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  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b




    PROJECT NO. P1114-00

    DOC. NO. P1114-00-040-MA-001


    Chalmers Tekniska Hgskola


    MMA136 Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics


    Design Assignment Guidance

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 2

    Author: JBz


    1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3

    1.1 Objective ....................................................................................................................... 3

    1.2 Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 3

    1.3 Hull Modelling and Stability Analysis Exercise in General ................................................ 3

    2 BASIC SHIP GEOMETRY ................................................................................................... 4

    2.1 Ships Lines .................................................................................................................... 4

    2.1.1 Lines and Body Plan ..................................................................................................................4

    2.1.2 Reference System .....................................................................................................................7

    2.2 Main Particulars ............................................................................................................. 82.2.1 Datum Points ............................................................................................................................8

    2.2.2 Moulded Dimensions ................................................................................................................8

    2.3 Freeboard and WT Integrity ............................................................................................ 9

    2.3.1 Buoyant Hull ..............................................................................................................................9

    2.3.2 WT Subdivision ....................................................................................................................... 10

    3 COMPUTER AIDED NAVAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN WORK ............................................ 11

    3.1 Hull Modelling Basics using Autoship ............................................................................. 11

    3.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 11

    3.1.2 Control Points ........................................................................................................................ 11

    3.1.3 Edit Points .............................................................................................................................. 123.1.4 Surfaces .................................................................................................................................. 13

    3.1.5 Rows and Columns ................................................................................................................. 13

    3.1.6 Knuckles and Chines ............................................................................................................... 14

    3.1.7 Degree of Curvature............................................................................................................... 14

    3.1.8 Direction ................................................................................................................................. 14

    3.1.9 Ship Hull Assembly and Analyses ........................................................................................... 15

    3.2 Subdivision and Compartment definition in Modelmaker............................................... 16

    3.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 16

    3.2.2 Parts, Components and Shapes ............................................................................................. 16

    3.2.3 Command Script Files ............................................................................................................ 17

    3.2.4 ModelmakerCmd-File Example ............................................................................................. 19

    3.3 Hydrostatic and Stability Analyses in Autohydro ............................................................ 22

    3.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 22

    3.3.2 Run Script Files for Hydrostactics .......................................................................................... 22

    3.3.3 Run Script Files for Intact Stability Analysis ........................................................................... 23

    3.3.4 Autohydro Hydrostatics Example ........................................................................................... 25

    3.3.5 Autohydro Loading Condition Stability Evaluation Example.................................................. 27

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 3

    Author: JBz


    1.1 Objective

    Objective The course of Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics includes one exercise in Hull Modelling

    and Stability Analysis. The objective is to provide understanding of and some

    experience in using modern computer software in naval architectural design work.

    1.2 Purpose

    Purpose The purpose of this document is to constitute guidance to the execution of a Hull

    Modelling and Stability Analysis task, using the naval architectural computer softwaretools Autoship, Modelmaker and Autohydro. Furthermore, this document presents

    specifications of the Vessels to be modelled and analysed within the exercise.

    1.3 Hull Modelling and Stability Analysis Exercise in General

    Supervision The design workshop classes will be in the Ritsalen according to schedule, and will be

    supervised by:

    Jan Bergholtz Kattegatt Design AB

    [email protected]

    Ana Sanz Kattegatt Design AB

    [email protected]



    The exercise will be carried out as five moments:

    1. Hull Modelling Autoship

    2. Verification of Hydrostatic Properties Autoship & Autohydro

    3. Modelling of Compartments Modelmaker

    4. Intact Stability Analysis, two Loading Conditions Autohydro


    Damage Stability Probabilistic Assessment Autohydro / MS Excel

    For approval all five tasks must be fulfilled, a written report shall be established

    comprising Hydrostatic Tables, Tank Capacities and Stability Analyses of two Loading

    Conditions, e.g. Full Load Departure and Ballast Condition Departure, and finally an

    adequate documentation of the Probabilistic Damage Stability Assessment.

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 4

    Author: JBz


    2.1 Ships Lines

    2.1.1 Lines and Body Plan

    The exterior shape of a ships hull is a curved surface defined by the Ships Lines.

    Precise and unambiguous means are needed to describe this surface, as the ships

    form must be configured to accommodate all internal volumes, must meet buoyancy

    and stability constraints, must show acceptable speed power, seakeeping and

    manoeuvring characteristics and finally must be buildable.

    Lines Hence, the Lines consist of orthographic projections of the intersections of the hullform with three mutually perpendicular sets of planes, seeFigure 2.1.1.

