monthly newsletter - swbible untrue? the answer is yes; ... because he is risen indeed. “for we...

Oh, How He Loves Us In Loving Memory Hope from Resurrection... a note from Taylor Surprise Field Trip Our Family Mission Trip Event Calendar News Briefs & Postings monthly newsletter Southwest Bible Church Some time ago, Pastor Scott gave a series of messages with the theme of ABIDING. It was imaginatively titled, THE ABIDE SERIES. One Sunday morning in particular, the “bulletin” was hand-written by none other than Pastor Scott himself. It was reminiscent of the Apostle who, in his letter to the Thessalonians said, “I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand, and this is a distinguishing mark in every letter; this is the way I write.” In his unique scrawl, Pastor Scott personally wrote several key passages on the bulletin on the subject of Abiding. He also included a helpful 30-day reading plan as well as his own endorsement of taking time each day to copy out a portion of God’s Word for ourselves. One portion of God’s Word (Deut. 17:18) tells us that future kings of Israel were to write out the law for themselves into their own books. These true and faithful copies were to guide them as they discharged their royal duties. Rod was so taken with Pastor Scott’s visual aid that he really wanted to replicate it in some way for the men and women in our own discipleship community. And by that I mean, he carefully placed the bulletin inside his Book of 501 Hebrew Verbs, left the sanctuary, got distracted by a riveting conversation in the foyer with someone about the Ottoman Empire and then went home without his backpack. (By the way, Rod would make a really good Gideon because he unwittingly distributes lots and lots of Bible everywhere he goes.) Rod did eventually and painstakingly hand-write his own Bible study guide. The carnage of repeat efforts and crumpled papers meant that a small rainforest was decimated in the process. But the results were worth it, I think. We photocopied the studies and they’ve been a bit hit with our disciples. For some time now, I’ve been reading through two books of the Bible a la Pastor Scott. My goal is to read them each fifty times. I estimate that it’ll take me roughly between fifty days and fifty months to reach my goal. Anyway, one day, I decided to write out one of the oh-so-familiar-to- me passages. In doing so, I was surprised to find things I hadn’t seen before. The helpful exercise made me slow down, meditate, and absorb God’s words. It was like a spiritual shot in the arm for my quiet time that day. As Pastor Scott says, “God has given us a gold mine in the Holy Scripture. He promises great blessings to His children who abide in it. So let’s set aside this day to enjoy God’s Word and give Him praise for being a God of revelation… and One who wrote it down!” n __________________________________ Interested in taking on the Abide 30-Day Challenge for yourself? You can find “Abide”, Volumes 1-7 on our website: abide. May 2015 Ode to Pastor Scott’s 30-Day Challenge Margi Powell Gavin Smith entertains orphans in San Vicente, Mexico — page 5

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Oh, How He Loves Us

In Loving Memory

Hope from Resurrection...a note from Taylor

Surprise Field Trip

Our Family Mission Trip

Event Calendar

News Briefs & Postings

monthly newsletter

Southwest Bible Church

Some time ago, Pastor Scott gave a series of messages with the theme of ABIDING. It was imaginatively titled, THE ABIDE SERIES.

One Sunday morning in particular, the “bulletin” was hand-written by none other than Pastor Scott himself. It was reminiscent of the Apostle who, in his letter to the Thessalonians said, “I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand, and this is a distinguishing mark in every letter; this is the way I write.”

In his unique scrawl, Pastor Scott personally wrote several key passages on the bulletin on the subject of Abiding. He also included a helpful 30-day reading plan as well as his own endorsement of taking time each day to copy out a portion of God’s Word for ourselves. One portion of God’s Word (Deut. 17:18) tells us that future kings of Israel were to write out the law for themselves into their own books. These true and faithful copies were to guide them as they discharged their royal duties.

Rod was so taken with Pastor Scott’s visual aid that he really wanted to replicate

it in some way for the men and women in our own discipleship community. And by that I mean, he carefully placed the bulletin inside his Book of 501 Hebrew Verbs, left the sanctuary, got distracted by a riveting conversation in the foyer with someone about the Ottoman Empire and then went home without his backpack. (By the way, Rod would make a really good Gideon because he unwittingly distributes lots and lots of Bible everywhere he goes.)

Rod did eventually and painstakingly hand-write his own Bible study guide. The carnage of repeat efforts and crumpled papers meant that a small rainforest was decimated in the process. But the results were worth it, I think. We photocopied the studies and they’ve been a bit hit with our disciples.

