mobile developer 101 (mhealth 2012 edition)

Mobile Development 101 December 5, 2012 Richard Mendis, CMO, AnyPresence Caroline Lewko, CEO, WIP 1

Post on 20-Oct-2014




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Learn about App Design, Mobile Development. Trends in the Health Industry, and how your company can benefit from going mobile.


Page 1: Mobile Developer 101 (mHealth 2012 Edition)

Mobile Development 101 December 5, 2012

Richard Mendis, CMO, AnyPresence Caroline Lewko, CEO, WIP


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Richard Mendis CMO and Co-Founder, AnyPresence [email protected]

An enterprise mobile development platform and solutions for the healthcare and other industries

20+ years in enterprise software industry:

§  VP of Solution Mgmt at SAP §  CMO and Co-Founder, Clear

Standards §  VP of Marketing at Current

Analysis §  Product Line Manager, Siebel


Speaker Intros


Caroline Lewko CEO, Wireless Industry Partnership (WIP) [email protected]

WIP is the connector in the mobile industry, supporting the ecosystem by encouraging discussions, co-creation and information exchange

In the wireless / telecom industry since 1995:

§  Founding Chair, Wavefront §  Founder and Chair, WINBC (now

DigiBC) §  Analyst, Anderson Consulting


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§ Mobility and mHealth Market Trends § Mobile App Development ¡ Design ¡ Development ¡  Testing ¡ Deployment

§ Mobile Strategy and Compliance § Summary


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Mobile Web and Smartphone Adoption


2005 2010

<$200 Smartphone Unit Cost

270m Smartphone Units Sold

85m Mobile Internet Subscribers

~18m Desktop Internet Subscribers

Q1 Q3 Q5 Q7 Q9 Q11 Quarters since launch

Smartphone and tablet devices out-pacing PC as primary means for accessing email and Internet.



: ID

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By 2015, more U.S. Internet users will access the Internet through mobile devices than through PCs or other wireline devices.

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Global Apps Market by 2015

$25B $17B Global Enterprise Mobility Market by 2015

By the Numbers: Mobility in the Enterprise


50% of all devices on the corporate network will be mobile devices by 2015

80% of Fortune 500 companies are testing or deploying iOS

80% 77% 61% permitted for corporate use

$6.9B North American Mobile Business Apps Market by 2014

72% of small

businesses use mobile apps

in operations

42% Increase in Productivity

59% Increase in Sales/Service


Sources: Aberdeen, Forrester, GigaOM

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mHealth App Explosion

6 Source: Edna Boone, Mashable: “5 Ways Mobile Tech Can Improve Your Health”

44 million mHealth apps will have been downloaded by the end of 2012

13,000 consumer health iPhone apps by summer 2012

6,000 clinical-type iPhone apps for physicians by summer 2012

30% of physicians using smartphones and tablets to treat patients

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Mobile Readiness in Healthcare Provider Industry


34% have mobile apps

38% have a mobile-enabled web site

SHSMD / MedTouch Survey Fall 2011

241 responses

from SHSMD


Mobile site (38%)

Mobile app (34%)

Source: SHSMD / MedTouch Survey - Fall 2011

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App Design


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Usability is Critical to Mobile App Adoption

9 Sources: Smashing Magazine, EffectiveUI

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Tips for App Design

§  Focus on task completion with the least # of steps

§  Look at usability examples §  Simplify: what is the minimum

needed to complete the task? §  Don’t boil the ocean: pick 1-2

form factors to start (eg. smartphone in portrait and landscape mode)

§  Avoid non-standard UI patterns (

§  Utilize vector-based source images when possible


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App Mockup/Prototyping Tools

•  Balsamiq – simple wireframes, very quick, web or desktop version available

•  JustInMind – high fidelity, run on device, native libraries, generates docs, desktop only

•  Axure – high fidelity, run on device, native libraries, generates docs, desktop only


Visualize your app before building 30+ UI prototyping and wireframing tools are available, many with free plans

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App Development


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Enterprise Systems

Databases BI/DW


Web Services

File Servers & CMS

Mobile Services:

Urban Airship Flurry Analytics


App Testing & Distribution:

App47 Apperian


Mobile Back-end Services: AnyPresence

Stackmob etc.

Native: iOS

Android WinMo


Web: HTML5

CSS Javascript

Developer Frameworks:

Phonegap Appcelerator


MEAP: Antenna Verivo


Enterprise Mobile Architecture: Multiple Layers to Consider


Mobile Presentation


Mobile Services


Data Sources and Systems

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What Platform(s) Do I Support?


