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WW r rr. T:;®^?•j-'"^-- 7 ;-:••'*;••>•••'?,• •• f;?iT,R--';'.ww v ., *v.w..%«fwn ••.••• p.^L^iW: ••• .w ; -^i?»i HOUJC **• ,ro jMJUa C I B q U ^ k ^ B f ' ^*.i-7,f:>l?-X .*£t ->" c* ;"flr;. && OFflCtAL NEWSPAPER OF mmm 66th teal* (•Manama 4 --*, 4 ^<« -#|*SHSF^ •». '«iii->»@ •"NiJfciiti,. w * - < !»#•»• ROCHESTER, N. Y., TmiRSDAY;:H|plftElfflM4" . ;saF „,.^ , ^ VpSlSlK3»' i# 12 Pages ^ T S e t f is speculation here that the jese <^jfiMuMi«tf5I«®iBady to release an. American pnest list oaOttaltonea»Illti^the^ e to ° k U P ?f?W ence Jhere when S^hL^«4e^iS , P refecture in ***«* piovjnce He 'SS^f^^£^S9S&^» sentenced in connection JP* 8 ?,, *'..V.ii' .';'1*lfffi6jA;.>l»»te Red chieftain MaoTseTung N>*1U5 S l J ^ p S t O ^ l M v a h e l T w o others allegedly ln\olved In Jttds- AjEXffqgtf 0$|pjPather-the plot, Italia Antonio Riva and iReds- |(*%|4ftf#fl^P*thw the plot, Italia Antonio Riva and W^^SS^^^SSS* Ja P al *»« R*tfcJU , y*maguchl, :^if ^#- ? ««^isio .were sentenced to death and exe- •M& ^k v ?I M 7 t S Ho.plta.. M fceta, lf r < *Udb y Hi.3Cx. >Ktfn»»^^ to Unpiirt hbi Chrfatnuw MesaUag t* the ytfcxU,'The' ChUdrwi »f David gaertdaaMJ4M«rUynHotme». . . \ ' '^ *r*v*.r Name Union has $*p$iafc im ,„ f|an^,»e&t#M|Wglt^* •*« v .^ilMc^%..n^*#«6)nortil«l •c|»'"|e|J&^.p|r-t»yi#. as 14 a ~d«me of the alc^eSant Wpa>^ft^^'#ifiiaiis8TOJliW , BS--they in- ^ S S ^ ' S S ' ^ B P ^ W ^ro^ih.-breakfast and |wo Ml-M^il^SP 1 ............. ,_.„ ,, i.«*£&Afc*MhSi v tf HlqlJ-<Will.^J)en ^.iwfc ^ n w B l 4 f f ^ ^ ^ i ^ » ar iy'-g06#> persons: - GatMIlc snett's afa '• WiWf"4mr- I n 1 ateompditefl '•-Mp(ipf;l» t 4nGw9';'M^^^^ CP#* -jertfe. sloven- n ernocm • ":wg - 7' r**"* r V 'm^-^ lis Excellency Bishop Kearney v at his home, m Emt -d&pn&ji *i? IjIS^^C;' l ^ confer his ^ Blessing fm the New Yewr 1 ehaftc«UoT.:'dl Wn*i|noj?^,perald, C.y.Lawibert. and Consignor John S. RatndllU, chap aln of the Jiochei^ir, Police •jroiy.Kain*$o«c%,; . K h'f'^ iw%ts^ 48fc.^tttBfatattf.^w tfes jtncauawawjL <^o»flltg8» v * —-»(• ,fc> tUe State eet>atfin#i$0/l}uery ,thc Peiplng. «U»w»nenti 1 ,u- lfc)llwmi ln the Vatican VorW, Wty a^ommoni8t^Hna^.ff!te»mHie'*heUi«v4wo-M^^ p»u» xir bro*dc*»tkrfc-W*JP»iy«4 P*Mlontst prieaUJ both otivKpirw'- •"---. a greeting ahd bleaslpf oh• joy 'Jhe chaite^ -^ere 3»Ued three y*ara ifiOj « * Lers ftirvey and ; Wh»*. the Pal *— "— r '"- M " JiitiU'alive,> H>: «'•'•}•"*'''<'••^ ?ioniit*rovlhciai?iald.> TJieappe^le^aa?^«d>bmw% T F^hwJVe^wttt hw hud-re- im-;i%% •'•* "fi&e' ^ a l ^ ; i ^ i l ~J(NC)! — V?sitors-her€ ' : 'ylj^dgWe;i"doe r ft not ,inS|id^ Rochester Priest ^ V L -J" *'^*^#?» ( '«": 'ji^».»*"1f i A*^,^r* rf t,-i | Father (Lieut.) ittnep Ste-| iDonald, a aiirine Cliajgala^ i<rom Bochestei-j N-3f,i^awjllf# |His Eminence .Cardinal Spell- man : wlio celebrate Ma-U M- ithristmaa aft«n»CMi at Hrit |Harihe Divl^cM. b*a<k;u.r< CM In fKorei a««b^''io , Sr|3|y.% |Ne**| Serv^ifl^ll | '4 Chri»tman Masse*. esleHraticI . . M bv the Cardinal-!** A r t | « ! ^fenieii 4&^)*mmS- | jUfthe rif^MiWne'Wviiilifc ^headlaa-rteri W * l | . l j | « ' « ^ i ^ hrehe^W ai,rin»«e|t«fe- >;|the vmmt. -*MU|« W *ir *(^ #fe«e|flfM"whife tftf'Quritt^L, I PailiW j M ^ t t a ^ . '&*'$& ?si»m 'the diwiinluH t«%>«» , . •<j*» the "tlwt JiarBte' ®vis(ro4»* ( find. &m«>J^..»