For some time now, I’ve been reading through two books of the Bible a la Pastor Scott. My goal is to read them each fifty times. I estimate that it’ll take me roughly between fifty days and

fifty months to reach my goal. Anyway, one day, I decided to write out one of the oh-so-familiar-to-me passages. In doing so, I was surprised to find things I hadn’t seen before. The helpful exercise made me slow down, meditate, and absorb God’s words. It was like a spiritual shot in the arm for my quiet time that day.

As Pastor Scott says, “God has given us a gold mine in the Holy Scripture. He promises great blessings

to His children who abide in it. So let’s set aside this day to enjoy God’s Word and give Him praise for being a God of revelation… and One who wrote it down!” n__________________________________

Interested in taking on the Abide 30-Day Challenge for yourself? You can find “Abide”, Volumes 1-7 on our website:

May 2015

Ode to Pastor Scott’s 30-Day Challenge Margi Powell

Gavin Smith entertains orphans in San Vicente, Mexico — page 5

2 The Update

Oh, How He Loves Us by Kate Crawford

On February 25th, 2015, our friend and brother-in-Christ, Dale McConachie, was on his way home from work. Rather than arriving at his earthly home Wednesday evening, he was immediately taken HOME to be with His Savior, due to a tragic car accident. Our minds found it difficult to believe and our hearts broke that night. We prayed and cried out and thought about the brevity of life and the suddenness with which the Lord took Dale home. We prayed for Geri, his wife, and Kate and Allie, his daughters and Kate’s husband Levi.

— intro from blog post

“When Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss, and my heart beats violently inside of my chest, I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way that He loves us. Oh, how He loves us.”

— “How He Loves”by the David Crowder Band

Allie was coaching a basketball game. Kate was running errands with mom. Levi was working late. Dad was coming home from work. We were all running in different directions with no intention of seeing each other that night. Jesus had different plans. One by one our plans changed. We decided to meet for dinner at Red Robin even though it was 9:30 at night and each of us had to get up early the next day. Something made us all come together that night and have one of the most fun times we can remember-- so many smiles and so much laughter as we were some of the

last few in the restaurant. We walked to our cars, our stomachs sore from laughter, gave our hugs, said we loved each other, and drove home with smiles. We were so happy that we had waited for everyone to be able to be together and that we had gone on this adventure. The tired morning was going to be so worth it.

That was the last time we would be together until Heaven. Jesus loved us enough to make us all take a moment to pause and enjoy each other one last time. How blessed we are to have a God who cares about us personally enough to coordinate and give us a final memory like that. “Oh, how He loves us.”

There are many lessons since February that we have learned that I didn’t think we would ever have to. However, God has been faithful through it all. In fact, that is one of the most influential lessons I have learned through this: God will meet us where we are at. He will call us to do things we normally could not do, and then give us exactly the strength we need to accomplish them. For us, time seems to have stopped since that evening. What is comforting to think about is that for Daddy, his life truly began the day he was driving home one moment and was running to Jesus’ arms the next moment. Time may have stopped for us, but for him, it was the beginning of what he had always lived for, and sometimes, that helps our sadness to think about it that way. As we have struggled with understanding why this happened to Dad; why we never were able to say goodbye; why he can’t be there for Allie’s wedding one day; why he won’t be there to hold our babies; why we can’t hear him call us “precious” ever again; why we won’t ever see him hold Mom’s hand again; we know that Dad always said, “You don’t have to understand. You have to trust.” I don’t think he ever expected that phrase to mean as much to us as it does now. How blessed we are to have had a Dad who took time to teach us what mattered. “Oh, how He loves us.”

One of the most difficult parts of losing Dad has been the criminal proceedings, specifically, being with the

man in court who killed Dad. I cannot explain the feeling of helplessness and defeat that Satan lets sink into us, and Ihope very few of you will ever need to understand what this feels like. But for those of you who have experienced the same darkness, you will agree when I say that Jesus pours unbelievable strength and courage into our hearts. I have truly witnessed the power of prayer, and the strength that comes when the body of Christ stands up as one to love and pray for each other. For that, I could not be more grateful. So when the charges don’t seem like nearly enough, we cling to the hope that vengeance is God’s and He will have the final say. It is also a comfort to know that even if something could bring Daddy back, he wouldn’t want to leave where he is now. We should be jealous, because he gets to already be where the rest of us only get to sing about. How blessed we are to worship not only a loving Savior, but a righteous judge. “Oh, how He loves us.”

