motueka high school...maatu is now a reality. it is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step...

From The Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers Tena Kotou Katoa With all of the fantastic energy of the opening of Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu and events around the school it could be easy to let the academic focus fade a bit. Now is the perfect time to take stock of where you are, regardless if you are in year 9 or year 13. Make sure that you have a clear view of what you need to work on to improve your achievement each of your subjects. If you don’t know, your first job is to talk with your teachers to find out. Motueka High School Whakarewa Street Private Bag 1001, Motueka 7143 Telephone 03 528-9050 The amount of work and the demands on staff have been intense this year. Through every event and parent night, every coaching commitment, every extra thing chucked onto their day, they have continued to smile, continued to teach and inspire and continued to pour their effort and energy into making Motueka High School a great place to be. Fax: 03 528-6906 [email protected]

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Page 1: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

From The Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Tena Kotou Katoa

With all of the fantastic energy of the opening of Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu and

events around the school it could be easy to let the academic focus fade a bit. Now is

the perfect time to take stock of where you are, regardless if you are in year 9 or year

13. Make sure that you have a clear view of what you need to work on to improve your

achievement each of your subjects. If you don’t know, your first job is to talk with your

teachers to find out.

Motueka High School Whakarewa Street

Private Bag 1001, Motueka 7143 Telephone 03 528-9050

The amount of work and the

demands on staff have been

intense this year. Through every

event and parent night, every

coaching commitment, every extra

thing chucked onto their day, they

have continued to smile,

continued to teach and inspire and

continued to pour their effort and

energy into making Motueka High

School a great place to be.

Fax: 03 528-6906

[email protected]

Page 2: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

With every term now filled to bursting we

need to recognise how dedicated and talented

all of the staff at Motueka are.

The new Board of Trustees has had several

meetings now and we are very well served by

a diverse and skilled group. The Board is

made up of the Principal, Staff Representative

(Michele Hudson), Student Representative

(Tori Holden), Chair (Brent Maru), Deputy

Chair (Sue Boissevin), Parent Representatives

(Bashan King, Lealofi Pouri-Lane, Leeon

Johnston) and Co-opted Representatives

(Lydia Mains for Te Awhina and Gary

Fitzgerald, Chair of the Finance Committee).

Board of Trustee meetings are held in public

and we welcome communication either

directly to Board members, through the

school office or via the school website.

New projects are in various stages of

planning. We are working with the

Community Pool group as they finish off their

feasibility study. New classrooms are in early

planning stages. Discussions with Huia

Rugby Club continue as the plan a new

facility on the school boundary between

Motueka High School and Sports Park


So, the pace continues with much happening

as we move out of winter and closer to the

end of the year. As always, we welcome your

feedback and ideas and look forward to

another successful and eventful term.

On 5 August 2016, Te Whare Taikura o Te

Maatu officially opened. It stands because of

the efforts of many, many people over many,

many years. It is not the work of a few

months. It was a dream, then a vision, then a

plan, then a project, now a reality. It stretches

back through past principals, Boards and Te

Reo teachers like Matua Moeke and more

recently Matua Hamihi

It was my privilege and my honour to witness

the opening of Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu.

It stands on the huge support, contribution

and commitment of Ngati Rarua and Te Ati

Awa. Our iwi, on whose land the school

stands, whose children are our students and

whose stories and culture are at our core.

Without their support and guidance Te Whare

Taikura o Te Maatu would not be here today.

As I told our assembly recently, Motueka

High School now has an impressive facility

that cost close to $1M to build. The vast

majority of these funds have come from

grants and gifts from people and organisations

that saw the value of the project. The

Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry

of Education, The Rata Foundation. The Lion

Foundation, NBS, ITM, plus of course

NRAIT and Wakatu. The opportunity that

they have given the students of Motueka High

School is incredible and the desire for us as a

school to honour that opportunity is fierce.

The dreams we had for Te Whare Taikura o Te

Maatu are that we could work together as school

and iwi and a community on a project that brings

huge mana to all. The dreams we have for Te

Whare Waikura o Te Maatu are that it becomes a

valued and valuable resource for our school and

our community. The dreams we have for Te

Whare Waikura o Te Maatu are that every student

at Motueka High School feels like it belongs to

them and is their place. The dreams we have for

Te Whare Waikura o Te Maatu are that it stands

proudly for many generations and helps us learn

about and tell our stories and learn about our

history and culture and to add other voices,

cultures and stories. One by one those dreams

have, and will come true. Te Whare Taikura o Te

Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a

journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new


Nga mihi

John Prestidge, Principal

Page 3: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -


Term 3 - 2016


22-23 Rich Learning 22-26 Assessment Week 29-2/9 Tournament Week 30 Year 9 Course Selection 31 Year 10 Course Selection 31 Vast Dance 31 Physics Skydive


1 Teacher only day

2 Motueka School holiday

6 Science X trip

7 Final Course Selection

8 Final Subject Selection

9 Mufti Day

10 Partners in the Park

12 Breakfast Club filming 12/13 Kiyosato visit 17 School Ball 21-22 WOW visit 23 Last day of Term 3

Term 4 - 2016


11 Term 4 begins

12 Arts Prize-giving

18 Science Roadshow 24 Labour Day Holiday 26 Sports Prize-giving


4 Senior Prize-giving 1.30pm 9 NCEA Exams begin 11 Year 8 Orientation Day 13 TSS Sports Awards 22-24 Year 9 Camp


2-4 Athletics Nationals 7 Year 13 Dinner 7-8 End of Year activities 9 Junior Prize-giving

Parent Info


The PPTA advise there will be a Paid Union

Meeting for all staff between 1.30pm and

3.30pm on Wednesday 7 September.