|W^aavJii»li*v |aht naator •• ot VhAy. Btafrj-' '». .I •• m.. LI:?L; J:o:t f :i «*• w *ftJ 1 -* «> : •^li.*' 2i*" w ' *" , 0 m Jill out in mid-December This is '-insidered a preludf to his re ase. ; * * Monsj^qr Martina was ariest China. Thefmissiona^ nfc sen-. ™» WA1JAW mlsslonaiy s telcS fo ilfil trtinrlsonnlnt on M»klea were chained for four aw ha?i Sly the He WBS aS5 !& ned ln ™w 1952 t0 Reds^hd eSed Hm the 1 " forced labor * roup m * Wng cown/ry, ^ . _ • : mat chboxe» until his expulsion Monslgnor. Martina spent the He described the prison food as last four months in tjhe lame J**- j coarse: hut sufficient, king" prison -as Father Rlg'ney. A member of the Stigmatine but was unabjle to coranitthipatb' missionaries, Monsignor Martina with the Amel-fcan priest. 1&W-! immediately received a wire of 1 ever, the Italian, mlsjlonary hajd congratulatioris on his release fmmrt o^t-^tliit ""Fah^rTl^aey t and dtfers of help- frdSi-<onfrei-es _ ridjfv^% h^njp||:;p^j^|iio at SpWngl(elp»i«« 5 lyssrySB mm** >|f^«|(^^Ni;J^j(|I€^ ~ An appe^Jiaji heen made Vatfean City—Standing at a window of tN.>rr- — 8 -"ra' .- ^ -£—r— ? "— ~»-r tolle Memlng on ChrMman Daytothouwaa* • ( j a N p t e j p a J<i>W|lilj Mami ta^afa, •&*! marked tlie P o n t i c flnt public appearance atawa l*e |iia%i!KPJii of Waalaaijiil an Dae. t,'»a»«Sf' / the Pope extended hli ChrMniaa greetlaga to **• ^|Ha>Jt «JJ^ *9fl» h Wafiei tat ad>n>eae •" ^ and broadoaat by the *****&&f*1$M £ / ^ ~ t V" ^A^' / - 1 v J M4* /n Sickroom Yailcait aty — (NO Fromf1ChrMiwa»' Jail ih Qhlnl, '^{o^r! jidteott;- iRi|fcr;W*tch alto -Dwajmber' 1 ' ^l^'i&^i^ 1 ^ ' M'«**n'.received ifom Fathetp iSESiJEEE*Sttffi?iia^i*- tme^*"* White for gilt boxea .<eds ^' if* -ii«^i^MW^ :ar* w^i" tri -at la |iiili: Thk Hum- b*r 40^. «*• !p«ie the'. 11. Hfl. alt»« w*Jtwt> etpians 5 '0«l;fie«.? he^era,;sh*rt. lyTtterS'ew 'UttA Day In TWmair Mlth -Cawn "«n s tai, ' China's foretgA minister. • Father Welsh said {he'contact ed-'the:State liepartment immedl- m- w ^ w v w g , «^ "««j^aeconda-wlthJhaUatgi bailed to 'them ,«»ch wei^ through the China Red Croat , t , '. FATHM GARVTCT. rwlded in J e r ^ G | t y > m J . ; i i h d Mincola and^itejs mWti^-% hetore he entered the |loly Grosa Passion 1st Preparatory^ College at Dun dained on February 27 1943 and went to China in 1916 At the time of his anfest by the com muniits. he was superintendent Of the Catholic Hospital at Yuan ling. : Faiirer wmre ma araaied it the Dunkirk college and was or daihed on April i!8,1934 He went tofc$irMn TL99*i During World atlly after being informed by, War It he served as a contract ,», Jennie Deacy White of chaplaift „witft„»th.e U. S forces ' Ihlm, Mass., that she had Crowds Cheer Pontiff Who WiM Not Step tor* to«k »Ayi#toKtMkgK*»>u»**P9&T to coma U 8t*M*fr &V*t*4p nam' and cheer |h* pittck of thavFope- vjho "win not stop r t, •• v Many heard Mas* in St Peter'* TUdlh-a ftrtt and then went out EZ&4 ire :*r- en.. va «*"» to »tand In iht p l a m beneath the famous wiadow Large htnribera of ^Rell«»o«ia-jneit j»hd-Votnen catne espedaUy to honor we Pon- tiff and receive hla blessing The Holy Father *as in the Window foe two minutes' and 3S the time spent hi waving his arms in his old familiar gesture of greeting *He gave the blessing speaking directly into the micro- phone in * voice which could not but reassure all who heard it Many United SUteaArmyj^A^ij»ei!iaieaiiijra^a|rj Force ancl Navy unHoiltlB w e r e * ^ -*•= noted In the crowd,-.. By special permission of the Pope, Christmas Midnight Mass waj| celebrated Ih SU Peters Ba- silica at 6 p m * Christmas Eve It andA>vas aisigiied to the; Arniy fulfilled the Christmas AJass obli an^.