multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · multi-level stochastic...

Introduction Analysis of the SA scheme Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Noufel Frikha Universit ´ e Paris Diderot, LPMA 6th July, 2017 Journ´ ees IOPS. Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

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Page 1: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Noufel Frikha

Universite Paris Diderot, LPMA

6th July, 2017

Journees IOPS.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 2: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Outline of the presentation

1 IntroductionMulti-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

2 Analysis of the SA schemeOn the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statisticalerrors

3 Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsStatistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

4 Numerical results

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 3: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps


B Multi-level Monte Carlo paradigm was originally introduced for thecomputation of :

E[f (XT)]

where f : Rq → R and (Xt)t∈[0,T] is a q-dimensional process satisfying

∀t ∈ [0,T], Xt = x +

∫ t

0b(Xs)ds +

∫ t

0σ(Xs)dWs. (1)

When no closed formula is available, one proceeds in two steps :B Step 1 : Discretisation scheme of (1) by

Xnt = x +

∫ t


φn(s))ds +

∫ t


φn(s))dWs, φn(s) = sup ti : ti ≤ s .

with time step ∆ = T/n and regular points ti = i∆, i = 0, · · · , n.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 4: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

This step induces a weak discretisation error

ED = E[f (XT)]− E[f (XnT)] ≈ C

nsee Talay & Tubaro (90), Bally & Talay (96), ...

B Step 2 : Estimation of E[f (XnT)] by M−1 ×∑M

j=1 f ((XnT)j) induces a

statistical error :

ES = E[f (XnT)]− 1



f ((XnT)j)

The global error associated to the computation of E[f (XT)] writes :

EGlob(M, n) := E[f (XT)]− 1M


f ((XnT)j)

= E[f (XT)]− E[f (XnT)] + E[f (Xn

T)]− 1M


f ((XnT)j)

= ED + ES.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 5: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Complexity analysis

Optimal complexity : How to balance M w.r.t n to achieve a givenglobal error of order ε?B Duffie & Glynn (95) :

If ∃α ∈ (0, 1], nα(E[f (XT)]− E[f (XnT)])→ Cα, as n→ +∞




f ((XnT)j)− E[f (XT)]

=⇒ N (Cα,Var(f (XT))) .

B It is optimal to set M = n2α to achieve an error of order ε = n−α :

CMC = C ×M × n = C × n2α+1.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 6: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Statistical Romberg Monte Carlo schemeB To reduce the complexity, Kebaier (05) proposed a two-level MonteCarlo scheme :

E[f (XT)]

M(γ1, γ2, β) :=1



f ((XnβT )j)+



f ((XnT)j)− f ((Xnβ

T )j)

((XnβT )j)j∈[[1,nγ1 ]] and (((Xn

T)j,XnβT )j)j∈[[1,nγ2 T]] are independent.

(XnT ,X

nβT ) same path but different time steps.

B Main result : If nα(E[f (XT)]− E[f (XnT)])→ Cα, then


M(2α, 2α− β, β)− E[f (XT)])

=⇒ N (Cα,Σ) .

B Optimal Complexity to achieve an error of order n−α :

CSR−MC = C × (nβn2α + (nβ + n)n2α−β) ≈ C × n2α+ 12 , β =


Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 7: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Multi-level Monte Carlo schemeB Generalizing Kebaier’s approach, Giles (08) proposed a multi-levelMonte Carlo scheme :

E[f (XT)]

M(n) :=1



f ((X1T)j)+




f ((Xm`T )j)− f ((Xm`−1

T )j)

L + 1 independent empirical mean sequences.Euler schemes with geometric sequence of time steps, mL = n.