Students will be released from class at


For any students who are required to stay at

school, they will be supervised by non-union

staff. Thank you for your co-operation in this


JOIN MHS ‘FRIENDS OF THE SCHOOL’ The MHS ‘Friends of the School’ is an informal group that meets to support and co-ordinate upcoming events at school. Meetings take place at the Sprig & Fern and are scheduled approx. 2 weeks before the next school event and are usually held at 7pm. However the next meeting is scheduled for 5.30pm on 6 September at the Sprig. All welcome. Please call Gabrielle Bell for more information on phone 744-1102 (local number).

Motueka High School staff and students

thank Konica Minolta and Wakefield

Print for their contribution to Insight.


On Monday 12 September, the Kickstart Breakfast

Programme Co-ordinator and representatives from

Fonterra and Sanitarium will be attending the

Breaskfast Club to film and interview the organisers.

The video footage and photos taken will be used by

Kickstart Breakfast partners to promote the

programme and may be used in printed material and

our their website and social media channels.

Please advise if you do not want your student to be

photographed or filmed at the Breakfast Club on

Monday 12 September.

Thank you for your support and thanks to Fonterra

and Sanitarium for their continued sponsorship of

the Breakfast Club.

Page 4: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

Please call in and check and try to name all items in future to allow us to return them.

Parent Info

To access this you will need a password from school.

Please contact your students form teacher or the

office to obtain this. The Portal has useful

information about your student including:

attendance, pastoral (discipline matters), timetable,

fees, as well as daily student notices.

Please let us know if you have a new email or have

changed any of your contact details. Please call in,

telephone the office on 528-9050 or email us at

[email protected]


Brent Maru - Chair email: [email protected]

Sue Boissevain, Parent Representative

Gary Fitzgerald – Co-Opted Member – Chair of

the Finance Committee

Michele Hudson – Staff Representative

Leeon Johnston – Parent Representative

Lydia Mains – Te Awhina Marae Representative

Bashan King – Parent Representative

Lealofi Pouri-Lane – Parent Representative

Tori Holden – Student Representative

John Prestidge – Principal

Nicki Saunders-Loder – Board Secretary

If you would like to attend a Board meeting – (dates

are advertised on our Upcoming Events page), please

make contact through the email above to confirm


Horticulture Dept Plants For Sale

Mainly Hebe and Rosemary, email

[email protected]

Riwaka Scout Group Fundraiser

Kiln-dried Pine and Douglas fir off-cuts $70 per

apple bin or $85 delivered in Motueka area.

Phone/text Doug on 021 418 188


The Parent Portal is on the MHS

website under Sign in and Links.

LOST PROPERTY There is a huge pile of lost property at school.

Page 5: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

Kapa Haka

Students shine at Kapa Haka Nationals

The National Secondary School Kapa Haka

Competitions were recently held in Napier. Four

students from Motueka High School competed as

part of Te Rourou Kura, a combined schools group

from the Top of the South region. These students

were Tui Henry, Liam Patu, Canaan Neha-Manihera

and Saskia Gray. Although the group was small, the

students performed incredibly well and received

positive feedback from those present at their

performance. A huge thank you to all who helped

these students get there. Without the support of

many, this would not have been possible.

This competition is held every second year and it is

hoped that the school will continue to have students

involved for many years to come. The next

competition will be held in Palmerston North in

2018. If you missed their performance, it is still

available on demand as follows: http://



Trades Academy 2017

The Trades Academy is available to Year 12 and 13

students and counts as one subject. All the 20

available credits are at Level 2 so it is best to take it in

Year 12.

Students spend Fridays at NMIT instead of coming to

school. Transport is by bus leaving at 7.15 am and

returning at 4.15pm. There is no cost for the course

or transport. Trades Academy students also have 3

hours of supervised time as part of their timetable to

catch up on missed work.

2017 options at NMIT are:

Civil Infra-structure, Aviation

Engineering, Aqua-culture and

Maritime, Sport and Exercise,

Hospitality, Beauty,

Hairdressing, Business Interactions, Health and

Support Services, and Uniformed Services (Police,

Fire, Paramedic and Maritime).

Whenua Iti programmes:

Adventure Leadership,

Manaaki Tapoi (Maori

Cultural Tourism). These are run as 3-4 day

residential blocks during the year. Programme guides

are available from Mr Aikenhead or for more

information email him at

[email protected]

Student Loans and Allowances

Students thinking about further study after they leave

school have a lot of decisions to make. StudyLink’s

website is a great place to visit to get you thinking

about what it will cost to live and study. StudyLink can

help you work out if study is right for you and how

you'll support yourself. How much money you may

need to support yourself could surprise you.

Once you’ve made the decision to study it’s a good idea

to sign up to receive emails from StudyLink. This way

you won’t miss out on important information, like

when to apply and documents you need to send. We

encourage students and parents to check out

Board of Trustee Student Representative Upcoming Elections

Nominations will open on 19 August for the election of

a student representative to the Board of Trustees taking

office in October 2016 (through until September 2018).

Nomination forms are available from the Student Office

and can be printed off from our website. Information

about eligibility of persons nominated is on the back of

the nomination forms. More details will be provided

during form times.

Tori Holden is our current Representative. Please feel

free to talk to her if you have any queries.

Nominations close at noon Wednesday 31

August and are to be handed into the Student Office.

Please prepare a short statement/paragraph as to why

you should be the Student Representative. Candidate

Posters will be on display around the school prior to

Election & Voting closing.

