
CSULB Advanced Public Health Nursing 1. Conduct a Situation Analysis What is CSULB APHN? CSULB APHN is going to be the Advanced Public Health in Nursing Master’s Degree that will be offered for the first time in Fall of 2017. The MSN-APHN program prepares nurses at the graduate level for leading and managing the delivery of nursing and community healthcare services in the complex, diverse community health settings and healthcare organizations at the local, state, national and global levels. Internal Environment: The APHN program at CSULB has many internal factors that have a positive influence on its growth along with some external factors. One of biggest strengths in the APHN program is the fact that it provides a superb education to all its students while giving them the opportunity to have lots of hands on experience. Students are granted 700 clinical hours of work to help enhance their skills and knowledge in the field. The program is also very flexible, giving students the opportunity to go full time or part time while giving them enough time to have a part time job if need be. The fact that no experience is needed is another big factor that makes the program even more appealing because we provide students with the right tools and faculty to help them gain all the skills they will need. With our new nursing program we provide quality education through our face to face courses Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso Brittany Turner Jasmine Herrera Brenda Ordaz

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CSULB Advanced Public Health Nursing

1. Conduct a Situation Analysis

What is CSULB APHN? CSULB APHN is going to be the Advanced Public Health in Nursing Master’s Degree that will be offered for the first time in Fall of 2017. The MSN-APHN program prepares nurses at the graduate level for leading and managing the delivery of nursing and community healthcare services in the complex, diverse community health settings and healthcare organizations at the local, state, national and global levels.

Internal Environment:

The APHN program at CSULB has many internal factors that have a positive influence on its growth along with some external factors. One of biggest strengths in the APHN program is the fact that it provides a superb education to all its students while giving them the opportunity to have lots of hands on experience. Students are granted 700 clinical hours of work to help enhance their skills and knowledge in the field. The program is also very flexible, giving students the opportunity to go full time or part time while giving them enough time to have a part time job if need be. The fact that no experience is needed is another big factor that makes the program even more appealing because we provide students with the right tools and faculty to help them gain all the skills they will need. With our new nursing program we provide quality education through our face to face courses taught by a professional and experienced faculty who strive to build relationships with their students to help them grow. Although there are many internal factors that have a positive influence on the growth of our APHN program, there are a few that hinder its growth. Because CSULB is a popular school with a great location, it is highly impacted which can make it very difficult for students to get in. Another negative factor is the fact that APHN is a new program in which lacks credibility which could push many students away when looking into the program.

External Environment:

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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For the CSULB advance public health nursing SWOT analysis there are several strengths, one being that it is a year round program which provides more individuals with the opportunity to attend school. The program is extremely flexible, allowing students to attend school while being able to maintain a job to help pay for all their expenses. Another amazing strength is the fact that individuals can attend part time or full time, allowing them to finish at their own pace. Clinical hours are a major part of the program, giving students the opportunity to get a huge amount of hands on experience working in hospitals for about 635-700 hours. The program is taught in the traditional face to face way by which teachers can provide their students with the best engaging learning experience. Most nursing programs such as the CSULB advance public health nursing usually require some form of work experience, however our program does not allowing more students to enroll in the program. The program is not only amazing because of all the staff but also because the tuition is very affordable while providing aid to students who need it such as financial aid or scholarships. Location is definitely a major strength given that the program is located in a popular city with lots of opportunities for work in the medical field.

Weaknesses:Although the CSULB advance public health nursing has many strength it also has a few

weaknesses. Many nursing school prospects typically prefer attending schools that have more years of credibility so although we may offer an amazing program, the fact that their are no records of success stories to hold it accountable for being so, it is deemed to be less credible. Another downfall to the program is the fact that CSULB is typically an impacted school which may discourage some individuals from applying. This program is only available to BSN and RNs which can also be another major barrier for some students.

Weaknesses of Other Schools: When looking at the competition, they also have some weaknesses that can work to CSULB’s

advantage. For instance, there are other programs out there that are considered to be far much more prestigious but then again they are that much more expensive as well. Although these schools are considered to be prestigious simply because of their names, some if not all offer the same level of education than what CSULB does. Another downfall is the fact that most nursing programs do not offer the same amount of hands on experience that the CSULB program offers. Because CSULB requires their nursing students to do so many hours of hands on experience as a way of making up for the affordable tuition, in turn it only benefits the students when in other schools volunteering extensive amounts of time for hands on experience is seen as unnecessary because of the high tuition costs which in turn makes the students less knowledgeable about the field. A third weakness for other schools is the high level of difficulty for their entrance exams which essentially eliminated potential students who could have really prospered in their program. CSULB on the other hand has a reasonable exam giving more students the opportunity to become nurses and providing them with the right set of skills they need to be successful in the field.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Opportunities for CSULB:There are several opportunities CSULB advance nursing program offers, one being that their is a

large number of BSN students already attending our school which can make it much more convenient to continue their education at the same school. Although being a new program can be viewed as a threat, it can also be a strength because their are some individuals who seek excitement and see value in new programs because of the potential they hold. A third strength is the great reputation are nursing programs already have which could carry over to the new program. Another opportunity is the fact that our campus is culturally diverse providing students with the best type of education where individuals can learn and grow together with international students from all over the world. Our program is very appealing to individuals who do not want a simply MPH but rather something a little more exciting.

● Work/study concept GRE score not easily attained

Threats:Some threats that we encounter in this field is the fact that their are many individuals who want to become nurses but cannot find the time and or money to first complete their undergraduate degree. If students did not have to first complete that barrier, more individuals would want to enroll knowing that they can complete their program in a much smaller amount of time. Because of this same barrier, many decide to apply to private independent nursing programs that only require a high school diploma. Another threat is the fact that some feel that nursing jobs are becoming a bit more obsolete due to all the advancements in technology. Many feel that machines are being ing to take their jobs which lead them to either discouraging them to every enroll or even drop the course before it is complete.

DIGITAL SWOT ANALYSISStrengths: When looking at some of the strengths when it comes to our programs digital area the fact that they already have an existing website is a major strength. With an already existing website it makes it a lot much easier for consumers to find exactly what they are looking for by simply using keywords in the CSULB’s website search engine. Another major strength is the fact that because CSULB is such a popular search word, when looking up anything related to it is made very easy and consumers can generally find what they are looking for right away.

Weaknesses: When looking at some of the weaknesses the lack of a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter makes it very difficult to keep consumers updated on current updates or feel a connection with the School. The lack of Social media platforms is really only because the program is new so hasn't really set a foundation.

Opportunities:Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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One opportunity with the creation of different social media platforms is the amount of reach with little to no cost it can get. It also gives students a chance to constantly be updated with important information regarding the program. Another major opportunity is having the chance to create all social media platforms to fit a certain image from scratch as opposed to having each platform have a different image and try to remake its image

Matching Strengths with Opportunities & Weaknesses with Threats:

Strengths Opportunities Strategy

one of the largest nursing programs in the CSU system

CSULB Nursing department has noteworthy reputation that can be used as a stepping stone

Encourage student retention from BSN to APHN - “Study with the best stay with the best”

flexible course schedules; year round program; full time & part time; no work experience needed; great value/affordable

appeal to the working student or full-time employee; appeal to those w/o hospital hours/ experience

no matter what your circumstance, you can obtain a APHN degree at CSULB - overcome various obstacles that typically prevent students from getting an APHN degree

more clinical hours (hands on experience) 635-700; face to face education; experienced faculty; located in diverse city with many surrounding facilities

be first class to graduate from CSULB with APHN; higher quality of hands on experience; more prestige; more credibility

students can distinguish themselves via this newly developed, superior program - more hands on, more diverse, more application, etc.

2. State Objectives

New mission: We strive to assist our students to become premier health professionals by giving them

the right tools and skills to contribute to their communities.Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Objectives: One of the main objectives for the CSULB APHN program is to increase the level of

public awareness for our target market. A second objective is to create different social media platforms for our target market to engage with. With different social media platforms we strive to gain at least 150 likes on our facebook page, 50 followers on Twitter, and 100 on instagram. With all of are our efforts in engaging our target market with the CSULB APHN program, our goal is to at least enter their consideration set while increase the number of applications by 25%. We are not only hoping to increase the number of applicants, but also to increase the number of participants during the informational meetings by 50%.

3. Gather Insight Into Target Audience

Target market: Our primary target market is currently enrolled, undergraduate nursing degree students;

often referred to as BSN or Bachelors of Science in Nursing students. These students have not yet graduated and are currently discovering the various career paths that can be taken with a nursing degree. A secondary target market is nursing students who have already graduated, have a BSN, and are either struggling to obtain a job in their field of study or are dissatisfied with their current nursing job. Lastly, another additional target market segment is those who just started their BSN studies and are unsure of what to do with the degree. These individuals know that they want a good and fulfilling job after school but are unsure of what that looks like.

Although our target market consists of students from all across the nation, the most accessible segment of our target market is current BSN students at CSULB. Another relatively accessible segment is CSULB BSN graduates who have not yet completed a graduate program. This segment may be reached via the CSULB Nursing Alumni Association. This alumni association is well established and, in fact, works closely with the current undergraduate BSN students. The CSULB Nursing Alumni Board sponsors a comprehensive mentoring program for undergraduate nursing students. The association also hosts social events such as “Chapter Theater Nights” or “Concerts in the Grove.” It would be a fantastic avenue of communication as we would have access to both current and alumni CSULB BSN students.

Insight through Primary Research:

The California Nursing Student Association is an exceptional means of communication with various BSN students from across the entire state of California. This association is comprised of current students, graduates, and working professionals. We were able to access this channel of communication via CSULB’s CNSA Chapter. We did this by creating a unique partnership with Brown Turtle Designs. Brown Turtle Designs is a small, start-up screen printing shop that is owned and run by a current CSULB BSN student. This student agreed to

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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disseminate a survey to her current nursing program--in support of our “Testimonial Tuesday” efforts--in return for our acknowledgment of her screen printing shop via social media.

We created a short, five question survey, and took this as an opportunity to ask CSULB’s current nursing students about their interest in a nursing graduate program. With a variety of potential answers, the survey allows us to not only gauge how many potential consumers are within this specific segment, but also understand their differing levels of interest. The survey will be disseminated via the nursing administrator and CNSA president (Brittni Bohan) to over 1,000 current CSULB BSN nursing students. As an incentive to participate in the survey, Brown Turtle Designs gave students an opportunity to enter a drawing to receive a personalized nursing T-shirt or handbag. Additional information received from the survey includes the participants’ email addresses.

Insight through Observational and Participation Studies:

What better way to understand our target market than to study them in their free time! This observational study was conducted solely through social media platforms. Social media posts, profiles, and activities provided us with a tremendous opportunity to learn of our target market’s psychographics; specifically, their attitudes, beliefs, and values. Our first step was to searched various social media platforms to find the most commonly used platform within the nursing community. We found instagram to be the most popular with our target market and spent a significant amount of time seeking out popular groups, individuals, and content within this community.

After creating our instagram account, we followed the individuals they follow, posted similar content to their posts, and even liked the things they like. Some of the most popular nursing related instagram accounts are as follows:

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Our team avidly followed, liked, and commented on these popular accounts’ posts. We often reposted their memes with a caption that thanked them for sharing. In order to develop relationships with these community leaders, we found it beneficial to tag and complement them in our posts. This strategy dramatically increased our engagement rate as well as doubled our followers within a twenty four hour period. Following community leaders allowed us to see what type of content receives the most likes and comments.

Another element of gaining insight to our target market through social media was by researching various nurse related hashtags. We paid close attention to these popular accounts and would then evaluate their hashtags via two criteria: usage rate and sentiment. We utilized a site, called “Tagboard,” to measure which hashtags were trending and which would give us the most exposure. Tagboard also informed us of “suggested,” or closely related, hashtags that were commonly posted together. The following trending and commonly used hashtags are displayed in ascending order: #nurse, #nurselife, #powernurse, #nursingstudents, and #rn.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Market Segments:

Benefit / Consumer

needs program to accept BSN w/o experience / “can’t get accepted” nurse

needs AHPN to get dream job / “dream seeker” nurse

What to do with nursing degree / “starting” nurse

(All of the above)

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Demographics · Completed BSN· Doesn’t have hospital hours· Working in another industry & hoping to find· Income: $35,000 to $45,000 with student loans

· Completed BSN· Has hospital hours· Currently working in nursing related field · Income: $65,000 - $75,000

· Enrolled in BSN, not graduated· Doesn’t have hospital hoursIncome: parent’s support or student loans·

·Multiple ethnicities· Live in state, out of state· Male & female

Psychographics ·Frustrated b/c they need hours & are unable to get opportunity · Feeling hopeless, cannot find masters program that will accept them· Feels stuck

· Has neutral feelings for current job · Knows there is something more out there; searching feeling·Ambitious

· Feels that nursing is right but not sure what they should do with it· Wants to know & see nursing options· Feels pressure to decide what to do

· Want to serve· Want to make a difference in people's’ lives· Want to be a hero· Nurturing & compassionate· Makes self-sacrifices

Behaviors · Gets overwhelmed with searching for solution & is about to give up· Continues to work at same non-nursing job

·Involved in nursing associations & groups· Scrolls Facebook/instagram & wishes for more fulfilling nursing career

· Studying frequently·On campus regularly·Eager to learn what they can do with their degree (once graduated)


Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Target Size

Nurses Graduated in California within the last 4 years1


Nurses Graduated in Southern California with a BSN within the last 4 years 1


Percent of Nurses that go back to College 2 10.16%

Percentage of Nurses that receive their Master’s within 4 years of receiving their BSN2


Total Target Size 155

1. Wankea, MPH, R. Bates, MPP, T., & Spetz, PhD, J. (2015, June 17). California Board of Registered Nurses.

2. Nursing Workforce in 2014. American Nursing Association (2014, August 1)

4. Select Social Media Zones and Vehicles

Social Media: FacebookThrough regular postings on Facebook, (two to three times a week) we will hopefully

remain part of the consideration set of many people, especially those affiliated with nursing, as well as CSULB students. By soliciting other programs and organizations, we hope to increase awareness of our organization and reach a larger audience.

We will promote ourselves to our followers as a witty, yet informational site. This will hopefully include a mascot, and posts that highlight the fun of CSULB as well as the benefits of the CSULB APHN program.

Once we have our budget approved, we can promote our page to those who are closer to our target market. This will allow us to gain access to the consideration set of our target market and those who may be somewhat affiliated with the target or secondary market.

In our postings we will try our best to be relevant, yet still get across information relevant to the Nursing Department. This will include articles, memes, current events, dates, etc. We want to maintain a fun attitude, bringing in relevant material from social media and mainstream media. This can relate to things such as videos, trends, crazes, etc.

Posts will be roughly every two days, and hopefully be scheduled beforehand. Posts can range anywhere from videos, links, pictures, text posts, or possible links to other entertainment media such as flash games. The content will vary, but will all relate back to nursing at some

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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point. We have an idea of creating an artificial “holiday” where we have testimonials of nurses and other public health officials for their experience and their opinion of their job. This would be featured as a reoccurring thing called “Testimonial Tuesdays.” This will require soliciting public health officials for their feedback and featuring them throughout Facebook and possibly other media.

As of 4/19/2016, the Facebook page currently has 111 likes and has posts scheduled for the half of May. This will be acting as the “home base” for all of the other social media outlets, with the ability to monitor different traffic entrances and viewership. This allows us to give more accurate data about the amount of people reached. As found from the Facebook Analytics, we know that our viewers are most often online from the hours of 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. As a happy medium, we have most posts scheduled between the hours of 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

Among the posts scheduled are weekly events known as “Testimonial Tuesdays” “Motivational Sundays” and “Flash Game Fridays.” Testimonial Tuesdays are days in which we share a photo that is overlaid with a quote from a real nurse or nursing student. The purpose of this is to have the current nurses inspire other nurses. These quotes are taken from real people, and tell of why they love nursing, or what inspired them to pursue a nursing career.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Motivational Sundays are a day of the week where we post motivational pictures to help everyone get through their work or school week. Most of these pictures relate back to nursing, why nurses are necessary, and many other forms of motivational posts.

Flash Game Fridays are interactive events where the page administrators post their score for a nursing game offered through online websites. We provide this game link and challenge visitors to beat our score. These games vary from simple quizzes to fully interactive games with a story and graphics.

