n his ssue your spiritual gifts - l.b5z.netl.b5z.net/i/u/10105609/f/newsletter/march2012.pdf ·...

MARCH 2012 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 the Corinthian church, “Concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant” (1 Cor. 12:1). In the same chapter, Paul takes the discussion further by introducing the church as the Body of Christ, and individual believers as members of that Body (1 Cor. 12:27). He continues to say that through the Spirit each person has a vital contribu- tion to make to the entire body. In 1 Cor. 12, Paul calls the catalysts of these contributions “spiritual gifts” (v.1), “gifts” (v. 3) and “manifestations of the Spirit” (v. 7). IN THIS ISSUE Your Spiritual Gifts .............. 1 Pastor’s Corner .................... 2 Young at Heart .................... 3 Your Voice ............................ 5 Family Matters ..................... 6 Upcoming Events ................. 8 your gifts best fit. Still asking ques- tions? Let’s explore… What are Spiritual Gifts? At the moment that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, several things happened. Instantly, you were declared righteous before God because the blood of Jesus covered the cost of your sin. You were set free from the penalty of sin and the control of Satan. The Holy Spirit came to live in you and perfect you so that you could begin to act more like Christ. And, you were given at least one spiritual gift by the Holy Spirit to use for strengthening the Body of Christ. Every single believer has one spiritual gift, if not more (1 Cor.7, 11; Eph.4:7). The Apostle Paul stressed the importance of understanding the nature of spiritual gifts. He wrote to (cont. on page 5) Your Spiritual Gifts Discover, Understand & Use Do you know what your God-given spiritual gift is? Do you know why God has given it to you? Are you eager to find out what and how your gifting is to be used here at Clifton Park Baptist Church (CPBC)? This month the Communications Ministry is partnering with the Nominating Committee to help you learn which gift(s) God has given you and where He wants to see you serve in the Body of CPBC. In February, the Nominating Committee began distributing the Wagner-Modified Houts Question- naire. By rating how strongly you identify with the questions, members of the Nominating Committee will be able to evaluate your responses and identify your gifting, meeting with you by appointment. Through your assessment you will have a good idea about where God would have you serve and discover a ministry where by Pat Dunnavant There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. I Corinthians 12:4 (NIV)

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the Corinthian church, “Concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant” (1 Cor. 12:1). In the same chapter, Paul takes the discussion further by introducing the church as the Body of Christ, and individual believers as members of that Body (1 Cor. 12:27). He continues to say that through the Spirit each person has a vital contribu-tion to make to the entire body. In 1 Cor. 12, Paul calls the catalysts of these contributions “spiritual gifts” (v.1), “gifts” (v. 3) and “manifestations of the Spirit” (v. 7).


Your Spiritual Gifts .............. 1

Pastor’s Corner .................... 2

Young at Heart .................... 3

Your Voice ............................ 5

Family Matters ..................... 6

Upcoming Events ................. 8

your gifts best fit. Still asking ques-tions? Let’s explore…

What are Spiritual Gifts?

At the moment that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, several things happened. Instantly, you were declared righteous before God because the blood of Jesus covered the cost of your sin. You were set free from the penalty of sin and the control of Satan. The Holy Spirit came to live in you and perfect you so that you could begin to act more like Christ. And, you were given at least one spiritual gift by the Holy Spirit to use for strengthening the Body of Christ. Every single believer has one spiritual gift, if not more (1 Cor.7, 11; Eph.4:7). The Apostle Paul stressed the importance of understanding the nature of spiritual gifts. He wrote to

(cont. on page 5)

Your Spiritual Gifts

Discover, Understand & Use

Do you know what your God-given spiritual gift is? Do you know why God has given it to you? Are you eager to find out what and how your gifting is to be used here at Clifton Park Baptist Church (CPBC)? This month the Communications Ministry is partnering with the Nominating Committee to help you learn which gift(s) God has given you and where He wants to see you serve in the Body of CPBC. In February, the Nominating Committee began distributing the Wagner-Modified Houts Question-naire. By rating how strongly you identify with the questions, members of the Nominating Committee will be able to evaluate your responses and identify your gifting, meeting with you by appointment. Through your assessment you will have a good idea about where God would have you serve and discover a ministry where

by Pat Dunnavant

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.