    Figure 2.1.1 Ship Lines Plan

    Normally ships have only one plane of symmetry, the centreplane, which constitutes a

    principal vertical plane of reference. The shape of a ship cut by this plane is known as

    the profile, see Figure 2.1.2. Vertical sections parallel to the centreplane, spaced for

    convenient definition of the hull form and identified by their distance to the

    centreplane, are called buttocks.



    Figure 2.1.2 Centreplane, Profile

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 5

    Author: JBz

    A waterline plane is a plane perpendicular to the centreplane, selected as a principal

    horizontal reference plane, Figure 2.1.3.



    Figure 2.1.3 Waterline plane

    The Design Water Line, DWL, represents the waterline near which the fully loaded ship

    is intended to float. The waterlines are defined by their height over the base line.

    A Plane perpendicular to both the centreplane and the waterline plane is defined as a

    transverse plane, which normally exhibits symmetry around the Centre Line, Figure




    Figure 2.1.4 Transverse Plane

    Frames The transverse sections are often referred to as the frames. The distance between the

    frames is depending on what purpose the frames are intended to fulfill. For hydrostatic

    calculations the length between perpendiculars divided into a set of 21 equidistant

    frames, #0 - #20, and a more dense spacing towards the forward and aft ends are

    normally considered to be sufficient. During the production phase, however, each

    building frame must of course be defined.

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 6

    Author: JBz

    Body Plan A drawing comprising a set of frames is often referred to as the Body Plan where the

    Fore Body is represented on the right hand side of the centre line and the After Body on

    the left hand side,Figure 2.1.5.

    Figure 2.1.5 Body Plan

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 7

    Author: JBz

    2.1.2 Reference System

    CoordinateSystem The coordinate system, most commonly used, has its datum point, origo, at theintersection between the centreplane, the Base Line which is the longitudinal horizontal

    line parallel to the waterline plane at the upper surface of the keel plating and the

    transverse plane through the axis of the rudder stock, see Figure 2.1.6.



    The longitudinal axis is positive from stern towards bow, the transverse axis is positive

    from centre line, CL, towards the starboard side, SB, and the vertical axis is positive

    from base line, BL, and upwards.

    Figure 2.1.6 Coordinate System







  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 8

    Author: JBz

    2.2 Main Particulars

    2.2.1 Datum Points

    For practical reasons the waterlines, buttocks and frames are evenly spaced and datum

    points are needed to start from. A longitudinal reference point at the fore end of the

    ship is provided by the intersection of the Design Water Line, DWL, and the bow

    contour. The line through this point, perpendicular to the DWL, is called the Forward

    Perpendicular, FP. The Aft Perpendicular is often taken as the axis through the rudder

    stock or the intersection of the DWL and the transom profile,Figure 2.2.1.

    Fwd and Aft


    Figure 2.2.1 Forward and Aft Perpendiculars

    The distance between these two reference lines is referred to as the Length between

    Perpendiculars, LPP.

    2.2.2 Moulded Dimensions



    The Moulded Draught is the perpendicular distance in a transverse plane from the top

    of the keel plate to the Design Water Line, if unspecified it refers to amidships.



    The Moulded Depth is the perpendicular distance in a transverse plane from the top of

    the keel plate to the underside of the deck plating at the ships side, if unspecified it

    refers to amidships.



    The Moulded Breadth extreme is the maximum horizontal breadth of any frame

    section. The terms Breadth and Beam are synonymous.

    AP FP

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 9

    Author: JBz

    2.3 Freeboard and WT Integrity

    2.3.1 Buoyant Hull

    For all ships a required freeboard is determined in accordance with the IMO Load Lines

    resulting in a minimum allowable distance between the load water line and the deck to

    which the watertight (WT) integrity is maintained. The freeboard grants a minimum

    amount of reserve buoyancy as composed by the buoyant hull limited by the freeboard

    deck, seeFigure 2.3.1.

    Buoyant Hull

    Figure 2.3.1 Freeboard and Buoyant Hull



    Any opening leading into the buoyant hull must terminate at a minimum threshold

    distance above the freeboard deck or be fitted with an adequate closing appliance.

    o A Watertight, WT, closing appliance must withstand a specified hydrostaticpressure and is then considered to be a part of the WT-integrity.

    o A Weathertight, WeT, closing appliance is considered closed for the purpose of

    righting arm calculations but can not withstand any hydrostatic pressure and

    may thus not be submerged at equilibrium.

    o An Unprotected Opening is considered as a flooding point through which

    progressive flooding may occur if the opening is immersed. Hence, stability

    calculations, e.g. righting arm curves, shall terminate as soon a flooding point is

    reached. A typical unprotected flooding point is represented by the Engine

    Room ventilation.