^av>'^ig jBase at Chihkjang I gation of those who attended received a brief note pUL/ > ly written by her son -^ the first word^le come out of Red China jtroin"either & the prJIisu since Weir' Umprfionmerit 'Father Wjelchlsaid «hat check «ith Fa* the* darvey's motheri Mrs> Mar- tinai. iGarvey, -who nesides with her 4«ghter t ,'Mrs, Clare Har- rin%tofl in West Coyinas CaJifc; dl|61osM that she has not heard ffdm Ker son for threeyears. f are build a par*'sill FATHER WELCH said thatfbeWltis4bo*'ir3Plea"m6nt near thai Episcopal Bishop Backs lit In School Suit <RNS) — Tli«Bt.ncv Kainiorgan t*ta«Uc*t front abattiMaiee iaca«gnaapi._. '^^^^^^^ ^f\^^*^ ^•s^a^* FrMay, naaadfast^^, Wat aUafceatKea^ Italy ansT tat wartdbytsi' «a« RadatW'aaactly now. i*-phy«W-'Ws«pse^-itsei* isaeks, adNjiat asaniiat^a* m delivery aAaehad of iUsa jjaa ] With him M hespoae wat* MNf. A n i * l o DeVAeaua, **abtata Vatican Secnrtary of Statt Jse OrdWry Affairs, and Father At Year*a lite. Hla KxceMaaiey the dlspentattoa fac CathoUc* In the Dloeaae o^|toes»sat«r^ The dtopennattan'wns. Utmt In a iectee-»«'lB**lsf»d Cea- gregatton af tka CaajacU nil, published In Vattcaw City Xar decree pernUta Catnuslai to est meat on Trtdny^teiiber 31, i . 0 - 1 j Church Gaini Hoted In Atora-Bonib^i City 1Si<x% FrotestSiif Episcopal Bishop of California, lias filed a [ nirotnima, Jifisf i-<jKC)—C* Briefi n t h e tMM Court of Appeal* heie upholdmg the! thollelsm is- growhjg with extn* right^of the StomlnVjeathollc Wei-. ordinary vigor in ihis ato* 1 of Rights are preserved ahdf ho m hed city ^ ^ -.--, •„ „., ,. . i.. . ^ ,«... , ,- ,..,.-. ^ that no arbitrary and unreason | After the bornbfaig: in lm tm^^pf^^p^'^^^'^M'^M , •«« governmental acUons arc * Hiroshima had <mljr W Catho seen iltve W ^uinllng prisotff 'TRe Weffire C6r|»r|tion whith permitted ' - Ilea Today the old parish ha* e%u$#$t* in the spring of 1^2 ripreselits the Catholic ArchdM The American Jewish Congress ugltt papshc^h*jt»witha*8tal bishop Cothberl O'Gara, C.P., and Father iPaul tJbinger. C.P* abl^ittshurSh, ifeti, both of whom- isspent £i,n)oi^s In,the same spifson, befoM they were 'relesis* M-'and expelled from "Chfiia > in 1953.- Father Welch said that ^uWIheTllShipand the Pas- ilofiist priests occupied cells in ite?*satne^ c14ffipauiriarfiiey*rarely s,aw *ach^otherfci.and thert only f M i , | i i | | o t : ^ e y v|re|nfev]-' ocese OfSaa Frsatciscor is-seek- ing a writ of mandamus to force thie City of JPietaoot to permit ihe buiidlhg oof a school, adjacent 4Weich; $a|a. 1 I: 'MM cam hrletteBowedyjihefiling ofn rUlea i jSirrmar brl'e;> ; fM American 1 ~*— irewl^eolj^^imthe-fAmcd • ^Kl||#|^^«''Unbn All' ; ,W4ljM^Wes|hovejS.r t 1 tCentw'C*;,' who wais' re- leased with-Bishop 0'Ga.ra, and »otfe^v'eJ«#everj| : Mas|.| *|*e?t| l-ifroi^Chift* : inr petition stressed the deprivatlonl"**" *^68-€ath«Usav I 4a^kaaawAtadalna^nai maaAh^aai^m^Ad^bdttill maa Day tt .the waa##1 faaa> aJwV%«^ M"**^ ^ ^*" .till Jti|&3WnBp(tyt>t; of parents' or guardians liberty} The figures, however'j d6 noif of choice under the zoning reg} ten the whole Hiroshima, stotr -w .