I Corinthians 12:4 (NIV)

2 The Clifton Parker

On January 24, 2012 the President of the United States stood before a joint session of Congress and delivered a 65 minute address in which he said what so many presidents before him have said: that “the state of our union is strong.” I was reminded of those words when on the very next day I stood at our January business meeting to share a similar sentiment about our church. Over these last few years, I have had the pleasure of watching the Lord work in amazing ways through the ministry. I have seen Him add 250 new members to our ministry. I have seen Him change and shape individuals into more faithful and committed disciples. Over that time, I have seen the church recommit itself to the sur-rounding community of Silver Spring and exhibit this commit-ment through the establishment of efforts like the Clifton Park Baptist Church Christian Academy and Project Neighbor Care. Recently, we formalized a partnership with Iglesia Bautista Cristo Vive, to lead Spanish-speaking Bible studies and worship services to reach the growing Latino community around the church. Within our body, a whole host of ministries have been developed to serve our congregation, including the Health Care Ministry, Women’s and Young Adult’s Ministries. Clifton Park Baptist Church is on an up-ward trajectory. Very good things are happening here. And we understand that none of these blessings means that we are a perfect church, far from it. Each of us could, perhaps, tell our own individual story about a circumstance or situation we’ve encountered as a member of this body that was less than perfect. Maybe it was an unpleasant encounter with another brother or sister in the ministry or

perhaps it related to a personal frustration over something we witnessed. But I want to suggest that the strength of our church does not lie in the complete absence of unpleasant encounters or the total elimination of all frustrations. Instead, the strength of our church lies in what one can perceive as a growing desire to elevate, under the power of the Holy Spirit, the standards and expectations of the ministry. More and more of us are committing to be part of making this church better; to be part of the group that will move this ministry to the next level, to the glory of God. That is what makes the state of our church strong. To that end, the church is committed to assisting each of us to become an even greater part of the movement happening in our ministry. We recognize that within our body are many talented and gifted people, looking for opportunities to serve. At the same time, we know that it can be difficult to find one’s place in any large organiza-tion. The church is not immune from losing talented people simply because it failed to identify them. And so, on March 25, 2012, we will be hosting a ministry fair immediately after service. This will be an excellent chance for every member of the church to get involved. Leaders of each committee and ministry will set up a station, where they will provide materials and information to assist us in finding our perfect place to serve. And if the Lord lays an innovative idea on your heart that you do not see, let’s discuss it and see whether it’s time to begin something new. The state of our church is strong and if we are going to continue to be strong, it will take the efforts of each of us. There is much more to accomplish in service to Christ. I pray that we will all look forward to March 25th and lending our talents and abilities to what is happening here at Clifton Park. I am convinced that if we do that, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Pastor’s Corner Pastor Essentino A. Lewis, Jr.

Communications Ministry:

Joanne Bellamy Robin Bellamy Pat Dunnavant Nana Gyabaah

Selina Hunt Adrienne Thorpe

Photography Credits:

Nana Gyabaah Joanne Bellamy

Les Harrell

Have an idea for the Clifton Parker? Would you like to have your ministry, event, achievement

or topic to be highlighted in the next issue? The Clifton Parker newsletter is published quarterly

through the Communications Ministry. If you would like to submit content for the next issue,

contact Robin Bellamy at (240) 533-6270 or [email protected] . You may also

submit your article content using the online form “Newsletter Articles” located on the church

website at www.cpbc.net on the Member Central page.

Upcoming Publication Dates

June 2012

September 2012

December 2012

The Clifton Parker 3

Young at Heart by Joanne Bellamy

Sis. Jacqueline Emile grew up in Haiti, and has been in the Maryland area for more than 30 years. She has one daughter and three grand-kids who keep her quite busy. Sis. Emile is retired and during her free time she enjoys taking care of the home and working in the

garden. Sis. Emile says the people of CPBC are what makes it such an inviting place to worship. She joined as a member more than a year ago and loves when we get to sing "Because He Lives" because the words bring her much joy. Another native of North Carolina is Bro. Robert Littlejohn. Although he’s not certain on how long he’s been a member, he feels safe in saying it was before 1986. While being retired from years of service at John Hopkins and the PG County School System, Bro. Robert says that when he is able, he still en-joys one of his favorite past-times which is visiting muse-ums. He has always been a history enthusiast, and his health tip for the day: keep a positive outlook and eat his favorite foods—mustard and turnip greens!