VOTING: opens Thursday 15 September

closes Tuesday 20 September

Page 6: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu

Dawn Ceremony

At 6am people assembled on Whakarewa St

outside Motueka High School. We had the

sound of the pukaea (wooden trumpet) and

karanga of our kuia calling us on to t he Atea

(forecourt) of our new Cultural Education

Centre: Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu. In the

dark we proceeded around the building saying

karakia and then the sponsors sign and the

name of our new whare, were unveiled. We

all entered the whare and karakia continued.

Moeke Paaka, Rore Stafford and Barney

Thomas spoke and Koro Tom Matthews said

the final blessing and magically the lights

came on. We were struck by the beauty of our

new building. All who came sensed the

significance of what had been achieved, the

years of dreaming and planning, the hours of

meetings and discussions that had finally

come to fruition.


At 10am the powhiri began with welcoming o f

our manuhiri (esteemed visitors) both local

and regional, families and schools from

Motueka and Nelson, dignitaries from

Marlborough and Christchurch, former

principals of Motueka High School, MPs, the

Mayor of Tasman, donors and government


The tui called as the women began the

kairanga including Rita Powick, Joy Shorrock,

Whaea Ngawhakaara, Rima Piggott and Molly


Our school commenced the haka powhiri

which rolled around the forecourt welcoming

our manuhiri.

The school and iwi started the formal

speaking in Te Reo Maori. The sense of

occasion was palpable and everyone

understood the significance. We were

honoured to have

speakers from the iwi,

from our school

koumatua, Moeke

Paaka and our Head

Boy, Aaron Bunn.

The manuhiri, Shane Graham and Sonny

Alesana, spoke 0f the significant

contributions made by government

organisations and local businesses.

Uncle Tahi concluded the iwi speeches

followed by a karakia by Tom Matthews.

Page 7: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu

John Prestidge, MHS Principal, said: “It was

a dream, then a vision, then a plan, then a

project, now a reality. It stretches back

through past principals, Boards and Te Reo

teachers like Matua Moeke and more rec ently

Matua Hamihi and it is my privilege and my

honour to be here to witness the opening of

Te Whare Taikura o Te Maatu. It all stands

on the huge support, contribution and

commitment of Ngati Rarua and Te Ati Awa”.

Brent Maru, Chairperson of Motueka High

School’s Board of Trustees thanked our

numerous sponsors, followed by a poignant

address by former student Miriana Stephens,

member of Wakatu Inc.

Miriana remembered a fiercely proud history

of local leadership and land ownership: “I

loved my time here as

a student. It is an

honour to be part of

the history of this

cultural centre. The

perspectives of our

young people are

critical to ensure

innovation and

connection to the

wider community. We

are proud to celebrate diversity because it is

the right thing to do.”

Miriana and Scott Haines, former MHS

Principal, then unveiled the opening plaque,

covered by a pake (traditional rain cape

woven by students of Motueka High School)

which was draped around Tagan Stringer.

This marked the commencement of a rousing

haka and the conclusion of our formalities.

Below from left: John Prestidge with past MHS Principals: Scott Haines, Rex Smith and John Tait

Page 8: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

Cabaret photos

Page 9: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -


Last term was very busy with activities

including NZ Music Month public library

concerts, Rockquest, Roger Fox visit and

concert at the Playhouse, Mapua Sprig and

Fern quiz nights, Talent Quest, a trip to

Wellington for the NZ School of Music Jazz

Festival, Cabaret, a trip to Blenheim for The

Big Sing and the Nelson Chamber Music and

Youth Jazz competitions. Thanks to all the

parents who contributed time and energy

towards the quiz nights and all those that

support the students at the various

performances throughout the year.

Above: Quin and Milo play ing at the Motueka Library

for NZ Music Month

Competition results:

Nelson Youth Jazz Festival

Combo and Band – runners up in their categories

Billy Bathgate - Highly Commended Drummer

Kase Walker, Highly Commended Trumpeter

Johan D’Hondt – Highly Commended Saxophone

Max McAlpine – Tom Rainey Cup for Best Bass

Billy Bathgate – Nelson Jazz Festival Cup for

Best Individual Player

Above: Mapua quiz night Jazz Combo: Will iam, Noah,

Johan, Kase, Max

Chamber Music Contest

Maddie Bridge, Esmae Leenhouwers, Stella

Stevens - Adjudicators award, for their Flute


Above: Students involved in the Chamber Music


Big Sing

Suono Bellissimo – Highly Commended and

2nd in the NZ composition category

Above: Some of the Boys at The Big Sing

This term, with senior exams fast

approaching, music students will be able to

focus on their studies as, other than NCEA

performances, the calendar is relatively free

of music related activities. There will be a

performance evening in Te Whare Taikura o

Te Maatu before the end of term although a

date has not yet been set.

This year we are having an Arts Prize-giving

which will be filled with Arts performances ,

exhibitions and prizes. The date for this is

October 12, the first Wednesday of Term 4.

Keep an eye out for the time, which is still to

be confirmed.

If you have any queries please contact Hilary

Sinclair by phone 528 9050 x 8226 or email

[email protected]

Page 10: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -


TSS Equestrian – 4 teams entered with M.H.S.

White having the best result in coming 5th overall.

M.H.S. Black 7th, M.H.S.

Gold and Blue were both

eliminated. Imogen

Agnew was placed 3rd in

the Dressage Class 4 Test

R. Antonia Lerbs 3rd in the

Dressage Class Test 3 R

and Anna Knittel was

placed 2nd in the Dressage

Class 2 Test O.

