· 2007-01-22 · fce state department...

*ij(**wv. ^ -^ _=, . --^~«»_ v 4 % *: M»> jg J.'i%," *Mj&*y h & n T ostdar- known. ommoo > Surety u injur- id, 700 sun pie, IT what b y T h e «s weiL i! Suaran- usghre f should ires just aMTU 1 pinchtag e teahnf ry toc-ia iafisbes ty Com- , a $30,- U staads oodthat lepTi £ XGED IT CK CHIC* 1 * "M , irv.-v rT/; tr '*3*:&:#*r A THE TRlBUNt-FHtSS. GOUVCftMCUfe N>, Y. WIDNIIOAY, JULY 17, 1t2t ? er s ~r " _ Buy a 4 15.00 Drew f 01 __ __.-. ^ - , -10.00 Beautiful Silk Crepe*, Flowered Georgettes and Sport Silks. Assorted sizes. A few Short Silk Coats. Buy a $10.00 Dress for 5.00 _ I Cotton Ensembles. Linen Coats. Tub J Ratines, Piques and Rayons. Buy a $29.00 Coat for 19.50 Sport or Dress Models, all new this season. A New Lot of Dresses Just In for 1.00 ea FINE SUE HASTINGS' MARIONETTES FOWLER ,4 PAM SCVCM mmm HARRISVILLE NOTES A special school meeting of Disc. No 6, town of Diana, was beW at Hie school building in this villas* or. Saturday, at 7:30. J. B. Weekes wa5 selected as chairman and Fred Vfcirple w ** made clerk of the ~W*-HB*. J. H. Hixson of the school building, and grounds division of fce state department of education "Tl A l b a n y addressed the meeting, ipcrtmff on the condition of the V*^n* building an<Textflalning the isedial program which he had »r^>sed to the board of education. r% Jricolm Moypr of Syracuse, a spe- kins. Mrs Isabelle Hutchinson of Harrisville; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Muilin of Felt* Mills: R. M. Thomp- son. C. J. Wells, and Mr. and Mrs. George Oeer of Pitcairn. The annual family reunion In Mr and Mrs Mrs K F Evans *»nrfrtained Saturday nigh* Mr and Mrs Horace H iKh^a and aon Williara of Ku&»r!l. 4ii,<i Mr and Mr* Maurict- T.ias uiul S^JD +C»-n tirlh, Ur iUtraru and cake w*>rv **-rved - -. _ * Mr ant* Mrs Mirharl Buckley >l^ai lh«- la*' (• w days at Pierce Hrld. visiting frit-nds « M* and Mr> S F Horning and ?«on R i c h a r d of Oiovt-rvvilU- and %(•> H ^ l e n TV:TI!I of Oswego were fit-nts of their uncle Charles Locke and family las' w*-**k 1 Mrs John Cardiff »n:^rtained the ••:'»••"'* club on \Wda«-$day and all; •HjMjr a very ^l^a^ant time j Mr and Mr a K A Richardson aud *on iliilv of S>racuee spent 1 last w»-tk camping at -Flat Rock aud a.tended the l>owling family r '-UQiOD a f . S-.mday . _-« John and Thorn*.* Symington of £pnn*fi»*Ui. Ma.vs were gue*l» of their coumn Mr* Clifford Jones. last week < Mt* Clifford Jt>n^ and baby are visiting relatives in West Spring field. Mass this wi^ek. < Miss Margaret Cahill. who teaches school In New York, Is at Lome for the summer vacation. She and her sister. Miss Nora Cahill. Mslted tlieir brother. Bernard, at Brandreth Lake last week. Marvjn. Masterson returned to hi* home in Springfield. Mass on Sunday after spending a week here with his family. He reports see- ing :hree fine deer before leaving route for home, . f Mr and Mr* Myron Clements entertained Mrs. Clements' mother. Mrs. Norman Hare and her broth ^r. MTIe* H a r e of Schenectady, a part of last week. » Mrs Florence Clements and lit tie son. Dean, of Schenectady. were guests of little Dean's grand mother. Mrs. John Forney, last week j Mr. and Mrs Myron Putney of Lisbon were week-end visitors at John Forney's Mr. and Mrs. For-; ; ney accompanied them home for j a two days' stay , I Mr and Mrs, William Legate of Gouverneur were guests at C. A. Rogers.' Tuesday Miss Keitha Kilbourn is homel dav < from the hospital and is improv- | ing from her operation. t B F. Jones is very ill with an' attack of Erysipelas in his face. Mrs. Mary Jane Briggs is con : fined to the house with a sprained 1 ankle. Mr and Mrs Grover McCollum setae showing ^U^ M^ft^uottas Ifa '^The Prrppet ^»tneT riley per : farm dance steps, play musical inMruments. ride bicycles and slide down bannister*. They bring xha sort of humor that causes chuckles and shriek* of lajshter. They w:!l aprxar on the last afternoon of Chautauqua. RUSSELL Howard ~1torn\ TO Mr and Mrs lirown. a son. John Henry. Mrs. Roy Butterfield and daugh- ter spent several days the past week with Mr and Mrs Jesse Reed and family Mrs. Laura Carpenter. Earl Webb and Miss Scott of Fowler spent Tuesday with Mrs. Anna Mc- Gill and family. Mr and Mrs Edward Swift. Jim. Scuii and Miss Mar)or1e Scott ap#»* I the weekend at WiDshfUMU i M" and Mrs Adam Alltbony of t Vi-Miiont a r ^* \»iting relatives here *::•< at Fuller\ Uie 1 , «• and Mrs Jaaon Flake are vis ; tun* relatives in Coitoa. i I.^i Wt-dnesday. «laa Audrey I;uro of Malone entertained quite A i-jrT.ber of her little friends at •n- horr.e of Mrs Harry Martin <ia?!i*-n » c r r played and Mrs. Mar*, T'L *A»r\«d a lunch about noon All, r--:-<>r?»-d an enjoyable time Miss: A it*-, y returned to her home in V^lon- Saturday ( Mm l: o Btck/ord and daughter. l-Tvi Hii»-nded the Fowler reunion; a* S^SIA Lake. Sunday Th«*re **-re o\**r fifty mi the reunion J Mr and Mrs Fred Call and Mr ; and M'? Harry Martin v»ere week f tid viM'tor* in Malone. guests of Mr an 1 Mrs Arthur Byrns ) Mr aad Mrs Harold Thompson ari'S «.t:ld-rn. Mrs Greene. Mrs Kltner Bickford and Richard Bick j ford ner^ visitors ai Ted Johns j 'on's. near <>ak Point Sunday | The Mission Circle held their; j meeting in :he town hall last week i I Thur»da> ^ ening. A picnic sup-| per was served and enjoyed by all • Mr and Mm. Yern Congdon and family »p-nt Monday in Norwood ^ Ttre Mission Circle will hold a 1 supper in the town hall. Fridsy eve , ning. July !9th. beginning at five o'clock Prices IS and 35 cents. , T!\e Fow'.er family held a reunion I and picnic at Sylria Lake. Sunday, ! July 14th There were over fifty members of the family present.. £phraim Fowler was the oldest i member present and little Dorothy Woods entertained, Fcnrler daughter of Mr and Mrs. ; George Fowler of Antwerp, the PHON1! 