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JHLA V A S S ^saW ^

r iEJfl r A t,

S en satio nal Su ic id e i n tb e Prete n c e o f


Bo s t o n is disappointedin Edy. ,Th eWashington Club is complete, .-

fTnwMemphisClub has reorganised.

Ba t e s will pitch for Havard College.BaRKLeN has signed with Kansas City, \ ,Cl ev el a n d is the League baby this year.

Ru l a n d is to Captain the Havard College

nine. ■ •

BosTONiANs'begintothink their, outfield is


Mb s Ja n eGoa db r , whplives on a sntall

farmmorfo ofBrentwood, LongIsland, com­-

mitted suicide with S razor, vBbo aroseeri-ly,fed. the stock andpilkedthecows an d turned

them out to graze, and then went to her

room and killed,herself.-


"Wild R a c e f o r H o i a e s te a fea Cro w d ,


James Hogan, who had been staying a t foe

Spain House, Chicago, became suddenly in­-

sanefrom an over Indulgence of liquor, and

rushingto theroofnearmidnightswung hhu-

self over. He was smgmg and-shouting, and

soonattracted a large crowd-which stood

spellbound.“Don’tjumpl” shotted; a-spectator, and

Hogan qlfinbedto the rpof again, laughingboisterously. Several" times he repeatedthis

performance, singing and shouting all ithe

time, the crowd, which b y this tim e had

swelled to hundreds, watching him breath­-

lessly. ! . •

Two policemon .rushed up stairs and out

fainted and there was a rush to clear foe

sidewalk; ‘• - -1 'p '.

* ■• “Don’t you touch me.” Hogan -screamed,as the two officers erawled toirard 'hirri,“or

I’ll le t go.” ’ ’ -

Just,thenfoe mazed man saw .au officer

climbing the fire escape and within a , few

feet o f him. '.


“No, you don’t,” he shrieked, and suddenlyreleased hishold. iin"**b

H is Ikxlj' UfiuL "dOivttvk(uB, OTnimg in its

descent, and striking a/sign which fexfcended

out from-the second story i t rebounded and

then struck the stone, sidewalk with

tr sickching crash squarely on the head.

Eogah’s -brains write scattered' all-over"

the flags and the front windows ofthe -hotel,,death resulting instantly. The .hedd. -was'

literally broken to pieces. One ofthe officers

who rushed .to-lift tho body beCamo. sickJit.

foe sight reeled aiid fell.

The suicide was a -man of middle age," and

was well off at onetime. His only' relativein Chicago is a married sister.

SW""--1'*' -*

HWUJBDA Tf.SlAS 4, 1 8 8 9 .-..I



ipE-ypNTy t h o u s a n d, Free J asons ’ in foe

State and city of New York held a jubiloe iqcommemoration of.the freedom of foe Grand

Lodge from a debt of $600,000, and a t pra-,

cisely the samehour m various p art? of foe

StateJO,OQpvoices qvereraisedin ringing foe

grand anthem “Old Hundred." E very lodgein foe State heldameetingofcohgfatulaMon.

Th e residence of E. G. Short at Darthagewas burned. Loss, $2600; insurance, $1500,

T h e S ign al' S o u n d e d an d 3 0 ,

P i o n e er s C ro s s t h e B or d er s,

A. clesire for Home Rule is spreading.

Ccotiand, -wants i t now.Th e four ball /rule makes tho pitchers


The gatesof Oklahoma were swung-open

■at noon on the day appointedb y President

Harrison, and resistless torrents, ofhumanity•beganto pour upon its soil. From the Ohero

ioe strip came foe great fleet of prairieschooners across toe Canadian; from thqChickasaw-Nation oametroopoffcer troop

onthe west-came ayellingmob 'ofhorsemen,who fired volley after volley to Celebrate

their final victory. . . .TheKiowa ofthe Southwest andtoe. Cher­-

okee . and Creek Nations on toe east, alscifurnished foeir contingent of boomers.

Punctually at. noontoe trumpeterofTkoopD, 5to Cavalry, a t a sigh.from Lieutenant-‘Waite, soUnded toe ‘ 'dinner paH.” I t w as 'the signal agreed upon for toe s tart.”', Im-■

mediatelyfoere wentup shouts and cheers.1

A.hundred pistolsdischargingtheir content?

into foe am*-but faintly echoed toe joy,toe enthusiasm, the feeling of relief On.

thep arto f toe crowd that the suprememo-.

menthad'arfiviid a t last. Away dofoed fophorsemenin madYallop, lashing their horses

foehffi y o^

er. Theyw-ete°followedriSe^by-buggies, buckboards, and, road wagons,,mid the rear was'brought .up b y toe heavydihyx oHlashing-uptoat steep, incline. .. A t th e s tartin g sig na l they mo v e d all to­

gether, grea t w aves bf cheering breaking:Upon fo e air. • . j - ".r"; r '

—Tha Wagonscontinued on.overtoelevel-

green plainuntil they were’ about haH-way-acroes tho nortbera Her of claims, and then

upwardOf a hundred' Ofthem Were brought •

to 8 standstill,. The others rolled onto to e

tiers.. .—


. ..

. . ., . .., .. .. .. .. ..

Men,■ womenand dffidren pomed ftom topstationary schooners, and: m an incrediblyshort time the 'foundataOhBi for the pioheerhomes ofOklahoma had been laid by willing ‘hands.

i E very -farm h ad mores.foan ope claimant,all: re a d y to sw ear th a t they crossed, foe


provements.Soitisall overtoo Territory and especiallyonthe sections adjoining GuthrieandGKta*'

homa City, . .—________

Between 20,000 and, . 80,000 peppje were

dumpedat Guthrie, IndianTerritory,by th e ■Sante. Fe road, which r a n twenty immense

trains fromArkansas City. Thetrains moved

acrossthe Cherokee S trip and arrived foere-

f^tfo e J a s t ktatioii outside of^foe"Okla­-

homa Territory there was a great crowd of

fooomers who had forsaken thrir teams and

hoped to gat in quicker by rail. There being'no room inside, tliey climbed to the top ofthe coaches; and too ontiro train front ope,lend to theother was lined withthem.

