my yahoo! personalising the web

1 My Yahoo! Personalising the Web Nick Cox – Product Manager May 2007

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My Yahoo! Personalising the Web. Nick Cox – Product Manager May 2007. My Yahoo! Personalising the web. Pipes : What is Pipes?. “Pipes is an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. Using Pipes, you can create feeds that are more powerful, useful and relevant.”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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My Yahoo! Personalising the Web

Nick Cox – Product ManagerMay 2007

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My Yahoo! Personalising the web

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Pipes : What is Pipes?

“Pipes is an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. Using Pipes, you can create feeds that are more powerful,

useful and relevant.”

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Pipes :

• Remix XML structured web content to make useful tools

• As simple to use as clicking “create a new pipe”

• Entirely browser based IDE

• Over 5,000 sample pipes to try or expand on

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Yahoo! Developer Network


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Yahoo! Developer Network : Mission

…enable developers, ISVs and partners to rapidly build compelling software

services on the Yahoo platform leveraging our platform excellence,

highly–scalable infrastructure and social media wealth…

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Y!DN : Can I make money?

• Sure! • Currently Y! Web

Services are available to anyone interested in using Y! products, services, data and content.

• SOME of our services are only available for use in non-commercial applications

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Y!DN : Low barriers to entry

• You can use any language you like!

• Our SDK provides libraries and / examples in:– ColdFusion – C# – Flash/Flex (ActionScript) – Java – JavaScript – Lua – Perl – PHP – Python – Ruby – VB.NET – Widgets (JavaScript + XML)

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Y!DN : Applications Gallery

• Users can upload and rate API based applications.– 600+ apps so far :

• Messenger – 30%• Maps – 20%• Search – 19%• Flickr – 15%• YUI – 6%• Music – 3%• All Others – 9%

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Some Cool APIs

• Yahoo Mail API – launched March 2007– List Folders – Lists all mail folders (total messages and unread message counts

etc.)– List messages – Lists all messages in a folder. Want first X results filtered by

unread– Get Message – Returns message parts in UTF-8– Save Message / Save Raw Message – allowing you to build mail import tools

• YUI – Yahoo User Interface Library• Answers• Flickr API

– Get Interesting Pictures by date– Add / Delete / Edit / List comments– Search by tag, date, user etc.– Get EXIF / TIFF / GPS tags for a photo

• Search• Travel

– Query Trip Planner content – restrict by Geolocation, images, keywords etc.

• Finance– Get stock quotes for a listed company (

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Yahoo! Next Generation


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Alpha : Personalisation Features

• Supports 3rd party content:– OpenSearch friendly sites– Pipes!

• Customise your view

• Share your layout with friends

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NextGen Front-pages :

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NextGen Front-pages : MyYahoo

• Limited live beta

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MyYahoo : Personalisation Features

• Change colours

• Add content– Not restricted to Y! content

• Send modules, pages, or entire layouts to a friend

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Don’t forget Hack Day : London

• June 16th and 17th @ Alexandra Palace.

• 500 web developers

• Live entertainment from surprise music guest.

• Co-hosted with BBC Backstage

• Yahoo! Developers on hand to help out and answer any questions.


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