In addition to these weekly events, we post on current events as they happen, campus events, and roughly every several days thereafter. This is to not overload the viewer and pressure them to hide the page from their feed. Our page reach varies by post, ranging from 20-350 impressions. While a wide range, we can use this information to cater each post to our target market.

Social Media: TwitterSimilar to the social media campaign for Facebook, posts will vary with different forms of

media and attachments. All posts will be relevant as well as interesting. Posts will be made several times a day, and will feature a variety of material. By posting several times a day, we will help to be at the top of any followers news feed and bring more attention to the organization. In order to retain followers, we will try our best to post relevant and funny tweets, making APHN a desired account to follow, and to increase awareness by word of mouth.

We will utilize the different related Twitter accounts like the ASI and the president of

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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CSULB’s account for mentions and promotions. This will also cement the fact that CSULB is a community, and there is a sense of camaraderie.

The CSULB APHN Twitter account is used several times a day in order to keep at the top of the student’s feed. Things such as quick motivational quotes & quips are utilized, as well as cohesiveness with what is posted on Facebook. For example, when a Testimonial Tuesday is posted on Facebook, mention of it and a link and possibly a photo is posted on the same day.

As you can see above, the Twitter account has anywhere from 16-390 impressions a day. While not as efficient as possible, Twitter can evolve into an invaluable part of the digital marketing mix with proper time and resources. Because Twitter is such a fast-paced environment, many of our tweets may go unnoticed, but it should still be maintained, regardless of deterrents.

Social Media: Instagram

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Through regular postings on Instagram we hope to connect with people and increase awareness between CSULB students and those interested in the nursing program. Instagram is

a great way to share

pictures and information about the great nursing program CSULB has to offer. Utilizing this social media platform, we hope to aspire individuals who are passionate about nursing and have a desire to become one in the near future.

Contrary to popular belief, Instagram is not just about pictures, it's about making connections with people that have similar interests and aspirations, and we hope that through our page, people will become more aspired to learn more about nursing and its importance.

Posts on Instagram will include pictures of our nursing facilities, important information about our program, our nursing mascot, funny pictures/quotes and much more. Our two to three posts weekly will force our followers to keep our program as part of their consideration set, and will help enlighten those people that our nursing program should be the next step in their career path. Our hashtags will be nursing appropriate to appeal to a large number of people who are nurses or who have an interest in it. Overall Instagram is a perfect way to keep people interested in a nursing career as well as learning important information about it. Although Instagram does not have a huge following as of now, constant posting and hashtagging will definitely entice more people to join and follow us. As of 4/18/16 Instagram has 23 followers but will continue to grow more when content is presented. Instagram will utilize “Squarelovin” to measure the likes and comments.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Social Media: LinkedInHaving a LinkedIn account is crucial to our program and this type of social media will

help us establish a professional identity online and stay in connected with professional organizations, colleagues, and CSULB students. Through this social media platform people who are interested in the program can learn more in detail about the qualifications needed to be in this program.

The benefit of our LinkedIn account, is that we can create an in-depth profile regarding qualifications needed to be eligible for the nursing program. Not only will this social media help people connect with our program, but it will also help people connect with others who share the same interests and love for nursing.

Currently, there is not LinkedIn profile page, as the email ([email protected]) is already in use. Until a new email can be provided, we have no other way to create a LinkedIn profile. Regardless, we are still looking at LinkedIn as a possible tool to advertise to career nurses. LinkedIn would be an amazing social media platform to connect and interact with other nurses or people that are interested in our nursing program and wish to be a part of it.