23 1 youngest The next meeting will be held the second Sunday In July, t ; r + y ^Sow ready! A New Frigidaire P o r e e l a I n - o n - s t e e l out wide and Inside ... and equipped with the tatnouM "Cold Control" imutmUe* amd mmkimg ire im gmmr kitrkem A FEW d o l l a r * down puts thia o r a n y other Frigidaire in jour borne. Then y o n c a n pay the balance under General Motors liberal terms—terma arranged to £^ ^l< auit you. Come in, ae demoxiatratkMX, mnd get all the facta—today. WEST HERMON Mrs A K o\'-r the week end her siBter-in,law. Mrs Welch and her daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs Tack raw FRIGIDAIRE M*BM TMAN A MILLi** MM VMM Oswegatchie Light & Power Co. Gonvarnenr's Home Company CHUBCH 1 1 . - ". * " V " -•„' v ^p*-> '1 - s~ s - - ." */* '" 'rSB - *^~'A . -V •'• jrviJ : ^ < ^ | ;*V3E*^ /\ ^g^Sj * "-ra *—•» ~M f '-^M '-i.ral 'V and baby of Massena _ . ... _ Mr and Mr» Jay Paro and daughter of Brownviiie spent Sun- day wi:h their uaughter, Mrs. Leon Kio. Harry Lavine.. of Bigelow and Mrg. Hattie Owens has broken Miss McKobbie of Henjion were at her ankle and her daughter. Mrs. Mr Kio's, Sunday evening. Charley Riley of Gouverneur. la Mr and Mrs. Frank Anderson caring for her. j and children of Antwerp were Sun- Visitors at Burt Maybee's Sun- day guests at G W. Parker's, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ward of Natural Dam and Mrs. Ward and daugther Eva, of Ed- wards. Mr and Mrs. Gerald Curtis. Mr. } and Mrs Kills Curtis, and Earl Williams were business callers at j Ogdensburg. Wednesday. i Visitors at John Gates'. Sunday, honor of the birthday of Charlej, ^ dauehter N ac iine. who recently -Maynew. wa« held Thursday. July re!urned from Columbus. Ohio, are 4+B rW*. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent in visiting, bathing : and roller skating Sunday was Mrs. Eva Fowler Backus' birthday I and her ninth wedding anniversary j and some of the members remind ! ed her of the occasion with gifts i and two large cakes. Quite a few j of the members were unable to j be present. Those present were: i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs Mi and Mrs. Merrill Murray and j Lo U u e Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Ever son are spending a little time with' lt F ow j e r and five children, Jud- his parents. Mr and Mrs A. A J son Marjorie, Aletha. George and NIurr *T JErvin of Harrisville; Mr. and Mrs. M2SS T h e l m a Ells has returned j Willis Fowler and two children. from Trout Lake. , Cecn ^4 Genevieve. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pickard spent the week 1 i^io* Moort > and tlirw children. end at his brother's near Trout j Marion. Bessie and Ervin of North Lake Mrs. Charles Pickard re- j Gouverneur: Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Fowler and four children. Leon. Donald. Betty and Earl. Mr. and were Mr. and Mrs. George Smith turned with him to Mrs. John _ and two daughters*. Clara and Ella. Ginn's after spending two weeks 4th. The picnic dinner had *«*a - Tislring Mr' and Mrs M. G Briggs; i Kev - Ana M r s F E *«*<**«. Mr. at home , \ Mrr William F. Bartos. Mr. and planned to be heid at Lake Bona* ^ r s McCollum while somewhat ! a n d M r * R* v 0 tid Rice and two . Lawrence Morse and Mrs. Fred Mrs James Fowler and sons, Floyd parte, but on account of the nrin. 1 * trjn?er f 8 s tai'unable to get about children of DeKalb. and Mr. a i d Morse were in Potsdam. Sunday. ^ arid Altojo. Mr. and Mrs Lee Bow was held *n the dining hall of the the houge without aid " Mrs Gilbert Law of Hermon. A B. Richardson and daughter Methodist Episcopal church. Those Present were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Maybew and family: Mrs Marvin May hew of DePeyater; Mr. and Jalist in school hearing and ventH Mrs. Fred Wells and son Gerald, kting, gtfve an illustrated talk j Mrs. Hattie Phillips, George Phil- which emphaaif ed the benefit of a, Ups. Mrs. Myrtle Patterson and aodern heating and ventilating t son. Miss Ruth Patteraon. all of iyst«»m in a school After an open North Goaverneor; Mr. and Mrs. discussion in which many questions Lee Joyce and family. Worth Parks, wer» answered by Mr. Hlxson and Miss Grace Palmer, of Richville; r Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Shields aj)d two daughters, Dorothy an3 Alice. of .Schenectady, were visiting old friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Shields J will be remembered as Miss- Ber- [ nice Hammond, aaughter of the I late Dr. O. Hammond and wife, for- mer residents of Fine. Miss Helen Moote has gone to Star Lake to work for Joseph Bondy's. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Price, Fern and Jay Law, Charlotte Kaufman and Raymond Towne attended the circus at Canton. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers and children of Pierrepont visited her father, Joshua Robinson. Sunday, and also called on Mrs, Hettie Tmna of Gouverneur visited at B. Gardner's the first of the week. Mrs. John Hamilton and sister. Mrs Wealthy Jerome of LaFarge- vjlle. were guests at B. Gardner's. Thursday-. Mrs Ford McCarty has for the pzst week entertained her sister and husband and their two chil Dist. Supt. Sealy of New Bremen. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Valentine j Mr ^a Mrg winiam Campbell a resolution was offered whereby -and daughter. Virginia, Mr. and 1 and ii au? hter Marion, and "Mr. { perintendent, Dr. E. B. Caldwell Lowry * Saturday night the first quarterly ^ rfi a *rom New York city. conference of the M. E. Church _ was held. Sunday, the district an- S O U T H E D W A R O S the board of education be author ize^ to expend not to exceed 115.