So, as life goes on and we fumble through trying to find a new normal, there are many tears but also some smiles, because how lucky we are to have had a Dad who is missed so much, and how blessed we are to be given hope from a God who never fails. “Oh, how He loves us.” n

Dale McConachie

McConachie family at Kate’s Dec 13th weddingDale, Levi & Kate Crawford, Geri and Allie

photo credit: Boaz Crawford

3May ‘15

Hope from Resurrection Sunday: A Sunrise, Hospital, and Samwise Gamgeea note from Taylor

Resurrection Sunday morning at 6:15am I was up the street from the church, on the Nora hill. My car was packed with wonderful women friends who had gotten up with me to watch the sunrise. In our sweats with tea in hand, each had read the resurrection stories from one of the gospel accounts as we looked eastward, waiting for the sun to come up and remind us of the faithfulness of God, who raised Christ from the dead.

That’s when I got the phone call from the hospital. “Taylor, your friend is here.” The bubble of sweet celebration was broken by our current reality. It was the reality of a broken, painful world in which the fullness of the resurrection promise has not yet come to culmination. It was only a couple hours later when I learned that a different dear sister had lost her battle with cancer that same morning, leaving a large family behind. She had passed away almost at the same time as my phone call. My heart felt shattered as I stumbled into church with my husband later that morning.

I kept thinking of the word “broken.” Broken bodies, broken minds, broken hearts, broken wills. Broken in the hurting sense, like a broken bone. But also broken in the non-function sense, often not working as God so wisely and generously intended. All because of sin. “Father, this… so broken… but the resurrection,” I prayed with incomplete sentences in my head.

But the resurrection—the resurrection of Jesus—brings hope. If Jesus died and rose again, then we can know that we will as well. His rising assures us that we will not be left alone in the grave, nor in the hell we deserve. And this world is not only headed towards destruction, but newness without brokenness will be the final reality one day after the resurrection. At the end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy Samwise finds out that his friend Gandalf is not dead as he had supposed. “Is everything sad going to come untrue?” he asked. That was really the question I was asking God on Easter morning. Will this brokenness become untrue? The answer is yes; yes, it will. I can know that because He is risen indeed.

“For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience” (Romans 8:22-25). n

Taylor Turkington

photo by Matt Miranda

Editor’s note, from Rose Stubblefield: When I first read this note, as a staff member of SWBIBLE, I was so touched by Alice’s words, honoring her husband. I thought others would also like to read it, so at the time I asked Alice if we could print it in the church newsletter. 2014 came and went, and I forgot.

Recently, my 17-year old son returned one Saturday afternoon and told me how he and a friend had gone to help Alice with some yard work and had visited with her. Alice had shared of how her husband would open the car door for her... every time, without fail and of how they told each other, “I love you,” each time they parted.Then, I remembered this note again. So, here it is:

May 26, 2013

Dear Friends, Brothers, Sisters,

It is Memorial Day again. On this day I remember that my beloved risked his life for freedom –for both his country and for mine before I knew him, before I was even born.

Later he spent his life giving me himself, his life and his love. I want to honor him by affirming that he was a man who did what God’s Word requires of husbands.

Every year his birthday, anniversaries of our own special days, Memorial Day, and the day he went to be with the Lord Jesus, are so very difficult.

I want to honor his memory, not only privately, but also before others. The plan was always to put flowers on his grave. Each time it has been hard, unfulfilling – this long drive to Willamette National Cemetery, to lay down flowers, pray briefly, and leave. But I wanted it to be known that he is not forgotten.

Today I had a better thought. The money that would have gone for flowers today and on his birthday can be used for a better purpose, through missions at SWBIBLE Church, and to honor Bob Roth’s memory. So this small check is in memory of him.

Thank you for letting me share my heart.

Still in love,

Alice P. Roth n

In Loving Memory by Alice Roth

photo credit: Boaz Crawford

4 The Update

“It’s great to be outside, hearing the music and message, eating dinner and ice cream, while also offering an exciting opportunity to invite friends to church.”

—Cassandra Baker

“I enjoyed the outdoor services and activities where I could even bring my little dog. The little dog also is a means that I can connect with other people who have similar interests.”

—Herb Tretzen

“Easy invite, easy approach, easygoing. It’s much more of a community feel and for reaching out to others, the low-key atmosphere works well.”