In this way, toe line was reackP-aticiut

12:05 o’clock. Before the late dead linewas

reached and passed, however, foe great,transformation scene h ad begun and., -wasi

plainly visible to foe watchers from too

train. First camein view the white-topped'wagons in groups in the level prairie or in

toe little -valfeys—which—diversify—.th e-

face of t te country,’ I t was' at,'

oncenoticeable that.the teamsWere;,npt to be-

seen in any of these camps, and ife was plain1they had,been taken out of the harness to he'

rqde aibfoss the border by hard rideiis,-whowereto locate claims. A little further oaand

this Conclusion was provenfo be correct, tor

toe entire face oftoe coiintry,’ as far as tob

•best field glass could carry foe sight, Wa?-

overrun with , horsemen mulopfog, to foe

Southward. Their fleetest horses' had evi­-

dently been picked foi-the w ork and they,were carrying their riders rapidly to toe

Gut of the dUst Which arose toward fo®eastcould beseen, after the train bndreached

fthigh ridge, a wagon caravan fo lly two

miles-in length, ana which was driYen to

the utmost speed of its horses. These

caravans were. outedistam ed bir

iback-rid ers, and, a fter sev-‘too h<_________., .

Oral .mile® of toe territory. , .traversed, i t Was seen, foat the best ridersWere winning toe beet prizes. OpeSteader who had: (Secured. a magnificentquarter section -of rolling land, pad dug Ahole twoor three feet deep at toe corner oiifc

wherb foe surveyors’ section was located.

There-hedrbWe his*st&keg^ •' '-

’ '


Ph e n o me n a l Smt t his suing ihe,Baltimore

Club for $760; , ,_

Ca r r o l l has been appointed Captain of

the St. Pauls.""

■ -! Th e Supreme Court of Nebraska holdfi

t h at notes given to cover grain margins

; nee, void. Th e Columbus (Ohio) Club is in need of a

second baseman.

Pre s i d e n t Ha

r r i s o n thoroughlyenjoaysgame of baseball, • ‘ -• .*

El me r Smit h, of Cincinnati, is styled the

dead arm pitcher. .O’Br i e n , of the Brooklyqis, made ihe* first

three-baggerofthe year.

f H ot in years, it is said, has the price

of jive beef cattle been so low as at

1 .present.__________________

If. BASSEiva hrakeinari. on foe Ogdens-'

burg and Lake Champlain read,was killed byfob cart at LawrehOdi

- -

Re u b e n S, Al l en, oneofthe oldest engi­-neers Ofthe New York Central Railroad, and •

quo who has probably “pulled” more of foe

Ypnderhiltspecial trains than any otheren->

gineer m the country, died at his residence,in Schenectady, aged sixty-six years. Hr;

Allen was bom in Burlington, Vt., in 1833.

A.pa r g e fdrest fire started at Central Idip

and burned all the woodland lying between

that town and Smithtown,,a distance’of-six

miles. Large tracts of wooded landjwereburned and also several barns. Thb fire was

gotten under control. .The damageis about


, Vermont has suffered more in the past

'few years than any%f h er sister States by

lihe emigration of her sons to the West.

year.Th e Pittsfield (Moss.) High School girls

have organized a hall team.

La d ie s are to be admitted freo at ull tho

games in Louisville this season.

Qu in nis said tob e the best thrower and the

most active man onthe Baltimore team.Says the philosopher of the Philadel­-

p h ia Call:“

Money is not the root of all

ev il. Poverty is responsible for more

crim e than anything else.”

Th e Minneapolis team is to have a hand­-

some street uniform ofgray for use ontrips.grayNe v e r before thisseason has the Baltimore

Club opened the championship season with a


*=■An Indiana Judge has decided that a

Th e first man to make two home runs in a

single game this season was Duffle,-of Sit

Louis.■traveler can-have his rules and regula­-

tions as well as a hotel, and that where

they conflict his rights are equal.

Th e Pittsburg Club has put its rules jnbook form for the players to carry about

with them.

Sm a l l po x has again broken out in Bni-

falo. This time, as lastyear, the disease was

imported directly from.* a foreign country,

and. the individual bringing it to Buffalo

passed foe inspectien.of the quarantine offi­-

cials in New York city’ only a few days be­-

fore being taken sick, A ^Polish famiiy re-

pbrted'a case bf^‘smaffpox aUKd. SB9 Carroll'

street. Investigation proved, that Henry

Tahorski, a Polish immigrant,,who landed in

this country five days-ago, was afflicted with.,

the-diseaso. He wasremoved.to th e quaran-

tiwa Ln^piml and the house was tinarantined

Ba l t imo r e has the honor of being thqfirst dub in the race of 1889 to shut out an­-

other club. ’. . .


Ail the trusts on earth cannot starve the

former who has a good garden, a few


p ig s , some chickens, and a couple of

.cows, says a Western farm paper.



Th e largest and finest baseball grandstand

i a the countryJisJhe oneat the Philadelphiabaseball grounds.

Nin e t e e n h u n d r e d d o l l a r s weredivlded

among the New York players as a result of

the Brooklyn series? .Hu t c hi n s o n, Chicago’s new pitcher, is in

finer form than ha ever was in his life, and

his speed is simply: terrific.

The salaries and traveling expenses ofthis

year’s Kansas City team Will cost, the

management about #10,000.

Cr o s s , of.the St.Loilis Browns, is themost

agile catcher in the'bhsmess. He is perfectlycat-like and quick as lightning.

It is pre d ic te d t h at th e la rg es t le ath er

failure in Chicagcj this y e a r willbo th s iaSluro

of th e Chicago teain to n it th e ball.


Th e Edison General Electric Company,with $12,000,000 capital, has been incorpo­-rated in New Y ork city. The company’s ob­-

ject is the purchase and sale of electrical ma­-


Re t ur n s from all cities an d towns in Mas­-

sachusetts show th at th e m ajority against

the p rohibition amendmentis 44,499.

E a s ter n an d M id dle S ta tes. Th l -Legislatures ofRhode.Islajid and Delat.

-ware have adjourned sine die.