- ^o for tba lnal#UftMon of modern heating, ventilating and artificial systems and th* regeneration of the interior of the building: A vote by ballot was taken on the proposi- tion Forty ballots wwre cast, of whf?b 46 were in favor an^-14 aeainst. Charles Hogan and Fred Kimball acted aa tellers. ] Bishop Wilson S. Louis. Mrs. Charles Mavhew. daughter! Howland of Antwerp spent SundayU ave a missionar>' sermon in.honor , Zelma and son Orman, all of Har-; a « j o n n p ortle B . ; of one of our noted Russell bo/», risvine j Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ward and' - -The 4Hh sjamai gaThertng in: children of BufTalo are spending a honor of Mrs. Mary Gordon was few days" with their parents. Mr. held at the home of her daughter, j and Mrs. Israel Ward. Mr and Mrs. William Fraker, in' Mr and Mrs. Daniel Bancroft of High street on Wednesday, July $. 1 Russell were guests of Mrs. Mar- , The occasion was Mrs. Gordon's, garet Eggleston. Sunday. s$th birthday. The tables werej : I decorated with large bouquets of j Emmett Briggs has purchaaed from John Lumley bis vacant lot j here and has built a dancing pa- vilion and store. Mrs. Warren Tidd of Natural Bridge is visiting her mother, Mrs. man. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and daughter, Dorothy, and nephew Claude Fowler, all of Antwerp; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Fowler and sons. Cedric. Cecil, and Donald, of Em- eryville; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brouse and two children. Cresson and Helena, Ephraim Fowler and soft Frank. Mrs. Robert Bick ford and daughter Beryl, all of Fowler, and j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durham of Gouverneur. Friends HI tha fam- ily present were Gene Tyler of Har- risville; Miss Elva Gilbert. ofGou- vernettr: Mrs. Genevieve Hammond of Antwerp, «nd Vernon Durham of Gouvernejir. . . -._ . - "" OXBOW The Graham family of Pitcairn J white peonies with green. Mrs., held its reunion July 4th at the Gordon received many gifts of! farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry -41OW*TS and cards from frienda. Eaves. Eighty relatives and friends Those present were Mr. and Mrs. were present. Officers elected are Clarence Colony of Oxbow; Mr. as fallows: Carlton Craffee. Nat- and Mrs. Arthur Fleming and two ural Bridge, president: Mrs. Alma sons. Paul and Lloyd; Mrs. Jed Peabody. treasurer; Mrs Robert Thomas and daughter Marjorie. of lain, recording secretary; the Watertown; Frank Colony, of Car- committee to provide for the next- thage; Mr and Mrs- -Maurice Aus- reunion place for meeting, Mrs. tin and son Donald, of South Bona- JarlRobinson. Mrs. Marry Graham, parte; and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan id Alonio Graham; entertainment Bickford. ^mMlttee Mrs. Edna Graham of T ^ largest nah reported caught Bayonae. N T . . Mrs Char*** F s s ^ v &&* Bonaparte this season was 1' M 2L N tl Ue Merr1u of Wt - exhibited by WiiUam Fox. proprie- eairu The oldest relative present toP & ^ Fox p,^ company of iras Mrs Laura Graham; youngest. Carthage. Jt was a large mouth Annfe Graham, nine months, the wall-eyed pike Mnd weighed six daughter of Mr and Mrs. Alonso pounds and 11 ounces. Mr. Fox PORTER HILL -Lee Lacy. '*rho has been visiting mt Ray Cook's, has returned to his home in Massena. Mrs. George Bland in spent Sun- day in Pyrites visiting her daugh- ter. Mrs. Perle Austin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Poole and daughter Laura, and son John, of the Pon4 road. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poole of Pyrites. Mr and Mrs. George Cook of HennOnT Mr. and Mrs. HowanLPetrie and son Ralph of the -Pond road, Miss Willametta Baxter of Hermon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steacy and family and Ken- neth Underwood enjoyed a picnic ar"Syfria^Lake"Sunday Miss Gene-ra tTook spent the There was a bouquet on the al-; tar in memory of his birthdaj\i which occurs July 17th. Dr. Cald i well traveled and worked-with 1 ' , Bishop Lewis. He gave us many! M p v * f ° ™ um - ' _ I w - . "T " tJ # ' -• interesting facts about China ! .Mr and Mrs. Ray Harrington. Mrs. Came Beenfleld of Syra- 7' r 1 are entertaining their nieces from j cuse spent the week-end at the —T" j Canton. > . . 1 home of ber sister. Mrs. Leo Stor- E L M G R O V E r ^ i8 « ^Ua Masters of Edwards! rin. . ^_ t has been spending the past two Mrs ""Anna Turner of Theresa re- Phineas Reed is doing the iiay weeks witn Der alint " ll4r * Ernest! turned to her home Sunday after ing on Mary'Hamilton's farm ' Tinney. Spending the past week with ber Raymond Hamilton and Ford Ba- M r a n d U n Ernesl ^^ey are brother, Andrew LaidUw. ker were in Canton and Pyrites «"*****»*«* Mr. and Mrs. Talcott [ Mrs Lottie Gleason of Central Sunday The electric lights have been In- stalled in our school house A new hardwood floor Is going to be ltyed soon. Miss Doris Dusharm and school mate. Miss Ward, are visiting Dor is' grandparents. Wm. Baiter Miss Luia and Laura Reed are sick with the measles. E v e ry-one wishes them a speedy recovery Mr. and Mm. J21en Daw*v and daughter Doris of Gouverneur visit- ed at James Peterson's Friday of Phoenix over the week-end. Miss Frieda Church of Fuller- ville and Ruth Greenhill of Rich- vllre visited Miss Myrtle Whitford lait week. Mr an/1 Mrs. Leslie Hall were in Croghan last Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hall's uncle. Roselle Chapman. Graham of Pitcairn; John Graham. ^4 Q^ family are spending their! week end visiting friends in Pots-i Elm Grove ball team played with M). of Antwerp, oldest man of the vacation in the Dr. C. F. Adams! dam. J Wards Brfdge Sunday and won ine cKn_ Mr*. Isabella Hutchinson. «J. CO ttage at the lake. Mr. Fox wms Mrs. Hattie Cook is visiting; score was S5-7 of Harrisville. was the oldest trying hir Tuck at fishing aad In a friends at Russell ?uest. Those from the greatest dls- g^ott time had hooked his prtie =—^—" ~ - spent th* week: end at her bom ttnees were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- M ^ The fight that followed w a s ' t .