This write up wouldn’t be complete with-out Sis. Lillie Shepherd, Chairperson of the Senior’s Ministry, teacher for the Senior Adults bible study class, and member of the Bereavement Committee. What motivates her to work so tirelessly in ministry? Jesus Christ. She needs no other reason. Originally from Augusta GA, Sis. Lillie is a mother of three, has nine grandkids, and ten great grandkids. To the kids of CPBC, she echoes the advice of others in this article, “keep your focus on Jesus, and if you don’t know him – try him for yourself. You can’t go wrong”. Sis. Lillie extends an open invitation to all men and women 55+ to attend her class, and to participate in the upcoming fellowship events (one is currently scheduled for May).

Sis. Phyllis Basden has been a member since 1991. She is not yet retired, but enjoys traveling and wants to complete her goal of visiting as many states across the U.S as she can, and to also do some international traveling. Sis. Basden loves CPBC and the warm, and welcoming sentiments of the people here. A mother of two, and grand-parent to five, Sis. Basden tells the CPBC children and youth “not to give in to peer pressure, and stick to what you know is right”.

Our Sis. Vernon Jackson hails from VA but has been residing in MD since 1961. She’s been involved in a number of ministries over the course of 26 years at Clifton Park - nursery, Diaconate, trustees, choir (her favor-ite hymn is Blessed Assurance), and is cur-

rently active on the Bereavement Committee. Sis. Vernon says, “as you get older don’t just sit around, keep yourself busy. Get out and do things and stay active like visiting friends”. She encourages the younger generation to stay active in the church, and follow God with your whole heart.

I caught up with Bro. James Bell, who has been a member for more than 20 years. He is originally from North Carolina and moved to this area in 1964. Bro. James has served on the Usher Board, Trustees, and currently serves on the Security Team. James shared that in his

early days as a member he sang in the choir but says he leaves that to the younger folks now. His advice to our youth: “don’t hang with the wrong crowd; its real easy to get into trouble, but hard to get out of it.”

The senior adults at CPBC are a living example of the joy and fulfillment that commitment to Christ can bring. I had the opportunity to speak with a few of them and each one shared some of their life experiences, words of wisdom, and

secrets to staying young at heart. While each has traveled different roads, one common thread they share, besides being in the 55+ age group, is that they all have an overwhelming love for God. In May, the church will honor all of our

seniors on Senior Appreciation Sunday.

Those listed above are just a small number of the many seniors at Clifton Park. Take the time to get to know all of

our seniors, celebrate them, learn from them, and most of

all, thank God for them.

Sis. Lillie Shepherd (far right) leading Bible Study session.

4 The Clifton Parker

The Communications Ministry and

Nominating Committee are inviting you to join us on Sunday, March 25 after the

worship service for the CPBC Ministry Fair.

This fun and informative fair will give you the

chance to speak with representatives of all the committees and ministries to learn more

about what they do within the church and the community. God wants to do some

great things in our community through the body of believers here at CPBC and we

need you to help us. Come to the fair and let us help you connect with your place in


Clifton Park Baptist Church wil l host the NAACP’s Maryland Senatorial Debate. Candidates campaigning to represent Maryland in the U.S. Senate wil l be here to answer questions from the community.

Please save the date:

Thursday, March 22, 2012 7:30 – 9:30 P.M.

4th Anniversary Celebration

Special 10:00 A.M. Service with

Guest Speaker

Rev. Cynthia Turner Dayspring Community Church

Lanham, MD

Light Refreshments

Immediately following the service.

Clifton Park Baptist Church

8818 Piney Branch Road

Silver Spring, MD 20903


Clifton Park Baptist Church Honors

Pastor Essentino A. Lewis, Jr.

