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Monograph I:CHILD ABUSE Level: Basic Teacher: Miss Dora Calvo Student: Guillen Snchez Jhoselin Stacy

Cycle: Conversation 1 2014Nuevo Chimbote - Peru


-To GodBy enlighten me for this joband for give me life to finish it successfully

-To TeacherBy give me the necessary knowledge for my professional education.

-Tomy dearParentsBy their unconditional support and economic. The daily effort that make for me.


The phenomena of violence and insecurity are part of the social reality not only in our country but in several regions of the world.

Violence against children is growing and estimated that about 6 million children and adolescents under 18 years of age in Latin America are abused and 80,000 die each year as a result of damage caused by family or others.

Violence in the family is one of the most serious problems affecting our society and abuse of children is perhaps the most eloquent expression of breaking the bonds of responsibility between generations. Mistreatment and abuse constitute an infringement of the rights of children. Although occurring in the home, not a private matter because everything related to the overall development of a child is a matter of public interest.

When a child grows up in an atmosphere of violence or abuse your identity is violated, their potential for learning and integration with their environment and affects their ability to define a life is compromised. In such contexts, the school must become a place of repair. This repair can be approached from different perspectives.

On the one hand, from the mobilization of a large number of processes and defense mechanisms: emotional warmth, enhanced self-esteem, group integration, idealization and strengthening the ability to imagine a better future. On the other hand, using the teaching and learning processes themselves. work intellectual, narrative ability, artistic or athletic expression, success in the educational process, are also factors that strengthen the capacity to overcome the effects of abuse.

The school must be prepared to act, aware of its capabilities and limitations. We know that in some cases, if you act without training, care or the necessary discretion may intensify the damage. Teamwork and interagency intervention modalities are very necessary to act against such situations.

OBJETIVES General ObjetivesAchieve awareness that adults do not come to the abuse as a method of educating children and achieve a reduction the level of abuse in homes. Why should we learn to recognize the child abuse? How to avoid child abuse? Specific objetive

Give a good education to the children without resorting to aggression, because it can have consequences in the future. Build a culture of respect and good communication between parents and children. Give solutions to help people living with a child who has been abused.


TITLE PAGE-------------------------------------------------01THANKS------------------------------------------------------02OBJETIVES --------------------------------------------------03 General Objetives Specific ObjetivesINDEX---------------------------------------------------------04INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------05Chapter I: Child Abuse1.1) Whats Child Abuse? ----------------------------------061.2) Classification of Abuse --------------------------------071.3) Factors Associated with child abuse -----------------08Chapter II: Detection of Abuse2.1) Places where child abuse occurs----------------------092.2) How to identifity abused children------------------10Chapter III: How to help victims of abuse3.1) The best way to help the children---------------------11Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------12References ----------------------------------------------------13


The reason I study this research topic, is that from the previous years . Child abuse is a problem in all times and in all countries, may even extend to the history of the humanity. The first descriptions of child abuse were in 1626. Nowaday many organizations are concerned for this serious social problem.Over time have been made investigations of child abuse, which has been a problem for society and has been given during the past of time. The intentional use of physical force or omission of care by parents is called physical abuse. Most parents who abuse their children is because they had experienced the same situation by their parents.

There are different ways of how to mistreat a child which can be physical, emotional, psychological or mental, abandonment or neglect or sexual abuse.We live in a world where violence prevails , and should not be surprised that your domain is started in the family, because that is where it begins to manifest .The most serious assaults on children occurs precisely at Home.In recent times these behaviors have been convicted of constitute some of the most common forms of penetrating and violence in our society, still thousands of children suffer physical, psychological and sexual abuse at home. The family is and should be considered as the most important for our society more complex institution, and what happens in the family can have positive and negative effects on each of the individual members and therefore a match or mismatch in relationships intrafamily.The child can not defend against attacks from adults, do not ask for help, it puts him in a vulnerable position with an aggressive and / or negligent adult. Abused children have several problems in their evolutionary development, cognitive, socio-emotional, and behavioral deficits that make it impossible appropriate development of his personality. Then the importance of early identification abuse and seek an appropriate response to assist the child in their development. In this work related to the investigation of the child abuse,I give to meet the factors that lead to child abuse and how we can help children who suffer of this abuse.


1.1. What is child abuse?

A child is abused when their physical or mental health and safety are in danger by actions taken by the mother or father or other persons responsible for their care, leading to abuse by action, omission or negligence. Child abuse is a serious social problem, with cultural and psychological roots, which may happen in families of any economic or any educational level. Child abuse violates fundamental rights of children and girls and therefore must be stopped.