-. uADrcur CAtirr 1 ^ nam Graham. Hudson. Mich. The i„ nwurress for about a half hour! M I A * . M A K t t U - t FAiA*T J >f r8 . Bertha Woodward of Gouv emeur is visiting hei; s i s t e r ^ Mr? Earl Smith. ents at Crog>an over the Fourth of July. . Mrs.Bruce Ferris spent the 4th with her husband on Bald Moun- S qua re visited at the home of Mrv Sadie Lancto on Saturday and Sunday _. : The amount of $2030 was real ixed from the food sale held in the park Saturday g * A missionary meeting 'will be held ednesday evening* July 17th at the home of Mrs. -Cora Myers. Mrs, JohaJ5**H- visited ber par [Every lady 4s urged to be present. POIVTIACB following descendants of David C*s.ham present were: Mr. and Hra. Henry Eaves. Mn. Nellie Mer- r:::. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graha.m. Worth B. Graham, Mrs Laura Gra- fcr. Adolnh Graham. Mr. and Mrs Htrrr Graham and cfildren. Cecil. ». L.vnn. Lloyd, Geraldine. Ger "*aev. and Martha Graham. Mr. and fey Alonxo Graham and children. |[Wsr.h D.. and Amy Graham. Mr Mr*. Charles Fenton and rhter Helen Mr and .Mrs Pembody. son Franklyn. and Bishop, all of Pitcairn: Mr Mrs Kenneth Graham and son of Black River; John Gr%* **.£**•** Graham, and Mr and ,5 L ^-*rl Brewster of Anrwerr Emogess Graham of Wilna: : *nd Mrs. Chari^s Harrington Glea and Rfvb^n Harrtnr Mrs Editb Robinson of Mr a&d Mrs William of RodsotL Hict ; Mr and Graham a*d daughter Graham And grand .2"f. Betty Mae Fritg. of Bay g * J : Mr a»d Mrs. Carlton r^J- daugtrteTS Ruth aad Hel- T»« Mr nwi Mr* W L. Ck*M** ERzabeth and of Carthage wwre Jotaa sosi Barold. of Sta:ex Aicnest. Dagrss «f^avttki^ >• j : Mf Mrs. Retard -- ^ Doretay of Carpemer thf in progress iw *WUL • i » u u w i j and the fish was landed in the boat without the aid of a landing net or hooks The specimen had manr admirers. Rev. Joseph W McDaniels of McPherson. Kar- . is visiting at the ' home of Ralph Hosmer and call!HE on other relatives and friends. He * resided here when a boy. He has , just returned from an extended ! trip throughout Florida. Mr and Mrs David Ritchie and <*a;:ghter Dorothy of Sheffield. Pa . are vtsitinx relatives s^nd old friends tn thisjrfliage. This is Mr Ritchie's first visit here in twenty- five years. He is superintendent oi a large tannery there At one time be resided here wber* his father. William Ritchie, was super icteixienuof the s4d tannery | Miss Emma Lmber oi Yorkers* is visiting relatives and frieiwls In town She formerly resided here.; 5:he win spend the summer vaca- tion with ber sister and family. Mr and Mrs Rxma Kilbun; a: Newton Falls , Mr And Mrs Gerald RusseD end daughter Pauline and soc Rodger. mad Miss Susie Kring left Jury Stfc . for aa automobile trtp through the ArfdiroodAck* pkanuinx to vistt Tun- per i-ake daranac Placid Ausabi^ Falls and Chasm Plscisburg aad (Vber places eg route The Ansel TbosAs family reur im win be beid a: ih* booe of WmDMt* Tsocaas oa S^aday J^ly "Kr*-©—R-^Ha# 1'jr - x ^ Mrs. Roy Rose who has been in the VanDuxee Jgemoria! Hospital at Gouvrraeur is reported much 1 better at tfcls time Mr and Mrs. Lewis Cunningham \ Miss Maye Whitford was in Ca&r \ and Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Cunning- j ton'July 3 to attemi the funeral of j ham, spent Sunday afternoon at Misi Sadie Weaver ^f Wat e- own! Mrs Mabel Sbel<Jon - / Carl Ventons at Osborneville Miss Sadie Weaver^ uate.own j Ur a Q d M p $ A B c ^ oney ^ , l v a a a d huciW RidBd ^ t for* j Carthasf «fr* guests of Mrs Anna) been spending a week at Alexan Coloney. 8unday. ^ j dria Bay, retumingr home the past Our Sunday school which ^was I week , . -— - organized July 1st by Mr. Perry i Frank Beenfield returned home Haines, 'he new assistant to Rev j Sunday after spending two weeks Bradshav. was well attended- j with his sister in Watertown We ar*-~ f a n n i n g \A have oun Third Annual Old Home Sunday; When washing windows at the South Edwards church on br August 11th Every former resi-j an dent is invited to be pi^sent and greet old f r nad*. it will be a bas- ket pir ur *hi- y*ar and coff*-e will be furni?"*-^ ty the committee in charge Mr. and Mrs Hiram Moor* and daughter - T^la also Misses Mar? and Marion Moore viaited relatives * near Canton Sunday. THRU DIFFERENT EVES" Sheer ability and cham: ra:ber than a "lucKy break**, s t a r e d Syl- via Sidn'-v on a stage career Miss Sidney plays a prominent roie ;n "Thru Different Eyes*', Fcx Movie tone all-talking production a Gralyn Theatre. Wednesday add Thursday. July 17 aad 1* EnroT^i In th« Theatre Guild Sc-hoo* sz* attracted the attention of Wnhrn; Ames who cast her in a number of stage rc4*a H*r most recent ntag» par was in "*GO4P of *" remem hat newspapers furnish -a *ory\ rheap material for drying 1 , , -r, ".-" -- r. . mmm - :fe Eefreshiag %z>d deilciotf 1 d n n k s are *osne of the bes* t>*"** ]az*f for children on hot su^rr.*r days Corneij has a bullet :n z-v int several excellent reci^-f '.v th^s* Write to the office of pub j| liratjnn #ta:* coiieges. kha^t N T. for -Milk as a Daiiy Fvxt". fE-105) 'A gcxyf dr^f: horse is a ready .^aiKl wfl'inr *<JTYPT and is neither irritAbl* nor nervous $1.00 a ton A b~:MZM* r.-o«!gist w»s rj ap>pear az the riTJj Cxf of Chastaoq«a> M :; VzZ'm w-:3 b* acc^Kipasiei by ker .- -tcr Ber^be FalieL boti a t'."- . tit i^tticr of r«x:wa. ice Closed .^•^•ecount of tb« anzraaJ employ ee» $ fce o&ct of the St. Lawrence Co. ac, wiQ be deved aD day Thur*- !&• -To report trouble ca.'.l 5S. HAY FOR SALE 30 ACRES Phone 211-M H. A. BISHOP *fc5 £ * $ - S u m tT»EE* lf*_ L • III III JL _ uvu*CTjsa7 CASH DISCOUNT C J' e-dert COAL •OS LC*8 0*E» Don't Throw Away Your SHOES They will serve you twice as long If I re- pair them and they will look like new. MAKE ME — PROVE IT _ A *•> ^!M '>v.r.;f^ Trjf f immUih thmmm Mif Cmr mffmrmd mt mm imermmse i* Big Car labrleat- tsgsvst«B&. • • • Big Car Big Cmr fael feei Big Car c»o!lag systeai r i ' - - :t- *»« Zx 1 A. W. Orerzcka' I iP^5-*e *«:- r~- > - 16/ 3E?- «C CENTRAL GARAGE 1 j ^ wHDO *-»av eot/V€**f€4Jil» f t Y. Alex Carbone %if mt \ 7X ASSOC1ATI CtALaH s ^^ r x I FXRM PRDTTT5G JlSASPtOALTJ |s>WTTHl^44 OTMI Yoaget -^-^-je