—Mark Holady

“It’s been great to meet the church family and meet children I heard about. I’ve enjoyed becoming better acquainted with others whom I’ve met in classes or services. It’s been good to hear good music and be uplifted and to hear the Word preached every time. I have been amazed at how well it is organized and the spirit of love shown.”


“It was the Outdoor Sunday Evening service that made our family move to this church. We were looking for a good church in our area and we are blessed to have found SWBIBLE.”

—Dorina Tamasan

We’re so grateful for all those who faithfully serve at our Outdoor Sunday Evenings. Here are some of the reasons they love being a part of it all:

“Having our Outdoor Sunday Evening services provides a larger amount and more variety of ways to serve. I enjoy meeting and getting to interact with people in the church and community I likely wouldn’t have otherwise met.”

—Leah Daugherty

“As a family we enjoy serving in the kitchen for evening meals. It’s really gratifying to be a part of the team to feed the congregation.”


“Passing out brochures. I love serving the Lord in any capacity I can.”

—Donald Shaw

“Just getting to drop in and see where I’m needed for the evening. It always seems so organized and goes by so fast.”


“We have helped with food service and field set up and tear down and have enjoyed working with others and meeting new people. Setting up has also given our kids an opportunity to serve alongside us. Outdoor Sunday Evenings is unique and we enjoy being a part of it.”

—Scott and Diane Curtis

“Ice cream scooping has been my favorite serving duty, mostly because of the happy faces. I think ice cream can put a smile on anyone’s face anytime.”

—Claire Havener n

How God Uses Outdoor Sunday Evenings survey compiled by Update Staff

Surprise Field Tripby Mike Brand

Thursday nights, Tom Weare and I meet at Peppermill restaurant to discuss Scripture, and learn about witnessing using Pastor Scott’s line diagram. “Learn it well, ‘cuz one of these days we’re going to put it into practice. We’ll take a surprise field trip, but you won’t know when.”

Well, that trip is tonight, and as I approach the restaurant, I ask God to open up a way for a gospel conversation. I sit on a red metal bench outside the restaurant, enjoying the blue sky, the trees in blossom, and sunlight, as I wait for Tom. After he arrives and parks his van, he comes down the lift on his van, and steers his wheelchair toward me, hollering, “Is this where I come to learn about Jesus?”

I reply with my usual bland attempt at wit. We visit for several minutes, and several people pass by before a youngster, Jesse, rides past on a skateboard and stops about 10 feet away.

“Are you pretty good on that skateboard?”

“Yeah, I’ve been practicing for ten years.”

Jesse spots a partially-smoked cigarette on the sidewalk, reaches down and picks it up, puts it between his lips and lights it. He plops down across from me on the bench. I see the word “Imagine” tattooed on his right forearm. I start asking him questions and learn that he, although he is homeless, attends PCC and hopes to find a welding apprenticeship.

“I work with a ministry downtown asking

PSU students questions about life and spirituality. Can I ask you the same questions?”

A pause, and then, “Go for it!”

After asking a few questions, a man in his mid-50’s standing nearby pulls the cigarette from his mouth and barges into the conversation, asking Jesse about his skateboard. He tries to shut us out and barely acknowledges our presence. Jesse asks him for a cigarette, and he laughs, gleefully refuses him, and goes into the bar next door.

I resume the conversation with Jesse, and soon learn that he is a drug addict who hopes to say goodbye to his Mom, Dad, and brothers before he dies. This is not merely hypothetical for him – he has Hepatitis C and was recently hospitalized, only to find upon dismissal that his family abandoned him without leaving a forwarding address or phone number. His Christian girlfriend has told him about Jesus, so I ask what he knows about Him.

“I don’t know; He is the Son of Christ [his words], and He died for my sins as a substitution, but I haven’t fully received Him.”

“Why? Are you afraid He’ll mess up your life?”

“Yeah, I don’t want him to mess up my misery!” he quips.

Tom and I explain that Jesus loved Him enough to die a horrific death for him, even if he were the only person on earth who ever sinned. We tell of eternal life, eternal death, the pardon Jesus offers, and his responsibility to accept that pardon. We

explain that God can give him the power to get off drugs. Jesse puts his head in his hands, his blond, curly hair shaking back and forth. He mutters, “This is weird!” Tom and I wonder if the way we are talking to him seems weird, but no, he means that the timing of this conversation is amazing.