Important questions to consider: I am building an app for employees or consumers? Does the app need to access hardware capabilities? Does the app need to work offline? Do I need to support feature phones?

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Other Considerations When Selecting Platforms

15 Source: Vision Mobile Developer Economics 2012

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HTML5 Gains Momentum (but is not on par with native yet)


HTML5 Benefits ü  Works in most modern

browsers (device agnostic) ü  Supports rich user interfaces ü  Supports phone features ü  Single, familiar code-base

66%�79%� Rich Media�Geolocation�

Native-like Behavior �Swipe and Touch�



Sources: (1) IDC, (2) mobiThinking, (3) Keynote Services, (4) Content Marketing Institute

of consumers prefer to use mobile web�

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Mobile Application Types


Native Web (HTML5) Hybrid Best for apps that need to

perform quickly, work well offline, and access many device capabilities (camera, GPS, mic, etc.)

apps that are always connected to source systems, and need to run across many device types or form factors

apps that need to access some phone capabilities, and are mostly connected

Benefits •  looks like other native apps

•  fast response time •  works well offline •  can be found

through app stores •  access to all

hardware capabilities

•  push notification capable

•  single app for all devices

•  don’t need to learn multiple mobile development tools

•  can make updates available instantly to all users

•  some benefits of native apps

•  can embed a web app into a native app “wrapper” (browser view) for faster development across platforms

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More on HTML5 vs. Native vs. Hybrid

18 Source:

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Mobile Development Challenges

Mobile platform fragmentation §  New devices and operating system

versions released throughout year §  Increasing number of form factors

Complexity of development §  Need specialized skill-sets §  Need mobile abstraction layer §  Need mobile services layer

Nuances of mobile design §  Mobile apps require different

design and interaction §  Usability is critical

Hidden costs of maintenance §  Adding new features is costly

across multiple platforms 19

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Mobile Development Approaches


Approach Pros Cons 1. Build using native tools from scratch

ü  Unlimited flexibility ✘  Highest TCO ✘  Slowest to market ✘  Difficult to maintain

2. Build using an full-stack mobile platform

ü  Lower TCO ü  Minimal coding ü  Multi-device support

✘  UI limitations ✘  Platform lock-in

3. Build using a mobile back-end platform

ü  Lower TCO ü  Unlimited UI flexibility ü  Reusable APIs

✘  Custom code for each mobile UI

70% of mobile apps created between 2008-2011 will become obsolete and candidates for re-development by YE2012

By 2014 up to 40% of Fortune 1000 organizations will employ a mobile enterprise application platform for app building Source: MGI Research

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When Should I Consider a Mobile Platform?


Always consider a platform for these two quadrants

Source: MGI Research

Consider a platform if you have

several projects or

will improve apps quickly

If you are only building

1-2 apps, and don’t see them as

strategic, may not need a


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Native or Web App Development (building from scratch)


Platform Language(s) Comments Android Java, C, C++ Open source OS (based on Linux) Bada C, C++ Samsung mobile platform running

on Linux or Realtime OS BlackBerry Java, Web Apps

QNX:, C++, HTML, CSS, JS, ActionScript

Forthcoming BB10 OS will be based on QNX

iOS Objective-C, C Mac required for development Symbian C, C++, Java,

Qt, Web Apps Longest running OS

Windows C#, VB.NET Windows 8 adds C++, Javascript

Microsoft surface uses Windows RT, Phones use Windows Phone 8 (or earlier), Slates use Windows 8

Web Apps HTML, CSS, JS Plenty of libraries available: jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Dojo

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Developer Frameworks (mostly free, paid support)


Framework Language(s) Comments Appcelerator (Titanium)

Javascript (JS) Generates native apps with a JavaScript interpreter Native look and feel Acquired solutions for HTML5 and back-end services

Phonegap HTML, CSS, JS Generates a mobile web app running in a native app browser Look and feel is not native Developer Nitobi acquired by Adobe, Phongap in Apache

RhoMobile Ruby, HTML, JS Generates native apps Not fully native look and feel Offers data synch (RhoConnect) Acquired by Motorola

Sencha Touch HTML, CSS, JS HTML5 UI framework to build web apps that look like iOS

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Mobile Enterprise Platforms (commercial)