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Page 1: · 2007-01-22 · fce state department of education "Tl Albany addressed the meeting, ipcrtmff on the condition of the

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T o s t d a r -k n o w n .

o m m o o > S u r e t y u i n j u r -

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Suaran-u s g h r e

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, a $30,-

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, irv.-v rT/; tr '*3*:&:#*rA

THE TRlBUNt-FHtSS. GOUVCftMCUfe N>, Y. W I D N I I O A Y , JULY 17, 1t2t


er s ~r " _ Buy a 4 15.00 Drew f 01 __ __.-. ^

- , -10.00 Beautiful Silk Crepe*, Flowered Georgettes and Sport Silks. Assorted sizes. A few Short Silk Coats.

Buy a $10.00 Dress for

5.00 _ I Cotton Ensembles. Linen Coats. Tub J Ratines, Piques and Rayons.

Buy a $29.00 Coat for

19.50 Sport or Dress Models, all new this season.

A New Lot of Dresses Just In for

1.00 ea




HARRISVILLE NOTES A special school meet ing of Disc.

No 6, town of Diana, w a s beW at Hie school building in th is v i l l a s * or. Saturday, at 7:30. J. B. W e e k e s wa5 se lected as chairman and Fred Vfcirple w * * m a d e clerk of t h e

~ W * - H B * . J. H. H i x s o n of the schoo l building, and grounds divis ion of fce state department of educat ion

"Tl Albany addressed the mee t ing , ipcrtmff on t h e condit ion of the V*^n* building an<Textflalning the isedial program which he had »r^>sed t o the board of educat ion.

r% Jricolm Moypr of Syracuse , a spe-

kins. Mrs Isabel le Hutch inson of Harr isv i l l e ; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Muilin of Fel t* Mi l l s : R. M. Thomp­son. C. J. Wel l s , and Mr. and Mrs. George Oeer of Pitcairn.

The annual family reunion In

Mr and Mrs Mrs K F Evans *»nrfrtained Saturday nigh* Mr and Mrs Horace H iKh^a and aon Williara of Ku&»r!l. 4ii,<i Mr and Mr* Maurict- T.ias uiul S JD +C»-n tirlh, Ur iUtraru and cake w*>rv **-rved

- -. _ * Mr ant* Mrs Mirharl Buckley

>l^ai lh«- la*' (• w days at Pierce Hrld. vis i t ing frit-nds «

M* and Mr> S F Horning and ?«on Richard of Oiovt-rvvilU- and %(•> H^len TV:TI!I of Oswego were f it-nts of their uncle Charles Locke and family las' w*-**k 1

Mrs John Cardiff »n:^rtained the ••:'»••"'* club on \Wda«-$day and a l l ; •HjMjr a very ^l^a^ant t ime j

Mr and Mr a K A Richardson aud *on iliilv of S>racuee spent 1 last w»-tk camping at -Flat Rock aud a . tended the l>owling family r '-UQiOD af. S- .mday . _-«

John and Thorn*.* Symington of £pnn*fi»*Ui. Ma.vs were gue*l» of their coumn Mr* Clifford Jones . last week <

Mt* Clifford Jt>n^ and baby are visit ing re lat ives in West Spring field. Mass this wi^ek. <

Miss Margaret Cahill. who teaches school In New York, Is at Lome for the summer vacation. She and her sister . Miss Nora Cahill . Mslted tlieir brother. Bernard, at Brandreth Lake last week.

Marvjn. Masterson returned to hi* home in Springfield. Mass on Sunday after spending a week here with his family. He reports see­ing :hree fine deer before leaving route for home, . f

Mr and Mr* Myron Clements enterta ined Mrs. Clements ' mother. Mrs. Norman Hare and her broth ^r. MTIe* H a r e of Schenectady , a part of last week. »

Mrs F lorence Clements and lit tie son . Dean , of Schenectady . were g u e s t s of little Dean's grand mother. Mrs. John Forney, last week j

Mr. and Mrs Myron Putney of Lisbon were week-end vis i tors at John Forney's Mr. and Mrs. For-;

; ney accompanied them home for j a t w o days ' s tay , I Mr and Mrs, Wil l iam L e g a t e of

Gouverneur were gues t s at C. A. Rogers . ' T u e s d a y

Miss Ke i tha Kilbourn is h o m e l d a v

< from the hospital and is improv-| ing from her operation. t

B F. Jones is very ill with a n ' attack of Erys ipe las in his face.

Mrs. Mary Jane Briggs is con :

fined to the house with a sprained 1 ankle.

Mr and Mrs Grover McCollum

s e t a e showing ^U^ M^ft^uottas Ifa '^The Prrppet ^»tneT riley per:

farm dance steps, play musical inMruments. ride bicycles and slide down bannister*. They bring xha sort of humor that causes chuckles and shriek* of la j shter . They w:!l aprxar on the last afternoon of


RUSSELL Howard ~1torn\ TO Mr and Mrs

lirown. a son. John Henry. Mrs. Roy Butterfield and daugh­

ter spent several days the past week wi th Mr and Mrs J e s s e Reed and family

Mrs. Laura Carpenter. Earl W e b b and Miss Scott of Fowler spent Tuesday with Mrs. Anna Mc-Gill and family.

Mr and Mrs Edward Swif t . J i m . Scuii and Miss Mar)or1e Scot t ap#»* I the w e e k e n d at WiDshfUMU i

M" and Mrs Adam Al l tbony of t Vi-Miiont ar^* \ » i t i n g re la t ives here

*::•< at Fu l l er \ Uie 1 , « • and Mrs Jaaon Flake are v i s ; tun* relat ives in Coitoa. i

I . ^ i Wt-dnesday. « l a a Audrey I ; u r o of Malone enter ta ined quite A i-jrT.ber of her l i t t le fr iends at • n - horr.e of Mrs Harry Martin <ia?!i*-n » c r r played and Mrs. Mar*, T'L *A»r\«d a lunch about noon A l l , r--:-<>r?»-d an enjoyable t ime M i s s : A it*-, y returned to her home in V^lon- Saturday (

Mm l: o Btck/ord and daughter . l -Tvi Hii»-nded the Fowler reun ion; a* S ^ S I A Lake. Sunday Th«*re **-re o\**r fifty mi the reunion J

Mr and Mrs Fred Call and Mr ; and M'? Harry Martin v»ere week f

• tid viM'tor* in Malone. gues t s of Mr an 1 Mrs Arthur Byrns )

Mr aad Mrs Harold Thompson ari'S «.t:ld-rn. Mrs Greene. Mrs Kltner Bickford and Richard Bick j ford ner^ vis i tors ai Ted J o h n s j 'on's. near <>ak Point Sunday |

The Mission Circle held t h e i r ; j meet ing in :he town hall last week i I Thur»da> ^ ening. A picnic s u p - |

per was served and enjoyed by all • Mr and Mm. Yern Congdon and

family »p-nt Monday in Norwood ^ Ttre Mission Circle will hold a 1 supper in the town hall. Fridsy e v e , ning. July !9th . beginning at five

o'clock Prices IS and 35 cents. , T!\e Fow'.er family held a reunion

I and picnic at S y l r i a Lake. Sunday, ! July 14th There were over fifty

m e m b e r s of the family present.. £ p h r a i m Fowler w a s the oldest

i member present and little Dorothy Woods en ter ta ined , F c n r l e r daughter of Mr and Mrs.

; George Fowler of Antwerp, t h e P H O N 1 ! 2 3 1 youngest The next meet ing will *°

be held the second Sunday In July, t ;r+y

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P o ree l a I n - o n - s t e e l o u t wide a n d

I n s i d e . . . and equipped with

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o t h e r F r i g i d a i r e i n j o u r

b o r n e . T h e n y o n c a n

p a y t h e b a l a n c e u n d e r

G e n e r a l M o t o r s l i b e r a l

t e r m s — t e r m a a r r a n g e d t o



auit you. Come in, ae demoxiatratkMX, mnd get all the facta—today.


o\'-r the week end her siBter-in,law. Mrs Welch and her daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs Tack raw


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* "-ra *—•» ~M f'-^M '- i .ral


and baby of Massena _ . ..._ Mr and Mr» Jay Paro and

daughter of Brownvii ie spent Sun­day wi:h their uaughter, Mrs. Leon Kio.