Var(M(n)) =1

N0Var(f (X1

T)) +



Var(f (Xm`T )− f (Xm`−1

T )) ≤ CL∑`=0

N−1` m−`

B Optimal Complexity to achieve an error of order n−α :

CML-MC = C × n2α(log(n))2, for N` := 2c2n2α(L + 1)T/m`.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 8: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Stochastic approximation algorithmB Aim : Extend the scope of the ML-MC method to stochasticoptimization by means of stochastic approximation (SA).B Introduced by H.Robbins & S.Monro (1951). It is a recursivesimulation-based algorithm to estimate θ∗ solution of

h(θ) := E[H(θ,U)] = 0, H : Rd × Rq → Rd, U ∼ µB Behind and implicitly assumed : Computation of h is costlycompared to the computation of H and to the simulation of U.B Devise the following scheme

θp+1 = θp − γp+1H(θp,Up+1) = θp − γp+1 (h(θp) + ∆Mp+1)︸ ︷︷ ︸Corrupted observations of h(θp)

with (Up)p≥1 i.i.d. Rq-valued r.v. with law µ and∑p≥1

γp = +∞,∑p≥1

γ2p < +∞,

to take advantage of an averaging effect along the scheme.Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 9: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Asymptotic properties of (θp)p≥1a.s. convergence and convergence rate

B a.s. convergence : Robbins-Monro Theoremmean-reverting assumption

∀θ ∈ Rd, θ 6= θ∗, 〈θ − θ∗, h(θ)〉 > 0,

domination assumption

∀θ ∈ Rd, |h(θ)|2 ≤ E|H(θ,U)|2 ≤ C(1 + |θ − θ∗|2).

Then, one has :θp

a.s.−→ θ∗, p→ +∞.B Weak convergence rate : under mild assumptions, in “standardcases”, one has√

γ−1p (θp − θ∗) =⇒ N (0,Σ∗) , p→ +∞.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 10: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

A very simple exampleComputation of the quantile at level `

B Computation of the `-quantile of U :

θ∗ : P(U ≤ θ) = `⇐⇒ h(θ) := E[1U≤θ − `] = 0

B Assume for simplicity that θ 7→ P(U ≤ θ) is (strict.) increasing, thenR-M algorithm

θp+1 = θp − γp+1(1Up+1≤θp − `)converges a.s. to θ∗.

B If fU(θ∗) > 0, setting γp = γ0/p, 2γ0fU(θ∗) > 1, one obtains

√p(θp − θ∗) =⇒ N

(0, α(1− α)


2γ0fU(θ∗)− 1


Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 11: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

Some applications in computational financeB In many applications, notably in computational finance, we areinterested in estimating the zero θ∗ of h(θ) = E[H(θ,XT)].

B Some examples among others :Implied volatility :

σ ∈ R+ s.t. E[(XT(σ)− K)+] = Pmarket.

Implied correlation between X1T and X2

T :

ρ ∈ (−1, 1) s.t. E[(max(X1T ,X

2T(ρ))− K)+] = Pmarket.

VaR and CVaR :

(ξ,C) s.t. Px(F(XT) ≤ ξ) = α, C = VaRα+1

1− αE[(F(XT)−VaRα)+]

Stochastic optimisation : supθ∈Rq E[U(F(XT)− θ.(XT − x))].

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 12: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Multi-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

B The function h is generally not known and XT cannot be simulated.B Estimating the zero θ∗ of h(.) = E[H(.,XT)] by a SA is not possible !B Two steps are needed :

Approximate the zero θ∗ by the zero θ∗,n of hn(.) := E[H(.,XnT)] :

Implicit discretization error : ED := θ∗ − θ∗,n.

Related issues : θ∗,n → θ∗ ? What about the rate? Expansion?Estimate θ∗,n by M ∈ N∗ steps of the following SA scheme :

θnp+1 = θn

p − γp+1H(θnp, (Xn

T)p+1), p ∈ [[0,M − 1]]

Statistical error : ES := θ∗,n − θnM.

B Therefore, the global error between θ∗ and its approximation θnM is :

Eglob(M, n) = θ∗ − θ∗,n + θ∗,n − θnM

:= ED + ES.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 13: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

On the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statistical errors

Outline of the presentation

1 IntroductionMulti-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

2 Analysis of the SA schemeOn the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statisticalerrors

3 Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsStatistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

4 Numerical results

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 14: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

On the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statistical errors

On the implicit discretization error


∀n ∈ N∗, assume that h and hn satisfy a mean reverting assumption.Moreover, suppose that (hn)n≥1 converges loc. unif. towards h. Then,one has :

θ∗,n → θ∗ as n→ +∞.