1.2. Classification Of Abuse

Child abuse is a pattern of abuse or abusive behavior that is directed to the child and affects the physical, emotional and sexual aspects. Child abuse can be classified into abuse by action and abuse by omission

1.2.1. Abuse by action

Physical abuse:Physical abuse is defined as any physical injury directed to the child (bruises, burns, fractures, eye injuries, skin lesions) by hitting, hair lugs or other means by which the child is injured.The parent or adult in charge may not have intended to hurt the child, abuse is also interpreted as the appearance of any physical injury that occurs due to the use of some type of inappropriate punishment for the child's age

Fetal abuse:It occurs when the mother ingests deliberately alcohol or other drugs, and the fetus is in the womb. Product of this, the child is born with problems, defects or mental retardation

Emotional or Psychological Abuse:

It is one of the more subtle but also more existing forms of child abuse. Boys and girls are routinely ridiculed, insulted or despised. Children are subjected to see acts of physical or verbal violence toward other family member. In thoses families are allowed or tolerated drug or alcohol abuse. This abuse causes mental or emotional harm to the child, causing enough disturbance to affect the dignity and even harm your health

Sexual abuse:

It can be defined as contacts or interactions between a boy or a girl and an adult in which the child is being used for the sexual gratification of an adult and face which can not give informed consent. It can include from the exhibition of the genitals by the adult. Common forms of sexual abuse include incest, rape, abduction, sexual acts, etc.

1.2.2. Abuse by omission

Abuse by omission is divided into:Abandonment or Neglect

This means an intentional failure of the parent or guardian to meet the child's basic needs as food, security, education and child wellness. This may include, for example, do not give the child food, medicine and affection. Two types of abandonment or neglect can be defined:

Physical neglect:

This includes not paying attention when the child is sick, or when parents kicked out of the house to his son.

Educational neglect or abandonment:

Do not register your child in the levels of education required for each city; not doing enough to provide care the needs of special education.1.3. Factors Associated With Child Abuse



wrong concept of discipline False expectations Immaturity Mental Retardation Psychopathies Addictions

Family: Children Unwanted Economic difficulties Unemployment conjugal Dispute Severe EducationSocial:

negative social attitude Indifference of society Concept of physical punishment


The popular idea of a child "hit" evokes the image of a pathetic, dirty and covered in bruises infant.The true picture reveals that children suffer from an infinite variety of abuse, usually by parents.Child abuse includes a set of offenses such as violation, murder, until the negation of love.These children learn from an early age to seek to please any adult with who they may come into contact as a way to protect themselves. The ability to detect that a child has been abused depends knowledge by each observer on the physical state of a child and child normal behavior. When a child seems to behave in an abnormal way, we can say that the cause is the abuse.Places Where Child Abuse Occurs

-At home.Most cases of child abuse occurs in the family. When the family live with other relatives, such as grandparents, uncles or cousins; children can be abused by them.The professionalsvisiting families, such as health workers and social workers, they may suspect child abuse, but rarely are chosen to entrust such disclosure. - In the clinic or childcare:

Careful observation of these children may lead to the detection of child abuse, but it is never easy to decide when a child's development is compromised as a result of abuse. When non-accidental injuries are present, it is less difficult, but such cases constitute a minority.

-At School:

The abuse of the student causes considerable problems for the recognition of abuse. Teachers spend much of their time and skills to win the confidence of the student and this required make friends with them. While the children are older, they become more secretive about their bodies. Medical school official has an important responsibility in the recognition of the physical evidence of abuse.

How To Identify A Abused Children The indicators of behaviorThe behavior of abused children offers many indications that detect their situation. Most of these signs are not specific, because behavior can be attributed to several factors. However, when behaviors appear indicated below , is convenient to give importance and consider the mistreatment and abuse among possible causes: The Repeated absences in class Poor school performance and concentration difficulties The constant depression and / or the presence of aggressive behavior or suicidal ideas. Excessive docility Defensive toward adults. The intense search for affectionate expressions by adults, especially when it comes to young children. Attitudes or sex games inappropriate for age.Physical indicators:

The alteration of the normal patterns of growth and development. The persistent lack of hygiene and body care Corporal punishment marks. The "accidents" frequently. Early pregnancy


The best way to help the children is: Identifying cases of abuse. Making interventions in situations detected through sensitive and trained teachers. Report cases of abuse to the relevant agencies.Here we suggest some lines of work that the school can develop with children and their families: Perform tasks of sensitivity and training. Make reflective workshops. Stimulate confidence and self-esteem of children

To successfully develop the preventive function, the school as an institution should be able to review their own attitudes toward thecontrol of the behavior of children and adolescents. Give students the space and opportunities to experiment non-violent ways to resolve conflicts.Do assemblies, classroom tips and every thing that stimulates democratic participation in school life. If there are abused children the people should not settle with what is happening. They should consider the child's wellness, and denounce the aggressor so the offender will receive professional help or just penalty.

If parents are the aggressors, that custody of the child is delivered to a family member or a person who really wants and are willing to take responsibility for their good education and formation.Go as soon as possible to the offices of the DEMUNA, because in them there are people who are prepared to assist and guide the search for possible solutions. You can also go to the police stations for women, which belong to the Ministry of Social Wellness and are found more easily. Many abused children show surprising recovery, especially if they have someone to protect them and they can trust.A child has suffered some abuse; it provides specific rehabilitation for their reintegration into society is the easiest way. CONCLUSION:

The health of children should be cared; the child should not be exposed to emotional imbalance for causes of abuse. As we have already mentioned, abuse can take many forms and affect in several ways children may cause serious cases such as death.It should be dialogues in schools concerning to family violence and how to prevent it in the future, to raise a family, the children should not be abused. Every child abused has the right to live a life like any other child and you must give the necessary help to overcome this problem.The people must raise awareness about child abuse they should give a good education to their children. They should not hit their children, instead it, they must give love, care and protection, and these are the best ways to provide a good moral education to their children.