Fe l i x Kl e e , age fourteen, son of Adolph

Klee, a prominent dry goods merchant of

Paterson, N. J., was found dead from apistolshot in his father’s woodshed. The boy was

chastised by his parents and afterward sho*


Maggie M i tc h el l has a mewplay.A d ela id e R i s tor i was bora in Italy fn


.TI T h e estate of the late I. V. Williamson,

lC f Philadelphia, foots up to nearly $10,-

4)00,000; and yet the only article of lux-

nr y th at he possessed was a hundred dol­-

l a r gold watch, which was given to him.

Ro b er t El s mer e has’ proven an, unex­-

pected success in Boston.^Mr s . Po t t e r


societybought a farm on.Long,Mpnc

Th e BijouTheatre, at Melbourne, Austra­-

lia, has been destroyedby fire. '.GeorgieDrew-BarRvmore has signed

w ith W,H. Crane for next season.

actress, has

.TJo h n

W. Bro c k i e

ex-Postmaster ofMount’

Carmel, Penn., has been arrested on the

charge of issuing about $4000 of fradulent

money orders.


and disinfected.

.TTh e earth over the Boston mine at Ply­-

mouth, Penn., covering an area of one acre,

caved in. Surface water poured into the

mines and submerged all the workings. I t

will take six weeks to pump the water out.

In the meantime 600 employes will be idle.

Ch a r l e s E. Wo o d r u f f , of New Britain,

Conn., City Clerk, has uttered forged papers

to the extent of $40,060. His victims arethe

First National aud Mechanics’ Banks ofthat

city, the three leading banks of Middletown,

and banks in New Haven and Meridan.

Woodruff has practised forgery for nearlysix years according to his own confession,

during which time he has forged notes to the

extent of $500,000 .

Th e Governor sent to foe Senate his veto

i f the bill changing foe method of electingAldermen in Brooklyn.

Fr e d . Ry e r s , champion pool player of

Western New York, w as found dying of

Opium smoking in tern t o fa Chinese laundryoa.Broadway, Buffalo. He was taken to the

hospital, where he died at half-past ten

o’clock. . ■....


.TATh e pretty town of Greensburg, Penn.,

.Tw ith a population of 8000, has thirteen

■’'handsome .churches, representing a valu«

c f $400,000. Probably no town of ita

size in the United States has so many

costly churches. .TJ o h n Wa v e and wife, an aged couple, liv­-

ing at Appleton, Md., and John M. Limfer-

man, a boy of Wilmington, Del., were in-

stantlykiUed by an express train at Newport,Del. They were in a carriage, and were

driving across the railroad track when struck

by the train.

Th e wife of ex-President Cleveland has

leased the cottage of Rev. Percy Browne, at

Marion, Mass., for the coming season. The

house is located onBartlett’s Hill, next north

ofthe summer home of R. W. Gilder, the

editor of the Century Magazine.

Amo ng salaried actresses Ellen' Terry1draws foebiggest pay—$800 a week. •


Ad el a id e Moo r e , the English tragedi­-enne, is preparing fen her American tour,

• Th e current theatrical seasons in Berlin

an d Vienna has-been unusually successful,

A m u s i c a l entertainment for" the benefit

of foe Home, for Dogs, in London, netted


Wil l i a m s , of last year’s Buffalo (N. Y.)team, is beyond doubt the smallest catcher

who everplayed, ih-a professional team.

Ed. Wil l ia m s o n, the famous shortstop of

the Chicago Club, who was injured diningthe gamem Spain, }msreturned to America,

A m a n who contributed $1000 to the stockof the New Yorks when the club was organ­-ized has since drawn $10,000 dividends three

years in succession.

Apu r s e is to hapresentedto John Morrill

upon his first appearance with the Washing­-ton Club atthe lfHub” by his Boston friends

as a token ofappreciation.Th e Leaguemagnatesarequite unanimous

in their intention ofpassing a resolution not

to engage ball players who are in the liquorbusiness duringthe winter.


.T.An International Women’s Suffrage

Congress is to meet in Paris in the

summer, and the Municipal Council has

v oted $100 toward the expenses. Susan

Anthony and Mrs. Cady Stanton will re­-

p resent the women of the United States.

T h e ’S e n a te .•

Cl a yM . Gr e e n ehas written a new playof New Englatad life called “BlackberryF ar ia”

C9t h Da y.—Tho Canal bill,, w ith $600,000of appropnatiOnfor improvementi a it, Was

ordered to a third reading. ..

.The Senate con­-

curred in foeAssembly resolution to: confer

on Colonel Emmons. Clark

re gime nt th e ra nk ofbrev e t

bf foe

liep-gene. . . . Mr. GSfotor moved to take from foe table

fo eresolution fo reconsider'toe tinie for final

adjournment, Messrs': Fassett an d ' Sloan

favored tho resolution remaining-ontho table,and the motion totake i t up was lost b y a

vote of 11 tb 17....

Gn motion ofMr. Fassett

toe Committee ofthe Whola was dischargedfrom further consideratibn of the Excise

b ill.' ’ .-m;. . / ;

.TA fr e ig h t train ran into a burning bridge

at Catt&wissi, Penn., and broke through into

the ravine, making a terrible wreck and Jcill-


Engineer Bonsines, Fireman Jonas Rus-

sefl and Brakeman James Incline. The loss

was about $70,000.A

g u s h e roil well was discovered at Le-

gronville, Penn. I t threw oil 115 feet in the

air, and was runningat the rate of 700 bar­-

rels a day.

N . C, Go q d w in,. foe comedian, wiUhe

under foe mafiagemfot of James C. Doff

nex t season.

.TA f i r e broke out in Sparks & Co.’s hemp

warehouse at Lexington, Ky., and burned

all day and night. One of tbe walls felli

killing two colored men and a white hoynamed Willie Dineen.

En g i n e e r J. S. Bi n n s and James Mer-

riam, fireman, were killed by a train run­-

ning into awashout near Richmond, Va,

C.e s a r Fr a z e r alias Berkley, was hangedat Charleston, S. C., for the murder of Mr.

Oldenberg, anaged German.