- -^ <• - .ulatfoh and declared that such ITor the converta^^oUowinf lb* to Corpus CSiristrclmrch there, 'deprivation Violates both the fed general trend, *r* *§e.vipg the The community'^ present zOnlnier eril m atate consUtutfons city to find i*oriLt*»twhere. f r tonft.Steiajihfd, 1 S.J, dtraelaraf the Vatican Radio. | ' garly in hit brief weaut*, l Ae pjowlff revealed W* uppertBeft thouj[h&r b^^nj>eaktar •* tht1n|* fflaJ»Jcis J >dt^ri^ai! ! ^M« «tly meat Knew how to lhr» out ± «heir.wholtllyt»ta thafr§<aioa*, phere ofM wittf those <««H«g* of *kKlnesS and pew* * • how, ynuch happier the earth wouHL " be" he exclauned. '—- 1 - f v . POPK PK» extended his t r a i - ^ tudeto thVCatholic world m- 1 ' prayey^aaoithpsttiedtorfe for "Our. eonaojaton'' *fr *«airbuc"'chll«Hn scatt«r|f •»%, jitanighout the T«*FW and, dee4 of thk^whote hufwn ' •fly" * yl , The E»P* tachukd In Ws fa,g the Cardihala ot-1he f Coll«K *H« *«•*» •SU hers of the Roman. W i a u jnemoera of In* MtottM^ ,BW«ps p ^ f a a s f j ^ a i M f 6 v x inpriwe^ or eoihrlng I P g M K ^ b e h i n d the IrOnrCurtate, laws permit ^rjly' the erection df publicly-o^mill schools t* BiSHOFMJK K'Sirlemi of the The City of Piedmont has l>een granted until Jan iO to anSwei arguments against Its zonW If the grovvth roontlmfes, ib* Hiroshima, Mert0ri41 t -.Japan'*, larges churdhf wiihs a 2000 ca paclty, may prove 'too-small. ^ «W f^r Catholic ^pKsatfiw^ I^S^SWffithe ll ' "s|li(^W#^|An%|cOlIegovi ; mkwmfifmi'tftree middle schools, and four elementary schools. th^ej|^oiiteM ffia£.the PJedmont ^.^ ift?e? vSoiates constitlonal SMifptecs of rcSgloter freedom^ 'Si^im Much ' prohibits conv wyttoh and operation Of pri Vate;sc*ob1s;%tht>.!^ne in. whtchv C9«|rjpJ(^^o1! pUbfc schools 1* p«Bftffitwt'lJS; firbiijrary ahd un r^s^ti^Wf;- Bls%oi»-' BWbk de that the e^r^-^hdvproteot |h* ^M^^MitiM^ liberties miBfy m fe-iiem parsed tHsft :^M^i||»Wintunicate |4tWt ^sV (^maintained Aimericaft Priest Brin|n;8 C/irist CMld To Mostfiw ( i r e w c . ^EVisr SKRVICB> T ^?With P»ti»wlar^ftction,«« f.. ^ ^ | y FatWfr » ^ ^ 0 »«?^ J wish settrity, AMd^comJtbrC P ilnee Ee*nw t*"*,* 1 *" 1 ^*^ dn His Cross? fo ait«ho nre aad- dewd by pbysfca^ana w^HL iltnlHies, who » W « «* itfcf and thelir^iery^ f «Whh Weeding l^eatt, We im r plore heavily f^"^"* 1 . tuerljlc strength;ftr^l^hos^of bai^undwt^lehnrtk. ^ ^ ^ ^ •?<!?!S*„YJ^i:» . /..,. U Our children wh* ^ ^ ^ Rifely MUM J«]pn8on and ta wncentratlon «mp, wd who Itav^e been i « P « worthytoaof fer foi the saW of 1he Faith, or truth, »«tl of Jnstiee/Vhe said, i ra. varies «* «ii,wn. , ^ wen ^*l,^frt!!S suitable ttaiealt was g— br^dcast A, ti^slniaga^ The Christ Child came to Moscow on Cfiristniu through (he hands of American Father George Bissonette^ who ma MidtiifM Mass in Spassio H6u»«, the residence of United Spates ^mbnssador and Mr^. Charles E. Bohkn, Father Btssonette^ «it AsHumptiom$t of Paw . is the only American priest in the Sjoviet capital, J»Teither this Christmas nor last wag he allowed to offer Mass in the Church of St. LouW of th* Frencn>Ti«ca«s« thUt church — the only Catholic, church In Moscow — l i a s been closed to htm by Soviet 1 Authorities. t , >t * \ n f •> i Only one other Mnsa was rep«t^'l>MaicW.,nlaj-:wa5 : a*l«at who ninn ts) Htttk/tirJIi^Mft^il»aV>wsl,-i,,.n, m , l i , theSovirt Miaiatoryf BeUcloai t a i ^ t Y a»>»aW <