TOT Sailing On 7th– 9th April the MHS Sailing

Team took part

in the Top of

the South

Regional Team

Sailing Regatta.


most of the

team members

having only one

season of experience they were unable to make it to

the top of our fleet but with an extra season of

experience, should be able to do a lot better next

season. Myself and Joe Cunningham were chosen to

be part of a combined Nelson Bays team which was

sent to the Team Sailing Nationals in Algies Bay on

the 23rd – 29th April. As a team we came 3rd in the

bronze fleet and 22nd overall in NZ. This was a great

experience for us and

improved our sailing a

lot. We are planning

to send an MHS team

to next season’s

nationals, which will

be in Algies Bay again.

Girls’ Rugby –

Another excellent year for our Girls’ Rugby team

coached by Mark Kelly and Manager Lisa Brown.

Besides playing in the weekly Secondary Schools

Championship, the team have also travelled South.

They competed in the Girls Rugby Festival in Oamaru

for three days playing seven games of rugby.

They won 5 and

lost 2 putting

them into the

final against

Ford Foundation

team which they

lost 17 – 10.

They won the 7’s

in the ‘A’ grade

and were

runner-up’s in the ‘B’ grade 7’s. Tangiwhai Koopu,

Risaleaanna Pour-Lane, Fiaga Siaki and Rheanna

Wood were all named in the Tournament team. They

were the runners-up in the Women’s Saturday rugby

competition going down to Marist 27-25.

Most recent was the home game against Christ-

church Girls College for the Crusader Regional final.

This game was immense with the whole school

supporting them. The game was played at high

intensity where all girls showed their fitness and high

level of skills beating Christchurch Girls 49-17 to then

play in the South Island Final Top 4 Championships

in Oamaru. Depending on this result our girls could

be playing at the NZSS tournament in Palmerston

North on the 1st September – You go Girls!!!!

At the moment the Girls Rugby team is placed 6th in

the NZSS – How good is that! The team would like to

thank the following for their loyal support which has

been huge - Knapps, SKB Refrigeration, Friends of

Motueka Age Grade Rugby and Barry Wratten have

all donated, and Birdhurst have been brilliant with a

free van to use all year.


to Eden Beech,

Culainn Stringer

and Vito

Lammers for

being selected for

the Waimea

Combined Rugby

team that competes in the UC (Press Cup)

Championship. Eden Beech also earned himself a

place in the Crusader Knights rugby squad camp

which was held at St Andrews College in Christchurch

Page 11: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

TSS Swimming – 14 swimmers competed at this

event at the Aquatic Centre with resounding success

as follows: Jenna Heywood 2nd in the 50m

backstroke, 50m butterfly. Charlie Thain 2nd 100m

freestyle. Daniel Trevurza 1st 200m breaststroke, 2nd

100m breaststroke, 2nd 50m breaststroke and placed

3rd overall in the 15yrs & over boys with 160 points.

Samantha Trevurza 1st 50m backstroke, 1st 200m

backstroke, 1st 50m butterfly, 1st 100m IM, 1st 100m

butterfly, 1st 100m backstroke, 1st Mixed 200m

Medley Relay, 2nd 50m freestyle, 2nd Girls 200m

freestyle relay. Samantha was placed 1st overall in the

15 years & over girls with 188 points.

The relay teams were also very successful with the

Mixed 200 Medley 1st, Men’s 200m Freestyle 3rd,

Mixed 200m Freestyle 1st and Girl’s 200m Freestyle

2nd. Congratulations to all competitors.

TSS Cross Country – 20 MHS students competed

in bitterly cold conditions at Rabbit Island. The top

athletes from each grade were: Jade Brown, Billy

Bathgate, Jacob Brown were placed 2nd in the Senior

Boys 3 person and 6 person team 6000m race. Alex

Brogan, Andries Pienaar and Fletcher Pickworth were

placed 3rd in the 4000m 3 person team with Fletcher

also placed 2nd in the

Junior 4000m race.

Tobias Kirkwood-

Thorpe, Jacob Brooks

and Willen Pienaar

were placed 3rd in the

Year 9 boys 3000m 3

person team.

TSS Badminton – Motueka

High School entered one

girls’ and two boys’ teams

into this competition. The

girls’ team comprising of Tui

Vincent-Turner, Astaria Vink, Anne Claire de la

Bretesche and Megan O’Cain were placed 6th

beating Murchison Area School, Nayland 1 and

Nayland 2. MHS Boys team of Vito Van Schuppen,

Andries Pienaar, Carlo Motley and Daniel Trevurza

were placed 4th beating

Waimea College, Garin

College, Marlborough

Boys 2, MHS Boys 2,

Nelson College,

Tapawera Area School,

Murchison Area School

and Nayland 2.

Buller Exchange – Congratulations to the Motueka

High Schools teams that brought back the trophy to

Motueka High School. The exchange commenced

with a full school Powhiri where the challenge was

laid down by both schools to win the big prize.

Results were as follows: Netball Snr A lost 35 – 32,

Rugby 1st XV won 52 – 12, Girls Basketball lost 112 –

31, Boys Basketball lost 61 – 40, Girls 1st X1 Football

won 7 – 0, Both boys and girls badminton teams won

overall and debating was also won by Motueka High


The day was completed

with an afternoon tea

and speeches then back

on the bus for home.

Thank you to all coaches

and managers that gave

up your time to support

your teams, well worth it

for the results! Thank


TSS Squash – Motueka High School entered 3

squash teams that travelled to Blenheim to compete.

Our Boys team of Charlie Lang, Andries Pienaar and

Bryn Boyes were placed 2nd in Division 2.

Hockey – Congratulations to Chevy Walker who

plays for the Woman's Federal Premier Club Team,

and has also been selected in

the following teams: Nelson

U18 team where Nelson won

the trophy. Tasman U18

team playing at the National

tournament. Selected for the

Senior Women’s A

Nelson team This is an

amazing achievement for

Chevy who is a Year 11

student. 2016 season has

been her year.

Left: Team

photo with




Page 12: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -


Cricket – Congratulations to Harsh Kinsara for

being awarded the Peter Hooton Memorial

Scholarship by the Queen Street Cricket Club. This

has won Harsh $1500.00 to follow his dreams and

goals for cricket and $1500.00 to go towards cricket

in our school.

The following boys have been selected for the Nelson

Under 15 cricket training squad next term; Alex

Brogan, Fergus Puklowski, Liam Hobbs, Harsh

Kansara, Logan Ogilvie. (1/4 of the 20 person squad)

They are working towards selection in the team to

travel to Levin for a Central Districts tournament in


Boys Football - The 14th grade Motueka football

team is on the verge of achieving a feat that no local

club team has managed in over 20 years. They

currently lead the 1st division by 2 points and are

only 3 games away from taking the title.

Led by the talented Raven August and with 3 other

representative players in, Benjamin Monaghan,

Anton Balkhasen and Jacob Brooks, they are playing

a style of football seldom witnessed in a local team.

So come and enjoy some high quality football and get

behind them.

Motueka High School Cheerleading

Staff member Miss Oakley

Salton has a squad of 20 girls

who attended the “Ministry of

Cheer”, their first competition

in Wellington. There were 20

other teams competing from

around the country. Miss

Salton and Leanne Whelan

have been working very hard in

coaching the girls with their

routine (thank you Oakley and

Leanne). Thank you also to

Hayley Wilson for organising the

fundraising monies to get the

girls to the comp and Jacqueline

Kenning for accompanying the

girls to Wellington.

The next step in competition is the NZ Champs to be

held in Auckland in October. Please watch out for all

the fundraising these girls will be doing from now

until them so if you see them about please support

them. Any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated.

You can now follow Intensity Cheerleading on

Facebook www.facebook/mhsintensitycheerpublic


Seven teams from Motueka High School are

competing in the weekly Secondary School

competition at Saxton Stadium. With two girls

leaving and one girl with a broken arm we now have 6

teams. Our Senior Girls team ‘The Golden Goose’

captained by Ashlee White are playing exceptionally

well. We look forward to all the final seeding soon.

Page 13: Motueka High School...Maatu is now a reality. It is not the end of a journey but it is a huge step along an exciting new path. Nga mihi John Prestidge, Principal Calendar Term 3 -

TSS Ski/Snowboarding

Jessie Fa’avae, Davis Sundbye, Joe MacLennan and

Zephyr McGowan took to the slopes of Rainbow Ski

field to compete against all school in skiing and

snowboarding. The most successful competitor was

Jessie Fa’avae who completed both her ski runs with

a time of 44.85

and 45.78.

Thank you to

Mrs Jodie

Fa’avae and

staff member

Ms Amadia

Didsbury for

managing and


the team.

MHS Netball – This

year we entered 5 teams

into the Junior Supernet

Tournament held in

Motueka against all

other colleges. Our most

successful team was

9A. Motueka High

School Senior A and 10A

elected to play in both

the Nelson and Motueka

Netball Associations and

the girls have benefitted

from the stronger


Congratulations to 10A, coached by Carissa Katene

and Manager Donna Warrander, who went to the

SISS in Christchurch in July and finished 19th out of

32 teams. Congratulations also to the 9A team,

coached by Renee Ferns and manager Andrea Smith,

who started the local

competition in Grade 4 and

have finished the

competition in Grade 2.

The Senior A Girls, coached

by Sandra Goodman and

Manager Lisa Martin, will

compete at Senior Supernet

in Nelson on 13-14 August

and SISS in Nelson on 29-1


We wish them a successful tournament.

Congratulations to Emily Kelly for her selection in the

Nelson U17 Development Squad and Sophie O’Cain

for the Nelson U15 Development Squad.

Motueka Representative players are:

U17 - Jasmin Mosimann, Lillian Russon, Alana

Inglis-Beckett, Holly Spark, Ellen O’Cain and Lucy


U15 - Sherly Kengnok, Camryn Smart, April Young,

Sarah Fitisemanu, Shannen Smith, Haere-Po Te Miha

Barlow, Rowena Mossiman and Zoe Curtis.

U15 Development - Sophie Goodman, Brianna

Warrander, Alana Wilson, Tui Soochoon, Callaghan

O’Brien-Bristow, Emily Bryan, Charlee Scott-Dick,

Tagan Stringer and Davis Sundbye .

Finally thank you to those students who have

continued to develop their umpiring skills with

several electing to do their Centre Theory exams.

Well done all.

Events still to come are:

August 13/14th – Senior Supernet Netball tournament

– Nelson

August 19th – Girls Rugby to Oamaru for THE South

Island Final for Top 4

August 21st – TSS Moto Cross Championships – 88


August 28th – SISS Netball tournament – Nelson

September 19th – Get to Go Challenge

Yours in sport, Adrienne Fry, Sports Coordinator

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Book Week 25-29 August

Percy Jackson versus Harry Potter – and what a week

featuring visiting writers, quizzes, dressing as book

characters, film showings and with much hilarity

Quidditch games. Memorable!