Sunday, March 18

The Clifton Parker 5

(continued from page 1) Your Spiritual Gifts

As a member of Clifton Park, I have used my gifts in several ministries – Fellowship Ministry, Faith Team Leader, AWANA Leader/Secretary, Connection Point Faith Foundation Coach, Church Council At-Large Member, a volunteer with Project Neighbor Care, and the Prison Ministry, where I accompany the group four times a year to Boyds, Clarksburg where we have vestry services there with the men and women who are incarcerated. One area of ministry that I have not yet served but perhaps at some point in the future if it is where the Lord leads me would be the Nominating Committee. I never find it difficult to be committed to the ministries in which I choose to serve because the Lord keeps me faithful. Serving in ministry has really been rewarding and it keeps me grounded in His word, and His service. I truly consider it a joy to serve. We sometimes hear that there are too few laborers to help do the work of the church. I think that might be because perhaps there are some who truly believe that coming to church on Sunday mornings is all it takes to be a Christian. If that is the case, as a church we need to help everyone understand that as Christians we are called and instructed by Christ to serve. My advice to anyone who is not currently involved in ministry and using their spiritual gifts would be to say ”that they are missing out on a blessing.” Jesus Himself said He did not come to be served, but to serve (Matt. 20:28, Mark 10:45).



Your Voice

Carmen Gray, a long time member of 18 years at CPBC shares her voice on serving in ministry.

The Greek word for “gift” is charisma, which means “gift of grace.” Today, people often speak of charisma as a certain charm, magnetism, personality or just having “it”, but the New Testament gives the word a deeper significance. A spiritual gift has been described as a special qualification granted by the Holy Spirit to every believer to empower him or her to serve within the framework of the Body of Christ. Someone called a spiritual gift, a divinely ordained spiritual ability through which Christ enables His church to execute its task on earth. Spiritual gifts are also defined as “extraordinary endowments be-stowed by the Holy Spirit sovereignly and undeservedly on believers as instruments for Christian service and church edification.” These definitions point up certain facts about gifts, including their:

Source – the special grace of the Holy Spirit; Nature – spiritual ability,

endowment, power; Purpose – service, or ministry, to

edify saints.

What Spiritual Gifts

Are Not!

Spiritual gifts are not talents. We know from Matthew 5:45 that God allows some blessings to be given universally to people whether they are Christians or not. Talents have a natural source (genetic from birth or learned over time), and can be possessed by anyone. Spiritual gifts have a super-natural source, and can be possessed by only Christians from the moment of their salvation experience. Both talents and spiritual gifts can benefit mankind, but spiritual gifts are designed especially to edify the Body of Christ. Both talents and gifts must be recognized, developed, and exercised to be useful. Spiritual gifts are not fruit. John 15:16, Rom. 7:4, I Cor. 13:8, Gal. 5:22-25, and Eph. 4:8 help us understand some of the distinctions. Spiritual gifts are given to believers from the outside (God) to equip them for service here on earth. They are what a person has, and no one person has all the Gifts. Fruit, on the other hand,

Using the gift of Service: Transportation Coordinator Robert Ntim provides ride home for Sis. Pat Mason

comes from the inside and have to do with a believer’s character. Fruit exemplifies what a person is, and every believer should have evidence of fruit. Gifts are a means to an end; fruit is the end (spiritual maturity). The most important thing to remember about Spiritual Gifting is: God through the Holy Spirit has given us these gifts for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” (Eph. 4:12-13).

The writer would like to credit

Pastor Essentino A. Lewis, Jr. for

providing material for this article.

