mistakes made by sourcing companies

Mistakes Made by Sourcing Companies Submitted By: http://www.dragonsourcing.c om/

Post on 20-Oct-2014




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Some mistakes that need to be avoided by sourcing companies. view here for details, http://www.dragonsourcing.com/.


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Mistakes Made by Sourcing Companies

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Only Sourcing via Social

● It is a huge mistake when sourcing is done through only one resource.

● While sourcing always make sure that the tools and resources that you will be using must vary.

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No Written Contracts

● You must have a detailed written contract in order to protect your interest.

● When different cultures and languages are involved no oral agreements or invoices can protect you .

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Lack of Well Defined Strategy

● You must have a well defined sourcing strategy while sourcing goods to China.

● You must have a perfect sourcing strategies which should include managing quality control, insuring payment, verifying suppliers etc.

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Lack of Quality Issues and Protection

● After all, china sourcing is an international transaction.

● Before you pay for the product you must think that how to recover your money if there is any disputes afterward.

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Contact us

● For more details regarding this, you may visit here:


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