    AP FP

    Main Deck / Freeboard Deck


  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 10

    Author: JBz

    2.3.2 WT Subdivision



    Below the freeboard deck the ship is subdivided in an adequate number of

    compartments separated by WT-bulkheads. The compartments may be arranged as

    machinery spaces, void spaces, cargo spaces or tanks containing consumables or ballast


    The subdivision is arranged such as to provide reserve buoyancy and residual stability

    also after suffering a stipulated damage to the hull shell.

    Permeability In order to account for un-floodable volumes inside a compartment, such as structural

    steel members and various equipment a volumetric filling rate, permeability, is

    required. For the purpose of the subdivision and damage stability calculations in

    accordance with regulations the permeability for general compartments shall be

    applied as follows:

    o Stores 0.60

    o Accommodation and Public Spaces 0.95

    o Machinery Room 0.85

    o Void Spaces 0.95

    o Tanks intended for Liquids 0 or 0.95*)

    *) which ever results in more sever requirements

    However, when establishing various load conditions a more deterministic approach for

    calculating a true permeability of e.g. Tanks is applied. The deduction for structural

    members inside a Tank can in general be set to 1.5% of the gross volume, hence a

    permeability for Tanks of 0.985 can normally be applied.

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 11

    Author: JBz


    3.1 Hull Modelling Basics using Autoship

    3.1.1 General

    NURBS Autoship is a 3D hull modelling software using non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS)

    curves and NURBS-surfaces for the representation of the hull. The B-spline curves are

    made up of continuous end-to-end segments, joined at knots or knot vectors. This

    means that hull surface is defined and controlled by a number of mathematical entities

    called control points in the 3D space surrounding the object.

    3.1.2 Control Points



    The control points can be compared to polynomial coefficients. Hence, when defining a

    curve or a surface, the order, degree, of the polynomial must first be determined, i.e.

    how many control point must be used in order to provide a good representation of the

    shape. The control points are organised in rows and columns, each of which having a

    positive direction. This means that all surfaces have a positive and a negative side,

    which must be considered when calculating an enclosed volume. Figure 3.1.1 shows

    how Autoship control points are represented on the screen.

    Figure 3.1.1 Control Points along a curve

    Control Points

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 12

    Author: JBz

    Control point can be moved, deleted, added to a curve, and manipulated using the

    software Select and Edit mode tools. Autoship bends the curve towards a control point,

    but does not make the curve to coincide with a control point. When one control point is

    moved, no other control points of the entity are moved. Figure 3.1.2 shows the effect

    of moving two control points governing the curve.

    Figure 3.1.2 Effect of moving Control Points

    3.1.3 Edit Points

    Edit Points Autoship also provides edit points for shaping curves. Edit points are shown as small,

    unfilled squares on the curve, see Figure 3.1.3. If an edit point is moved, its

    neighbouring points also move, and the curve is redrawn through the new location of

    the edit points, see Figure 3.1.4.

    Figure 3.1.3 Edit Points on a curve

    Figure 3.1.4 Moving Edit Points

    Edit point are derived from control points, there is one edit point for each control point.

    When moving an edit point it is actually the control point which is being relocated.

    Edit Points

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 13

    Author: JBz

    3.1.4 Surfaces

    Surfaces One frequently used method of creating a surface in Autoship is to, based on a curve,extrude the surface in one direction or along another curve. Often one fore body

    surface and one after body surface are extruded from the midship section curve, see

    Figure 3.1.5, and then modified in order to represent the intended shape of the forward

    and aft parts of the hull.

    Figure 3.1.5 Extruded Surface based on a Midship curve

    3.1.5 Rows and Columns

    In Autoship, a surface is built-up by a mesh of i x j control (or edit) points, a matrix

    having i rows, Figure 3.1.6 and j columns, Figure 3.1.7. Hence, the number of Columns

    must be the same on every Row and vice versa, the number of Rows must be the same

    on every Column along a surface.Rows

    Figure 3.1.6 RowsColumns

    Figure 3.1.7 Columns

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 14

    Author: JBz

    3.1.6 Knuckles and Chines

    Knuckle A Knuckle is a sharp discontinuity on a curve, e.g. the tangent-point at the transitionfrom a bilge radius to a flat bottom or flat side on a midship curve, Figure 3.1.8.

    Figure 3.1.8 Knuckle Point on a midship curve

    Chine Turning a control point into a Knuckle point will result in turning the complete row or

    column, which ever is activated, into a discontinuity, a Chine, along the surface.

    3.1.7 Degree of Curvature

    Degree of


    When creating a curve in Autoship, you must specify its maximum degree. The degree

    of a curve is the order, power, of the polynomial used to define the entity. Degree 1 is

    linear, degree 2 uses a quadratic polynomial and degree 3 uses a cubic polynomial.