Harry Lavine . . of Bigelow and Mrg. Hat t i e Owens has broken Miss McKobbie of Henj ion were at

her ankle and her daughter. Mrs. Mr Kio's, Sunday evening . Charley Ri l ey of Gouverneur. la Mr and Mrs. Frank Anderson caring for her. j and children of Antwerp were Sun-

Visitors at Burt Maybee's Sun- day guests at G W. Parker's, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence

Ward of Natural Dam and Mrs. Ward and daugther Eva, of Ed­wards.

Mr and Mrs. Gerald Curtis. Mr. } and Mrs Kills Curtis, and Earl

Wil l iams were bus iness cal lers at j Ogdensburg. Wednesday . i Vis i tors at John Gates' . Sunday,

honor o f the birthday of C h a r l e j , ^ d a u e h t e r N a c i ine . who recently -Maynew. wa« held Thursday. July r e ! u r n e d f r o m Columbus. Ohio, are

4 + B rW*. The afternoon was very p leasant ly spent in vis it ing, bathing

: and roller skat ing Sunday was Mrs. Eva Fowler Backus' birthday

I and her ninth wedding anniversary j and some of the members remind ! ed her of the occas ion with gifts i and t w o large cakes . Quite a few j of the m e m b e r s were unable to j be present . Those present were: i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs

Mi and Mrs. Merrill Murray and j L o U u e Fowler . Mr. and Mrs. E v e r son are spending a l itt le t ime w i t h ' l t F o w j e r and five children, Jud-his parents . Mr and Mrs A. A J s o n Marjorie, Aletha. George and N I u r r * T J E r v i n of Harrisv i l le ; Mr. and Mrs.

M2SS The lma El ls has returned j Wil l i s Fowler and t w o children. from Trout Lake. , C e c n ^4 Genev ieve . Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Pickard spent the week 1 i ^ i o * M o o r t > a n d t l i r w children. end at his brother's near Trout j Marion. B e s s i e and Ervin of North Lake Mrs. Charles Pickard re- j Gouverneur: Mr. and Mrs. Archie.

Fowler and four children. Leon. Donald. Bet ty and Earl. Mr. and

were Mr. and Mrs. George Smith turned with him to Mrs. J o h n _ and two daughters*. Clara and Ella. Ginn's after spending t w o w e e k s

4th. The picnic d inner had *«*a - Tislring M r ' and Mrs M. G Briggs; i K e v - Ana M r s F E *«*<**«. Mr. at home , \ M r r W i l l i a m F. B a r t o s . Mr. and planned to be heid at Lake Bona * ^ r s McCollum whi le s o m e w h a t ! a n d M r * R* v™ 0 t id Rice and t w o . Lawrence Morse and Mrs. Fred Mrs J a m e s Fowler and sons , Floyd parte, but on account of the nrin. 1 * t r j n ? e r f8 s t a i ' u n a b l e to get about children of DeKalb. and Mr. a i d Morse were in Potsdam. Sunday. ^ arid Altojo. Mr. and Mrs Lee Bow w a s held *n the d in ing hall of the t h e h o u g e without aid " Mrs Gilbert Law of Hermon. A B. Richardson and daughter Methodist Episcopal church. T h o s e Present were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Maybew and fami ly: Mrs Marvin May hew of DePeyater ; Mr. and

Jalist in school hearing and v e n t H Mrs. Fred W e l l s and s o n Gerald, kting, gtfve an i l lustrated talk j Mrs. Hat t i e Phi l l ips , George Phil-which emphaaif ed the benefit of a , Ups. Mrs. Myrtle Pat terson and aodern h e a t i n g and vent i la t ing t son. Miss Ruth Patteraon. all of iyst«»m in a school After an open North Goaverneor; Mr. and Mrs. discussion in which many ques t ions Lee Joyce and family. Worth Parks , wer» answered by Mr. Hlxson and Miss Grace Palmer , of Richv i l l e ;

r Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Shie lds aj)d two daughters , Dorothy an3 Alice. of .Schenectady, were v i s i t ing old friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Shie lds

J wi l l be remembered as Miss- Ber-[ n ice H a m m o n d , aaughter of the I late Dr. O. Hammond and wife, for­

mer res idents of Fine. Mis s H e l e n Moote has gone t o

Star Lake to work for Joseph Bondy's .

Mr and Mrs. Harvey Price, Fern and Jay Law, Charlotte Kaufman and Raymond Towne at tended the circus at Canton. Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers and children of Pierrepont v is i ted her father, Joshua Robinson. Sunday, and also cal led o n Mrs, Het t i e

T m n a of Gouverneur vis i ted at B. Gardner's the first of the week.

Mrs. John Hamilton and s i s ter . Mrs Wealthy Jerome of LaFarge-vjlle. were gues t s at B. Gardner's . Thursday-.

Mrs Ford McCarty has for the pzst week enterta ined her s i s t er and husband and their t w o chi l

Dist. Supt. S e a l y of New Bremen . Mr. and Mrs. S h e r m a n Valent ine j M r ^ a M r g w i n i a m Campbell a resolution w a s offered whereby -and daughter . Virginia, Mr. and 1 a n d i i a u ? h t e r Marion, and "Mr. { perintendent , Dr. E. B. Caldwell

Lowry * Saturday night the first quarterly ^r f ia *rom N e w York c i ty .

conference of the M. E. Church _ — w a s held. Sunday, the district an- S O U T H E D W A R O S

the board of educat ion be author ize^ to expend not to e x c e e d 115.-^ o for tba lnal#UftMon of modern heat ing , vent i la t ing and artificial s y s t e m s and t h * regenerat ion of the interior of t h e building: A v o t e by ballot w a s taken on the proposi­tion Forty bal lots wwre cast , of whf?b 46 w e r e in favor a n ^ - 1 4 aeainst. Charles Hogan and Fred Kimball ac ted aa tel lers .

] Bishop Wilson S. Louis.

Mrs. Charles M a v h e w . daughter ! Howland of Antwerp spent S u n d a y U a v e a missionar>' sermon in.honor , Ze lma and s o n Orman, all of Har-; a« j o n n p o r t l e y » B . ; of one of our noted Russell bo /» ,

risvine j Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ward a n d ' - -The 4Hh s j a m a i gaThertng i n : chi ldren of BufTalo are spending a

honor of Mrs. Mary Gordon w a s few days" with their parents . Mr. held at the home of h e r daughter , j and Mrs . I srae l Ward. Mr and Mrs. Wi l l iam Fraker, i n ' Mr and Mrs. Daniel Bancroft of High street on W e d n e s d a y , July $. 1 Russe l l were gues t s of Mrs. Mar-

, T h e occas ion w a s Mrs. Gordon's , garet Egg l e s ton . Sunday. s$ th birthday. T h e tables w e r e j :

I decorated with large bouquets of j

Emmet t Briggs has purchaaed from John Lumley bis vacant lot j here and has built a danc ing pa­vi l ion and store.