Th e leading NewYork society ladies pro-?se to erect a monument to tha memory of


Th e late Duchess of CambridgeusedtopoySignor Tbsti $1500 a year to entertaitther

w ith music an hour every day.Th e b e will be six or seven comic oi

companies bidding for the patronage of New

Y ork theater-goersthis summer..TT he man who stole a meeting-house

liv es for the admiration of all time in one

o f Edward EverettHale’s cleverest stories,

h u t it remained for a Michigan sawmill

proprietor to evade d eb t by moving his

entire mill and machinery across the nar-

■xow channel into Canada..,

Th e plant of the Harlem (N. Y.) Electric

Lighting Company was destroyed by fire,causing a loss of nearly $150,000.

For es t fires swept an area of about 2000

acres surrounding. Millville, FT. J., destroyingbarns, crops and much valuable timber. The

loss was estimated at $50,000

Pr e s i d e n t Sb a j l pin g , of Chicago, is op­-

posed to the three-strike aud four-ball rule.

He favors last year’s rule with the pitcherput a few feet further back.

Ma n a g e r Ha r t , ofthe Bostons, has taken

charge of the team. He will control the

players on and :offi the field and will be held

solely responsible for their doings.

. .70t h Da y.—The Saxton Ballot bid was

passed by toe vote of 18 Republicans .to 11

Democrats.,. .The Excise Commission bill

was discussed for three hours fo th e Senate,,and after being amended: Was passed b y a

strict pkrty vote, all the Republicans vetiiigin the affirmative and Ml' foe Democrats id

foenegatiye. ,,:>•

71St Da y.—The. Finance, Committee, re­-

portedtoe Annuffi Supply bffl-• - .Mr. Lang-bein’s Canal Improvement bill, appropria­-ting $500,000 Was the -special order.' Mr.

Loughlin .moVed;to,Increase th e , amount tb

$750,000, ' and affoy, some disCtisdon it

was inserted b y - unanimous. /Cons&it. . . .The Park Commission bill was brdered to a

third readingby avotoof 27 yeas to 3 na;

Messrs. Langbem. and Murphy Tho two-

headed Police Commission b p 'was putthroughin foe same WayL-yeas, 19; nays, 3

;...T h e Police Justices’s bill was also

passed, too : veto bring 25 to 8 . . . .A fter a few preliminaries Mayor Grant’s

D:' 'Rapid Traiisit'bill was put on its final

sage, and passedby a.vote of 24 yeas and no

nays, Messrs. Cogeeshall, Erwin, Langbein,Haines, Swe^t and Van Cott failing to vote.

Ca t h e r i n e Si n c l a ir , widow offoe trage­-dian Edwin Forrest, is seventy-two years old

and a residentof New York city.Ol i v e r Pe r r y Le w i s , aged twenty-one

years, of New York city, drowned himself

while clad inAis dress suit in Central Park

re serv o irN e had recently undertaken the

supportOTnis mother and sisters, and shame

and distress at his failure are thoughtto have

been his motive. Before drowninghimself

he had fixed the day and hour of his funeral,and sent out notices to friends asking them to

attend it.

h e Washington Star concludes that

“It is an inalienable privilege of the full-

Hedged American citizen to be a baseball

crank ; and the right is not denied even

t o the temporary serfs in the Territories or

the perpetual serfs of the District of

((Columbia. Clearly marriage will prove

a, failure if i t attempts to overthrow the

tiaseball idol.”

As t o r mraged throughout Maryland, the

worst for years. At Chestertown there was

a hurricane. The high wind blew down hun­-

dreds of fruit trees; Tho rivers and creeks

wereall swoSWBfcportion of Salisburywas


A t r a inpulling a prevate car, containingVice-President Morton, Governor Foraker

and staff, General Schofield and staff, and

some ladies, collided at Baltimore with a fast

express train, and the entire party received n

severe shaking up. Four train men were in­-


Th e defeat ofLouisville and Bnltimore hythe Kansas City and Columbus teams, re­-

spectively, indicates that the weak clubs m

the Association intend to have a say in the

pennant race.

Th e CMcagqsr and All-Americas broke

even in the ten 'gamesplayed in this country.

Altogetherfoe teams played. 58. games. AM

America won 28v Chieagb Wpn 23 and 8

games weretied. . ^ ’Ow e n Wil l i a m s , the young player who

played right field for Canton, Ohio, oast

season, and whose sale-to Lima for onedollarhas gone down into history in the companywith the Kelly $10,000deal, has signed to playcentre field for Hamilton,. Ohio.

Gov er n o r

Hi l l vetoed the bill which

would have enabled the. New Yorks to playanother seasonon the famous Polo Grounds.

This compelled the New* Yorks to plav their

■ameof the League seasonm Jersey

Ma n a g e r J. M .Hil l , of New York, has

discovered la new dramatic luminary in.

Gladys Grme, a pretty fifteen-year-old girLMbs. HAlfoTONES-IN-THE-STOMACH, who

will be with Forepangh’s circus next sum­-

mer, is described asthcL an gtry b f theSioux


Sig n o r No v a r a, foe well-known, basso,Inis "been engaged to support Patti duringh er operatic tour offoe United States next

winter.S ou th an d West.

Th e Simpson dry dock at Newport News,

Va.. the largest in the United States, was

formally opened in the presence of a party of

distinguished victors.

At Grigsby’s Precinct, W. Va., during an

election on the liquor license question, a

difficulty occurred between William Porter

and Swin Howell. Porter was shot three

times, and expired in a few minutes. While

trying to quell tbe disturbances Joe Sar­-

gent and Martin Johnson were mortallywounded.

