mock up feed back

Mock Up Feed Back

Upload: rhiaassi

Post on 21-Nov-2015




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Mock Up Feed Back

Mock Up Feed BackCover Feedback

The way the cover is printed the alignment of the title is off and cuts off therefore looks stag. Ensure the Alignment is right when on screen as well as printed. Barcode too big. Price is also needed. Writing needs to be bolder, to avoid confusion model should wear a top with no writing on.Name needs re-thinking due to there being a film called Empire. Contents Feedback

Different Fonts are used from the cover therefore this takes away from the flow of the magazine as it does not link it together. Page number font colour should match the p0ink on the cover as this is abetter shade and it will add to pulling the magazine together. Font sizes are all different and so looks weird. This needs to be changed.A border is needed to make the pages layout look better. The photo used isn't a very strong quality one due to the lighting. If the models feet were seen this could of worked. This is a music Magazine, avoid refrence to gossip. Double Page Spread Feedback

Fonts are different to fonts used on cover and appear different to the contents fonts. There is no links to my chosen Magazine genre POP. The picture used is blurry and so does not look good. Coloured font should match the shade of pink on the front cover as it stands out more and is better. Article is weak look at Q&A interviews in existing magazines for inspiration. Font is too big. The white space on the right of the page next to the image should not be left blank, a quote or something should be put there to avoid the page looking minimal. 4Peer Feedback Summarised. CoverIf the same name is used, the full stop at the end shouldnt be used as it doesnt look good. Simple but effective.More writing is needed on the cover to make readers aware of hat else is in the magazine. Models top needs changing as although the font colour is bright, it still clashes slightly with the writing on her top.

ContentsThe Layout doesnt look very good, it is too simple. It needs to be re-thought.Layout doesnt work. Spacing of the Writing and the photo looks odd, something more is needed. Photo used has bad lighting.

Double PageThe Article is too short, needs to be expanded on with more questions maybe. The Photo used is blurry. Photo does match the point of the article but it doesnt really match the genre of your magazine. To much white space is shown.

Overall The photos used dont really represent your chosen magazine genre. The Magazine doesnt really flow very well as other than using the same model there is no other effective links to pull it all together. More pictures are needed.

Actions to take. By receiving this feedback I have decided to change the genre of my magazine to chart instead of pop. This allows me to have a more broader range of ideas in terms of the article and the style of my model and how the photo is taken due to chart music having other genres of music other than pop appearing in it.

I also have decided to change the colour of my background to black as I feel this will help my initial idea of a sophisticated magazine be shown more as at the moment I feel it does not represent this. Inspiration from magazines like vogue have given me this idea, although Vogue is not a music magazine it is very sophisticated therefore in terms of that it is good inspiration.

The layout of my contents page will be changed completely as many did not like it and thought it was to simple and just didnt work hence I want to try something new. Maybe using more than one picture to make it match my genre a bit more.