I urge him to give his life to the Lord, who loves him far more than anyone else ever can. He hesitates, and then asks, “What time is it?”

“Time to receive Jesus!” I say with a smile, then looking at my watch: “It’s 5:21.”

Jesse needs to meet his girlfriend and tell her what he’s been up to, but he asks for my phone number, and just before leaving Tom tells him, “Do you see that white van? Anytime you see it, we’re just inside. Come join us.”

“I will,” he replies, and then stepping onto his skateboard he pushes off. Inside, Tom expresses his amazement at how easily someone can enter into a gospel conversation. He notes that it seemed like Satan was trying to stop us. Tom can’t stop thinking about Jesse and his troubles, hoping he will come and join us soon. Field trips often come with eye-opening surprises!Note: If you want to learn through training and practical experience how to share your faith in Jesus with others, a number of believers experienced in evangelism would be delighted to help. Please contact me and I’ll put you in touch with someone who can train you. Although we often go to PSU on Wednesdays, there are opportunities at other times and places as well. n

5May ‘15

In Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus calls us the “Salt of the earth” and “Light of the world”. Our desire is to glorify our Father in heaven, and in a world which desperately needs Him; there are many ways to do this—near home and cross-culturally.

This school year our children are attending a Spanish class. Each year the instructor takes a group of 30-40 people to work at an orphanage in San Vicente, Mexico. When the offer came to join the team, we were excited, but hesitant—it would take much preparation and there were many unknowns. But after prayer and discussion, the whole family jumped in with both feet!

Rancho Santa MartaRancho Santa Marta is a ministry to neglected, abused or abandoned Mexican children. RSM has four homes for children (two for girls and two for boys) in which resident house parents live with the kids, raising them and helping them work through their hurts. These house parents are godly men and women who truly have a heart to build into the lives of these children. Another ministry of RSM is the Christian school on its property which reaches out to the poor and special needs children in the community, as well.

Science Classes (by Comfort)The ranch staff asked our team to prepare creation-based science classes and thankfully, God provided a dad on our team who is a science teacher. Most mornings in Mexico, Mr. Holst taught multiple science classes, translated by other team members. We helped the kids with the experiments (and had just as much fun as they did!). Mr. Holst’s experiments were awesome—the highlight was an experiment in which he ignited a hydrogen-filled balloon and it exploded in a ball of fire! As the kids witnessed God’s amazing creation, Mr. Holst focused on glorifying God as the Creator. At the end of class, he invited one of the children to lead the group in thanking God for His creation. I really enjoyed this special time with the kids, talking with them and helping them discover science.

VBSWe opened each VBS time with singing and prayer, performing two dramas for the kids

which each shared the gospel. The puppet show gave the clearest presentation of the gospel, being based on the “handful of hope”—God loves me. I’m a sinner. Christ died for me. If I trust Him as my Savior, I’m His child forever! Afterward we had some fun crafts and activities for the kids.

Work Projects (by Ethan)Our team helped with several work projects around the Rancho. The main project was a new Junior High school building. Teams have been working on this building for about a year and the goal is to finish it by the end of summer. At first, our team hoped we could begin the roof project, but it became clear that more prep work was required before we could put up the two glu-lams (main beams). So we assembled trusses, built up the brick walls, and poured the concrete caps to several of the walls. By the end of the week, we had completed most of the prep work for the next team coming to help at RSM. In addition, we fixed a merry-go-round, painted, worked in a peach orchard, and built fences.

Mural Painting (by Anna-Marie)We painted a mural of mountains in the school cafeteria. I painted some of the rivers, dirt

and rocks. There was a phone on that wall which we painted like a woodpecker. We painted a deer and a fox. We finished the whole thing before we left.

How God used this trip in our lives (with Gavin and Comfort)We each grew bolder in sharing the gospel. Handing out Bibles stretched us a bit out of our comfort zone, but we saw how hungry the people were for the Word! No one turned them down and many began reading them right away. We learned to trust God more as we saw Him rearrange our schedule and use those changes in big ways—giving us unexpected opportunities to share the gospel. We saw immediate answers to prayers…even what we’d called “little” prayers… a reminder that God cares about the smaller needs too and delights when we trust Him for those. It was inspiring to be with the people of God in another nation and to be serving Him alongside them. Also living and working in community with the other believers on our team was an impacting experience of the

love and unity we have in Christ.