    Autoship allows up to degree 5.

    Number of



    The degree of curvature is related to how many control points are needed to define a

    curve. There is always one control point more than the degree of curvature. Thus, a 1

    degree curve is a straight line between two control points, a degree 2 curve is

    composed of at least three control points, etc. A degree 5 curve composed of at least

    six control points can be used to create smooth and very complex surfaces. However, a

    high degree surface is very difficult to manipulate locally in a controlled way.

    3.1.8 Direction

    Direction All Autoship curves, rows and columns have a positive direction. On a curve this

    direction is indicated by a small arrow at the beginning of the curve, Figure 3.1.9.

    Figure 3.1.9 Positive Direction of Curve

    Knuckle Points

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 15

    Author: JBz

    Surface In-

    and Outside

    The existence of a positive or negative direction of a curve results in a defined inside

    and a defined outside of a surface. This must be considered when executing analyses of

    an enclosed volume, ship hull. If not, strange hydrostatic properties will be generated.

    3.1.9 Ship Hull Assembly and Analyses

    Hull Group When all surfaces required to describe the hull are created a group is assembled. This

    hull group can now be immersed and analysed with regard to basic hydrostatic

    properties such as displacement, geometrical coefficients, centre of buoyancy and

    flotation etc.



    Autoship is also used to define the number, the location and spacing of frames used for

    hydrostatic calculations. Furthermore frames, buttocks and waterlines used for

    visualisation of the hull shape can be defined.

    Project File The modelling work in Autoship is stored as a project file, *.pr3.




    The hull surface created in Autoship is exported to Modelmakerand Autohydro through

    a geometry-file (*.gf#; # = any arbitrary number for identification of file version). Note

    that the *.gf# does not comprise the surface but only a numerical representation of the

    defined frames.

    File Adm. An administrative rule of thumb is to separately define the ships moulded bare hull and

    save the geometry file as *.gf0, and then define the appended hull and save it as *.gf1,


  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 16

    Author: JBz

    3.2 Subdivision and Compartment definition in Modelmaker

    3.2.1 General

    Subdivision The hull geometry, i.e. the outer boundary of the vessel, represented by the frames as

    defined in Autoship is imported into Modelmaker for further definition of the

    subdivision into compartments such as tanks, cargo holds, machinery spaces,

    accommodation etc.

    Cleaning of


    When importing the hull geometry by loading a *.gf# file the frames may have to be

    cleaned from excessive coordinate points which are not needed. As mentioned

    above, the hull shape is only represented by frames, i.e. a surface is no longer available

    at this stage. The cleaned bare hull geometry-file should then be saved, preferably by

    overwriting the old bare hull geometry file.

    Script Files


    The subdivision can be created by using the application menus and commands or by

    writing a script file (*.cmd). It is strongly recommended to apply the script writing

    method, even though this method requires knowledge about application specific

    commands and may seem time consuming, since script are easy to duplicate e.g. for

    starboard and port tanks etc. Furthermore, checking and / or modification of

    compartment coordinates are much quicker when using the script method. Finally,

    alterations in compartmentation can easily be done by just introduce the desired

    changes in the Command File and re-run the commands.

    3.2.2 Parts, Components and Shapes

    In order to handle the complexity of a vessel geometry model, a hierarchical data

    structure is used. The model is broken up into Parts, Components and Shapes. The

    vessel, with its buoyant appendages and superstructure, normally consists of one Part.

    Each Part is made up of one or more Components (e.g. HULL = hull + skeg +

    superstructure) and each Component is composed of a Shape.

    Parts A Part is a group of one or more Components. Each Part is identified by a name, has a

    description and a class designation of either:

    o Hull

    o Appendage

    o Superstructure

    o Sail

    o Tank

    Tank parts have, in addition, a side designation, a substance name and specific gravity,

    a capacity and optional sounding tube definitions.

    More than one component may refer to the same shape. This saves computer memory

    and disk space when identical shapes are involved (as in port and starboard tanks).

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 17

    Author: JBz

    Components Each component is identified by a name (which may be unique only within the

    referencing part) refers to one shape by name. Side specifies whether the shape is to

    be reflected about its own centerplane to the opposite side. Also included are the

    permeability (for containers) or effectiveness factor (for displacer) and a flag indicating

    whether the component adds to or deducts from the part volume.

    Finally, the component gives the shape a specific location on the vessel by means of

    the shift vector, although this is frequently 0,0,0, indicating that the shape is defined in

    Ship Coordinates.

    3.2.3 Command Script Files

    The Script Files comprises various Commands of which the most commonly used are

    defined below.

    Clear Every Command Script File should start with the Clearcommand, ensuring that any

    previous geometries, settings and commands are cleared prior to running an updated

    command file.

    Read read *.gf#. The geometry file which is currently located in modelmaker will be

    removed and the specified geometry file, *.gf#, will be loaded.

    Create create [Part Name/]Component Name Marks the start of a block of component

    creation information and provides the name of the component and part to be created.

    The part name can be used to identify an existing part or if the name does not exist, anew part will be created.

    The component name should not identify an existing component. If only a component

    name is given, modelmaker will assume that the part and component have the same

    name. The component creation information is terminated and a component is created

    at either a forward slash of a component parameter.

    Contents cont Description Is used to set the default contents of a tank and the specific

    gravity of the specified liquid.

    ModelMakerand Autohydro recognizes the following abbreviations:










  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 18

    Author: JBz

    Permeability perm

    Specifies the permeability factor between 0 and 1.0 of a container

    component (it will also set the effectiveness factor of a displacer component). Default

    value is: 0.985 (1.0 for displacers) or the same as the first component of the part.

    Ends ends L1, L2 Defines the longitudinal locations of the forward and aft boundary L1 and

    L2 of the components.

    Top top V1 [@ L1, V2 @ L2]Defines the height of the top of a box shaped compartment.

    The top may be sloped by specifying differing heights at 2 different longitudinal


    Bot bot V1 [@ L1, V2 @ L2] Defines the height of the bottom of a box shaped

    compartment. The bottom may be sloped by specifying differing heights at 2 different

    longitudinal locations.

    Inboard in T1 [@ L1, T2 @ L2] The Inboard command specified the inboard side location of a

    box shaped compartment. This side may be sloped by specifying different half-

    breadths at different longitudinal locations.

    Outboard out T1 [@ L1, T2 @ L2]The Outboard command specifies the outboard side location of

    a box shaped compartment. This side may be sloped by specifying different half-

    breadths at different longitudinal locations.

    Locus loc @ L [=T1,V1, T2,V2, ....., Tn,Vn] Results in an explicit section curve at the shape

    longitudinal location L. The curve is represented by transverse-vertical coordinate pairs

    running in the counterclockwise direction looking forward. The first point isconsidered to follow the last point. If only the L parameter is given, a section is

    interpolated at that location from the other shape data given. One Locus statement is

    needed for each section. The final shape is the intersection of the shape defined by

    the Locus statements and the volume bounded by the Top, Bottom, Inboard and


    Fit fit [Component Name] The fit command uses the current component creation

    information and fits this new component to the specified part. The most common use

    of this command is the case where a tank is fit to the hull.

    Opposite opp [Part Name] The opposite command generates a new Part and copies all of theexisting components from the original part into the newly created part. The opposite

    command is used after the create command. The create command identifies the part

    to be created and the original part is identified by the opposite parameter. The part

    name should therefore be the name of an existing part.

    Write write [*.gf#]Writes the geometry file out to disk. A drive and path specification may

    be included in the filespec. If the path is not specified, the file will be written to the

    current modelmaker directory.

    NB!!! NB! The Hull including the defined compartments and tanks shall preferably be saved

    under a new file name, e.g. *.gf2, in order not to overwrite the bare hull geometry file


  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 19

    Author: JBz

    3.2.4 ModelmakerCmd-File Example


    Read Test.gf1

    create HULL\Rudder.c

    ends 1.6a, 0.8f

    top 5.0 @ 1.6a, 5.0 @ 0.8f

    bot 0.3

    out 0.2


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    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 20

    Author: JBz

    create Forepeak.c

    cont SW

    perm = 0.975

    ends 152f, 165f

    top 7.5

    bot -1

    fit Hull


  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 21

    Author: JBz

    create Fuel_Tk.s

    cont FO

    perm = 0.975

    ends 80f, 89.6f

    locus @ 80f = 15, 7.5, 10, 7.5, 10, 4.75, 8, 4.75, 8, 2, 15, 2

    locus @ 89.6f = 15, 7.5, 10, 7.5, 10, 4.75, 8, 4.75, 8, 2, 15, 2

    fit Hull


    create Fuel_Tk.p

    opposite Fuel_Tk.s


  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 22

    Author: JBz

    3.3 Hydrostatic and Stability Analyses in Autohydro

    3.3.1 General


    and Stability


    The application Autohydro is used for hydrostatic and stability analyses of hull shapes

    and associated compartment definitions. Hence, analyses are performed on the loaded

    geometry file *.gf# (in our case *.gf2 which comprises bare hull and compartments).

