modeling dry reek experimental watershed as an integrated ...€¦ · modeling dry reek...

Soil Moisture Modeling Dry Creek Experimental Watershed as an integrated hydrologic system Katelyn A. Watson ([email protected]), Miguel Aguayo and Alejandro N. Flores Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, ID Overview A significant limitaon in many efforts to use physically based distributed hydrologic models, parcularly in regions of complex terrain, is the complete lack of meteorologic forcing data at sufficiently fine spaal resoluon approaching the correlaon scales of meteorologic phenomena. Observaonal weather and climate data in mountainous regions are typically sparse, temporally disconnuous, and oſten poorly representave of the domain of interest. An alternave is to use a numerical weather predicon model to generate meteorologic forcing data for hydrologic models. This approach, while computaonally intensive, leads to internally and physically consistent environmental forcing variables distributed over the landscape at remote and ungauged areas. These data can then be used to feed sophiscated models of surface-subsurface hydrology. We describe the applicaon of such a system for the Dry Creek Experimental Watershed (DCEW) in southwest Idaho as well as some of the associated challenges. Modeling Framework The Weather Research and Forecasng (WRF) model (Skamarock et al., 2008) is a sophiscated community regional weather and climate model that simulates the environmental forcings (precipitaon, temperature, pressure, humidity, radiaon, and wind) required as input to the ParFlow-CLM model (Maxwell and Miller, 2005). These forcings are generated first via a regional WRF model, then regridded and reformaed as input to the ParFlow-CLM modeling system. CLM, the Community Land Model, is a column land surface model that describes the fluxes of water and energy at the land surface. CLM has been previously coupled to ParFlow, a parallelized, 3-dimensional, variably saturated surface and subsurface flow model. The ParFlow-CLM modeling system is applied over the Dry Creek Experimental Watershed located in the Boise foothills. Conclusions WRF simulates precipitaon reasonably well for the 8 month period from 10/08 - 6/09 with some notable excepons Depending upon the nature of the precipitaon event the resoluon of the forcing informaon is more or less important for simulang soil moisture Discrepancies between soil moisture simulaons and observaons require further invesgaon Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge high-performance compung support from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by NCAR's Computaonal and Informaon Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the Naonal Science Foundaon, the Watershed Processes research group at Boise State University for access to observaonal data, and support from the Western Consorum for Water Analysis, Visualizaon and Exploraon (NSF EPSCoR award #IIA-1329513). References Liu, C., K. Ikeda, G. Thompson, R. Rasmussen, and J. Dudhia (2011), High-Resoluon Simulaons of Winterme Precipitaon in the Colorado Headwaters Region: Sensivity to Physics Parameterizaons, Monthly Weather Review, 139(11), 3533–3553, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00009.1. Maxwell, R. M., and N. L. Miller (2005), Development of a Coupled Land Surface and Groundwater Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6, 233–247, doi:10.1175/JHM422.1. Maxwell, R. M. (2013), A terrain-following grid transform and precondioner for parallel, large-scale, integrated hydrologic modeling. Advances in Water Resources, 53, 109–117, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.10.001. Mesinger, F. et al. (2006), North American Regional Reanalysis, Bullen of the American Meteorological Society, 87(3), 343–360, doi:10.1175/BAMS-87-3-343. Skamarock, W., J. Klemp, and J. Dudhia (2008), A Descripon of the Advanced Research WRF Version 3, NCAR. Saturaon Elevaon (m) d01 d02 d03 Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed Dry Creek Experimental Watershed Boise River Watershed ParFlow-CLM Modeling The ParFlow-CLM model describes the paroning of energy and water at the land surface and the movement of water over and through the watershed. The resoluon of the model grid and associated parameters is 30m. The terrain informaon is from the Naonal Elevaon Database, land cover informaon from LANDFIRE, and soils informaon from the SSURGO database. Soils are modeled as 1.0 m deep with bedrock below using 20 vercal layers. A drainage experiment was used to generate the inial condions. Meteorologic forcing informaon is applied at hourly me steps and at varying grid resoluons (9, 3, and 1km). Inial simulaons start at 0Z on October 1, 2008 and extend for approximately 750 hours. Atmosphere Land Surface Subsurface WRF Modeling The Weather Research and Forecasng (WRF) Model is used to dynamically downscale the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) over southern Idaho for a period extending from October 1, 2008 to June 1, 2009. The model is run using a set of three nested domains (d01, d02, and d03) of 9, 3, and 1 km horizontal resoluon respecvely (Figure 3). WRF physics parameterizaons were selected based upon the results of the NCAR Colorado Headwaters project (Liu et al., 2011). Near surface temperature, winds, humidity, and pressure as well as incoming shortwave and longwave radiaon and precipitaon are output at hourly intervals then regridded and reformaed as input files for ParFlow-CLM. 48 hours 120 hours 144 hours 96 hours Figure 7. Visualizaons showing precipitaon forcing informaon of varying resoluon from the 3 WRF model grids over the ParFlow-CLM model domain. Figure 3. Plots of cumulave modeled (d03: 1km) and observed precipitaon for 3 weather staons in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed. Figure 8. Maps showing saturaon values at a specified number of hours into the simulaon (d03:1km forcings). HS MHN HN MHS Lower Weather Treeline Lower Deer Point MLN LS Figure 1. Diagram illustrang the flow of informaon between models. Figure 2. Map of nested WRF model domains and model terrain. Figure 4. ParFlow-CLM model terrain. Figure 5. ParFlow-CLM land cover type. Figure 6. ParFlow-CLM soil type. Figure 9. Comparisons of simulated vs observed soil moisture (d03: 1km-interpolated forcings). Precipitaon rate is shown on the top subplots. Figure 10. Comparison of observed vs simulated soil moisture at site HN showing simulaons with varying resoluon forcing informaon. d03: 1km- interpolated d01: 9km d03: 1km d02: 3km Observed diel signal in the LS and MHS records is not simulated The soil moisture signal from the first precipitaon event is simulated well for all locaons The response from the second precipitaon event at LS and MHS is larger than at other sites and not well simulated Simulated ming of soil moisture response appears correct in Figure 9 The simulated response to the first precipitaon event does not appear to be sensive to the varying resoluon forcing informaon The ming of soil moisture response to the second precipitaon event changes significantly depending upon the forcing informaon

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Page 1: Modeling Dry reek Experimental Watershed as an integrated ...€¦ · Modeling Dry reek Experimental Watershed as an integrated hydrologic system Katelyn A. Watson (,

Soil Moisture

Modeling Dry Creek Experimental Watershed as an integrated hydrologic system

Katelyn A. Watson ([email protected]), Miguel Aguayo and Alejandro N. Flores

Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, ID

Overview A significant limitation in many efforts to use physically based distributed hydrologic models, particularly in regions of

complex terrain, is the complete lack of meteorologic forcing data at sufficiently fine spatial resolution approaching the

correlation scales of meteorologic phenomena. Observational weather and climate data in mountainous regions are typically

sparse, temporally discontinuous, and often poorly representative of the domain of interest. An alternative is to use a

numerical weather prediction model to generate meteorologic forcing data for hydrologic models. This approach, while

computationally intensive, leads to internally and physically consistent environmental forcing variables distributed over the

landscape at remote and ungauged areas. These data can then be used to feed sophisticated models of surface-subsurface

hydrology. We describe the application of such a system for the Dry Creek Experimental Watershed (DCEW) in southwest

Idaho as well as some of the associated challenges.

Modeling Framework The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (Skamarock et al., 2008) is a sophisticated community regional weather

and climate model that simulates the environmental forcings (precipitation, temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, and

wind) required as input to the ParFlow-CLM model (Maxwell and Miller, 2005). These forcings are generated first via a

regional WRF model, then regridded and reformatted as input to the ParFlow-CLM modeling system. CLM, the Community

Land Model, is a column land surface model that describes the fluxes of water and energy at the land surface. CLM has been

previously coupled to ParFlow, a parallelized, 3-dimensional, variably saturated surface and subsurface flow model. The

ParFlow-CLM modeling system is applied over the Dry Creek Experimental Watershed located in the Boise foothills.

Conclusions WRF simulates precipitation reasonably well for the 8 month period from 10/08 - 6/09 with some notable exceptions

Depending upon the nature of the precipitation event the resolution of the forcing information is more or less

important for simulating soil moisture

Discrepancies between soil moisture simulations and observations require further investigation


We would like to acknowledge high-performance computing support from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided

by NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the

Watershed Processes research group at Boise State University for access to observational data, and support from the

Western Consortium for Water Analysis, Visualization and Exploration (NSF EPSCoR award #IIA-1329513).

References Liu, C., K. Ikeda, G. Thompson, R. Rasmussen, and J. Dudhia (2011), High-Resolution Simulations of Wintertime Precipitation in the Colorado Headwaters Region: Sensitivity to Physics

Parameterizations, Monthly Weather Review, 139(11), 3533–3553, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00009.1.

Maxwell, R. M., and N. L. Miller (2005), Development of a Coupled Land Surface and Groundwater Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6, 233–247, doi:10.1175/JHM422.1.

Maxwell, R. M. (2013), A terrain-following grid transform and preconditioner for parallel, large-scale, integrated hydrologic modeling. Advances in Water Resources, 53, 109–117,


Mesinger, F. et al. (2006), North American Regional Reanalysis, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87(3), 343–360, doi:10.1175/BAMS-87-3-343.

Skamarock, W., J. Klemp, and J. Dudhia (2008), A Description of the Advanced Research WRF Version 3, NCAR.


Elevation (m)




Reynolds Creek Experimental


Dry Creek



Boise River


ParFlow-CLM Modeling The ParFlow-CLM model describes the partitioning of energy and

water at the land surface and the movement of water over and

through the watershed. The resolution of the model grid and

associated parameters is 30m. The terrain information is from the

National Elevation Database, land cover information from LANDFIRE,

and soils information from the SSURGO database. Soils are modeled

as 1.0 m deep with bedrock below using 20 vertical layers. A drainage

experiment was used to generate the initial conditions. Meteorologic

forcing information is applied at hourly time steps and at varying grid

resolutions (9, 3, and 1km). Initial simulations start at 0Z on October

1, 2008 and extend for approximately 750 hours.

Atmosphere Land Surface Subsurface

WRF Modeling The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)

Model is used to dynamically downscale the

North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR)

over southern Idaho for a period extending

from October 1, 2008 to June 1, 2009. The

model is run using a set of three nested

domains (d01, d02, and d03) of 9, 3, and 1 km

horizontal resolution respectively (Figure 3).

WRF physics parameterizations were selected

based upon the results of the NCAR Colorado

Headwaters project (Liu et al., 2011). Near

surface temperature, winds, humidity, and

pressure as well as incoming shortwave and

longwave radiation and precipitation are output

at hourly intervals then regridded and

reformatted as input files for ParFlow-CLM.

48 hours 120 hours 144 hours 96 hours

Figure 7. Visualizations showing precipitation forcing information of varying resolution from the 3 WRF model grids over the ParFlow-CLM model domain.

Figure 3. Plots of cumulative modeled (d03: 1km) and observed precipitation for 3 weather stations in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed.

Figure 8. Maps showing saturation values at a specified number of hours into the simulation (d03:1km forcings).





Lower Weather


Lower Deer Point



Figure 1. Diagram illustrating the flow of information between models.

Figure 2. Map of nested WRF model domains and model terrain.

Figure 4. ParFlow-CLM model terrain.

Figure 5. ParFlow-CLM land cover type. Figure 6. ParFlow-CLM soil type.

Figure 9. Comparisons of simulated vs observed soil moisture (d03: 1km-interpolated forcings). Precipitation rate is shown on the top subplots.

Figure 10. Comparison of observed vs simulated soil moisture at site HN showing simulations with varying

resolution forcing information.

d03: 1km- interpolated

d01: 9km

d03: 1km

d02: 3km

Observed diel signal in the LS and

MHS records is not simulated

The soil moisture signal from the

first precipitation event is simulated

well for all locations

The response from the second

precipitation event at LS and MHS is

larger than at other sites and not

well simulated

Simulated timing of soil moisture

response appears correct in Figure 9

The simulated response to the first

precipitation event does not appear

to be sensitive to the varying

resolution forcing information

The timing of soil moisture response

to the second precipitation event

changes significantly depending

upon the forcing information