Wao h t eL; foe French tenor, has been cele­-

brating his jubileeat foe a g eo fm i^ -fiv e .He Says that he ha? suisg^’Le Postilion de

Longumeau” 1000 times. ,Ed w in Bo o t h made his reappearance at

Cleveland. He gave not the slightest indica­-

tion ofphysical Seterioratiqn and ini action,as TyeU .as speech, recalled the-strength'ofhis


. A London newspaper asserts-th at the

ten . greatest living Scotchmen are Lord

TSosehery, the Duke of Argyll, Professor

Ulaclne, Principal Caird, Sir NoelPaton,

th e Earl of Aberdeen, A. J. Balfour, Sir

. Morell Mackenzie, W . E. Gladstone and

■Bir Archibald Alison. Mr. Gladstone,

tiowever, is only Scotch by decent, hav­-

in g been born in Liverpool.

his*st&keg^ '

-I tw a s a curious sightto watrii toeboomers

after, foey had got fairly on foot. The mar

jority b f them Seemed to be dazed by the

vastness of tbeir surroundings, M aiy ot

foeuq. gezedstupidly to toonortfo,south, east

mid west afid then moved Eke-inen Whb were

Despite foe orders relating tp town Site as­-

sociations, there Were already indibatioriz-of

bad blood among those speculators who have

been dreaming pf wealth to be gained fo

citiesfbunded by them. '•In:Purcril rival cofopanias fbr foe saine

rite across foe river,'known b y bne cofoMnyas Lexington, and-by-toe other as East Pur­-

cell, issued incendiary dodgersheaded; “De­-

fend your rights w ith rifles if necessary.”So qu afterward a little bill addressed tomem-

berS of toe Oklahoma LeagueWaS posted upfoe rhembeTs, ‘ ‘by , order of foe

league?”fo prepare to hold againstMl comers

theclahnsand to-^n sitessriectedand staked’

outbytheru. * •


A disturbance fo o t place there between

rivMlahdSpecUlatorsandtheir-adherents, fo.whichrevolvers and 'Winchestsrs were fired

freely, however, without any serious result,“in.myers was shot in foe head; Jo©Martin'

_thearm , oneSirdpkms,.colored,w asstnick-•

fo foe leg .'A t daylight ,foe fifehtfog Oeaaed.-

Two troops Ofcavalry arrived at .Parqril:and will, probably prevent .anyuefoM ,eg*-break.’ The-streets and hillsides ofthattown

WeTacovered Wifo men, four-fiffos ofwhom,were-spfoulators, determined to omdeh them*

selves, ’.


Anattempt to hold an election for Mayorin Guthrie, Oklahoma, was defeated hy a

violent storm. Excitement was caused bythe discovery that the brackish river water

is poisonous. A smallpox epidemic threat­-

ened Guthrie and other towns in the new

Territory. A man named Joseph Ellsworth

was taken with smallpox on his return from

Guthrie to Arkansas City. Hundreds of dis­-

appointed people are returning to their

homes in Kansas and other States. A half-

breed named Holbert was killed at Oklahoma

City by a white man named Noland in a dis­-

pute over a claim.

Fur t h er important appointments by the

Pi esident: Dr. Daniel Dorchester, ofBoston,

Mass., to be Superintendent of Indian

Schools; WarrenTruitt, of Dallas, Ore., tohe

Register ofthe Land Officeat Lakeview, Ora ;Thomas B. Baldwin, of Folsom, New

Mexico, to be Registerofthe Land Office at

Folsom, New 'Mexico; James B.‘


ofColby, Kan., to be Receiver of Public

Moneys at Oberlin, Kan.

A d e s pa t c h from Auckland says that the

United States steamer Nipsic was again dis­-

abled while being towed in Apia Harbor,

Samoa. Mataafa has returned to Apia.

Jo a c h im, the greatviolinist,has returned

to Germany after abrilliant seasonta Lon­-

don carrying foe sSx-thouSanddouarStradi-

varius violin recently presented to him byhis British admirers. 'PROMINENT P E Q p j | g \

Thci Assembly.

A t r e m e nd o u s storm of rain and hail

broke over Atlanta, Ga. The walls of the

Jackson building, which was gutted by fire

Itell, killing two firemen and injuring several


69t h

tire 4 % r

...............biU,Vasdefeated by a vote of -53 to

5 2 ....In foe evening session tho_ Assembly.

a y.—The Assembly spent the en-

in toe discussion bf foe Prison Labor


. , . .institutions. The vote was 75 to IS.-... .Bills

wore also passed for an exterior street along,aportion ofEast River and for a park fo toeSeventh ward, New York. • ■

70t h Da y.—MU. Hamilton h ad his Two-Headed Police Commission bill substituted

for the Police Pension Fund hill, on a two-

third vote, and passed b yav oto o f 88 t o 8.

. ., .Mr, Rhodes’s hill making, foe,park Com-

missibii" two-headed and 'bi-partisan, went

thr’ough with but one voice n i .dissent**.,Mr. Coohi? Compulsory Education bill was

discussed at some length aiid eventuallypassed; yeas 96, nay’s U


mbtibtt of Mr. Greene, the -“vote bywhich toe New York and,' New .JerseyBridge bill was lost, was reconsidered,, and,the bill passedWithout debate.,. -The Prison

Lapor bill’-was.* amended so as to appro­-

priate $500,009, And to preventthe incarcera­-

tion in State-pimitentiaries of.United States

prisoner®, anathen passed.

Ch a r l e s W. Du r a n t ? of New York, who

managed Estelle-Clayton’s theatrical tours

and who three years ago inherifed ^$350,000,claimed in court the other day that his sole

possessions consist of'a watch and ring givento him by Miss Clayton, and valued at $450.

.S. S. Co xis lecturing out West,

Th e Czar is learning to play the comet.

J . D. Da n a, the geologist, is seventy-five.Vo n Mo l t k e


the soldier, is eighty-eight.Al f r e d Te

n n y s o n,foe poet, is seventy-

nine. ‘ i


J a m e s Co n n e r and James Harris were

1killed near Homer, Mich., by a^premature

Iexplosion of dynamitewhile blasting stumps! A coal dealer in Yorkshire, England,

fias been in the h ab it of giving over-, —. . . . ., . . . , .

weigh t m selling, the weighing machine

tn rftmetoi* dtmiffjeing so constructed as o egister about

twenty-four hundred pounds as a ton.

TTp. did this out of pure benevolence. But

strangely hi§ kindness was declared to be

illegal by the authorities, who arrested

aad fined him for falsifying an official

weight._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ge o r g e M. McNe il , formerly of_Iowa,— . .

employed o n th e Oak Levee, a t Baton Rouge,La; im two colored women. Colly Norton

find Frankie Romero, were crowned by the’ d

upsetting of a skiff in which they were

attempting to cross the river.