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Post on 06-Oct-2020




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Page 1: mm** - · jese

WW r rr. T:;®^?•j-'"^--7;-:••'*;••>•••'?,• •• f ; ? i T , R - - ' ; ' . w w • v., * v . w . . % « f w n ••.••• p . ^ L ^ i W : •••

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HOUJC * * • , r o

jMJUa C I B q U ^ k ^ B f '

^*.i-7,f:>l?-X .*£t

->" c* ;"f lr; . & &


66th teal* ( •Manama

4 --*,4 <« - # | * S H S F ^ • » . '«iii->»@

•"NiJfciiti,. w * - < !»#•»• ROCHESTER, N. Y., TmiRSDAY;:H|plftElfflM4" . ; s a F „, .^ ,

^ VpSlSlK3»' i #

12 Pages

^TSet f is speculation here that the jese < jfiMuMi«tf5I«®iBady to release an. American pnest

list oaOttal to nea»I l l t i^ the^ e t o ° k UP ?f?W e n c e J h e r e when

S ^ h L ^ « 4 e ^ i S , P r e f e c t u r e i n ***«* piovjnce He 'SS^f^^£^S9S&^» sentenced in connection

JP*8?,, *'..V.ii' .';'1*lfffi6jA;.>l»»te Red chieftain MaoTseTung N>*1U5 S lJ^pStO^lMvahe lTwo others allegedly ln\olved In Jttds- AjEXffqgtf 0$|pjPather -the plot, Italia Antonio Riva and iReds- | ( * % | 4 f t f # f l ^ P * t h w the plot, Italia Antonio Riva and W ^ ^ S S ^ ^ ^ S S S * JaPal*»« R*tfcJU , y*maguchl, : ^ i f ^ # - ? « « ^ i s i o .were sentenced to death and exe-

•M& ^k

v?IM7tSHo.plta..Mfceta, l fr<*UdbyHi.3Cx.

> K t f n » » ^ ^ to Unpiirt hbi Chrfatnuw MesaUag t* the ytfcxU,'The' ChUdrwi » f David gaertdaaMJ4M«rUynHotme». . . \ ' '^


Name Union has $*p$iafc i m ,„

f | a n ^ , » e & t # M | W g l t ^ *

•*« v.^ilMc^%..n^*#«6)nortil«l •c|»'"|e|J&^.p|r-t»yi#. as 14 a

~d«me of the alc eSant Wpa>^ft^^'#ifiiaiis8TOJliW,BS--they in-^ • S S ^ ' S S ' ^ B P ^ W ^ro^ih.-breakfast and |wo

Ml-M^il^SP1 ............. ,_.„ ,, i.«*£&Afc*MhSi vtfHlqlJ-<Will. J)en

^. iwfc ^ n w B l 4 f f ^ ^ ^ i ^ » a r i y ' - g 0 6 # > persons:

- GatMIlc snett's afa

'• WiWf"4mr- I n 1 ateompditefl

'•-Mp(ipf;l»t4nGw9';'M^^^^ CP#* -jertfe. sloven-

n ernocm • ":wg - 7'

r**"* r V

'm^-^ lis Excellency Bishop Kearney

v at his home, m Emt -d&pn&ji *i?

IjIS^^C;' l ^ confer his ^ Blessing fm the New Yewr1


Wn*i|noj?^,perald, C.y.Lawibert.

and Consignor John S. RatndllU, chap aln of the Jiochei^ir, Police

•jroiy.Kain*$o«c%,; . Kh'f'^ iw%ts^ 48fc.^tttBfatattf.^w tfes jtncauawawjL <^o»flltg8»


— - » ( •

,fc> tUe State eet>atfin#i$0/l}uery ,thc Peiplng. «U»w»nenti1,u- l fc) l lwmi l n the Vatican VorW, Wty a^ommoni8t^Hna^.ff!te»mHie'*heUi«v4wo-M^^ p»u» xir bro*dc*»tkrfc-W*JP»iy«4 P*Mlontst prieaUJ both otivKpirw'- • •"---. a greeting ahd bleaslpf oh• joy 'Jhe chaite^ - ere 3»Ued three y*ara ifiOj «*L e r s ftirvey and;Wh»*. the Pal — *— "—r'"-M" JiitiU'alive,> H>: • «'•'•}•"*'''<'••^ ?ioniit*rovlhciai?iald.>

TJieappe le^aa?^«d>bmw% T F^hwJVe^wttt hw hud-re-


•'•* "fi&e' ^ a l ^ ; i ^ i l ~J(NC)! — V?sitors-her€

': 'ylj^dgWe;i"doerft not ,inS|id^

Rochester Priest

^ VL-J" * '^*^#?» ( '«" : ' j i^».»*"1f i A*^ , ^ r * r f t , - i

| Father (Lieut.) ittnep Ste-| iDonald, a aiirine Cliajgala^ i<rom Bochestei-j N-3f,i^awjllf# |His Eminence .Cardinal Spell-man : wlio celebrate Ma-U M-

ithristmaa aft«n»CMi at Hrit |Harihe Divl cM. b*a<k;u.r<CM In fKorei a««b^' ' io , Sr |3 |y .% |Ne**| S e r v ^ i f l ^ l l | '4

Chri»tman Masse*. esleHraticI . .Mbv the Cardinal-!** A r t | « !

