mr owino opar new (4)

Mr. Owino Opar Omac,Lieta Secondary School,P.O Box 380- 40301,Kendu Bay –Homa Bay County-Kenya 0734526117/0791304659 Email [email protected] [email protected] Appeal to well wishers to assist the campaign of cooling the Earth RE; GLOBAL COOLING: PURIFICATION OF SALTY WATER Having studied the report from many quarters concerning the global warming and its effects man life on earth I have the following observations and suggestions to this problem. The earth’s magnetic field originates deep inside the planet and stretches far into space where it forms an invisible shield called magnetosphere. This shield protects us from the full force of cosmic radiation and from dangers emanating from the sun. The latter include the solar wind of a steady stream of energetic particles, solar flares which release in minutes as much energy as billions of hydrogen bombs and coronal mass ejections (CME) which blast billions of tons of matter from the sun’s coronal into space.

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Mr. Owino Opar Omac,Lieta Secondary School,P.O Box 380-40301,Kendu Bay –Homa Bay County-Kenya0734526117/0791304659

Email [email protected] [email protected]

Appeal to well wishers to assist the campaign of cooling the Earth


Having studied the report from many quarters concerning the global warming and its effects man life on earth I have the following observations and suggestions to this problem.

The earth’s magnetic field originates deep inside the planet and stretches far into space where it forms an invisible shield called magnetosphere.

This shield protects us from the full force of cosmic radiation and from dangers emanating from the sun. The latter include the solar wind of a steady stream of energetic particles, solar flares which release in minutes as much energy as billions of hydrogen bombs and coronal mass ejections (CME) which blast billions of tons of matter from the sun’s coronal into space.Both solar flares and CME’s trigger intense auroras, colorful displays of light in the upper atmosphere near the earth’s magnetic poles.

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Figure 21-8

Earths magnetic field dominates space around earth by deflecting the solar wind around a region called magnetosphere and by trapping high-energy particles to form radiation belts. Electric currents in earth’s magnetic field of flow download into earth’s atmosphere and stimulate atmospheric atoms to emit photons, which we see as auroral displays.The general red glow in this photograph and the “curtain” effect are both examples of auroras.

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Our solar system is part of the milk way that many scientists call the galactic habitable zone.This zone is about 28,000 light years from the centre of the galaxy and contains just the right concentration of the chemical elements needed to support life. Further out these chemicals are too scarce and further in the neighborhood is too dangerous because of the greater abundance of potentially lethal radiation and other factors.The earth’s orbit is about 150 million kilometers from the sun referred to by scientists as circumstellar habitable zone where life neither freezes nor fries.

The earth’s atmosphere provides additional protection. An outer layer of the atmosphere the

stratosphere contains form of oxygen called Ozone which absorbs 99% of incoming ultra violet

(UV) radiation. The ozone layer is 25km from the Earth.

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Thus the ozone layer helps to protect many forms of lives including human and plankton from dangerous

radiation. Interestingly the amount of stratospheric ozone is not fixed but directly proportional to the

intensity of UV radiation making the ozone layer a dynamic and efficient field. Therefore it is within here

that we find that the oceans and atmosphere are practically one, constantly exchanging heat, water, gases

and momentum in the form of wind and waves. They a also work together carrying solar heat away from

the tropics towards the poles, thus moderating global temperatures..

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The atmosphere also protects us from daily barrage of millions of meteoroids which burn up in

the atmosphere becoming bright flashes of light called meteors. Earth's shields do not block

radiation that is essential to life such as heat and visible light. The atmosphere even helps to

distribute the heat around the globe and at night the atmosphere acts as a blanket slowing the

escape of heat. The same could be said of another terrestrial phenomenon earth's abundance of

water in its liquid form. Three quarters of the earth's surface is covered with water. Though most

of this water is salty particularly in lakes without outlets, seas and oceans and are not fit for

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human consumption. With the modern technology the salt water should be purified through

fractional distillation in large scale for irrigation instead of depending on the unpredictable

rainfall. If such kind of project is given the priority given to the production of oil for industrial

use the world will be satisfied with agricultural food production more than it is today.

The question of the green house effect would be a thing of the past as most of the earth’s dry

surface will be covered with green vegetation to provide the earth's atmosphere with humid air to

create relief rainfall. God created everything for recreation and if carefully put to good use man

can not suffer in the world. The salty sea water has alot of chemical elements that if scientifically

processed the same can produce other industrial productions UNEP should make the purification

of water for large scale irrigation one of its most urgent priorities to save the world from

manmade desertification which if not checked may sooner rather than later deplete our planet

earth and turn it lifeless. The world's powerful economies should direct their efforts towards this


UNEP should encourage good settlement systems in its habitat department the world over as

it so happens in urban centers. Half haphazard settlement patterns in most rural areas in third

world countries is not economically viable in the present and the future world good. Those who

take care of wild animals should come forward to save the situation by encouraging the

governments and other multinationals to invest more money to this important venture. It is said

that the world destroys about three million acres of forest cover per year; therefore in a matter of

some years to come we shall wipe out the entire world of its vegetation cover. And hence we

shall do away with all water catchment areas.

Although no historical evidence has been produced to prove the reason for the barrenness of

most of the planets but we may hypothesized that this has been due to lack of any vegetation on

most of them ,This is so because many of these bodies in different galaxies in the space have

very dangerous gases in their atmosphere whose sources are the very bodies in question.

Therefore the earth having lost its vegetation which produces much of the atmospheric pressure

loaded with moisture conducive to life then the same will produce very dangerous gases. The

dangerous gases from the volcanic eruptions and industrial emissions into the atmosphere are

still being checked by the present vegetation. A close look at the moon where men had landed

reveal that its topography is rugged and have valleys hills and mountains but with no vegetation.

These features prove that at unknown time these bodies have undergone some geological

changes which might have changed their climatic condition.

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There is no man made means man can use to clean the atmosphere than natural air from

vegetation and unpolluted sea water. Many lakes are being buried down or are becoming shallow

due to siltation as a result of heavy soil erosion due to no vegetation cover. The next to follow

are seas and oceans. The rate at which plastic materials are deposited into the ocean, sea and

lakes and millions and millions of liters of poisonous liquids poured into the same and toxic

waste materials deposited on land which through evaporation find their way into the air is very

dangerous for human and animal life.

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When the US space craft phoenix landed on Mars in its polar regions after traveling for ten

months covering a distance of 423 million miles, it was found that there appears to have been life

at some very distant past which does not exist now.

So, our mother earth has ever been kind to her dependents Flora and Fauna and yet man has not

reciprocated accordingly. The holocaust we are facing does not know the political divisions of

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countries, color of races, the cities of the world, the classification of world economies like first,

second and third countries or religions, creed and cultures .As much as the tropical regions are

being threatened by the encroachment of the Sahara desserts and other droughts around the world

and so in the polar regions the ice cover is melting at alarming rate. Nature can be viewed as a

beautiful mechanism composed of matter and energy interacting according to simple rules to

form galaxies, stars, planets and mountain tops, oceans depths and forest glades. Most the

universe is lifeless and the vast reaches between the galaxies appear to be empty of all but all the

thinnest gas and the stars which contain most of the mass are much too hot for life to survive and

develop. Only on the surface of a few planets where temperatures are moderate could atoms link

together to form living matter. Therefore if life is special then intelligence is precious. There may

exist planets where life has developed but has not become complex, planet on which the wind

stirs wide plains of gross and rustles dark forest. It is an intelligent human or alien that gives

meaning to the landscape.

In that connection therefore science is the process by which intelligence tries to understand the

universe. As the primary intelligence species on this planet, we are the custodians of a priceless

gift – a planet filled with livings things. This is especially true if life is rare in the universe. In

fact if earth is the only inhabited planet, then our responsibility is overwhelming. We are the only

creatures who can take action to preserve the existence of life on earth and ironically our own

actions are the most serious hazards.

That responsibility is not only to save our race for all eternity but to behave as dependable

custodians of our planet, preserving it, admiring it and trying to understand it. That calls for

drastic changes in our behavior towards other living things and a revolution in our attitude

towards our planets resources. The gift of intelligence is the finest thing thus planet has ever

produced and that one is only given to man.

The astronomers, planetologists’ cosmologist and paleontologists are warning us that the sun

having been in existence for the last 5 billion years is remaining with another 5 billion years and

the sun will leave its main sequence and swell into a red giant-incinerating the earth. If at all this

will happen that is a matter of hypothesis and theory. Only a few million years ago our ancestors

were learning to walk erect and communicate but a billion years before that our ancestors were

microscopic organisms living in the primeval oceans.

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The ozone layer lies 25 kilometers above the earth’s surface.

The original of the atmospheric oxygen is linked to the origin of life and that is about 3.3

billion years when nature invented photosynthesis which absorbs carbon from the air or

water and utilizes it for plant growth, releasing oxygen. Since oxygen is a very reactive

element, it combines easily with compounds and hence oxygen grew in abundance slowly.

The development of large shallow seas along the continental margins a half a billion years

ago allowed ocean plants to manufacture oxygen faster than chemical reactions could

consume it. The atmospheric oxygen increases at about 1per cent every 36 millions years.

The earth’s climate is sensitive to many factors. The albedo of the Earth is the fraction of the

sunlight that hits it and gets reflected. An albedo of 1 would be a perfectly white world and an

albedo of O would be a perfectly black. The earth’s overall albedo is 0.39, meaning back into

space 39% of the sunlight that hits it. This reflection depends on the presence of water vapour in

the atmosphere, the temperature of the upper atmosphere and the patterns of the atmospheric

circulation. Any charge in these factors can change earth’s albedo and change climate. We are

altering our atmosphere in at least two serious ways: by adding carbon dioxide (Co2) and

destroying the ozone. Too much concentration of carbon dioxide (Co2) in the atmosphere traps

heat in the process of greenhouse effect.

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For over 4 billion years ago, natural processes on earth had removed Co2 from the atmosphere

and buried it in the form of coal, oil and nature gas. But the industrial revolution changed all that

by digging up the former to get energy and releasing back the same to the atmosphere. We are

cutting down the great forests that could absorb Co2 and hence the growth of the same. The

global climate has warmed by 0.30 to 9.60 in the last century. The ozone layer absorbs the

ultraviolet photons and prevents them from reaching the ground. Like all terrestrial planets, earth

has passed through a four stage history:

1. Differentiation

2. Cratering

3. Flooding by lava, water or both

4. Slow surface evolution

If all humanity can take the initiative seriously of tackling the global warming menace in unison

no matter the cost the entire earth’s surface can change green and through photosynthesis the

amount of oxygen would increase and clean the already polluted atmosphere for the good of

mankind. Under the leadership of the spiritual world lead by Pope Francis of catholic and his

fellow brothers different denominations in the Christendom plus prominent leaders of other

world renowned. Religions, the world of technologies from United Kingdom, Japan, Italy,

Canada, Russia, China, Germany etc lead by United States of America the Super Power, these

should be joined by emerging economic powers like India, Brazil, South Korea, South Africa,

Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria and others, hence watering the dry land by using the present liquid

water cannot be a tall order. Even if the amount of emissions from industries using fossil fuels is

reduced, the damage it has done in the atmosphere and water in the seas for the last four

centuries since the beginning of industrial revolution is not easy to clean soon without the

assistance of green vegetation and its process of using carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen to

accelerate cleaning. The call to reduce fossil industrial emissions is a good idea to control the

greenhouse effect but it is like removing the firewood from the fire furnace and leaving the

smoke screen.

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The industrial production in all sectors of the economy everywhere in the world is powered by

fossil fuel. Therefore making radical change will automatically affect the world economic order

which will be worse to the third world economies. In that connection the process will have to go

slowly while the earth is seriously facing imminent environmental holocaust.

So the call of creating awareness in all countries to take it upon themselves individually to

produce as much water as possible will arrest the situation sooner rather than later. The business

community, the cooperate world of multinational companies should be encouraged along that

line. The water from oceans, rivers, underground lakes and seas is abundantly available. Let us

stop the blame game of the rich verses the poor while both parties are staring the devastating

situation under their face. Therefore all the parties propagating environmental activities should

join hands in rallying the world toward water production venture to make the world green.

The media should lead in this noble campaign from one country to the other, from one continent

to the other because the holocaust facing the world does not spare any country or continent. It

engulfs every surface of our mother Earth.

The following countries for example do emit into the atmosphere metric tones of Carbon per

year. USA–5,334,000 KT, China–10,540,000 KT, India–2,341,000 KT, Kenya (2011) –0.30 KT.

The plant seed and the plant life are found three kilometers from the Earth’s surface into the

ground. Therefore it is a matter of watering the Earth and the plants will automatically sprout out

to grow and make the Earth green

This venture will change the surface of the world to its former natural good. This work of water

production and irrigation will make UNEP realize its objectives and goals. When you eat good

food, when you drink good water or pure water, you are not safe because you breathe

polluted Air.

Thanks in advance.

Owino Opar Omach.