    The application includes a report generator used for the establishing of stability


    Accuracy Autohydro works as a true floating simulator solving the condition equilibrium

    including the effect of free surfaces etc. However, the hull shape and the compartment

    definition are only represented by frames. Hence, the accuracy of the results is highly

    dependent on the quality and resolution (number of calculation frames) of thegeometry file.

    Script Files


    The analyses can be executed by using the application menus and commands or by

    writing a script file (*.run). Again, it is strongly recommended to apply the script writing

    method, even though this method requires knowledge about application specific

    commands and may seem time consuming, since script are easy to duplicate e.g. for

    multiple Loading Conditions and various Damage Cases etc. Furthermore, checking and

    / or modification of Conditions, Damage Cases and Criteria etc are much quicker when

    using the script method.

    In order to limit the computing time, it may be wise to write separate run file forvarious purposes, e.g. one file for the Hydrostatics, one file for Intact Stability

    Analysis and one file for Damage Stability Analysis etc.

    The Run Files comprises various Commands of which the most commonly used are

    defined below.

    3.3.2 Run Script Files for Hydrostactics

    Read Read *.gf#. The geometry file which is currently located in Auto hydro will be removed

    and the specified geometry file, *.gf#, will be loaded.

    Units Units MTSets the units to metric units (meters and tonnes).

    Clear Report Every Run File should start with the Clear Reportcommand, ensuring that previously

    executed calculations are cleared and a blank report is started prior to running an

    updated command file.


    Header /


    Report Header [Header Text]and Report Footer [Footer Text]creates a report header

    and footer including the stated texts respectively.

    Water Water Sets the ambient water specific gravity to specified value, in general

    1.025 for seawater and 1.000 for freshwater.

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    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 23

    Author: JBz

    LBP LBP L1, L2 Sets the longitudinal position of the forward and aft termination to be

    considered when calculating trim, coefficients etc. If FP and AP are used then the

    Length between Perpendiculars will be used as reference length. If no calculation

    length is defined Autohydro uses the LWL and specifies the trim in degrees.

    ghs ghs draft @ L = d1, d2, , dn calculates the General Hydrostatic Properties on the

    specified drafts d1, d2, , dn using a constant draft increment corresponding to d2 -


    Disk Disk [File Name.rtf] Saves the current report in the current computer folder. The

    extension *.rtf provides a MS Word Rich Text Format which can be edited and printed

    using MS Word.

    3.3.3 Run Script Files for Intact Stability Analysis

    Read Read *.gf#. The geometry file which is currently located in Auto hydro will be removed

    and the specified geometry file, *.gf#, will be loaded.

    Units Units MTSets the units to metric units (meters and tonnes).

    Clear Report Every Run File should start with the Clear Reportcommand, ensuring that previously

    executed calculations are cleared and a blank report is started prior to running an

    updated command file.

    Header /


    Report Header [Header Text]and Report Footer [Footer Text]creates a report header

    and footer including the stated texts respectively.

    Limit off Limit OffClears any activated Stability Evaluation Criteria.

    Water Water Sets the ambient water specific gravity to specified value, in general

    1.025 for seawater and 1.000 for freshwater.

    LBP LBP L1, L2 Sets the longitudinal position of the forward and aft termination to be

    considered when calculating trim, coefficients etc. If FP and AP are used then the

    Length between Perpendiculars will be used as reference length.

    FldPtFldPt (n) [Description] L, T, Vdefines the location of a Flooding Point through whichprogressive down flooding can occur. An arbitrary number of Flooding Points can be


    Limit Limit Title [Name] defines a Title of a set of Stability Evaluation Criteria as defined

    below (IMO A167):

    Limit (1) area from 0 to 30 > .055

    Limit (2) area from 0 to 40 or Fld > .09

    Limit (3) area from 30 to 40 or Fld > .03

    Limit (4) RA at 30 or Max > .2

    Limit (5) Angle from 0 to Max > 25

    Limit (6) GM at Equil > .15

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 24

    Author: JBz

    Note Note [Text]Sets a title of the forthcoming calculations, e.g. note Light Ship will set the

    title Light Ship for the Loading Condition.

    Delete Del All Weights Command, deletes all previously defined Fixed Weights except the

    Light Ship Weight.

    Type Type (*) IntactSets all Tanks to Intact Condition.

    Load Load (*) 0Sets the Contents in all Tanks to zero, making sure that any previously Tank

    Loads are reset prior to running a Stability Evaluation of the Condition.

    Weight Weight [Mass, L, T, V] Sets the Light Ship Weight and defines the Centre of Gravity

    longitudinal, transverse and vertical for the Light Ship Weight.