Thanks everyone.

Visiting writers

Above left: Nathan Fa’avae and above right: MelanieDrewery

Above: Ben Brown

Book character costumes

Left :Winner Isaac Bensemann and right: Runner up Lela Askew



Don’t forget to visit and like our Facebook page at:

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Food and Nutrition

Year 12 investigated different sustainable food

practices in Term 2, which included a visit to the

Motueka community gardens and utilising what is

growing in local family’s gardens.

Above: Mulching leaves

Left: Isaac’s big pumpkin!

Thank you to the

Bensemann family

Year 11 students

have spent most of

Term 2 getting to

know their macro and

micro nutrients and

the Healthy Plate


Left: Jack’s

healthy plate of

protein, carbs

and leafy greens



It was ‘cookie

time’ for a

week in the food room. Senior classes baked a

beautiful array of different biscuits for our future

student families to sample in the hall on Open


Thank you to Maddie Bridge, Brigid Creagh, Rhea

Symonds, Niamh Tasker, Bright Mueangmi and Jack

Gorrill for helping out in the food room making

lunchbox cookies and fresh pasta.

Year 13 students are currently tackling the big issue

of implementing plans for a healthier food

environment in our school. They are also interpreting

the subtle messages in food advertising, in

preparation for their upcoming exams.

Year 9 and Year 10 classes have made a positive

start to the term.

Tersha Coppell and Heather Olds

At left:


from the

Food &




with their





out the



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Outdoor Education

A warm Kia Ora and welcome to the many

International students who have joined OE this term.

It’s great to have you on board and we look forward

to sharing the world class underground adventures in

our region’s amazing karst, limestone and marble

caves, with some scrambling, bouldering and rock

climbing to come as the weather slowly improves. We

also welcome Mr Yamaha Nakamura who is here on a

teaching section and keen to share his rock climbing

and star gazing experience! In other staff news, Willy

Polson heads away towards the end of term for a

well-deserved European holiday and adventures

cycling, climbing, hiking and via ferrata. No doubt he

will also find good coffee!

Yr 13: With lots of snow around the next expedition

is at Nelson Lakes NP looking at safe route finding,

snow camping, risk and Alpine hazard manage-

ment. A hands-on Outdoor First Aid course in the

Lewis Pass follows and to finish, there is learning to

lead rock climb indoors and out.

Yr 12: are in the midst of underground adventures,

learning and credits in Caving. Towards the end of

term, rock climbing indoors and out starts.

The Yr 11 OE classes have Adventure based learning

sessions at school and on the Whenua-iti Outdoors

ropes courses and some rock climbing before their

final multi-activity expedition in Golden Bay.

Yr 10: The new Yr 10 outdoor programme starts up

again with two keen groups of students led by Ms

Sarah Cumming and Mr Greg O’Donnell. Term 2

concluded with a successful (but wet!) multi-day

journey requiring newly learnt navigation and

survival skills in and around the Inland Track of Abel

Tasman NP.

Yr 9: The current Term 3 Adventure Skills class are

well on their way preparing for their camp at the end

of term by learning teamwork, navigaation and


We welcome your support and questions about our

Outdoor Education programme, please contact

myself or Greg O’Donnell at the school.

Reminders and upcoming trips:

Week 4 Wed 13/8 – Fri 15/8 Yr 13, Alpine

Expedition NLNP

Wed 24/8 Stoke Elim Centre, “Rivering”


Week 6 Sun 28/8 - 30/8 Yr 13 Outdoor First Aid,

Lewis Pass

Mon-Wed 29–31/8 Yr 11 Expedition, Golden Bay

Tues-Thur 13-15/9, Yr 13 Tramp Expedition,

venue TBA

Wed-Fri 21–23/9, Yr 9 Adventure Camp, Abel

Tasman NP

Above: The successful 2016 “International +1 Kiwi Women’s

Expedition” Sylvester Ridge skyline traverse, Kahurangi NP

Year 13’s heading into Middle Earth, Canaan Road, Takaka Hill.

L to R: Tori Walls, Jade Brown, Josh Wilson, Ben Holyoake, Laura

Langridge, Katie Moulin, Vito Lammers, Dale Carter, Morgan

Barker. Lying: Luke Cunningham

Above: Yr 9 Adventure Skills psyching up for a mid-winter swim

at Cleopatra’s Pool, Abel Tasman NP. L to R: Jack McKenzie, Lucy

Chung, Jessie Faavae, Shaelyn Spinetto

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The Base

Four of our students are working hard to complete

their National Certificate in Work and Community

Skills (Supported Learning) through Te Kura, The

Correspondence School. They are developing

knowledge and skills that will help them to

participate in work and the community in the future.

They are also having a lot of fun in the process.

There is a wide range of interesting options to choose

from, along with requirements for numeracy and

communication credits. Some of the things they

have been involved in are: self-care for minor illness

or injury, personal hygiene, crossing the road safely,

answering the phone and taking messages, selecting

and caring for clothes, using a calendar, following

instructions, delivering messages and learning about

friendships and relationships. Sadly, no one seems to

be interested in the growing and caring for plants

option. We would have loved a new garden!

Above right: Liam learns about

making deposits and withdrawals

Above left: Michael prepares a

light meal to serve to others

Left: Emma and Paige learn about

handling money

We are very grateful to

Michael Tideman for his

fundraising efforts last year.

He was up very early baking

fresh muffins to sell to the staff at morning tea time.