Suppose that h and hn, n ≥ 1, are C1(Rd,Rd) and that Dh(θ∗) isnon-singular. Assume that (Dhn)n≥1 conv. loc. unif. to Dh. If ∃α ∈ [0, 1]s.t.

∀θ ∈ Rd, limn→+∞

nα(hn(θ)− h(θ)) = Eα(θ),

then, one has


nα(θ∗,n − θ∗) = −Dh−1(θ∗)Eα(θ∗).

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 15: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

On the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statistical errors

Expansion of the implicit discretization errorB Assume that for some α > 0

1 ∀θ ∈ Rd, h(θ)− hn(θ) =Λ0

1(θ)nα + · · ·+ Λ0

k(θ)nαk + o

( 1nαk


2 ∀l ≤ k − 1, ∀θ ∈ Rd,Dlhn(θ)− Dlh(θ) =

Λl1(θ)nα + · · ·+ Λl


nα(k−l) + o( 1


)3 For all l ∈ [[1, k]], (Dlhn)n≥1 converges locally uniformly to Dlh.4 Dh(θ∗) is invertible.

Theorem : F., Huang

Under the above assumptions θ∗,n − θ∗ has an expansion up to orderk, that is, the following expansion holds :

θ∗,n − θ∗ =C1

nα+ · · ·+ Ck

nαk + o(



B Further development (see F., Huang, 2015) : multistepRichardson-Romberg method for stochastic optimization.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 16: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

On the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statistical errors

Illustration : Estimation of the quantile of a componentof an SDE

B We consider a d-dimensional process (Xt)t≥0 = (X1t , . . . ,X

dt )t≥0 :

∀t ∈ [0, 1], Xt = x +

∫ t

0b(Xs−)ds +

∫ t


with Z a stable process of index α ∈ (0, 2].B Computation of θ∗ the quantile at level ` ∈ (0, 1) :

P(Xd1 ≤ θ) = `⇐⇒ h(θ) := E[1Xd

1≤θ− `]

B Consider Euler scheme of step ∆ = 1/n,

∀t ∈ [0, 1], Xnt = x +

∫ t


φ(s))ds +

∫ t


φ(s))dZs, hn(θ) := E[1Xn,d1 ≤θ

− `]

B Under mild assumptions on b, σ and Z, one has θ∗,n → θ∗ as n→ +∞.B Using a Parametrix approach, under smoothness and non-degeneracyassumptions, one proves :

∀R ∈ N∗, θ∗,n − θ∗ =C1

n+ · · ·+ CR

nR + o(



Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 17: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

On the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statistical errors

Optimal tradeoff between implicit discretization andstatistical errors

Remember that the global error between θ∗ and its estimate θnM is :

Eglob(M, n) = θ∗ − θ∗,n + θ∗,n − θnM

Theorem [Optimal tradeoff]

nα(θnγ−1(1/n2α) − θ∗

)=⇒ −Dh−1(θ∗)Eα(θ∗) +N (0,Σ∗) ,

Σ∗ :=

∫ ∞0

exp (−s(Dh(θ∗)− ζId))T E[H(θ∗,XT)H(θ∗,XT)T ] exp (−s(Dh(θ∗)− ζId)) ds

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 18: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

On the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statistical errors


For a global error of order n−α, one needs to devise M = γ−1(n−2α)steps of the SA.B Computational cost of SA is :

CSA(γ) = C × n× γ−1(n−2α),

B Two basic step sequences :if γ(p) = γ0/p with 2λγ0 > 1, then CSA = C × n2α+1.

if γ(p) = γ0/pρ, 12 < ρ < 1, then CSA = C × n

2αρ +1.