    Add Add [Name, Mass, L, T, V] Adds a Fixed Weight at a defined Centre of Gravity. An

    arbitrary number of Fixed Weights can be added.

    Load Load (Tank) Sets the Contents in the specified Tank to the specified

    filling percentage. This command is repeated for all Tanks used in the requested

    Loading Condition.

    Solve Solve Finds the equilibrium floating status for the defined Loading Condition.

    Status Status Provides the status of the current Loading Condition with regard to Floating

    Status, Fixed Weights Status, Tank Status etc.



    Status Cartoon Provides a graphical presentation of the Tank Status.

    Ra Ra /Lim /Notes Computes righting arms and produces tabular and graphical output at

    one or more heel angles and evaluates the stability against the current stability

    criteria, displaying limit margins. The extension /Notes turns on an extra column that

    identifies key angles such as the equilibrium point, maxRA, second intercept, etc

    Page Page Forces a page break to separate the current Loading Condition from the following


    The next and following Loading Conditions are defined and evaluated by repeating the

    Commands from the Command Note.

    Disk Disk [File Name.rtf] Saves the current report in the current computer folder. The

    extension *.rtf provides a MS Word Rich Text Format which can be edited and printed

    using MS Word.

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 25

    Author: JBz

    3.3.4 Autohydro Hydrostatics Example

    delete all weightsload(*) 0

    ghs draft @ MS = 0.5,1.0,...,5.0

    Hydrostatic Properties

    Draft is from Baseline.

    No Trim, No heel, VCG = 0.000

    Draft at


















    0.500 210.793 2.552a 0.279 1.466a 5.23 1688.67 458.951 24.240

    1.000 493.328 1.786a 0.552 0.995a 5.97 2266.91 263.255 13.056

    1.500 803.803 1.441a 0.823 0.825a 6.43 2685.93 191.436 9.424

    2.000 1135.400 1.256a 1.095 0.837a 6.83 3089.52 155.891 7.785

    2.500 1486.664 1.174a 1.369 1.017a 7.22 3537.90 136.336 6.940

    3.000 1858.041 1.173a 1.646 1.342a 7.63 4064.57 125.325 6.484

    3.500 2250.598 1.240a 1.926 1.797a 8.07 4690.66 119.403 6.243

    4.000 2665.385 1.366a 2.211 2.322a 8.51 5415.27 116.396 6.132

    4.500 3102.474 1.541a 2.499 2.849a 8.96 6213.96 114.746 6.108

    5.000 3560.214 1.728a 2.789 3.106a 9.34 6924.16 111.422 6.144

    Water Specific Gravity = 1.025.

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 26

    Author: JBz

    Hydrostatic Properties at Trim = 0.00, Heel = 0.00

    Long. Location in m



    5.0a 4.0a 3.0a 2.0a 1.0a





    5.0LCB m

    LCF m

    VCB m


    MT/cm Imm.

    Mom/Deg Trim



    VCB m x 1 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

    Displ.MT x 1000 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

    MT/cm Imm. x 1 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

    Mom/Deg Trim x 1000 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

    KML x 100 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

    KMT x 10 1.0 2.0

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    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 27

    Author: JBz

    3.3.5 Autohydro Loading Condition Stability Evaluation Example

    clear report

    Fldpt (1) "Opening No1 Stb" 29f 7s 23

    Limit title IMO A.167

    Limit (1) area from 0 to 30 > .055

    Limit (2) area from 0 to 40 or Fld > .09

    Limit (3) area from 30 to 40 or Fld > .03

    Limit (4) RA at 30 or Max > .2

    Limit (5) Angle from 0 to Max > 25

    Limit (6) GM at Equil > .15

    Weight 1200, 1.173a, 0, 4.23

    note Full Load Condition

    Add "Crew and Effects" 2 15f 0 12

    Add "Stores" 3.2 12f 0 5

    Add "Pay Load" 1.4 0.5a 0 3.3

    Load (FRESHW.S) 1

    Load (FRESHW.P) 1

    Load (DB#3.C) .98

    Load (DB#3.S) .98

    Load (DB#3.P) .98

    Load (DB#4.C) .98

    Load (SETTLING.S) .98

    Load (SETTLING.P) .98


    statusstatus cartoon

    ra /lim /notes

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    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 28