Mrs. Warren Tidd of Natural Bridge is v is i t ing her mother , Mrs.

man. Mr. and Mrs. George „ Fowler and daughter , Dorothy, and nephew Claude Fowler , all of Antwerp; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Fowler and sons . Cedric. Cecil , and Donald, of Em­eryv i l l e ; Mr. and Mrs. S a m Brouse and t w o chi ldren. Cresson and Helena , Ephraim F o w l e r and soft Frank. Mrs. Robert Bick ford and daughter Beryl , al l of Fowler , and

j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durham of Gouverneur. Fr iends HI tha fam­ily present w e r e Gene Tyler of Har­risvi l le; Miss E l v a Gilbert. o f G o u -vernettr: Mrs . G e n e v i e v e Hammond of Antwerp , « n d Vernon Durham of Gouvernejir. . . -._ . - ""


The Graham family of Pitcairn J w h i t e p e o n i e s wi th green . Mrs . , held its reunion July 4th at the Gordon rece ived m a n y g i f t s of! farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry -41OW*TS and cards from frienda. Eaves . E ighty re lat ives and friends T h o s e p r e s e n t were Mr. and Mrs. were present. Officers e lec ted are Clarence Co lony of Oxbow; Mr. as fa l lows: Carlton Craffee. Nat- and Mrs. Arthur F l e m i n g and t w o ural Bridge, pres ident: Mrs. A lma sons . Paul and Lloyd; Mrs. Jed Peabody. treasurer; Mrs Robert T h o m a s and daughter Marjorie. of

lain, recording secretary; the W a t e r t o w n ; Frank Colony, of Car-committee to provide for the next - thage ; Mr and Mrs- -Maurice Aus-reunion place for meeting, Mrs. t in and son Donald, of South Bona-JarlRobinson. Mrs. Marry Graham, parte; and Mr. and Mrs. N a th a n i d A l o n i o Graham; entertainment Bickford.

^ m M l t t e e Mrs. Edna Graham of T ^ largest nah reported caught Bayonae. N T . . Mrs Char*** F s s ^ v &&* Bonaparte th i s s e a s o n w a s

1' M 2 L N t l U e M e r r 1 u o f W t - exhibi ted by WiiUam Fox . proprie-eairu The o ldest relative present toP & ^ F o x p , ^ c o m p a n y of iras Mrs Laura Graham; younges t . Carthage. Jt w a s a large m o u t h Annfe Graham, n ine months , the wall-eyed pike Mnd w e i g h e d s ix daughter of Mr and Mrs. A l o n s o pounds and 11 ounces . Mr. F o x

PORTER HILL - L e e Lacy . '*rho has been v i s i t ing

mt Ray Cook's , has re turned to h i s h o m e in Massena .

Mrs. George Bland in spent Sun­d a y in P y r i t e s v i s i t ing her daugh­ter . Mrs. Per le Aust in and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton Poole and d a u g h t e r Laura, and son John, of the P o n 4 road. Mr. and Mrs. R o y Poo le of P y r i t e s . M r and Mrs. George Cook of HennOnT Mr. and Mrs. H o w a n L P e t r i e and s o n Ralph of the -Pond road, Miss W i l l a m e t t a Baxter of Hermon . Mr. and Mrs . Fred S t e a c y and family and Ken­n e t h Underwood enjoyed a picnic ar"Syfria^Lake"Sunday

Mis s Gene-ra tTook spent the

There was a bouquet on the al-; tar in memory of his birthdaj\i which occurs July 17th. Dr. Cald i wel l traveled and worked-with1 ' , B i shop Lewis . H e gave us many! M™p v * f ° ™ u m - ' „ _ I w - . "T " t J #' - • interest ing facts about China ! .Mr and Mrs. Ray H a r r i n g t o n . Mrs. C a m e Beenfleld of Syra-7' r 1 are entertaining their n i e c e s from j cuse spent the week-end at t h e

—T" j Canton. > . . 1 home of ber s i s ter . Mrs. Leo Stor-E L M G R O V E r ^ i 8 « ^Ua Masters of E d w a r d s ! rin.

. ^ _ t has been spending the past t w o • Mrs ""Anna Turner of Theresa re-P h i n e a s Reed is doing the iiay w e e k s w i t n D e r a l i n t " l l 4 r * E r n e s t ! turned to her home Sunday after

ing on M a r y ' H a m i l t o n ' s farm ' Tinney. Spending the past week wi th b e r Raymond Hami l ton and Ford Ba- M r a n d U n E r n e s l ^ ^ e y are brother, Andrew LaidUw.

ker were in Canton and Pyrites «"*****»*«* Mr. and Mrs. Talcot t [ Mrs Lottie Gleason of Central S u n d a y

T h e e lectr ic l i gh t s h a v e been In­stal led in our school house A new hardwood floor Is go ing to be ltyed soon.

M i s s Doris Dusharm and school m a t e . Miss Ward, are v is i t ing Dor i s ' grandparents . W m . Baiter

M i s s Luia and Laura Reed are sick with the m e a s l e s . Eve ry-one w i s h e s them a s p e e d y recovery

Mr. and Mm. J21en Daw*v and daughter Doris of Gouverneur visit­ed at J a m e s Peterson ' s Friday

of Phoenix over the week-end. Miss Frieda Church of Fuller-

vi l le and Ruth Greenhil l of Rich-vllre visited Miss Myrtle Whit ford lait week.

Mr an/1 Mrs. Les l i e Hall were in Croghan last Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hall 's uncle . Rosel le Chapman.

Graham of Pi tca irn; John Graham. ^ 4 Q ^ fami ly are spend ing the i r ! w e e k end v is i t ing friends in Pots- i E l m Grove ball t e a m played with M). of Antwerp, oldest man of the vacat ion in the Dr. C. F. A d a m s ! dam. J W a r d s Brfdge Sunday and won ine cKn_ Mr*. Isabel la Hutchinson. «J. C O t tage at the lake. Mr. Fox wms Mrs. H a t t i e Cook i s v i s i t i n g ; s c o r e w a s S5-7 of Harrisvi l le . w a s the o l d e s t trying h i r Tuck a t fishing aad In a friends at Russe l l ?uest. Those from the greatest dls- g^ott t ime had hooked h i s prt ie = — ^ — " ~ - spent th* week: end at her bom ttnees w e r e : Mr. and Mrs. Wil- M ^ The fight that fol lowed w a s ' t . - . u A D r c u r C A t i r r 1 ^ nam Graham. H u d s o n . Mich. T h e i„ nwurress for about a half hour! M I A * . M A K t t U - t F A i A * T J >fr8 . Ber tha Woodward of Gouv

e m e u r is v i s i t ing hei; s i s t e r ^ Mr? Earl Smith .

en t s at Crog>an over the Fourth of July. .

Mrs.Bruce Ferris spent the 4th wi th her husband on Bald Moun-

S qua re visited at the h o m e of M r v Sadie Lancto o n Saturday and Sunday _. :

The amount of $2030 was real ixed from the food sale held in the park Saturday g *

A miss ionary m e e t i n g 'wil l be held ednesday evening* July 17th at the home of Mrs. -Cora Myers.