5. Create an Experience Strategy Encompassing Selected Zones

Ansoff’s Matrix: CSULB’s APHN Program

CSULB currently has a Masters in Nursing Program, consequently CSULB is not developing their business by entering a new market. The APHN Program is a new product that CSULB is advertising to its current market. This matrix helps us see that our growth strategy is based off a product development approach. Therefore we must focus our efforts on CSULB’s points of difference. It is CSULB APHN program’s points of difference that determine the positioning strategy. This is how we develop our value proposition and distinguish ourselves from the competition.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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The CSULB APHN program’s largest points of difference are affordability, less credits required, flexible class scheduling, opportunity to gain up to clinical 700 hours, and no prior work experience required. This program is anywhere between $10,000 to $15,000 less than its largest competitors. Advertisements and messaging can utilize phrases such as “cut your costs in half! Save up to $15,000 by choosing CSULB’s APHN program” The fact that this program requires less credits to complete and offers extremely flexible scheduling is a dream come true! We can communicate this to our target market by using copy such as, “Your dream job, just got dreamier… Open doors with only 1 ½ years of APHN grad school. Less credits, flexible class schedules, and no work experience required. No, this is not a dream; this is THE BEACH. Coming Fall 2017.” One last point of difference we can emphasize is the phenomenal opportunity students have to gain up to 700 clinical hours. Clinical hours and prior work experience tends to be a sensitive subject with nursing students. Students are typically required to gain clinical hours/work experience prior to entering grad school. However, it is extremely difficult for students to obtain all of the hours they need, considering most clinical hours are non-paid and these students need to make a living! It’s a terrible predicament that is one of the core reasons nursing students are discouraged from continuing their education. It is critical that we communicate these unique opportunity to our target market. This critical message can be communicated with the following message, “STAND UP for your dreams and STAND OUT from the rest, by choosing CSULB’s APHN program. Walk away with 2 to 3 times more hands-on experience than the others in your group interview.”

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Overview: Our target market encompasses men and women from all walks of life who have one

major thing in common: they want to serve and help mankind. The pursuit of a nursing career is motivated mostly by an inward drive to make a difference. These individuals value self-fulfilment and often value careers that build their esteem. As marketers, we must match this emotional pursuit by showing our target market that the CSULB APHN Program can equip them to achieve their potential and obtain their dream career.

To communicate these benefits we are creating an integrated social media campaign. We will integrate our messaging across all mediums, both in our digital efforts as well as our physical seeding efforts. We will communicate a thorough and cohesive message that serves to educate our audience on what our program is and how it is the best fit for you. With interactive posts, links, and social engagement, we strive to connect with those nursing students who are genuinely interested in helping the community.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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6. Establish an Activation Plan

The CSULB APHN website is in need of improvement. As this product is in the introductory stage of the product life cycle, it is critical that we educate and inform our audience about the new MSN APHN program. Currently, the website ( only features a list of classes. There is no information on the website or the nursing page about what this program offers, nor does it provide visitors with any information concerning how to apply. Information is presented in a basic bullet point format, listing only the tentative courses and necessary prerequisites. We suggest creating a more robust website that gives full detail about what the program is and what it offers to the prospective student as well as the community. Our target marketing is most interested in learning the value of our product (aka our program); we must communicate “what is in it for them.”

Unfortunately the current structure of CSULB’s School of Nursing website makes it rather difficult for visitors to find the MSN APHN homepage. If the homepage is to be found, it is critical to provide various links throughout the CSULB School of Nursing website. The fixed column on the left hand side of the website is the ideal location for a link to the MSN APHN homepage (shown below). The link can be position beneath the tab titled, “About Our Programs.” This would ensure that all visitors to the CSULB School of Nursing website, as well as all associated websites, will gain exposure to the MSN APHN homepage link.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

Page 19: Mktg437SocialMediaMarketingPlan

In the mock website: we give information in a more appealing format, access to additional information about the program, and offer a way for students and interested parties to learn more.


To further amplify our social media and digital marketing efforts, we strongly suggest investing in print materials that will be used to seed the market. Utilizing print communications in conjunction with digital communications can optimize our effectiveness. Various promotional posters can be placed in premier locations, both on and off campus, for as little as $25. Ideal locations for these posters are as following: the area surrounding CSULB’s nursing building, on message boards in local hospitals, on other college campuses, in the staff rooms of local nursing homes, etc. All promotional posters will be available in a digital format. Digital copies of these posters can be dispersed via emails and social media, increasing our reach. Each poster will feature a call to action, prompting viewers to follow our social media accounts, as well as QR codes with additional information details about the program. All of these tactics combined will magnify our exposure, significantly increasing both program awareness and program interest.