    Author: JBz

    Full Load Condition

    Floating Status

    Draft FP 2.386 m Heel zero GM(Solid) 3.277 m

    Draft MS 2.498 m Equil Yes F/S Corr. 0.248 m

    Draft AP 2.609 m Wind 0.0 kn GM(Fluid) 3.029 m

    Trim aft 0.15 deg. Wave No KMT 6.945 m

    LCG 1.514a m VCG 3.668 m TPcm 7.24

    Loading Summary

    Item Weight








    Light Ship 1 200.00 1.173a 0.000 4.230

    Deadweight 290.26 2.921a 0.000 1.346

    Displacement 1 490.26 1.514a 0.000 3.668

    Fixed Weight Status

    Item Weight








    LIGHT SHIP 1 200.00 1.173a 0.000 4.230u

    CREW AND EFFECTS 2.00 15.000f 0.000 12.000u

    PAY LOAD 1.40 0.500a 0.000 3.300u

    STORES 3.20 12.000f 0.000 5.000u

    Total Fixed: 1 206.60 1.110a 0.000 4.244u

    Tank Status

    FRESH WATER (SpGr 1.000)














    FRESHW.P 100.00% 27.42 16.808a 4.616p 2.830 0.950

    FRESHW.S 100.00% 27.42 16.808a 4.616s 2.830 0.950

    Subtotals: 100.00% 54.85 16.808a 0.000 2.830

    FUEL OIL (SpGr 0.870)














    SETTLING.P 98.00% 9.31 20.178a 3.869p 2.949 0.950SETTLING.S 98.00% 9.31 20.178a 3.869s 2.949 0.950

    DB 3.C 98.00% 66.53 5.963f 0.000 0.625 0.950

    DB 3.P 98.00% 37.82 5.370f 4.486p 0.697 0.950

    DB 3.S 98.00% 37.82 5.370f 4.486s 0.697 0.950

    DB 4.C 98.00% 68.03 6.190a 0.000 0.612 0.950

    Subtotals: 66.41% 228.81 0.027f 0.000 0.834

    Displacer Status

    Item Status Spgr Displ










    HULL Intact 1.025 1 490.64 1.519a 0.000 1.372 1.000

    SubTotals: 1 490.64 1.519a 0.000 1.372

  • 7/22/2019 MMA136_Dat1b



    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 29

    Author: JBz

    Fluid Legend

    Fluid Name Legend Weight



    FRESH WATER 54.85 100.00%

    FUEL OIL 228.81 66.41%

    Righting Arms vs Heel Angle

    Heel Angle


    Trim Angle


    Origin Depth


    Righting Arm




    Flood Pt Height



    0.00 0.15a 2.503 0.000 0.000 20.572 (1) Equil

    5.00s 0.14a 2.485 0.281 0.012 19.887 (1)

    10.00s 0.11a 2.435 0.574 0.050 19.058 (1)

    15.00s 0.08a 2.351 0.878 0.113 18.093 (1)

    20.00s 0.03a 2.230 1.190 0.203 17.005 (1)

    25.00s 0.02f 2.053 1.455 0.319 15.825 (1)

    30.00s 0.07f 1.815 1.663 0.455 14.568 (1)35.00s 0.13f 1.534 1.805 0.607 13.225 (1)

    40.00s 0.22f 1.232 1.863 0.768 11.778 (1)

    45.00s 0.30f 0.896 1.890 0.932 10.267 (1)

    47.44s 0.33f 0.719 1.895 1.012 9.515 (1) MaxRa

    50.00s 0.36f 0.529 1.889 1.097 8.712 (1)

    55.00s 0.39f 0.147 1.850 1.260 7.116 (1)

    60.00s 0.38f -0.252 1.779 1.419 5.495 (1)

    Unprotected Flood Point

    Name L,T,V (m) Height (m)

    (1) Opening No1 Stb 29.000f, 7.000s, 23.000 20.572

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    Doc. No.: P1114-00-040-MA-001 Rev: 00

    Project: MMA136 - Ship Geometry and Hydrostatics

    Subject: Design Assignment Guidance

    Issued By: Jan Bergholtz

    Proj: P1114-00

    Date: 31 Aug 11

    Page: 30

    Author: JBz

    IMO A.167

    Limit Min/Max Actual Margin Pass

    (1) Area from 0.00 deg to 30.00 >0.0550 m-R 0.455 0.400 Yes(2) Area from 0.00 deg to 40.00 or Flood >0.0900 m-R 0.768 0.678 Yes

    (3) Area from 30.00 deg to 40.00 or Flood >0.0300 m-R 0.312 0.282 Yes

    (4) Righting Arm at 30.00 deg or MaxRA >0.200 m 1.895 1.695 Yes

    (5) Angle from 0.00 deg to MaxRA >25.00 deg 47.44 22.44 Yes

    (6) GM at Equilibrium >0.150 m 3.029 2.879 Yes

    Righting Arms vs. Heel

    Heel angle (Degrees)


    0.0s 10.0s 20.0s 30.0s 40.0s 50.0s 60.0s





    2.0Righting Arm

    R. Area