Gu n ma k e r KROTp’S anhual income is $i,095,000. TEE LABOR WOBLD

Qu e e n Vic t o r ia ’s favorite dish is tapiocapudding.

Cro w n

Pr in c e s s"Vi

c t o r ia,of Sweden,

has giYenbirth to a son.

Se n a t o r In g a l l s haa a passion for brightcolors, and is very dressy.

Ph i l a d el p h i a has'7350 power looms. *Y

Th eright-hpurmovement is-growing.St. Lo

u i sbutchers have just organized. ,

Te x a s fodnstries are booming up-rapidly,^

INWest Virginia 4000 coke ovrimafe to be


AN electrio road has. started at Nashville,Tehn.

.St.Loui s .St.entersareonsfrike.

A c ol l is io n occurred between two freighttrains a mile south of Glen Mary, Tenn.

Brakeman Taylor, Conductor Hinelineand

Engineer Rusk were crushed to death.

Two others were slightly injured. J o h n Wa n a il a k e k, the new Postmaster-

General, is worth $10,000,000.

Wit h i n toe past few years SecretaryBlainehas doubledhis fortune.

.TheSecretaryofStateis informed th a t

Russia will send delegates to th e Marine Con­-

ference, which meets a t Washington on the

16th of O ctober'next.

Th e P ostm aster-G eneral m ade the follow­-

ing imp orta nt appointments: W. B. Cooley,of Pennsylvania, to b e Chief of th e MoneyOrd er D epartment: F ra nk M. Smith, of

Maryland, a n d S. G. Sullivan, of Ohio, to be

S up erin ten den t of Mails a t B altimore and

C incinnati, respectively; Joh n A. Chapman,

of Illinois, to be Chief of the Inspectionj D ivision; E dward G. C arlin, of Pennsylvania,j to be Assistan t S up erintendent of th e Rau-

I w ay Mail Service.

Co m mi s s i o n e r Ta n n e r h a s dischargedtw enty.trav eling pension exam iners because

the appropriation for t heir p ay w as ex hauste d.

Th e S ecretary of t h e Treasury h as ap­

pointed D aniel A. Grosvenor, of Ohio, to be

chief of a division of th e F irst Comptroller’soffice He is a b rother of R epresentativeGrosvenor.

Washin g ton.Th

The American Laredo and the Mexican

3Laredo are now connected by a fine inter­-

n ation al bridge across the Rio Grande.

’When the bridge was completed, the two

follies united in a holiday, with proces-

fotons, orations and a military display.

iTh e Texans marched over into Mexico,

jand the Mexicans marched into Texas,

j ft t b ig ht a grand ball took place on the


Ge o r g eBa n c r o ft , toe historian, has en­-

tirely ceased his literary Work.

Se c r e t a r y Pr o c t Or I ? goingWestto look

after Government work inprogressouttoere.

Ma n y New York waiters have organizedunions.

Pa n a ma ’ s unemployedworkmen-aro dyingofstarvation.

Th e National Textile Union is being re­-

organized.Al l foe machinists o f NeW Y orkwill soon

be in oneUnibn.



Mr .Cha mb er l a i n says that all domestic

nmmnls had an instinctive fondness for John


•71ST DaY.—On Mr. Crosby’s mbtioU; itWas

agreed to < call tip the Excise bill, to allow

driiildngin.Prohibition towns and' limit i t in

cities. .Mb, Stevens offered,, a,resolution,

which Was adopted, limitihg; all speecheshereafter fo five ^minutes.,. J dr .Kimball’s

Standard Canceling Ballot Box hill was

killed.. . .The Senate amendments to the New

York two-headed non-partisan, Police-'bill

were concurred fo.■" ■-----

, . ,,

Ju s t i c e Gr a y, of the United States Su­-

preme Court, whose marriage with Miss

Jeannette Matthews, daughter of the late

Justice Stanley Matthews, is announced as

about to take place, was received into the

Episcopal Communion by Bishop Parrett in

St. John’s Church, Washington. Miss Mat­-

thews was confirmed in the same church

about a week before.


Rus s e l l Sa g e, Ja y Gould’s financial

friend, is seventy years Old and worth $40,-000,000. -"


AVe n e t i a n manufacturer is making thou­-

sands ofglass'bonnets..

B o om ers Gnfftecihg a t ‘Gu tlir io '"wrant ofK ood an d W ater.

Dr. MoGl y n n will spend the coming sum­-

mer in-a lecture tour through Great Britain

and Ireland.

.TheKingofGreece buys his clothes in

London, while the Queen sends to Paris for

her costumes.

A cattle tram-carrymg 200 men in foec s a

boose, which left Guthne at 6 p. if. amvedjat Arkansas City Bfon,. at 3 o’clsck fo foej

afternoon of toe foUowmg day. Ifwas thq

first tram th at reached th a t point from!

the Sonth ’after Oklahoma Was opened, a

distance ofpfnly eighty-five miles. The xoadjwas almost completelyblocked, . There, .Yfaa

as yetno difflcultym getting into foe Teiri*.

tory of Oklahoma, but i t was m ore than

doubtful when onecould get oufi. Pebplewera

represented as vaffily attempting fo leUvqGuthrie by trkm, and. as sufifenng greatly for

Want of food,and drink. No wells hadbeeL

driven yet in-toe town. The only w ater thaqcould be obtamed -was-g6tat a m uddyid

about a mile-beiew the depot, I t sefd-a

th e bucket orten centen drink, and re

: an excellent set of teeth and a good digto awallow and enjoy i t, -

Food wass

Sandwiches were worth, twenfy-flve cent

apiooe. .Any land of a meal was worth al

th e way from $1 to $5. The hotel tents word

doingaUimmensebusinoSa, notwithstandingfoepricesthey charged. Thawnter tank-of tha

raflread was guarded b y soldiers, under oxjdersfo shoot.any one who attempted to objtain water. The order seemed a cruel one;

butitw as necessary fopreservefoe propertyof the railroad and to insure toe running ol

trains-One-iengfoe-was la id up for several

.houreforw antofWater. -The prices of le

in foe town? exoepfoig a very few <

■ Wo r k i ng me n ’ s ,brilding aiid loan associa-

idofls are multiplyfog. ■

Tb e rail mills' have very little work and

railroad building is backward.