MEAP Language(s) Comments Antenna Rapid Scripting

Langauge (RSL) Generates native and HTML5 apps with interpretation layer

Kony Lua Generates native and HTML5 apps with an interpretation layer

Sybase Unwired (SAP)

Native Device Language, HTML5, JS (via container)

Generates native or HTML5 apps Strong on database synchronization and SAP integration

Verivo (formerly Pyxis)

Lua Generates native and hybrid apps with an interpretation layer Reads a configuration file from the server

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Don’t Forget About Back-End Mobile Services

25 Source: Appcelerator/IDC

Top Services Used by Mobile App Developers…

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Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) (commercial)


MBaaS Language(s) Comments AnyPresence Ruby or Java Dedicated infrastructure per app

Cloud-based or on-premise server HTML5 and native app generation Tiered pricing based on # of apps

Kinvey Javascript Shared infrastructure across apps Cloud-based database and sever Tiered pricing based on usage

Parse Javascript Shared infrastructure across apps Cloud-based database and sever Tiered pricing based on usage

Stackmob Java, Scala Shared infrastructure across apps Cloud-based database and sever Tiered pricing based on modules

MBaaS approach: build app UI in tool of your choice, use standard API libraries for all back-end services

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Mobile App Monetization Options (1/2)

Method How it Works Best For Considerations Paid Download

•  User pays up-front to download app from an app store

•  Transaction is handled by app store, and revenue shared (typically 30%)

•  Gaming •  Entertainment •  Productivity


•  The more users pay up-front, the less likely they are to pay for in-app or tolerate ads

•  Consider free and paid versions with different features and/or less ads or in-app purchases

One-Time Sponsorship

•  Individual or business underwrites your app in exchange for recognition

•  You handle transaction

•  Local focus •  Vertical focus •  Narrow

audience focus

•  Typically a one-shot source of income; not ongoing or scalable

•  One way to get a first app off the ground

27 Source: Far Reach

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Mobile App Monetization Options (2/2)

Method How it Works Best For Considerations In-App Advertising

•  Ads run on space sold within your app, revenue is based on user impressions or clicks

•  Typically handled by an ad network (iAd, admob, JumpTap, etc.)

•  Gaming •  News •  Chat •  Entertainment

•  App needs to bring back users regularly, and for heavy use

•  Need to embed code for ad network

•  Users may not provide confidential info to apps that run advertising

In-App Purchases / Freemium or Subscription

•  User purchases additional content or features within the app

•  Transaction is handled by app store, and revenue shared

•  Gaming •  Lifestyle •  News

•  App requires loyal followers willing to pay for “virtual” benefits

•  Need to regularly provide fresh content based on monetization goals

28 Source: Far Reach

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Monetization: Top 5 Revenue Models

29 Source: Vision Mobile Developer Economics 2012

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Mobile-Enabling Existing Enterprise Systems (Buy vs. Build)

Mobile Development Platform



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Source System 1 eg. Siebel CRM

Source System 2 eg. SAP HR

ü Lowest cost option û Business workflow split across

multiple applications – user may have to switch between different apps

û Not optimized for smaller mobile form factors or touch

Re-purpose web-based applications on mobile browsers (or use virtualization)


ü Faster than custom building û Business workflow split across

multiple apps û Multiple apps with different user

experiences û  Limited customization

ü Best way to mobile-enable a process that spans multiple source systems

û Higher total cost of ownership (TCO) for initial development (but lower than custom building using only native tools)

Use mobile applications from source

system vendors

� OPTION Develop custom applications using a mobile platform (or from scratch)


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App Testing


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Why Focus on Testing?

Insufficient testing leads to poor app stability …which leads to low adoption and ratings …which, in the mobile world, is almost impossible to recover from

32 Source: uTest

15% to 30% of negative comments based on performance, crashes or hangs

Relative cost of defect, by time of discovery

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“Fragmentation” (why you are underestimating test effort)

Test Early, Test Often Use Real Devices Simulators are insufficient for production readiness: they produce inconsistent results when compared with actual devices “Four-factor mobile testing” ü multiple devices (and form

factors) ü multiple operating systems ü multiple connection types ü multiple carriers


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App Deployment


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Enterprise Mobility Management Ecosystem

Inventory Management

Over-The-Air Configuration

Alerts and Monitoring

Mobile Device Management

(MDM) Remote Wipe

Remote Controlling

Device Security


Apps Remote App distribution

Provisioning and


Mobile App Management

(MAM) Enterprise App Store

Performance App Analytics

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MDM Provides Centralized Device Security and Control