6 The Clifton Parker

APRIL MAY 3 Lorna Hogan

Brianna Mitchell

Aaron Smith

4 Reginald Gardiner

5 Charmaine Russell

8 John Abakah

9 Joanne Bellamy

10 Marcel Toto

13 Debra Height

14 Joy Thomas

Natasha Thorne

15 Hampton Edwards

Clayton Johnson

16 Lester Baker

Lady Chinco Williams

17 Tameka Jenkins

Irene Neequaye

19 Naada Boulandi

Janet Kargbo

Dalton Salmon

20 Louise Peltier

Prisliza Sawo

21 Carolyn Pettus

Hyacinth Warmington

22 Sinmi Akinbulumo

Amelia Marie Nayreau

23 Denise Green

Rhonda Jackson

Kathy Williams

24 Amma Forkkio

25 Sierra Applewhite

26 Olorina Sawo

Denzie Taylor

30 James Basham

Darnell Gordon

1 Sonia Betts

Yvette Okole

3 Robert Littlejohn

Kiyana Panton

Bryan Young

4 Justine Agbossou

Shanika Warren

5 Blossom Johnson

Cameron Scott

6 Isatta Mansaray

Kaibeh Rogers

7 Marjorie Johnson

Jakwain Jones

Lola Olakanye

10 Juanita Palmer

11 Janet Awokoya

Brandon Harrell

Patience Yeboah

12 James Bells, Sr.

Mavis Henry

14 Gbemi Acholonu

Jordan Staggs

16 Donald Hicks

Alexa Poston

18 Arunsi Chuku

Paulette Shelton

20 Jesse Boulandi

21 Cynthia Acholonu-Grant

22 Merissa Addison

Tracie Francique

Earnest Johnson

23 Catherine Ellong

Takyiwa Forkkio

24 Betty Hill

Arlette Philogene

Helen White

26 Alex Acholonu, Jr.

Gabriella Charlouis

Carletta Lundy

Mary Mantzouris

Kasey Thorpe

27 Sheila Davis

Tempie Johnson

28 Jami Davis

Brenda Hobson

29 Janice Basham

Kelvin Jeter

30 Yaw Asumeng

Francis Wangendo



1 Evelyn Crentsil

3 Cynthia Davies

Andrew Mahabeer

5 Frances Ellis

Kieran Prospere

Moses Tappeh

6 Hattie Hicks

Brandon Joseph Dalrymple

Hezron Wilson

8 Trey Nickelson

9 Lisa Gray Brown

12 Joseph Jallah

Adrienne Thorpe

13 Curtis Johnson

14 Celine Ndifon

16 Nana Gyabaah

Sasha McGee

Charlotte Fatme Toto

19 Glenn Scott

Shaina Watson-Reeves

21 Ogbadu Samuel Opaluwa

22 Sofie King

23 Deloris King

24 James Arnold

25 Robert Goodwin

Barbara Gordon

Aisha Taylor

26 Leeland Rowe

27 Ayodele Oladipo

28 Deborah Wilson

The Clifton Parker 7


3 James & Mary Brown

6 James & Kaibeh Rogers

Kingsley & Wendy McLean

12 James & Cynthia Bell, Sr.

15 Ayodele & Olateju Oladipo

19 Lester & Jan Baird–Adams

25 Leslie & Pamela Cross

29 Jay & Monique Coleman Taylor


10 Dalton & Sonia Salmon

18 Earnest and Theodora Johnson

19 Lenward & Kathy Williams

28 Ansel & Yvette White

30 Gilbert & Denyse Jeter-Williams


1 Edward & Valeria Johnson

Hamid & Cynthia Davies

Neville & Maureen Barrett

22 DaShawn & Colette LaCroix

Ogbadu Samuel & Esther Opaluwa

23 Russell & Nancy Walker

25 Harry & Alicia Guy

30 Herbert & Ernestine Kule-Thomas


Body & Soul!


Body & Soul brings food to nourish the soul, and delicious recipes shared from our church family to nourish the body. Enjoy!

Banana Snack Cake submitted by Sis. Cheryl Callahan

1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour OR substitute with 1 cup soy flour and 1/2 cup rice flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup Vanilla Yogurt 1/2 cup rice syrup 1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 4 small organic bananas) 2 tablespoons canola oil (or substitute with light sesame oil) 2 free range (or organic) eggs (you can substitute eggs with 1cup of water, adding little by little until mixture of dry and wet ingredients are smooth) 1 teaspoon vanilla pure extract Confectioners' sugar for garnish (optional)

Directions Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray or oil an 11 X 7-inch glass baking pan with canola oil or spray. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl, set aside. Combine all wet ingredients in a medium bowl. Pour the yogurt mixture over the dry ingredient mixture and stir gently until just blended (do not over-mix). Spread the batter in the prepared pan. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool the cake in the pan for 10 minutes. Loosen the sides of the cake with a spatula and turn it out onto a rack. Invert the cake right side up and cool completely. Transfer it to a serving plate. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar (optional).

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and

that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good.