Th e Jewish workmen offNew York are all

gettinginto unions of their oWn,Th e Brotherhood o f Carpenters is trying

to bring all bf too buildingtrades-togother.

.-The spring emigration from Europe to

tlhe United States has assumed large pro-

-jKJrtions this year, according to the New

Y ork Sun. The arrivals since January

fat Gastle Garden have adde-l fiver 50,-

4)09 to our population. Our advices from

Germany, Italy, the British Isles and

Sweden are such as to lead to the belief

that we are about to have an extraordi­-

n ary number of newcomers.


A s t o r mhas destroyed all the crops in the

Goeriitzen district of Silesia. Five persons

were killed by lightning.

Th e Spanish Government will soonsell at

auction $40,000,000worth of State woodland,

in order to cover the financial deficit to btiild

railroads, canals and highways and to estab­-

lish rural loan banks.

Da v i d Si n t o n is foe richest man in Cin­-

cinnati,born in a cabin in Ireland, and worth

now $5,000,000.17.


Milch Gows, com; to good.Calves,. Common to prime

S h e e p . *. . . , , ....

Lam bs........

Hogs—Liv e .*..........,

3 So

25 00

.4.00,3 25

5 00

5 10

Floup—City Mill'Extra


’ P atents..........

■toheote-No, 2 Red.. . . .

@ 5 1 0

.@45 00

@ 5 25

@ 6 25

@ 7 00

@ 5 85

m@ 4 50

@ 6 8o

Barley-vTwo-rowed State..,

Cora—UngradedMixedOafs—No. 1 ’W hite.. . . .

Mfoed-Western.. . . . . .

jaayyiNb. 1 -“.......

1 ^ 1 —City.^tem i. *.....,»*

Butter*--Elgm Creamery.. . .-Dairy, fair to goodWest: Im. Creamery


Qu e e nNa t a l i e

ha? been induced to re­-

turn to Servia. Ex-King Milan will, toerer

fore, retmmalso.

Mr s . Gr o v e r Cl e v e l a n d is frequentlyseen on New York thoroughfares, usuallywith her mbther.

Th e tanners think,this year is going to be.a

good one and they are buying hides rapidly-Ex -Go v e r n o r Wil l i a m M. St o n e , of

Iow a, has been appointed A ssistant Commis­-

sioner of the General L an d Office.


numbers of stone-cutters come to

this country every spring and go home everyfall.

g e

Th e NeWYbrk cigarfnakerfl, 10,000strong,threaten fo strike against a reduction of

wages., r -


wifo a°consumption a li-S le^-g er^t^m &

any previous yean . ..

/ -

...,ASir -foe *thread manufacturers, fo foe

United-States hqve combined, and Wage'sfovebeenyenndedfifteenperCent.; 1 ’ :-

_THEr e arelSO.orU,________Federation ofLabor,andseveral-of the gen-- - - -

■ oufo eicrriotganizers are to b ekop t ii th s ,ffnE werkers fo the breweries aro’tffraid

, git foe powerful English syndicateS will. fe-

diice forir wages a ft^

toey gefcposse^ion,v-frf -foie--proposed^.WilJiamtencmdustriM

r schook-thc coUege-systemWrith-n^^txalJim.f gamzatiOTbOTiSnEvriH-prriiabiy l» h do |^ ^

A'-auS&amiMjust been fifode.fo fow'welts of a shoe fo foe upper, which will never

rip* Bhre maRufaqforers, are fokfogWieU fo

Ac a l l baS been issued for a conlbniiohbf'

barbers to be held in, Pittsburg on the.first

Tuesday in September, fo form a national


Fore ign.W.

Th e Weldon Extradition bill, aimed at

American boodlers, has been passed by the

Canadian Parliament.

CAPTAIN Rig io, the last survivor of the

hand of Lafltte, foe p irate slaver, recentlydied at Grand Isle. *'

Th e German CroWn Prince, six years old,has togetup at six eveiy morning and beginhis studies a t Sevto

.W.F.DcLm age.CrownTimber Inspector

at Rat P ortage. Manitoba, le ft tow n sud­-

denly a few days ago, $20,000 short in h is ac­-


The Atlanta Constitution says that a

fotizen of the United States recently ap­-

plied foT the position of“ American.

'Consul” to some foreign-place, and was

(directed by the State Department to

change his papers so os to make them

jellOW th at he.wantod to he a“ United

-States OobsuTF1 - This is *— A-a-

~jneStly made evefTat hffiae, hut abroad

everybody looks uoon -America’’ as being

-file U nited States-.

Anexplosion has occurred I n th e Brance-

petb Colliery at Durham , England. Five

persons were tailed.

T h e s tree t ear strik e in Vienna h as been

ended in fav o r of th e men wbo have re­-

turned to work.

aTh e widow of Chief,justice Waite Will he

compelled by her reduced circumstances tb

open a boaraing-hpnse.THEKingof HoUahdhashad a marvelous

recovery. K i s phystrians expect font he. w”1'

boable to resume his duties in a few* weeks.



g l a n d has 500,000velocipedists.A n e w Atlantic cable is proposed.

Ra i l r o a d earningsare increasing.Th e apricot crop is reported short.

Del a w a r e has adopted a $500 saloon

IfcfeHBB. ................“L i ~


*I h er b ar t thirty-seven brandkef chsun-


T he PWHdelphia police force consists at

iSsffien. : .,

Un w o n t e d activity in tree pianring pre-vails,


A Rr i t i s h expedition has destroyed th e

chief town of the Wendeb tribe, on tb e Suly-m ab River. Africa, a n d released 3000-slaves.

A b rid ge on the Aroya Railroad, in Peru,

u»l’ieda t $5utujw, bas been sw ep t aw oy h y a

cloud-burst.„_ ..


* ’* "

Ge n e r a l B ottAng e r^~ Hfenri TRocheforfc’

and o ther members of the General’s p a rtyleft^jRplto’un f<,r England, and-arriv e d ilL-^.