The muffins were obviously very popular as he raised

enough money for us to purchase a much needed new

camera. Luckily the Art Department had some for

sale and we now have a much better quality camera

than we have ever had before.

Above: Laura uses the new camera to catch John and Luke

returning from a walk

Students continued to develop their swimming skills

this term with weekly sessions at the Mapua Chalets

indoor pool. It wasn’t very deep, but it was

wonderfully warm and had a great fountain and

enormous bubbles to keep us entertained. Many of

our students have shown huge gains in their

confidence in the water due to swimming on such a

regular basis for the last six months.

Above: Sophie, Reuben and Alice enjoy the warm water

Above: Sophie and Laura perfect their kickboard skills

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Designing A Statistical Experiment

This year the year 13 stats class trialled a new internal

assessment in which each person carried out a

statistical investigation that saw them design and

carry out their own experiment. Experiments ranged

from “does a box’s size (see photo below) affect

someone's ability at guessing its weight” to

researching the anchoring bias in which people's first

opinion is changed by the first piece of information

they receive.

Above: Thomas Pearson, Y10, was one of the students taking

part in the Y13 Statistical Experiment where students were asked

to guess the weight of different sized boxes

This was a great opportunity to test out those little

thoughts you always think about but are never

actually able to turn thoughts into a realistic

experiment with real test subjects. Through this we

were all able to answer these questions with some

fantastic results.

Our own experiment was to see if we could make

someone “guess a number subconsciously”. We

framed questions such as: “What do you believe is the

sugar content of an ear of corn - do you believe it to

be more or less than 8 teaspoons?”. This was highly

effective at getting our subjects to make estimates

higher than the response to questions asked such as:

“What do you believe is the sugar content of an ear of

corn?”. This particular experiment showed how

easily human behaviour could be engineered to give a

desired opinion.

For students interested in undertaking year 13 Stats,

these experiments allow for a personal take on

turning your thoughts into a real working

experimental discovery, and we would highly

recommend it.

Fletcher and Jack (Y13 Statistics 2016)

Over 80 students

participated in the 2016

Australian Mathematics

Competition held in the

first week of this term –

we expect the results by

the end of August.

Right: Students taking part in

the 2016 Australian

Mathematics Competition in

the School Hall

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Big Science Competition

Congratulations to:

Senior: Distinction (top

10%) - Fletcher Frater. Credit (top 20%) - Hannah

Gordon, Jacob Bowdler, Jamie Jones and Simon


Intermediate: High Distinction (top 5%)- Isabella

Cranshaw. Credit - Jade Heath-Keen

Junior: Distinction - Kai Grinberg, Lucy Chung.

Credit: Campbell Fry, Chris Everett, Libby

Yeatman, Maddie Bridge, Rhea Symonds, Rowena

Mosimann, Ryan Bensemann, Stanley Griffith,

Willem Pienaar, Yasmin Giles.

Brain Bee

Report from - Susie Adams, Mamie Mikaere, Jayde

Heal, Ethan Penman and Jamie Jones.

Five of us attended this year's Brain Bee competition

in Dunedin. This was an amazing experience and all

the reading we did as preparation was well worth it.

We participated in lots of interactive activities as well

as competing against other schools and individuals.

The Brain Bee competition was an unforgettable time

and going to Dunedin was one of the most amazing

experiences of our life. When we arrived at the Otago

museum we met many other competitors, past Brain

Bee competitors, C.E.O’s and coordinators of the

biomedical lab located within the University. As

competitors, we toured the Biology lab and were

lucky enough to trial the electro rods on one of the

sensitive receptors found in our elbow; also known as

the funny bone. It was a real honour to be a part of

the team this year and getting to meet new friends.

Another great opportunity was being able to visit the

Anatomy Museum. This is filled with plasticised

brains, limbs and other anatomy parts which have

been donated by different people.

Below: Jamie, Mamie, Jayde and Susie at Brain Bee

We would like

to say a great

big thank you

to the Rotary

Club of

Motueka and

NBS for their

sponsorship and to our chauffeur, Heather Adams.

If you are in Y10, enjoy reading and are interested in

how the brain works, see Mr Wiffen to get the text

book ready for next year’s competition.


Science Roadshow

Tue 18 October

Year 9 only

The Science Roadshow is a mobile science discovery

centre that will be set up in our school hall. All Year 9

will attend as part of their Science studies. The cost is

$8 payable to the office by end of Term 3. Please let

the school know if you need financial assistance

Powering Potential is a four day experience in

Wellington Dec 12-15. If you are in Y12 or 13 and are

passionate about science and technology, able to

think outside the square and work as a team, then

this is for you. The successful candidate will have all

costs including travel, accommodation, food and

activity fees covered by the programme:

learning/powering-potential/ Deadline: 3rd October

Hands-On Science:


A week-long Science Camp at the University of Otago

for those entering Y12 or 13 in 2017. Deadline: 14th


Left: Jamie and

Ethan visit

Moeraki Boulders

on Brain Bee trip

Above: Callum on the Biology field trip

to Abel Tasman National Park

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Environment Committee

Above: MHS Environment Committee with Laura Thompson from

Shortland Street, who was at their Quiz Night fundraiser

One of the main focuses during Term 2 was

restorative planting at Moss Reserve. The

Environment Committee worked with DOC to plant

natives around the area and worked to start removing


The crew who planted at Moss Reserve with DOC Ranger Ross

WF Moss Scenic Reserve is a lovely area to go for a

picnic or camping. It is on the way to the Resurgence.