B Optimal complexity is reached for γ(p) = γ0/p

B Main drawback : The constraint on γ0 is difficult to handle inpractical implementation.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 19: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

Outline of the presentation

1 IntroductionMulti-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

2 Analysis of the SA schemeOn the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statisticalerrors

3 Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsStatistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

4 Numerical results

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 20: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

The statistical Romberg SA method

It is clearly apparent that : θ∗,n = θ∗,nβ

+ θ∗,n − θ∗,nβ , β ∈ (0, 1). Weestimate θ∗ by :

Θsrn = θnβ

M1+ θn

M2− θnβ


B (θnM2, θnβ

M2) is computed using two Euler approximation schemes with

different time steps but with the same Brownian path.B θnβ

M1comes from Brownian paths which are independent to those

used for the computation of (θnM2, θnβ


B We will make use of the following CLT (Jacod and Protter, AoP 98)√

n(Xn − X) =⇒ U

where U satisfies a linear SDE on an extension of (Ω, F , Ft≥0, P).

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 21: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

CLT for the two-level SA method


Suppose that E[(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)T

]is positive

definite.Then, for M1 = γ−1(1/n2α) and M2 = γ−1(1/(n2α−β)), one has

nα(Θsrn − θ∗) =⇒ Dh−1(θ∗)Eα(θ∗) +N (0,Σ∗), n→ +∞


Σ∗ :=

∫ ∞0


)T(E[H(θ∗,XT)H(θ∗,XT)T ]

+ E[(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT) (DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)


Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 22: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

Sketch of proof 1/3First use the following decomposition :

Θsrn − θ∗ = θnβ

γ−1(1/n2α) − θ∗,nβ

+ θnγ−1(1/n2α−β) − θnβ

γ−1(1/n2α−β) − (θ∗,n − θ∗,nβ )

+ θ∗,n − θ∗

B Step 1 : Impl. discret. error : nα(θ∗,n − θ∗)→ −Dh−1(θ∗)Eα(θ∗).B Step 2 : We also have : nα(θnβ

γ−1(1/n2α) − θ∗,nβ

) =⇒ N (0,Γ∗) with

Γ∗ :=

∫ ∞0

exp (−s(Dh(θ∗)− ζId))T E[H(θ∗,Xx

T)H(θ∗,XxT)T ] exp (−s(Dh(θ∗)− ζId)) ds

B Step 3 : Use the following decomposition :

θnγ−1(1/n2α−β) − θ

γ−1(1/n2α−β) − (θ∗,n − θ∗,nβ


= θnγ−1(1/n2α−β)−θγ−1(1/n2α−β) − (θ∗,n − θ∗)

− (θnβ

γ−1(1/n2α−β)−θγ−1(1/n2α−β) − (θ∗,nβ

− θ∗))

where (θp)p≥0 is the artificial SA : θp+1 = θp − γp+1H(θp, (XT)p+1), θ0 = θn0 .

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 23: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

Sketch of proof 2/3

Then, we prove :

nα(θnβγ−1(1/(n2α−βT)) − θγ−1(1/(n2α−βT)) − (θ∗,n

β − θ∗))

=⇒ N (0,Θ∗)


Θ∗ :=

∫ ∞0

(e−s(Dh(θ∗)−ζId))T E[(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT) (DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)T


and nα(θnγ−1(1/(n2α−βT))

− θγ−1(1/(n2α−βT)) − (θ∗,n − θ∗))

P−→ 0.

B A Taylor’s expansion yields for p ≥ 0

θnβp+1 − θ

∗,nβ = θnβp − θ∗,n

β− γp+1Dhnβ (θ∗,n


p − θ∗,nβ

) + γp+1∆Mnp+1 − γp+1ζ


θp+1 − θ∗ = θp − θ∗ − γp+1Dh(θ∗)(θp − θ∗) + γp+1∆Mp+1 − γp+1ζp,

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 24: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

Sketch of proof 3/3Simple induction shows that znβ

p = θnβp − θp − (θ∗,n

β − θ∗)

znβn = Π1,nznβ

0 +n∑


γkΠk+1,n∆Nnβk +


γkΠk+1,n∆Rnβk +



whereΠk,n :=

∏nj=k (Id − γjDh(θ∗)),

non-linear. innov : ∆Nnβk = hnβ (θ∗)− h(θ∗)− (H(θ∗, (Xnβ

T )k+1)−H(θ∗, (XT)k+1))

non-linear. in space : ∆Rnβk = hnβ (θnβ

k )− hnβ (θ∗)− (H(θnβk , (Xnβ

T )k+1)−H(θ∗, (Xnβ

T )k+1)) + H(θk, (XT)k+1)− H(θ∗, (XT)k+1)− (h(θk)− h(θ∗))

Rest : ∆Snk :=


k−1 − ζk−1 + (Dh(θ∗)− Dhnβ (θ∗,nβ

))(θnβk−1 − θ

∗,nβ ))

B nαΠ1,γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))znβ0

L1(P)−→ 0.