Salt and light are to be used, and we found huge blessing in serving needy children cross-culturally with a team of like-minded believers. We trust that these seeds will bear fruit for God’s glory, and we encourage other families to consider serving the Lord together as He gives desire and opportunity.

The Smiths:Joel and Arlene, with Comfort (17), Ethan (15), Gavin (13), Anna-marie (6) n

Our Family Mission Trip by the Smiths

6 The Update

SundaysWorship@ 8:30, 11 am,REUNION - 5 pm

Sunday Classes for all ages - 10 am

(No REUNION on June 14)

MondaysAll ChurchPrayer, 6:30 am

Men’s Bible Study, 7:30 am Middle SchoolIMPACT, 7-8:45 pm

TuesdaysMen’s Prayer, 6 am

All ChurchPrayer, 6:30 am

Adult Co-EdVolleyball, 7 pm

WednesdaysAll ChurchPrayer, 6:30 am

Downtown Bible Class, 12:15-12:45

High School:Warehouse, 6:30-8:45 pm

SWKIDS Club6:30-8:45 pm(last Club 5/20)

ThursdaysAll ChurchPrayer, 6:30 am

Rooted: College-Age Gathering6:30 pm

FridaysAll ChurchPrayer, 6:30 am

SaturdaysAll ChurchPrayer, 9 am



upcoming special events

Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays

Archery, 9:00 amMay 9, 23June 13, 27




SundaysAM Communion:May 3, June 7

BaptismMay 24, June 28

PM Communion:May 17, June 21

Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays

Opening Night: Guest Receptions 6:30 pmMay 6June 3

ThursdaysPortland Rescue Mission Outreach4:45 pmMay 14June 11

FridaysSenior SaintsLuncheon, 11 amMay 15




lyEvents Schedule for May - June 2015

MAYTreasure TradingMay 8 at 9:00 am, Coffee Corner

Mother’s DaySunday, May 10th

Ladies TeaTuesday, May 12th, 7:00-9:30 pm

Memorial DayMonday, May 25th

SW Christian High School GraduationFriday, May 29th, 7:00 pm

JUNENeighborhood PrayerJune 14, various locations

Primary Summer Camp (grades K-2)June 15-19, 9 am - Noon

Junior Summer Camp (grades 3-5)June 22-26, 9 am - Noon

1st Quarter 2015 Business Updatenotes from 4/19 business meeting—provided by Dave Martini

Announcement: candidate for Elder—Joel Smith

• Giving & Other Income has Averaged $212,408/mo. up 10% from 1st quarter 2014

• Total Ministry Operations has Averaged $235,159/mo up 8.4% from 1st quarter 2014

• Total Decrease in Reserves during the year of $67,319

• Leaves an Operations Balance of $145,298 this amount is fairly typical this early in the year

Comments (in no particular order)

• There are typically early “front loaded” expenses that drive the expense number up in January. Health care is the largest of these.

• Expenses should settle down a bit as the year plays out.

• We actually had a “snow day” last February, accounts for some of the large difference in the quarterly comparison.

• We are looking at having the front façade of the building painted this year along with cross and tower structure.

• We are moving ahead with a new “line array” speaker system, larger screen, and new projector for the auditorium.

• We have hired Matt Miranda and Justin Vanier to join student ministries and video production ministries.

7May ‘15

Congratulations!Sergey and Anastasiya Dezhnyuk welcomed a son, Caleb Alexander, born Monday, March 16th, at 9:38 pm, weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. and measuring 21 inches.

Please pray for the Lord to comfort:Betty Cole, whose sister died (also Eddie Cole’s aunt)

The loved ones of Virginia Barksdale, who recently died

BaptismsOn March 22nd, Eddie Cole and Patrick Sullivan publicly confessed their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord when they were baptized.

Monthly Financial UpdateMarch Giving: $239,860YTD Average Giving: $212,423March Expenses: $229,122YTD Average Expenses: $235,159

Treasure TradingMay 8th, 9-11 AM in the Coffee Corner—It is time to spring clean your closets and bring any unwanted items to share with others who may be able to use them. You might even find a few treasures to take home for yourself! Contact: Kara Chupp 503-521-1394.

The Foster ClosetVolunteers are needed to staff The Foster Closet in Hillsboro. TFC is a non-profit organization that provides clothing to Oregon’s foster families for FREE. Volunteers are needed: helping customers, sorting donations and organizing displays. They are open Thursday and Saturday from 10-4. Sally Schindler is forming a team to work the 1st Thursday of the month (3-6 hours). If you are available that day please contact Sally Schindler at 503-680-7589. For all other availability contact The Foster Closet directly at 503-389-4012 or [email protected].