Kgasi Pot Roast submitted by Linda Kgasi Before I got married I seldom ate red meat and certainly had never cooked a roast, but go figure I married a meat eater……so this is a recipe that I came up with and I’ve been cooking it upon request for the last 17 years . I also cook a mean steak once or twice a year. Ingredients 3.5 to 4 lb Chuck or Rump roast with some marbling Ground Ginger Cayenne Pepper Fresh ground black pepper 4 cloves of garlic (cut in half length wise) 2 cans diced tomatoes drained (roasted garlic or desired flavor) Directions Place roast in Dutch Oven Pierce roast in 8 places wide and deep enough to fit garlic pieces. Insert the garlic pieces deep into the roast. Season roast with ground ginger and cayenne pepper to taste. Pour drained diced tomatoes over roast. You may add to the roasting pan carrots, white or sweet potatoes . Cover and bake at 350°F for 3.5 hours. Remove cover and continue baking for 30 to 45 minutes

8 The Clifton Parker

Listed below are events in which Pastor

Lewis will be participating as guest

preacher. Anyone desiring to attend in

support of our Pastor is highly encour-

aged to do so.

Wednesday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. @Nottingham-Myers United Methodist 15601 Brooks Church Road Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772 Rev. Daryl L. Williams, Pastor (third night of “March Madness Re-vival.” The CPBC Praise Team will be accompanying) Wednesday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. @Bethel World Outreach Church 8242 Georgia Ave Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Bishop Darlingston G. Johnson, Pastor (opening night of 26th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration) Friday, April 6 at 7:00 p.m. @Reid Temple AME 12101 Tech Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 Rev. Matthew Watley, Pastor (7 Last Words; Good Friday service) Wednesday, May 2 at 7:00 p.m. @Takoma Park Baptist Church 635 Aspen St., N.W. Washington, DC 20012 Rev. Ernest Trice, Sr., Pastor (opening night-revival)

DCBC Events & Opportunities Upcoming Events The White Cross Conference. Chris Marziale from American Baptist International Ministries provides information and “hands-on” practice in how churches can provide practical help to American Baptist mis-sionaries — including rolling bandages, sewing and medical supplies, assembling health kits and school kits, and much more. Saturday March 24 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. 1628 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009 Contact Gail Lacy at 202.265.1526, ext. 213 or [email protected] Two Trainings Coming in March for Member Churches Saturday, March 17, there will be training for trustees: “The Work of the Church Trustee.” Saturday, March 24, there will be training for ushers. Both sessions will take place from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Contact Gail Lacy at 202.265.1526, ext. 213 or [email protected]. DCBC Offers Tax Return Preparation Service/Opportunity

The D.C. Baptist Convention has partnered with the IRS Volunteer

Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to provide free tax return

preparation for low-income, elderly and disabled individuals. Tax help

will be provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. – noon and

1-3 p.m. through April 17. To obtain service or volunteer contact

Lashanor Doolittle at 202.265.1526, ext. 203 or by email at

[email protected]. Training will be provided for


Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. (ET) you have the opportunity to join with other brothers and sisters in Christ for a special time of devotion and prayer. Wherever you are in preparing for the day, you can join by way of telephone. That's right. Pastor Lewis delivers a 15-minute devotional by way of audio conference. To date, more than 40 persons have come together at the same time to hear an inspirational message, words of encouragement, and prayer as we begin to start our day. This devotional is not limited to just you and me. We encourage you to share the dial-in number and information with your family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers – anyone who you think would benefit from starting their day off with a word from the Lord regardless of where they live: DC, MD, VA, NY, FL, OH, PA (you get the idea). Technology makes it possible for anyone to be part of this global community of believers. A word from this 15-minute devotional could make all the difference in some-one’s day, or life!

For access to the devotional dial: (712) 432-0900

When prompted use access code number: 118661#

If you have a question or specific topic that you would like the Pastor to address email it to: [email protected]

Did You Know

March 11 Daylight Savings Time 18 Pastor’s 4th Anniversary Celebration 24 Men’s Ministry Annual Spring Breakfast 25 CPBC Ministry Fair

April 1 Palm Sunday 5 Maundy Thursday Service 6 7 Last Words Service (Reid Temple A.M.E.) 7 Easter Egg Hunt 8 Easter Sunday 21 Rainbow Tea & Talk 28 Health and Wellness Fair

May 13 Mother’s Day 14 Stewardship & Finance Banking Seminar 20 Senior’s Appreciation Sunday

Refer to your Monthly Bulletin Supplement for a complete listing of events.