Diane E. Papalia y Sally Wendkos Old. Desarrollo Humano. Naucalpan Jurez, Mxico: Ed. Mc Graw Hill, 1990, 753 pgs. Nicola, Y. (2006) El maltrato infantil. Gua Didctica de Psicologa del Desarrollo I. UTPL. Quito, Ecuador, pgs. 10-31. Soriano Faura, Francisco Javier, Promocin del buen trato y prevencin del maltrato en el mbito de la atencin primaria de la salud, PrevInfad (AEPap)/PAPPS infancia y adolescencia, abril de 2005. Surez Saavedra, S. y J. Rodrguez Surez, Maltrato infantil, Boletn de Pediatra, 46 (Supl. 1), 2006, pgs. 119-124. World Health Organization and International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Preventing Child Maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence.

A travs del tiempo se han hecho investigaciones acerca del maltrato infantil, el cual ha sido un problema para la sociedad y que se ha ido dando durante el paso del tiempo.El uso intencionado de la fuerza fsica u omisin de cuidado por parte de los padres viene siendo lo que es el maltrato. La mayor parte de los padres que abusan de sus hijos, haban sufrido ellos tambin la misma situacin por partede sus progenitores.Existen diferentes maneras de cmo se puede maltratar a un infante los cualespueden ser: fsica, emocional, psicolgica o mental, por abandono o negligencia por abuso sexual.Al paso del tiempo el maltrato puede producir consecuencias en el desarrollodel nio una de ellas es que afecta en su crecimiento, en su conducta, tambinpuede causar traumas psicolgicos o trastornos mentales.

los malos tratos y sevicias son un problema de todos los tiempos y de todos los pases, es decir, puede extenderse a la misma historia de la humanidad aun cundo no sabemos con exactitud la magnitud que tom el maltrato en las distintas pocas de su desarrollo. Las primeras descripciones sobre maltrato infantil datan desde 1626. En la actualidad numerosas organizaciones tanto gubernamentales como privadas nacionales e internacionales, se ocupan del grave problema social que entraa esta problemtica.child abuse is a problem in all times and in all countries, may even extend to the history of the humanity. The first descriptions of child abuse were from 1626.

Today many organizations are concerned for this serious social problemVivimos en un mundo en el que predomina la violencia. Y no debera extraarnos que su dominio se inicie en la familia, pues es ah donde empieza a manifestarse. La mayor parte de las agresiones graves a los nios se da precisamente en el hogar y esto da lugar a que dicho problema del maltrato a los nios se encuentre en personas y circunstancias casi o totalmente fuera de control, este tema se relaciona con el malinterpretado derecho de correccin y de una u otra manera todos debemos hacernos responsables para no seguir incubando en la sociedad ese fenmeno tan desastroso y responsable de diversas anomalas en la misma; pues tanto el maltrato infantil como la violencia intrafamiliar son fenmenos sociales que han gozado de aceptacin en nuestra cultura.

We live in a world where violence prevails , and should not be surprised that your domain is started in the family, because that is where begins to manifest .

The most serious assaults on children occurs precisely at HomeA pesar de que en los ltimos tiempos estas conductas han sido condenadas por constituir algunas de las formas de violencia ms comunes y penetrantes en nuestra sociedad, todava miles de nios sufren maltrato fsico, psicolgico y sexual en su propio hogar. La familia es y debera considerarse como la institucin ms compleja y la ms importante para nuestra sociedad, ms sin embargo lo que sucede dentro de ella puede tener efectos tanto positivos como negativos en cada uno de los individuos que la integran y por tanto un ajuste o desajuste en las relaciones recent times these behaviors have been convicted of constitute some of the most common forms of penetrating and violence in our society, still thousands of children suffer physical, psychological and sexual abuse at home. The family is and should be considered as the most important for our society more complex institution, and what happens in the family can have positive and negative effects on each of the individual members and therefore a match or mismatch in relationships intrafamily.El nio no sabe defenderse ante las agresiones de los adultos, no pide ayuda, esto lo sita en una posicin vulnerable ante un adulto agresivo y/o negligente. Los nios que sufren maltrato tienen mltiples problemas en su desarrollo evolutivo, dficit emocionales, conductuales y socio-cognitivos que le imposibilitan un desarrollo adecuado de su personalidad. De ah la importancia de detectar cuanto antes el maltrato y buscar una respuesta adecuada que ayude al nio en su desarrollo evolutivo.The child can not defend against attacks from adults, not ask for help, it puts him in a vulnerable position with an aggressive and / or negligent adult. Abused children have multiple problems in their evolutionary development, cognitive, socio-emotional, and behavioral deficits that make it impossible appropriate development of his personality. then the importance of early identification abuse and seek an appropriate response to assist the child in their evolutionary development.