B nα∑γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))

k=1 γkΠk+1,γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))∆Rnβk

P−→ 0

B nα∑γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))

k=1 γkΠk+1,γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))∆Snk

P−→ 0.B CLT martingale arrays (see e.g. Hall & Heyde) + Jacod & Protter CLT :



γkΠk+1,γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))∆Nnβk =⇒ N (0,Σ∗)

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 25: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

Multi-level SA scheme

It uses L Euler schemes with time steps given by T/m`, ` ∈ 1, · · · ,Ls.t. mL = n and estimates θ∗ by

θ∗,n = θ∗,1+


θ∗,m` − θ∗,m`−1

Θmln = θ1



θm`M` − θm`−1

M` .

B Weak error is of order 1 : ∀θ ∈ Rd, n(hn(θ)− h(θ))→ E(h, 1, θ).

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 26: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

CLT for the Multi-level SA scheme


Suppose that E[(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)T ] is positive definite.Then, for M0 = γ−1(1/n2), Ml = γ−1(m` log(m)/(n2 log(n)(m− 1)T)),` = 1, · · · ,L, one has

n(Θmln − θ∗) =⇒ Dh−1(θ∗)E(h, 1, θ∗) +N (0,Σ∗), n→ +∞


Σ∗ :=

∫ ∞0



T)H(θ∗,X1T)T ]

+ E[(DxH(θ∗,XT)UT) (DxH(θ∗,XT)UT)T])e−s(Dh(θ∗)−ζId)ds

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 27: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Statistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

Complexity AnalysisFor a total error of order n−α, the complexity of the SR-SA method is

CSR-SA(γ) = C × (nβγ−1(1/n2α) + (n + nβ)γ−1(1/(n2α−βT))),

For a total error of order n−1, the complexity of the ML-SA method is

CML-SA(γ) = C ×(γ−1(1/n2) +


M`(m` + m`−1)


If γ(p) = γ0/p and λγ0 > 1 then β∗ = 1/2 is the optimal choiceleading to

CSR-SA(γ) = C′n2α+1/2,

CML-SA(γ) = C(

n2 + n2(log n)2 m2 − 1m(log m)2

)= O(n2(log(n))2),

If γ(p) = γ0/pρ, 12 < ρ < 1 then β∗ = ρ/(1 + ρ) leading to

CSR-SA(γ) = C′n2αρ + ρ

1+ρ , and CML-SA(γ) = O(n2ρ (log n)

1ρ ).

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 28: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Outline of the presentation

1 IntroductionMulti-level Monte Carlo methodToward Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsA short analysis of the different steps

2 Analysis of the SA schemeOn the implicit discretization errorOn the implicit discretization errorOptimal tradeoff between implicit discretization and statisticalerrors

3 Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsStatistical Romberg SA : a two-level SA schemeMulti-level stochastic approximation algorithm

4 Numerical results

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 29: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Computation of quantiles of a 1-d diffusion process

We consider a GBM : Xt = x +∫ t

0 rXsds +∫ t

0 σXsdWs, t ∈ [0,T]. Thequantile at level l ∈ (0, 1) of XT is

ql(XT) := inf θ : P(XT ≤ θ) ≥ l = x exp((r − σ2/2)T + σ√


ql(XxT) is the unique solution to

h(θ) = E[H(θ,XT)] = 0, H(θ, x) = 1x≤θ − l.