Know a Graduate?Next month we plan to print a list of high school and college graduates. Do you know of a graduate who should be added to this list? Please e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at 503-524-7000. If a college graduate, please include degree and major. Thanks!

Men’s Basketball 2015 Win / Loss Records:

Recreational Finals:Wachsmuth 61Stephenson 59

Competitive Finals:McNally 68Bremer 87

SW News Briefs & Postings

Competitive Win Loss Tie

Bremer 10 1 0

McNally 7 4 0

Bushey 3 7 0

Bickle 1 9 0

Recreational Win Loss Tie

Stephenson 10 1 0

Wachsmuth 8 3 1

Wong 4 8 0

Easdale 3 7 1

Porter 3 7 0

Competitive Win Loss Tie

Bremer 10 1 0

McNally 7 4 0

Bushey 3 7 0

Bickle 1 9 0

Recreational Win Loss Tie

Stephenson 10 1 0

Wachsmuth 8 3 1

Wong 4 8 0

Easdale 3 7 1

Porter 3 7 0

A Pastoral CallBill Brown has accepted a pastoral call to go back to his home church in Aberdeen, Washington. Several months ago, Bill was contacted by the pastor of the church he attended with his family until he left for college. He asked Bill to consider returning to minister in his home church and community. After praying for several weeks, Bill and Jacey shared this with us, and we began to talk and pray with them seeking the Lord’s counsel and leading on this important decision. In the weeks that followed, Immanuel Baptist Church called Bill to become their Associate Pastor. After much consideration, Bill has accepted this call and will be leaving SWBIBLE to return to family, church, and community to minister the Gospel.

We will greatly miss Bill and Jacey, yet we have the privilege to send them back out on mission for Christ. Let’s join together in praying for Bill, Jacey, Isaiah, and Emmett as they begin making plans to transition out of ministry at SWBIBLE, and move their household in time for Bill to start his new position by May 1st. We rejoice and celebrate with them for God’s calling on their lives as we continue to partner in the Gospel.

A Note from Cathryn BrownCathryn Brown and her husband, Marshall, are missionaries in the Czech Republic. This is an excerpt from a recent prayer letter:

I have been contemplating the role of the church together with the call of being a witness.

As I speak with my newly-believing friend about the faithfulness of God, point out promises in God’s Word, and hear her thankfulness to know about God during the hardness of her husband leaving her, the role of the witness sinks in. She wants the message to be true. She is coming to the Living Water and tasting, and she looks to see if what you say is true. Is it strong enough to carry one through unfaithfulness, abandonment, divorce, young children often sick, and unbelieving family? His

church is family, fellowship bought and bound by love forever. We witness confidently, because it is the only hope in this world. The portion with God is the best portion.

The Apostle John, led by the inerrant power of the Holy Spirit, said, “The witness is this, God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son, has the life, He who does not have the Son, does not have the life” (1 Jn. 5:11-13). What an important message we communicate. As the children’s songs truthfully say, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” and, “This little light of mine... I’m gonna let it shine... all around the neighborhood, I’m gonna let it shine.” May we know and do....

Save-the-Date: Women’s RetreatOctober 16-17@ Macleay Christian Retreat Center

For all women, college age and older!Registration opens September

Lad ies Tea

Tuesday, May 127:00 - 9:30 pm

for all SW women (high schoolers and up)

Put your daintily gloved pinky finger down, and leave the petit fours at home…it’s not THAT kind of tea! There may or may not even be any tea at this tea. Unless…you could BYOT: bring your own tea — preferably home concocted infusions!

“Together” is really the theme of the night. Just us women, together, for an evening of connecting, encouraging and supporting one another. Ooooh! Maybe we should have called it “Infusion!”That would have been genius. Or probably silly.



Southwest Bible Church14605 SW Weir RoadBeaverton, Oregon 97007


monthly newsletter

E-mail comments and inquiries to [email protected] full-color version of this month’s Update and archivesof past Updates are available online:

Editorial Staff:Rose StubblefieldJanean SchieweJill ArzieLaurie ThorschmidtLinda Williams (missions)

Pastoral Oversight:Larry Elliott

Photo Staff for this issue: Cheryl OttMatt Miranda

Claire Miranda and Joy Tovar photo by Cheryl Ott

Nope, not at this tea!