^ f e n i e i i 4&^)*mmS-| jUfthe rif^MiWne'Wviiilifc ^headlaa-rteri W*l | . l j |« '«^i^

hrehe^W a i , r i n » « e | t « f e ->;|the vmmt. -*MU|« W *ir *(^ #fe«e|flfM"whife tftf'Quritt^L,

I PailiW jM^tta^. '&*'$& ?si»m 'the diwiinluH t«%>«»,. •<j*» the "tlwt JiarBte' ®vis(ro4»*(

find. &m«>J ..»|W^aavJii»li*v |aht naator •• ot VhAy. Btafrj-'

'». .I •• m.. LI:?L; J:o:tf:i

« * • w * ft J1-* «>

: •^li.*' 2i*"w' *"

,0m Jill out in mid-December This is '-insidered a preludf to his re

ase. ; * * Monsj^qr Martina was ariest

China. Thefmissiona^ nfc sen-. ™ » WA1JAW mlsslonaiy s t e l c S fo ilfil trtinrlsonnlnt on • M»klea were chained for four

aw i£ ha?i S l y the H e WBS aS5!&ned l n ™w 1952 t 0

Reds^hd e S e d H m the1" f o r c e d l a b o r * r o u p m*W n g

cown/ry, ^ . _ • :matchboxe» until his expulsion Monslgnor. Martina spent the He described the prison food as

last four months in tjhe lame J**- j coarse: hut sufficient, king" prison -as Father Rlg'ney. A member of the Stigmatine but was unabjle to coranitthipatb' missionaries, Monsignor Martina with the Amel-fcan priest. 1&W-! immediately received a wire of1

ever, the Italian, mlsjlonary hajd • congratulatioris on • his release fmmrt o^t-^tliit ""Fah^rTl^aey t and dtfers of help- frdSi-<onfrei-es _ ridjfv^% h^njp| |:;p^j^|i io at SpWngl(elp»i««

5 lyssrySB

mm** > | f ^ « | ( ^ ^ N i ; J ^ j ( | I € ^ ~ An appe^Jiaji heen made

Vatfean City—Standing at a window of t N . > r r - — 8 - " r a ' .- ^ -£—r— ?"— — ~»-r tolle Memlng on ChrMman Day to thouwaa* • ( j a N p t e j p a J<i>W|lilj Mami ta^afa, •&*! marked tlie Pont ic flnt public appearance atawa l*e |iia%i!KPJii of Waalaaijiil an Dae. t,'»a»«Sf' / the Pope extended hli ChrMniaa greetlaga to **• ^|Ha>Jt « J J ^ *9f l» h Wafiei tat ad>n>eae •"

^ and broadoaat by the *****&&f*1$M £ / ~ t

V" ^ A ^ ' / • • -1 v J


/n Sickroom Yailcait aty — (NO — Fromf1ChrMiwa»'

Jail ih Qhlnl,

' ^ { o ^ r ! jidteott;- iRi|fcr;W*tch alto -Dwajmber'1'

^ l ^ ' i & ^ i ^ 1 ^ ' M'«**n'.received ifom Fathetp iSESiJEEE*Sttffi?iia^i*- tme^*"* White for gilt boxea

.<eds ' if* -ii«^i^MW^ :ar* w i" tr i -at la |iiili: Thk Hum-b*r 40^. «*• ! p « i e the'. 11. Hfl . a l t » « w*Jtwt> etpians

5'0«l;fie«.? he^era,;sh*rt. lyTtterS'ew 'UttA Day In

TWmair Mlth -Cawn "«nstai, ' China's foretgA minister. • Father Welsh said {he'contact ed-'the:State liepartment immedl-

m- w ^ w v w g , « "««j^aeconda-wlthJhaUatgi

bailed to 'them ,«»ch wei^ through the China Red Croat , t, '. FATHM GARVTCT. rwlded in Jer^G|ty>mJ.;i ihd Mincola and^itejs mWti^-% hetore he entered the |loly Grosa Passion 1st Preparatory^ College at Dun

dained on February 27 1943 and went to China in 1916 At the time of his anfest by the com muniits. he was superintendent Of the Catholic Hospital at Yuan ling. : Faiirer wmre ma araaied it the Dunkirk college and was or daihed on April i!8,1934 He went to fc$ irMn TL99*i During World atlly after being informed by, War It he served as a contract

, » , Jennie Deacy White of chaplaift „witft„»th.e U. S forces ' Ih lm, Mass., that she had

Crowds Cheer Pontiff Who WiM Not Step tor* to«k »Ayi#toKtMkgK*»>u»**P9&T to coma U 8t*M*fr &V*t*4p nam' and cheer |h* pittck of thavFope-vjho "win not stop r t, •• v

Many heard Mas* in St Peter'* TUdlh-a ftrtt and then went out


ire :*r-en..

va «*"»

to »tand In iht p l a m beneath the famous wiadow Large htnribera of ^Rell«»o«ia-jneit j»hd-Votnen catne espedaUy to honor w e Pon­tiff and receive hla blessing

The Holy Father * a s in the Window foe two minutes' and 3S

the time spent hi waving his arms in his old familiar gesture of greeting *He gave the blessing speaking directly into the micro-phone in * voice which could not but reassure all who heard it

Many United SUteaArmyj^A^ij»ei!iaieaiiijra^a|rj Force ancl Navy unHoiltlB w e r e * ^ -*•= noted In the crowd,-..

By special permission of the Pope, Christmas Midnight Mass waj| celebrated Ih SU Peters Ba­silica at 6 p m * Christmas Eve It

andA>vas aisigiied to the; Arniy fulfilled the Christmas AJass obli an^.^av>'^ig jBase at Chihkjang I gation of those who attended received a brief note pUL/ >

ly written by her son -^ the first word^le come out of Red China jtroin"either & the prJIisu since Weir' Umprfionmerit ' F a t h e r Wjelchlsaid «hat check «ith Fa* the* darvey's motheri Mrs> Mar-tinai. iGarvey, -who nesides with her 4«ghter t,'Mrs, Clare Har-rin%tofl in West Coyinas CaJifc; dl|61osM that she has not heard ffdm Ker son for threeyears. fare build a par*'sill

FATHER WELCH said thatfbeWltis4bo*'ir3Plea"m6nt near thai

Episcopal Bishop Backs l i t In School Suit

<RNS) — Tli«Bt.ncv Kainiorgan

t*ta«Uc*t front abattiMaiee

iaca«gnaapi._. '^^^^^^^ ^f\^^*^ ^•s^a^*

FrMay, naaadfast^^, Wat


Italy ansT tat wartdbytsi' «a« RadatW'aaactly now.

i*-phy«W-'Ws«pse^-itsei* isaeks, adNjiat asaniiat a* m delivery aAaehad of iUsa jjaa] With him M hespoae wat* MNf. A n i * l o DeVAeaua, **abtata Vatican Secnrtary of Statt Jse OrdWry Affairs, and Father At

Year*a lite. Hla KxceMaaiey

the dlspentattoa fac CathoUc* In the Dloeaae o^|toes»sat«r^

The dtopennattan'wns. Utmt In a iectee-»«'lB**lsf»d Cea-gregatton af tka CaajacU nil, published In Vattcaw City Xar decree pernUta Catnuslai to est meat on Trtdny^teiiber 31,

— i . 0 - 1 j

Church Gaini Hoted In Atora-Bonib i City

1Si<x% FrotestSiif Episcopal Bishop of California, lias filed a [ nirotnima, Jifisf i-<jKC)—C* Brief i n the tMM Court of Appeal* heie upholdmg the! thollelsm is- growhjg with extn* right^of the StomlnVjeathollc Wei-. ordinary vigor in ihis ato*1

of Rights are preserved ahdf homhed city ^ ^ -.-- , •„ „., ,. . i.. .^ ,«... , ,- ,..,.-. ^ that no arbitrary and unreason | After the bornbfaig: in lm tm^^pf^^p^'^^^'^M'^M , •«« governmental acUons arc * Hiroshima had <mljr W Catho seen iltve W ^uinllng prisotff 'TRe Weffire C6r|»r|tion whith permitted ' - Ilea Today the old parish ha* e%u$#$t* in the spring of 1^2 ripreselits the Catholic ArchdM The American Jewish Congress ugltt papshc^h*jt»witha*8tal bishop Cothberl O'Gara, C.P., and Father iPaul tJbinger. C.P* abl^ittshurSh, ifeti, both of whom-isspent £i ,n)oi^s In,the same spifson, befoM they were 'relesis* M-'and expelled from "Chfiia > in 1953.- Father Welch said that ^uWIheTllShipand the Pas-ilofiist priests occupied cells in ite?*satne^ c14ffipauiriarfiiey*rarely s,aw *ach^otherfci.and thert only f M i , | i i | | o t : ^ e y v|re|nfev]-'

ocese OfSaa Frsatciscor is-seek­ing a writ of mandamus to force thie City of JPietaoot to permit ihe buiidlhg oof a school, adjacent

4Weich; $a|a. 1 I:


cam hrlet teBowedyjihe filing ofn rUlea i jSirrmar brl'e;>;fM American 1~*— irewl^eolj^^imthe-fAmcd • ^ K l | | # | ^ ^ « ' ' U n b n All'

; ,W4ljM^Wes|hovejS.r t 1

tCentw'C*;,' who wais' re­leased with-Bishop 0'Ga.ra, and » o t f e ^ v ' e J « # e v e r j | : M a s | . |

*|*e?t| l-ifroi^Chift* :inr

petition stressed the deprivatlonl"**" *^68-€ath«Usav I

4a^kaaawAtadalna^nai maaAh^aai^m^Ad^bdttill

maa Day tt .the waa##1

faaa> aJwV%«^ M"**^ ^ * "