B parameters : x = 100, r = 0.05, σ = 0.4, T = 1, l = 0.7,B reference value : q0.7(XT) = 119.69.B Implicit discretization error : We plot n 7→ nhn(θ∗) (MC estimator)and n 7→ n(θ∗,n − θ∗) (SA estimator) for n = 100, · · · , 500, with M = 108

samples.B optimal tradeoff CLT : Distribution of n(θn

γ−1(1/n2) − θ∗), obtainedwith n = 100 and N = 1000 samples,

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 30: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Implicit discretization error behavior

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500









Convergence ofθ


discretization size n



* )

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500







Convergence of n.(θ*,n


discretization size nn.(



θ* )

FIGURE – On the left : Weak discretization error n 7→ nhn(θ∗). On the right :Implicit discretization error n 7→ n(θ∗,n − θ∗), n = 100, · · · , 500.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 31: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Optimal tradeoff

−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 2500







7x 10


n.(θnγ−1(1/n2) − θ∗)


histogram of n.(θnγ−1(1/n2) − θ∗), n = 100

FIGURE – Histogram of n(θnγ−1(1/n2) − θ

∗), n = 100, with N = 1000 samples.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 32: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Computation of the level of an unknown function

We (still) consider a GBM : Xt = x +∫ t

0 rXsds +∫ t

0 σXsdWs, t ∈ [0,T].For a fixed l, we aim at solving :

e−rTE(XT − θ)+ = l⇐⇒ h(θ) = 0, with H(θ, x) = l− e−rT(x− θ)+

We first fix a value θ∗, the B-S formula gives l and we estimate θ∗.B parameters : x = 100, r = 0.05, σ = 0.4, T = 1, l = 0.7,B reference value : θ∗ = 100.B Implicit discretisation error : We plot n 7→ nhn(θ∗) (MC estimator)and n 7→ n(θ∗,n − θ∗) (SA estimator) for n = 100, · · · , 500, with M = 108

samples.B optimal tradeoff CLT : Distributions of n(θn

γ−1(1/n2) − θ∗), n(Θsrn − θ∗)

and n(Θmln − θ∗), obtained with n = 44 = 256 and N = 1000 samples

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 33: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Implicit discretization error behavior

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500−5











Convergence ofθ


discretization size n



* )

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500−4







Convergence of n.(θ*,n


discretization size nn.(



θ* )

FIGURE – On the left : Weak discretization error n 7→ nhn(θ∗). On the right :Implicit discretization error n 7→ n(θ∗,n − θ∗), n = 100, · · · , 500.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 34: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

CLT for the different schemes

−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 2000







n.(θnγ−1(1/n2) − θ∗)


histogram of n.(θnγ−1(1/n2) − θ∗), n = 256

−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 2500











n.(Θsrn − θ∗)


histogram of n.(Θsrn − θ∗), n = 256

−150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 2000







n.(Θmln − θ∗)


histogram of n.(Θmln − θ∗), n = 256

FIGURE – Histograms of n(θγ−1(1/n2) − θ∗), n(Θsrn − θ∗), n(Θml

n − θ∗), n = 100,N = 1000.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 35: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

CLT for the different schemes

FIGURE – Histograms of n(θγ−1(1/n2) − θ∗), n(Θsrn − θ∗), n(Θml

n − θ∗), n = 625,N = 5000.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 36: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results

Comparison of the three estimators

For a set of N = 200 different targets θ∗k equidistributed on the interval[90, 110] and for different values of n, we compute the complexity ofeach method and its root mean squared error (RMSE) :




(Θnk − θ∗k )2


where Θnk = θn

γ−1(1/n2), Θsrn or Θml

n is the considered estimator.

B For each given n and for each estimator, we provide a couple(RMSE,Complexity) (average complexity) and also the couple(RMSE,Time) (average time).

B The multi-level SA estimator has been computed for differentvalues of m, m = 2 to m = 7.

Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 37: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results











Complexity w.r.t RMSE

Root mean squared error
































Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms

Page 38: Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms · 2017-07-12 · Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms Numerical results Multi-level Monte Carlo method Toward Multi-level

IntroductionAnalysis of the SA scheme

Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithmsNumerical results










Root mean squared error



Time w.r.t. RMSE






























Noufel Frikha Multi-level stochastic approximation algorithms