,.«iy -rough passage

SS tlfe^-eo.mnel ajiB established head­-

q u arte rs a t the Bristol Hotel.

Co l o n e l Hu g h McCa l m o n t Is foe most

experienced cavalry bfficer in the British,service. He has served fo right campaigns.

THB pew Earl of Carlisle has emptied all

th e als ta bis collar, “oHjCffiosed toa public“hcnses’Dn Keds-aupracticalProhibitionist.: *


as thoyrose. One man offered three dOtef

five dollars and could find no takera. So l

lo ts oould s ot b e given away, -The oMj^

building fofow nwastoo land office I t waa

- A fra m ejfocuats rerm^

m R ^only ^

rp m ai

all oforiftoeltereanririedof tents. TfibtBfods'

Sleptfo toe open Mr every night, - j

..—jm........ ,.

..> 2 80

■Medium to Good.,. .\3 25

,s—Fair to Good....«


'.5 28

Choice York? 5=00

Flotto-rS’MUlly., . . ..

5 ofi

WheotwNo. 2 Northern;.... •

—Cora—No.8,Yellow —

’Oats—No, 2, White 82

Barley—No. a Canoaa. w


‘ j - /

E. P. Al l i s who foed in iSilwaukee aiew

. days ago, had policies offosurmice on his life

"amotmtingto over $500;(SflK Bfo yearlypufc-lay in premiums reached $83,000,

Wil l i a m ,H., at a. recent banquet, drank,foe health of rthe youngestjailor in foeGerman navy.” He referred ttfPrinco Henry,hi? nephew, who was three days old.


The bids for th e new 2£ per cent, loan

foy the new parks, which were recently

•warded to the aggregate amount of

#7,457,000, at from par to a premium of

1,5 per cent, give New York's credit first

tank ambng the cities of the entire world,

•thinks the New York (h-aphw. Neither

national nor state government or any na­-

tion on the globe is able tn secure a loan

fol such favorable terms. The' bonds run

.forty years, with the right to redeem af­-

tertw enty ye.ifo. and are exempt from

'taxation. The entire issue of $10,000,-

»0 0 wiS,doubtless be placed on equally

favorable terms

Si r Ed w a r d Ma l e t , the British Ambas­-

sador a t Berlin. Mr. Seott, th e British

Minister a t Berne, a n d Mr. Crowe, th e Com­-

mercial a ttac h e of th e British E mbassy a t

Paris, h av e been appointed Royal Commis­-

sioners to represent E ngland ot the Sam oan


Me x ic o has abont five thousand miles of


Th er e are 390 churches in Chicago.St e e l raiis are quotedat $27 per ton.

Ca t t l eareselling at $10apieeeinNevada.

Th e r e is an abundance Ofmaple sugar.

Ne w York city has 9000 Chinese,residents.

Te x a s is exporting large numbers of swine

to Mexico.

Th e Panama Canal won the first prize in

its cum li.ttpt-y.Th e biggest, mine in toe World is under

the Aspan Mountain, Col.

Th f. dog tax adds $80,000a year to Con"

nectirut’q Trpaiiury..< 'lai;KWprer-klps, theCalifornia Sugar King;

is said to have ,a corner on the crop.

No1 fewer tlinn 7000h0r»6« are slaughteredyearly in the market of Beriin. ’

fo foe world.

\ Pr e s id e n t Ha r r i s o n advises, a foil and

free dkoussieii of foe right-houis qpestlQn,,

ha believes ‘th a t an right-hourjaw w6i

give employmentto many nowidld.”Th Sultan of bas' reinstated


A t different, times he asked hi? mother fo

.Choree a farm fob hertelf and he w ould buyit, but foe Waited too long, ana qetore tno

farm bed been bought Johnny’s mffiidn? bad

been rqtiaCderfed.

J o h n D. Je n n ing s, too Chicagoreal estate

millionaire, Who died a few days, ago, was

called foe father of foe niaety-mne-yearlease system. His estate amounts to more

than $5,000,000.

Th e sourco ofGeneral Boulanger s rnconio

still continues to be a pimlo to foe P ariria^.

S r 3

O m Steliw ieSos go liberallyS m s from General dispenses soncerauy

Flour—SpringWheat Pat’s.. 6 40

CCrn—Steamer Yellow...,. . 45)41Oats—N o ,2 ‘W h i te


83 i

Rye—S t a t e . , 8® te


Beef—Dressed weight, . . . . . . 6 @Sheep—Live weight........ 5 ®

Lamb».r,....... ...

,..' M QHogs—Norther n. . . , , 6 ®

® 6 90,- m


Mr. Pendleton, th e United S tates Minis­-

ter to Cerm any. will tak e no p art in the con-

■in Samoan affairs; He presented his

William, andfurence

l. tnrv f recall,to the Emperoritnmi-rhntoly "left Berlin,

Messrs ICasson. Bates and Phelps, the

Ami-n.-au ( ‘ommi'ssioners to the waipoan

Conforetiop loft’ binrlbp for Berlin.

Kino ( haki.es of Ftonmanin officially an

DOUIR'..! Hint ht-nf|ihew. Priccp Ferdinnnd

had been-

oel.-.-ted as ‘heir to the throne -nf

Roumania , ,

Th e Sultan of Turkey bas' reinstated too

reeks he recently discharged bseaule..thoy.Wanted toeir Wages. He has paid, them one^

oa and agreed to sparepen cent; i

their lives.

* . 1, I,, .,

gwgggmggenm-mu pnq3i,w&.mw '

QA 4 - ‘ J ‘V. .‘


* ’,

Th i La dk l Bh i a .

■ —Early R o se,.....,»CtM unk yE x in ....»

- P a r t a t t a t o . , fi

t-tvE youn?, women Were authorized te mé§3‘?2ii‘-°?»mm°’?earduxtor ¢ll1-‘51113‘.00W’%i:1,', wba um! arm

‘&?‘E’u°£nE§£a%‘Ltbld.wi:9*r¢o1oredvand1ue\¥.' ;


4- ‘.-.£m;F§“'¥."a**a...a°»%f1x:r:.*snv.:é W

s action

against the London

Pa r n e l l ’ in th e Irish Courts

Times has been can-