monsanto and the gmo industry

Monsanto and the GMO Industry

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Post on 18-Jul-2016




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Monsanto and the GMO Industry

What is Monsanto?Monsanto Company is a publicly

traded American multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation headquartered in St. Louis Missouri. It is a leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed and of the herbicide glyphosate, which it markets under the Roundup brand.

Monsanto is a major player in GMO manufacturing. They claim to produce seeds that are drought resistant, weed resistant, pest resistant and also high yielding.

Founded in 1901, Monsanto was one of a handful of companies that produced Agent Orange, and its main poison, Dioxin. It sold DDT, PCBs, the controversial dairy cow hormone, rBGH, and the cancer-linked Aspartame sweetener.

Starting in the ‘80s, however, Monsanto shed its chemicals and plastics divisions, bought up seed companies, invested in bio genetics research, and ultimately reincorporated itself as an agricultural company. Its first GMO product, the patented Glyphosate-resistant, “Round Up Ready” soybean , was approved by the USDA in 1994.

What is GMO?A GMO (genetically modified

organism) is the result of a laboratory process of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to obtain a desired trait or characteristic, hence they are also known as transgenic organisms. This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same.

Organisms that have been genetically modified include micro-organisms such as bacteria and yeast, insects, plants, fish, and mammals. GMOs are the source of genetically modified foods and are also widely used in scientific research and to produce goods other than food.

GMO: Harmful and DangerousGMOs are unhealthy.GMOs contaminate - forever.Genetic engineering creates

dangerous side effects.Independent research and

reporting is attacked and suppressed. 

GMOs harm the environment.

Monsanto and the GMO Industry: Issues Faced, Deceptive Acts and Other Scenarios Encountered

The evil of Monsanto and GMOs explained: Bad technology, endless greed and the destruction of humanity

By now, nearly all informed people recognize that Monsanto is widely regarded as the most evil corporation on our planet. But what, exactly, makes Monsanto so evil? Why is Monsanto worse than a pharmaceutical company, a pesticide company or even a weapons manufacturer?

Corporate greed over service to humanity

Death over lifeSecrecy over transparencyDomination of technology rather

than sharing of wisdomArtificial manipulation of nature

rather than honoring of nature

Environmental destruction over environmental stewardship

Scientific deception over scientific truth


Myth #1: No one has ever proven that GMOs are harmful to people.

Myth #2: GMO crops are the only way to solve world hunger.

Myth #3: GMOs need less pesticide spraying.

Myth #4: GMO technology  is comparable to the cross-breeding that our ancestors did to create hardier versions of heritage crops

Myth #5: If the FDA and the USDA allow GMO’s, they must be safe to consume

Myth #6: There is no nutritional difference between GMO’s and non-GMO’s

Myth #7: GMOs are impossible to avoid

Myth #8: Monsanto has our best interests in mind

Myth #9: GMOs are not harmful to the environment

Myth #10: Get used to it. GMOs are here to stay

Monsanto’s Roundup: new deadly scam exposed

Roundup is the Monsanto herbicide that is touted as the cornerstone of GMO food crops.

A study published indicts Roundup and, in fact, the general class of insecticides and herbicides. On what grounds? When they’re tested for safety, only the so-called “active ingredients” are examined.

The untested ingredients are called “adjuvants,” and they are said to be inert and irrelevant. But the new study concludes this is far from true. The adjuvants are actually there to INCREASE the killing power of the active ingredient in the herbicide or insecticide.

The new study that exposes this crime is led by French scientist Gilles Eric Seralini. He previously published a study showing rats developed tumors when fed GMO food. He was “discredited.”

He fed rats GMOs, in the form of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn, and they developed tumors. Some died. The study was published in the journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology. Pictures of the rats were published.

A wave of biotech-industry criticism ensued. Pressure built. “Experts” said the study was grossly unscientific, its methods were unprofessional, and Seralini was biased against GMOs from the get-go. Monsanto didn’t like Seralini at all.

Supreme Court Sides With 'Notorious Patent Bully Monsanto (published January 14, 2014)

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday denied a group of farmers the right to challenge Monsanto's seed patents, a decision critics charge allows the biotech giant's "reign of intimidation" to continue

Monsanto has sued over 100 farmers for patent infringement.

Their case was dismissed in February 2012 by Federal Judge Naomi Buchwald, but attorney Dan Ravicher of the not-for-profit Public Patent Foundation [which is representing the plaintiffs] said, "The District Court erred when it denied the organic seed plaintiffs the right to seek protection from Monsanto's patents."

Exposing the Anti-GMO Legal Machine: The Real Story Behind the So-Called Monsanto Protection Act

Monsanto Protection Act or Section 735 of HR 933

According to agricultural biotechnology detractors, Section 735 is the “most dangerous food act ever” and a “terrifiying piece of policy”.

Section 735 effectively shields large biotech companies, like Monsanto, from the federal courts in case something is found to be harmful in their genetically-modified seeds. Because of Section 735, federal courts would be powerless to stop Monsanto from selling their product.

Even if the courts find that a (genetically engineered) crop shouldn’t be planted until more research is done about its safety, no one could stop that crop from being planted, even temporarily.

Silent Anti-Nutritional Terrorism

Monsanto pushes dozens of other toxic products such as aspartame, bovine growth hormone, Agent Orange, Dioxin, DDT, and Roundup - all of which cause birth defects and deformities.

The Supreme Court of France found Monsanto guilty of falsely advertising Roundup as "biodegradable" and "environmentally friendly."

The New York State Attorney General sued Monsanto and won in 1997 for claiming RoundUp was, "safer than table salt and "practically non-toxic" to mammals, birds, and fish. balance."

More than enough scientific research reveals glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, is "acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological