my presentation for "esomar best of russia 2014" clients session


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My presentation for "ESOMAR Best of Russia 2014" clients session: overnight research, online panels and more.


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Page 2: My presentation for "ESOMAR Best of Russia 2014" clients session
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Page 4: My presentation for "ESOMAR Best of Russia 2014" clients session


Alexander Bugakov Senior Market Researcher, Yum! Restaurants Russia (Pizza Hut and KFC Brands), Russian Federation

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Cu#ng  corners:    is  the  adop+on  of  online  ad-­‐hoc  research  shi2ing  budgets  from  MR  agencies  to  online  panels?  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  Client  panel  

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~80%  of  market  research  tasks  are    quite  simple,  if  not  trivial:    

•  Which  variant  of  this  ad  should  we  run?  •  Did  our  last  digital  campaign  add  to  the  overall  coverage?  •  Is  it  a  good  idea    

to  make  this  guy  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐>  our  “brand  ambassador”  in  Russia?  

•  We  have  3  op+ons  for  new    product  naming  –  which  do    we  choose?      

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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Earlier  I’d  have  liVle  scruples  to  do  this:  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

…but since we have 100K strong community in social media and can do stuff like that overnight, for free – why not?

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OK,  that  was  a  liVle  bit  over  the  top  

“Social  media  research”  never  will  be  a  viable  op+on  for  lots    of  reasons;  we’ll  s+ck  to  more  “academic”  solu+ons    But  what  are  our  (clients’)  op+ons?  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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Typical  workflow  of  CAWI  projects  

1.  Client  dra2s  the  brief  2.  MR  agency  takes  ~day  to  digest  it  and  offer  +meline  /  pricing  

(in  fact,  it  relays  the  brief  to  online  panel)  3.  Project  gets  approved,  researcher  in  agency  dra2s  the  

ques+onnaire  and  sampling  design  4.  Online  panel  takes  over,  programs  the  script  and  sends  out  

ques+onnaire  invita+ons  5.  As  the  fieldwork  ends,  panel  provides  MR  agency  with  the  

data  6.  Agency  dra2s  the  report  for  the  client    

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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Let’s  “disrupt”  it  a  bit:  

1.   Client  dra2s  the  brief  Usually  the  task  is  so  simple  that  one  Email  does  the  job  

2.   MR  agency  takes  ~day  to  digest  it  and  offer  +meline  /  pricing  (in  fact,  it  relays  the  brief  to  online  panel)  If  I  write  to  panel  directly,  I  get  the  response  in  4  hours  

3.   Project  gets  approved,  researcher  in  agency  dra2s  the  ques+onnaire  and  sampling  design  If  it  is  one-­‐page  ques+onnaire,  I  can  dra2  it  myself  

4.  Online  panel  takes  over,  programs  the  script  and  sends  out  ques+onnaire  invita+ons  

5.  As  the  fieldwork  ends,  panel  provides  MR  agency  with  the  data  6.   Agency  dra2s  the  report  for  the  client  To  have  my  answer  I  need  

simplest  Excel  crosstab  in  most  cases  ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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Pros  for  clients:  

•  More  research  gets  done.  Nothing  boosts  the  respect  for  internal  MR  func+on  more  than  “yes,  we  can  have  it  on  Friday  this  week”  

•  Exper+se  is  s+ll  here  –  there  is  no  fault  an  experienced  panel  employee  won’t  no+ce  that  MR  agency’s  staff  would  see  

•  No  concerns  about  data  quality  –  they  are  the  same  suppliers  MR  agencies  do  use,  a2er  all  

•  Panels  are  more  flexible,  more  “into”  Internet  &  digital  –  no  need  to  explain  them  what  the  “cookie”  is  

•  Budgets  are  saved  –  which  is  very  no+ceable  on  small  projects  (N  <  1000)  where  fixed  part  of  MR  agency’s  pricing  share  is  rela+vely  large  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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Cons  for  clients:  

•  Yes,  it  is  REALLY  “semi-­‐manufacture”  •  You  basically  compensate  the  fact  that  you  get  half-­‐way  

product  by  inves+ng  your  own  +me  and  effort  •  And  you  are  the  only  person  who  can  no+ce  a  bug  in  the  final  

ques+onnaire  script  :)  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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What  can  MR  agencies  do  with  this  trend?  

If  you  can’t  stop  it,  take  the  lead.  Some  already  do    (but  not  in  Russia):  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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Automated  tools  are  NOT  your  compe+tors  –  dialogue  and  exper+se  maVer  

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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This  trend  is  not  only  about  cost  culng,    it  is  about  client  rela+onships:  

     When  was  the  last  +me  you’ve  asked  the  client  “what  were  the  recent  researches  you  chose  NOT  to  run,  and  why?”      

ESOMAR  “Best  of  Russia  2014”  

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