ü  Configure devices over the air for remote employees

ü  Secure data, and enable remote wipe in case of loss

ü  Remote troubleshooting ü  Manage telecom-related

expenses ü  Provide secure access to

sensitive corporate data

Source: Forrester, Matrix42 36

“in 2016 350 million employees will use smartphones, 200m will bring their own device” -Forrester

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MAM Provides Benefits Across the App Lifecycle


ü  Easier distribution during testing phase

ü  App configuration management

ü  App performance analytics and crash reporting

ü  App usage analytics ü  Easier deployment and control

for employee-facing apps ü  Curated internal app store

Source: Symantec

“Private enterprise app stores will be deployed by 60% of IT organizations by 2014” -Gartner

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Mobile Strategy and Compliance Considerations


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Top Challenges to Building a Mobile Strategy

39 Source: Insider Research & Netcentric Strategies

Healthcare-specific challenges: •  HIPAA compliance •  FDA regulation

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ü Mobile channel reach

ü Reduce service wait times

ü  Proactive account alerts

Mobile Scenario Domain Areas


Productivity Engagement

ü  Preventative care ü Convenience of

mobile access ü Access to personal

records (blue button)

ü Mobile self- service

ü  Ease of data access

ü  Process-based clinical apps

ü Consumer-like user experience

ü BYOD support ü HR process


Brand Value Benefit Financial Benefit

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Mobile Scenario Prioritization – Example Method

Brand Value Benefit



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ity B



ER Wait Times

Social Engagement

PHR Access

Contact Us


Post-Op Care

Physician Referral

Bill Payment

Find a Doctor

Symptom Checker


Appt. Reminders

Appt. Requests

Patient Check-in

EHR Access

Staff Schedules

Patient Check-out

Take into account both cost to build and cost savings

These will likely be

lower priority


Scenarios in this quadrant and towards the middle have dual benefits

Event Calendar

Pre- Registration

Directions Find a Doctor


Appt. Reminders

Appt. Requests

Patient Check-in

Event Calendar

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How Healthcare Measures Mobile ROI

42 Source: SHSMD / MedTouch Survey - Fall 2011

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HIPAA Compliance Considerations


Any company that deals with protected health information (PHI) must ensure that all the required physical, network, and process security measures are in place and followed. Covered entities (CE): anyone who provides treatment, typically a healthcare provider Business associates (BA): anyone with access to patient information or support, typically a supplier There are HIPAA-compliant hosting providers: OnlineTech

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When is FDA Regulation Applicable?

Disclaimer: This regulation is in draft and being revised. Obtain legal advice before formulating long-term plans. Draft guidance can be viewed on the web site:


An app may be subject to regulation if…

­  It is connected to a medical device to display results

­  It serves as an accessory of any kind to a regulated medical device

­  It takes patient data and interprets and outputs info for use in clinical decisions

­  It uses device features (i.e. camera, microphone) to gather data for diagnosis

An app is considered be outside regulatory scope if…

ü  It is provides reference content or training material

ü  It provides suggestions related to general health and wellness (preventative vs. curative)

ü  It is used to automate office operations (i.e. billing , administrative) or patient convenience (i.e. reminders)

ü  It functions as, or supplements, electronic health record system

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Enterprise Systems

Databases BI/DW


Web Services

File Servers & CMS


Push Notifications,

SMS Messaging

App User Roles and Access


App Testing Distribution

and Analytics

Data Source



Use Common

Mobile Services

Use tools Like jQuery or Sencha for HTML5

Use Prototyping

Tools for Native Apps

Avoid Client-Side Business


Mobile Architecture Best Practices


Mobile Presentation


Mobile Services


Data Sources and Systems

Page 47: Mobile Developer 101 (mHealth 2012 Edition)

Key Takeaways

ü  There is an explosion of mHealth apps, but providers still lack patient-facing apps and mobile sites

ü  Design and usability is key to app adoption

ü  Plenty of fragmentation across device and platforms

ü  Mobile development solutions can help lower TCO of building apps

ü  Architect for mobile back-end services

ü  Test early and often to avoid costly errors

ü  Prioritize mobile scenarios across financial and brand value benefits to achieve ROI

ü  HIPAA or FDA compliance may be required for apps that capture or transmit personal health


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Richard Mendis CMO and Co-Founder,

AnyPresence [email protected]

Caroline Lewko CEO, Wireless Industry

Partnerships [email protected]