morphological changes

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Post on 09-Nov-2015




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Morphological changes1. Reanalysis(reinterpretation); morphological and syntactical level2. Analogy3.Morphologisation1. Reanalysis(reinterpretation); morphological and syntactical levelStructure of wors is percieved in diffirent way by same speakersSubtypes: a)Folk Etimology-a word has opaque structure restructure is to got more clear structure*margarita was borrowed-->genetic relation from OE mere-srota; sea-grain--> like a methaforb)Back Formation-removal of an apparent Affix but isnt fact historically an Affixex: hamburger(place town) Hamburg -->cheeseburger;fishburgerc)Metanalysis-The shift of a morpheme boundaryex: ME (a) napron > MdE (an)apron; Ex: ME a nadder > an adder; Ex: ME (an) ekename > MdE a nikcname --> Later word boundary is shifted in MdE2.Analogya)One operate between 2 paradigms-Analogical extension (pattern extension from one to another paradigma1)Four parts Proportional analogy or:OE stan(sg) stans(pl)/boc,bec/MdE stone:stones/books booksa)Analogical leveling or Leveling=process of unifying shades of morpheme within a single paradigm Ex:bial-bial; beli-biali(mark plural) Ex: to choose-OEinf ceosen[tse:ozan]- z past sg ceas['tse:as]ending s;past part. coren['ikoren]- rNo leveling MdE /tsu:z/; /tsauz/; /tsauzen/ -->z***Vowel is same in past tens and past participle;only is leveling /z/ in all cases.Never levelled between present and participle*Analogy cannot be regular;doesnt apply to all paradigms at participle time.*Sound change is regular process and causes morphological alternations whitin paradigmEx:ceosen-coren= sound change;Analogy also can cause regularities as in bial/biali.Strutevant's paradox-sound change is regular but creates irregularity.Analogy is irregular but creaates regularity.Ex:komunizym-komunizma-->Synocop here there's regular sound chanfe that creates irregularity.*Analogy also affect inflectional paradigms it can operates on Lexical Level Derivational Extension-HypocorectionEx:H-dropping hammer /aema/; Native/'iaema/ : Desired/'haema/Contamination Levelling -operates within SFEx:MEmale femelle MdE male-female-->structures in order to make similar semantic paradigm;somehow regularised by levelling3.Morphologisation(tupe od grammaticalisation;lexical item become more and more grammatical);Change which has preform becomes a bound morpheme (once word,now morpheme);What was formerly independ word becomes reduced toa a bound morpheme,losing its former lexical meaning and acquring instead a grammatical function.Ex:OE lic[li:ts], [li:ks]-body; MdE lychga-e (gate for body in church)MdE lyke-wake=over dead bodyOE /faederlic/ >MdE-ly suffixAdj+lice(dative case in certain way has Adverbial mng);OE slawloce-slowly SYNTACTIC CHANGE-3types1)Word order SVO>SOV2)Reinterpretation/Reanalysis Ex:I have(fin) him(Od) bound(Co)- syntactical structure is reanalysed Ex: I have bound(complex VP) him(Od)3)Grammaticalisation= process which lexical items becomes more grammatical at certain state.Ex:Full V becomes Aux --> do,have,be***Process od semantic generalisationex: win > 'll /al,l/ to want to go(going to)- grammaticalisation item to future markerSyntactic Borrowingex: Internet kade= noun 1 modifies the second Bg. biznis sreshta; shish kebapIn Eng N-fashion; 1 mod. another; In Bg are reanalysed as Adj