Above: Hayley Garlick, Hannah Gordon and Abby Seymour

planting out natives

Above: Fergus Cotter, May Takahashi and Maddie Bridge digging

in the hard rocky soil

Project Janszoon

At the end of Term 2 the MHS Project Janszoon

Student Advisory Board students were invited to

attend the Awaroa Beach handover ceremony. This

was a special day and it was great to see the beach

added into the Abel Tasman National Park.

Right: Student

Advisory Board

Leaders before

heading out to


Classes have also

been visiting our

Adopted Section

– Anchorage, in

the Abel Tasman

National Park.

10SCX students

carried out

investigations which they had designed in class.

Thank you to Wendy Reeve from PJ and Brooke

Turner from DOC for supporting the students with

their investigations.

Above: Year 10’s Toby Crawford and Josh Elliston measuring fish

they had caught in a stream at Anchorage

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Dance There’s a lot happening in Dance for Term 3

Momentum in Week 4, Shakedown Week 5, Vast

Week 6, assessments to complete and exams to study

for. Dance students should be taking control of their

learning and organising with their teachers if they

need support.

Boys Only

A Boy’s only dance group has started up and is

continuing to run in Term 3. Come along to the dance

room Wednesday lunch times and build your

confidence in dance while getting to have some fun.

Cabaret 2016

We had a big cohort of dancers in Cabaret. All

students performed exceptionally and some of these

dances will be showcased again at Momentum.

Vast Dance Festival 2016

Vast is on Wednesday August 31st at the Theatre

Royal. This year our 3 dances are made up of the Year

11 Dance class, some Year 10 choreography students

and some Year 12 Dance students. Vast is a showcase

of dance students across the Top of the South and I

encourage everyone to get their tickets early to avoid

missing out. Tickets can be purchased at Ticket

Direct under Vast Dance Festival.

Below: MHS Students perform at Vast 2015


Nine Gateway students successfully graduated from

the Red Shirts in Schools programme in May.

From left back row: Courtney Piner, Daniel Rodgers, Braden Nicholls, Noah Boath, Tangiwai Koopu & Ashleigh Peacock. Front row: Tui Henry, Tegan Dunlop & Kimberley Johns

The programme involves students spending one

whole day at The Warehouse on work experience

every Thursday for ten weeks. Students are buddied

up with an experienced staff member on different

sections each week eg: customer service, clothing,

footwear, gardening, check-out, toys, groceries,

stationery and entertainment. The students gain

many Level 2 and 3 credits in retail and customer

service and they learn all about what it’s like to work

in a busy store.

The staff at the Warehouse said this was a really good

group and it was great to see them grow in confidence

over the ten weeks. Thanks so much to the team at

the Warehouse who provided such a warm and

supportive environment for the students, especially

Lynley, Tara and Diana.

Paige Jarvie-Brown, Ben Fraser and Jackson Hayes (pictured above) are on the current intake. There is one more intake this year in early September for Year 12 & 13 students. Please come and talk to Mrs Beatson at Nic’s Place if

you would like more information or to apply or email

[email protected]

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Firstly we would like to congratulate all of the Year 10

students who worked hard to put their art on display

for the Cabaret. Many of them sold their work and it

was a great experience for those students to take part

in a real exhibition.

Senior students are working hard on finishing their

externally assessed folios at the moment.

Here is a list of the due dates. This date is not

negotiable and unfortunately incomplete folios or

ones not handed in on time will get a Not Achieved-

much like other exams.

Level One: Two boards, 12 credits

DUE by 3.30pm Monday 17 October (Week 2

Term 4)

Level Two: Painting, Design and Photography

Two boards, 12 credits

DUE by 3.30pm Friday 21 October (Week 2

Term 4)

Level 3: Painting, Design, Photography

Three boards, 14 UE credits

DUE by 3.30pm Monday 1 November (Week 4

Term 4)

Level 3 students will also need to pay an $8.00 fee to

the office for the price of couriering their boards.

Speaking of fees, as you know there are course fees

for all arts subjects. Please have a look and make sure

they are paid as non-payment could impact on access

to materials.

The exam week is coming up for all seniors. All senior

Art students who are completing external folios need

to come in and make up equivalent exam time in the

Art room, 2 hours for Year 11 and 3 hours for Year 12

and 13. They can make this time up in slots over the

week as long as they sign off and are welcome to

come in for longer. It is worth taking advantage of the

quiet time to complete work. Students must be in


Finally remember to like our Facebook page for

updates, student work and important information

at: art-


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International At the end of Term 2 we said farewell to many of our

International students and photos from their last

assembly can be viewed on the school Facebook page.

Lots of farewell tears to some very special young


At the beginning of Term 3 we welcomed our new

intake after many of them had experienced long flight

delays, planes diverted, unexpected bus trips, fog

bound airports, lost luggage and mechanical

breakdowns with their planes. Our wonderful host

parents were extremely supportive and finally we had

all students safe in Motueka.

Our new students have flown from Germany, Austria,

and Switzerland plus for the first time we have 5

students from Korea here on an 8 week experience.

Our new arrivals are enjoying getting straight into

caving with their Outdoor Education classes, joining

the school choirs and music scene as well as, for

some, learning the rules of netball. It is great to have

community sports teams’ welcome new arrivals into

their teams as well.

Above: Our Korean girls with students from the ESL class

We send our sincere thanks to the wonderful host

families who open their homes to our International

students. If you think you would like to be a host

parent, please contact the Homestay Manager, Ali

Comins, through the school office or by email to:

[email protected]

Our Premium Sponsors

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New Zealand Qualifications Authority

End of Year Exam Timetable 2016