7. Manage and Measure

Currently with the resources available, we do not have access to many analytic software. With changing the CSULB website, and inputting the Google Analytics code, we can have access to how many people have viewed the website. Google Analytics will allow us to figure out where the people are coming from, and gives us more information as to which social media platforms are becoming popular and/or effective at reaching our target audience. In the meantime, we will use Facebook as the main hub for all of our measuring efforts, using built-in monitoring data. With Facebook we can see how many people we are reaching, and use trial and error to figure out what is effective at reaching more people.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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As you can see in the photo above from Facebook Analytics, the page is still gaining momentum. While not quite hitting our goals, we are still able to take a program that has minimal exposure to creating a small community. While having many people being reached by our posts, we rarely have interaction with consumers. We are hoping the that team that takes this client over will be able to be more successful in getting more interaction with our target market.

Of course we want to get as many people interested in the program as possible, but we also want to build the brand image. This will help us in joining the consideration set for as many prospective students as possible. We will not be able to see results from this segment immediately, but it will be beneficial in the long run.

As shown above (in Facebook Analytics), we can see what items are more successful in reaching and interacting with our viewers. Overall, a variety of different posts are more likely to

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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attract everyone, but we recommend a larger portion of posts to be photos. This creates interest in the small thumbnail and people are more likely to engage with our brand. In addition, or most popular posts are ones that feature actual people. This can mean quotes from people, or pictures of and about nurses.

Our most determinant mode for measuring our success is by the interest in the informational meetings. This will give us a physical count of how many people are seriously interested in the program and help us monitor our efforts. While “likes” and “retweets” are important, what we are really looking for is actual people to apply to the program. Unfortunately, we do not have the information on all informational meetings, as the program has been pushed back from Fall of 2016 to Fall of 2017, and whether or not they are still holding informational meetings.

Since this program will be starting after this digital marketing team has (hopefully) graduated, then we will not be able to get the actual number of students in the program, and where they got their information, and this will be used by the Marketing Center as their measure of success. From these students that have enrolled in the APHN program, the Marketing Center can hopefully get them to fill out a survey about where they got their information. This can lead to more insight about what they are looking for and what worked and didn’t work in the marketing plan. These surveys can also be used to get feedback about the program itself, including information about the classes, teachers and whole experience.

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

Page 22: Mktg437SocialMediaMarketingPlan

Appendix A

Quotes: - “I became a nurse because I wanted to be part of something bigger” -Andrea

- “I became a nurse because I was born to help those in need. No matter how big or small the job maybe, you feel you will always have an impact on patients lives with the care you show them.” -Leo

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

Page 23: Mktg437SocialMediaMarketingPlan

- “I have a strong desire to help our fellow man and woman.” Daniel



Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

Page 24: Mktg437SocialMediaMarketingPlan

Appendix B

Further Insight Questionnaire:1. Why do you want to continue your education in Nursing?2. What do you look for when searching for a nursing program?3. How important is hands on experience when determining which nursing program you


extremely important very important important not too important irrelevant

4. How important is it to find an affordable program when searching for nursing programs?

extremely important very important important not too important irrelevant

5. What do you look for when searching for a nursing program? 6. Rank the following in the order of importance. ____ Nursing school specialties ____ Location of school ____ Size of nursing school ____ Class Size ____ Nursing school clinical rotation ____ NCLEX Examination pass rates ____ Accreditation ____ Tuition

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Appendix C

Activation Points & Progress:

● Created Facebook Jan. 26th:○ Daily postings with random health-related facts○ March 4th began Flash Game Friday

■ Currently no engagement○ Attempted reaching out via DM to organizations seeking nurses for our

“testimonial Tuesday” initiative -- FB prohibited us messaging orgs.■ Mar. 24th we began reaching out to individuals asking for testimonies

○ Mar. 24th created social media posting schedule (please refer to google sheets)● Created Twitter, Mar. 22nd:● Created Instagram Mar 17th:

❏ Daily postings with funny quotes, random health-related facts, funny nursing memes

❏ Posting the same pictures that are posted on Facebook/Twitter to keep a cohesive look between all social media platforms.

● Tuesday, 3/22/16 meeting with Stacey Freeman to discuss changing the CSULB school of nursing website; presented mock-up Wix website

● 4/6/16: began researching relevant hashtags and sharing photos on our own Facebook timelines to receive more impressions

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Appendix D

Seeding Poster

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz

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Appendix E

Katherine Kinnel Anjianna Grasso

Brittany TurnerJasmine Herrera

Brenda Ordaz