGreen= AR Advisory Support

Page 16: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

MTCM Personal Health Record Project 11/30/09

Cloud PHR System(s)Google Health

Microsoft HealthVault

Runners enterhealth information,authorize race(s) for querywww.healthycircles.orgplatform forscripted runner dataentry

Medical Tent Admissions runner chip scan:Name AddressAgePhone#

Race day query- “clinic interface”

Populate medical record form

Provide PHR info record to patient care team (MD, RN, EMS, etc)

Phase 1: Runner entry scriptPhase 2: Clinic query/print Phase 3: Clinic update PHRPhase 4: PDA support

“No local PHI storage”


Laptop Windows3G AircardChip Scanner@ AdmissionsDesk

Page 17: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

2011 MTCM D-Star

All EOCs on D-Star DD ModeAll Vans and net controlson D-Star for dataAX.25 Packet retiredNew 84’ Mobile Van integratedFinish line 802.11g and 5G data

Page 18: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Data/Net Plan for 6/6/2010 Minneapolis Marathon 1.1 [email protected]

Race Coursealong River

Aid stations (6)

Yellow ShirtEvery mile

Medical Tent

Finish Line(Guthrie Parking Lot)



Hennepin Van

Com Center/SMES:Incident CommanderMedical DirectorRace DirectorHam Net One OperatorMedical Tactical RadioCourse emergency phoneFamily Medical:4-5 Hams + Laptops (802.11)Computer access to drop out dataHennepin Van:Ham Net One ControlData Entry/database802.11g for Family Medical Transport coordination


Bike Medics


Page 19: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Some Projects 12/11• Mesh networking - HSMM – DD-WRT• TwinsLAN 2.0 / 5G Ubiquiti project• Investigate digital certificates /callsigns • IP Phone Systems (open source) + SIP service• New UHF D-Star Repeater – USROOT- KC0WLB • Washington County Site – install soon• Thin client replacement

Page 20: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Mesh Networking Lab 11/2011

The Linksys WRT-54GLrouters run Linux® andopen source mesh routing code

The routers find each otherand set up an automaticbackbone wireless mesh

User station PCs can use the Ethernet switch on the routersbut cannot directly join thebackbone directly

At an emergency site, these routerscan be set out and will form an automatic, self healing network

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Ubiquiti Inventory 12/11




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D-Star DD Mode Disaster Nodes100kb no InternetCitadel / trivnetdb

MinneapolisRed CrossSMES


5G Mesh 802.11aOpen WRT

ColorsBlue- DD ModeOrange 5GBlack- both




TwinsLAN 2.0 – 802.11a Mesh NetworkingAugsburg is the hub Some D-Star sites may join the backbone

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KC0WLB B 444.325 + 12/18/11

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Case Study

• Pandemic Flu or Anthrax • Need a vaccination/treatment station in two

hours for 20,000 people in a public building• Need to track who got vaccinated, adverse

reactions and vaccine (SNS) supplies/delivery out of region

• Massive “buzz” going on- cell phones overloaded and transportation disrupted

Page 25: Minnesota D-Star Disaster Network

Our Response• Roll trailer /van

• Set up a database (Trivnetdb) – phone or name number key

• Set up six laptops at the front desk- sharing a single ID-1

• Deploy IP phone system (Asterisk) – local trunks/VoIP/Fax

• Use 802.11G (commercial /off the shelf) locally

• Use community volunteers for data entry

• Use the Statewide Packet Network /NTS /Airmail to coordinate out of region support

• Link via Internet or D-Star to central systems

• Set up a single laptop unconnected for adverse reaction tracking under medical supervision (HIPAA)