Mrs, JohaJ5**H- vis i ted b e r par [ E v e r y lady 4s urged t o be present. POIVTIACB

following d e s c e n d a n t s of David C*s.ham present w e r e : Mr. and Hra. Henry E a v e s . M n . Nel l ie Mer-r:::. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graha.m. Worth B. Graham, Mrs Laura Gra-fcr. Adolnh Graham. Mr. and Mrs Htrrr Graham and cf i ldren . Cecil . » . L.vnn. Lloyd, Geraldine. Ger "*aev. and Martha Graham. Mr. and fey Alonxo Graham and children. |[Wsr.h D.. and A m y Graham. Mr

Mr*. Char les Fenton and rhter H e l e n Mr and .Mrs

Pembody. son Franklyn. and Bishop, all of Pitcairn: Mr

Mrs Kenneth Graham and son of Black River; John Gr%*

* * . £ * * • * * Graham, and Mr and , 5 L ^-*rl B r e w s t e r of Anrwerr

E m o g e s s Graham of W i l n a : :*nd Mrs. Chari^s Harrington

Glea and Rfvb^n Harrtnr M r s Editb Robinson of

Mr a&d Mrs Wil l iam of RodsotL Hict ; Mr and

Graham a*d daughter G r a h a m And g r a n d

. 2 " f . B e t t y M a e Fritg. of Bay g * J : Mr a » d Mrs. Carlton r ^ J - daugtrteTS Ruth aad Hel-T » « Mr nwi Mr* W L. Ck*M**

ERzabeth and of Carthage

wwre Jotaa sosi Baro ld . of Sta:ex

Aicnes t . Dagrss

« f ^ a v t t k i ^ >• j : M f Mrs. R e t a r d

- - ^ Doretay of

Carpemer thf

in progress i w * W U L • i » u u w i j and the fish w a s landed in the boat without the aid of a landing net or hooks T h e spec imen had m a n r admirers .

Rev. Joseph W McDanie ls of McPherson . K a r - . is v i s i t ing at the ' h o m e of Ralph Hosmer and call!HE on other relat ives and friends. H e * resided here when a boy. H e has , just returned from a n extended ! trip throughout Florida.

Mr and Mrs David Ri tchie and <*a;:ghter Dorothy of Sheffield. Pa . are vts i t inx re lat ives s nd old fr iends tn this jrf l iage . This is M r Ritchie 's first visit here in twenty-five years . H e is superintendent oi a large tannery there At one t ime be res ided here wber* his father. Wi l l iam Ritchie , w a s super i c t e i x i e n u o f the s4d tannery |

Miss E m m a L m b e r oi Yorkers* is v is i t ing re lat ives and frieiwls In t o w n She formerly resided here . ; 5:he win spend the s u m m e r vaca­t ion with ber s i s ter and family . Mr and Mrs Rxma Ki lbun; a: Newton Fa l l s ,

Mr And Mrs Gerald RusseD end daughter Pauline and soc Rodger. mad Miss Sus ie Kring left Jury Stfc . for aa automobi le trtp through the ArfdiroodAck* pkanuinx to vistt Tun-per i-ake d a r a n a c Placid Ausabi^ Fal ls and C h a s m Plsc i sburg aad (Vber places eg route

The Ansel T b o s A s family reur im win be beid a: ih* b o o e of WmDMt* Tsocaas oa S^aday J^ly

"Kr*-©—R-^Ha# 1'jr - x ^

Mrs. Roy Rose w h o has been in the VanDuxee Jgemoria! Hospital at Gouvrraeur i s reported much 1 better at tfcls t ime

Mr and Mrs. L e w i s Cunningham \ Miss Maye Whitford w a s in Ca&r \ and Mr, and Mrs. Doug las Cunning-

j ton'July 3 to attemi the funeral of j h a m , spent Sunday afternoon at M i s i Sadie W e a v e r ^f Wat e - own! M r s M a b e l S b e l < J o n - / Carl V e n t o n s at Osbornevi l le Miss Sadie W e a v e r ^ u a t e . o w n j U r a Q d M p $ A B c ^ o n e y ^ , l v a a a d huciW RidBd^t for*

j Carthasf « f r * gues t s of Mrs A n n a ) been spending a week at Alexan Coloney. 8unday. ^ j dria Bay, retumingr h o m e the past

Our Sunday school w h i c h ^was I week , . -— -organized July 1st by Mr. Perry i Frank Beenfield returned home Haines , 'he new ass i s tant t o Rev j Sunday after spending two weeks B r a d s h a v . was well attended- j with his s ister in Water town

W e ar*-~ f a n n i n g \A h a v e o u n Third Annual Old H o m e S u n d a y ; W h e n washing w i n d o w s at the South Edwards church o n br August 11th Every former resi-j an dent is invited to be pi^sent and greet old f r nad*. i t will be a bas­ket pir ur *hi- y*ar and coff*-e will be furni?"*-^ t y the c o m m i t t e e in charge

Mr. and Mrs Hiram Moor* and d a u g h t e r - T ^ l a a l so M i s s e s Mar? and Marion Moore viaited relatives

* near Canton Sunday.


S h e e r abil ity and c h a m : ra:ber than a "lucKy break**, s t a r e d Syl­via Sidn'-v on a s tage career Miss S i d n e y plays a prominent roie ;n "Thru Different Eyes*', Fcx Movie tone al l-talking production a Gralyn Theatre . Wednesday add Thursday. July 17 aad 1* EnroT^i In th« Theatre Guild Sc-hoo* sz* at tracted the attent ion of W n h r n ; Ames who cast her in a number of s tage rc4*a H*r most recent ntag» p a r was in "*GO4P of *"

remem hat newspapers furnish -a *ory\ rheap material for drying 1, , - r , ".-" - - r. . mmm-

:fe E e f r e s h i a g %z>d d e i l c i o t f 1 d n n k s are *osne of the bes* t>*"** ] a z * f for children on hot su^rr.*r

days Corneij has a bullet :n z-v int several exce l lent reci^-f '.v th^s* Write to the office of pub

j| l iratjnn #ta:* co i ieges . k h a ^ t N T . for -Milk as a Daiiy Fvxt". fE-105)

' A gcxyf dr^f: horse is a ready .^aiKl wfl'inr *<JTYPT and is ne i ther

irritAbl* nor nervous

$1.00 a ton

A b~:MZM* r.-o«!gist w » s r j ap>pear az the riTJj Cxf of Chastaoq«a> M :; VzZ'm w-:3 b* acc^Kipasiei by ker . - - tcr Ber^be FalieL boti a

t'."- . t i t i^tticr of r«x:wa.

ice Closed .^•^•ecount of tb« anzraaJ employ ee»

$ fce o&ct of the St. Lawrence Co. a c , wiQ be deved aD day Thur*-!&• -To report trouble ca.'.l 5S.


Phone 211-M

H. A. BISHOP *fc5 £ * $ - S u m t T » E E *

lf*_ L • III I I I JL _



COAL • O S L C * 8 0 » 0 * E »

Don't Throw Away Your

SHOES They will serve you twice as long If I re­pair them and they will look like new.


A *•>



Trjf f immUih thmmm Mif Cmr mffmrmd mt mm imermmse i*

Big Car labrleat-tsgsvst«B&. • • •

B i g C a r

B i g Cmr f a e l f e e i

Big Car c»o!lag systeai

r i ' - - : t -


Zx 1

A. W. Orerzcka'

I iP^5-*e *«: -



3 E ? - «C CENTRAL GARAGE 1 j ^

wHDO *-»av eot/V€**f€4Jil» f t Y.

Alex Carbone %if

mt \ 7X

A S S O C 1 A T I C t A L a H

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Yoaget - ^ - ^ - j e