.till Jti|&3WnBp(tyt>t;

of parents' or guardians liberty} The figures, however'j d6 noif of choice under the zoning r e g } ten the whole Hiroshima, stotr

-w .- • -^ <• - .ulatfoh and declared that such ITor the converta^^oUowinf lb* to Corpus CSiristrclmrch there, 'deprivation Violates both the fed general trend, * r * *§e.vipg the The community'^ present zOnlnier eril mn« atate consUtutfons city to find i*oriLt*»twhere.f r

tonft.Steiajihfd,1 S.J, dtraelaraf the Vatican Radio. | ' garly in hit brief weaut*,lAe pjowlff revealed W* uppertBeft thouj[h&r b nj>eaktar •* tht1n|* fflaJ»JcisJ>dt^ri^ai!!^M« «tly meat Knew how to lhr» out ± «heir.wholtllyt»ta thafr§<aioa*, phere o f M wittf those <««H«g* of *kKlnesS and pew* * • • how, ynuch happier the earth wouHL " be" he exclauned. '—-1- f v .

POPK PK» extended his trai- tudeto thVCatholic world m-1 ' prayey^aaoithpsttiedtorfe for "Our. eonaojaton'' ^» *fr

*«airbuc"'chll«Hn scatt«r|f •»%, jitanighout the T«*FW and, dee4 of thk whote hufwn ' •fly" * yl ,

The E»P* tachukd In Ws fa,g the Cardihala ot-1he f Coll«K *H« *«•*» • S U hers of the Roman. Wiau jnemoera of In* M t o t t M ^ ,BW«ps p ^ f a a s f j ^ a i M f 6 „ vx

inpriwe^ or eoihrlng IPgM K ^beh ind the IrOnrCurtate,

laws permit rjly' the erection df publicly-o^mill schools t*

BiSHOFMJK K'Sirlemi of the

The City of Piedmont has l>een granted until Jan iO to anSwei arguments against Its zonW

If the grovvth roontlmfes, ib* Hiroshima, Mert0ri41t -.Japan'*, larges churdhf wiihs a 2000 ca paclty, may prove 'too-small. ^

« W f r Catholic pKsatfiw^

I^S^SWffithe l l ' "s|li(^W#^|An%|cOlIegovi ;

mkwmfifmi'tftree middle schools, and four elementary schools.

th^ej|^oiiteM ffia£.the PJedmont ^.^ ift?e? vSoiates constitlonal SMifptecs of rcSgloter freedom^ 'Si^im Much ' prohibits conv w y t t o h and operation Of pri Vate;sc*ob1s;%tht>.! ne in. whtchv C9«|rjpJ(^^o1! pUbfc schools 1* p«Bftffitwt'lJS; firbiijrary ahd un r^s^ti^Wf;- Bls%oi»-' BWbk de

that the e^r^-^hdvproteot |h*

^M^^MitiM^ liberties miBfy m fe-iiem parsed tHsft

: ^ M ^ i | | » W i n t u n i c a t e

|4tWt ^sV ( maintained

Aimericaft Priest Brin|n;8 C/irist CMld To Mostfiw

( irewc. ^EVisr SKRVICB> T

?With P»ti»wlar^ftction,«« f.. ^ ^ | y FatWfr » ^ ^ 0 » « ? ^ J

wish settrity, AMd comJtbrC P

ilnee Ee*nw t*"*,*1*"1^*^ dn His Cross? fo ait«ho nre aad-dewd by pbysfca ana w ^ H L iltnlHies, who » W « « * itfcf and thelir^iery^ f «Whh Weeding l eatt, We im rplore heavily f^"^"*1 . tuerljlc strength;ftr^l^hos^of

bai^undwt^lehnrtk. ^ ^ ^ ^

•?<!?!S*„YJ^i:» .



Our children wh* ^ ^ ^ Rifely MUM J«]pn8on and ta wncentratlon «mp, wd who Itav e been i « P « worthy to aof fer foi the saW of 1he Faith, or truth, »«tl of Jnstiee/Vhe said, i

ra. v a r i e s «* «i i ,wn. , ^ w e n ^ * l , ^ f r t ! ! S

suitable ttaiealt was g —


The Christ Child came to Moscow on Cfiristniu through (he hands of American Father George Bissonette^ who ma MidtiifM Mass in Spassio H6u»«, the residence of United Spates ^mbnssador and Mr . Charles E. Bohkn,

Father Btssonette^ «it AsHumptiom$t of Paw . is the only American priest in the Sjoviet capital, J»Teither this Christmas nor last wag he allowed to offer Mass in the Church of St. LouW of th* Frencn>Ti«ca«s« thUt church — the only Catholic, church In Moscow —lias been closed to htm by Soviet1 Authorities. t , >t * \ n f •> i Only one other Mnsa was rep«t^'l>MaicW.,nlaj-:wa5

:a*l«at who ninn ts) Htttk/tirJIi^Mft^il»aV>wsl,-i,,.n,m,li , theSovirt Miaiatoryf BeUcloai t« t a i ^ t Y a»>»aW <